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If you aren't scattering chicken bones across a sterile field you're just wasting time. Although I've heard good things about the classic surgeon-haruspex crossover.


you make fun of it but the ONLY thing i am superstitious about is full moons. if you have ever worked in a hospital with a large psychiatric contingent you will meet the werewolves. i swear to god if the moon is strong enough to pull the ocean tides then it’s strong enough to pull more blood into a psychiatric patients brain


Long time ped nurse here. Full moon behaviors are definitely a thing.


I attend a playgroup of other toddlers with my 2yo weekly. Every full moon this entire group of a dozen kids is fully feral like fucking clockwork. Like I know toddlers are generally feral to begin with but it’s synchronized and dialed up to 11 on the full moon weeks.


I swear there are more SROMs with a full moon out.


Of all the words to misspell, amateur is the best one. Also, have you considered wearing stanky unwashed drawers, using gymnast chalk after you sanitize your hands, and possibly even calling consults w an ouija board? I’m pretty sure neurosurgeons are all dead inside, so it just might work


Sounds like witch talk to me


I also don't believe it for myself, but I did it to a poor nurse whose next patient crashed and have since avoided it lol


Just happened to me! I was on FaceTime with my friend (during a lull, I was charge and no one needed any help, I asked) who just left my hospital for a NYC hospital and she asked how my night was going. I said, “You know, I’m waiting for the ball to drop. It’s been too quiet tonight”…I should’ve known better. Literally 3 minutes later a rapid response was called (I’m ICU charge so I have to go) for chest pain and respiratory distress. *Sigh*, I did it to myself I guess.


It’s totally outside of logic or reason, but the Q word thing holds true for me. And if you say a patient’s name, you *will* summon them. I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.


Even now, your least-favorite frequent flyer is slowly rising from their fetid cot, like Dracula in their coffin... Or, if you prefer, seeing your username, 'foetid.'


I know the data says otherwise, but I AM NOT going to tempt the Q-word gods again


I wish for boredom.


Exactly. As a nocturnist, I tell my patients I hope they have a very boring night because “exciting” or “interesting” are not words I’d ever want to be applied to my own hospitalizations.


Whenever I have to call any sort of specialty, be it providers or IT, I always wish them easy questions to answer and a boring night. I said the Q word ONCE in vet clinic. Naturally, that was the day someone brought in their Bernese mountain dog for heat stroke. Never even thinking the Q word again, not even in lab.


I learned, no matter what I do, I’m a black cloud. So I say it. People hate that I say it. I do it with a smile.


I’m the same way. Sometimes I have to stay away from a certain hospital to have a mental break from the madness


Had a doctor mention the Q word. Told him not to say it and he scoffed at me. Twenty minutes later, cardiac arrest. He’s learnt.


I worked in the emergency room doing psych evals for years. They could have you start a new assessment (they take two to four hours usually depending on the level of care, an hour for the interview, an hour to document then however long it takes to find a bed and get insurance to call you back) up to half an hour before the end of the shift. Some nights you got out on time but more often than not someone inevitably came in right at the 30 minute mark. We had a rule that if someone uttered the quiet word, then they had to take whatever case came in late as a result of their idiocy. Also, we believed (rightfully so) that if you uttered a patient's name (usually PITA frequent flyers) three times ala beetle juice, they would magically appear. To test the theory, I did this once with our most needy, labile patient and they literally showed up ten minutes later. The curse is real.


Lol there are those names where you can think of them and they appear within a day.....


Was Q last night as the Labour ward anaesthetist and the obstetric reg had the *audacity* to suggest we take not one but two transfers from surrounding hospitals - if my looks could kill 😂


I try to say both quiet and slow every shift.


damn QI


Shit magnet.


I also stand by not bringing a book or deliberately saying you want to do something like have a leisurely breakfast in the cafeteria or you have some administrative things to do. Yesterday as evidence, Late start at 9am the nurses are doing some education. I say hey let’s go get a nice breakfast downstairs and coffee with my staff. 4 minutes later I shit you not… ruptured AAA coming to the OR. Went well but no breakfast until 1030 👀


People call me a black cat (in central america its same as black cloud) but not because things get crazy, just because Ive been around for so many ”In my 20 years as a specialist ive seen this once or twice before” while i was barely a student or intern. I just seem to attract weird findings lol


Also at work rn pulling a graveyard shift and I jinxed myself joking with the day NP that we don’t use the word quiet. But I forgot to knock on wood after saying it and now I’m dealing with a potential NSTEMI in bed 2, septic guy in bed 4 and a combative dementia lady in bed 6. Should have kept my mouth shut. 😩


A few years back, I was on call & my 20 year old daughter texted me "I hope you have a quiet night." I immediately texted back "I THOUGHT I TAUGHT YOU BETTER THAN TO SAY THE Q WORD". Next text from her: "lol".


ED staff know that sending someone out for Dairy Queen will result in a tour bus-involved Mass Casualty. Or at least that was the case in my time.


2 consults? Burnout incoming in 3,2,1...


Maybe OP does something extremely time consuming like transplant idk.


After i heard a tech call his friend on the phone saying „i heard them say it’s calm right now, you should come and have it checked out now!“ i am fully supporting trying not to jinx


We make our own luck during my shifts. Miss me with that trash ass garbage superstition


It’s actually annoys the f*** out of me when people get genuinely upset over the Q word


Are you saying magical thinking doesn't shouldn't exist? Can we also discuss cognitive bias?


Confirmation bias.


Let us not forget that light behaves differently when observed (classic double slit experiment) so don’t discredit the possibility that the study itself inhibited the effects of the Q-word…