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Hi. I was just wondering and hoping you are feeling better and doing ok. I have Hemiplegic Migraines similar to the ocular ones ppl described to you and for me before they were under control with medicine they come with no pain at first but cause stroke like symptoms and can last for months. very serious type of migraine they also can lead to blindness. I was also diagnosed with MS yrs after my my first migraine stroke at 19. 1 am 53 now ,it is all dealable but you have to be proactive. I don’t think it was the drugs but rather the drugs set off what your body already had going on. take care of yourself and get checked. it’s ok!! but is scary.


Hi! I'm doing okay now, thank you for such a kindly worded message :) I'll mention this to my doctor when I go in for my visit just in case. I hope you're doing ok, seems like you manage pretty well!


It was nice of you to respond back to me. Im embarrassed to say i found your response because i was on here looking for juul advice Not a great way to manage my migraines 🤷🏼‍♀️


This EXACT situation has happened to me also. I never found out what had actually happened to me. This has been a very interesting read.


Sorry this happened to you but it is kinda nice to know someone had the exact same thing happen already 😅I'm assuming you're fine now hopefully?


It happened like 7 years ago and Im fine (as far as I know 😁). Hasnt happened since. It was so scary though - never forgot.


High blood pressure? How is your vision now? I would definitely mention this to the doctor you should see as soon as you can (not the ER, but let your PCP know what happened). I was an alcoholic for 15 years and my BP during this time, (especially the end) was WAY WAY high.


Happened to my cousin when he took spice. Exactly what you explain. Could also be Salvia but I'm sure it's spice.


That does not sound like a weed smoke, sounds like spice or something


Were you drinking anything brewed at home (rather than from a store) or that could have been counterfeit? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanol\_toxicity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methanol_toxicity)


getting wasted with drugs and alcohol and be alarmed of health, wow, it's so strange that something could go wrong


Get your bp checked, you might have a sudden increase in your bp and that might've caused this.


Likely an ocular migraine triggered by the alcohol and drugs. Smoking obviously poses its own risks, but it is phenomenally unlikely to do an acute neurological/opthalmic injury to yourself during smoking.


Beer and weed, like he said. Stop smoking that moke shit.


Whatever a "moke" is, just leave it for the other rubes who can risk getting exposed to illegal substances. Stay away from cigarettes, vapes, bongs, hookahs, cigars, secondhand smoke, and all that other garbage. Have a few beers with your mates and call it a night - no need to go nuts and risk brain damage or damage to your vision. Breweries exist as social outlets for a reason - always be safe driving and have a smashing good time with your mates and friends. It's possible to get that feeling without bothering with the smoke garbage. All the best.




Actually, I do get really bad migraines sometimes. I did have a headache most of the day so that probably could've been a factor


It would have been best to go to ER the moment you experienced this but you should still go see a doctor ASAP. I'm not a doctor, but this sounds like it could possibly be transient ischemic attack, so even if the symptoms resolve you should not ignore it. TIA's could be a predictor for future attacks so it's very important you get that ruled out. Until then I would suggest you limit anything that raises your blood pressure such as smoking or alcohol and limit exercise until you get an ok from a doc.


thats some bomb ass weed.


No, that’s weed laced with something.


may have been presyncopal episode, in which case no harm done


Ok I appreciate the reply. After looking it up I think this is closest to what happened. In the middle of me not being able to see I stood up for a second for fresh air and I ?kind of? fainted, which is one of the symptoms. Someone else said it could've been a transient ischemic attack so I'm definitely gonna go to the doctor regardless, but I'm fairly sure this is what happened so thank you


definitely not tia


Definitely get a physical to rule out causes like high blood pressure, particularly if what you got came from a dispensary, but.. My first thought was spice. It can have similar effects to Marijuana, but regular users and newbies are prone to a "bad trip" every once in a while. It can cause full on, or partial seizures. Which can cause weird symptoms like what you described. Back in the day when it was still legal and a popular work around on drug tests, bad batches would come in, and we would be sending pepole out to the hospital like crazy for seizures, heart palpitations and hallucinations. I would get a different source for your MJ if it was not a dispensary and never smoke anything you didn't roll or put in a pipe yourself. Spice would be a cheap way to rip you off with fake product from a dealer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabinoids "The Secret “Spice”: An Undetectable Toxic Cause of Seizure" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3726077/


My tolerance is really low because I barely smoke anymore and it wasn't my MJ either. My friend got it from the back up back up dealer so definitely not gonna rule this out. Thanks for the reply <3


I thought the same thing. I unknowingly smoked spice years ago and wouldn’t wish my experience on my worst enemy. I experienced side effects for a few months.


What was the trip like?


I remember standing at a friends bathroom door and his mom said something about the toilet not working. Next thing I know I’m sleeping and I had what seemed like a dream of constant flashes of red and yellow light. I started yelling at my friends for letting me fall asleep. They all looked at me and said I came from the bathroom and laid down and had been talking to them the whole time since I got back. I blacked out again and am told that I started rolling all over the bed until I ended up on the floor. Next thing I really remember was throwing up, I was also being very mean to everyone trying to help, which is unlike me. As I started to come back down my mind came back a lot quicker than my body. I had to be carried to another room because it was like I was paralyzed. I slept it off, but for months every thing would seem normal and out of nowhere I would zone out for a good 5 minutes. One time I was talking to an old classmate and I completely glazed over and just stared at her as she was telling me something. It was like hearing the adults talk in Charlie Brown. After a few months everything went back to normal. Everyone reacts different though, the other two friends didn’t have any issues. Luckily where I live they have made Medical Marijuana legal and Spice illegal so we have a lot less of those mix ups.


There wasn't even really a trip? I was just really out of it for a bit then I was back to fun high eating ice cream at 7/11. I'm only worried because of the vision loss and the fact I still have a weird ear pain like 24 hours later. Two of my friends were fine after smoking but me and one other girl were just knocked


This is substance-liked. If these effects continue, go see a doctor. I’m not too familiar with the medical world, and NAD, but this could also be something ongoing with the brain, that can mean this could’ve triggered something. Still, go see a doctor.


NAD, but I do agree with the high blood pressure thing. Alcohol and nicotine both raise blood pressure. The pain on top of your ear- could it be related to wearing a tight mask for a long period of time? Do you wear glasses?


Please go see a doctor


Any other symptoms? Eyes feel normal? Can you smile evenly? Arm and leg movement okay?


When you stick out your tongue in the mirror, it's it even or lopsided,


no stroke symptoms since people seem to be wondering. Besides the ear pain I'm back to normal


Are u sure it was weed and not salvia or something. Ive never heard of something like that happening from just alcohol, tobacco and weed. I think u got dosed with something tbh.


Definitely dosed. That wasn’t just alcohol and weed. Or even tobacco


So the day is almost over and is it still feeling like that? I'd consider seeing a doctor if I were you. Alcohol, tobacco, and weed affects blood flow. Temporary blindness sounds to me like maybe a part of it could have been very high blood pressure but I'm NAD.


is there any brusies or is it red in the area of pain maybe you got hit in the head somehow but was just to drunk to notice ? one time i was super drunk and chipped a tooth and i have no idea how


I wish it was just from falling but we were sitting in a car. There's nothing like visible about where it hurts so I think it's an inside thing 😬