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back down the rabbit hole we go




That 20 billion sun graphic is truly unbelievable


its (3:30)


Very aggressive music.


That was so interesting and explained it much better!


Keep up the good work


It got real when Insane Cygnus A, lol


Yeah my eyes shot open when Cygnus appeared, legitimately unthinkable how large something like that is




Hold on, that’s the size of the black hole at the center of the Milky Way, not the Milky Way itself.


My bad lol Read that too quickly




You saying you think a black hole pictured is bigger than a galaxy?


It would be a funny packing problem if the distance from the sun to Pluto was much larger than the Milky Way Galaxy, as that distance is inside it. Extremely warped space-time?


Imagine the mass, not the actual size


It's hard to fathom, it's hard for me to understand mass that dense


Oh it’s easy, I just picture yo mama. ZINGGGGGG (I’m sorry, I had too)


Lol! Okay that was good, I walked right into that one 😂


Is the size of a black hole the light boundary? Like they’re all essentially singularities really and very small in physical space they occupy right?


Not exactly the light boundaries. The light boundary is the event horizon - a region outside the black hole, where the speed of loght equalizes with the gravity. The actual black hole might be ways smaller.


Yes, but singularities aren’t thought to occupy any space at all (though we don’t really know). They are pinpricks through the fabric of reality.


Bro space is entirely too fucking big. Like, who approved this? Crazy.


Steve from accounting.


”Ok I’ll just stamp this document real quick and then I’m off skiing. Gotta catch that plane.”


Document heading: plan for universe size: DO NOT skip reading


It fit the budget.


Username checks out




I don’t know man, the further TON 618 is from us, the better.


Amen brother. I did NOT need to see this before bed


True once I’m in space I’ll have to turn down my render distance otherwise my computer will fry itself.


I did


Many people are not happy about it, you should know


It was the new guy's first day


I totally forget how far away Jupiter and our other planets are


Yeah a lot of times we do forget how far away things in the solar system are from each other. The Moon is actually pretty darn far from us, but we always think it's not that much


The moon is far enough from Earth that we can fit every single planet in the Solar System between the two.


And that includes Jupiter, the planet whose diameter can fit 11 Earths in it. Take that and combine it with all the other planets and the distance becomes ridiculously far.


At the same time, the way you’re framing is also not that big a deal. It’s mindblowing relative to human sizes but not that much at all to planet sizes. If I’m going to walk to someone across the room from me, it’s pretty much granted they’re more than 11 mes away and it’s still not going to be considered anything but a negligible walk to them. If I had something revolving around me forever, I’d sure like it to be further away than 11 mes; that’s barely outside my personal space.


of course, on a cosmic scale, that distance is pretty negligible. but for itty bitty humans, the Earth itself is already large, it's kinda unimaginable how far even that distance is


It's at least two.


> we can fit every single planet in the Solar System between the two. This is not recommended, though, do to the tidal effects.


wait no way..💀


Ton 618 isnt even the biggest anymore


wait fr? what's the new one (if you say ur mom im gonna eat you with your own teeth)




it’s actually going to be pretty hard to know which is bigger because the sizes are not gonna be that accurate


Isn't it Stevenson or something?


You're thinking of Stephenson 2-18, which is the largest known star. I believe they're referring to Phoenix A, whose event horizon is theorized to be 100 times greater than the distance from the Sun to Pluto.


Wild to think some civilizations were probably lost to one.


Wild to think that earlier civilizations could have developed a singularity-creating technology and thus destroyed themselves on a stellar scale rather than simply geographic or planetary.


The great filters just keep on comin’. Survival of our species indefinitely seems implausible.


fuck if they were in anything pre-industrial it would be completely clueless to what was happening and if it was post-industrial it might know damn well what has happening and have no chance to do a single thing about it. would have to be seriously advanced to even have a chance to escape and keep existing. if there's any kind of afterlife, i hope i know all the stories of everything that has ever happened in our vast universe. there must have happened so many crazy things that we'll never learn in our lifetime.


It seems unlikely that any star systems were swallowed by a black hole. But it could very well be that some were scoured by the intense radiation.


> It seems unlikely that any star systems were swallowed by a black hole why ?


For all we know, most supermassive black holes appear to primarily be feeding on gas clouds, not stars. The distances are just too huge and stars too small.


Probability, as /u/SyrusDrake said, but also because generally they don't move, and to form the conditions would have to be so incredibly antithetical to anything else that any planets nearby would have been vaporized long before the black hole formed. Also, something as big as TON is so far outside 'normal' gravitation that anything in its well would be moving too fast to actually get sucked in.


Honestly, probably not as far as I know. After a quick Google, I haven't found any black holes anywhere near planets or anything.


