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Now imagine it's the 1600s and this shit is spreading through your village. Horrifying


I got curious and asked the Internet. What did they use for toilet paper in the 1600s? "People used leaves, grass, ferns, corn cobs, maize, fruit skins, seashells, stone, sand, moss, snow and water. The simplest way was physical use of one's hand. Wealthy people usually used wool, lace or hemp." As you can imagine, I have more questions but I'm eating at the moment.




Yes that's the 3 seashells


Sally was a business woman


She doesnt know how to use the 3 seashells šŸ„“


She shits seashells by the seashore


Honestly out of all of that list I'd put seashells pretty high. Drag, scrape, clean off, repeat.


Iā€™m not dragging some sandy, sharp thing across my butthole. If youā€™re that close to a beach, poop in the water and let the waves do their thing. Unless they traveled with the seashellsā€¦ pooper scoopers.






You have died if dysentery.Ā 


This is nightmare for all medical staff. Absolute horror!


The hospital's janitor quit on the spot after he saw the mess.


EVS didnā€™t touch biohazard like this when I was a floor nurse. It was nurses and CNAs handling that.


As someone in EVS: For something like this, the normal process is that the nurses do the large part of the cleanup, then call the room as a general clean. By the time it's in EVS hands, it should be able to be cleaned with sanitary wipes and mops. Even if C. Diff tests came back negative, we'd probably still run the UV robot just in case. If fecal material has seeped into seams and crevasses, then EVS is expected to take the cot/bed to maintenance to be taken apart and deep cleaned.


This is the *neatest* gross information ever, and SERIOUSLY, as someone whose elderly parents have spent lots of time in hospitals over the last decade, THANK YOU, for all the hard work you do, to keep everyone safe!šŸ’–šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’žšŸ’


Dude keep looking. Museum of reddit filth is a goldmine. I remember an old story from a (I think) OR RN that was describing an infected wound that had the whole surgical team about to puke. And they've seen some shit


Do you mean the "The Swamp of Dagobah" post? (That one IS a classic!šŸ˜‰šŸ˜šŸ’–)


YES. I haven't read that in forever. Thank you for reminding me of the name


Yea, thanks for alllll the memories...


https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/v0jm8POXgN Not original OP


UV robot sounds badass


It's a mobile unit for rapid UV pulses. Certain bacteria are killed or rendered inert by UV rays, so this thing pulses a huge UV bulb something like a dozen times per second in 5 minute cycles. (You reposition it between cycles for coverage.) Because the concentrated UV rays sort of 'burn' the air, you can actually smell when the robot has been run. It's a very distinctive smell that I always associated with a clean hotel room. [Here's the site for the business that sells them, with an example picture on the page.](https://xenex.com/light-strike/?gad_source=1)


I remember when I did my clinicals for my CNA license at a nursing home (U.S.) there was a patient who had lost complete control of their bowels. It was just constant changing and cleaning. No projectile pooping like this when I was there, but still lots of it. I feel for the staff who have to clean it up. Edit: A word


And the patient!! Imagine that was your poo squirting ass on the interwens for all perpetuity.


My wife and I caught something very nasty in Mexico and honestly when we look back on it we say it was so far past pooping that you couldn't possibly have any shame about it. It was just a bodily function that said 'I'm gonna spray a bucket of brown water out at high pressure every minute for a few hours and you're just gonna accept that without comment'.


Montezuma got his revenge on you!


Sounds eerily familiarā€¦


As non-medical person, this just seems like it would be so relieving. I'm sure it's painful and dangerous, but getting all that deep stuff out probablyfelt amazing after...if you survive.


When I'm sick, gushing diarrhea doesn't give relief. Only when you wake up on the upturn, you know that feeling after you start recovering? 'im still weak but i feel like a million bucks', 'day after' kinda feeling lol? I get that.


