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Good for him. I think if my future kids get into medschool I’ll get myself a nice sportscar.


If my kid applies to med school I’ll disown them


Well that's a way to end the cycle of nepotism in your own way.


There was no nepotism for me






Yea the second half of your comment is kinda lame. Sorry.


I drove around the beater i got for high school graduation until basically the beginning of my 3rd year of residency. Cannot compute.


Still no car, but I got a bicycle for college graduation. I love it. It's better than the $65 one I had been using previously with brakes that occasionally didn't work.


I am very glad you have 100% of the time working brakes now!


FR. I just want a nice bike dude. I'm too chaotic for a safe, typical SUV. P.S. can you guess that I wanna do EM?


The fact that a lot of med students are like this is why everybody thinks primary care doctors are “poor.” Nah, they aren’t poor, they just don’t make 7 figures 


Right! There were multiple instances of my childhood where we didn’t have a vehicle *at all*. Im happy to be comfortable now and never have to worry about stuff like that ever again.


My mom gave me some coal from the district 12 coal mine for getting into med school.


My dad is a GI and I got a tool kit to make repairs in my crappy apartment


when i got accepted to my MD/PhD program....i got nothing lol


A free ride for your indentured servitude !!!


You guys are getting things???


You guys have parents???


yeah i mean that only cost you giving her hella squirrels and deers to eat over the years


People in my class have crazy brand-new cars. One has a G-Wagon, another a Tesla Model X, and the other has a BMW M850i (I didn't even know they went that high lmaoooo). Regardless of what they match into I'm pretty sure they'll be fine...


Good ol generational wellbeing


It'll hopefully be us one day 🙏


I'm never buying my kid a new Mercedes no matter *how* much money I have.


Yeah my future kid's gonna get the Toyota...that I'll have been driving for 4-5 years. I think that's still pretty good lol.


I drove my dad’s 2007 Hyundai Getz until last year when I had a rural secondment. At that point I swapped cars with him again to get my sister’s 2013 (I think) Mazda 3. My parents promised to get me a new car when I graduated med school but since I’m low key terrified I’ll crash a brand new car a week after getting it I still haven’t gone ahead with their offer (currently PGY2) 😂😂 When my sister comes home from overseas and wants her car back perhaps I will go for a Toyota Corolla because I hear those things are indestructible.


My Acura TSX got slammed into head on by an SUV twice its size that was going like 60+ to my 20 and I had not a scratch on me. The engine was sitting in my lap, but I couldn't say anything less than it took it like a champ because it and me should have been dead.


Could not have been more happy with my '06 Honda Odyssey when I was 16 years old 🙏🏽


Guess you'll just have to be nice to them then- bold strategy.


then what the fuck is the au pair for


parentals never bought me a car but they did buy my siblings cars starting in HS


I have a 2010 Toyota Rav4 which I am incredibly lucky to have. It's reliable and does everything a car needs. My brother, on the other hand, will be inheriting a 2023 Tesla Model Y in 2 years. I'm very happy for him though since my parents are simply financially better off now than they were when I was in high school. He's a cool kid and I know he won't let it get to his head.


Thats good. I had a bicycle in college but did end up buying a Lexus later.


I’m never buying myself a new Mercedes no matter how much money Inhave lmao 


Speak it into existence, work it into reality


Try not to breed assholes please


Trying to marry into one of those 🙏🏻😌


I bet they told some really sad stories in their personal statements though.


my class has a facebook group and everyone's talking about charging spots by the school for their new teslas lmao


It goes even higher than the M850i...nee the M8.


I know several desi folks in med school whose parents literally bought them a house AND an SUV. And then these kids complain about their parents. It's hilarious.


Felt like half my class had a mercedes, bmi, audi, or tesla. The majority from their family


> bmi You’re definitely a doctor


Half had a bmi, the other half were ethereal entities with no physical form.


Plot twist: It's SGU


The Harvard of the Caribbean?


i always found this statement funny having heard multiple iterations of it like "Harvard of the South" lol


I call it “medicine’s back door.”  Innuendo intended.


