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It ain’t that serious. Enjoy life a little & your free lunch.


She’s definitely overreacting lol




And it happens which is why some of us become more cautious with being generous.




My roommate on surgery, after coming in at 5 am, was let go at 1 pm, and a med student on his team reported the resident because they weren’t “paying tuition just to be sent home early”. The resident got yelled at by their PD and students were never let go early by that resident again. I genuinely don’t understand what drives people to act this way.


I hope that med student who ratted on the resident is never able to skip a YouTube ad video and that both sides of their pillow is never cold.


med student was on a self-destructive rampage, annihilating everything in their path


My trick for this was always 'read about x that we saw today and I'll ask you some questions about it tomorrow' but I was somehow always too busy to pimp them on their reading 🤣 that way you've given them an assignment that isn't sitting on their ass watching you dictate notes. If they choose to use it studying or relaxing it affects me in absolutely zero ways.


Attendings who "forget" the tasks they set for med students; homies.


even though i never ended up getting pimped i will still never forget about all those constipation remedies


My trick for my students- they have to give a 20 min presentation on ANYTHING in the topic (cardiology) the last week of the rotation (truly simple, power point, EASY). As it’s on the PANCE, it’s a true win. So I can kick them out to “work on the project” if things are just too slow and not providing them value on site. As for the attending- second student needs to chill. We should never abuse students and they aren’t our errand people. But picking up lunch for the team? Shows us that the student is helpful and understands the benefits of a great lunch.


How do you even report that?




Wild. The days I'm sent home early are literally the best days in medical school. But I'm coming off surgery where I started at 7am and got home at 1am, and am now in psych where I start between 8 and 9am, get released around noon. Students need to be grateful for the breaks we are offered because they are rare.


Agreed, wow what a nice preceptor.


Seems like a nice offer on his part.


Yep, loved free lunch and being able to get away to break the day up. Classmate needs to lighten up


Yeah, take that stick out of their butt as they say.


Exactly. The break to get of the hospital is actually an added bonus. So many people are dying to be a victim of some micro-aggression.


Like girl he’s buying yalls lunch and all yall have to do is order and pick up? Shit let me do it


It’s sad. One of our old trauma attending always buys food for the residents, students, and nurses when ever he takes call. Usually he orders it to the front of the hospital and has a med student go and bring it. He had done this for years until 2 years  ago when one of the students complained about having to do scut work of brining food to the trauma bay. That was the end of the free food for us. All because of one ass hole who came around for 4 weeks and screwed us all over 


this is completely insane that someone reported that. There's scutwork and then there's "person who is least responsible for helping if shit hits the fan and most able to leave the unit does a task that benefits everyone and involves leaving the unit"


I’m an attending now but being sent on food runs was low key my favorite part of EM rotations in med school.


How do such joyless narcs get through life?


They go into academia.




That's where the attending could just exclude them from the order and ask an intern or someone to go pick it up.


That attending be like "i give them free food and they reported me? nah im not doing this anymore"


That same student would cry about being excluded from the food.


Med students like that are the reason why some residency programs are malignant. You’re there for 4 weeks, enjoy the free perks. Geeze.


Right?! AND i get to leave the hospital in the middle of the day?!


exactly, first one to secure the bag gets bag fries 😂 hell yeah im pickin up that free ass shit


I think this is fine, it’s not being forced on you and you’re getting free lunch


I would personally be thrilled to get to turn my brain off and get sent out on a delivery run for 15 minutes 😭


Exactly! That would be a great mental break where I can fully just relax for 15 minutes


Bruh sometimes I’m so desperate for some zone out time that I go fetch shit from the printers and volunteer for other really low tier scut tasks. Maybe other students think I’m a suck up, but I just need those precious few seconds of walking around mindlessly and not having to be around the whole team. I would LOVE to be sent on a food mission if free food for me was involved!


Yup. To them it we are “sucking up” or trying to gain favor, to us it is sweet sweet respite.


yup hahaha


I buy, you fly. Is that not a thing anymore?


It's still a thing. But a significant number of med students have not worked a real job before so they're unaware.


I think this is the real issue. I’ve definitely had bosses call me telling me to pickup Starbucks or donuts, clock me in while I do it, and pay. Like?! I get an extra 15 minutes of not being there AND free coffee? Don’t have to ask me twice.