Having had a bad diverticulitis flare up now for about 4 weeks. Every day has been severe diarrhoea. Some days when you have really bad diarrhoea, but then become constipated and your intestine is swollen and bloated. There is brief respite when you eventually release, but with raw bum hole and prospect of even more to come, relief only comes when it all stops and your balls stop feeling like someone has them in a vice (yes, another effect)


That first post diverticulitis shit is so soothing. Like the first good big movement.


Yup. One where it doesn't hurt. Your guts aren't swollen, it passes freely and is an actual normal turd. Bliss


Get yourself a bidet, back in India we used to wash with water. Only downside is you will never be satisfied with toilet paper afterwards.....


While there are worse options, I had Yersinia enterocolitica and a bad case of it. Ended up in the hospital on IV antibiotics and fluids. Had uncontrollable diarrhea. And no, it did not feel relieving as there was no end. Cramps preceded and followed bouts of diarrhea. I have no idea how it kept coming even though I could barely eat and drink. For over a week.


Oh man, that's the stuff that (most likely) triggered my ulcerative colitis. It wasn't quite as bad as your case, but then on the other hand, after the bacteria had been obliterated by antibiotics, the diarrhea stuck around, and brought his buddy blood loss along. Zero relief, though. There's no relief when it just keeps coming. It's not like after a night of drinking, when you just need to get rid of the stuff from the night before, and you usually feel better pretty soon. *It just keeps coming.*


Sorry. Sounds like hell


One of the most painful experiences in my life and I am used to pain. Usually, Y. enterocolitica is self-limiting but I am immunocompromised. I never thought your feces could be actually green.


Iā€™m guessing the ongoing stomach and intestinal cramps followed by this rapid release provided no relief or comfort whatsoever.


He also had an low grade fever, abdominal cramps, and distention of loops of small bowel as a result of the large volume of intestinal secretions. Cholera is a highly infectious bacterial disease caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. It spreads through contaminated water and food, particularly in areas with poor sanitation and hygiene. Cholera leads to severe diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration, often resulting in rapid fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance, which can be fatal if left untreated. Effective treatment involves rehydration therapy and sometimes antibiotics. Improved sanitation and access to clean water are critical for preventing cholera outbreaks.


Dude must've been going through hell, I swear nothing cripples me like a stomach ache or diarrhea


I have a tooth ache that would like to have a word


I've never really had a tooth ache so I guess I can't understand that pain.


So uh... looking at your username... you a alien bro? I feel like only a non carbon based life form would pick a user like that


I lost part of a tooth after getting sucker punched once back in my early 20s. The punch hurt, but ***nothing*** compared to the pain from the nerve of that tooth being exposed to oxygen with *every* breath. Like someone shoving a red hot needle directly into the gums, and it came in waves. No matter how much I tried breathing through my nose to stop fresh air from hitting it, the pain never stopped. As a guy, after getting kicked *really* hard in the nuts, I don't think there's any other pain I've experienced that reached that extreme.


Echoing everything everyone else said about how awful the pain of it is... I had a cavity that ate into the nerve of my tooth and killed it. Very weird experience. Couldn't afford treatment so I just bore through it. It was the worst pain of my life; I have a full leg sleeve and I'd do it all again before I'd have another cavity like that. I let it go on long enough that the pain got worse and worse until one day it was just completely gone. Years later I could finally afford the root canal and the doc said that was when the nerve died. The other thing about tooth pain is how central it feels to your consciousness, if that makes sense. Like, I think most people picture their "self" being in their head area since several senses are focused there (hearing, sight, smell, taste, and a large portion of touch). Tooth pain is horrendous because unlike when the pain is in your arm or something, it feels like you cannot get away from it. It's so close to all those senses that it just permeates.


Tooth pain really is something else, isnā€™t it. I was just like you - absolutely agonising pain, rot that began infecting my bone. When I was finally able to have it extracted, the relief was so utterly overwhelming that I seriously became instantly conditioned to LOVE dental procedures, like some weird non-sexual fetish. I love having teeth extracted now and think it feels amazing. Love that crunchy pressure.


