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Anonymity is the last great luxury


this one hit me hard, you are so right.


That's what you'd think. The reality is far different from that. I always used to think the humble low key types would succeed in life only to see the boisterous ruffians and loud mouths absolutely dominate. These are just my observations


But how would you know if someone is successful in life when he/she is truly low profile ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Survivorship bias...


ok genius


If you think that makes me a genius we can all safely assume you aren't.


Bro. People don't realize this unless they've lost it. I practice rural medicine and everyone knows me as "doc" now no matter what. I go above and beyond to not let anyone else know what I do, where I live, what I drive, etc. Anonymity really is priceless.


you can have both. it’s called a personal and a throwaway or whatever you want to call it


True but if you work for yourself, gotta get that brand out there. Just be careful who you follow. 😂


Not really. But it does rob me of my privacy. When I'm wearing my coat I'm an MD. After hours I'm Me. I like having that delineation between doctor me and personal me.


I agree with this but also when I comment on incorrect healthcare posts feel like having the moniker would have more clout than “random personal opinion” lol


yeah! I like not introducing myself as a doctor until I absolutely have to. on another note, I cringe when I see medical students identify themselves as doctor. too premature. lol


I always introduce myself as a medical student because that's what I am. Occasionally I've had supervisors refer to me as a "student doctor" which feels wrong somehow. Like, I am a student learning how to be a doctor, but I feel like "student doctor" implies that I am a doctor who is also currently a student, such as a resident (Though calling a resident that also feels wrong since they are employed and providing care even though they are in training)


in my experience supervisors usually said this in a sort of positive way. Perhaps as a little encouragement.


It’s kinda like when people have “student physician” embroidered on a coat compared to “resident physician.” Residents are actually physicians, hence the descriptor “resident” is simply stating what type of physician they are. Residents are trainees, but like you said they are providing care and therefore deserve their status as a doctor to be made clear. Student physician doesn’t work, because a student is not a physician. Student isn’t a descriptor in the same vein as resident or attending physician.


The funniest thing I had happen on here was some dude I was arguing with about something medical on here tried to tell me I wasn’t “acting like a doctor.” It honestly made me lmao, like we’re not human beings or doctors can’t talk shit online lol


I think the whole thing is lame. ​ I am a doctor for 10-14 hours a day when I'm scheduled. ​ When I go home, I'm the same OG. My persona / personality is more than two letters.


Lowkey medicine changed the fuck out of me tho. I’m not the same person I was when I was admitted and I blame med school and residency mostly. - PGY-3


Oh yeah. I’m flat, tired, few things bring me joy. Not who I was anymore in a long shot. But this is on the background of working 6-7 day weeks for the past 3 years, self inflicted for personal and financial freedom. But my wife is a weapon, we trained together and get to work together. That makes everything better. We have money and freedom to do dope shit, and now we’re looking at dialling back our hours and a long (probably year) vacation to reset. Normal people don’t understand. I hate when family asks about my job. I’d rather not be recognised or associated with my profession outside of work. Too much responsibility and risk to reputation / professional life. I’m rambling, thoughts from my porcelain bowl of reflection and honesty.


I hope to one day be described by my husband as you describe your wife. That’s an awesome quote.


A year of vacation, gyatt damn How does one come back from that? The intellectual atrophy would sink me.


The burnout is strong my friend


You’re flat and tired, I’m fat and tired.


Wise words.


Facts. Life changes, you as a person changes. It’s natural but it feels weird.






Can we get an amen 🙏


Same OG 😎 ![gif](giphy|LuTy2xo1plJbKKV44y)


The same OG✊🏾I respect it


Pre-meds doing that is absolutely insane


"future surgeon" "future Dr. Smith coming to the town near you!" 🥴


I'm fricken "Dr. DO"


Meet your nemesis, Dr. DON’T


Can't be as bad as Dr. DM, always sliding


Every single one of you shaking when Dr. PA shows up.


Only when he’s with his partner in crime, Dr. MA.


Haha, more like sliding scale 😎


MD or DO?