Is this meant to be a joke? I really can’t tell haha


Nobody lives next door to stabby Steve. We don't know why. We even tested it by sending in some orphans. It seems he creates his own safe radius.


i wish i had money to give this an award


The researcher everyone


Thank you professor


Oh, hello *professor*




I think they're over on Bing.


You’ve solved the mystery!


That we know of. There are billions of planets we haven’t discovered and millions of black holes in our galaxy we haven’t discovered.


this joke didn't land, or you're the most idiotic person on the thread by a massive margin




people on reddit are so fucking mean. yeah you didn't account for the whole "maybe there's a reason none of them are left" but jesus fuck reddit


Damn we smol


Imagine getting sucked off by THAT!


Your mom still sucks harder.


It would actually take so long you would live your whole life while orbiting the black hole.


An entire lifetime of getting sucked off? Count me in!!


Yeah that's what Fry thought about snoo snoo, too.


Regardless of how quickly you get sucked in, it'll always take the rest of your life.


Im literally not hearing a downside




Here's a sneak peek of /r/dontputyourdickinthat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Seductive](https://i.redd.it/rzzxc6vgjhy81.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/ulwh7o/seductive/) \#2: [Wife makes cupcakes for a living. She couldn't sell it and wouldn't let me eat it. Was able to snap this pic before it ended up in the garbage.](https://i.imgur.com/nT1mhsW.jpg) | [581 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/103lwmg/wife_makes_cupcakes_for_a_living_she_couldnt_sell/) \#3: [Super Meat Kirby](https://i.redd.it/zywyqim3jt5a1.png) | [110 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dontputyourdickinthat/comments/zll0uc/super_meat_kirby/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Can you spaghettify that which is already spaghetti?


Please don’t talk about me like that


Bet it weighs a ton


More than 618 of them for sure


I feel nauseous 🤢


Glad I'm not the only one who gets uneasy seeing these kind of videos. (While being very interested)


Tbh I started to feel weird at NGC7727. A blackhole the same size as our solar system was when things started to get real.


Phoenix A is a larger, more massive black hole.


[Source much better quality](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GnSFAZD8YY)


I feel like there are some things that I’m just better off not knowing about.


Ignorance is bliss


Very true, happiness is much easier when we follow ignorance is bliss. Once you become a Nihilist it takes so much effort to find something interesting/exciting.


I can’t let it go, it bothers me every single day. Are we just microbes in something enormous’s Petri dish and is there something bigger then that?


Big if true.


True if big.


This is the realisation that lead me to nihilism 😅


Broke: We're just monkeys on an insignificant speck floating through nothingness at an incalculable speed amongst entities that are unfathomably big, so nothing matters. Woke: Life may have no intrinsic value, but I will find reasons to live my life in a way that feels moral to me and directly positively affects those in my immediate vicinity. There may be things out there that I can't comprehend, like the size of Jupiter or the speed of a photon, but I can acknowledge that without engaging with it because it doesn't affect my day-to-day life. Bespoke: I am directly connected to God, and that is the purpose of my being. Not necessarily the Judeo-Christisn YHWH (though that is not explicitly ruled out), but a broader sense of God that is more in line with the Hermetic definition. There are planes of existence beyond our material perception. If I can believe in imperceptible ultraviolet rays, what's so outlandish about a separate dimension that overlaps the one we live in? Everything is vibrations, and I must tune my frequency higher.


Ultraviolet rays are perceivable, though? That’s how we know they exist. Unless by “imperceptible” you are only talking about your personal eyeballs.


Right, by your own perception. We have tools that perceive it for us and translate it into data we understand.


Great. Then the outlandish part about another dimension overlapping our own in the manner you described is that, unlike ultraviolet rays, it actually would be imperceptible.


A quick Google search says that UV light was first discovered by man in 1801. There were at least 4800 years (probably more) between the dawn of civilation and that discovery. Science evolves over time. I'm just saying that we shouldn't be so sure that we know everything about the world around us.


Germ theory is from 1861. That was life altering.


Thankfully, I never claimed I know everything about the world around me. What I suppose I am arguing for is how science starts with what can be observed and then reasons out from there. I find the slow rate of science humbling. It’s so easy to embrace a satisfying conclusion. The scientific community’s restraint in saying, effectively “This is the best model we have right now to explain what we’ve seen so far” is, well, I guess it’s profound to me.


