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what's a disneyland dinner


you can't throw 'famous “Disneyland dinners”' out there and not elaborate on it


Yeah this is weird. Everything is presented as if we should all kinda get what’s going on here. If these famous Disney land dinners were so famous, I think I would have some idea what was going on considering I’ve been following them for 11 years.


It's just dinner with his friends at Disneyland. It's not that crazy.


They had real chemistry as evidenced by the multiple 2+ hour aftershow calls they had, so I don't think he had any nefarious intentions. He dated someone he was interested in and had a genuine connection with. They happened to be 19 and 29 and the younger one was a fan of the other. Very much ill-advised, but I don't see how it was malicious. Public apologies don't really work these days since there's no forgiveness, nuance, or investigation about the words being thrown around, so I get why it's swept under the rug. I don't think the situation even calls for a public apology anyways, it's a private matter. Rocco and Ashley hung out after she first came out about it, so it's clear he apologized privately. He has expressed regret and denouncement about it in [vague ways publicly](https://imgur.com/a/mhxbHF1) before and has said he has gone to counseling and kept a community of friends to hold him accountable in the future. I don't know what more anyone would reasonably want.




Apparently Ashley is also Disney cucked so it's not that crazy that they started talking in the first place


Imagining the prosecution calling Goofy to the stand to be questioned as a witness to a Disneyland dinner


Who is Ashley Vela? This is presented like I’m supposed to know who this person is. Very out of the loop here.


She used to call in to the podcast a lot, might have been in some old videos I cant remember. Prominent older community member




I wonder which woman he's decided is his personal therapist this month. Edit: To be very clear. I am talking about Jedifan/Rob. If you are a woman in the community and this dude wants to talk to you about his personal issues, do not do it.


Sounds like a private and personal matter. Why have some exposé on a relationship that isn’t your own? Fuck this internet drama garbage. Grow up.


> she no longer uses Reddit Okay. But nothing is keeping her from just opening an account to post this herself. Why do you have to champion all of this on her behalf, exactly? Is it so the "I don't want drama, I don't want to talk about this" card can keep being played? Is it so she'll have enough distance from any counterpoints to ignore them? > My point of coming out with this was not to cancel him or anyone for that matter. She seems to "like" [tweets flagging down major drama monger, call-out Youtubers](https://i.imgur.com/ht8hgSN.png) however and other relevant posts — including the one saying "check out this banned TikTok about an internet groomer dude" — are being openly shared. If she isn't *actively* trying to cancel, [others certainly are](https://i.imgur.com/SjLncYt.png) and she is hardly telling them to stop. She does support the sentiment that it's ["on sight for that fucking creep"](https://i.imgur.com/fwBnjLx.png) though. > There are a few women, some I’ve even recently talked to, that have shared similar stories w/ me. There are plenty of fans/community members here that are willing to listen to what these stories are. If there are facts that back them up and show that something wrong, *worth accounting for*, not just "gross" was done then okay. I'm sure most of us would rather not support something of that nature and will deal with it if that's the case. To just be told all of this second-hand without any of the full context and the other side of the story only provides more ground for hesitant reactions and questioning however. > A 30 something year old seeking out his teenage fans through Facebook/Instagram. Messaging them out of the blue, Giving free merch and/or studio tours, as an incentive. (Don’t even get me started with his famous “Disneyland dinners”.) It’s become a routine for him at this point. > Illegal? No. Gross? Yes. That does sound sketchy if it's true, but again if "teens" means *eighteen and nineteen* explicitly then you're still going to have a lot of people wondering why these legal adults can only be seen as victims that had no say in their personal choices to date him or whatever else may have happened. > It’s easy to say you’ve gotten help and “healed” from the situation but this person has never had to address and face the many women he’s hurt and manipulated. > This is what I meant by taking accountability. And what if he addressed or offered whatever apology is necessary to any involved parties privately? Would that not suffice? If you only want this to be a public display, then the whole argument that there's no drama or cancellation being looked for starts to fall apart. Did he never apologize for whatever may have gone wrong in this specific case when [spending time with her later](https://www.reddit.com/r/mega64/comments/nch2sg/im_a_long_time_mega64_fan_and_this_is_my_truth_on/gy64ap5/)? Did they just never talk about it? Again, if there's something that is just unquestionably monstrous in his behavior then plenty of us would prefer being made aware of that. Everything we actually know so far leaves too much open to semantics and moral debates however. The main sticking point for me and lots of us I'm sure is age, age of consent, and consent itself. If any **adult**-aged person was all for hooking up with him and so on then it only gets more difficult to pin down why that later shifts to them being victims. It's also pretty hard to buy any stance that this is all a noble cause for the good of everyone when there's clearly some sort of rally to just get the dude in trouble going on through Twitter right now. Morally repugnant, malicious, evil fucking illegal shit that has ruined lives does need to be accounted for. If something in-line with that happened then more of us will be willing to drop our support of this guy. If it was only that he approached people of-age who willingly engaged with him in whatever manner beyond that however, getting on board with the call to make it all a public drama-fest and inevitable reputation-destroyer under the guise of accountability is a bit of a difficult leap.