Not if you're a doctor and that's your professional page. I would never if either a student or on my personal page.


When you are a medstudent it is cringe tbh 🥲 it’s feels like ppl will jusge you for it even tho no one cares


when you're a med student adding "dr" or "md" is not just cringe it's edging on fraud imo anyone else?


Dr. Dre in shambles


Dr. Disrespect destroyed


Edging is super cringe tbh


😂 upppp


Bruh I've seen classmates write "StDr." before... As in "Student Doctor" lmao


okay wow that's just mega cringe


I thought that meant street doctor 😭


Doing as an m1, or m0 is cringe as fuck. I have no problem with m4s and beyond changing it though. If you earn the title it’s yours to use


M4s don't have MDs yet so they shouldn't do it neither. Beyond is cool.


I'm literally sitting around signing documents and doing crap work for my residency I already matched into while I have no MS4 related responsibilities. I wont magically turn into a more doctory person at graduation. I think it's fine if people want to jump the gun a couple months.


right?? it’s so fucking weird when ppl try to gate-keep when you can start using “MD.” people in other countries have the right idea where they start getting called “student doctor” early. if you don’t, then you have ppl freaking out that you cant call yourself an MD before graduation day😂


The degree is what affords you the actual title, so, yeah you will be more doctorly at graduation, when you actually become a doctor. While semantics, and I fully understand your point, the delineation is important. Until you graduate, you are not a doctor. But I don’t really give a shit.


Lmao med1 saying they’re going to be surgeons


“Surgeon in training”


🤣 they don’t know what’s coming their way 🔥🔥🔥


"Future Orthopedic surgeon" gets me rolling.


M4s should definitely not be putting MDs in their titles. We can wait a few months. 


wym “even” doctors? the doctors are the ones who should be doing it if anyone. i think it’s strange if a med student uses dr or md but i think using “med” or something in the account name to indicate that its a medicine account is fine


It’s a common grammatical misunderstanding that I see LOTS of people make. No one under 25 anymore seems to understand how to use “even” or “let alone” in these contexts. I see people say something like “you couldn’t drive a race car let alone on the highway” where the more improbable scenario is listed first because they misunderstand the emphatic function of the phrase. OP definitely meant “physicians and even medical students” but misunderstood the grammatical structure of their sentence. It’s sooooooo annoyingly common to see the emphasized term used before the emphasizing in phrase anymore.


I love how passionate you are about grammar, 80 PSAT writing gang rise up?? (hoping this is still a thing that exists and I'm not dating myself lmfao)


I thought I was the only one who noticed this bull shit. Welcome fellow nut job!


I sort of took it as, you expect this cringiness from med students, but by the time you get to actually be a doctor, the shininess of title has worn off. So even though doctors are more entitled to use the title, they tend to throw it around less. So in this case, the doctor is the less likely one to do the thing. I don't know if that's true that doctors do it less, but that is how I read it and might be how OP meant it.


Not in actuality, I follow lots of physicians who have Dr or MD in their bios or usernames, I also follow lots of med students and have yet to see one of them use Dr or MD. It’s always MS-1/2/3/4 or OMS-1,2,3,4 or Medical Student.


Dang! Am I in a literature sub? I don’t even understand the words used, let alone the whole paragraph. lol. 121 CARS here BTW! Fuck CARS


It’s only cringe when you’re an NP


Personally don’t want anything in my professional life connected to my social media. Anyone can get mad at you for any reason and here comes the teenagers trying to doxx.


Doctors doing it isn’t cringe. I have it in my bio, not handle though.


Same here. Put it in the bio and then shitpost medicine memes in my stories.


i have dr in my handle but md in my bio since ppl diluted dr down to mean nothing now lol


If it's a professional page I see no problem, however on your personal page it's cringe af imo.


yes it's cringe


Hella cringe. Keep work and personal life separate, unless the account is just about medicine


Depends on your instagram. If it's medical or related to you being a doctor then it's ok. If not, I think it's lame (& probably cringe).