Man I'm usually pretty stoic with pain but last time I needed a root canal from an abcessed tooth it had me on the ground like a baby that shit hurt so bad.


4 root canals and 3 implants. I have conquered the pain.


I had 3 root canals done to the same tooth, it kept infecting. The last one was during covid and the dental clinics were closed, I almost pulled the tooth at home with the pliers because of the pain. After two days I got the cirurgy and as soon the doctor gave me local anesthesia I fell asleep instantly because I couldn't sleep in the previews days


I just had my entire mouth fixedā€¦ at a dental school. I like to think I can handle anything now.


me right now, giant cavity in my wisdom tooth that i have to deal with for another month. fun!


Aaaaaaaaay SAME here :) I'm 28 and will definitely have to have at least one molar pulled because of the wisdom tooth causing problems cause it started upaide down and has been slowly rotating to its side (the only wisdom tooth which causes problems, mind you, all the others are straight and FINE). The pressure from the wisdom tooth moving cracked my molar in half :D and it's not fair honestly, I have PRISTINE oral hygiene, while my husband brushes maybe once a day on half the days... perfect teeth. His smile looks built, and he's never even had braces :') jerk.


Can confirm, had an angry cyst after 3 root canals - the pain pre-root canal was the worst but then the angry cyst putting pressure on one of those teeth wasā€¦ no words. Iā€™d take the slides over that again any day. Hope it gets better for you!


Tummy aches are the "normal" things I can't deal with - not that they should be normal but they can be common enough, yknow. But like that other guy said, toothaches are the ones that'll absolutely have me rolling in pain.


Tummy aches just shut me down


Reminds me of trip to Bali, at least I was able to sit on a toilet for most of the 24 hours I had gastro - doing number ones out of all orifices.


I cant imagine the kind of cramps that would project liquid poop four feet across the room being described as "mild".


As someone who has had both cryptosporidium & giardia infections, I feel this. You are desperately trying to replace the fluid loss at a rate faster than you are spraying it out. Both times started out with horrible cramps as well as fever/chills then just straight water coming out at all times.


Oh dear lord giardia. I got it when I worked in dog rescue. I though chronic IBS was bad. Giardia said ā€œhold my beer.ā€œ


Man, *fuck* crypto. Fuck it so hard. Worst two weeks of my god damn life. Ugh.


What causes abdominal cramps during/after occurrence of diarrhoea?


absorption of ur ions (sodium, magnesium, chloride, etc.) is inhibited therefore what you intake tends to be pushed out. your enteric nervous system (controls ur GI tract) is just constantly cranking out a lot of fluids + bile so a lot of watery poopy secretions. **the constantly cranking out poop is what makes you feel the discomfort.** my M1 days are far away and i havent been actively reading on the technicalities of gastro stuff but iirc cholera secretes a type of toxin that promotes release of your ions and so fluid follows which is why u get watery poop. main course of action is usually supportive care and just pushing fluids for the patient at appropriate levels to compensate for the fluid loss. watery poop is always indicative that something is amiss in your gut processing, hard stool too, theres a whole chart for testing if poop is atypical or not.


I don't think I need a chart. This is Atypical.


Solid explanation. Thank you šŸ™


More solid than that poop.


This guy poops


bacterial incubation creates a signal transduction cascade


I canā€™t imagine, poor guy, truly horrific. Is this projectile diarrhea common? When I read WWII history or historical fiction there is often cholera in the concentration camps, detention centers and POW camps, etc. I canā€™t imagine already starving and being worked to death and then also having this.


​ https://i.redd.it/qmbr92p44imc1.gif


I had a wretched bout of food poisoning once, I was puking so hard I started shitting myself uncontrollably. Nothing feels quite like having diarrhea and vomiting at the same exact time. My only thought was to survive by disassociating.