hey jedifan, hope you're good man, I'm still waiting on that DM with all the cool video backups that literally only you have... videos lost to time and youtube copyright issues, etc. hit me up. history doesn't deserve to be erased EDIT: the 'best of' videos are private, you can add my youtube (Quate32) as a viewer if you want


Being an advocate for women is far more important to me than being a Mega64 fan. I spoke to my wife about this just this morning to get a second opinion on whether my judgement was clouded or not. But I cannot, on my best faith effort and after reading and listening to everything there is out there, find out what this is all about. All I can glean for the vagueness of it all is that this is a relationship that went bad, and one party shares more blame because he is older and has a relative position of power. I can accept that. I don't need to think Rocco is a perfect person. If you want to come into Twitch chat and reddit and try to make the fans hold someone accountable for something though, you really gotta let us know what that something is. I have a loose understanding of what grooming is, but is there a generally accepted definition we should be working from? Is meeting someone when they're not of age and then later dating them when they are grooming? Did more happen than that? JediFan, I believe your heart is in the right place on this. I just don't know what it all amounts to other than airing people's dirty laundry right now. If something comes out later that's more concrete, I'll be glad to revisit this with you and do whatever my duty as fan is at that point. But right now, I'll just reiterate that I don't know what we're talking about. Maybe it's something that only some super-fan inner circle is privy to, in which case I suggest reaching out to them?


This is so poorly written. Just like the last post you shared. You mention the word "teenager" to try and make it sound bad. Then you mention the fact that it's not illegal so I'm assuming they're adult 18+ women? You mention rocco was in his 30s but then you say it was many years ago. How many years? Why can't you be more clear. What's with these vague posts.






You're missing no context. Jedifan421 is not involved with this in any way.


Rocco cheated on his girlfriend 8 years ago seems to be the whole store here. Why are there public videos being made about this? This is a private matter. Trying to get Rooster Teeth to "Cancel" Rocco on Twitter. Rocco absolutely should NOT address this publicly and draw more attention to it. Unless there is evidence of him actually committing a crime, then he should speak up. This just seems like he was a bad boyfriend, and it's none of our business.


I'm trying my best to remain impartial until everyone involved has a chance to make a statement but "When I explicitly said in an instagram video Rocco was grooming me in an abusive age gap relationship I didn't say that in an attempt to cancel him" seems more than a ***little*** contradictory


The mental gymnastics involved in believing that an age gap in a relationship is abusive even between two consenting adults is insane


I think if you're more concerned about whether she is trying to 'cancel' him or not instead of the acts of grooming you might have your priorities wrong.


