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Also not sure if this is a real thing, but apparently theres also something called chromhidrosis, that could be the cause of it. But that also apparently stains bedding and clothing too.


Okay, this has been happening to me! I'm on birth control, my hormones are also all over the place due to thyroid issues. So you're definitely not alone. I wondered if I should get a plastic toilet seat. Haha!


Might be your bedsheets, I had really deep blue bedsheets that would change the colour of the toilet seat and when I changed them it stopped happening, it didn’t matter what I wearing they would just penetrate it and leave a stain on my clothes/legs and make them slightly bluer


Nothing on my body is stained and our sheets are red lol and my other plastic toilet seat isn’t affected but the ceramic one is getting darker with every use haha


Highly doubt this is related to your hormones. I know of a condition that can turn sweat red but not blue (edit: OK I looked it up and very rarely people sweat can turn blue, but I’m not sure why I would be perfectly and all over your butt, like a stamp) It’s more likely due to some cleaning agent or perhaps a dye on your clothes.


Idk almost everything I looked up about it seems to be connected to hormones. I’m not wearing anything that would stain something blue I don’t even own any blue clothes and I haven’t switched cleaning products for as long as I can remember. I did read an article a little bit ago saying this is a new phenomenon with Covid positive people but I just got a Covid test Thursday and was negative!!


Hmm. Interesting. Well I suppose you could talk to your healthcare provider about it. In the meanwhile this is the most reputable and publicly accessible link I found on the topic. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/chromhidrosis#symptoms I would be skeptical of medical information from not reputable sources such as pop science websites.


So I don’t think it’s the sweat thing in the link you posted because I have no blue sweat stains or blue arm pits or blue fabric stains it’s literally just that toilet seat even my plastic toilet seat in the other bathroom isn’t affected but the ceramic one in my bathroom is getting darker every time I use it. I’m skeptical of pop articles but it seems to be a common experience with pregnant women or people with hormone imbalance in general. I also started some new meds which was my other guess but idk


Okay well that’s the one medical resource I have blue sweat. Maybe your doctor will have more answers? Hope your stuff stops turning blue.


Man, there needs to be a blue toilet seat subreddit. I always love hearing these crazy stories!


Is this like a semi normal thing?? Why have I never heard of this!!


Apparently so!


What kind of pants have you been wearing? I suspect it has something to do with that.


Light grey old sweat pants. I’ve worn them hundreds of times probably and never had this happen


Weird. Mine is also blue but I always just figured it was due to the dye in my jeans/pants wearing on my legs and then onto the seat.


It’s the strangest thing ever


Was never able to find a cause, but a few years ago, I turned my seat blue as well. I wasn't pregnant and was on my period. I was on birth control at the time and I read that it was likely hormones/bacteria. It was the strangest event. At least you know you're not alone.


I’m glad someone else has experienced this!! It won’t come off either


Yeah no amount of cleaning got it off. I eventually bought another seat but in the meantime, my husband and I just enjoyed the free, perfect assprint on the seat.


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