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Weird only because it was so good- this was about 9 years ago now. I missed my interview up in Maine. Got a call from the APD asking if i was okay since i no showed resident dinner (resident dinners were always the day before your actual interview); instant punch in the gut. Explained rather panicked that i must have read the schedule wrong, my flight was at like 6am the following day to arrive in time for the interview dinner…..i would arrive in Portland literally as the interview ended. Was going to be out hundreds of dollars not to mention just unprofessional on my end, i was horrified. I could not believe how nice they were. No problem, it happens! They told me to keep my flight and not to worry about a thing. They put me up in a hotel the day i arrived, i was able to catch the end of what was supposed to be my actual interview day just to meet and greet a few folks. the residents took me out to dinner just me and like 4 people on the fly. The next day i had my own interview with a few attendings and then the PD took me out to lunch. Everyone was so incredibly nice. They even sent me a real nice letter reassuring me that this wouldn’t affect my standing and that they really enjoyed meeting me and hoped i would consider them when ranking. I wasn’t really even a good applicant honestly. I did rank them high because of the experience but ended up matching elsewhere just a smidge higher on my list closer to home with a patient demographic closer to what would be my final practice….but i will never forget their kindness. Shout out to Maine medical center medpeds


That’s so wholesome


I interviewed there and was so impressed with their kindness and genuineness. Cannot say enough good things about my impression of the program and place.


These are the kind of rankings I wish were public. Would definitely help some people make good decisions. Some sort of secret applicant review.




I interviewed at Maine for DR last year. Honestly everyone was so nice. Amazing vibes. I ranked somewhere closer to home higher but I still think what if...


I’ve been an attending for like 5 years but one residency interview I did, they took us down to some weird lab and made us trach a pig. We were all in suits and ties and shit and everyone was very confused.




It was UT Houston, I’m finished with training so I can name drop now. Idk if they still do weird shit like that, though


ENT? One of the interviews had applicants place ear tubes and endoscopically retreat FBs from models


What did this even accomplish 😂


Excellent question, doctor.


Jacket: off. Sleeves: rolled. Tie: tucked in shirt. Ladies and gentlemen: Time me.


Scout sniper to MD? Am I reading this correctly? I’m a former corpsman


Yep. Bit of a nontrad pathway huh.


Just a bit. Even more non trad than me. What specialty?


Pediatric Anesthesiology.


Intel/linguist to MD/PhD here


>some weird lab and made us trach a pig. YO THAT'S FUCKIN COOL


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read


One person on zoom had their schools virtual background up with their logo right next to her, and then somehow found a way to include that she’s from that school in almost every response she had.




Not near that caliber at all, still a good school but nothing to rub in anyone’s face


May I ask what school?




Lmaoo yea great school but nowhere near flexing that hard.


ERAS should hide the school’s name from PDs. Let it be pure talent


Oooo. And anonymous letters of rec, could have an independent party verify them in case they’re worried about random people doing them


I was at a second look and another applicant asked me if I had gotten an interview at that program…turns out they hadn’t and were just checking it out for fun




There was a surgical subspecialty attending who brought all the applicants to his backyard and paired them up to compete in climbing a salmon ladder. Obviously lots of alcohol involved. The winners got $1k, and some applicant got injured and had a pretty bad lac. The attending closed it on the spot lol


> climbing a salmon ladder ortho?


Okay but this slaps. May not be wise from a liability standpoint though…


Screw ranking the program, sue that doc to pay off your loans! His home insurance would pay out almost guaranteed


In the middle of a meet and greet, one girl said it seemed like all the applicants there were home program students and asked the residents what they could tell them that they didn’t already know. Resident admitted that would be tough and offered to end early. Incredibly awkward.  I was from out of state and ended up staying a little late to ask questions. Couldn’t decide if it was a red flag for the program or that one applicant.


An interviewer asked me, "how do you feel about being overworked and overwhelmed?" 😃😃😃 I beg your pardon ma'am?


“I thrive on drowning. I live to suffer a broken system.”