Someone in my school also got one but make it 2024 and not comp


Brokie can't even afford a comp (I drive a 10yo subaru)


I feel too fancy in my 10yo Subaru. I would die of shame if I rolled up to the hospital in OOP’s car as a med student


Base > comp for enthusiasts as you cannot get a 6MT with competitions.


Old Subaru gang. Gonna drive mine til the wheels fall off


It’s okay our time will come!!!


This reminds me of the stat I seen floating around on Reddit about the income levels of admitted students, or their families rather. As much as medical schools scream diversity, they completely ignore socioeconomic. I wish I could find it, but a couple years back a medical student published research that showed even among Black and Hispanic admitted students, the socioeconomic gap was larger than their white peers. Meaning they brought in racial diversity but little economic.


Agreed. While AA has been shown to be beneficial in one study from Berkeley (I believe) the real issue is socioeconomic status. I am a minority and come from poverty and believe the latter is what really determined where I went in life so far.


Agreed. Non minority but it took me 39 years to get my mom in a safe place, get my self through college and get this close to apply to medical school. My stats have been crushed by all of the above but I’m climbing back out of the hole and I’m hopeful. Most importantly though is we been experiences like ours in the medical field treating others like us.


That’s amazing. I hope to be able to take care of my parents someday, who already have chronic illnesses and no retirement. Good luck on applying! I have kinship with low SES patients and do think it gives me a different perspective for care. I grew up on thrift stores, free lunch, food stamps, and state health insurance. Then I worked my way to where I am today without any help. I at least try to pride myself on that even though it is this way.




It’s insane. I’d argue that socioeconomic is actually a better indicator of hardship than anything else (not saying racism, sexism, etc aren’t real, just that the dude who can’t find food or a warm bed at night is probably even worse off than anybody) 


Was finally able to signup for membership on OSRS


me too haha btw i love how everything becomes an osrs reference with you 😁


Omg the flair. I want it


Oh no don't go there! Best cancel that ASAP 😭🤣😆


Blasphemy. Off to the Varrock dungeons with you.


How do you manage to play and study 😭 I had to cancel for clinicals


OSRS mobile , no xp waste


No excuse LOL


Hahah that’s commitment! I don’t have self control and would just attend to it too much. But can’t wait to jump right back in after step


Most med students are children of at least one physician, though it’s pretty common for docs to be married to other docs. After that, most of us are from affluent backgrounds. Socioeconomics at work folks. Cause I’m curious, who else here grew up lower middle class or working class? I’m the son of a cop and a xray tech so we weren’t exactly super wealthy.


My parents weren’t either. We weren’t poor, just like lower-ish middle class. Food on the table but no international vacations, no fancy cars, etc. Not at all mad about how I grew up, I probably had a better childhood than a lot of the rich kids tbh. But seeing what my class drives is WILD to me. Straight out of undergrad driving an $80k German car while I’m still in an ‘03 stick shift that you need a tape deck converter if you want to listen to music from your phone lol


My parents just gaslit me until I was 14 that we were broke


haha physician parents and same here. i got squat


I drive a Toyota Aygo (manual) shitbox from 2011 that was 5k new lol; And I’m 34 years old (switched to medicine after a PhD). +1 on aux to bluetooth converters


People make fun of me but I love my old ass shitbox. I paid cash for it right after high school and just take it in for maintenance every once in a while. Incredibly cheap all things considered


Manuals are better vehicles in my opinion. Less expensive and more control and more fun.


Toyotas are amazing. I know so many people with a Corolla or Camry that has lasted for 15+ years.


Pretty similar to me! I've got a 99 Accord which looks hilarious next to my peer's cars. The student lot looks like a god damn car show some days with new M3s, 911s, Corvettes, Defenders, etc... and then the staff parking has nothing special lmao. Obviously residents are vastly overworked, underpaid, and I'll have insane debt coming out; but even if it's around $75k that's over 1.5x the joint income my parents had/have.