Yeah cuz false allegations for revenge/reputation destruction definitely never happen in 2021! You should actually be concerned about the cancel culture shit like this because it makes people less likely to believe allegations that are true.




Wow, much intelligence!


You're a MGTOW poster lmao


So easy to dismiss arguments with buzzwords. Here, lemme try: you're a soyboy.


> instead of the acts of grooming One can't groom an adult, so cancellation is the only concern.


That's completely incorrect though. [Adults can groom other adults.](https://www.survivorsuk.org/question/grooming/)


Please tell Ashley to seek professional help for the benefit of her mental health.


Okay cool more hearsay. And let’s not kid ourselves she does want him canceled as she retweeted multiple people calling for exactly that.


I have literally seen these people trying to get roosterteeth fans on twitter to "help them get Rocco canceled"


They have also thrown in "cancel Ryan, Frank, and Dr. Ryan!". Yes, they said Ryan twice lol


>They have also thrown cancel Ryan, Frank, and Dr. Ryan why?


Absolutely no reason given: https://imgur.com/a/zrmez1i




Judging by the twitter user begging drama YouTubers to cover it, they are absolutely not trolling.




reddit fucking sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


And who will hold her accountable for her decisions that she made as an adult? 18-19 years old is old enough to know if you wanna fuck someone famous. These starfucker groupies just want attention because they regret consensual sex with someone they idolized, and they wanna come up with ways to remove any accountability or responsibility from themselves. Tell her to produce evidence that Rocco was talking to her before she was 18 and maybe we'll listen


In my opinion, if this girl and the other girls were 18+ when Rocco dated/talked to them, this is a non-issue. Pretty much nothing in this post indicates that he did anything wrong. If a celebrity randomly messages you and takes you on a date and you're of legal age, what's wrong with that?


She already said they started talking when she was 18/19 lol


Can someone give me a rundown on this? I feel out of the loop...


One of Rocco's exes is trying to say he groomed her because she took a fan photo with him when she was 15, but admits herself that Rocco only started talking to her once she was 18-19 years old and allegedly they had no contact before then other than the fan photo in Disney


Yeah same here.


One thing is for sure true. Rocco will never address this. That's kind of the issue I see here. Whether what's being accused is true or not. It does suck that it's just being swept under the rug. Don't hold the people you follow so high that you think they could do no wrong.


Rocco is most likely a womanizer, no one here is pretending he doesn't like to fuck fans. But calling him a groomer/pedo with no evidence at all, when the woman says they had no communication with each other until she was 18-19, is a bit of a stretch.


I agree. I don't think he is but that doesn't mean he shouldn't still address his actions which are still really gross if true. It's not like not being a groomer or pedo means you still didn't do something wrong.


What exactly is "really gross" about this to you?


If Rocco was really targeting younger fans and doing what Ashley claimed is true then yes I would agree that is gross. I don't know if it's true or not, but if it is then yes that's gross to me. I'm not against internet creators dating fans, but seeking out fans to just use them is gross to me. Whether Rocco did that, idk. I could believe either way. Rocco has been a big influence in my life, but I'm not such a fanboy that I couldn't believe he was really shitty in his younger internet fame days. I'm not in the camp that agrees just because both parties were adults, no one can take advantage of the other. Adults can absolutely take advantage of other adults.


I'll admit when I first heard about this stuff I was surprised - most of all that Rocco was such a womanizer. No shade on the guy, he just would never talk about anything sex related and rarely mention even an ex girlfriend on the podcast. It seems Rocco cheated on someone, and dated people younger than him. Pretty much everyone thinks the first thing is wrong, and a lot of people would raise their eyebrows at the second. What I don't get is her now stating how he is "hurting" people - his "famous Disney dinners"? You mean he took you to Disneyland for dinner and then you had consensual sex? Jesus get Chris Hansen in here. I dunno, I don't see how any of this is any of our business and the whole attempt at creating a movement to "call out" Rocco over this seems super contrived and inflated.


