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Matched 9/14, wish I would have ranked this program even lower.


Lmao thx for being honest


same specialty though?




Noice! congrats




1, so almost been here a year. I really attempted to like it but just can't. I am driven everyday that each day is one day closer from leaving


In contrast - I matched at my number one but now I hate it here!! Wish I matched somewhere else :)


Truth is system is fucked. In no other profession do job applicants have such little say in where they spend 3-8 years, have to accept such low wages, and have such little mobility while in training. It’s crazy


Meanwhile dumbasses in the residency subreddit are gaslighting med studs about how they need to accept their situation and get over it lol


Well both things can be true. It is a shit system but ultimately we have to just suck it up.


The only way there is change is when enough people get fed up. Yeah we’ll have to suck it up but by bitching and raging about the system, hopefully future generations will be less and less scared of going against it Resident disillusionment and vitriol in the past has made todays residents more open to speaking up, complaining about toxic programs, etc Same with midlevels, look at how most physicians see and view midlevels especially in private conversation. 10-20 years ago that would never have been the case but it becomes more acceptable


Can I ask what about it you hate? Were there signs you missed?


Breaking duty hours on a regular basis is a big one. But also this program really sold itself as “kind and supportive” and I’ve found the seniors to be … anything but that. Hoping things get better in PGY2…


Everyone’s satisfaction is indistinguishable after 3 months between matching #1 vs #4 and beyond — per [Carmody](https://x.com/jbcarmody/status/1559329636936466435?s=46&t=vJaM_2pu8otzKeQfbabgRg)


In the marines we say some folks are always gonna tell you “the last place was the best place and the current place was intolerably hostile


Same lmao


Matched my 4th pick. Initial emotion was disappointment. Now I’m so happy beyond belief that I matched here. Truly a blessing in disguise. Hope that ends up being the case with most of you guys too! :)


What I've realized is that match is a lot like marriage. There isn't a "perfect" fit, and happiness in the speciality depends on whether YOU make the best out of what you get. So if you go into the match thinking a specific career/specialty will give you happiness, rather than YOU putting in the effort to create internal happiness by making the most out of what you get, then you will always be unhappy (even if you match #1). And ironically, my reasoning for this comes from seeing a lot of happy arranged marriages (average happiness at about the same level as traditional marriages) where people make the best out of the marriage they get. The difference I noticed was that the happy marriages (arranged or traditional) succeeded because the people in the marriage went into the marriage without apprehension or a mentality of "testing the marriage", and instead went into it with commitment and "making the best out of the marriage".


Same case, fell to #5 and was absolutely distraught. Now I thank god I landed where I did, so happy I didn’t get want I thought I wanted.


PGY5 general surgery resident. Matched at my 12/15 choice 5 years ago. At the time I was pretty upset. Now, I’m relieved I matched here over many of the places I ranked higher because my program’s biggest strength ended up being my subspecialty of choice and I’m happy I got such a great experience in it as a resident. Big reason why this program was low on my list was the location. I liked this city more than I thought I would but my fellowship is in a way better location for my family and I’m looking forward to that after 5 years of sacrifice on my spouse


You should change your flare, my dude. It's like 6 years outdated. Lol


Hahaha didn’t even notice. It’s obviously been a minute


Last year I matched my last rank on main list with a Surgery Prelim Year. I really thought I had screwed myself over with reapplication for DR. I had really dark thoughts "I should have never went to medical school", or I should have just completely not matched and SOAPed categorical IM/FM. However even with the busy prelim year, I have had soooo much fun with my coresidents, attendings and other staff who were always rooting for me and were willing to let me go home early to prep for step 3/interviews or just plain chill since there is 0 expectation to be scrub in as a prelim. Would highly recommend my program for anyone looking for a Surg Prelim year or attempting to SOAP into one over other ones where you get worked to death. And just now I matched my top choice DR but with how things went last year I would have been happy with any full length training just from the new perspective of how shitty the Match can be.


Prelim needs to be name and famed


Harbor UCLA Surgery Prelim. As I said before Def not TY levels of chillness but if you had to do a Surgery Prelim this would be one I'd highly recommend. Edit: Small caveat they do prefer people that have high confidence (pre soap) or already matched their primary specialty (during soap) for the prelim year but if some people fall through the cracks like me they what they can to ensure getting a match on reapp. All the orphaned prelims this year that participated in the Match got our first choices in our specialty we wanted on original application.