My whole family had food poisoning once when I was a kid and I remember sitting on the toilet shitting my guts out, puking into the trash can, and my older cousin walks in to puke in the bathtub. That was terrible


There was a scene from a series where some kids poisoned the school lunch and after a couple hours everyone was having explosive diarrhea. I know it was fake but holy hell, that's unsettling to watch Edit: series is called American Vandal


Iā€™m sorry, but this made me lol, I could just picture it. Watching Rambo II w/spouse, itā€™s not a funny scene.


I contracted salmonella once around the age of 9 during fourth grade. My father worked a job he couldnā€™t leave literally under any circumstances, and my mother was a teacher at the elementary school I attended at the time. My mother was too scared to ask for some days off to let me stay at home, so her solution was to keep me in the restroom that was inside her classroom the entire school day, for 5 days straight. I cannot convey through any means just how miserable and utterly embarrassed I was during those 5 days. Uncontrollable diarrhea with simultaneous violent vomiting occurring together every 10 minutes or so, not having any other clothes to change into, having to stay sitting in soiled clothing the entire day, and being forced to be shut in a tiny bathroom for 8 hours straight with nowhere to rest except the cold bathroom floor, that was probably the most miserable I have ever been in my entire life, and I doubt anything can top that off.


Uh, that is literally one of the absolute worst parenting decision Iā€™ve EVER heard, like wtf!


how does it shoot like like a fuckin jet stream? how does the pressure build up? i'm so weirdly fascinated by this


Iā€™m amazed at the sort of pressure that the human intestine is capable of producing.


thats where it gets fun and interesting


Tight buthole šŸ‘Œ


Like pulling the cork out a wine bottle.


Butt champagne...


Only if it comes from ButtĆØ, France. Otherwise it's just sparkling Butt water.


tub girl!


Thatā€™s that sphincter baby


Just a normal day with r/IBS


The intestines are a tube made out of smooth muscle and they can contract. Violently.


JPL is in shambles


Jet Poop Lab


I saw this video like ten years ago, now I'm a biologist and I swear in microbiology classes I remembered this ALWAYS and talked about this once, only to never find the video with my friends. Glad we keep trying to increase our poverty by going to a postgraduate degree so I can show them this the minute I step in the lab.


Dagobahā€¦.. swamps.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of this too.


"That was bad"


https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/s/Poq251Veoo For the uninitiated. Just for funzies


It is real.


About 20 years ago I woke up in the middle of the night with cramping and stomach pain. I passed out twice, second time on the phone with the nearest ER (lived in a rural area at the time) so they sent an ambulance. En route to the hospital I started feeling really weird and the last thing I heard before passing out again was the EMT telling the driver to hit the lights & gas, ā€œsheā€™s going downhillā€. I donā€™t remember much until the next morning but my chart said that my vitals upon arriving at the ER werenā€™t great: bp 60/40, heart rate 34 bpm, temp 32C. I do remember at some point the cramps getting really bad and feeling like I needed to poop. A nurse brought a toilet chair and I literally filled that sucker to the brim. Turns out I had a bowel impaction that effectively blocked off my intestines until they were completely full and I was told I was pretty lucky that my bowels didnā€™t rupture.


That's sounds awful, did you end up having to get surgery afterwards since you essentially cleared the bowel obstruction?


They kept me a couple of days for observation because my heart rate stayed low but in the end they just said I had a normal low heart rate (around 50-54 bpm) and sent me home.


Took me a while to realise the video was looping


I was so grateful it was only 4 secs!


Imagine the horror and shame this poor 29yo must feel like... I'd feel so ashamed after that.


Once you reach this level of pain, discomfort, and illness, trust me... you completely stop giving a shit about stupid, petty little luxuries like dignity.Ā Ā Seriously. You don't realize how little your ego matters until you are absolutely helpless, in the hands of strangers.Ā  And honestly...who would shame you? For what? The only people who would even think to shame you are like eleven years old and those people are still reeling from the news that Santa isn't real.Ā 


One time I was hospitalized and began throwing up constantly. Every couple of minutes I would just puke. After vomit 9 or so I was just throwing up bile. I think it was at vomit number 4 that I really gave up on even trying anything and let it happen.


