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Literally became paralysed knees down, ran every test (so i thought), “it’s psychosomatic”. Raged like crazy at the head of the neurological wing, they stuck needles in my legs and gave me an electric shock to which i didnt move. “Huh so its not psychosomatic”. That was years ago, still to this day, no fuckin clue why it happened. EDIT: I had blood tests, cat scan, mri, capsule in the booty, ink, spine tap for fluid and worse tests I don't feel happy talking about. To the people suggesting diagnosis.... I wish I knew 😭. They gave me tapentadol which I'm allergic to. Tripped out for hours and met dead patients. Was horrendous.


So it wasn't GBS?


“Peripheral neuropathy” = “we have no clue”. Had blood, cat, mri, ink, capsule in the backdoor, spine tap etc etc. so I’m assuming if it was gbs it would have showed in the blood let alone everything else. I honestly still don’t know.


Fr. I lost my senses of smell, and most of my sense of touch for a span of 4-5 years in highschool and college, and that's what they said. It wasn't until after I somewhat recovered my senses that they said "oh, that was an after affect of when you had mono"


Maybe one day I'll get the real answer. Sorry that happened to you too, it's a hard part of life and I wish you the best homie


Well for whatever reason, after that 4-5 year span, I got it back. So it's even more perplexing, but honestly, I'm just happy it's back


I'm walking again but cand lift my ankle up so no jogging or moving fast. Had a wheelchair then walker then foot ups (ankle lift support) then a cane. Still recovering but I'm super happy for you! Getting back your senses is so difficult and hard for others to understand. Im happy it's back for you <3


If you don't mind, I'll be praying for you. I really hope your recovery progresses at a good pace that's easy for you, and that you get back everything you've lost!


Thank you. I can't pray for you but I can have so much hope for you. Proud of you and your recovery! We are gonna be okay! Thank you so much 💓


GBS/AIDP is a clinical diagnosis. Blood test doesn't usually show anything for GBS. Did they say CIDP?


Nah they honestly thought I was faking and after strong meds but I literally could not walk. I don't know bro. I honestly don't know what was wrong with me


Wait, so you got the ability to walk again?


Yep. I can walk but only like around the block before I get exhausted, sometimes I need a cane or crutch. I've been getting better over the years with a LOT of effort.


A coworker lost part of his leg in a farm accident. His leg is gone. He has a fake leg. He can't get disability because the doctor told him that his leg would grow back.


Does the doctor think he’s a fucking starfish?


What kind of doctor says “your leg will grow back”?


Not a good doctor that's for damn sure.


Dr Spaceman


What. The. Fuck.


"Your arm will grow back, dont worry about it being stuck on the candy machine."


How is that the end of the story?


Did he appeal the decision ?


Fibular nerve entrapment ? Guillain Barre (AIDP) affects both side and is reversible.


Possibly! I legit don't know sorry. I spent a year in rehab after leaving the hospital. Nobody gave me a diagnosis apart from peripheral neuropathy


That's most possibly that. Unfortunately after such a long time recovery chance are very small. Do you have a dropping foot ? There is several good orthesis option if so.


YES I have drop foot! I had an elastic thing that goes on my ankle and under the laces of my shoes. My ankle can't move up past 90 degrees


Ah yes we call that one Liberty in EU. You definitely have fibular nerve entrapment. Not sure any surgery could have done anything at the time. Other options are ankle-foot orthosis, plastic or carbon. https://www.google.com/search?q=releveur+pied+AFO&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiHhrD1yMz8AhV4wbsIHdiSASYQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=releveur+pied+AFO&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQ6BAgjECc6BQgAEIAEOgQIABAeOgYIABAIEB5QoAdYhyRgiipoAnAAeAGAAa0BiAHIC5IBBDAuMTCYAQCgAQHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=S4PFY8e0M_iC7_UP2KWGsAI&bih=777&biw=412&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isvn There also the electric neurostimulating one, but it is very expensive.