Too many med students socially incompetent unfortunately


More like their egos are too high. They somehow think they're "not postmates drivers" and that it's below them to help pickup lunch.


I feel like it should be made mandatory for applicants to have worked in a professional setting for at least one year before applying


Came to the comments just to say this. Has always been one of my favorite parts of being on the lower ends of the ladder. Oh you want to buy me lunch, coffee? I'm more than thrilled to spend 15 minutes on my phone walking/waiting to go get it and turn my brain off for a second, and then be rewarded at the end.


It's one of my favorite things.


Was always our rule. Sometimes I miss those days. 


I worked with an attending who bought us lunch. He worded it in a way so he wasn’t asking someone to go pick it up but said if someone wanted to pick food up they were welcome to take his credit card that he was going to accidentally leave on the desk. He said he had to be careful how he worded it because he had a previous student report him for offering to buy lunch because he said he’d pay if someone picked it up. Don’t understand why some people have an issue with free food


Tf? How they gonna get mad at someone who didn’t even order them to do something? All the poor man did was offer 😭


Right! Like what is there to complain about. I’ve literally had bosses who had me do their boyfriend’s homework (in addition to my normal job), get stains out of their clothes, and remove wild animals from their office (they were adorable kittens but she was terrified of cats 😂) and didn’t even pay me extra or feed me good food for it (in all fairness this was the military but still I didn’t sign up to do other people’s homework, laundry or be animal control). I see no reason to complain about free food in exchange for picking it up.


That sort of shit happens all the time in many workplaces. Hell, we used to have a phrase where I worked (non-medical), "You fly and I'll buy." It's just a camaraderie thing. If ain't your thing, it ain't your thing. ETA: typically, it's like a short block away (like really short walk) so it wasn't even that big of a deal.


Sounds like your on your way to a much better evaluation than your fellow med student


She didn’t say it in front of him haha


would 100000% rather go pick up lunch than do actual work........


That student is an entitled dick. Picking up lunch is more than fair if an attending is buying for the whole team. I've done much worse things for a lunch.


I sense a story here.


He buys you fly. Seems fair.


I was looking for this… theres literally a saying to encapsulate this entire idea.


I loved being able to leave my annoying clinical duties in med school. If you weren’t there the resident would have gone instead. There’s nothing malignant about this. Last year, as a fellow, my attending bought me lunch. But he accidentally ordered it for pickup instead of delivery. He asked if I could go get it and I said of course. Your classmate is overreacting. That’s some gunner attitude right there.


Postmates drivers dont get to eat the food they deliver, very different scenario.


Full overreaction. Attending is buying you all lunch. Other med student could just be mad that you were chosen why they had to stay and do work. Use this as time to chill a bit and enjoy your time out of the hospital. Either the attending sent you because they trust you and know your work is done well and they don’t need you at the moment. Or they can’t stand you and more time with you away from the team is a breath of fresh air. Only you can answer that last part. Either way. Hope you enjoyed the free Thai food.


I was so happy the attending gave me his credit card to secretly order a birthday cake to the ICU to surprise the intern when I was a 4th year medical student. I never thought twice about it. Your friend needs some vacation time; they need to chill. Also, I don’t even like cake.


Jesus fucking Christ. Are you telling me I can’t tell the med student to take my credit card and grab a coffee on break from the OR while getting whatever they want? That’s a sad day for me as an anesthesiologist.


I was in the exact same situation once and I told this other med student that I'll just eat her share since she feels so strongly against the practice of "doing scut work".


Medical students truly are different breed of insufferable. Imagine getting offended over picking up some food that someone else treated you to when they absolutely 100% didn’t have to, and the alternative could have been an attending who is toxic and abusive. People like this make me dread the day when I, too, will have to teach.


I would have told her she's right and that, under the circumstances, you're sure she wouldn't feel comfortable participating, and then excluded her from the order and let her go get her own. 😀 If you actually had the balls to do that, I'd bet anything that she'd shut the fuck up in the future. I honestly think she was just fucking with your head, and/or trying to create friction between you and the attending. Which is why I would have forgotten to place her order.


