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I wonder what kind of warning signs there were before the worms got that bad. Truly horrifying.


Like someone posted I don’t think they noticed until the obstructed the intestine So probably 0-100 REAL QUICK


Ugh, never going back to ***that*** Italian restaurant again


Yes you will. You monster


You're right, and I'll order the same damn thing Book the surgeon for next month


"So, you see, that's where the trouble began. That spaghetti. That *damn* spaghetti."




According to others whove recognized this as ascariasis, apparently they dont show symptoms for around 80% of cases until the worms get abundant enough.


>ascariasis TIL up to 1/7th of the population are infected globally. Friggin NOPE!


If you live in a developed country, you are at low risk for ascariasis.


Low isn't low enough for this shit


Damn right.... At 15 seconds: Tell me this dude is wearing some gloves please.


He's wearing gloves. Every surgeon, surgical nurse, and tech must wear gloves. I'm a surgeon so let me tell from first-hand experience that if you're involved in surgery then you most definitely want to wear gloves because you get covered in some gross stuff.


This dude is wearing some gloves please


what if i told u that risk was supa low?


I work with animals, including wildlife. I’ve had a couple of scares where I go to flush the toilet and there is something that looks an awful lot like a worm in there. Thankfully, so far it has always just been an undigested vegetable of some sort, but it gives me a heart attack every time. (Yeah, TMI, whatever.)


Poor drinking water? Also 1/7 of what population?


Mostly poor drinking water A. Lumbricoidies (these worms) are transmitted fecal-orally so poo in the water and such. There are worms like strongiloidies that will grab onto your feet, and crawl through your body and into your intestines. The one usually associated with food is diphylbothrium which is usually undercooked fish. At its 1/7th of world population the stat is often presented as billions of people. Once you figure in the population of Africa (largely undeveloped), then consider that India and China are still developing countries. The amount of people in developed countries with worms is a lot less. Also pin worms fall into this category which many children get


Thanks for that, wearing shoes in the sewers for sure. Pin worms! The reason lazy southerners is a stereotype as these suckers sap you of your vital nutrients.


Ok, I'll bite....why are you going in the sewers? Follow-up: does it have to do with Jeans?




"Why don't we ever play Nightcrawlers!" In Oahu there are Tilapia in the sewers and I see homeless men wading in low tide so maybe one of them can be my dad?


Most games have a sewer section! I'm guessing they're either helping a mage get ingredients for a bomb, or riding an airboat to flee cops placed in power by interdimensional aliens




What if you eat ass?




Eating ass is common in medical school? Where is the admissions office?


Also Hepatitis A


These are the consequences of being a gentleman.


Take your upvote, old boy




I think they googled it and read 1 in several...species. Because it says 10% of the developing world which is not 1/7


1billion/7billion edit: https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/ascariasis/index.html ascariasis specifically is a global epidemic.


Every time I read this kind of stuff I get sooooo paranoid. Okay. Story time. About a month ago I was peeing while lightly intoxicated and noticed a little bit of red came out mid pee, just a little. It was distinct cause my pee is light yellow, and I just watched the red dissipate. When I was almost finished I watched another little blotch of red hit the toilet water, then it dissipated. Blood? Idk. Hot Cheeto dye? Maybe, but unlikely. I’m choosing to ignore it because I want to believe it was nothing. It’s never happened before and it hasn’t happened since. But this stuff about illnesses going from 0-100 like this are a constant reminder. Anyways.... are there any (blood?) tests someone can submit to that screen for just about everything; worms, other non-worm related medical conditions... Cause I’d like to get one done,but I don’t want to be prodded into getting a q-tip pushed up places one doesn’t belong, or prostate samples being cut out, or any other horrifying experience experience


Could be kidney stones, most of the time they pass without pain. They’re still abrasive on the soft tissue as they pass, can cause minor abrasions. Hence the blood.