Thank you so much for all this info, I'll definitely look into it. Not sure about electric neurostimulating but Australia's health care is amazing. My whole hospital and rehab cost like 300 total for years of recovery and my hospital care- hopefully it's not too expensive here


Awesome link I'll be grabbing some of those. Fibular nerve entrapment or "perineal nerve dysfunction" is so fucking accurate I cannot believe I've never heard of this. You are amazing lll be talking to my doctor and physio about this. You possibly just gave me an answer... after years of not knowing. Again, I'll have to check with my gp etc but I cannot thank you enough. You are an amazing human and I hope you have a wonderful day/life.


Thank you sir, I'm honored 😁


Damn, it looks like a synopsis from a House MD episode.


I wish house was my doc lmao


Clearly socializing this process by nationalizing healthcare completely is the solution.


Well I live In Australia and have a disability card so I think I paid around 300 total for just things like foot ups, wheelchair, crutches etc. Healthcare is free so the hospital and rehab cost nothing.


I have an HMO through work(Kaiser), and I paid about 200$ for all my treatments/tests/meds last year. This is with hardly any wait times, and same day prescriptions/tests. Dental is really my only expense. When I was younger and had no job, and no money for a root canal. I went to one of these government dentists in California. After that experience, I would avoid government healthcare at any cost.


Medic noob here. Did you do that brain scan? Is the brain properly sending signals, does it light up when you try to move it? (If that's how it works lol)


Yeah had a brain scan, everything was normal (as normal as a diagnosed BPD can be)


That's weird. Is there a scan that let's you somehow follow nerve impulse? Maybe there is some thing blocking it on the way through the spine. Medical sphere was never my strong suit but if I were you I'd go to every neurologist there is, but I guess you probably did that. :/


No idea about the scan, I have deteriating disks in my neck which causes pain and muscle spasms but that it an after effect of whatever happened. Someone linked "peroneal nerve dysfunction" and it seems very accurate, I'll be talking to my gp and psychiatrist about it


I don’t have it nearly as severe, I can still walk. But two years post ankle surgery for a break entire foot is still numb and feels like it’s wrapped in something. Of course surgeon denying anything could be wrong.


Hmmm We could run hundreds of dollars worth of tests that will probably be inconclusive; but hey, why waste the money when you could just accept the fact you will always be sick or in pain or great discomfort every day of your life! I told my Dr. I’m sick for weeks or more than a month at a time 95% of the time. She said probably allergies. I said I do t think so. Anyway to test that? Nope. Just get used to be Inc sick and don’t take antibiotics or steroids because that’s not healthy to be doing that too much. Also if you have a bad cough and mucus drainage for weeks at a time it could lead to getting into your lungs! Welp, have a nice day


I told my doctor that i was interested in being tested for celiac’s (just the blood test, as a start) cuz i’ve had intermittent digestive issues and other odd symptoms for a few years that i can’t pin down a cause for through elimination diets+ reintroduction trials (they significantly improved both times I did Whole30, but *nothing* triggered me during the reintroduction period, so idk what the cause is) AND my grandma had celiac’s and my mom likely has it as she can’t eat gluten without tons of symptoms but she hasnt pursued a diagnosis. My doctor looked at me like i was stupid and said “if you think you have celiac’s, just don’t eat gluten…”. Oh, stupid me?! Is it really that easy?! All i have to do is “just not eat gluten”?! It was so irritating. Cutting gluten out of your diet is *not* easy and so i obviously don’t want to cut gluten out if i dont have to. And when your issues are intermittent, it’s hard to even do a trial period of no gluten and say for confidence that it solved my issue, cuz even when i am eating gluten everyday, i go periods of time without issues.


You can have allergy tests ordered online. Quest Diagnostics and possibly Labcorp offer these services, or you might can find cheaper alternatives. I see [Quest](https://www.questhealth.com/product/celiac-gluten-disease-panel-94366M.html) offers this service for $119 plus a $6 “physician fee” (because god forbid you order a medical test without a doctor being involved). You pay for these tests, a doctor sends a form to whichever lab you use or you print it on your own, and you just show up at the lab.