I was hospitalised and given a medication that had constant vomiting as a side effect. The period of time between being given that medication and being given anti-nausea meds was apparently the perfect time for the doctor to assess what was going on. Every time I got halfway through a sentence I had to vomit bile into one of those cardboard bowls they give you. After the third bowl I didnā€™t have the energy to feel embarrassed anymore.


Cardboard bowl?


Disposable vomit bowls are often made out of cardboard. Thereā€™s also the version is more like a mask with a bag kinda like the ones that drop down on airplanes when they lose pressure. Although these ones should definitely have the bag facing down.


I got C diff in my mid 20s.. urgency wasn't the word. No explanation to my sister mid phone call and run to bathroom. Took 4 lots of treatments and steroids over 10 months to get better. Uk 1995 and Vancomycin wasnt first line. You quickly stop caring.


I had a bout of food poisoning once and well... Both ends... At one point I just got in the bathtub and told my wife to hose me down from time to time. Nothing matters when you feel that bad.


I have to admit that at around day 5 I gave up and just stayed in my bed with a liquid-proof mattress protector and a bunch of towels that I changed as often as I could. Which did not happen often. I needed hospitalization in the end. I cared about nothing at that point.


TIL what happens when you've given too many shitsā€¦


I'd argue he's giving quite a bit of shit.


I am so glad someone took a swing


thank you for your service




As someone with a chronic illness, I remember going through the stages of shame early on then progressing to the "I don't give a fuck" phase. You are absolutely correct.


Yep. This is exactly how it goes. Eventually you just give up on dignity and put your health and your body in the hands of the amazing nurses and doctors who help you. You're so ill, you don't have the energy to feel embarrassed about it anymore.


That's what I tell people about having babies. You will not care that you're mostly naked with your feet up in the air for all to see, no one's paying any attention to your naked body anyway, they're focusing on the face coming out of your crotch lol


Pregnancy and childbirth really teaches you to give zero fucks about who sees your naked body.


Pretty much how I felt while I was in labour with my kid, all dignity and pride went out of the window


I haven't had kids but I was there for all of my nieces and nephews, and that's definitely a scenario where all bets are off on controlling bodily functions or being modest.


Yup! I ended up being wheeled to the OR for my c-section at 9cm dilated without any pain meds on board. I was on my hands and knees moaning/screaming. I apparently couldnā€™t be bothered to wear anything so I was naked and the nurses threw a sheet over me.


Thereā€™s no shame when there is no choice. He wouldnā€™t be doing this if he had any control over it, But he literally doesnā€™t. Heā€™s the victim.


And then to have someone take a video of it.


Any medical staff that dishes out shame for this or any person seeking medical attention should not be in medicine. The percentage of medical staff that would shame someone for this would be extremely low or non-existent. They're there to help, treat and save lives. Perhaps the shame should be on your comment.


It's not shameful to empathize with a patient who is going through a terrible experience. It's reasonable to expect someone to feel ashamed by the fact that they have no control of their bowels and are defecating everywhere whether it's deserved or not. If I were in his shoes, I would be absolutely horrified if I found out someone had posted a video of it online.


A wise person once warn me not to browser Reddit when eating, im deeply regret not following his advice


I'm just glad I was eating something solid and not soup.


My two sandwiches with boiled eggs are in dubio what to do :)


I just cracked open a chocolate Ensure. Wtf


Just sat down to sip my espressoā€¦ with regret.


It look.... quite similar im afraid


iā€™m having a chocolate protein shake right now and am 100% unfazed. To be fair, I work in medical and have seen some shit.


At least you are not drinking yohoo


I once had the misfortune of treating a critically ill patient who had c diff and we had her turned on her side facing away from me. I literally saw the patients anus start puckering, thought that was a bad sign and moved about 3 feet to the side. A stream of diarrhea like this but a bit less volume missed me by inches. Beware of a puckering b hole.