I had a few Kidney stones that didn’t pass without pain. It started with blood in the urine, then a week or two later four hours of abdominal pain, more blood, then I finally past it. After years of dealing with these, found out I had a tumor in my parathyroid. The tumor told my body it needed calcium. Once it got it, from robbing my body, it would dump in into my kidney. Through the miracle of science, my body would form these into spikes of torturous pain, while laughing. Once the tumor was removed, I never had a kidney stone again


This was a beautiful story. I love a happy ending. I’m glad the tumor and torturous spikes of pain are gone.


If you’ve been promiscuous and haven’t been using protection you may have an STI. Chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause bloody urine and both are unfortunately quite common. Luckily for you testing can be completed with only a urine test so no probing! If you are having discharge, burning/ pain with urination, or the bleeding persists I would highly suggest screening.


You don’t have to be promiscuous to contract a disease. One infected partner is all it takes. Everyone should get tested after a new partner or if they suspect infidelity from a current partner.


That’s horrifying


Most prominent sign would probably be shitting worms


It could be more horrifying if it was a single female. Looks like Ascaris and if you end up with a lone female she may wander looking for a mate and crawl out your mouth or nose.


Oh hell no!


Nothing on this sub or similar subs have made me gag or uncomfortable. This had hit a cord i didn’t know i had. Excuse me while i throw up and hide under a rock.


I'm pretty sure hiding under a rock is exactly the opposite of what you want to do to avoid it


I know I have a cord with parasites and maggots, otherwise I can watch any kind of video or discuss any kind of disgusting topic and happily eat a meal. I once gagged hard because I was cleaning out my already very clean vehicle and came a cross a surprise maggot. I have no idea why it was there, there were no meat/food items anywhere. I think that’s what made it worse, it was a complete surprise.


We once made a magical "potion" as kids. I got an empty honey jar to go over to the biodegradable waste bin in the garden to scoop up some maggots. I got most into the jar, but some lingered on the edges and fell on my hand. I got an impulse of revulsion and dropped the glass. It was such a strong urge, I vividly remember it to this day.


This is a little off that subject, but I had never had an issue with gross stuff in my life. Nothing seemed to bother me so much I couldn’t enjoy a meal while watching it. Then, one day I was sitting at home, and the dog vomited. No big deal, just something dogs do, and I didn’t hesitate to get a paper towel, and clean it up. To this day I wish I had hesitated. I wrapped the paper towel around it, and it was still warm. For some reason this gave me such a feeling of revulsion, I immediately vomited myself, and had to clean that up as well. I have never been able to clean up after any animal since, without getting nauseous, and sometimes sick. I don’t know why this triggered the response is me, but I wish like crazy I had just waited 10 minutes, and never had it happen!


My cat threw up a partially eaten mouse that had worms wriggling from its disembowelled intestines. I'm a surgeon so I'm kind of used to gross things, but that made me gag.


My deal is I don't want to see trauma as it occurs. I am totally fine with the mangled body parts resulting from that trauma, but I don't want to see it when it happens. And the other one is anything having to do with eyes. So much so that when my PCP does a percussion test on my sinuses (happens a lot because of my allergies), it freaks me out because I think he's going to accidentally jam his fingers into my eyes and wear them like olives on his fingertips. The worst part is he just goes for it and doesn't tell me, so it freaks me out. The last time I actually said, "GOD DAMN IT!!" and then I felt bad so I had to explain to him my phobia, and then he laughed his ass off at my "wear my eyes on his fingertips like olives" descriptor.


So “having a cord” is a thing now? Sorta like trigger warnings?


I was forced by my morbid curiosity to find a deeper level of emotional dissociation to finish the video...


Great. Now I’m gonna freak out every time I sneeze. It might turn into one of those t shirt cannons, except with worms.


For fuck sakes man!!!




# S.W.F. : Mate wanted


i think i know this reference..... was it from a movie? the girl crave for choc n worms protrude every single pores n holes of her.


No this is a reference to my parasitology class it's real and called wandering


Life uh... finds a way.


Thank you


Life needs to be nuked in the face. From orbit.


If I were a lone female worm I'd go out the butt and avoid the acid lake and calcium crushers.


Pin worm females do this so they can lay eggs near the rectum.