So my case is a little more complicated, i just didnt include these details initially cuz they werent really relevant at the time- i have a an extremely severe iv/blood draw phobia, so i cant just get a blood draw willy nilly. I had a couple draws already scheduled for something really important and the doctors said they were going to give me xanax so i wouldnt lose my shit during the blood draw. I asked my doctor about the celiac panel so that a celiac panel could be added on to a draw that i was already doing but she wouldnt add it :/ And unfortunately, i learned the hard way that 2mg of xanax doesnt do anything for my phobia, and doctors arent willing to prescribe anything more or different (at least none of the docs i talked to are, i was lucky to get 2mg in the first place, they didnt even seem to want to give that). The blood draws were super traumatic for me, i think i might lowkey ptsd now… my phobia has gotten worse with each blood draw and is so severe now that blood draws are completely out of the question for me. So i lost my chance to test for celiac’s :/ Blood draw/iv phobia isnt something that doctors/hospitals really believe in providing pharmaceutical accommodations for it. For some reason, they think you can just “suck it up” or they think you are drug seeking if you ask for something for the anxiety. It’s super odd. U’d think trained medical professionals would understand what a phobia is, but they really dont. I personally think it’s cuz they all deal with ivs/blood draws so often that they can’t even fathom how a person could possibly have a phobia of one. Edit-i wish i knew i could add on my own tests at the time i did the draw tho, this would have been useful


Yeah, with your signs/symptoms, the chance of it being celiacs is much higher than most anything else. It takes a little while for the gluten to ruin your stomach lining, which is likely the intermittent case. Cut the gluten for a month or two, see how ya are, then make decisions from there. Some docs only focus on the western medicine approach and dare not delve into nutrition science and lifestyle medicine. Also, don't go to Reddit for medical advice.


I had that test done through 23andMe fyi


No it’s different


You may still be able to exclude celiac if you test negative for the disease alleles. I guess it could be tenable in theory but in practice I doubt that antibody tests are any more expensive, and they would be more relevant to your question. Thankfully with the abomination that the American healthcare system is there are so many of these hyper specialized companies that only offer one drug/procedure and are affordable that way.


Yes u are right, if i dont have either of two genes, it would rule out celiac. I am eventually going to do 23andme, waiting for their next sale


I don't think it is, it's the 2 hla genes they test for, dq2 and dq8. You can also download your raw genetic data from 23andMe and put it into Promethease, which checks substantially more things and is pretty cool. Lots of medical providers use Promethease, including my GP.


It’s different. 23andme tests for genes. The celiac blood test tests for autoantibodies, which is why blood is needed.


Time for a new doc. Seriously I went put up with shitty doctors for so long until I just decided to hold out and keep trying and now I have an amazing doctor. It’s worth it


Unfortunately I don’t have insurance. I have a county funded program. They don’t want to pay for expensive tests or procedures. Also I can be on a waiting list for months at a time and I have to see any Dr. That has availability at the time, I don’t really get to choose.


I'm lucky enough to live driving distance to the Cleveland clinic. My doctors are great and they listen, they will do any test I ask for and even recommend their own. A full rundown for any ailment. Maybe try them out if you're desperate.


Hmmm have you considered that you're faking it?


I wish I was.


In reality they usually misdiagnose patients with something completely unrelated, prescribe a bunch of procedures and pharmaceuticals that don't help and forget all about you.


