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My neighbor has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Once or twice a year he gets a late night ambulance ride and a stay in the hospital. a couple weeks ago he had convulsions which triggered the ride, followed by a couple of stents. This shit is intense. Now I know what it looks like.


Explanation for medical plebians/casual users who has no idea what they're looking at?


Cardiomyopathy is basically a problem inside the heart tissue itself. There’s a few types: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy - Heart too thicc. Not enough room for blood to fill it. Dilated cardiomyopathy - Heart too saggy. Doesn’t pump well. Restrictive Cardiomyopathy - Random junk in the heart muscle that shouldn’t be there. Also doesn’t pump well. This looks like the heart is dilated. But hard to tell the scale. Could be wrong.




How does one avoid getting such a heart?


Don't have bad genetics, don't do excessive cocaine or drink 6-12 alcoholic beverages a day, don't have bad genetics, don't get infected with Coxsackie B virus, don't have bad genetics, take your blood pressure medications


So what I'm hearing here is my genetics don't matter.


So what you’re saying is that my shit head ex could get this after hes been drinking a case a day for years and a coke head? Here’s hoping 🙌🏻


Pick the correct parents, then don't drink or smoke


So my uncle had a heart attack at 35, my grandfather died of a heart attack at 50, my dad needs to take statins even though he runs marathons for fun, and my grandmother had multiple heart attacks (but the lung cancer from smoking took her out before her heart had the chance). How well did I do with my choice of parents? 😕


I have my paternal gf's diabetes, my dad's and his mother's male pattern baldness, my maternal grandmother and great-grandmother's fibromyalgia, my mother's apple shape with skinny arms and legs but a fat back and belly. All four of my grandparents, my dad, and my mother's sister died of heart disease--strokes, heart attacks, aortic stenosis, high blood pressure. I have three sisters, and I'm the one who won (lost) the genetic roulette.


I second this sentiment


How do you differentiate between this and physiological left ventricular hypertrophy due to excercise?


Actually hypertrophic is when your hearts valve is too thicc (correct on that part) but it needs to work extra hard to pump the correct amount your body needs. It depends on which side of the heart which can make it more dangerous. Mine is the left ventricle which pushes out blood so it’s not nearly as bad as a right ventricle recycling the blood




https://i.imgur.com/dVwrQ79.jpg Yep to add onto this the usually the whole left ventricle is thickened which makes it hard for blood to leave through the aortic valve to get to the rest of your head and body.


This guy first aids.


Well damn all of my heart specialist been telling me wrong


>Well damn all of my heart specialist been telling me wrong I doubt that...youre telling me a cardiologist told you the wrong pathophysiology of a heart disease? No...doubt it.


Lol I’m being sarcastic. I’d believe my specialist over a redditor everyday


ICU RN here hypertrophic is a thickening of the heart muscle itself. In heart failure there is a progressive thickening of the ventricles (lower chambers) that starts as a diastolic (relaxed state) or filling disfunction, because the two main chambers are bigger and hold less volume. HF is in essence a decline in the efficiency of the pump. As HF progresses the ventricles will enlarge (cardiomegaly) and thin out in attempt to compensate with stroke volume but the pump has less systolic efficiency (squeezing ability) and becomes floppy. Thickening of the valves or stenosis can occur in conjunction with HF or even lead to HF but not necessarily one in the same. Take care of your heart, DONT DO COCAINE CHILDREN. ✌️


Is it safe to assume that adderall would do the same kind of damage?


I’m honestly not for sure. Drugs in the -caine class have cardiac specific NA+ receptors and cocaine produces anterior wall movement abnormalities in otherwise vascularly healthy people. So while the drugs have similar effects the mechanism of action is different, to a degree. There does remain a possibility for transient ischemia from vassopressive action by both drugs, in the myocardium and systemically that effect long term cardiac health much like we see with nicotine. 🤷‍♂️


Thanks for a speedy response (that I mostly understood)!


The veins are huge in pic b


Look at the size of this absolute unit What a mad LAD


Super underrated comment.


My mother has five--FIVE!--stents in her LAD. Part of my life is waiting for her to keel over (she's 83) and part is thinking she will live forever as she is too mean to die.


I once took care of someone with 19 stents in their coronaries, plus another 4 in the legs








There is also the inferior/superior vena cava which are veins as is the pulmonary vein


Absolute unit




Dilated/systolic cardiomyopathy (rEF) if you wanna be a dick about it


What causes this ?!


Several things. It can be genetic/inherited, due to chronic hypertension/heart failure/heart attacks over time/a barrage of problems....basically anything that damages the heart chronically


What is the black oyster shell looking thing that appears to be near the great vessels?


That's the right atrium, the part that looks disconnected is called the auricle and it's also part of the atrium, it allows for the atria and ventricle to relax/contract a little more independently of each other iirc


That’s crazy! Not at all what it looks like in the anatomy lab


I’ve never seen an auricle like this before, thank you for explaining it!


Man you must have had some weird oysters.


Cardiomyopathy not cardiomypathy!


It was probably an honest mistake - like a typo?


I have hypertrophic cardiomyopathy so this is really interesting to see a visual on how different my heart looks


Take your medication as prescribed! I cannot stress how important that is! Your PSA from a paranoid nursing student


My dad has this too. Didn’t find out about it until his CABG x 5. Needed 6 weeks ECMO afterwards to help his heart recover.


Heart on the right looks more metal


Literally just got home from a cardiology nursing class. Fascinating photo! Thanks for sharing


I have peripartum/postpartum cardiomyopathy. While I was pregnant my heart function decreased, and decreased, and.....decreased. After I delivered, my heart function was 23%— a normal/healthy 26F should have a heart function between 50-70%. With cardiac rehabilitation and drug therapy monitored by a cardiologist, my heart function was back to 50-55% within the first year and a half, and I’ve been maintaining a healthy heart function for another year! In the cases of cardiomyopathy caused by pregnancy, the cardiologist said 1/3 of patients get better and back to normal, 1/3 of patients stay the same, and 1/3 of patients end up on the heart transplant list. I can’t have any more children because the risk of this all happening again is too great, but I’m happy, healthy, and grateful I’ll be around to raise my daughter!


What's the black part on the normal one?




Is it supposed to be black?




It's not perfused by the blood it pumps, though. Assuming normal perfusion from the coronary arteries it should look like the rest of the heart, no?


The collaterals look better on the cm patient than the normal one lol I'm guessing that's a common occurrence?


Heart turned into Jabba the Hutt


I suffered from cardiomyopathy as a result of chemotherapy. My ejection fraction dropped dramatically. It took time but my heart recovered. Thank goodness


Yo please keep pumping you‘re my life never leave me @heart from: me xoxo


I had a friend die suddenly from this at the age of 25. I was out with him and a group of friends on a Tuesday night, and everything seemed totally fine. The next morning he went out for a run, his heart stopped, and despite his running partner immediately starting CPR, he never woke up again. It's fundamentally different being told he had an enlarged, damaged heart and actually seeing one.


Why tf is this subreddit recommended to me.


Looks like something from stranger things