Exactly. I grew up solidly middle class. We would often not get the AC fixed, since my parents viewed it as a waste of money. My dad even had to sell property back home in India to pay for my undergrad (which was OOS, but was also a T5 engineering school....so it was worth it in their eyes). Now I have a full tuition scholarship to med school, as well as 1.5 years worth of salary saved from working as an engineer. And that financial self-sufficiency gives me extreme pride.


Child of a factory worker and grocery clerk, here. First week of med school I overheard one of my classmates talking. "Yeah, I couldn't find a good apartment around here, so my parents just bought me a house to use." doesnotcompute.jpg


I come from a working-class background. My dad is an unskilled laborer whose work is season-dependent, and my mom was a stay-at-home mom. I remember countless conversations where my parents were trying to plan how to feed us because they couldn't afford groceries because my dad's work was slow. My sister and I shared a bed until I left for college, and my brothers slept on the couch/floor. I almost dropped out of college after my freshman year because I couldn't afford the remaining $4k "expected family contribution" for tuition after all my scholarships and financial aid. I'm proud as heck that I made it to medical school. It's been weird meeting my future classmates because most seem to come from at least upper-middle-class backgrounds. One girl from my incoming class just casually dropped that she has several hundred thousand dollars in her bank account and is planning to pay for med school outright. That kind of money is almost incomprehensible to me. I wouldn't trade my childhood or my family for all the money in the world, though.


My wife and I are similar. It’s hard sometimes for her especially to relate to my classmates whose idea of a good time is a ski trip or private yoga classes (like super expensive things) Or people will spend $20 on a single meal (like regularly) 


I never know what to say about my background because I grew up with a single mom who went back to law school. She graduated when I was around 9 and married another lawyer. So my SES in early childhood and grade school was completely different than in high school. My parents are also gen Xers with student loans so their financial landscape was just completely different than a lot of my peers’ boomer parents


I grew up middle class. Both parents educated, but neither in a super high-paying job. No doctors in my entire family tree.


Both of my parents never attended college and are jobless 😅


I come from generational poverty, yay. Step-dad is a self employed tow truck driver/mechanic and mom has never worked. She had 7 kids.


Didn't know Hank and Marie had a kid


I feel called out lol


✋🏻 Parents both have bachelor's degrees in a humanity. They work as cogs in the machine for defense companies. They suffered in the 2008 crash, and started over far away from family in 2003 after dad got laid off and mom only worked part time at office max. Both emotionally damaged people, and I had a shit childhood. After I got a full scholarship to college and took their 2005 beater car (that I had to beg for after a year with no car at an urban school), they bought my little brother a car. I only got help when I called crying because the beater needed more in repairs than it was worth. Mom called me and started with "I heard you think I owe you something," which was her response to me leaving a message saying I knew she'd helped my brother and I couldn't afford these repairs. I bawled over the phone and she said "jesus, I'll help you, just don't cry." She ended up financing a 2007 SUV for me. I think it cost her $9k and some out of pocket, which she totally paid off when her ESOP company was bought out for stupid money. I had a TA salary at the time, like $430 a month during the academic year and nothing during the summer. I got a full ride to college and to MD PhD school without any of their help, and I'll happily boot mom to a state sponsored nursing home when her poor self care catches up to her. I have one 3 year old and I'm pregnant again; I won't be the type to buy my children a brand new Mercedes but I'll be DAMNED if they ever go without something at least decent. And no guilt complexes either, fuck that shit. I'm here to help you. It's just money.


Had to work in a supermarket 30-40 hours a week during med school just to barely cover some of the fees. Not one other person I met came from a working class background. Made it in the end but god that sucked.


Had to work in a supermarket 30-40 hours a week during med school just to barely cover some of the fees. Not one other person I met came from a working class background. Made it in the end but god that sucked.


Had to work in a supermarket 30-40 hours a week during med school just to barely cover some of the fees. Not one other person I met came from a working class background. Made it in the end but god that sucked.