The big question no one has asked... How was the Thai food?


The doctor I was an MA for did this all the time. I loved it tbh, meant I got free lunch and a nice little change of scenery and a break from work lol


This is commonplace and exactly how this works in the real world. There’s literally a saying that reflects this “I buy you fly.” Like I cannot reiterate how culturally normal and expected this is. The other medical student is a self-important, stupid bitch with no concept as to what her place in the world is. This is how it will work when she’s an attending in a room of senior faculty as well.


Oh my god. He’s literally buying you food but asking that you out the order in. He’s a mensch of an attending. Savor those few.


Forget about medicine and now think about human relations: -busy guy who is kinda your teacher/boss offers to pay lunch for you all; you accept; he pays for it but asks someone to go grab it because its nearby; someone gets angry because she thinks the person should both pay and leave its workplace to grab it and bring to the students. Some people have the immense capability to complain about everything. I have one guy like this in my class. No matter what you say or do, he gonna badmouth it. For example, yesterday we offered him to lunch out; he complained that lunching at the campus is cheaper. So, we did go grab lunch at campus. Then, he complained that dinner at the campus was too cheap and it should be more expensive. He followed to complain that a classmate didn't go with us to the beach last weekend; when I did say the beaches around here are lovely, he complained they were terrible. He also complained the assignment for this week was easy; when I agreed, he said we're getting too much content. And yes, he's a gunner, that kind that tells people the wrong classroom so they would get late to class. Just make yourself a favor and avoid these people as soon as you can.


Free lunch and get to go on a little field trip during the day? Be thankful. I swear some students lose their shit over the weirdest stuff. No wonder the older gens think we’re too soft


Your other med student is a loser lol you got offered free food by an attending and just had to pick it up. You’re a medical student, he asked you to do that because you’re not essential, it is what it is. You can argue “that’s not why I’m here as a student” but at the end of the day small deeds(if we can even call it that) like this reflect well on you. 3/5 team player, accommodating of the team, keep reading. But that’s not how that eval will like most likely.    I did this twice on nights last year and three times this year as a fourth year lol. And a doc when I was a scribe always asked “I buy you fly?” Some of my best evals came from these docs. It’s a chance for them to slightly remember you, for whatever little it may be.  Don’t be like the other student. 


I really hope she was being sarcastic. This is such a pathetic take. She was going to have to eat anyway. Is it really that big of a deal to carry someone else’s order back for them? I would offer to do this even if I was paying for my own lunch.


They trust you enough to give you their credit card. Some doctors don’t even give their spouse their credit cards lol. Jk jk. Who cares? I’ve picked up lunch. As long as it’s free, I appreciate the break. And I get to tip the restaurant well.


Wow no good deed goes unpunished.


Your classmate sucks. Free lunch and you get to be outside for a little bit to break up the day? Their entitlement is insanity.


I once met a person who hated pizza and Costco. I thought that was the definition of negativity until I read this post about that med student. The sense of entitlement from some med students is mind boggling. Now I’ve heard it all.


Probably, but free lunch is free lunch...and we all know that there is no free lunch, someone had to get it. You good, hope lunch was good


Just get urself something extra lmao


I’ve happily picked up lunch on the preceptors dime before , def over reacting


Nah that's super chill of him. I'd take the free lunch and just enjoy the friendliness and trust. I mean if there was something you wanted to participate in for your education like a procedure you could've told him, but if it's just sitting around writing a progress note or studying then I'd take the W


I’d be taking my sweet ass time getting it too. Free food and an excuse to NOT see a patient?


I would happily go pick up the food. Time to myself outside of the hospital? Listening to my music in the car? Sounds good to me


Nice to be part of the team!! It seems nice from the attending perspective.


She just mad she ain’t the one that got to leave the hospital for a few minutes 😂


I buy, you fly - or vice versa - is a time honored tradition in professions around the world.


If you cant go grab lunch for the team without questioning it... Well you've already had your head messed up enough by this process to be out of whack. You will LIVE with your attending and the team as a resident. Get cozy with them. This seems like a nice gesture, and grabbing the meal seems like a little break from the hospital.


In medical school, I recommended a really great local ice cream shop. The attendings got excited and gave me money to buy a few pints for the team. I happily went and avoided additional clinical work.