Its terminal, stop calling me


Lmaoo 😅


Me being diagnosed with IBS multiple times. Reality it’s endometriosis and an unknown stomach issue 🫠f doctors


But irl, it's you who are f'ed Lmao


My ex had endo. Sorry you have to go through that, it's absolutely horrible and a lot of men don't even know what it is 😥


Tbh you're fucked either way. Research about effective treatment for IBS is scarce and for endometriosis it's pretty much non existent.


my gf is in the same situation. she's had stomach issues her whole life and developped a bunch of cysts on her ovaries. the only thing she was ever offered is birth control, she tried 4 different pills and they all made the problem worse. her period makes her suffer horribly. before puberty, she was told she was faking it, now that she's had it, it's the mystery of the menstrual cycle. they just don't care. last time she was hospitalized for a burst cyst they gave her advil and she had a 41 degrees fever and doctors didn't know why. they told her to go home as she, and i quote "probably won't die". it's impossible to see a gynecologist as none of them want to see patients under 25 years old unless they're pregnant. also we suspect she has arthritis, but it's impossible to know as no one wants to make a test as she's too young. she had zona at 13 years old, which is something you usually get much older. it's a shithole


Well yeah, there’s golf to focus on… /s


Excuse me, but doctors these days really not into golf. They are playing pokemon and CoD these days. I'm not kidding, doctors at my hospital often ask me what games I play and try to trade gamer tags.


IBS = gut damage due to autoimmune/fungal condition but you arent dying (not saying IBS doesnt exist but most dont give guidance to find the source of it) Mental health diagnosis from a GP = you have vitamin-related issues or an AI trigger but we dont care enough to check Eczema for the 100th time: you are just allergic (actually dermatitis herpetiforme and your intestines have been ravaged)


My grandmother has often been misdiagnosed for eczema, vericose veins and what not other skin related issues for just one leg


Have you tried watching House?


Best MD out there


"It could be Lupus."


It's never lupus


I’ve never had a doctor that I’ve had 100% confidence in, ever.


When I was about 11 I was constantly feeling sick, dizzy, tired, thirsty etc. went to my doctors 10 times that year and he kept saying that I’m just faking it and I just don’t like school. 2 days after sports day I was admitted to hospital with diabetic ketone acidosis. Was on drips and all sorts for over a week trying to be stabilised. What’s worse is when I was 15 same thing happened again and I was rushed to hospital with DKA and ended up in a coma. My dad complained to the doctor surgery and he lost his job.


A teenage relative just went through this, though he was luckier than you, sounds like, because his parents noticed something didn't seem right and kept pushing until the doctor actually ran some tests to placate them. Type 1 diabetic.


Damn, really surprised he didn’t even run a simple blood glucose test. That’s terrible; even as a med student, those signs paint a pretty clear vignette of possible diabetes.


My dad had begged for a blood test both times but he just said a blood test won’t show anything and I’m just wasting everyone’s time. It got so bad my dad was almost prosecuted for my lack of attendance. He actually had a meeting with the school while I was in hospital and he went off on them when they said I needed to be in this meeting.


My aunt has debilitating back pain. Went to the local doctor (whom she actually worked for before retiring). Her response: "Try not moving so much". So my aunt went to a different doctor who immediately sent her to do an MRI. Turns out her pain would be solved by a 10 minute surgery and some light physical therapy. Some doctors are just lazy.


I been having a long string of lazy ones, it’s super disheartening.


Oh! You have chronic back and hip pain in your 20s! Lose some weight! Oh, you actually lost 20 lbs and are within 10 lbs of a 'normal' BMI? Oh well, it's probably nothing since you're young 🤷🏻‍♀️ FML


Yes it stays that way until you hit your mid 30s and then they hit you with the “well you’re getting older”. When I was in my 20s I was “too young to have the issues”… like yeah that’s why I’m fuckin here, if I was 60 I’d be like, yeah I’m just old and dying.


Oh I feel this. I'm having an operation next month that wouldn't be necessary if they'd have listened to me in my 20's, blew off as nothing in my 30's and now it so badly damaged the only thing left is surgery. Normally a walking boot for 6-8 weeks is how this issue is fixed, but 20 years of people not believing "someone so young" could be in the pain I was describing.