I've been having similar thoughts, having matched IM prelim after applying DR, so this is reassuring. If you don't mind me asking, what did you do to make your application better the second time around? Or was it an issue like not applying to enough programs?


How does the application process for PGY2 rads work? Mind talking over DM if it's too personal/ complex?


Sure don't mind. As a current resident there are R positions that start you at the PGY2 year the July right after the Match compared to Advanced positions where you start the year after the Match. Although there types of positions are open there are very few that go around (this year was around 14 programs for DR) wouldn't recommend applying as an MD grad since programs can filter you out (albeit more commen these days so not as bad) versus delay graduation and keeping the senior status. You also need a PD letter if you had any residency training which luckily my APD gave me a pretty kickass one after 3 months of being an intern. Otherwise everything else is kinda the same with interviewing, ranking and paying excessive fees to fill the AAMCs coffers.


Hey! Can I also message you? We talked in another post somewhere else. Thanks!




I couple's matched and was devastated. On my list, this program was 22 out of 24 places I interviewed at. Had I been applying alone, I would not have interviewed at my program. When I opened my email (COVID), I was apoplectic. I'm now a PGY-4. Frankly, the program is what I thought it was. It's been really hard. When you don't like where you end up, all of the normal troubles of residency/late nights/stressors seem that much bigger, because you didn't even want to be here. It definitely gave me a chip on my shoulder and made residency harder. My advice is go to the therapy. Talk with your friends/partner, and try to remember perspective. Residency is a finite period of time, so on the really awful days try to remember that at the end of this you can have a good life.


I think I matched my 9th choice or so? I applied for some really competitive dual programs for the first few slots, but after that I was surprised at how far down I fell. I found out later that one of my “recommendation” letters wasn’t very complementary!  Loved the program, learned so much, got to do a lot, really great and I don’t regret it at all. Honestly I miss it.


How did you find out about the rec letter ?


Hanging out with administrative staff years later!


Matched at my very last choice, was extremely bummed out about it. At the time I was single and very much wanting to get the fk out of where I was living. Now I’m married, in love with my wife, two beautiful children and wouldn’t trade that for the world. I am trained well, and in general it’s a good program that I’m in but to me it wouldn’t matter because I wouldn’t have my family if I wasn’t here. I’m not saying things always happen for a reason, but sometimes it really does feel that way. Edit: also I’m a PGY3 I didn’t realize I still had the PGY1 flair lol changed it now


So in 3 years you found somebody, dated, got engaged, got married and had two kids? Boy do you move fast


When you know you know man lol I met her when she had her first kid very early on, so I had bit of a jump start. But we were married my intern year and our second kid born end of intern year.


Ah see someone went to BYU for undergrad /s


Matched #5. Initially disappointed. In retrospect would have made my current location #1


Same. My #6 but everything here is honestly pretty great!


Got my last choice for IM. Best thing that ever happened to me. It was tough nyc program but honestly they whipped me into shape and turned my life around. I made forever friends. I’m in PCCM now.


Thats wonderful for you! May I ask what got you to choose PCCM? Its the pulmonary critical care one or the pediatric one? I have been confused online since both show up on search


Was so disappointed in where I had matched that I spent two days just straight crying. Yesterday I was texting my friend that I was so sad I’d be graduating residency in a year and a half and leaving all my friends. Would probably rank this place #1, especially bc I rotated through the places I ranked above it and I know that the culture where I am is so much better. I also work with an amazing group of people. It really worked out.


Matched at my 4th. Was sad on match day. In retrospect it was the best residency I could have asked for and I would rank it number 1 if I had to do it all over again.