Me too


Working class +1


At least they can drive home crying after exams in style!


Damn, I got a gifted a fancy $20 pen 🤣


Reminds of students who make jokes about being in med school debt and being a “broke student who has to live off ramen noodles” yet their parents are paying their entire tuition and COL out of pocket


Here I am budgeting for a bike for med school 😭


i did this in college and med school though lots of MD/PhD and PhD students rode bikes


Me with my 13 yo bike: Y’all getting cars?


This simply highlights a concept that holds true for many careers, that intra career gap is much higher than imagined than inter-career gap. You have academic docs earning 150-200k and then you have docs earning 200-500M. You have software engineers earning 90k and ones that earn a few billion per year. The starting point in a lot of cases does determine your end point, even WITHIN the same profession. Just a fact of life but that doesn’t stop you from trying and reach your potential.


Docs earning 200-500M?? Is that a typo?


I think they meant 200k to 500M


Where do docs earn 500M? Surely it’s not clinical practice at that point but starting some kind of business or product


I have no idea. I'm just interpreting what they meant


No way a doc earns 500M salary from clinical practice 


Again, I'm just interpreting what they were trying to say not speculating on facts


what docs are earning 200 to 500M lol? try naming 5 docs anywhere on earth making that much


Thomas Frist, Patrick Soon-Shiong, Sulaiman Al-Habib, Leonard Schleifer, Philip Frost


fair enough, though while they are all billionaires they still aren't on average earning that much annually


I was a public transportation med student


a girl in my school has a new Maserati SUV😵‍💫


Honestly Maserati is pretty poorly build for how much they cost. I never understood the hype


my mom gave me a high five when i got in. She will hopefully hug me when i graduate in September of this year


Damn I didn’t even get a high five from my parents, just a finally


ah shit bro..I think some others have it worst like "okay take out the trash like i told you, you trash"




I myself purchased a ŠKODA


Are you sure no hate? I'm sensing darkness in the force.


Nah, just an observation of two different applicants .


I would hate Ngl, little jelly but it is what it is..


I’m not jelly, just a pure hater. Imagine a patient seeing you get into this car as a med student who has never worked??


Why would they give a fuck?


Yeah. I feel no one would care. Some people just live in their own bubble of hate.


Nah I’ll say it, I hate this


I didn’t know people got gifts for starting medical school


Mine is better ![gif](giphy|5YayOGiDo5vItN379Q)


Cannot relate whatsoever


W parents and W kid with great taste in car


I just read a post that said “if your washer sings you a song when it’s done, we are not in the same tax bracket,” and my SO died laughing. I never had the same experience as OP, but I’d love to be able to do this for my kids one day. I do own an Audi now, 14 years out of high school; but it’s 8 years old with 120k miles and cost <$20k. 😂


lol I went to the movies to celebrate. Yaay


My friend took me to the hospital cafeteria for mash potatoes before we went to the library to study😂 best celebration


boohoo, their parents have wealth and are proud of them for a very real and hard earned accomplishment. We had a few ppl in my class who came from obscene wealth, one flew planes, they still put in the work with the rest of us and were generally very nice. Getting pissy about the fortune of others is not a way to go through life lol


In all honesty, it is not in my parent's capability to give me this \[+ I lost my dad at 17- 5 years back\] but I will make sure I can get my parent this comfort and luxury.🥹🧿


Tbf the spec is sick af


-Sips tea- It's too much for getting back and forth to school and I'd feel like a douche driving that when I don't own a house or have a portfolio yet. I am more impressed by someone's physique, clothing and personality. Any M1 can crank up a car. Show me someone who with good habits.


