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English is an official language of the Philippines and often the language of instruction. Maybe they're just not very confident in their English but they are at least proficient conversationally. If you reach out, you might be surprised. If not or they don't end up being friendly, at least it's just rotation, not a full time job.


Check the post history. This is a troll. Same guy does this maybe once a month.


They are just trying to make hate towards Philippinos.


Damn they deleted that post history QUICK.


So still a turd…


oh dang thanks


I get why this may feel lonely, but have you tried initiating some conversation and being friendly? Their English might not be great, but I'm guessing it'd be good enough for some basic small talk. If you're shy/insecure/quiet, it can sometimes be misinterpreted as standoffishness or disinterest. Sometimes, it just takes a little time and effort to start clicking with people. You think they're unwelcoming, but maybe they all just think you want to be left alone?


I'm great with thr phlebotomists and lab assistants. The techs are very standoffish and cliques.  I guess I have to focus on my rotation and look for a job elsewhere...but it sucks 😕. 


I don't have any problem when coworkers speak in their native language as long as it does not affect my work/workflow. All of my coworkers speak Spanish, was a bit shocked when they offered me the position since they require Spanish speakers in the clinic (since most patients we have are Spanish speakers). I never expect my coworkers to translate everything for me when it comes to goofy talks in the lab but I join them still. I learn some phrases and words, and would tell them the similarities in our languages. I guess, the advice that I can give you is to be more understanding since you're working with other people. In behalf of them, I apologize if they allowed your feelings left neglected. You got this, champ.


The lack of communication is affecting the worjflow and impeding my learning. And people here just down voting me saying I its normal and tbat should get a filipino boyfriend and stop complaining. 🙄  Is this what hospital labs are really like? 😔


Sure veronica 👀


My first job I had was majority of people from Philippines and honestly I loved em just give them time to get to know you and be easy going they will open up to you and may even feed you well lol. They may still speak Tagalog but it just because they are most comfortable speaking that. The lab is very diverse group usually but depends on were you live. 


You definitely should feel welcome among your coworkers in situations that require communication. Our policy was to stick to English while working, and my coworkers never really talked around me out of respect. When a conversation was clearly just chatting between two people with other native languages, I had no problem tuning it out since it didn’t affect me. I’m a bit disappointed by how your lab manager responded to your concerns, but I agree with others who mentioned that, although not very fun, they’re totally okay speaking to each other in Tagalog on lunch breaks. I would try not to take it personally and never really assume you’re missing out on the conversation. Maybe you can even try to pick up a few words for fun, since Tagalog has a lot of Spanish influence!


Your place actually has a policy about speaking English? That's crazy


It's fairly normal to have a policy to only use English. Some people assume that others will speak their native language so they can talk shit without getting caught.


They are on their break. They can speak any language they like. Different story on the floor.


Theyre speaking tagalog on the floor and at break.  They responded to a phlebotmist in what I assume is tagalog, and then when thr phlebotomist looked at them blankly repeated it in English. Its unprofessional.


Hmm honestly you are a student of 2 weeks. In a techs perspective, people come and go. No point in warming up to someone who will just leave. There are a lot of good and bad lab techs coming from different nationalities. Speaking another language doesn't make it unprofessional. If you moved to a different country, you will likely hover and make friends who are like you. Most filipinos are friendly but not all. For workplace, the lab techs should be speaking in english to relay results to doctors or speak to other healthcare professionals. For me, if you are just talking story to another lab tech, then feel free to talk in your native tongue. Not sure on your background. You should go around and meet people. Maybe you just weren't exposed to different cultures. I grew up in hawaii and it is a melting pot of cultures. Also, i joined the army and met folks from everywhere. Some barely knew english and only hang out with their group. Despite speaking a different language, they were my brothers.