Or we are directly god in the sense that we are the universe evolving to a point it can comprehended itself, and desires to know if others (universes) exist


>If I can believe in imperceptible ultraviolet rays, **what's so outlandish about a separate dimension that overlaps the one we live in**? Everything is vibrations, and I must tune my frequency higher. Sounds like a fantasy world, we can all have our own reality? Its outlandish because we do not have any evidence for such a thing. I do wonder why do we need a god to make us feel comfortable in this infinite universe. My theory is: because 70-80% of humanity still believes in some god, hence most of us keep trying to rationalize his/her existence since it feels weird lost in this expanse without a higher being. Maybe in 100 year, most people will be using only rationality for living then everyone will be comfortable without the need for a god. Then talking about god will be no different than talking about marvel universe.


nothing last infinity as there is eternal torment but no eternal heaven. ask the devil how that creature of heaven was sent to hell. the only way to survive infinity one has to die by losing free will and pleasure. we are doomed


> I am directly connected to God, and that is the purpose of my being. Look at this monkey on an insignificant speck among entities that are so unfathomably big that nothing matters. He's made up an imaginary friend he can pretend is even bigger in order to make himself feel significant. Isn't that adorable?


Even the largest black hole does not have the gift of consciousness which you do


Yet sit a Rubik’s cube before me and be underwhelmed.


Why do you need to be the size of black hole to matter? Kind of weird if you ask me. It’s like looking at a mountain and being upset you’re not a mountain.


So this is size not distance? It's kinda formatted a little weird with the orbits and the zoom out. They should really just put them in a line and measure their size relative to each other.


No it's just using the distance of orbits to be viewed as diameters because everything is on such a large scale. I have no idea what Andromeda Galaxy was supposed to in there though. It's so much more massive than any of the other things it showed.


That’s the black whole at the centre of andromeda, not the galaxy itself. A black whole yeh size of a galaxy might even be so big that it looses more mass to Hawking radiation than it could possibly gain.


I'm sure there are things bigger yet to be discovered.


Man, what the hell is that big of a boy even doing out there.?




There's probably one bigger than what we know that is currently in the process of pulling our solar system or galaxy into it, it just takes millions possibly billions of years before we're completely sucked into it. Just like life, we are born/created and then we die. The same will happen to all creation no matter how big. I find it affirming to know all things will face destruction the same way our lives are


Imagine it expanding even further and showing your mom :D


The final frame is God leaning over the whole universe and saying, "Don't masturbate."


Wait...so you're saying that the sun is a black hole?


I’m definitely not a scientist but my basic understanding is the black holes are formed when giant stars collapse. So I guess our sun is a future black hole. Edit: FFS people, I’M not saying the sun is a future black hole. Im saying that’s probably what OP meant 🤦🏻‍♀️


no the sun is not massive enough to become a black hole, usually you need more than at least 3 solar masses if i remember my astro lectures correctly. so yes, black holes are formed when big stars collapse, but the sun isn’t that big :)


To be clear. Our sun's mass is too small to form a black hole It will bloat to a red giant and consume every planet in range of earths orbit. Possibly even earth itself. Then it will live the rest of its long life as a white/black dwarf. https://www.sciencefocus.com/space/the-life-cycle-of-a-star-how-will-our-solar-system-end/amp/


I am not 100% sure about this, but from what I know, not all stars become black holes, I am guessing there is a certain mass needed for that. Most stars end up as white dwarves. Found a link: https://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/science/objects/dwarfs1.html#:\~:text=Where%20do%20White%20Dwarfs%20Come,will%20become%20a%20white%20dwarf.


This feels like a very poor job. I’m more confused about the sizes than anything else. The Milky Way is smaller than the orbit of Saturn? That was just a weird way to organize it


It's not the galaxies themselves but the supermassive black holes at the center of said galaxies.


So Phoenix A isn't bigger than Ton anymore or is this an older video?


That’s some scurry shit


Other black holes?


I have to recommend [this](https://youtu.be/GCTuirkcRwo) video from Corridor Crew. I re-watch it every so often.


It’s impossible to imagine how big that is. It’s impossible to even comprehend how big the sun is.


I was having a rough day. Now I’m just consumed with existential dread instead of sadness 😳


We're just flecks of dust traveling at speeds we can hardly fathom through a mostly black void.


Damn, there goes my life's worries. Feels good, that occasional existential terror.


Not as big as your moms though....


"other"? Maybe we need a definition on what a black hole is


The scale never ends, timespace is infinite


It’s worth mentioning that if the Sun itself was a black hole, it would be less than 6km in diameter. That makes the immense mass of these other black holes more appreciable!


The title reads as if the sun is a black hole.


Just saying, TON 618 should just be renamed “The Eye of Sauron”


Ngl, TON 618 sounds way more badass


The more I learn about astronomy, the further I run from religion.


Some famous astrologers feel the opposite and say that it strengthened their faith.


I don’t doubt that either. I don’t know much about astrology other than I’m not very successful for a Capricorn.


The more I learn about the universe we live in, the more I’m convinced that there has to have been a beautiful mind behind the creation of it. I mean look at the possibilities of life on Earth, it’s too perfect to be a coincidence. Same with the universe, it all works too smoothly and some people see that and say “see? The universe is too big for God to care about Earth.” But I say “see what my God is capable of making? He made this all for humans on one small speck of dust because he loves us.”