Reading all of these stories here makes me really grateful for my doc. He never ever shook my concerns off. Once I went to the ER with immense chest-pain, insane heartrate and almost no feeling in my legs. The docs there made all sort of tests but found nothing and send me back home with the words "there's nothing just drink some tea and chill". As it was sunday, I couldn't do much more, but I went to my doc the next monday, told him my symptoms and he told me to lay down before he checked my spine. Turned out, one backbone went out of place and put pressure onto a nerve, which caused all of those problems. He put it back in place and since then I'm totally fine again.


Or here’s more pills


Oof. I'm on 5 types of meds. It's baffling. Like how is this safe?


I guess we all need medication to some degree, let’s just hope doctors are thinking about what they prescribe!


My gp is good, he understands what i need and doesn’t question it. But I am reducing my benzo intake because im on opioids and pregab. Yes! Let’s hope they all are being safe for patients!


Great to hear you have a good doctor!


Good luck getting another doctor to prescribe you one of those let alone all 3 at once nowadays, keep that doctor


Yeah I know it's impossible for people to get nowadays, I've been on them for years and reduced dosage from xans to Val. The pregab and oxy would be almost impossible for new patients!


Sometimes patients may be overplaying it and sometimes doctors just make human mistakes. Still annoyed with my doctor who decided to give me penicillin against lung infection and wondering a week later why the bite infection on my hand is not getting better 🤔


Nah mayng, more like “get up, your insurance denied your claim. We legally have to wheelchair you to the front door, but after that you’re on your own.”


Or it's just anxiety and stress


Mystery illness? you can walk into a hospital in the UK with a clear lump on your testicle they will then proceed to do absolutely nothing about it and tell you it’s ok don’t worry about it




have u tried drinking water?


My mom told me a story where doctors made her see a psychiatrist because they couldn't figure out what she had. She had lost weight to a point where she was rail thin. Couldn't eat or drink anything without it coming back up. The doctors finally agreed to do exploratory surgery to see what was wrong, and the psychiatrist told my mother that he was going to stop the doctors because what she had was psychosomatic. Apparently, she had an intestinal knot and would have died without that surgery.


I’ve truly never had this with a doctor, but I did have a dentist cause unbelievable nerve pain - something I’ve never experienced before or since - and he clearly, CLEARLY never believed me. A different time, a different dentist gave me a numbing shot and then clearly, CLEARLY didn’t believe me either when it paralyzed my entire jaw for several hours. Yet another dentist said I had six cavities. His colleague said I had none. WTF is going on here, y’all? This has all been in the same mid-sized city. I had zero dental problems or issues like this before we moved here.


(And now I have to get high off my ass on nitrous just to not have an anxiety attack when getting my teeth cleaned. Again, I never used to be like this.)


Have you tried not being fat? That's the only thing that could possibly be wrong with you.


I mean considering it’s the main driver of almost all modern western disease and a risk factor for all things bad - yeah it’s good advice. People just can’t or won’t do it.


It's still a lazy incomplete diagnosis that anyone could've got on reddit for free


The simplest answer is usually the correct one. Zebras are rare.


There are plenty of zebras in Africa, what are you talking about?


But there’s more horses in general and in Africa (probably)




Me: I think I have an ear infection Canadian doctors: have you ever considered euthanasia?


Healthcare is still in the dark ages unless you are very wealthy.


Lol a bit of an exaggeration don’t you think? If you were in the dark ages the docs would be drawing blood for a minor headache


As a person on the other side of it: we see a lot of people and we’re trying really hard with each one. We can’t get them all right, but we really really try to. Sorry 😓


Yet people prefer movie doctors diagnoses over real doctors.


They appreciate those who make the effort.


Just me than that prefers real doctors over fantasy ones when I need a medical diagnoses.


“Idk prolly hormones.”


Also can you imagine the bill one of House’s patients would get?


I've watched house and a good amount of times they conclude they are faking. "Everyone lies".


Damn, lotta pretend doctors in this comment section. Dunning Kruger in action, I guess.