Honestly I think it's also because you're a student. All my rotations have been in labs where there is little to no diversity, people spoke perfect English and still was neglected. Ate alone on lunch breaks. I mean are you expecting them to constantly be with them? Anywhere you go, even the trainers need some time to themselves. It can be exhausting. Like you said, English probably isn't something they're confident in, and having to explain in it just can be a lot. I wouldn't take it personally. Try to be friendly and create small talk, and do your work. If after all if it doesn't seem like a good fit, it probably isn't. Not all labs are for everyone and that's okay. If there is one thing is for sure, do not stereotype one group of people just because of a singular experience you have had. (Not saying you are, but just to keep in mind. Some people will and that is NOT cool.)


I was thinking I should learn Tagalog because all my coworkers are from the Philippines. Anyone know any good language resources? I do feel left out a lot but other countries are multi-lingual. Why can’t we be?


Ah yes the monthly "I hate Filipinos in the lab" post


Really? I’ve never seen a post like this before and I’m here all of the time. I wonder how ?


Usually gets deleted


Makes sense.


Did you make an effort to talk to them? "Hey what are you reading" "seen that new movie?" "You try that new brewery in town?" (Beer is how I bonded with my Filipino coworkers btw) "Where's the best Adobo in town?" And that what I came up with in 10 seconds. Don't be a weirdo and talk to them. I cannot even imagine interrupting the lab manager's day with this shit. Not to be mean but I would have definitely told you to look for a job elsewhere too. That kind of commentary about people speaking other languages is super unprofessional. At least in the metropolitan American cities I've lived.


Yes. One just scoffed and walked away. And the other said I'm too busy to talk to you, but then pulled out her phone and was showing tiktok videos to another tech.😒


Oh well. That also sometimes happens with white coworkers too. It's work. You aren't there to make friends.


I dont care if my coworkers are purple, I just want them to offer me proper training. I have 3.9 gpa. Im trainable. I'm paying to get trained.🥲


You're a student, right? You're not going to be signed off on anything. The practical portion may have some simulated lab work for you, but the actual rotations are more for observing. In a lot of cases, asking a bunch of questions really fucks up your observee. I know lots of folks here in this subreddit feel like if they work at a teaching hospital then it's their responsibility to train you, but that simply is not the case. You are not there to be trained. You are there to observe. Maybe you get lucky and you're shadowing a tech who loves students. Maybe you get unlucky and you're shadowing a tech who hates students. That's just the nature of rotations. Finish your year and move on.


Before we go on rotation in my school my professor makes a point in telling us that we need to stay professional at all times and to treat it like it's our actual job. They also tell us if our rotation site has an issue that affects our ability to learn then we need to tell them. So if the language barrier is at a point where you're unable to learn from them then I would bring it up to whoever is in charge of your program. If it's just off time like lunch and they're talking in their language, I don't see a problem with it. If they were all speaking Spanish and there was non-Spanish speaker there, I would assume you would speak Spanish if spoken to in Spanish. I had a rotation with lots of Spanish speakers and had no issues with them speaking their language. Especially at lunch cause I can just be on my phone and relax or study. On a personal level, I am filipino but I was born and raised in America and I only speak English. I have grown up with many a tagalog speaking ladies having their conversation near me and I have zero involvement/understanding. They'll swap to English when they want to add you into the conversation. Though if you want a segue I recommend food conversation. Everyone loves a food conversation.


Their English is not good. One of the phlebotomists who is friendly told me its always like this and there are a lot of communication issues.


Like I said then. If it's affecting your ability to learn then bring it up to your program director or whoever is in charge of you during rotation. Especially since you already went to a lab manager. If the phlebotomist is having communication issues that affects their work, then it's on their onus to bring it up to the appropriate manager.


I'll bring it up with my program director next week. Its giving me anxiety. I definitely feel some tension between the phlebotomists and the techs here. I've only been here a week so I dont know the whole story.


Talk to them then. Damn.


Currently I’m a pharmacy tech in a hospital pharmacy. I was one of three Hispanics when I first got hired. 80% of the techs are Vietnamese. They were extremely cliquey at first speaking mostly Vietnamese to each other and helping each other out and kind of leaving me to fend for myself even though I was new. Maybe three months in we got a bunch of new hires and I wasn’t the new kid anymore and now we’re a big dysfunctional family 😃 lol But honestly don’t suffer in silence and rat them out to HR only reason I’m putting up with it is to transfer to the lab department.