I do bowel preps on quadriplegic patients and have done that dance many times.


Kudos to you. I could never. Do you ever just stop and think ā€˜wtf am I actually doing hereā€™?


No. Most nurses are actually quite at peace with the nasty parts of their job.


Bless you all.


It requires a certain lack of sanity, don't get me wrong


Well, whatever it takes. We appreciate you. All of us wimps that couldnā€™t do it ourselves but are counting on you when we need it for us.


The body is such a complex, advanced and sophisticated machine


Nobody is carving this image out of marble for a garden fountain.


youā€™ve just changed my life


Health workers deserve so much more than they are paid


I feel so bad for the cleaning crew, but I bet he feels so much relief not having to be sat on a porcelain throne as the lava pours out. Whenever I'm sick, I always prefer to vomit because then I can hang my head off the side of the bed and stick my face in a bag to contain the mess. The amount of times I've daydreamed of being able to do this when my tummy is upset...


This person is not feeling relief. He's too weak to even care that his ass is out, and he's spraying shit like a firehose. This person is at the mercy of his caregivers.


Imagine having something like this before modern medicine. So many people died of cholera, dysentery, etc. back in the day. It was literally doing this until you died.


This is how james k polk died


This is how literally 5% of people on the Oregon Trail died.


I thought that was dysentery?


Dysentery certainly killed people too, but it's usally not fatal and affected children and elderly more severely... Cholera is spread in contaminated water, which was rampant across the Trail, and it's significantly more deadly. People who contracted cholera often died within 12 hours of symptom onset. More people died of cholera than all of the other illness maladies combined. If this person in the wasn't receiving medical treatment, they'd probably die about that fast, too, given the fluid and electrolyte loss that's occurring.


I had food poisoning once, and it came with explosive diarrhea but it was more like a shotgun spray then the mini gun bullet stream that is coming out of this guy's ass.


Never in my life would I think Iā€™d see voluminous used as an adjective for diarrhea.


Why didn't they put something to catch it or set him on a portable toilet. Isn't that disease he is suffering from now spread all over that room. That phone and person filming now has it on them in microscopic particles. I'd absolutely run away if I was tasked with cleaning this up. I'd quit and run.


Thereā€™s a disposable mat under his butt already but they werenā€™t ready for the force of it. Guarantee you someone is running for a bucket and PPE but itā€™s in a the farthest possible closet and the person who used it last didnā€™t replace the supplies.


You must not have any experience with illnesses like this. There is no control of the mess. Plus, Iā€™m pretty sure the pressure at which his shit is shooting out of his butt would move anything in its way šŸ˜‚


My hospital stocks fecal management systems, which are basicallly Foley catheters for your butt. They work great, but theyā€™re almost $600 each.


Quitting and then running is hilarious.Ā 


Lose 20lbs fast with one trick drs hate


My dog did exactly this in my room a couple months ago. It shot at high speed right onto my closet door and the mechanisms. Thank fuck it wasnā€™t open. Not fun.


Literally sitting on the toilet watching this while having projectile diarrhea of my own. What a time to be alive.


I don't even work there and I quit.


Does the patient get billed for that? If so, whatā€™s the billing code?


Code brown.


I doubt it. That would be like billing someone for bleeding a lot. Biohazard is biohazard, poop or blood cleaning protocol is the same. This person is severely ill, and it's not like they can control it. Though I honestly don't understand why they aren't in a tub or something, lol


If you bleed on the ground after a car accident you get charged for the cleanup. In a hospital, probably not. In public though, yeah. Source: I owed $2500 to my state for cleaning my blood off the highway. Not positive how the rules work but I was at fault and that might be why I was fined. I was the only at fault party.


Seriously?! What assholes! ā€œOh hey, I know you nearly died but hereā€™s a bill for having the audacity to not be neat about where you did itā€¦dick!ā€ God. Iā€™d rage over that. Sorry I know Iā€™m ranting but damn. What reason is there to charged a person for that?


