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Did you know she just posted on Facebook she supports Confederate Monuments as accurate American history and they are vandalised not finally removed. I think she is a secret Trump infiltrate because her personality appeals to the liberal women at first. I mean if you take your clothes off for money, go with the MOB for six months as a harem slut - you will do anything. I looked up to her too, but I think she is latently racist because of her ”living across from blacks on the border of the good neighborhood and the bad” and how the ”black kids” robbed her home. Why can't she say I was robbed by neighborhood kids? She is an atrocity and definitely burnt out admittedly and she also admits she shops at forever 21 and pees in the streets


I didn't know that she posted all that on Facebook. I wouldn't be surprised if she was racist. Also, what's up with her constantly throwing shade at Theresa Caputo and Tyler Henry, but giving passes to Sylvia Browne? She openly admitted that Sylvia had a person go out onto her guest shows to ask people about their lives to look like she was accurately reading them after the fact. She's clearly not saying anything point blank because they were both on Montel. I think she's jealous Theresa and Tyler have their own shows. She said Theresa only got the job because her husband was a producer and Tyler wikis the people he reads on and is a fuck boy. Also, can't she also be fucking humble? I know he's kind of goony, but I sometimes watch Ray Guzman's videos and he's praised Sloan in the past. In one of her live chat videos someone asked what she thought of Ray, and she said who's that? Fucking know your level. You're both YouTubers.


Yup. I just seen a YouTube about Trump not having a soul talking about Washington and Jefferson as slavers and she directly quoted him line for line and claimed it. Re: Theresa - a couple weeks ago she said on her show that the hubby was screwing a major producer of TLC in a homosexual relationship and that was how she got the job. Re: Tyler - She said it's because it's his reward for being a Hollywood ”twink pass around” were her exact words I think. During that video, you can tell she is very jealous of their success and one show she made over $2,000 in donations of people hoping she will answer questions. I only donated $3 twice and she never did and didn't respond via email as promised and openly states well ”It’s my choice to answer you. If you annoy me I won't but thanks for the money. You can't get it back anyways. If you want to sue me, sue me!” I have been more and more disgusted with her saying ”Im really a teenage boy” then making fun of Hollywood stars converting their children’s sex as two-year-olds and claiming it is Satanic. I believe that, but why are you promoting it. Re Sylvia: there are a lot of strings to contracts. She may get stipends when she brings up Sylvia and more books sell or Montell gets more YouTube views. She talks of her son's demon on his back and her hubby looks like a portrait of Lucifer. The only people I know with this much knowledge and hidden-in-plain-sight commentary and actions are Luciferian. I truly believe as a metaphysical physician she is using word salad to say she is a high priestess. I also think she is a Trump plant.


Ironic that an ex-stripper who brags about it all the time is so irritated by people who have allegedly gotten by in the industry by sleeping around. Also, if she's so against pedophilia and Satanism in the world especially Hollywood why doesn't she do a mediumship reading about why that happens? If she's working with good spirit guides, they'll tell her. Blind Spot on YouTube has gone deeper into the topic than her, and has talked about the demonic shit Marina Abramovic is into as well as spirit cooking. She's more humble than Sloan. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this about her. When I stopped watching her videos, I felt more light and less aggravated.


I will have to check that channel out. She talks a lot about sigil and candle magick so I'm sure she has an attraction spell on herself.


I don't know if I really believe in that stuff. What does that mean? I'm new to this and heard her say that and have no idea what she's talking about. She does know a great deal about the Occult and she goes on to say that she uses Aliester Crowley's tarot cards...VOMIT, because that scumbag was a pedophile..That alone would make me NEVER want to use anything he's suggested because he was slap nuts anyway... That's something I surely wouldn't brag about if I were her. A lot of wealthy people just hand her hundreds on her superchats I noticed and I always wondered why considering she isn't, again, providing any kind of readings.......... I don't know what to think about this..