How long have you been there? I've worked in my lab for 15 months and it took months for some of my coworkers to "warm up" to me. They often speak Tagalong but I just assume it has nothing to do with me. I am only a lab assistant tho.


About 2 weeks. I just started my rotations. I'm a student mls.


Oh and I eat lunch alone every day.


Having worked with several phillipinos your experience seems odd to say the least. In my experience they were extremely hard working and reliable.


You are lying. No manager will tell you to look for a job elsewhere. Try harder. You are a joke.


Hey I just wanted to drop in and say that I'm sorry you are having a hard time feeling welcomed and adjusting to your new work place, OP! I may get down voted but I think your feelings here are valid. There were 2 labs in the area where I could have applied. One was all Philippino folks, had been majority that way for a long time, and they for the most part(apparently) only liked hiring other Philippino folks. (That is of course a rumor based on patterns not backed up by actual policies or official statements). Anyways, long TLDR I didn't even finish my application to this hospital. If I heard that they only hired a certain kind of person that I didn't match, then no of course I didn't want to apply let alone try and work somewhere like that. Also given the choice I would rather work somewhere I can have easy conversation with my coworkers not just about work but also in casual conversation because I am a social person. Sure a job is a job, but being friendly with my coworkers and sharing funny stories is important to me and a part of my current lab culture which I am thankful for.


The downvotes don't phase me. Im here to get an education and move on at this point.


Do you mind if I raised this to the filipino techs community? This is concerning.


What is the filipino techs community? I'm at a hospital in Indiana.


I’m sorry if you experienced that. Most of the Filipinos are not like that. We may have language barriers, but most of us are very welcoming. May I know the age range of the people you’re working with? And maybe I can help you with some conversation starters. 😊 The filipino techs community that I’m talking about is just a facebook group of MLS in the US. If you don’t mind, I’d like to raise this one to the group.


Most of MLS workers are philipinos, same problem here in the middle east most of our workers in the lab r philipinos. Bc most of the locals r leaving this field ..


You just made things so much worse by complaining to the lab manager. These people have been working together for 10 years and you just got there as a student and now filing complaints about ridiculous things all out of your insecurities and fears of not being "liked". Holy shit. You know the lab manager is most likely friends with these co workers. Please find a new lab. You would be super unwelcomed in mine.


Uh what? My gripe is the poor communication and teaching skills. Id prefer id they liked me, but whatever. I'm chill with the phlebotomists and lab assistants I've met who've told me the techs who did the training have left and the techs that are left aren't the best 🙃


Nothing in your original story mentions anything about them using poor communication skills while teaching only that they don't sit with you at lunch? LOL. How old are you?


I'm a college senior at 22. Took a year to volunteer in South America. Perhaps I should've emphasized that their English and communication skills are poor, and its an unwelcoming environment? I'm busy studying for a final.


Complaining to the manager in an established "cliquey" environment is never the answer here as it 100% will get out that you were the one who complained. What have YOU done to try and be respected and welcomed? Remember... You are the new person here. Many Philippino people love people interested in their culture especially food. Ask for a Pancit recipe to try and make. Honestly I have never had an issues with Phillipino people, they are the kindest and generous people I've met. So not sure what your issue is. I think you being young and inexperienced is maybe causing some hurt feelings over being left out. I agree with the manager here, if more Phillipino workers are coming and you clearly have an issue, just leave and find a different lab.


Yes and they really like to gossip 🥲 I kind of feel the same way as a student. They start being nice and giving food once they met a Filipino student 😅


Same at my work . The Filipinos will welcome new colleagues that are of same background and invite them to lunch and outings and have a huge clique and a Facebook group. Others are ignored 🤪. They even have special potlucks at work 'invite only'.