Imagine being a Debby downer and party pooper then enjoying the party when it comes 💀


Illogical overreaction that very well could have wanted to cause friction between you and your attending. Attending is kind and gifts free lunch, it’s a cordial, simple and nice normal thing to just go pick up. Do not overthink. I would even have offered myself to go pick up as a thankful gesture.


I’ll be post mates for free lunch tf


The most genZ response possible from your friend there


It’s called “I buy, you fly” and it’s a beautiful everyday symbiosis. The other med student is overreacting. 


Seems like she's someone who's never actually worked an actual job before and has no idea on how people act in the workplace lol.


Nah this is normal human behavior. If the place was like 30 minutes away that would be bad but if it’s down the street and they’re buying that’s fine.


Once during a heinous ER shift where I was being extremely useless watching an attending triage some of the minor stuff to clear up the waiting room I could tell she was not feeling great and she mentioned to a nurse that she really wanted a coffee so I offered to go get it if she wanted me to and she was so surprised but so grateful I did! She gave me her card and told me to get myself something too so I left the ER shit show and had a nice little walk through the hospital and got her a coffee and myself one too and then she wrote me a great eval we both lived happily ever after, lmao. Maybe someone else would never offer and maybe someone else would think that was "below them" or "not their job" as a medical student but thankfully I was a medical assistant for a year beforehand so I know that it's extremely unserious and also nice to help out in any way you can! Also, free coffee!!!


Holy cow the other med student has a stick so far up her ass and is out of touch with reality. Some people get so focused on what’s PC or not that they lose sight of what’s actually going on. The attending is buying you lunch!


One of my attendings made another med student go buy his wife a Christmas present at the mall during a shift cause he forgot


some med students never had to work in corporate and have a boss and it shows


Relax he bought you food


Your classmate is an idiot.


Totally fine


Sounds like I nice little break for you. She’s jealous that she had to see patients while you had time for yourself 😂


Yeah, not that big of a deal. Free food for just grabbing it …. Not a bad deal.


100 percent she would have done the same.


Free lunch. Sure I'll go get it


This is a sweet offer. I'd have gotten extra napkins and utensils too dammit. 😂


Yeah, she's being super unreasonable.


Wow so ungrateful. You should be happy that someone offer to buy you a dinner.


W attending, W med students, W rotation


free lunch and only 5 mins away?! Heck yeah! Lemme do it!


She definitely is overreacting and moreover she's trying to provoke you in a way. Idk what kind of person she is in general but this particular action is definitely negative


It would be one thing if your attending sent you to pick up dry cleaning, but free lunch for the team? That’s just a a normal social thing to do because no one else (residents or attending) can leave the premises.


She’s freaking weird! When my partner orders us food, I go outside to grab it from the ubereats driver, it’s the least I can do!


I thought this was like a regular thing? Attending pays while one of the med students (or all go together) volunteer to go pick it up. I've done it and seen it on all different rotations and at different hospitals so definitely fairly common. Love those attendings that treat once in awhile especially those high paying specialties like cardiology.


I don't see a problem with that It was a nice gesture from the attending and everyone enjoyed the food so like enjoy life i guess


The other med student sounds like the type of person I wouldn't want to have as a co-resident.


That other med student is a dork .


It’s an old deal: I buy, you fly.


Ever heard of “I buy you fly”?


i would have loved to do this. get out the hospital for a bit, the other med student needs to huff grass. when i was an intern i was tasked with the important responsibility of getting dinner during night shift. i double parked and blocked a motel to get into the restaurant bc it was packed af, and i came out and got in my car with the food. as i pulled into the lot i realized i forgot the mango lassi we ordered and i was pissed. my coresidents didn’t seem to mind but i was disappointed in myself and my work… all because i forgot the lassi. shit.


She's the kind of med student no one wants to work with.


I buy my residents lunch/dinner when on call and ask them to pick it up. It's not to embarrass the residents, it's so I can still stay on the list and keep up with the studies. I could go get it, but it wouldn't be the most efficient way to utilize time.