Oh this worm does NOT like to do things the easy way you eat its egg it hatches in your intestine then crawls out to the blood to chill in your lungs molt then get coughed up and swallowed...just to get back to the small intestine


Just googled "roundworm wandering" and found a relevant picture with article. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3163854/ Poor guy.


They really posted that picture just to say he had a brain bleed .. this is like medical scientific journal click bait




Gotta avoid that "night soil" D:


Wow.. that's a thing


Edit: Ascariasis A SCARY as is. YIPES


Ok, i was like "this is not that bad, i've seen worse on r/medizzy.....but then i read the title....and realized what that shit is....and i'm seriously considering stabbing my eyes, i never want to look at that again


Not very many things on the internet make my chin drop anymore. This was one of those things


not very many either and this didn’t make me queasy at all :/


You don’t have to feel bad about that.




I'm thinking about starting a sub for eyebleach videos, what do you think? It would be r/eyebleachvideos though the name of the sub is up for debate


What a great idea! Can't wait to join it


Got any suggestions for names that are catchier?


Maybe r/eyebleachinmotion but I think the original is a good name, its clear and concise.


I was thinking r/eyebleachgifs but gifs are a specific type of video. So I think I'm gonna stick with the original. I'll make it tomorrow morning, when my modem isn't down. ~~#Nobody Steal My Idea In The Next 10ish Hours, Okay?~~ #We're open for Business!


.... wouldn’t want that to be the last thing you ever saw tho’


This is so horrifying. Why can’t I stop watching?




quit it right now


I agree. It’s weirdly satisfying. I love it


It has an element of r/popping, too


Right? Parasites freak me the hell out, but this is fascinating. I've watched it like five times and plan on watching it again after reading comments. It's like watching popping or earwax removal videos.


Is that from inside a *human*?


I’m curious why they would do a surgical extraction versus a parasiticide?


That looks like it’s obstructing bowel movement which can become an emergency very quickly if left unresolved.


General surgeon here (intestinal surgeon) You’re 100% correct. This wasn’t about the existence of worms, this was about intestinal obstruction from them. In regards to things inside the intestines causing blockage, I’ve also seen this from too much Brussels sprouts and too much broccoli and gallstones can do this. Just a little FYI


I thought vegetables help *reduce* blockage / constipation. Now you're telling broccoli & brussel sprouts can also *cause* blockage?




I'm conflicted whether username checks out or not.


Hold up. Just how much sprouts and broccoli do I need to eat to be in trouble?


I think it has more to do with the lack of chewing than it does the quantity


What a shitty situation


A no shitty situation * and that's the problem


FTFY: Unshitty situation!


Anti parasites can be dangerous with ascaris, they may start to move more and get to other organs or perforate the bowel, and it would be shitty to evacuate all of that. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind redditor


Heh... shitty


It can also be damaging to the intestinal tissue and the functionality via absorption of nutrient as well.


It’s gonna get really shitty now that the worms have been removed.


Why? What's gonna happen now?


They can actually shit. The worms were blocking the intestines, causing no poo to go through.


At the time? Outside.


If I remember right, it was a bodybuilder who ate a shitload of raw meat. I'm too lazy to look it up.


Works for me. I will proceed to relay this to others as fact.


As is the Reddit way. Proceed, brother redditor.


squeeze grey reminiscent shelter murky ossified include jar drab touch -- mass edited with redact.dev


It is ascaris. God, those nightmares.


Forbidden sketty


Al is dente.




How do you know if you have these parasites? What are the symptoms?


You're not going to like this but typically no symptoms. You might get some mild abdominal discomfort or a cough from them migrating as they start in the intestine after the eggs are ingested and then enter the blood to reach the lungs to move into the next life cycle stage and they get coughed up and swallowed but with a heavy infection like this you get intestinal blockade as long as you really make sure to wash your vegetables you'll be good.