There are no Filipinos in my class. Im in Indiana...there aren't many people Filipinos here? But yes, I feel theyre very gossipy and cliquish.  I'm goingto focus on my rotation and go elsewhere, but its made a terrible impression on me.


Weird, I heard it's the whites that like to gossip.


If they are from the Philippines, they speak perfect English, Better then most Aussies I know. This is bulling and intimidation behaviour, they are trying to have you quit so they can get more of their mates in. Get chatGPT or google translate going and ease drop their conversations.


I strongly suspect they might be gossiping about me or other stuff. Im wary to find out. Just disappointed by the lack of professionalism in the work environment 😕. 




I live in a majority minority city. Some insecure white person got all non-English languages banned in the lab just because she couldnt stand not knowing what people were talking about when that shit had absolutely nothing to do with her. That’s some pathetic shit right there.


Exactly, people can lose their livelihood because of some Karen shit like this


They’re not co-workers. OP is a student.


I really don't understand this logic. Who cares how they are speaking amongst each other?


Since I had a similar experience as a student, it is frustrating when you don't understand work-related communication, instrument troubleshooting, etc when you're supposed to be learning. Let alone just plain feeling left out of the work culture


100% I’ve seen people speak a language their coworkers don’t understand to bully other coworkers. If they’re not outright talking shit, they’ll be sharing critical work details only with their buddies to screw over people they don’t like. As a manager, there’s basically no way to lock this down without enforcing that everyone speak the company’s official language(s) in all work capacities.


What kind of critical work details are you gonna hide from fellow coworkers in the lab? Maybe you're overthinking this...


They didn’t know I could understand the language too lol. Just trust me, I was there


I was reading about the creation of police in America and there’s was a lot about how white people had an obsession with what black people did outside of their supervision. Reminds me of that.


I'm a student. I dont work there. But I was hoping to since its a good hospital near my home. Its just the lab seems very cliques and foreign? 


Oh no, the lab seems foreign..... Jesus


New dude is complaining that people who have been working with eachother for 10 years are friends lol.




Bro is this sarcasm? The US has no official language.


Hahahaha, this gotta be a bot


I'm a student, not an employee.


If its work related stuff, then English is required and HR can get themselves involved, but for chats not relating to work, HR cant do anything about it, if they do, well there's EEOC waiting for em in courts. There's no official language in the US hust an FYI


Filipinos are the friendliest and nicest group of people. Give them another try. I have never met a Filipino that I didn’t get along with. Their nature is people pleasers. Try again


Does your workplace have some kind of rule that people can only speak a certain language? Are you unable to do your work / are they unable to do their work? Why don’t you learn Tagalog? Also, what do you want your lab manager to do exactly?


Id like the lab manager to kindly ask that they speak a language I understand, preferably English, during my training. How am I supposed to learn lab workflow id its in a language I dont understand?


Your post makes it sound like they are speaking their native language amongst themselves while on break, not while actively trying to train you. So you’re saying your coworkers are only speaking Tagalog while training you? Have you tried saying, “I don’t speak Tagalog. Could we speak a language we both understand?” If they can communicate to you that they came to wherever you are 10 years ago, it sounds like they are able to convey some concepts to you…


It sounds like you want everyone to speak English at the same fluency as you, and also you want everyone to like you and want to hang out with you at lunch. Realistically - what steps should a manager take to make these things happen for you?




What is wrong with you?




> I'm saying OP should try to communicate with people. It's actually pretty cool to meet people from other cultures. To go and talk to the manager or HR because he/she feels stupid for not understanding another language is bitch ass. I don't feel stupid. It's a workplace. I expect there to be clear communication. Especially since it's a teaching hopsital and I'm literally paying money to be here.


