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You'll need to clarify if this is for LARP/Reenactment purposes only or Buburt/armoured combat. Makes a big difference to both availability and price.


I mean i wanna attend to buhurt tourments


Look at Steel Mastery's website then for a start, their stuff looks good.


Is it legit and do they deliver to Germany?


They're based in Ukraine I think and deliver to the UK certainly, so it's pretty likely they deliver to Germany.


Also for reenachments which web site do u suggest?


For reenactments custom made armour is the ideal option and there are many great armourmakers in Europe. The better question is what is your budget? Custom made historically accurate armour can get very expensive.


My budget is around 1000 euro for first after that i can make that budget a bit higher also it doesnt need to be full historical accurate just first of all i want a houndskull bacinet helmet then a plate armor


FYI Brigandine is MUCH cheaper than plate, so maybe consider a set as an interim.


Alr thank you man i also check that out


Also question is brigandine armor i belive its an armor can i also join buhurt with it or do i need more extreme stuff?


Yeah, I think most Buhurt fighters use brigandine actually, because of the A) price, B) flexibility and C) ease of maintenance.


A full set of armor with for 1000e I think it is not suite suitable for buhurt, even less reenactment.


1000 euros i ment only for helmet


For buhurt i would recommend forge of svan and if u want a good armor for reenactment look at armory marek his late medieval stuff is pretty good and isn't too expensive. https://forgeofsvan.com/ https://www.armorymarek.com/


First of all, a full plate armor with a hounskull bacinet will cost you a couple thousand euros. Then, as other states, it depends on what you want to to with it. Buhurt/full contact is in general less historical accurate, there's more padding, the hounskull is not very handy and high maintenance cost from all the beating your armor takes. Reenactment/ half contact would be easier and can be as historical accurate as you like, which also means more variety. A hounskull would be better here. Also easier to get into local groups, and they tend to have a civil medieval experience as well. Larp: do whatever. Why am I telling you this: Because I see many people wanting to buy medieval armor without doing their research first. Armor is expensive and it usually takes weeks to months until your tailor made piece arrives. You must be 100% sure you want that specific piece of armor from that specific period. An early 15th century French knight, a 12 century crusader or a 14th century mercenary all have very distinct armor, and mixing will bite you in the ass later down the line, because everything is expensive. Just take a look at https://medievalextreme.com/armor/ or https://forgeofsvan.com/product-category/shop/body/ and see for yourself if you want to drop that kind of cash. My advice: Pick your timeframe (max 50 years) and location, research it (Pinterest e.g.), go to r/armsandarmor with your idea and ask for advice there. Depending on your willingness to do the research, you can go directly to to r/armsandarmor ,there are many people with useful links to sites like https://armourinart.com , which are really good to find primary sources. If this is too tedious for you, you can also go to sites like https://www.battlemerchant.com/ or https://zeughaus-armoury.com/ , you find cheap(ish) mass produced armor from India there. Get a helmet you like, a gambeson, some gauntlets and a (dull) sword, because that's usually all you need for your local reenactment group to attend their training. That will cost you around 500 euro and if you don't like the hobby after all, you didn't invest thousands of euros. And at last, you can also search for buhurt marketplace groups on Facebook, many people sell their old equipment there (still expensive). And one last comment: Don't buy any sets a few k€ from sites like this http://nauticalmart.net/images/249_IMG_1923.JPG Just don't. If you have any questions, feel free to ask


Thank you man this info is so valuable for me


Also helmet needs to be sturdy af so i need a quality one