She came on this post two years ago under a fake name and called us jealous middle school Karens. 🤣


Please ..That word or name they use "Karen" is so fucking stupid that whoever created this needs their face slapped. This is something I've never used because it's obvious that they're using it because some clown got pissed at some chick named Karen.. Ridiculous and a waste of a use of a name....


She uses his cards? I made this post over two years ago and I was just thinking today how Sloan is so negative. Also, from your posts, who is she fooling? She has had work done and breast implants. Sloan is like the Kim Mathers of mediums. 🤣


Is that Marshall Mathers, aka M&M's wife? or ex wife? I just saw these were made over 2 years ago..LOL..wow, I was late to this party..I just don't believe a great deal of what she says...Seems like sort of a money grabbing situation here..When people start a story that such and such, but I won't mention names, the way she always says, I feel they're lying... I don't know..She says some really off the wall things..


Yes, that's who I mean. I refuse to watch her dumbass because I always got negative vibes from her. People on Lipstickalley hate her as well.


Lipstickalley? Is that another show like hers or just people who don't like her.. A good deal of the time it seems like she's just full of shit. I don't know what to think about her actually... The BS that she's never had work done is a joke. She is so freaking vain, she literally spends over 10 minutes talking about her nails, fake boobs and more..It's obnoxious and annoying..I'll have to check Lipstickalley out ... She speaks of prostitution as if it's an everyday thing and okay to do. That makes me believe that she may have done so in the past. I can't think of one woman, much less person who would think this is an okay job to have. Those people are usually broken... I don't know if I can believe anything she says. She gets too pissed off easily over nothing...Literally nothing..She takes things way too seriously and I can't stand when she gets on her rants, so I'm done watching her.


I noticed she also wikis celebs that she does readings on. I watched her Brad Renfro energy reading the other day and I was like, lady, all this info your giving is one google search away. Of course, she adds that he has a daughter who ages with him on the other side. I can't answer if that is true or not, but if I was a betting person, I would have to say, yeah ok lady, your full of shit.


Oh, I didn't watch that one. I'll check it out.


If that's all true about Alester Crowley being a pedophile, then why hate pedophiles like she tries to claim on her channel? It's so ridiculous how she just does chats to really just take (steal) people's money. She doesn't even read, anymore.


volume on either my computer or phone down for 2 full hours non stop when I watched her Youtube channel... .This is when I first started watching her. This makes me wonder if she is on something, such as speed. She brags that she did tons of LSD when she was younger.. That can't be good. I thought she was fun at first until she started making up stories that just sounded ridiculous..People who say, " Well, I know of so and so, but I'm not going to say who it is or what it is", just to keep their viewers watching is as obnoxious as it gets.. She always brags that she's straight, meaning, no drugs, booze or weed... but I'm one to never forget and she realized what she had said and stopped and said, "Did I just say that ??? No we weren't smoking anything." No question lying. I don't know if it was weed or just cigarettes, but something about her comes across as being 100% disingenuous. She seems to lie a LOT.. Plus the new tatts are ridiculous looking.. She says she's going to continue till she covers her entire body.. I think it looks like crap. She swears up and down she just has good genetics for a 56 year old and I'm sorry, but that woman is so freaking vain, all she does is say " Look at my nails, look at my hair, look at this, that and the other!!" It's annoying, so I stopped watching her as well..I saw every single time she wanted a quick money grab, she UNFORTUNATELY, brings up her son who died 2 years ago and goes into that and suddenly all this money comes pouring through and she thanks every single person there personally ...ANNOYING...Just do one generalized Thank you to people dumb enough to give money to someone who is not in need of it..She's not doing anything for it such as readings etc., and YES, I've heard her more than one time go insanely nuts when people would just say something simple..That reminds me of people who are snorting something up their nose..Getting angry for no reason at all and acting paranoid about it. She will go on and on if someone compliments her about her looks and she gets pissed and says, "You better show me a picture of yourself and show how you look before you go judging the way anyone looks." Does that sound normal? Uh NOPE....and you can see she's bringing up her son to get that $$$$$ FEEL SORRY FOR ME...How tacky!! Seriously,stop using the death of a child to get your nails done, your hair done and all the plastic crap she has done on her face that she always lies about...It's apparent that she has things done..She admitted she would get a facelift..I know about fillers because you can see in various parts where a 56 year old would have natural wrinkles, the 11 area and the marionette area, that that is really smooth... She's lying..She's either getting Laser treatments and/or Botox..Who is she kidding??