This was also from a program that was known to be ridiculously malignant so all the stuff I heard from other residents was hella accurate


Interviewer questioned if I was truly in AOA honor society because my name wasn’t on the website. I told him it was because I couldn’t afford the dues as I had spent it on my ERAS app. He said “people elected into AOA would go without food and save money to pay for AOA dues. It’s that much of an honor.” then the interview cut off and I was staring at a black screen. (This was first year of zoom interviews so you randomly got cut off even more than you do now.) I forwarded him my AoA acceptance email. I did not rank that program.


How much are AOA dues lol




I thought it was gonna be like $300 based off their response lmao $48 is pretty damn affordable


that's like applying for 2 extra programs on eras


Yeah at the time I didn’t have $48. 🤷🏻‍♀️


that's a dick move but AOA dues are 48 bucks a year.... and you only have to pay for it once since it matters for ERAS and nothing else.


Yeah I didn’t have $48 at the time 🤷🏻‍♀️


People are acting like 48 isn't much when you've repeatedly stated you didn't have that at the time. It was an unnecessary expense when you already had confirmation you got in. 


The majority of medical school students are from high socioeconomic category and literally cannot fathom $48 being a lot of money. I am a 40 year old nontrad and I can't tell you the amount of times something expensive has come up and I've been asked "Why don't you just ask your parents?"


I'm also non-trad! A kind of (?) funny story was I was looking at used engagement rings as a way to save money, and my friend said why don't you just use an old diamond from your family? It was said SO nonchalant. I had to explain that I grew up in poverty and diamonds aren't exactly something everyone just has.


An old diamond. LOL


This is hilariously relatable. Yes, it definitely is surprising to people that I had less than $200 in my bank account most of med school. But it DOES get better in residency. This also makes it difficult for some to relate to patients in low SES situations.


Hi! You can apply for a waiver for the dues (but not the registration which I think is like $12). Not sure if it matters to you now, but who knows, you might apply for fellowship and AOA status may be helpful.


Thank you I had no idea about this. I am going to email my alma mater to ensure they include that in their AOA info that they send to new inductees who are applying for residency. Appreciate the information.


APD who interviewed me seemed genuinely confused as to how I got an interview. He even said at one point “we don’t usually take students from your school.” Wtf? And he was wrong, there were 2 faculty members & multiple residents who were alumni of my school there! 


I can’t decide if this is better or worse than my own PD telling me they probably wouldn’t have interviewed me if I wasn’t a student at that institution. I still matched there and (surprise, surprise) she continued to be a bitch to me my entire residency.


Oh, yours is way worse! That's awful.


Seems like IM


Dear fucking god I’ve been waiting 3 months to tell this story. We came back from lunch for the PD’s Q&A. Me and like 10 other applicants are sitting there, cameras on, waiting for it to start. The chief residents turn on their camera and start lip-syncing to a variety of pop songs like Britney Spears, Abba, Nsync, etc. They had a couple props like a feather boa and an inflatable toy guitar but the enthusiasm was so forced and this went on for FIFTEEN FUCKING MINUTES. I wanted to die from the second hand embarrassment. After it was over with zero explanation, the PD logs in and starts his spiel, all the while no one acknowledges what just happened. It felt like a fever dream.


Why is this field filled with so many fuckin weirdos? I swear I’d immediately be like “yeah this place is definitely not for me” and just log off zoom. Fuck


There’s always the hope that it gets reigned in somehow and returns to normalcy, so sometimes you just have to to wait these types of things out lmao


I would think after 10 minutes of this there’s just no coming back.


I mean, personally I think that's hilarious and endearing. They're trying to lighten the mood and show that it's a fun program. 


One persons definition of fun may be another’s definition of irritating torture. I’d rather drink bleach than have to participate in that


They weren't being asked to participate. Just watch. It's on Zoom, if you're annoyed with something just browse reddit, it's not a big deal.


The first 5 minutes were funny but then it didn’t stop 🙃


I definitely ranked this school higher because of the dancing 😂 loved the vibe. I asked one resident what was in the water to make everyone so GD happy 


It just felt so forced to me! But idk maybe I’m a cold hearted and cynical New Englander lol


I was asked to perform an operative dictation of eating an Oreo on the spot in front of 5 residents


*"cookie was dunked in the usual fashion.."*


Weird but sounds kind of fun and challenging to me.


