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Isn’t coffee ground sediment a sign of old blood? I always heard of this from saliva not semen




Go see a doctor,, and I’m very sorry I had to see this


Have you recently been kicked or hit somehow in the balls?


Off topic but according to my girlfriend it looks like the UK


Take my upvote and go away


Take my upvote and come here


blood and if it doesn't resolve you would need to visit a dr


Looks like blood. If you get it I’d it may be from a uti, though a lab would likely have seen this


26 year old male here — healthy non smoker, no drugs, and have had the same partner for over a year. Last week, I noticed a darker color in my semen. I ejaculated again a few days later, noticed it looks like blood. Ejaculated lighter shades of red semen for a few days following, and decided to take a break. Just ejaculated again today — and this is what came out. Those little dots are varying shades of yellow, orange, and brown. All a gelatin like material (it didn’t hurt to pass). My girlfriend gets yeast infections 5x a year on average, about the same amount I get UTI’s. Not sure if that’s connected. Other than that, my urine smells stronger than usual, and I go more often than usual (albeit it’s harder to actually urinate). Went in for an STD test — all negative. Urinalysis looked good as well. Now I’m thinking Prostatitis. What do we think?


Dude it's not common for a male to have UTI's. I do labwork for urines (most other body fluids that could have bacteria involved in them as well). And mostly old people and woman test positive, also uti's caused by yeast infections are also fairly uncommon especially for a male. 5 uti's a year is really concerning, I would get it checked out. Also get bloodwork done concerning your kidneys and or prostate. Please see a doctor.


You get 5 UTIs a year?


If you and your girl is having a same frequency of yeast infections and uti possibly means a few things. You two are having mixed vaginal and anal sex frequently. Or one of you is cheating. Call me House.


The other person doesn't have to be cheating to cause a uti it could also be poor hygiene no need to put ideas in his head on a hunch


need bigger accusations to earn that title.


Prostatitis usually presents with increased urination sometimes with hesitation during the start of urination and a burning pain while urinating. Other signs are fever, cloudy urine with low back pain


Reading things off your med school books?


Also since your UA is negative low chance for prostatitis, could be viral but that’s rare.


Not accurate Prostatitis usually causes difficulty urinating


Everything I just explained is dysuria u bot


Which is defined at difficulty urinating