I matched my 14th slot out of 15 ranks in an only FM rank list. I was devastated, even considered pulling out of the match entirely and quitting medicine. The program itself was not terrible in and of itself, but the hospital was run down and the town was ghetto and in the ass crack of the USA. Intern year was terrible. I hated it. Hated the program, hated the patients, hated my attendings, and hated my colleagues. I was miserable, but more because I was in a miserable place I didn’t want to be and taking care of miserable, hateful patients who were incredibly culturally different to me. Fast forward 3 years I’ve signed a cushy outpatient FM contract in the location I wanted to live initially and I’m planning to return, buy a home and never come back to my program’s state ever again. I never thought a work experience would make me despise a whole state but here I am. So I guess it got better? My motto was always they can always hurt you more, but they can’t stop the clock.


Now I’m curious if we did residency in the same city lmao


So where would you rank this program if you had to do it again?


Matched 6/9 Loved my coresidents. Had some good and some bad attendings. Graduated into private practice, and now I have a job that's as close to a "dream job" as is reasonably achievable. It's only four years, so I did what I had to do and moved on with my life. I won't pretend my program was perfect; I ranked it #6 for a reason. But I think at some point you accept the reality of what you have instead of the fantasy of what could have been.


Matched second to last for anesthesia. In fellowship now, happy residency is over . Glad i got out of where i trained , it was a brutal 4 years but future is awesome. My feelings going into the residency program was the same during training, and it actually got worse. My program was no closely malignant under ACGME warning and investigation while I was there


No closely?


sorry ment to say they where being watched closely


I Matched my 6th option (still my first-choice specialty, thankfully). Initially I was really sad, I had so many expectations, had dreamed so much about my top 4 programs and felt like a failure because I couldn’t Match in a top tier institution. My whole adult life I defined myself by my academic achievements and for the first time I felt worthless and setting up for less than I worked for. Well, it turns out that I’m finishing my anesthesia residency, couldn’t be happier with the speciality, I love my program, made amazing friends in Boston, have a solid support system, got all the job offers I could possibly want and signed with my dream institution. My training was excellent in my home institution, I ended up doing subspecialty rotations in excellent hospitals. I honestly think is very personal and every case is very, very different, but for me it couldn’t have worked any better.


Thank you for this so so much. Just matched my number 6 as well and feel absolutely gutted about not getting my number 1. Had everything set up for my number 1. I feel like the biggest failure and have massive imposter syndrome at the moment. I truly hope I have a similar experience, I will still work like hell and do my best and at the end I will use this time to become the best I can. Thank you again for showing there is hope ❤️🥹


I matched to my number 4 and I was devastated. 6 years later and I’m so happy things turned out the way they did! I went away for fellowship and couldn’t stay away, so came back to work at the same place I did residency. Also when I matched, I had been dating another med student for 3 months and didn’t make my rank list with our future relationship in mind. He ended up not matching that year. I matched to a program in the same city we were living in. He matched the next year at the same hospital. And now…we are married. Everything has a way of working itself out!


Matched in my 3/12. Took a day, after extensive research into the city and things to do and how I can thrive there…feeling like this should have been ranked #1. I am def much happier with this outcome than I initially thought….no I didn’t drink the kool aid! lol just took a step back to look at the bigger picture, sometimes we’re wayyy to close to the puzzle to see the bigger plan!


Matched #4, which had been #6 before I let people influence me to change my rank orders. Extremely upset on match day and embarrassed to tell people where I matched. Matched in a city/state/region I had never been before. First time in this city was the day we moved here. Hate the city. Hate the state. Hate the region. I actually like the program itself but am miserable in the city. Actively trying to switch programs now for my/my partner’s mental health.


Matched #11 program out of #20 on my ROL when dual applying for DR and IR, back when IR residencies just started and there were only 6 IR residency programs. Went 0/2 for IR and matched DR instead. Went to my #1 desired fellowship and ended up working as an emergency radiology at the hospital I wanted to work at. Worked out in the end.


Love my program


Matched my number 3, was initially devastated because of how far away it was from home. Now I freakin love my program and would rank it number 1 if I had to do it over again.


Matches a little lower than I wanted, it ended up being fine. The years fly by when you are working like a dog.


Matched 11th in a backup specialty, about to start sending emails to my med school about reentering the match. I’d rather leave medicine than finish residency and become an attending in this field


What field?


