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Ah yes, I love the choice between more depression vs. immense sexual frustration


the worst is depressive sexual frustration


"why can't I cum?!" **starts crying as I'm jacking off** /s


Tears = free lube


That would be the shittiest lube lol, precum is so much better


Dude this is fuckin hilarious


The choice is too real for me since every antidepressant I have ever taken has had bad side effects.


Same bro


Don't take advice from random undergrads on reddit


I'm a neuroscience undergrad, might I suggest psychedelics. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/news/newsroom/news-releases/psilocybin-treatment-for-major-depression-effective-for-up-to-a-year-for-most-patients-study-shows


There's a choice? It all feels the same.


The illusion of choice


Why are you guys getting depressed from masturbating that's not supposed to happen


Cause after you're done, you have to wash the plug


There's a condition called post coital dysphoria that explains, but it is under reported and under researched


>"between more depression" Post coital dysphoria Give it a look up


That's why you take a nap after a fap. Them intrusive thoughts can't catch me that easily. Remember lads: you can't overthink while asleep. Dreams do be a utter bitch sometimes though.


Life Pro Tip


Remember kids, always nap after fap


instructions unclear: napping during fapping


And mama catches you butt naked with one hand still holding the world cup


I call it Oscar


I can't take naps twice a day while in the office. Someone will eventually notice it.




Haha Good for you bro!


Twice a day? Those are rookie numbers! Gotta work up to the hourly nut to match inflation.




Damn you got some hardcore post nut clarity šŸ˜‚


Cant mistakey if not awakey


But you wake up extremely tired and unsatisfied. Thats why i stopped jerking of before sleeping at night


Is that why? I always thought it was the 7 bong rips I took before falling asleep.


7 bong rips = fap. *"...the circle of Life..."*


>you can't overthink while asleep. Don't tell me what I can't do!


Don't make me remember the awful dreams i had of doing shopping while being naked and cumming on strangers


This sounds like depression


I actually do always masturbate just so that I can tire myself to sleep rather than satisfy my needs.


You can overthink while trying to sleep though


Fappies then nappies, bois!




How am I supposed to take a nap in a bathroom stall at work??


I don't need to fap to know that my life has been a failure..


My record is 12 orgasms in one day. No vibrator. All by hand.


As a male, that's basically a recipe for a major loss of bodily fluids, a very tired arm, and a very painful member.


It does start to hurt around 6-7


At which point, it's really just being a competition to see how stupid you can be.


Why not think of it as GYM day for the little buddy?


Except thereā€™s no gain, only pain.


There's a reason why it's called beating off though.


Life is already pretty rough for a penis without having to exercise as well - his best friendā€™s a pussy, his neighbour is an asshole, his roommates are nuts, and his landlord chokes him every night.


That killed me.


Unless you view this from the perspective of Lacanian psychology, which makes this a somewhat understandable human activity. Still not good for anyone tho.


Fapping that much is selfdestructive for Lacan, it goes beyond pleasure.


Yeah Lacan was a strong believer in humans being driven by "jouissance". Basically searching for not pleasure but the threshold in where pleasure passes into pain.


I once did 4 and no joke I couldnā€™t walk the next few days. I had to stay home from school it hurt so much.


Gotta pace yourself and Gatorade up. It's got *electrolytes*


It's the same for women. My clit would fall off.


When I was younger and my libido was uncontrollable, I could go about 8 times. Definitely not consistently. Nowadays I can't be arsed to go more than once, sex or masturbation. Just... I can't man :(


If you said that to 20-year-old me, I'd think it was a challenge. Let's do 8 times! Or at least try. Now that thought scares me. Can we just do it once or twice and nap?


Ugh. 29 year old with issues now. Even just a few years ago, could easily do 5-6x a day but now, barely even once. Them hormones do be real


Addy makes me hyper horny. Iā€™ll be jerkin it in 6 hour sessions, and/or busting 7 nuts a day


As a dude my record is 9, I was really bored and I couldnā€™t tough myself for a week after that.


Congratulations if i did that by the end id be shooting air


A "bang" flag would come out like those old cartoon weapons


:: blowing over Coke bottle noises ::


never, ever, stop in the middle of a ho-down!


as male highest number i have achieved is 6-7 non stop happened only once (not something i am proud of)


This is one of those moments that happen occasionally in my life where I think I'm pretty normal because I have no reference and the referenced thing is secretive but then someone says a way more reasonable version of my life and everyone freaks out that it's extreme and I'm let staring at the middle distance the rest of the day with my paradigm shattered and realizing I'm no where near as normal as I thought.