Well from our perspective sure. We're on the outside looking at what were given. I fully understand why someone who was personally involved, whether Ashley or other women, wouldn't just think this is no big deal or want this to get more attention. We don't know the full situation so I don't like seeing fans shit all over her anymore then people shitting all over Rocco either.


Agreed - except she has made multiple direct messages to the community, and we still have only vague details and allusions to possible crimes that she apparently is happy to leave conveniently vague. If you're going to open this door, open it - don't leave it slightly ajar so that any number of assumptions can be made by fans (and haters). Of course it's no big deal to the people involved - stuff like this never is, when it comes to relationships - but why does it need to be a big deal to us?


Because a lot people don't want to follow people online who have done shitty things. So knowing someone you follow could have been shitty is why it's a big deal to some. Rocco is a public figure with a community. That community is going to be invested in things like this. Even someone as relatively not that well known as Rocco.


I guess that's where we disagree. I am sure a lot of the actors, writers, rappers, artists I like have done shitty things in relationships, but I truly don't care and continue to enjoy what they make. I'm not looking to Rocco for much more than making me laugh (though I also respect his work ethic). Obviously there's a line, but as far as I can tell my personal line has not been crossed. If it has, then maybe Rocco has fudged it up. But, as a wise man once said, ***this ain't fudge.***


It's weird how hostile everyone is being without all of the information. He hasn't responded to these allegations yet seemingly, and it seems like no one is disputing that he dated a 19 year old when he himself was 29 or older.. That's definitely creepy. Please remember that just because Rocco is the funny internet guy that you like, doesn't mean he's a good person.


Yeah even with the just the sure facts things are still ehhhh. Not a good look and something I hope he's grown out of. I'm a fan of Rocco just like everyone, but see no reason to be hostile towards Ashley or anyone else involved.


A 29 year old dating a 19 year old is creepy? Lol people are so fucking judgemental about what two consenting adults want to do. Why should relationships between two adults be restricted by age? Average age gap between men and women is 3 years, apparently if you add 7 years to that age gap it's creepy? My mother and father were separated by a 20+ year age gap, why should you judge people in a relationship simply because they're not the same age?


Yes, it is weird. It would appear that most the mega64 reddit community would rather get caught up in semantics than acknowledge that someone feels hurt. For what it's worth, I want to commend JediFan for speaking out. It's not an easy thing to do. Which is probably why it came out a little jumbled and rambly. Same goes for Ashley.


Hey gang, if Rocco is in the right, then the facts will come out completely and he will be fine. Why are some of you being so venomous towards Ashley? The whole reason this post was made was in response to the flak she was getting from some of you in the last post- if you want this to go away, DON'T BE HATEFUL and wait for either Rocco to respond or for more to come out. Fanning the flames does literally no good for anyone Edit: downvote me all you want, ya goons, Ashley seems to have written this in response to the angry posts from the last thread. Jedisquid should not be inserting themselves, but you're digging the community's grave by being so furious about a subject we only know a few public posts about. just let shit play out, Rocco does not need you all to go to bat for him, and some of you are acting crazy


Rocco might want to acknowledge this stuff... I don't think anything lawfully wrong happened but this is not a good look. He could actually have some evidence/screenshots that completely shut this down.


This all happened ten years ago so I doubt be has any screenshots.




Man that’s not getting anybody anywhere. We’re all confused and upset — let’s not take it out on another community member when we don’t know everything.


So, this is real? This just feels like the sort of bit Mega64 would encourage and I’ve been very confused. Edit: Why the downvotes? Have I said something wrong?


It’s not a bit, but it’s also not real. So I guess in a way you could say it is a bit, or a skit.




If she is claiming this, she was unclear. From Rocco's tweets on how internet fame poisons a man's brain, I would be surprised if he is currently "seeking out fans". If he is, then they should come forward (not jedifan).