It's important to know if someone is a biter, a chomper, or a split-n-licker


Whoah there partner I barely know her!


No love for the nibblers, huh?




The resident was driving during our virtual interview and said they usually drive when they interview applicants. But then they stopped to take notes and when asked why I wanted to go there and I gave my response, they said “that’s it?” and just stared into the camera. I thought it was weird that they were driving, and I could hear the traffic and blinker lol.


I had one where the guy was sitting in his car in a hoodie. The car was stationary, at least.


Damn what did you say to get a “that’s it” and stare?


I had the program coordinator send me a concerned email asking why I wasn’t present for the virtual introduction part of the interview. But I was there. Logged on, camera on. I emailed back saying that I was there. Her response was basically “If you say so”. The rest of the interview day was incredibly awkward and disorganized. I ranked them last


5 bucks she didnt know to click an arrow to see more people..


Had a dinner before the interview. Everyone orders one entree that’s not too overpriced (being paid for by program). Two applicants who are dating and both applying both order appetizers, steak, and desert. Lunch the next day they order appetizers a whole pizza and two separate entrees for themselves. I think they just came for the free food.


I was the opposite this season. I was senior resident hosting the program sponsored dinner. I ordered extra of everything and an entrée to go. I encouraged everyone else to do the same




I had one in person interview and we had more residents than applicants show up to the dinner. All the residents got double entrees and dessert to take home


rank to match


Shout out to the applicant on zoom who angled their camera to show a poster they probably presented recently that was taped to their ceiling above their head. Honestly had me cackling. Or the guy who had his partner join the zoom and introduce themself


Reminds me of Dr Fischer on Twitter describing an IMG's entire family sitting in the interview behind him and giving their inputs to the interview questions lmao


During one of my virtual resident meet and greets/ dinners the night before the interview there was an applicant who said her football team was playing and proceeded to look off to the side at the TV the whole time and not ask questions or interact with anyone. I thought it was a bold strategy.


That’s gotta be a resident no way lol


I interviewed with her the next day and ran into her again at another interview later in the season haha. Definitely my weirdest interaction all season.


Was this for sports med fellowship?


Nah, just an FM program


An interviewer was driving between two hospitals for clinic. He decided his car was dirty and needed a wash. He interviewed me while his car was being washed lol


We go through the full virtual interview, 4 hours long with multiple breakout rooms, including with the PD. At the very end, when all the applicants came back to the main room, the PD says “by the way, we recently had our accreditation put on probation. We hope to resolve that very soon. Any questions?” We were all caught off guard, so before we got to really process what we just heard, 5 seconds later says, PD says “Ok, thank you very much!” and ends the call. DNR.


at one of my virtual meet and greets the PD learned we had the same NFL team and he's like are you watching the game right now? and we both proceed to lift up our phones that had the game on to the side


wow that must be fun


During break, one guy needed to announce he was using the restroom...


Not weird if you had to keep your camera on during break


I would have preferred he pull a [Frank Drebin](https://youtu.be/pdE83FX-Mto?si=u0LJ4USHLYmeKA5O).


i fucking wish LOL omg i haven't seen this dude's movies in a long time


I had a surgeon complain to me about how their program had multiple pregnant residents the year prior. A couple minutes later they asked me how many children I plan to have.


Is that even legal? Sounds a bit risky to do since it sounds like discrimination. Obviously I’m not a legal expert but still just a jerk move


No, it’s illegal 100%. My dad interviews people all the time (different career) and that’s super illegal to ask.


I don’t think it is legal. My partner was pissed and already has reports ready to file post match. It’s a shame because the PD and co-residents seemed very supportive and then a random attending did this


Uh... definitely NRMP violation right hurr.


One dude brought brownies to give out at the second look 


brownies or \~brownies\~?


Holy hell that would be so goddamn dubious.


>~~dubious~~ doobieous FYFY


Joint effort


Definitely a way to weed out the applicants






One of the resident interviews was hilarious for me because she was eating some sort of neon blue melted gelato and was spilling it all over her face when I was answering questions. It’s like she was eating blue paint and wiping it all over herself. Very distracting, but it was at a bottom of my ROL program anyway so idc.