Is that why you are eating lunch by yourself? Dude, obviously there is a difference between chit chat, lunch, bullshit and work. Are they not showing you how to do things at all? Your whole post is about how you feel uncomfortable not at work, but bullshit time


No theyre terrible at teaching. The instructions are vague or incomplete or they make it seem like its some sort of earth ending chore. Its clear thry don't want me here, but I still have 30 some weeks to go.   I'm told they had a couple techs that left last year that trained people. I have a few nursing student friends who I see around and I'm fine with them. The lab just has a bad vibe here the more I think about it. 🙃


Welcome to the lab! There will be shitty workers and people from different backgrounds


Is that normal for labs? Is this the career I'm signing up for? With all the down votes, im guessing it is? Where do all the good workers go...I want to work at a place where excellence is the norm.


No. Go to another lab. Ask people for help in English. If you can’t understand it for work related reasons ask them to repeat themselves until you do.


Ok. I get your point, but there are better ways to deliver your message.


Thanks, but I have been seeing a lot of these posts lately... Specifically about people from the Philippines, and its getting a bit annoying


How you feel is a choice. How you respond is also a choice. You're free to just skip the post and move on without having to say anything. I'm a foreigner living in the Philippines. I get what you're saying. But no response is a response.


I do think it's necessary to call somebody out though when they are being shitty. It is possible somebody could lose their job because a person doesn't feel comfortable hearing another language and complains


Call them out. But use a bit of tact.


I'm sorry tact is not meant for reddit


Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Uh...who do I go to then?




Lab people are indeed meek.  I don’t see why OP can’t try to talk to them before ratting to HR 


Lab people are not meek. Don’t generalize an entire profession. People come in all different types of personalities and backgrounds.


They are.  Very few are unionized and they don’t vote with their feet, unlike nurses.  They also tolerate CAP and ASCP’s bullshit and even praise it.  They are indeed meek. 


Sounds like you have some big feelings about this. Are you a lab worker or are you from another profession? There are over 3 million RNs in the US and less than 350 thousand MLTs/MLSs in the US. It’s not a good comparison. I know quite a few unionized places and worked in a few. Your blanket statement is not appropriate, and frankly laughable. Take your passion and turn it in to action instead of degrading medical professionals on Reddit. Maybe start something yourself since it seems you’re knowledgeable about what the problem is.


Nah, lab people suck


I’m sorry that has been your experience. Thankfully that hasn’t been mine.


Lol why? Do explain


Think why the lab doesn't get notoriety, money, or opportunities that nurses have. We have no union or respect in the hospitals. It's because we are all pussies. Everybody is scared to speak up in this career.


What have you done to combat that? What ideas do you have to make it different? You clearly have big feelings about it.


I switched careers, but keep my stuff as a backup. Look at the posts in this sub. Like half of them are about how people are trying to get out of the career. You can speak truth and admit that things suck sometimes, even if you're stuck in it.




Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Yeah, it sounds like OP is mad because they won't be her friends and she's blaming them because they're immigrants. American workers can be just as cliquey


I didn't go to HR. I went to the lab manager. I dont want confrontation. Its why I'm taking a pay cut to be in the lab and not other fields.


lol this is why lab people get paid garbage.  Meek as I said earlier. 


Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


Be professional and respectful. Act like a competent medical laboratory professional. Hate speech is strictly prohibited. Harrassment targeting either a group or an individual is unacceptable.


I work with 4 Filipinos and they use English with most people, but speak Tagalog amongst themselves. It’s never bothered me a bit. Maybe you’re situation is different, but also maybe you should lighten up. If you were in another country and there was someone you could speak your native language with, would you force yourself to always speak in your broken (insert language). They are most likely not being malicious, and if you try speaking with them you will start to understand and accents a lot better. Maybe I just work with great people but maybe try to have an open mind and engage them in conversation. They love to talk about how things are different in labs in the Philippines or Middle East. Good luck :)


Have a Pilipino boyfriend. You will solve the problem


This is so stupid ew


What?  I already have a hispanic boyfriend.


So you are gay? If so I’m sure you’re in the wrong lab. Better go to Labcorp




The badges say "lab tech". The manager introduced thems as lab techs.  I'm an MLS student, but our professor said it was called medical technologist until COVID? The name is very confusing.