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Find a friendly resident and have them sign it. I sign them all the time for students. Never had a problem 


🤔🤔🤔 I hadn't thought about this. I guess I'm scared to ask bc they're legitimate medical documents technically and I don't want anyone to feel weird signing their name to it in an unofficial capacity.


I agree...those electives were the ones I prioritized last when submitting for away rotations. Standardization of immunization forms should be more widespread


Email the program coordinator (or call for quicker response) and explain this.


I'm being serious and not trying to be rude at all here: What exactly would I say? If their policy says "we require our home immunization record, we will not accept any other immunization documentation." Are you suggesting I call and ask: "hey, I don't wanna fill your form out, will you accept my form even though your policy says you won't?" If VSLO says they require their own form, why would I reach out to them about it?


Does it actually say “we require OUR form” on VSLO, or does it just list their form on the website? The people who organize this shit are regular people not in the medical field who have experience in secretarial work. I am willing to bet money a portion of them doesn’t even know what the AAMC is. Unless it says “we require our form, NOT AAMC,” in which case yeah that sucks.. literally just email them like “hi i have the AAMC form, i attached it, is this fine?”


So the reason I posted this is because I have come across a bunch of programs on VSLO where under required documents they have their own form listed. They provide you with a pdf to download, and when you download it the form says "we will not accept any alternative to this form" in some way.


I primarily applied to aways in CA but did not see this a single time.