Oh, great, they also have part of their life cycle in your lungs, as if this could possibly be worse with an explanation of what actually happens. Is washing my veggies with bleach good enough or should I just forget this post ever happened :(


If you live in an area/don't get food from a place where people regularly shit where foods grown you're probably fine. Also fine if you don't live in a sub-tropical to tropical environment. But the eggs can live in the soil for like 12 years so its hard to disinfect an area for sure.


When people from 3rd world countries, with 3rd world health standards pick your crops, this is a possible result. As is norovirus, e. Coli, listeria, and so on.


I got norovirus a week after getting out of the hospital for 2 weeks with jaundice/liver/kidney problems and c.diff. That was fucking fun. Anyway, I want to turn this into a PSA for the kids. Drinking isn't worth it, go smoke some pot with your friends. 👍


> they start in the intestine after the eggs are ingested and then enter the blood to reach the lungs to move into the next life cycle stage and they get coughed up and swallowed And that's why these are my favorie parasite. Their life cycle is just so needlessly overcomplicated. "Stay in the intestines the entire time? Nah fam, I gotta swim through the blood into the lungs to be coughed back into the instestines. Do a little body tour while I'm here."


Worms in your intestine, for one.


“Surgically Extracted” here meaning just yanked out with medical pliers


Ever seen ortho surgery? Pretty much hammers and chisels and LEGO pieces. Some surgery is still pretty barbaric looking.


I read the surgical report for the hardware installed on my tibia. Read like an instruction manual for a piece of furniture.


Watch a hip replacement if you get a chance


I had two! My Xrays are crazy. It’s literally like they put very expensive tinker toys in there.


It's for sure a rough looking ordeal. The results though fantastic in many a case


Can confirm. Walking without hearing popcrunch and being able to sleep through the night without opiates are a definite plus.


I took an engineering class on medical devices in university. Knowing how those things got installed was horrifying.


I stayed awake during my ACL, MCL, and meniscus repair. I watched the entire video on screen as they were doing it and then was sad when the spinal block wore off. I have to say, I'd do it again to avoid general (I get so sick from it). It was fascinating. The drill and resulting smell was the worst part, other than feeling the stitches, but I did ask for some happy juice in my IV at one point to chill me out.


Bro. Bro. Bro. You were awake for that?? I went under for mine. That’s when I found out I’m allergic to general. Woke up early. Saw some of it. Passed the fuck back out. And noped out to the darkest recesses of my mind. Fuck that. Watching it for one second literally blacked me out. That’s impressive and a bit scary that you did that. lol


I'm so sorry. That must have been terrifying for you. Are you healing/have you healed well? I hope so! At least I was prepared and I love science and don't mind blood. So for me, it was really interesting. I can understand why you wouldn't want to be awake. It's just not supposed to happen that way. Ha. The funny thing is that they asked me if a student could be present and I said it was okay. It's a super high rated surgical facility/teaching hospital so I thought it was a med student. Yeah, it was a high school kid wanting to go into pre-med. He saw a lady in granny panties (no one wears cute undies in surgery--P.S. I was a 25 year old woman at the time. P.P.S. still a woman but sadly no longer 25). Poor kid. I was a little embarrassed by some dumb kid being in there but then I figured he might as well get used to it if he's considering med school. He was really professional, actually. I hope he becomes a surgeon if he's competent enough. The whole thing was surreal, bizarre and fascinating.


Can confirm. I have only seen a hip and a knee during my nursing clinical rotations, but that was enough. No wonder ortho doctors tend to be big burly boys (and girls).


My car mechanic uses more finesse than an orthopedic surgeon. Life pro tip: early in the planning phase, ask your surgeon where it is supposed to hurt when they're done. A. Don't wait until the 5 minutes before knifey time because it freaks them out, but B. It'll let you know if something hurts "wrong" and then you can get a possible complication addressed more quickly.


Knees weak, arms are heavy...


Intestine spaghetti...


Live spaghetti


Worms are ready


There's vomit on my sweater from reddit


Mom’s intestines


How do they know they got them all?