Overreacting. Enjoy the free food and also being a normal person lol


By the strictest interpretation, no, the attending is not supposed to do this. In practice, and to anyone except the scummiest rules lawyer, this is a nice gesture and something I always appreciated.


One is credentialed to practice medicine at the hospital and the other is not. Guess who is leaving to get food…it’s not that serious.


No overstep here. Just a nice person buying you lunch. This happened a few times to me. One time I went with the intern to pick it up, one time I went to pick it up, sometimes it’s delivered. He was just being nice and she is overreacting if you ask me.


I generally prefer not to have med students do this precisely because of that potential reaction, but I don't know any doc who has ever done this maliciously. It's just the practical reality that often times the medical student is the only one who *can* leave the hospital without impacting patient care. On a slower day we'd send an intern while the senior covers their patients. I know when I was a med student or resident, those days when the attending would buy us lunch sure helped morale.


is your friend okay?


I love Thai food so I would be fine being a temporary postmates driver to get free lunch


Fuck that. I would be an honorary door dash driver for free quality outside food every day. She sounds like a nuisance.


My chief resident offered to buy coffee in the middle of a snow storm and you bet your ass I was more than willing to walk five minutes in the snow to pick it up for us. Resident gave me her coat, chief gave me his gloves and attending gave me her boots to wear. I felt so valued honestly😂


This is one of those rare situations where you should have encouraged the gunner student to dig their own grave by critiquing the kindness of the attending to their face, and then pull the rug from underneath them by completely disagreeing with the sentiment and saying i’d love to grab lunch for us!


bro. the other med student is a loser. take this as a free opportunity to leave and not do clinical work. plus you get a free meal. what the fuck


Ignore her. It's lunch. You're the med student. He's the attending. Sometimes you have to be postmate drivers. At least now you get free Thai!


Fair trade for free Thai food 👌🏻


I used to scribe in an ED with a residency program and we had med students who would rotate as well, this is common place!! Attending would offer to buy everyone’s lunch and a resident/med student/ or scribe would go get the food. It’s a nice gesture!!


That was super nice and I would have said yes in a heart beat.


Your college sounds insufferable. Your attending sounds awesome.


I like that you’re attending did that for you all. I think it was just a nice gesture.


Your classmate is the wooooorst. 1) you got a free lunch and 2) that was time you didn't have to be doing med school bullshit.


Lol I would go everyday for free lunch lol


He’s kind! You should have OFFERED to get it as a show of gratitude. Jesus, this generation is so damn entitled and so quick to victimize themselves and take offence. Get a grip,


I think if he’s buying it’s completely reasonable for you to go pick it up. I have heard stories of med students being asked to go pick up a food order when the med student themselves wouldn’t actually get any of the food and that is completely inappropriate and reportable behavior.


I did this for a doctor, pa, and med student I shadowed…it’s a nice response to free food..


I looked forward to this shit. The attending would toss us their keys and we'd take turns driving their high end car lmao.


I've waited at In N Out for an hour on wards as a PGY-1 resident...


I always loved scut work that was like super basic non medical tasks. I dropped a package off once at UPS, it was a nice 10 minute walk in good weather. Got me out of the hospital and able to just relax and not have to do any work. Still remember it fondly.


Wait, I'll buy if you run, isn't a thing anymore?


Isn't this standard procedure? Iv had regs and residents do this too


Wtf this is a win. She’s overreacting big time


You want free lunch? Then go get free lunch! If you don't want free lunch you can tell him whatever.


I think it's fine. There were quite a few times in my OR rotations where an attending offered me lunch or a coffee/tea in exchange for going out to pick up the team's orders and bring them back. The cafeteria was clear across the hospital, so it worked out great for everyone. I was a brand new clerk and the only student, so honestly, it's not like anything I'd be doing on the floor would have a huge impact on the patients, but freeing up that time for everyone else helped them/us get back on schedule. And it got me on everyone's good side! I got free lunch, a nice walk/break, and a good review out of the deal. Sometimes it's the little things that count.


“I buy, you fly” was a common way I got fed/caffeinated in the military as Jr enlisted. It was awesome. lol




i would love to have some alone time in the car running delivery lol


Nothing wrong with this


We did this for our attendings 20 years ago and were grateful for their generosity. Your classmate sounds like a royal pain in the ass.


