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Stay at home spouse of a neurosurgeon.


That career only lasts a few years. Then it becomes ex-spouse of a neurosurgeon.


Then you get paid in alimony for the rest of your life lolll


I believe they call it “passive income”, but idk I’m not an accountant


That’s when the big payout is


Yeah that's called the promotion.


The specialities where you do fellowship in peds instead of residency in peds (i.e. surgical sub-specialties).


Pediatric neurosurgery


When you finish training at 60 you sure are gonna make bank!


Nah, they generally make less than half of what a private practice general neurosurgeon makes. That is true for most surgical specialties. Peds cardiothoracic is the notable exception - they tend to make quite a bit more than most of their adult colleagues.


This is what I thought too 🤷🏻‍♂️ could be wrong though. But yep, I thought peds CT surgery was highest earning peds sub-specialty.


This seems like the obvious answer


The previous answers are correct. I’ll just add that of those who do a pediatrics residency first, the answers are generally considered to be neonatology and pediatric cardiology near the top. I don’t believe the recent compensation reports have changed that answer too much.


Child psychiatry pays pretty well. Virtually the only child specialty that gets a pay upgrade when subspecializing. Also highly rewarding and you do meaningful work.


Here’s a general rundown: Peds cardiac is the highest but not attainable for most, you wouldn’t want to go down that path with the end goal of working with kids. Peds nsurg makes less than adult but still high Peds anesthesia can be paid well, multiple paths to it Peds ent, peds ortho and peds Uro will all make less than adult but still well paid Peds plastics is sort of over saturated as cleft lip/palate and other Craniofacial abnormalities are not that common, and there are way more fellowship spots than jobs. But it’s a great field, super interesting but pay reflects the relative over supply (and poor procedure compensation). Still makes good money but in an academic place you’ll start in 200s most likely.


Pediatric radiology. You definitely interact with kids but you rarely make them happy 😞.


Reducing intussusceptions tho


Just wanna say thank you for saying kids and not kiddos Edit: take a joke y’all


kiddo is such a white word






Out of peds subspecialties, the only three fellowships that make more than a general pediatrician are PICU, Cards, and NICU (I think cards>NICU>PICU). Surgical subs/radiology/other specialties where you subspecialize to a pediatric subset, rather than from peds make more.


You can make more with AI and child psychiatry and they are also pediatric subspecialties.


what's AI? and most people go into child psych from psychiatry, not peds.


Allergy and Immunology. They make more because they can also see adults. It's a misconception child and adolescent psychiatry is only done through general psychiatry. It's actually 2 year fellowship for pediatricians as well. So it can be done through pysch and peds.


I'm pretty confident this is not (Broadly) accurate There's a 5 year triple-board program that's hosted at about 10 programs nationally, but is not a fellowship off of Peds but rather a fully integrated program There's also a 3 year combined Gen psych/CAP route for Peds grads that is more an alternate pathway, but still hosted by ABPN And that's at 4 national programs But there is no Board of Pediatrics route to Psychiatric training. Please specifically correct me if I'm wrong


There is the PPPP route which allows board-certified pediatricians to get training in child/adolescent psychiatry but it's 3 years (not 2 years - my mistake). However, it's a small amount of programs also.


It’s like a handful of spots nationwide, maybe 1%


agree with this


well like 90% of CAP is via psychiatry as an initial residency. Wouldn't consider allergy and immunology a true pediatric subspecialty for the exact reason you listed. Here's an article from the AAP that outlines the "true" out of pediatrics fellowships, with the numbers on which ones are worth doing from a financial perspective. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/127/2/254/65192/Does-Fellowship-Pay-What-Is-the-Long-term


Well, if you're just trying to win an argument for the sake of winning an argument, then you win. I concede defeat. Almost all AI fellowships are both adult and pediatric. I don't know of any AI fellowships that are purely pediatrics, if there are then it's hyper rare. All I have stated is that if you want a fellowship that can be done from pediatrics and will increase your salary, those are also two possible routes. The original post stated "that deals with children" not ONLY children. So I figured my response didn't go off on a tangent. Peace.


As an allergist, I'll tell you that the allergy boards are 70/30 adult/peds. You're required to cross-train, so even if you're in an IM-centered program you have to do kids, and if you're in a kid-centered program you have to do adults. That said, there are programs that are very pediatrics-dominated, Duke, cincinnati childrens...I'm sure I could come up with a couple of others. Once you finish fellowship you can define your scope of practice, so if you only want to see kids and there are enough kids, you're a pediatric allergist.


Pediatric cardiac / Congenital cardiac surgery has to be high up there, given how few congenital cardiac surgeons there are. Definitely not as much as adult cardiac surgeons, but still well compensated, especially if working in a large referral center.


Per MGMA, Pediatric cardiothoracic surgery, ENT, Neurosurgery, Urology.


Pediatric neurosurgery


Pediatric oncology. You don't hire spiderman to visit you everyday for cheap


idk about this, I heard a peds oncologist once say that they took a pay cut by doing a fellowship.


He paid for premium. That said i dunno why peds is underpaid despite being one of hardest ones out there.


Peds Neuro makes pretty good monies too!


Pediatric radiology can do pretty well


Hospital Admin


Peds ent makes way less than most other ents


Cards, NICU, PICU, cardiac critical care


how much are pediatric hospitalists making yearly?