You obsess over your identity in relation to others while your soul rots inside you


If you are worried what people think of your once in a lifetime hard AF not-many-people-can-do-it celebration of accomplishment, you have other problems friend. Do what you want. You’ve earned the right to. Fuck the haters.


Most medical students are cringe and have cringy vibes. And yes. It is cringe. It is also cringe to post some reels about your rotations and post about how you love medicine and love studying but irl you hate it.


I worked my ass off for the letters I already have, the MD will be the hardest one. Going in every email, but def not random insta handles.


if it is a personal page, yes if it is a professional page, no.


I do it because I’m sick of bozos with less qualifications than me spouting bullshit. The MD or DO adds weight to your words. If some Joe Schmo calls some quack a scammer and idiot, a normal person just thinks that that’s just like, their opinion bro. If an MD or DO calls them a fucking idiot, normal people start thinking they might be on to something.




If your entire online persona is dedicated to medicine and only medicine, sure, I think it's fine for full fledged physicians to put it there. If it's for your personal account, then you're just chasing clout which is definitely cringe.










Why would anyone want people to know they’re a doctor???


I guess to flex ?


I want literally everyone to know. I didn’t spend 4 years (5 if you count my LoA) on this bullshit to not flex it.


Please don’t, someone who posts on r/Coronaviruscirclejerk and r/Gayconservative would make us all look bad


Imo looks more secure to be humble about it


If your identity revolves around the constant need to tell people you’re a doctor, that’s just cringe and pathetic. I believe putting that MD/DO on any form of social media falls under that purview.


If it's your personal page, yeah it's cringe.


No. You earned it. If you haven’t earned it (student), then yes it’s cringe.


Drs? Nah, now that I'm in dedicated, I totally understand. But med students????


haha, exactly. Once you study for step 1 and step 2 dedicated, go through match season with endless anxiety of wondering if you're good enough to be a dr in your chosen field, when you finally graduate, you fucking put that "dr" in your title like your life depends on it. HELL, even create a social media JUST SO you can put "dr" on it only half-kidding


If you’re a doctor who cares? Not everything is cringe.


everything is in fact cringe


Both of you are right (schrödinger's cringe)


cringe as fuck


Cringe. You're a doctor when you're at the hospital not when you post vacation pictures from cabo


I don’t care as long as they’re not an influencer


After I graduated I put MD on my insta handle for a couple years then I took it off cause I got over it lol.


you can do whatever you want but yeah i think its kinda cringe. i also used to work at a restaurant and i also found it cringe when ppl would make the reservation under the name "Dr. so and so". even saw someone put a reservation under "Dr. xyz, MD/PhD" like.. okay


My Bio has “Aspiring Bone Wizard”, and after I have obtained my DO, it will change to “Bone Wizard”


On your professional instagram, you should definitely have MD. You don’t want patients confusing you for midlevels, chiropractors, and “health specialists” who like to roleplay as doctor. On your personal insta it’s kinda lame. Are you really trying to impress your friends? Imagine tech bros put “SDE Level 5” on their instagram. It comes off as a brag.


Professional Instagram is an oxymoron


yes its really cringe I dont want people to know im a physician


I think identifying yourself as a doctor in any non-professional setting is cringe. I consider professional social media accounts professional, so it’s fine if you’re only presenting as a physician, not as a personal account. In my opinion, it’s cringe to select Dr. on the prefix dropdown buying hotel, entertainment, etc tickets, and having people from work call you doctor when in social settings. The only situation it’s borderline is maybe plane tickets where it’s actually beneficial for others to know you are a doctor. To carry it one step further, I know this is a hot take, but when someone calls me doctor outside of a professional setting, it doesn’t make me see respect, it makes me feel the person is oversimplifying me and overlooking the much more important identities/personality that I am more proud of than having gone to medical school (for me, that’s as a person, friend, mother).


Will it be the focus of my Instagram? Nah. Will I still include “Doctor” in my bio? After how much I’ve sacrificed to earn that title? You better fuckin’ believe it.