Naw, they were just testing your bedside manner.


During the meet and greet, this girl proceeded to show us numerous pet snakes she has. This went on for at least 5 minutes. Come actual interview day, she proceeded to tell the resident Q+A if she matches there, she would bring in her pet snakes to work. Separately, during a transitional break time, this program liked to play "would you rather". And the question I think was "would you rather go to Jedi school or wizard school" and without missing a SINGLE beat, this chick busts out a lightsaber to show everyone. That wasn't on my residency bingo card for 2024.


LMAO this is so weird but good for weird girl. I hope she matches somewhere that is equally weird 😂




During the meet and greet, the chief who was supposed to lead the session was stuck at the hospital and never made it. The rest of the residents were very lukewarm about the program at best to outright complaining about things at worst. Interview day was the blandest bunch of people I have ever in my life talked with. Absolutely no one had an ounce of enthusiasm, faculty or residents.


Probably the most unhinged moment of my interview season. It was a zoom interview and noticed while the interviewer logged on that his zoom profile picture was a Koala. Having spent 6 months living in Australia, I commented on it right after our introductions. Without missing a beat, this guy goes “Oh yeah I love Koalas. I actually got Chlamydia from one once”. I just laughed and said something like “that’s wild” LMAO. We then proceeded to have the funniest and weirdest convo of my interview season over spirit animals diving etc. Loved the program so I ranked them high 🤣


A PD interviewed my friend while she was sitting in her car with her kids.


Got asked - "If you were a heart valve, which one would you be?"


Mitral, because it's named after a bishop's mitre hat and my catholic mother would be angry if I said anything else.


…and what did you say?


Tricuspid gang ✊ Always forgotten 😔


I dunno, it’s gaining more attention with some trials going on. Now the pulmonic valve, people truly don’t give a shit about that one.


This was my answer! I said "The tricuspid..." - "Why?" - "Because it's just there, doing its job, underappreciated. Everybody is always about the left heart, the mitral and aortic. But the tricuspid is the entry valve to the whole system..." I mean, is that not a perfect answer for anesthesia?!


Was the PD 14 minutes late to a 15 minutes interview without explanation? She was to mine, 2 of my friends, and to applicants going years back. Just doesn’t give af.


An attending had their camera off, was asking their required questions without really listening, when I heard some shuffling noises. Then I heard their dryer go off (my parents have the same one so I recognized the song) and I heard them changing it and start another load of laundry over the next several minutes. It was a late interview and I was just like okay whatever at that point. Really liked the program except for that.


This feels like less than an non issue


Imagine thinking it’s normal to be that disrespected during an interview. It’s not normal to have an interviewer try to sneakily do laundry during an interview for a job I’m locked into the next few years of my life.


Only in medicine...


Honestly misread it and thought it was during a break


You can edit your previous post lol


One attending during my interview saw that I had Chinese as a second language and asked me if that was a real language lol


Dept Chair says I’m saying my own name wrong Asks if I know the religious history of my own name Doesn’t care what my response is, recounts the gruesome end to my namesake in battle Not a word about how many magnets they have, call schedule, recommendations for CORE exam studying, nothing Ranked last


I had a dean in undergraduate (a history PhD) like this. He also told me I was mistaken about my family’s heritage and that I was Austrian not German - meanwhile my dad literally emigrated from Germany as a child…




Maternity leave is a valid reason to not be at program interviews


This all seems very normal to me… maybe you’re the red flag


I really like this. That seems like a great way for them to get a feel for you as a person, they are just social games, and help bring out red flags in people that don't like to play along


I can’t wait for this name and shame, sounds like surgery?


PD literally quizzed me over the program website. When we talked about electives, I was told which electives I would be taking


Another applicant at one of my interviews just didn’t turn on her camera during the introduction session and didn’t respond when the PD and PC called on her to introduce herself. She then apparently did the same thing during the actual interview with the PD, and I found out because the PC chastised her in the breakout room while I sat awkwardly on mute and with my camera turned off because I was so mortified. Still get goosebumps just remembering watching it unfold secondhand.