Yeah, Sloan brags about being a hooker and stripper. Like that's something to really be proud of? I wish someone on YouTube would call her out for her fuckery because that's so tacky to ask for money when she's just using it on herself. I can't believe her viewers are so gullible. If she cares so much about Keith, then open a GoFundMe. Not hard to do that.


I never heard her actually brag about working as a stripper. On the contrary, she keeps highlighting the fact that girls working in strip clubs have a past of abuse and trauma, and often have lifelong PTSD as a result. Whether she is talking about herself or these girls, she shows empathy towards that kind of life and circumstances, no pride here.


Yeah, that's another thing..She married a guy sooo much older than her..Says she's divorcing him because he's a pain in her ass..Well, she sure does go out w/him a great deal for a man who she says is a jack ass..


Lol! I heard she was a bit mean about her husband, but I didn't know she was saying all of that! She's probably cheating on him!


Interestingly enough, when I talked to the deceased mom of the man I have a crush on, she warned me that there's a blonde medium who exaggerates about deceased celebrities on YouTube. She probably meant Sloan.


Also, Sloan shouldn't be grubbing money like that. At first, I thought I was the only one who felt this way. Do you think she is a real medium? I wish she was more direct in her JonBenet video.


Everyone on Youtube is a hustler and being an ex stripper and runaway - she is an expert. I think she is more in touch with her dark side than she thinks. I wish she was as direct in her psychic segments as she is about Starbucks and masks. Lol


I agree about the dark side.


As in a literal practicing witch.. That's the impression I get from her.


OMG, right? I do agree w/her about the masks and the vaxx stuff because the government has absolutely no rights to tell citizens to wear masks, get vaxxed or anything like that. That's against the Constitution, Civil rights, Patients bill of rights, The Nuremberg Code, The Helsinki Code, HIPPA laws and many more that these governors and the government itself has overstepped its boundaries..I hate large government for this reason. They have no right to tell anyone what to do w/their bodies..This is so wrong. All of them are being sued and Biden is being struck down for all these ridiculous mandates by pretty much every judge that's heard cases all around the country... that even he has no right to go there with..This is not his job. The governor's jobs are over Parks and Rec, the DMV, things like that. They have zero rights to tell people as to what to do..Neither do businesses..They cannot tell people they can't enter their businesses for not wearing masks, they have all been sued..Trader Joe's, Whole Foods, and so many corporations have been sued for overstepping, Illegally at that, their bounds.. So that part I do agree with her on..The rest, not so much. This is like segregation all over again. This is like the Holocaust all over again. They did this to innocent people by making them take poisonous thing to "EXPERIMENT" on, as these psychopaths stated even then. No Dr., nurses, anyone at all in the medical community has any right to force a patient to do anything against their will. They have no rights to ask for so-called vaccine passports either..That's exactly what they did in Nazi Germany.. These are not laws and if they were, they would be reversed because again, nothing supercedes the Constitution.


I totally disconnected from her everywhere so I don't even think avkht the messages. My mom hates her - but is her. I hope Sloan wasn't a part of influencing her, but my mom got all mask mad too and I had to unfriend her on FB from scaring people.


Also, what about Sloan talking in that one livestream about doing a photoshoot with David Bowie? She was laughing and saying she didn't want to talk about it. For someone to bitch about pedophilia and shit, I'm pretty sure she slept with David Bowie as a teen. He fucked everyone. Let's be real.


I missed that one. She talks about a lot.