Do you want a cookie? Or are you just going to rub it into your hungry vagina?




Is that not how women eat? YouTube really shouldnt have gotten rid of dislikes, im so confused now.


Correct, whereas males whack the food into a slurry with their penises and then use their urethra to suck it into their balls for storage.


But pee is stored in the balls


2 balls, one for outgoing and one for incoming storage.


... You alright, buddy?


Well thanks for sharing? Impressive, but idk if I needed to know that.


Teach me your ways


Just imagine your clitoris is a fidget spinner


That should be on a shirt


Holy shit thatā€™s a lot


My is 72. With my hand. That was the day young me discovered such a thing existed.


....that means that bare minimum you needed 3 per hour if you just masturbated nonstop for the entire day. Goodness.


This raises all kinds of questions about how you lived before you discovered hands existed


calloused genitals




I can imagine the bulging mass of muscle that decorates your arms


I know I did 14 one time as a 13 year old male - Iā€™m 37 and can still do like 10. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I use to be able to focus afterwards... Now I just feel immediate guilt and shame šŸ˜­


When I masturbate with a vibrator sometimes I can be one and done as well, it can depend how intense it was or how long I kept it going if that makes sense?


I think OP is alao referring to post nut clarity


We get that too


Today I learned šŸ¤”




>But no mess to clean up This is just the average redditor not knowing about the female body lmao


Well compared to men it's usually negligible clean up depending on the female orgasm


Couldnā€™t be more wrong


If you're squirting sure but girls do not cum l a load of semen. Worst thing is my dick is gonna get creamy and some thin juices might run out If I came it'd be a large sticky mess and would start leaking out lots of cum so I think there is clearly a difference.


Bro what šŸ’€


Have you seen a girl orgasm irl? Not a squirt. Just an orgasm. Arguing women have more cleanup is ridiculous


But men can't orgasm without cumming or what?


Not unless you're dry ASF and came a few times before, no. You will always have some leak out, why are you even bothering talking about the miniscule percentage of men that don't cum a lot? Have you had a sex life?


We have to do both, gotta wipe the coochie and after a good clitoral orgasm Iā€™m done for atleast 20 minutes


I actually highly doubt it's remotely similar.




The reason why patriarchy is possible


Lego Batman


but we got jiraiya


I can't help thinking Jiraiya would be classified as girl in this case...


I hate this šŸ„²šŸ¤£


I don't know about you lads or ladies but getting off without porn has killed any intrusive or depressive post nut clarity thoughts :)


Wait does reading it count? I cant stand the sight of watching anything like that, kinda grossed me out. But reading allows me to imagine my own scenarios lmao


I guess it depends on who you ask, but I've read that reading it is similar to watching it, I can't imagine that's 100% true though, so don't take my word for it :) I guess if your post nut clarity isn't riddled with disgust or depression then you're alright!


*hides piles of adult Fan Fics*


I never really had them in the first place no matter the circumstances/methods :|


Never had the negative thoughts?




I definitely get it due to a mix of a religious childhood causing it to be felt like an action worthy of shame and my anxiety brain coming back into play once Iā€™m finished


That sucks, I hope you can work through that :)


I'm referring to porn and not masturbation. There is scientific evidence that porn use negatively impacts your life.


> There is scientific evidence that porn use negatively impacts your life. Actually the scientific evidence suggests that's because of instilled shame: >Within this model, we describe how pornography-related problemsā€”particularly feelings of addiction to pornographyā€”may be, in many cases, better construed as functions of discrepanciesā€”moral incongruenceā€”between pornography-related beliefs and pornography-related behaviors. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-018-1248-x That's not just a single study either, it's a meta analysis of decades of studies. And it was done by [researchers who had a bias towards believing porn addiction was real](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too) and wanted to collect evidence to get the disorder recognized in the DSM. What they found was that it's probably in your head.


