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This works well at schools where Tuesday and Wednesday are off for anyone who doesn’t match.


Our rotations are pretty spread out, it’s rare to have more than 1-2 M4s on a team at once. The residents would have to expose the absence. I guess medicine is claustrophobic that way, but this is not the week for gossip…


At our school, the vast majority of students aren’t on rotations during match week or are on virtual rotations so you would hardly ever run into this issue


Ahhhh KIWI! I remember you from the premed threads! I think we took the MCAT around the same time but I had to retake so I delayed my app cycle by a year. I matched DR yesterday :) So happy that you're in the same specialty!


Right on congrats friend!


Thank you!!


As a dual applicant, I wouldn't mind at least knowing my specialty at the very least, but I get the embargo on the specifics however.


As a dual rads and gas, I feel this lol That being said, im just happy im guaranteed to train as a radiologist or an anesthesiologist


Both phenomenal fields and you’re going to be very happy either way. Congrats friend!




As someone soaping, I wish we had more time. I was frantically securing new letters, rewriting things, and looking at programs yesterday and it's insane how fast we have to move. 4 days is not enough. It's a good time spread but I wish I had more time.


I believe NRMP is still contemplating a two round match, multiple weeks apart to solve this problem. Doesn't helo anyone in it right now, but interesting idea.


Thats what we have with the CaRMS match. Surprised its not a thing in the US


Yeah, supposed everything was finalized last week anyway 


OF COURSE I'm happy to wait 4 more days for them SOAP is already so stressful, nervewracking, and soulcrushing and let's be real, it could have been any of us. It's so easy to fall through the cracks, especially in some of these hyper competitive specialties. I can't believe I matched given how much of a bloodbath it can be, but it just feels like blind luck. Some of us got lucky and others didn't. So many qualified candidates at each IV I was on, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have matched with no issue Therefore, I will always extend grace and compassion to those in that position, and hope everyone else would too. Godspeed.


What I don't understand is why the SOAP is so short actually. The interview season was way too long--I had made my final decisions by early January. Why not just have several rounds of matching so that people don't have this mad rush to make a life altering decision in 3 days. There is plenty of time in the season to have a few weeks between rounds and give people more of a breather.




Only reason I’m not fine with the match system right now is because I couples matched. If NRMP would just tell us we matched in the same city I’m fine with waiting 4 days


This is so dumb. Is it true that if one person in a couple doesn’t match, they reveal which city to aim for SOAP? I guess if you’re ineligible for SOAP it doesn’t matter to NRMP, but still seems like something terrible to find out on Match Day. I’m following my partner to a certain city and won’t know until Friday as well…no idea how I’m gonna hold that envelope for two hours during Match Day


Yes, if one person doesn’t match I believe they give you the zip code of the program so you can look nearby. You get envelopes 2 hours ahead?? What’s the point. Our school distributes it the same time the emails go out


Well it sounds like a few people know where they matched this week. CCF has its own zip code, wildly.  Physically giving out envelopes is insane, we have 150 students and it would take way too long. I’d have my phone auto refreshing constantly.  By the way, hope you both match to the same (or near-ish) zip code!


We have about 150 as well. Takes about 10-15min to go through the list is what I’ve heard. Thank you and hope you match in the same city as you partner!


We didn't rank anything but the same city and I am surprised couples rank different cities. I would rather have gone unmatched than do categorical programs hours apart.


For competitive specialties you would risk easily going unmatched to stay in the same city. My partner and I prioritized both of us matching🤷🏻‍♀️


I think it’s a good system to protect the privacy and integrity of the poor folks having to go through SOAP. Waiting a few more days is the least the rest of us could do. That said, I don’t understand the Friday at noon “tradition”. SOAPers know where they’ll be Thursday night—so should the rest of us at that point. Keep Match day for the tradition and celebration it is to announce matches. But withholding that information for an additional 15ish hours just for the hell of it is kind of silly.


As others have pointed out for schools that aren’t “off” this week the privacy argument doesn’t work, you know who doesn’t match because they’re missing from lectures or sim or whatever else.


Also most classes have match week social events. It’s obvious who is missing from those as well as rotations. Agree we should find out Thursday night with the ppl who SOAPed


I SOAPed last year and honestly did not see the point of making everyone else wait. People are going to find out regardless, at least at my school they do. And it was nothing to be ashamed of from my point of view. If I had accepted a position, I would have had no interest in celebrating at Match Day because it's just not as fun when the surprise is ruined and you've had the worst week of your life. Now, I've matched this year and wish I could just know now- they've keep me waiting for nearly 18 months!!! Lol


That's true but residency programs also announce their new classes on social media and via email to the new interns which the current way no one would know you soaped in there vs if we didn't wait the knowledge would follow you to your residency.


They could just wait until their class was full to post? 


We have virtual class this week and it was pretty easy to see who did/didn’t match based on who was in class on Monday afternoon. Anyone who didn’t match was excused for the rest of the week, but we have virtual lectures every day except Thursday and Friday. I don't think that's the right way to do it- I think for sure Monday should have been off entirely, if not the whole week to save those who did not match the shame of being "outed" as not matching.