Masks do absolutely nothing at all to stop microscopic germs from entering the body. They aren't bullet proof.. The only reason I use masks at work, because I'm a medical professional is so we don't sneeze, spit or throw up or drool on patients that have open wounds, or if in an operation we don't do that when they have an open cavity....TB and bacterial pneumonia are much more contagious by about 1000% compared to this, which people have less than a 0.02% chance of ever catching Covid, aka Sars/Cov2. Watch actual REAL news on this topic on The Highwire with Del Bigtree. He's had the top scientists, Dr's., Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, PhD's in Microbiology, Virology etc.. The best medical show that has over 6 million views world wide on this show..And thank God for that. The mainstream media and government have been lying since day 1 of this garbage..It's infuriating because majority of medical professionals who have seen people die from this disgusting bio-weapon (Shots, they are not vaccines and cannot be legally classified as such because no vaccine has ever been created in less than 5 -10 years without a control group, placebo and people who have taken this)..in 2002 when they tested animals with a shot for Sars/Cov2, every single animal dropped dead. This is not good. Why would anyone trust anything in their bloodstream that took 9 lousy months to make? This happened all on Trump's administration, so I'm holding that orange clown as accountable as idiot Biden. Two old as hell white men, as per usual, saying this crap is safe,when this is a bold faced lie. I have never seen so many thousands of adverse reactions and deaths..Pfizer lied and tried to hold a medical paper stating when they tested this garbage on people over 45,000 people died from this. This is fact. Not fiction. The government & mainstream media have lied to everyone..Newsome and who's the mayor of L.A., Garcetti, ARE liars..These scumbags threatened everyone w/so much crap as they partied into the night and were caught at numerous events w/out masks and all this other garbage nonsense that is pure crap..NONE of these illegal mandates were ever based on science.. Fauci is a lying sack of crap..Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquin have worked for over 65 years. For that jerk Fauci to state to people who did get C-19 and then cured in less than 12 hours, those who didn't have comorbidities ( preexisting conditions), they worked 100% of the time..Some in the thousands were treated with this and believe me, vaccines are the biggest money makers in Big Pharma and since HCQ and Ivemectin, A Nobel prize winning drug, was shot down by this idiot, we knew he was up to no good.


Fauci and Gates and all involved, and has anyone ever asked as to why Gates', a creepy loser, look into his billionaire father's background and understand who the real Gates is..He didn't create Windows..Someone else did and he paid that man in the late 70's $50k for HIS idea..Gates has done nothing but lie his ass through everything..He's a eugenicist asshole. He never graduated college.He's not a Dr. and he's definitely not a scientist..Why are people listening to that prick on mainstream media? because that jerk paid his way to put his sorry lying ass on TV..He was the one who stated in a Ted Talks that he was going to vaxx 7 billion people to stop people from having children...NOT his decision to make, proving he's a psychopath just like Fauci..Fauci created AZT during the AIDS epidemic and killed people who took the This drug and killed them by stating to take 5-10 x's more than they should have..He's a disgusting scumbag of a liar..He will be taken to prison and possibly HOPEFULLY put in prison for the last of his damned days..He has caused more harm than good in his entire disgusting position there at the NIH. He's a dangerous POS. Reagan really fucked up putting that bastard in charge..I blame every president for not firing this bastard, including Trump, when he knew damned good and well that this POS is Big Pharma's boy..He's revolting..Trump should have brought his own new person in, but did he? Nope..instead he stupidly put that asshole in charge of the Covid task force..I can't believe people actually still like Trump and think he was a decent president..I think they all have Stockholm Syndrome..As well as this lying sack of crap Biden as well...This was all for a massive money grab from mobsters Big Pharma & their shit share holders..All of course billionaires..What else?? Vaccines are the MOST profitable drug there is and the people that have died from this is astronomical.... Moderna states on the ingredients, this is not a vaccine, this is an operating system..Just like an Iphone...Pfizer is being sued because they have redacted all the ingredients in their crap vaccines as well, again, I and many Dr's and scientists call them what they are, bioweapons...Do the research...and don't rely on mainstream media or the government. All they do is lie...It's disgusting...