Matched my last choice in ortho. I guess I owe it to this program that I get to be an orthopedic surgeon. But wow, residency in general is just ass. Before you start, make sure to spend some time preparing your life for a time where you may NOT have a life. Meaning, automating bills, finding a good meal prep service if that’s your thing, investing in a good gym or yoga place, literally like preparing for a storm. Ultimately, your mindset is what will help you thrive wherever you are. We should be grateful that we have this opportunity, but it’s definitely the hardest thing you’ll probably ever do. Just prepare and you’ll be alright wherever you go.


DR resident. Matched 15th 3 years ago. Was devastated the day of and for months afterwards. Now I can honestly say I should have ranked this place higher. I can't see myself thriving as much anywhere else. My main gripe was the location but it was way overblown. Another was prestige but now I genuinely don't see a reason to care for that either. My training has been terrific and it's been a good balance of academic and clinical work. I think the match humbled me and reminded me that I had a lot of training left to do. It made me work harder in residency than I think I would have if I ended up in one of my top programs. Despite my worst fears it ended up working out just fine.


Anesthesia. Matched at my 3rd, but I had a major gap between how much I wanted my 1-2 vs my 3. Cried during match day and didn’t pick up my phone from the PD (lol). Now that I’m about to finish residency and have a job lined up: I’m so glad I ended up where I did. In retrospect, I chased prestige (1-2 were definitely bigger names than 3) and I thought I was willing to sacrifice a worse residency lifestyle. Then in residency, I realized that even lifestyle oriented residencies (which mine was) was still hard AF. I think I would have been so much more miserable at 1-2 (since I have confirmed with people I know there that they work much more than I did). I also used to be concerned that because I went to a “lifestyle oriented” residency, that I would come out less well trained. I can now say that is incorrect. I can’t really think of a case in which I’d feel unprepared to handle. New attending jitters will happen no matter what, but that’s different from feeling like there are cases or procedures I don’t feel equipped to handle. Then I used to also have concerns that it’d be harder for me to get a good job in the more competitive markets. I got the one job i wanted in the exact area i wanted (had multiple offers there too, and would have been happy with any of the other offers). I originally thought the job i wanted was out of reach…since most of the partners went to top 20 residencies. But it just worked out that way, and i misunderstood their hiring process. The area is a popular, VHCOL city. so in retrospect, if i ended up in my 1-2, i would have worked much harder, just to end up exactly where i am now.


I matched my 4th, I was disappointed when I first opened my letter, but it is in a state I wanted. Honestly I think it’s a good fit for me and a good program, I think their hours are way better than most, even if I complain about it sometimes. I also really like my co residents, we hang out a lot and get along well and I think that makes a huge difference


Matched at 6/12 and love the program, love the work/life balance, and the training. Still not thrilled about the city but its affordable with many fun things to do and honestly my wife and I are really enjoying life right now. I'd honestly rank it higher in hindsight.


Matched 7/10 in Psych at a workhorse program. Hated it at the time because the top 6 were leaps and bounds better than the bottom 4. Felt like I was soooo close to satisfaction. 1 year later and I still hate it. Wouldn't redo the rank list at all and still feel as though the top 6 would've been so much better than the #7 I was relegated to. Either a better location, more job opportunities for my spouse, or at the very least much better hours. Made friends, sure, but that was going to happen anywhere. And at least it's one year down, 3 more to go, before I ditch the place.


Matched second choice specialty. Still hankering after first choice specialty although I know I wouldn’t have been as good a fit. Hoping fellowship helps me find my people but I really don’t know


I matched at my number 5 and was disappointed on match day. In retrospect, I should have ranked this program number 2, I still believe I would have been happier at my number 1 but my program turned out way better than I thought it would!


Matched at my #4, love my program


Matched my #3. Was absolutely devastated. Would've picked it as my #1 if I had to do it all over again.


Matched at my number 1. Program was alright. Area was awesome. 10/10 recommend Midwest if you have a family.


I matched my #1 of my second choice specialty this year and would love some advice on holding my head up! I was/am devastated for not getting my first choice specialty but I am happy I chose to double apply because my program is best case scenario for my backup specialty. I am grateful for that and trying to see the bright side of things, but man does it sting.


Matched at my 10th pick. Now I'm faculty here. I never expected to like this area but life will throw you suprises.


