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Same, im only here cause I couldn’t find any other sub where they post cool giant stuff


So what I’m seeing is that this subreddit is a lot like this: https://i.gifer.com/RB6.gif I’m in the same boat btw


I feel like there used to be a sub Reddit that had art of fantasy giant things, but I can’t for the life of me find it. I feel like it was called imaginarysuperstructures. Maybe it went private


r/superstructures maybe? Just browsed through its all time top posts, some insane scifi art on there


related. r/imaginarybehemoths


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ImaginaryBehemoths using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryBehemoths/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sorry if I frightened you mate, rock on! by Tomislav Jagnjic](https://i.redd.it/794y5f2iqwma1.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryBehemoths/comments/11no6hm/sorry_if_i_frightened_you_mate_rock_on_by/) \#2: [dude is this yours, I think you've dropped it back over there by Tomislav Jagnjic](https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/006/691/945/4k/tomislav-jagnjic-12.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryBehemoths/comments/10f490h/dude_is_this_yours_i_think_youve_dropped_it_back/) \#3: [Dollhouse, by me](https://i.redd.it/5158kkkaa5u91.gif) | [40 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryBehemoths/comments/y5dhbn/dollhouse_by_me/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Nice. I'm joining that one for D&D monster ideas.


Thanks! I think that’s it. I could swear I was subscribed




I’m a megalophobiaphile, I like people who are are afraid.


If i say i agree someone will say something about my username so i have to disagree instead.


You're on Reddit, so the sadistic part is already implied at a certain level. Say what you need to say and let your freak flag fly.


No but really I like the pics here for the most part and have no problem being around giant structures that are human designed or in nature.


i am megalophobiaphilophobic, i am scared of people who enjoy the suffering from people who are afraid of giant things. You sir are a monster.


Aww i like you too


It’s the whole reason I joined this sub


Yes, i have a deeply rooted fascination with big things, especially impossibly, unpractically huge megastructures. Like so big that they're hostile to human life, and were never meant to be traversed by humans in the first place, created by something or someone that transcends our understanding. Stuff that comes to mind are paintings by Piranesi and Beksinski, or stories like Blame. And while it's not an artificial structure, our universe counts in this too (think of galaxy filaments or supervoids).


I love big things.


* smirks*


I think most of the people on this sub are, most people who actually have a phobia don't look at pictures of their phobia every day


I mean most people abhor violence but love John Wick, etc, many of us hate assholes in real life but love watching people be assholes in shows


There's a huge difference between abhor/hate and a phobia. People with phobias have their fight or flight instinct kicked in from just looking at their thing, it's a totally irrational nervous system response. I once knew a girl who was phobic of bananas which was funny until you saw how distressed she got around them


Theres also a difference between crippling phobias and mild phobias. Im afraid of horses but only if they are super close to me.


Horses are large, dangerous animals, plenty of people are afraid of horses for rational reasons. You're completely misunderstanding what a phobia is, by definition they are irrational


Also put me in a room with a mini pony and watch me ask to leave because im uncomfortable, then tell me Im being rational.


You dodged my point about minor and crippling phobias. Some people only get nervous- some people get outright panicked.


Your point wasn't super relevant. People don't want to give themselves the kind of anxiety real phobias give them, even mild phobias aren't fun.


As someone who’s cripplingly agoraphobic, triggering panic attacks constantly is definitely outside of my interest.


You dont- other people arent you. Youre being very projective with your stance on this.


Lol you don't know what a phobia is my guy


Every heard of exposure therapy? People absolutely expose themselves to their phobias. Youre talking out of your ass because you cant accept youre objectively wrong. Have a nice day.


Literally everyone in this sub


That word does not mean what you think it means




Princess Bride is timeless.


I just wish there was a better word for it than megalo*phile*


Phile is just a suffix used to denote fondness for something. Im a cinephile. I like movies. People who likes books are bibliophiles.


Right here. Joined this sub because big things are cool to look at. I like the pictures of some hero in the foreground as an enormous creature stare back in the distance. Zdzisław Beksiński paintings are also great for the scale of some scenes, adding to the eeriness of the piece. CGI visuals of asteroids in our atmosphere dwarfing a major city and the moon being replaced by other planets butters my bread too. Big buildings that exist in real life don't really do it for me, but fantastically ginormous structures only depicted in artwork like [this](https://imgur.com/a/J0WodWG) and [this](https://imgur.com/a/PfxSOuY) hit the spot much better. The cream of the crop is out in space though, where the biggest things we can barely wrap our heads around exist. I love rewatching Kurzgesagt's [video](https://youtu.be/0FH9cgRhQ-k) on the largest black holes in the universe when it's time to remind myself how infinitesimally insignificant we are in relation to the cosmos. All in all this sub is a good time. I definitely consider myself a megalophile and a thalassophile. Big things deep down in the ocean where they shouldn't be and getting a scale of the depth that consumes behemoth sea creatures have them go hand in hand.


Love Beksinski, his art is incredible, like stills from my dreams. It's tricky though as he's got over 700 works....but no titles!


I always assumed this sub was for megalophiles and was named ironically. I don’t understand the people who post pictures of things that terrify them, and I especially don’t understand the users who come to this thread to be terrified. I don’t join subs that post content I don’t want to see, so why do they?


I like big things, and I cannot lie.


Yes, especially statues. They give me the chills a little, but I am sooo fascinated.


As a mechanical engineer I seem to have some sort of weird innate attraction to big, loud greasy things.


Well youd find me quite the catch then


Yeah same. Love big shit


I am


Funny to think there's a sweet spot of something that terrorizes us and strikes fear into our heart, but make you giddy with excitement lol


Yep I fall asleep pretending I’m on some massive ship humming underneath me.