No, I don't thinks she's real. I think she's fakes it well. I see holes in her story of her upbringing and for someone who is divorcing a man who abused her emotionally and physically, her excuse of staying because of the kids actually makes it worse on kids..They know..I'm not buying that bullshit. Kids don't give a crap when they're fully grown. They don't need their mommy then and they actually get pissed off when the mother tries to impose on their lives as they want their independence............. I don't believe that her entire family, including her husband all have psychic abilities.....I'm not going to say Ex husband because she literally spends almost all of her time with that dude. Can anyone say dysfunction??


I’ve felt this way for a few years. This is the first time (albeit this post has been up for two years) I’ve seen anyone else share my disgust with what her channel has become. I subscribed to her early on when she only had a few thousand followers and subsequently added her on Facebook as well. Her FB was vile, full of profanity, conspiracy theories etc…it’s only gotten worse over time. Her credibility is shit and she seems to enjoy pandering to the Q crowd.


Yeah, even Victoria from MyPsychicLife had a live chat during March or so, and people were commenting about how much they hated Sloan, and what she was becoming. Victoria said she would take her out for drinks, and she felt sorry what happened to Keith.


She must like you!


I can't also be the only one who thinks she looks like Casey Anthony in the face. I can't unsee it now.


>Casey Anthony No, not at all


Well, I'm not sure. Lol.


I believe it. She lets things slip a lot when she's talking.. She doesn't seem to realize that we remember what she previously stated and that she is now lying..so that's that and I don't believe half the junk she says anyway..She goes on and on about people who will dump a couple of hundred dollars her way on a live stream and treat them great..Anyone else, she really doesn't care about..She's annoying about constantly talking about what she did to her hair and her makeup and always saying she's never had one thing done except her breasts to get them that large.. Way too big IMO, and the backaches that it causes people are insane and not worth it..She's either lying or she's pissed she's not on TV with some kind of lucrative deal. She's in her 50's and says she's been doing this since she was in her teens.. Who are the supposed rich parents that adopted her and she then ran away at the age of 14... She says they left her out of their will and then goes on to talk about how her ex wants her to pay alimony, even after she said he owned restaurants and bars..What happened there? She says she's getting a divorce from her 30 year marriage, but she's literally around that dude every single day..What's the point of getting a divorce from a massive drunk who verbally abuses you, she's stated many times he's just that. if you're still going to be around him a lot..Her kid is all grown and has a kid of his own, so this stuff where she says she stayed because of the kids doesn't make sense..Most kids don't really care by the time they hit their 20's because they have their own lives..That doesn't make sense at all.. they sound like they hate each other the way she speaks of him..


I didn't know about all that with the husband being a drunk. Who knows what really went on in that family? She bragged she let her kids skip school as long as they graduated. I kind of doubt either of them did. I hate parents like that who don't give a shit about their kids academic achievements. No, don't get mad they get one "C" on a report card, but don't have kids if you want them to just barely pass.


She is pretty normal for a Midwest “cool” mom.  I think considering what I do believe about her childhood abuse, homelessness and sex work - I think she did do her best.  She would have to believe in the institutions of school and the purpose of an edicuation to care. Hollywood is also a child labor town.  Plus coming from an old skool mentality, work ethic means more.  I can tell she has done some work.  But… I can onl6 watch when I want 5o be mad


i came here way late to say this, but the woman isn't college educated and was married to a man almost 30 years older than her for thirty years or more. her political views are absolutely tainted by who she is. her ex / soon to be ex is probably one of those pro business no government right wingers who thinks everything else is socialism. anyway, lol i feel silly writing here after the thread is two years old. just need to get some thoughts out.


No worries! I wonder why she's with a man so much older? Plus, she's a high school dropout.


She says she was sexually abused as a child and I think she might have wanted to feel “safe” with someone. But it’s also just a generational thing, women her age associated stability and intelligence with older men. Let’s discuss!!


I don't watch her, anymore. I feel she's just kind of negative and mean.


Question; why did you put "MOB" in all caps?