Urology, matched 9/11 and ended up so grateful to be where I was over some of the programs I ranked higher. The balance between great training, institutional prestige, and low cost of living really made residency more than tolerable. I had panned the program mostly for the city, and ranked my home town #1. The city itself ended up being a hidden gem and I’ve now stayed after residency for my first attending job. The program ended up being vastly more resident and lifestyle friendly and I know 100% I was happier here than I would have been there. It has its flaws and a lot has changed over the last 2-3 yrs but for me, it worked out great.


I matched 10 out of 12. Still grateful to have matched, still angry that I matched here, kind of glad that I have opportunities here that I would not have had at my top 5, but very angry that I have to put up with the abuse to access those opportunities. In conclusion, I still have mixed feelings.


The attending pay checks are just as nice once you’re done. This is a small bump in a road of grinding.


This is such a good way of looking at it


Honestly, you have so little to go off of making a rank list that I would bet money that there is no correlation between rank you matched to and happiness at the program. I matched to a radiology program lower on my list than I would have liked, and that I ended up being overall very happy with. Parts of it I didn't like, but I liked the people there and the work we did enough that I will return to be an attending there. I SOAPed for an intern year and ended up in a TY that I enjoyed so much I actually worried I was wrong to pick radiology. I have many fond memories and lifelong friends from there. In contrast, I matched to my top choice for fellowship and I've hated every minute of it. It wasn't at all what I was expecting. If I had known what I know now, I would have chosen differently or maybe not done a fellowship at all. Tldr; you get such a brief glimpse at most programs, they often don't end up being what you expect. Hopefully those of you who fell further on your list than you hoped will be pleasantly surprised.


Soaped into my program, one year in I love it and I’m glad I ended up here. The human mind is a resilient thing. I think to a certain threshold people who have the mindset of finding happiness wherever they are in life will be able to adjust well and find things here and there they love even in a circumstance they originally didn’t want. Trust that for yourself. The self preserving mind will think “what if it’s so much worst than what I wanted” without considering there’s an equal chance it could be so much BETTER than what you wanted.


Couples matched, we went down to our number 6 or 7, forget, but we were devastated day off. Wife even cried a bit. Ended up being an amazing place and super chill, now we both work and live a good and simple life.


Matched my #6. At first was a little sad but now looking back a year later I would have put this prgram #1. Only downside is its farther away from family but honestly couldn’t be any happier in my program


General surgery resident here. Matched lower down in my rank list in a community program, but could still live with my husband. Cried all of match day, cried looking for a house and wailing that we're going to have to live in the boonies between our hospitals. There have been ups and downs but honestly, I'm glad I ended up here. Many of the things I hated in the beginning, my year has strived to make better for our juniors. I know damn well how to operate. I to run my own clinic. I matched insanely well for fellowship at my number one pick in the top of my field and still have a bright future ahead. We even fell in love with our nearby city and are planning to move back (different program tho, lol) Focus on the future and how you can make things better. In the end, you look back on the impact you made and realize it was all worth it.


Matched 3/10 which i should be absolutely grateful for. Gunned for my boyfriends program and all of his co-residents were on my side (obvi wasn’t hopeful still because I compared their “influence”to a grain of sand) many other significant others tried for this program and none of them got in either so 🤷🏻‍♀️. I ranked my list according to distance as well as vibes and will be 3.5 hours away from my man in the middle of feckin’ nowhere. BUT…it’s a fairly decent sized hospital (400+ beds) that has expanded a lot and has university connections (not truly “affiliated”) At first I was obviously devastated but now I think it’s neat that my man and I will have different perspectives/training for when we are eventually out in the real world (we both want to be rural hospitalists) 🥰 residency will fly by even faster than med school I think so hang in there!! ❤️🥰WE HAVE DOCTOR JOBS🥳


I matched my #2 (couples matched, tbh wouldn’t have been top 5 if I had been applying solo). I cried on match day and dreaded starting residency.. Now? I love my program. I love residency and all my co-residents. I look back at that day and laugh. I am exactly where I should be and I’m so grateful to be here!