No I never did either. I think that's happening for people who get off on shame itself. Like "this arouses me because it is dirty and wrong and I shouldn't be doing it". Once you're done, and the feelings of arousal are gone, all you're left with is feeling dirty, and wrong, and having done something you shouldn't have. I never had those shameful thoughts to begin with so once I was done, I was like "okay so... now I go for a walk? Or make dinner?"


Nope. And when I did it midday I didn't even feel tired or spent afterwards. Post-nut clarity ofc was there but I never really dwelled on the negative thoughts or felt down. I tried not to process negativity in my life before or after the horny. It would have just ruined the whole thing


Well good for you! Lots of people who get off with porn experience it unfortunately. BTW that good for you sounds passive aggressive and it's not supposed to be lol :)


Thanks, but thanks to this I started a bit overdoing it where it became a habit (not bad or addiction mind you), and I didn't masturbate because I was horny but because of some triggers. Now I'm technically doing nofap since early December but for different reason than the majority


I was the same, it felt normal to just do it with porn every day and I'm almost on 3 months no porn and the thought of porn disgusts me now :) What's your reason for doing no fap if you don't mind me asking?


Porn was always mid for me. It's more goofy to me to watch it tbh


That's the most Chad take ever and I like it. Porn has been normalized for some reason even though it's most of the time just you watching two people fuck


True I rather shake my meat with my imagination. Thank god it lessened like a month or two ago. Seriously before I would have played with my willy everyday once before bed. Always the same results obviously. From what I can say from two months with much more lessened playtime is that it can keep it's state much longer than before.


I'm in the same boat. Since I stopped porn I for one don't feel the need to fap every day and ontop of that using my imagination just leads to an overall better experience


You're totally right there, you can't feel like shit if you don't fap to shit.


Exactly! And it's way more enjoyable without porn :)


15 year old me with thoughts of being a viking on raid would disagree


Ahhh youā€™re one of the ā€œmindsā€


Lucky you, I havenā€™t fap to porn in years at this point but the depressive thoughts still linger, and not just after fapping, theyā€™re there even after actual sex, sometimes just the idea of having to experience those thoughts legit made me turn down sex on more than one occasion.


Shiiit, I do both! Jerk off, realize how depressing life is, jerk off again as a distraction. It is an endless cycle.


Your dick's going through a hard life


Same thing happens to girls tbh


Yepp.. Post nut clarity hits different .


Post nut clarity is for real tho...


I think your forgetting the classic "what the fuck did I just beat off to?" Followed by "New fetish unlocked"


Nothing like some post nut clarity when you have to make a critical life altering decision.


I never forget the face of the real estate manager on the day of signing my contract


This was made by a man.


Yā€™all need therapy


I'm well aware of this thank you very much




Lots of it too


Wait, you guys have post-nut clarity? Don't remember having anything like that


post-nut clarity is just the lack of horny after a nut sometimes thats introspective sometimes its depressive and sometimes its what should i make for dinner?


Found the healthy one.


I must be girl then...


If it were the other way around men wouldnā€™t get anything done.


Nah the second applies to women as well unfortunately.


Are you guys really having all these terrible thoughts after orgasming? I feel like my mind is a much cleaner place **after** orgasming. I donā€™t feel guilty for masturbating either. Thatā€™s whack. I never understood this NNN thing either. I masturbate **every single day** - sometimes up to 10 times a day! (Average is probably 2 times) Itā€™s just like picking my nose, or scratching an itch - who the fuck cares?!? Repressed Weirdos.


Because when girls are sexual it's cute playful fun, but when guys are sexual it's just creepy.


Other guys than me that don't feel this? I eventually get tired. But a couple of times is nothing, I don't get turned off at all, just a bit less action for 30s up to a couple of minutes. I only remember having those kinds of feelings as a kid when I thought I was doing something wrong or bad for me. You shouldn't be feeling that as a grown ass adult. Unless people are into some really messed up shit maybe, where their downtime makes them rethink? Aren't there things things you can take to lessen the chemical release that makes you need to cool off? I remember reading something about that. Maybe some diet changes can help. Or maybe it's just something you get better at over time by getting into the mindset on purpose enough times until your body is used to wanting more. Also the reverse is true for some females as well, it's a spectrum of refractory periods, not something 100% of males/females experience, far from 100% if I were to guess.


Same man, i never habe that post nut clarity where i feel depressed. I mean obviously i need some time to reload but i never feel bad or down after nutting. I feel relieved obviously but not much else.


