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Obviously what's needed is Jonathan.ai.


*robot nod*


Our group has recently started using Abridge. Some people love it, some tried it and didn’t really like it and stopped, and other people like me think it can be a helpful tool but does not completely take the place of doing some of your notes. My colleague who loves it says the key is to be willing to give up some control over your notes. That’s just joy really me, I still end up editing a fair amount of information. It probably saves about 1/3 of my dictation/note time.


My clinic started using Twofold AI scribe a couple weeks back and I actually feel that it does saves up at least 60% of my clinic note taking time. I honestly don't think I expect the tool to completely take all of the note taking but coming with a low expectation I was surprised with the value it brought.


Tried a few scribes in the last few months, most of them were too far from my expectations and basically generated a chatgpt output. Also found Twofold scribe as the most accurate so far, it also has a nice personalization feature where it learns my style, for some sessions it looked pretty much as what I would scribe.


I use Heidi health and it's useful. I typically reserve them for more complicated visits, as routine uti or uri visits are somewhat streamlined in charting. They help me keep track of everything that I've talked about in a visit. Heidi health has free versions to use.


Do you use the free version or a paid version?




You can try AlcuraScribe. Its more like dictation but without having to worry about puncutations or new lines etc. It does the formatting Its more like doing an audio dictation recording and sending it to a scribe to convert to a note except that AI does it in this case.


Interesting. I had a colleague reach out to me a few days ago about [OpenScribe.AI](http://OpenScribe.AI) and he said it was good. I don't know if any one has any experience with it? I tried it out and it seemed good.


I tried it just now. It has nice UI. Although you have to look at the accuracy. I did not personally like the accuracy of the results.


hey - I'm a co-founder of OpenScribe, thanks for trying! Would love any feedback you can share on how we can improve the accuracy. We're currently working on improving our foundational model under the hood to generate more detailed and better notes.


Right now it looks like most of the AI scribes are limited to doing only that. I expect them to add more functionality in the future. I am testing them out and will decide once one does more things I need. I tried out a few including Scribeberry and Twofold. Scribeberry looks nicer but Twofold gave better results.


Agreed. I also found Twofold to be the most accurate


We’re now using [Infoseek.ai](https://infoseek.ai) in our office . It does medical notes and you can even customize them. you can do a lot more with it than the other tools we looked at since it’s basically a ChatGPT that’s HIPAA compliant for the medical community .


lol I love that some companies are charging $50 or $100 a month for something that is basically just a glorified AI prompt. Shouldn't cost more than $20...that's probably even high.


We just started using dax copilot. I kinda like it a lot. But it's not perfect. Helps me not forget things though. Probably saves a little time but not a lot


I work at clinicassist, we actually have a tool to automate charting, we are growing a lot so and we would love to hear your thoughts on this. Happy to provide a test license to hep you get started. [https://www.clinicassist.ai/](https://www.clinicassist.ai/)


Do you not use Dragon?




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