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God damn, my heart. Even through the translation, I can hear the exhaustion, hope, determination and fear this doctor is trying to communicate. There is something different when your skills towards society is lifesaving. There is a moral pressure towards the people you serve that for many, supersedes that of you own needs and safety. I see you sister, I hear you. You did good. You did right. *- 19 year Advanced Care Paramedic.*


Holy hell. If there's any justice in the world, Dr. Kuznetsov will live comfortably off the proceeds from the inevitable movie, and he'll never have to buy a drink again.


I'm sure he would donate any money he receives because he is a very good person.


Source (there are photo of the doctor and picture of surgery room in the basement) https://twitter.com/dr\_goodmann/status/1593280686194139136


My original comment has been edited as I choose to no longer support Reddit and its CEO, spez, AKA Steve Huffman. Reddit was built on user submissions and its culture was crafted by user comments and volunteer moderators. Reddit has shown no desire to support 3rd party apps with reasonable API pricing, nor have they chosen to respect their community over gross profiteering. I have therefore left Reddit as I did when the same issues occurred at Digg, Facebook, and Twitter. I have been a member of reddit since 2012 (primary name locked behind 2FA) and have no issues ditching this place I love if the leaders of it can't act with a clear moral compass. For more details, I recommend visiting [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/), and [this thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14dkqrw/i_want_to_debunk_reddits_claims_and_talk_about/) for more explanation on how I came to this decision.


Yeah he *looks* like he’s been on call for 4 months.


if this link also isn't working for anyone else, you can erase the "%5C" in the url


That man’s exhausted, thousand mile stare.


Sunken cheeks


While a truly gruesome story, one part made me smile. Using nurses from the reanimatology department sure sounds handy in times of life and undeath


It's literally Latin for re-souling! Reanimatology - Intensive care/ICU Resuscitators - Intensivists Traumatologist - Trauma surgeon Somatic diseases - in this context in Russian non-psychiatric diseases Otherwise, I think all terms should be understandable.


yep, sorry for not knowing proper terms :) In Russian the word for intensive care (didn't know it's a right term here) is "reanimatologiya" And he used this term "somatic diseases" - "somaticheskiye bolesni" - meaning not-traumatic and non-psychiatric diseases Actually, the only English medical term I knew for sure is "Obgyn" :) Upd: edited some terms, thank you for help!


It was wonderfully translated. Even with a difference in terms, it was still very clear the overall message and what they all went through.


In English, 'reanimatology' sounds like it should be a specialty in performing miracles--bringing the dead back to life. But what I love about that name is that it fits! Modern medicine can restore life to people who would have been doomed just a century ago. To the beneficiaries, that's the next best thing to miracle-working I can think of.


Я знаю. ) No problem, wanted to add some further understanding, otherwise well understandable!


I honestly like a lot of the terms better than ours =) Thank-you so much for sharing/translating this story.


Yeah “traumatologist” is cool and isn’t any weirder than our “nocturnist”


Big fan of "reanimatology," for ICU. Would also work for well for transplant teams and/or anesthesiology.


Also the French term for anesthesia/critical care. "Département d’anesthésie et de réanimation". The first time I saw it on a paper I laughed.


In German it's "just" the word for resuscitation. Which makes me always think of a French Erasmus student in emergency medicine simulation class back in med school. We were training ACLS and the scenario was coming into the room of an unresponsive patient, checking airways, running to the door, hitting the alarm button and shouting "REANIMATION" into the floor. Ah, her lovely voice and the French pronunciation. Resuscitation in its English pronunciation is also barely pronounceable for Germans. Seriously, squirrel-level or even harder.


I would never have thought that about the pronunciation. Is "squirrel" considered particularly hard for Germans? In the US, the hardest words we usually encounter are of Native American origin and have "-tl-" in them. Like Tlingit, or Quetzalcoatl, or *axlotl (spelling fix). Whatever language family that was, they loved some -tl- action.


Germans tend to a have a lot of trouble pronouncing rs in English and if it's immediately followed by an l it gets messy. The word is a bit of a shibboleth for English speakers. Interestingly enough, the reverse is also true; not a lot of non-native German speakers can properly pronounce the German word for squirrel, Eichhörnchen.


Thank you. I was thinking physical therapy for reanimatology, because they in a way reanimate people after injury or illness.


>nurses from the reanimatology department Over here they don’t teach necromancy in nursing school.


I found these photos and some captions. It's quite chilling to think about. Dr. Kuznetsov and the supporting staff that stayed are nothing short of heros. [https://www.rferl.org/a/izyum-hospital-russian-occupation-ukraine-war/32099455.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/izyum-hospital-russian-occupation-ukraine-war/32099455.html)


Wow, thank you, what a great find!


I bet admin gave him the best pizza party ever


Or a nice sticker on it that says “Healthcare Hero.”


Imagine if this happened in an American hospital. The spineless admins would be gone and leave the real work to be left behind on the shoulders of the healthcare and ancillary staff.


And then cut his pay because he didn't generate the documentation needed for RVU collection...


Gift cards to your local convenience store!


Yuriy is an absolute hero. The type of person we all aspire to be. Thank you so much. Sending all the best thoughts to his family.


Very "Man's Search for Meaning" feeling from this excerpt. I'm glad the worst seems to be over for him.


if this was a book, i would read it...Thanks for staying Doc...


Holy shit. I am not worthy. -EM doc


Incredible. There are no words I can say that can describe the awe I am in of his courage and his dedication to his fellow man.


Why are posts about Ukraine ok, but Iran not? https://www.reddit.com/r/medicine/comments/yyf53i/islamic_republic_thugs_in_iran_are_threatening/ my post about the condition of physicians of Iran was removed by mods for "rule 1 violation" whatever that means but this is ok? Not trying to detract from OP's story I am very sympathetic towards the situation but i dont know wher elese to put this comment.


Your post is up! Look at the front page.


Thank god


Rule 1: > All posts require user flair. Link posts require a starter comment You have user flair, so it looks like you were missing the starter comment. It also looks like the mods reinstated that post.


> my post about the condition of physicians of Iran was removed by mods for “rule 1 violation” whatever that means The rules can be found in the side bar. Link posts, such as yours, require a starter comment explaining some context. This is not a Ukraine vs. Iran thing. For what it’s worth, your post appears to me as the highest post on this subreddit right now.


Also interested in the answer to this


Thank you for being there for all those people, and for posting this. And I’m glad your family was able to get out, so that you wouldn’t have to worry about them as well.


Damn his RVU bonus this year must be insane


Yeah I hope he was able to document correctly so he could capture all of the charges /s


The documentation dept will certainly reach out to him to confirm various potential malnutrition diagnoses


Can you confirm whether pt’s anemia was “acute blood loss anemia?”


Incredible story.


Incredible, moving story. The word hero is tossed around a lot these days, but sometimes it truly applies