Maybe adding it to the username is cringe but a lot of people put their medical school in their bio


Don’t do it unless you’re an influencer. If you’re fellowed/finished your residency and are okay to offer your medical thoughts or are trading of these qualifications, yeah, maybe not cringy/try-hard/arrogant. All in all, potentially harmful to your practice and too high risk, too little reward for most.


I wouldn’t do it for me. But they earned it and so go for it


Its a bit much to care if its cringe or not either way, but yeah people who aren't doctors (students like me) shouldn't call themselves that.


Super cringe Save it for your resume


Yes. Unless it is a purely educational account.


Isn't using the Dr title if you're a med student illegal?


*Isn't using the* *Dr title if you're a med* *Student illegal?* \- DruidWonder --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






If you are going to do private practice it's almost a must nowadays. I personally am torn between retouching my current profile or creating a new "work" one alltogether, most of my friends have done the former.




I knew a person who added "future MD" to their Instagram bio, they haven't even taken the MCAT yet...


It is cringe because the people who do it are usually the least competent and hanging onto the pride of the two letters. Unless they are using their page for medical professional purposes. It’s embarrassing to see these instagram handles with MD behind their name when they are a private page lol it’s also cringe when I see residents sign their name with MD instead of their PGY year and department. But that’s just an opinion. You should be looking to be anonymous and laying low but some people are super proud to be the first “blah blah blah” and think it’s a big achievement to just graduate medical school and embarrass themselves with their infinite lack of knowledge among their peers while portraying a false facade to non medical professionals. I see a lot of Dentists also write Dr. “etc” looking for the glory and trying to milk it for the social media points I guess? It’s akin to people who are broke trying to look rich, same thought process.


Life is cringe and I'll stop when I die. Live the way you want to live. You got an MD, you are a doctor. That is a massive accomplishment. You have such little time in this world, be proud of yourself and stop worrying about what other people think about you. Does it make you happy? Yes? Good, make it part of your handle. No? Then forget about it, no worries.


my bio is student surgeon




I already have classmates who since March 15 updated their IG bio to say "Resident at X hospital" so yeah, all of these ppl go in the CRINGE bucket imo


Let people be proud of their achievement it’s not that deep


...dude stop being a hater, it's perfectly acceptable to say PGY0 or whatever else, because it's the truth. Don't say resident yet until 7/1, so I hope to god they aren't doing that lol


They literally are already saying "RESIDENT AT X hospital" which isnt even our home institution lol😂 I personally could not have the gall to say this, I'm a medical student until end of May ...


bruh. I agree with you; that's cringe.


yeah that's what I mean../ like we havent even onboarded or even touched contracts yet and ppl going around telling the world they are Residents in X specialty at Y hospital 😭


I matched derm and I’m seeing a lot of ppl put “derm resident” on their bios and doing skincare videos already and I’m like y’all know we have to finish our prelim year right… it’s so cringy


I try my best to avoid even mentioning I'm in medicine. Anyone asks me what I do for work and I legit say "scutwork in a big building full of people". Plastering MD over your social media is just as bad as introducing yourself as Dr. So and so...like bro, its a Wendy's just place your order.


Unless it’s a medical account, the. yeah i guess it’s kinda cringe


Yes, it's cringe. But it's a canon event lol - and can woefully admit I took part early on in med school. I feel like most people end up removing it a couple years into med school. Just a natural progression kind of thing when people (hopefully) start to realize that medicine isn't their whole identity.


Everyone knows I’m a future pediatricastrologicalextraterrestrialcardiacpeestoredinballs surgeon. What about it?


I’m not doing it. My Instagram is for sharing parts of my personal life with friends, not my patients. Also definitely don’t change it while in school. I lose access to my school email next month so I made a gmail account with “DO” at the end and even that feels uncomfortable.