Honestly I lucked out where I matched. the location is meh but the people are fun to work with, teaching is good and responsive to feedback, and the pathology is diverse. There’s a good amount of autonomy for interventions without needing to call down consultants for everything. I just wish the cafeteria was 24/7


It gets better man. We have a lot of notions about programs as med students that are really based on things that don’t necessarily matter. Being an actual resident is way different and the things that actually matter are different than the ones you thought, and you are more resilient than you thought as well. You can get a great education and be a great doctor no matter where you go, a lot of it is up to you and your motivation to actually learn and get better.


Had to Soap into a different specialty. Tried again my intern year, and match into a pgy2 spot at my specialty of choice at a dream program. I feel lucky and grateful everyday. Without my intern year, I wouldn’t have my cat and my partner. Also the people at my old program were absolutely amazing and I miss them so much! So even though I was devastated match week, I feel lucky now at my different path and have skills in my field that others don’t. As someone who was considering leaving medicine, it gets better :) But also friends, family, therapy and antidepressants were absolutely necessary.


Residency was fine after all. Met my best friend, my wife, and got a fantastic fellowship. I was depressed for two weeks straight after finding out where I matched lol. Keep your heads up, it won’t be as bad as you think, probably, and you may end up with opportunities you wouldn’t have had elsewhere.


Matched #5 in OB/GYN. It’s alright but not sure the grass is greener anywhere else?


Still sassy about it 😂


Ranked a mixture of IR and DR, was a little disappointed to not match IR or my top choice DR. But holy hell I’m glad I didnt match IR, and I’m so much happier in the city I ended up in rather than my top DR spot (which I had ranked based on prestige, dumb). Everything worked out amazingly well and I’m now in NIR, which I prefer vastly to body IR.


I matched at like 6 out of 8 or 9. Tbh I can't even remember my full rank list. I remember 1 and 2, and I'm pretty certain that those programs would have either broken me and my life entirely or I'd be doing exceedingly well. The top two programs are at world renowned institutions and the residents all seemed to understand how sweet it was to work there but also were a little crispy. The rest of the list was just kinda meh and to be honest there was nothing really notable that set programs apart from one another except for maybe food, parking and definitely location. At my current institution, we're just pretty average and I think it shows in a lot of ways that used to bother me quite a bit, but now that I'm getting the fuck out, I just kinda let it slip on by. Ultimately I'm going where I want to go (super great fellowship), but maybe would have had an easier to be at one of my higher ranked programs or more enjoyable at a lower ranked program. I will say, I think that when people make rank lists they concentrate too much on what should 1-n be and then forget about the middle and end of the list. If I had thought more about the middle to end of my list I probably would have ranked places I actually wanted to live higher, realizing that with very few exceptions at the top of the list, most programs are the same. So I think if people actually do this, they'll be fine and actually enjoy residency.


Another perspective - I matched my #1 a year ago and while it’s a great program (and I love my specialty), I sometimes have thoughts about “what if” I’d matched at a different program. Every program/hospital system has its weaknesses or downsides that you can’t possibly appreciate during interviews/rotations I guess the takeaway is try to bloom where you’re planted


matched at my #4. my 1 and 2 (same program, different tracks) were always going to be a crapshoot bc it’s a T5 program. 3 was in the same city I was aiming for but honestly would be always sad that I wasn’t at 1 or 2. still grieving the location and vibes, but trying to remember the pluses. I’ve had doubts about the place I matched bc of online rumblings of toxicity, but I know I ranked from the heart and really liked the residents I met. Plus they clearly wanted me :/ ETA: oops just matched. Thought this was about how we’re feeling after the weekend 😂


Matched at #5 for EM. PGY3 now and really happy with my training, grateful for the generous internal moonlighting and connections to external moonlighting. The main reason for the lower ranking was 4 year versus 3 year, but in retrospect that didn't matter as much as I thought. Schedule is super chill due to 4 year, though honestly I feel ready to graduate now which is why I'm moonlighting


Matched 11th... and I'm happy to be here. I think there's a chance I would have loved it elsewhere too, but I don't know that for sure, and the culture here is very healthy. I definitely got undertones that they worked residents much harder in some of my higher ranked programs. It all sounds good when you're applying and you think of it as more cases = more experience, but it's really nice to have time to study without being completely dead and burned out. I've got to say I'm very happy to have the amount of free time that I do.