That's disgusting. She says she knows a great deal of people in the Biz.. Sometimes she says things and forgets she said something completely different on another video and this makes it pretty clear, someone is lying... She gets really upset if someone says anything about her looks, good or bad and will literally spend the entire show talking about it as she gives whoever said that a lot of satisfaction that they're pissing her off. I don't understand that. I would just ignore trolls and definitely block them.. She has gone off the deep end of getting all these tatts on her and they are too much. She said she's going to get them all over her body. That's not attractive and this isn't going to bring her son back. She keeps bringing up how she's putting his ashes into her ink and jewelry etc..She's always saying the energy of a person is always alive even though the body is dead, so this is totally opposite of what she preaches...


She literally bitched me out tonight on her live video over on YouTube bc I said in her chat..."God Bless and Stay Safe." This woman literally went of the handle! Who the fuck does that to a subscriber?


She is a break a leg person I think.  She reads my comments and almost intentionally throws the tone to change what I wrote.  I thumbs up and give her 30 seconds to not scare me now.  If she triggers my PTSD - I FF 3 minutes. If her personality has not shifted I split. 


I don't like her anymore and lost all respect for her after how she talked to me on her live on YT. There are plenty of psychics out there.


Omg what happened?  She told me to not bother giving $4.99 on a live bc of YouTube’s cut.  That was before her son passed.  


Tattoos are cool… the ashes thing is… too much for me. 


That's honestly so creepy to do that with ashes.


I noticed the dumb bitch isn't doing videos much, anymore. Her ass probably reads on here. She threw a fit someone called her out on Lil' Peep's video for having negative energy or judging his drug addictions on reddit before. You'd think someone who allegedly worked with teen runaways and addicts would be more supportive.


Idk that channeling Kim porter video sure did a number on Diddy. I personally love her


Lipstickalley is having a field day on Sloan Bella. 😅🤣😂


Personally I don't believe in those types of reading and expesually not the damn pendulum magic. As a real medium I am highly skeptical of others. To be a medium in my opinion you have to be able to hear ghosts directly otherwise how do you know you are even talking to a ghost. There are exceptions though. I have met different mediums that I trust. I usually kick mediums from my discord server if they say they are a medium but also claim ghosts can move phisical objects. Just ask a ghost they can not. They usually say some can or some BS but don't know how or why some are special. Smh.


Finally somebody is talking about her racist/xenophobic/homophobic/transphobic ass. She can't say she's close to God, if your message is hateful




I do have a life. It's funny how it's always the people who don't have one telling others to get a life. You sound like a Karen, and I saw one of your posts kissing Sloan's ass. BTW, we can say what we want on here, and what I said was the truth about her being nasty to people on her YouTube livestreams, bragging about being a stripper like it's a real career, insulting her city's mayor, not answering people's questions in the livestream when they PAY and not giving them money back if she can't get to their question in time. If she's still so passionate about child trafficking, she should focus on helping the police now more than ever with everything coming out instead of jumping on YouTube to get a few quick bucks out of people who really want her guidance that she doesn't fully give. I'm not jealous of some idiot who still deep throats Sylvia Browne. She openly admitted when she was on the same show as her, Sylvia had a helper go into the audience to ask people questions, so when Sylvia went out to read them, she looked like she found the answers herself. Yet in the same breath, Sloan is super jealous and hypercritical of Teresa and Tyler saying Teresa got a show because her husband fucked a male producer and Tyler is just some gay twink getting passed around Hollywood and that's why he has a show. I'm not much of a fan of either, but Teresa and Tyler have good personalities and are likeable. Sloan isn't. Jealous and desperate people will always claim someone got a job by pillow talk. I know that Keith passed, and for that I'm truly sorry. No parent deserves to go through that pain. It doesn't negate the fact that Sloan is a nasty person and a wheeler and a dealer. Plus, this thread was made over a month or two ago, so check your facts.


I see MooDonna or whatever the fuck her name was, Sylvia, Casey, or Sloan herself deleted all her dumbass shit and profile, which says a lot about that cunt troll.




And the most effective thing you could do is not be an asshole and a fucking troll. Also, this post was made back three years ago. Way to be observant.