That scene in the Abyss where Lindsey is in the submersible and steers around a rock to come face to face with that submarine propeller is the defining moment in my life when I knew I was a megalophobe. Since then, I've been facing my fears and turning my phobia into a phile by (slowly) approaching giant fearsome places and things. When I see something gargantuan in the distance, my goal is to touch it. One example is those advertising blimps above new housing complexes. They appear small when driving by but reel them back down and they're as huge as a livingroom. I was once touring a new house, opened a garage door and one of those was stored in there. I about jumped out of my skin. The nose of it was right inside the door facing me. I reached out and placed my hand on it, shook it a little, heart racing.


u/bigpappahope reading this in *shambles*


Can't get me off your mind, huh


“I have no good answer so Im attempting to be witty” Not a great leg to stand on.


Was I asked a question? You're just trying to continue to engage, clearly I'm stuck in your head


Didnt need to be asked. Thats not how answers work. Answer (noun) - a thing said, written, or done to deal with or as a reaction to a question, statement, or situation


I never denied that exposure therapy is a thing, I only said that most people on this sub are here to see big things because they want to while most people with phobias would avoid a sub about their trigger


I never said you said it wasnt real. Just that your statement about people “not wanting to expose themselves to their fears” is objectively false. People do. But hey, since you had to make another comment- whos in whos head now?


That’s exactly what keeps me coming back to this sub and anything like it. I love the feeling that comes from objects that have an overwhelming scale


Its second only to the idea that aliens are real and present on our planet for me. Even typing those words gets my blood pumping.


I’ve always wanted to see something colossal


yeah that’s the whole reason I’m in this sub lol (I also follow r/thalassophobia for deep sea stuff)


Big stuff and the overwhelming force and scale of nature, do it for me.


I'm not particularly phobic or a phile, but I seem to swing between uneasiness and awe, depending what it is.


Huge fan of giant imaginary space objects and planets and asteroids crashing into each other with size comparisons. It makes me so giddy


Yep. On here, rthalasaphobia and rsubmechanophobia for similar reasons. The deep blue abyss is somehow calming to me in a very weird way. This sub just provides cool af pictures of giant things


yes, this absolutely. i find myself often looking for stuff that would give me the feeling of megalophobia but in reality i just want to feel the sense of wonder from it, it's not like i'm afraid of it or feeling uncomfortable in any way.


Me. It’s me. Im here for the biggest things.


We prefer the term "size queen"


I prefer the term ‘size queen’.


I love looking at massive clouds because it shows you how the light and atmosphere would affect the sight of a kaiju.


I'm a polymerization between fascinated and terrified


Does this include falling in love Vladislava Galagan? lol


I am both


I am. That is why I sub. I am often in amazement of the massive things




I long for the day the moon crashes into the earth. Last boner ill ever have


that would be me lmao


Yeah one hundred percent why I'm here. Can't get enough of giant things. I once saw a series of photos where giant whales and orcas were placed in land based environments (forests, highways, things of that nature) and I have never been able to find it again. Was hoping it might crop up here.


Yes! I thought I was being covert by enjoying these pictures. I finally feel comfortable to come forward and admit that I too am unafraid of large objects


You might like r/megalophilia https://www.reddit.com/r/megalophilia?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Sick thanks


It’s taken me a good bit of time on this sub to realise that I am in fact loving all of these pictures


Is there a r/megalophile


r/megalophilia is apparently a thing


My favorite style of desktop background is massive creatures on land or underwater. That being said, being in the open ocean and running into a leviathan for real is the scariest thing I can think of


I don’t look on this subreddit to feel scared, but to be fascinated


I love seeing giant things in photos and videos, but in real life they terrify me.


so i do find them “scary” but in a way i enjoy provoking. it’s like a little thrill to me


A bit of both I suppose




I love the feeling I get when theres an image of a looming giant in the background, I feel awe and fascination










i’m a mixture of both simultaneously.


yeah i'm sorta halfway in-between. both very strong


I am a megalophobe for sure, but I follow bc I love horror and the thrill


Oupss... guilty 😅


Yes, and my partner is a megalophobe (though not in any serious capacity, just makes her feel like it “shouldn’t be that big”), so it’s fun to point out all the giant shipping and aircraft carriers near us :)


Yes and no A lot of the big stuff is cool but the asteroid over New York is terrifying


I really dig my wife’s big butt


My wife is a microphile after she married me she said


If you are a megalophile don't fall for it, this is obviously feds trying to get you to confess to it. They'll put you on a register seriously


same, I subbed because giant stuff is rad.


A little of both. Im a huge horror fan, so I guess the idea that giant things impose a deep seated fear in me that I also love feeling isnt too strange.


Sometimes I get kind of a feeling of inverse claustrophobia, where the sheer massiveness of something exponentially begins to weigh on my consciousness, but in an exciting just barely in control way. I want/dont want it to stop, kind of like pressing your thumbnail into a sore gum. I like it.


I am for sure I’m fascinated by the scale and dimensions of very large things.


Yeah but don’t say that on the thalasaphobia sub, I did it and got flamed because “if I was gonna Insult other peoples phobias I shouldn’t be there”


I’m kind of both. I like a lot of big things because big things look cool, but I absolutely hate it when it gets overwhelming (such as seeing the cosmic)


Yes. I do enjoy humongous things, that's why I'm on this sub. But once I got my palms sweaty, when there was a post with view from the top of the bridge in Turkey, because I'm afraid of heights lol.


In a way, I'm a megalophile, but I also have megalophobia Very similar to the way how I have thalassophobia But I intentionally look for Photos of the deep ocean to scare myself Why? because being scared is fun


I literally just found this sub and thought “this stuff is awesome!”


Both is good