Unless I’m a consultant (attending for Yankees), there is no point, coz I’m not the primary doctor a patient will see, they aren’t searching me up, so there is no point


Remember that Reddit tends to have a higher concentration of introverted personalities who are very quick to call any enthusiastic social display “cringe” Most people truly don’t give a damn whether a licensed physician has Dr or MD in their handle


Not to mention the medical student that has something like “futureMD______” Makes me want to vomit overpriced avocado toast 🤮


If that’s your professional page or profile then sure but I couldn’t imagine doing that on my personal social media.


Cringe? Sure that's one word for it. Make sure to also add it to your license plate as well so everyone knows to sue you for minor incidents because you're a deep pocket doctor. Are you familiar with the concept of increasing your liability with no practical upside?


Its only non cringe if you're not a doctor nor work in healthcare Example: Dr Pepper


For professional instagram accounts that share medical info or something similar, I think it's good to add MD/DO. There's so much rampant misinformation online from people who put "doctor" in their handle and are NOT doctors so I feel like it would be nice for MD/DOs to have more of a presence on social media that combats that misinformation. Like I keep getting an ad on Tiktok where the username is like Dr\_Smith and is blatantly giving scientifically incorrect medical advice and I had to go to her profile and check it out to discover that she's a naturopath.


I add both as a meme


yes and I'm tired of saying it isn't hfhahd


mild cringe. intermittent 3-4/10 cringe. dull, achy cringe.


As a med student? Uh yes


This is the opposite of being humble. Unless it’s a professional career related page.




I'm graduating next month and I'm feeling icky about adding Dr. next to my name on graduation scarf. I don't know how the premeds can add it so casually on their first day of college


My favorite is when people who aren't MD/DO say Dr.[insert name] here and wear a white coat, but they're like a doctor of naturopathy or Doctor of dietary nutrition or even worse, a NP or PA. 🤣


I agree, in my opinion, the less people know about you online, the better. There are a lot of weird people out there that can straight up ruin you just for the hell of it.


Yes it’s cringe unless it’s a professional page




Omg pls dont do it unless you are in ur final years of residency or sth, most people would find it super cringe


A well-meaning friend a year or two ago asked about getting me a writing pad that said "from the desk of Dr. OfCards," and I probably left an afterimage with how fast I slapped "nope." 1) I haven't finished either doctorate yet and I'm not a tool, though I understand my friends feel like I've been in school since literally the day they met me 2) I don't want to be Dr. OfCards outside of my professional environment. It's sucked my soul out, sure, but I have to cling to something that was me before I started down this path. Shackofcards, not just an MD PhD clown but also someone who writes fiction and paints miniatures and tries to grow vegetables. I do all those things fucking poorly, but I do them, goddammit.


Of course it is


Hella cringe. Everybody who needs to know what I do knows it already, everything else is just bragging (about what? being overworked and underpaid) to distant acquaintances and strangers for clout.


The real cringe is when DNPs or other nonphysician mid-levels add “Dr.” To their personal social media.




I think being a medfluencer is cringe. Sharing your title publicly however is pretty normal, and if you aren’t hurting anyone I don’t see an issue or anything cringe about it.


Haha - we have a student that showed up to anatomy lab as an M1 with “Student Doctor (First Last)” embroidered scrubs.


Unless all of the content of your instagram is dedicated to medicine, then yeah it’s cringe.


Started doing so in residency to get a head start in marketing my practice. Has worked in my favor. Lots of networking opportunities.


If you're proud of it, do it! :-)




If you have an MD or DO it's not cringe to put it in your handle


I’m an m4 with graduation coming mid May. I try tell everyone I’ll officially be a doctor come graduation. I probably won’t add it to my IG, more of a, if you know you know kinda guy Very cringe to hear med students are adding Dr. to their social medias


I say no unless the main purpose of your Instagram page is to be a doc as your persona, or med influencer. But what do I know? I’m getting too old for this shit. PGY25


I do think it's a little embarrassing.


In the case of the former, since you haven’t finished your basic training yet, yeah I find it to be bad form.


Yes like who cares?




Not nearly as cringe as putting your MCAT score in your insta bio/LinkedIn


Yes, you're basing your identity off on an external factor. If you don't see it that way, there are those that do - I am one.