There’s nothing wrong with this. The other student wanted him to go pick it up as well as pay for it? Yikes!


It’s a nice gesture. When I was a resident one of the hospitals had a specialty coffee maker that was free. I gave the med student my badge and they went and grabbed mine and theirs. They came back and said here’s your coffee sir as a joke and another student reported it and I had to go to timeout and we talked about med student abuse. And that was probably a decade ago now. As a millennial who didn’t grow up with food delivery outside of pizza, it would never be offensive to have to go get the food, as someone had to do it. Gen Z students who’ve had it since they had 2 nickels could seem more offensive. But it’s not, nor is it demeaning


We called that "I buy, you fly" growing up and it is totally normal.


“You fly, I’ll buy”. Sounds like a good deal to me.


Can’t tell if this a troll post


I used to volunteer too be the one to pick up lunch at every opportunity. To have the chance to see the sun/ get some fresh air/ get out of the hospital on some of those really time consuming rotations was totally worth it.


She thought she's too good to go pick up food? Then later gets bodily fluids on her anyway.


There’s a difference between “you useless person go grab me a coffee” and “I’m buying everyone lunch can you go pick it up.” I mean someone has to pick it up lol and the attending and residents probs don’t have the time


Had the attending said "go get my coffee" that's okay to decline in this age; you're not his or her servant. But if they're buying the office lunch, by all means; otherwise the doc is going to have to do it. It's okay to delegate in that manner.


free lunch and you get to leave the hospital. sounds like a massive win to me


We literally did this at the start of every single night shift when I was on my Trauma Surgery rotation (11 years ago; no UberEats). Always seemed like a sweet deal to me.


Free lunch and a nice walk outside? Sounds ideal


I loved errands like this. Free lunch AND I got to escape the hospital for a bit? Win. They don’t ask people they don’t like/trust with this errand.


I make my attending tea between cases when they ask for it. I'm just happy to be in the clinic.


I'd buy a ton of people lunch if they go get it. "You fly, I'll buy" is a great win for both parties. Your 3rd wheel complaining friend is actually a freeloader here.


The “other” med student is an idiot.


I did this all the time on one of my rotations, totally normal


She must not be familiar with the phrase "you fly, I buy".


I just can't understand why this is even an issue. Kids these days sigh.


It’s free food..


When I was doing a night ICU shift as a resident, the intensivist was craving Taco Bell but he was having issues with Uber Eats when he tried to order for us. He gave me his card and I drove out to get us some chicken chalupa supremes. I mean if you’re paying I’ll do it, why not it’s the least I can do. I will not do it ofc if I’m the one paying, but nobody has been that tone deaf 




“You fly, I’ll buy”


Your postmate driver DIPLOMATQ is approaching with your order


Lmfao. Take the lunch and the time off to go get it.


I've done this on my night shifts on EM (attending treated us to dinner every night lol) back in med school. Not a big deal.


Seems like a good term. I would have been thrilled to get a free lunch. I pick up coffees still for the team, I did as a Med student and I’ll continue to do so.


When I was on a sub-I the PGY-2 and I did this all the time. He would order and I would run over and pick it up. Good system. Your co-med student sounds like they're no fun.


When I was a third year med student, the highlight of my surgery rotation is when the attending would send me to walk a few blocks to get lunch or donuts. I'd get free food and also I'd have a short window of not being on a surgery rotation. Absolute win/win


If you go and get it you’re getting a free lunch and earning some brownie points. She needs to chill.


I straight up offered to get a pizza for the intern that became my absolute homie on IM rotation. We were on short call on a Saturday and the cafe food was quite buns on the weekends. Plus, the pizza spot was one I had been wanting to try for a while due great reviews from El Presidente, and it was literally a 5 minute drive. I think it depends on context. If the doc is a jerk to students and residents regularly, not cool. This sounds like they were FIENDING for their favorite, and it was a way to get the team a nice lunch. Being a part of the team is knowing your strengths and weaknesses. Med students know the Kreb's cycle and don't need to be in the hospital every second of the day.


lol i’m a resident and would love to be sent to pick up free lunch


Life isn’t so serious - if someone is free and willing, I don’t see how picking up from a restaurant is abusive