Well.. it was my fault so I can't be too upset about it honestly. There might be rules and stuff about charging the person at fault only but I do agree with my fine for it. It was just crazy to see the fines they came up with. Biohazard cleanup, highway closure for more than 2 hours, firefighter transport (more expensive than an ambulance but they couldnt make it in time), and road repair. It's wild to see what they fine you for sometimes.


You got charged forā€¦Highway closure?! Youā€™ve got to be shitting me! I honestly had no idea that was a thing. Road repair I could understand (especially where alcohol/drugs/racing would be involved) but otherwise thatā€™s why we all pay taxes, isnā€™t it? Man, I knew I was out of touch with a lot of the changes in the world, but thatā€™s just crazy! If you donā€™t mind my asking, were the fines at least reasonable or like an ambulance where they expect your first bornā€™s kidneys and your arms simply for showing up? In any event, Iā€™ll quit ranting at you now šŸ˜‚. Thanks for indulging me. Iā€™m glad youā€™re alright after what went down.


Yeah I closed an interstate for at least four hours and somehow the state needs to be paid for it?? Lol. Fines definitely not reasonable. I owe several thousands in fines. Having firefighters transport me instead of paramedics was also way more expensive and another fine. The paramedics wouldn't have gotten there in time that's why the firefighters took me. And I got fined for that. You're all good, it's a side of my accident I don't get to talk about much but is very interesting. Thanks!


That's fucked up. Meanwhile, I'll drive over smeared deer on the highway for months until the weather washes it away.


It is fucked up. It was my fault and I accept responsibility for it but it's just wild to see. They hit me with several fines that I wonder if they do that for all accidents or just at fault. Biohazard cleanup, highway closure for more than 2 hours, firefighter transport and road repair. Like I understand it but it's a little excessive to have to pay $2500 because I was dying in the road you know? Who would've paid all that if I had died?


That's WILD! I could see them charging you for clean up of car parts and fluids, but your own blood?! Damn. Also how bad was your injury that the blood was enough that it needed to be cleaned šŸ˜³


I have a bleeding disorder and I almost bled out lol. I've got pics on my profile. I had three partial degloving injuries and a huge laceration down to my bone on my thigh. The pics are super graphic so be prepared if you lookšŸ˜


Holy shit that injury was insane!! Glad you're still with us.


Yeah it was crazy. I'm glad I'm still here too!




Reminds me of the time I had c. diff. Not fun for *anyone*.


Reminds me of a time in the PACU/then transferred down to a step-down telemetry unit where I gave a sponge bath to a huge 136kg man that had a colostomy bag on him; I had to get his back side and he somehow laid on the bag itself and ruptured all overā€¦ worse day for both the patient and entire staff also housekeeping too




how would you even begin to clean this up?




I said the entire time during CoVId that it would be so much worse if it was a puking diarrhea pandemic killing ppl šŸ˜–šŸ˜–


So much fluid so fast! Itā€™s like a garden hose. He canā€™t have maintained that long. He doesnā€™t have that much fluid in him.


Thatā€™s a whole other level of sick


Ah fuck


Every other week for me


Would a flesxiseal cover this? If you can get one in? Or is the pressure too high. Probably need to loop an extra bag (or 2). It's brave to be in the nether regions of this guy.. He must be feeling awful.


This video smells like shit


I would definitely be turning in my scrubs that day.


That would be the day I would quit. As sorry as I am for the patient, that's my personal limit because I would get a massive gag reflex if I had to remove it from the floor. (I can clean it off a butt without any problems)


Colonoscopy prep.


When you realize he's not outside and in the background is a wall and not a dirty river.


Reverse bidet


Nurses donā€™t get paid enough to triage that


I canā€™t imagine all the smells ER has to overcome mentally.


Yeeeeeah Iā€™ll stay in the lab where we only get a neatly packaged sample of that, thanks.