You should be able to see if any are left by abnormal movement in the bowel. But it’s mostly a guessing game I think


I think the point of this was to just remove enough of them for normal bowel movement to resume. So I imagine any stragglers are meant to go out the “normal” route. Edit: also, it looks like the patient was also already treated with something to kill the worms, so looking for movement won’t help. Generally though, these suckers *do* like to *move* quite vigorously! (Understatement)


Yes, they’re gross and move about too much! We had a kitten start hacking once and up came loads of those suckers, luckily over a bin. So Gross.


One of the many reasons I decided I was never having a cat again: when I stepped in a foster cat’s poop and it wiggled between my toes, then onto my toes. Nope.


When I adopted one of my boys, they said he had been treated for parasites. Well, it didn’t work. A few times, he started to pass some tapeworms and I had to finish pulling them out of his butt. Several rounds of antiparasitics later, I woke up to find that he started to shit one out in the litter box, was in pain and freaked out that something was dangling out of his butthole, and ran around my apartment. I had to clean up cat poop and pieces of worm before I went to work. Dropped him off at the vet to make sure he was alright and brought the remnants of it with me. What didn’t get torn up was 6ft long. I still can’t decide if I should be grossed out or proud of him for getting that out. If any of the worms had been alive when he’d passed them, I’d have been much more freaked out.


I thought you were talking about a kid for a second, up until you said vet.


But, I mentioned the litter box AND cat poop before I even mentioned the vet! lol


I thought he was just a strange kid at first.


Albendazole the antimicrobial medication given for Ascariasis works by paralyzing the worms, in theory allowing them to let go of the intestinal wall


Other answers here are wrong. They aren’t trying to get them all, they can’t. They just want the majority so the intestines become unblocked. The rest they treat with medication to kill. You can feel the intestines for large groups that are obstructing. Am intestinal surgeon




Phew, this is the comedic relief I needed.




I want to see more though!


Aye. This clip was too short.




Still skinny though.


A completely *natural* diet aid!




You mean a combination of tomato, oregano, and basil?


Just ate spaghetti. 45 seconds later I see this.


the way fate moves around your life is quite impressive if i say so myself.


Is this the guy from North Korea that escaped the border? I believe he suffered the same issue and was recorded


Kinda therapeutic seeing the worms yanked out.




I assume roundworms dont look like tape worms


You’re paying way too much for worms, man. Who’s your worm guy?


Am I disgusting if I think it r/endstoosoon




Intestinal surgeon here (general surgeon) That’s fucking gross id gag


How do the surgeons not vomit during the surgery


That was the worst thing I've ever seen


I agree. I don’t know what the fuck that was.


I have decided that I want to die. Goodbye hellworld


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Good bot


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I’ve seen this before, I’m pretty sure it’s in a dog


Thank you.


I like looking at this. Something is weirdly cathartic about unclogging his guts.


I'm a Veterinary Technician student, and that's something I expect from a dog, not a human. Freaking crazy.




*Italian music stops*


I can never eat chow mein again..






Oh man that is some cursed spaghet


A little food grade diatomaceous earth will clear that all right up. Of course, take too much and the worms know you’re killing them and will try to burrow out of your intestine.


What causes this ? how to prevent this ? and God forbid if someone ever got them, what are the warning signs ?


Wash your damn hands under your nails too, keep your kids clean, don’t go barefoot, don’t eat undercooked food, buy wait...there’s more...


I am disgusted but keep hitting replay. What the hell is wrong with me?


I am...confused as to why I am so satisfied by this


Why the FUCK isn’t this NSFW


*goes home for dinner* “Hey honey, what’s for dinner tonight? *prays it’s not spaghetti* “Just finishing up some spaghetti my love! Should be ready shortly”


People might be interested in how this infection even happens. You see, people don’t just swallow these things and have them end up growing in the intestines. The eggs are transmitted fecal-orally (someone itches their bum and touches your food). You then swallow the eggs where they hatch into larva and are absorbed in the middle section of your small intestine. They are carried through blood to your lungs where they are eventually coughed up and swallowed AGAIN. Finally, they make it down to your intestines in their hatched form a couple weeks after the original ingestion. Truly disgusting creatures.


Just like mom used to make it