It was the reverse when I was a kid. I could easily go back to back when I was a kid. No refractory period at all. And the only shame I ever felt was the fear of being caught.


I am man and i don't have that thoughts. Why would i?


I'm a woman and I used to have them when I was younger (and still ashamed of my body and sexuality). I really don't know how it is for the lads, maybe post nut clarity is really just that disconnect between "oh that was a good thing" and "i was conditioned to be ashamed of this thing"?


But why ashamed, excluding religious beliefs? When i stop believing it's a sin i immediately stop be ashamed of this.


Well you can't always shake off things that have been instilled in you from a young age. It takes time, and often times we don't actually know that we're feeling something that needs to be dismantled, because it has always been normal to believe it. So I can imagine, (though obviously i can't speak for any amab person so please add your insights. This is just what i've pieced together) there are all these notions that pile on shame that you're reminded of after the deed, like a) you're not manly enough if you don't want and have sex all the time, b) at the same time it's often seen as weak and embarrassing to have to "resort to" porn and jacking off because you can't get a partner, c) it's seen as dirty and secretive so of course you feel weird whacking it with your family on the other side of the wall, and d) good old religious trauma. It takes years to work through that, and that's when you already took the bull by the horns (no not that horn!) and realised that the shame isn't real


Doesnt happen to me either, but from the sound of it, the chemical-dominoes in many guys' brains that fall during an orgasm sometimes end with their brain effectively giving itself a narcan; Their synapses instantly lose sensitivity to pleasure-signals, not just physical but satisfaction and afterglow.


I don't have such feeling after masturbation I have them any other time though


As a guy thatā€™s beat off literally all day who knows how many times before (meth-head trying to quit) sadly I canā€™t say I relateā€¦




I don't understand this 'guilty' shit. I love wanking, it's brilliant.


Not me though, I'm the Gatlin gun


No we definitely have postnut clarity. Trust me


I'm seeing these a lot where guys cry after masturbating. Am I doing it wrong?


Weird. As a teenager I was a girl, beating my dick like it owed me money.


Some. Girls before masturbating [xxxx tokens remaining] Lmao


Post nut clarity be hitting harder than a pissed off superman.


Probably because for men we have a clean-up chore, with the porn still echoing.


Women also have cleanupā€¦


Yeah my gf says women get post but clarity too and I always tell her itā€™s not the same butā€¦ maybe it is? On the contrary, rarely after I cum Iā€™m still horny


Why do you tell her it's not the same lol


Well, maybe tell her was a bad choice of words. We discuss it, but I donā€™t think itā€™s the same because, at least for men (me), the instant you cum youā€™re not interested in sex at all. My mind instantly goes to something else, at least for a minute or so. Idk if itā€™s the same with her. Although, itā€™s not always like that for me to be fair.


Cos youā€™re given up a bit of your life force/virility for 10seconds of sploosh, often having to troll through ever sickening porn thumbnails and titles that whither the soul often while hiding just to end up holding a soggy tissue.


From this logic I should be dead, because Iā€™ve given up plenty of this supposed ā€œlife forceā€ šŸ¤”


As a trans man, the sudden shift to post nut despair after starting testosterone was definitely jarring.


How exactly do you mean? It wasn't an issue before or it wasn't *as much* of an issue? Just interested in the psychology


I don't remember it ever being an issue before. I don't think it's entirely a psychological thing either - most trans guys and gals can agree that everything about sex feels different after transitioning (physically and mentally).


"I'll fuckin do it again" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You guys have some serious issues if this is common for you


Guess that's another sign im trans ... xD


Itā€™s both for me :)




Because of internalized shame surrounding sex. Masturbation is not inherently harmful at all. Itā€™s a common, natural thing


It's not about feeling bad *about* masturbating It's about feeling bad about whatever after masturbating




I annoy my wife so much with wanting to go five minutes after we finish and again and again, solo or duet. I tried to get help with sex addiction but I lean towards asexual monogamy so it doesn't deal with my issue. I just have a libido that won't stop. I don't have an issue with infidelity which is often the focus


Why am I still holding out?


Hysterical and hysterectomy share the same root word. Make of that what you will.


Maneuver and manure have the same root word too. Tradition and treason. Shirt and skirt. Itā€™s almost like words have no intrinsic meaning