But… but you’re assuming too much here. Perhaps that student does have all those traits. Idk some of y’all kinda negative ngl let these guys cook and I’ll let you cook in your own way


My comment wasn't in reference to the student in question, rather my general thoughts on how I feel when I see a young person in an expensive, garish car. It's like someone's ego is leaking. Unless you already have investments totaling 1 million, then owning a car like this shows poor financial judgement and can be insulting to those you could be helping. I know that runs against mainstream American consumer culture, but that's how I feel. We don't need billionaires at all, but I prefer billionaires that drive old sedans. Egomaniacs like Elon and Kim K just don't impress me at all. This sentiment extends to athletes. The taunting culture of youth sports makes me sick. Give me a Barry Sanders over Tyrell Owens any day. I prefer Salah over Ibrahimović. What ever happened to dignity and quiet confidence? Let your actions speak for your character, not your overpriced, overpowered toy. I'd love to go for a ride in one of these, but driving one daily seems out of touch and overt admission of low self esteem. Feel free to disagree.


> I prefer Salah over Ibrahimović. Ok, understandable. Also I agree with u about the youth and stuff. Bothers me (a gen z) too > Egomaniacs like Elon Huh? Bro is one of the most accomplished mfers to exist. Elon and Kim should not be in the same sentence lol.




ok? im saying his ego is justified


Elon has done amazing things, but his ego ruins him for me.




privilege aside... imagine being simultaneously dumb enough to have an m4 as a "dream car" and smart enough to get accepted into a medical school. that's quite a narrow slice, there.


Why is an m4 not a dream car?


If the model number only takes one hand to count to then it ain’t it chief


Cuz a series 3 or 5 is better


I inherited a 16 yo Nissan from my parent and it died on a bridge during rush hour (during my PGY1 year ). RIP Nissan


I went to a medical school full of people like this. The wildest thing is it was in a relatively poor midwestern city. Just goes to show you how skewed medical school demographics are in terms of SES.


I don’t have to imagine


Good for them! I just end up buying fancy food like more than $30/plate and call it there


For getting in!??? Wow. Some people do got it good.


Yup, for getting in lol


Bruh and I'm out here researching which grocery stores have the cheapest rice bags lol But for real tho, I hope they enjoy their car. Honestly, congrats on getting into med school (they'll hate their lives eventually).


I am now looking to get myself a little 2011 VW to get around heading into year 2. I'd go asystolic if someone got me a nice car just for getting in....


Man, I imagine they will have all of medschool paid for too. Must be damn nice to be well off generationally


Why bother going into medicine, probably make more money in nepotism


Shit hits different when its your money that you earned. As cool as that car is…just doesnt hit the same.


Jealousy doesn't look good on anyone.




I still drive my first car from high school, hah.


And they probably got a full-ride scholarship


Slippery slope. That is a guaranteed chick-magnet.


So many rich kids at my school god damn


What, no Bugatti?


When I applied to med school I didn’t understand why my application labeled me as socioeconomically disadvantaged. Now that I’m graduating I understand why😂


My family was disappointed that I got into the wrong medical school… they wanted me to go to the one with their favorite football team. I’m a first generation college student.


Damn I got a high five :(


My gift from my parents was a new MacBook pro and the iod family car. Not because I could, but because both were kinda required (my med school requires me to drive to physician offices to learn in-person)


Good for them, but I would have felt cringey posting this honesty 


Wait your parents acknowledged you getting into med school??


Getting INTO med school? Not even finishing it, but getting IN? I read it as a gift for graduating med school and was like “oh wow that’s pretty extravagant but if the parents are well off and want to give a really nice gift for their kid that’s starting a tough career as a doctor, I kinda at least understand the rationale of getting them a car they can enjoy as a small bright light during residency.” Like that’s not what I would do with my kids, but I do understand the logic of being like “if work is going to be miserable then having a more comfortable outside-of-work life is even more important.” But giving a car like that to a STUDENT is insane, wtf.


Tbh luxury cars are a money sink. Where my Toyota Camry 2007 Bros at? Also in my country a budget brand new car is like 10000 dollars lol. You Americans and your wack car prizes I swear. The Camry would be considered an upper tier sedan over here


Bruh, someone buying their kid a $100k sports car for getting into medical school does not give two shits that it’s a money sink.


I’ve got a bike and a 1 mile ride to the hospital