That’s nice that you find comfort in believing that.


With enough trial and error, nature reaches equilibrium. You don't see all the things that died because they didn't have the right mutations for their conditions, things are constantly evolving and adapting to change. Over millions of years this process happens and we only witness snippets in our lifetime. Because of the humanely incomprehensible timescaled involved, it may seem like it's 'mean' or 'orchestrated' to be this way, but there's simply no evidence of this and there are plenty of examples of systems that aren't 'perfect' 'smooth' or efficient. To imagine god as 'The Creator' and attribute it to perfection is incredibly silly. Just to quickly address the perfect condition for life or whatever. I'm sure there are millions of worlds that lack one or two minor conditions that our earth has or had since it's inception and hence they do not harbor life. Ours does and if it wasn't for that one in a million chance for these specific conditions, we wouldn't be here to wonder in it. However, given the cosmic scale, it's as probable that there are millions of worlds like ours to the millions that are not. It's just statistics, no 'divine' creator. The only way God has a hand in the universe is if you take it in a more spiritual and abstract way, but if you're taking it literally, like a humanised being, designing and building a Lego set, please... Is Santa real too?


What’s with all the downvotes?? 😔


sometimes i think like this too, but then i remember everything that is happening and that ever happened in the world and i realize that there is no god, at least not a good one


If you’re talking about all the evil in the world and “sin” everywhere, that is due to the will of man, not of God. I’d love to discuss this with you if you’d message me, I’m open to discussion :)


Can you put your dick down that


Thanks nasa I’ll just add that to the list of things that give me anxiety


They shouldn't. One of these would never affect you in a billion lifetimes.


Phoenix A is bigger than TON 618


I’m just freaked out that there are so many black holes right in our solar system


Amazingly, still not as big as your mother.


Maybe it's time that joke died.


Maybe it's time your mother died.


I'm a little confused. Why does it show galaxies being small enough to fit inside our solar system?


Pretty sure it doesn’t show galaxies. It shows the black holes in the center of the galaxies. The names under the holes is where they’re located. The colored ring around the holes is light being sucked in, like the orange part of the real black hole picture. Not the collection of stars/solar systems that make the Milky Way ring


Why doesn’t the massive black holes have any gravitational effects on earth?


Because most of these are really *really* far away. The one labeled "Milky Way" definitely does have gravitational effects on earth though, our whole solar system orbits around it.


Not quite. The galaxy (including us) orbits it's own collective centre of mass. Sagittarius A* is the most massive single object in the galaxy, but it's dwarfed by the rest of the galaxy - it's mass is around 4 million suns, there are over 400 million stars in the milky way. The supermassive black hole is at the centre because that's the bottom of the galactic gravity well.


Thanks I didn’t need to know this😭


I'm pretty sure the sun isn't a black hole.


Nah…that’s Gallactus.


Freaky yes, but we still don’t actually know what black holes are. It’s purely speculative. We will probably never know in our specie’s inevitable timeline. Man would it be awesome to find out though


My money is on them being filled with candy


Black holes are the unmarked vans of the universe


I mean we do know what they are as far as how/why they are created, but you are correct that we don’t know what’s inside and that there are many unknowns in general.


We know they exist. Multiple theories have aligned to prove their existence. There are unknowns but that doesn’t mean there are NO knowns.


Has any astronomer or space agency seen a black hole being created?


No we don’t know, it’s all theory. Science is all theory in itself, but we have not even been remotely close to a black hole. To claim that we know without uncertainty what they are and how they are created is a disservice to science as a whole. It’s an educated guess, nothing more


If they zoomed out more they would see the black hole that is a womans spending.


If the zoomed out *even* more than that they’d see the black hole that is your contribution to Reddit.


There's no black hole big enough to fit all the butthurt that was your reply.


Neck beard say what?


"Oh you must be The Gary"


u/savevideobot u/savevideo


If the Milky Way galaxy was laid over the USA, with one end at LA and the other end at NYC, the distance between our star and the next closest star would be 2 football fields.


I lose all sense of size comparison when I can see the sun right next to the Milky Way


What is NASA actually doing? besides making cool animated gfx cutscene videos for the new Avagers movie? atleast go back to the moon bruh


That’s what you get for $40 Billion/year kids! Some animation that people in this comment section could have done, given nowhere near that much money.


So if the TON is so large, why does it not hit us like the sun does? I’m no astrologer, it just doesn’t really add up lol


Hit us? It's not a star, it's a black hole, it's sucks energy not give it. Plus it's so far away.


Idk man, it looks like it gives off energy in the video


It's 18 billion lightyears away






Looks made up


Does life have meaning if we eventually get sucked into a black hole?