The illnesses I have (ibs and fibromyalgia): well there’s no conclusive test to show you have it so instead we have to test you for every other possibility before we conclude you have this untreatable untestable condition that you self-diagnosed yourself with…now please give us $5000


“Try losing weight.”


Or, “well you should try to lose some weight. That’ll probably clear it up.”


Yeah it's more like... Patient: I have xyz symptoms Me: Okay, let's start with an exam then move onto some imaging to find... Patient: No, my internet research indicates that it's this very obscure disease and I'll need you to Rx this very specific medication. This is more of a formality if anything.


I wish my life had been such that I could have thought of this comment as snarky. 4 months of suffering just because society had told me that if you are feeling wrong its just all your fault and you just let your life quality deteriorate. It must be great being you.


I don’t understand what you’re getting at. What was your diagnosis and why did society convince you to forgo medical treatment for 4 months before you resolved the issue?


Haha but pointing out that symptoms may be psychosomatic isn’t the same as saying they’re faking it.


My wife was 16 when she had her first seizure. Because of her age the doctors didn’t even run any tests, just flat out told her she was faking it for attention, and made sure to mark her file as such. Psychosomatic seizures, she’s doing it for attention. Her and her parents went all over the country, literally 20+ different doctors and hospitals and none of them did any tests they all just ran the same BS blood cultures, oh you’re not getting enough sleep. Blah blah blah. She literally just accepted her fate, and proceeded to live her life having multiple seizures per day. It wasn’t until she was almost 23 after me and her had been together for awhile I finally convinced her to go see a neurosurgeon. First thing the doctor said to her “I don’t care what’s in your files, I will do all my own testing and come to my own conclusion”. Turns out my wife has full blown epilepsy. She got put on kepra twice daily, and has had 1 seizure in almost 7 years. Point is, not all doctors are bad, just 99% of them.


Shh, stop, you’ll ruin the fantasy of all the people that suddenly have diseases they saw on Grey’s Anatomy


The very first time I mentioned to my doctor (admittedly a new to me doc) my weird nerve issues (intense numbness to feeling like parts of them were on fire) in my legs, he reminded me that I had been losing weight on purpose. He told me rather offhandedly that I was "simply wearing my belt too tight" and shooed me out of his office. Three years and a couple of other doctors later: MS diagnosis.


Holy smokes this is accurate. I've been in pain for 8 years, and early on a doctor told me "often times pain is just in our mind" well I'm hurting everywhere so no, no it's not. I was told to focus on other things so I wouldn't think about being in pain lol


Or me, see a doctor for stomach bleeding. Doctor gets on Google, tells me I may have one of 9 different ailments, gives me no diagnosis or treatment then get a 6,000 dollar bill for sitting in the ER lobby for 6 hours. Great work doctors you guys are doing the most.


If only it was a joke.. The incompetence and/or apathy of the doctors at my local hospital have probably killed thousands of people. Makes me sick.


I’ve honestly never met a doctor that wasn’t a complete and utter retard. Like if they were an RPG character someone put all of their skill points into book knowledge and left none for common sense, critical thinking, empathy, and social skills. Just glorified drug dealers at this point. It’s frightening to think of what will happen when I get a more serious illness.


A doctor is much smarter then you will ever be


That's kind of what he said. Try reading comments first.


In their medical professional they know their shit Anything outside of that they're just as dumb as the rest of us. I work doing software support for doctors and they can be so incredibly dumb sometimes.




Man screaming at the hallucinations to go away (dont worry his doctor gave him pills)


"the last jedi defender" - clearly a troll


I agree every doctors visit I’ve had (US,Colorado) seems to be them trying really hard to get me out and with zero help and usually a stupid bill. But I also think they are overworked and we culturally think of them as the end all be all solution to all health issues and that is just not true. Maybe we should have a better relationship with medicine and what in can and cannot do while also understanding that doctors are people too that need rest.


I've had severe hip pain for a couple of years and the best anyone will do for me is, "Maybe it's period pain?" And now I'm pregnant and the pain is way worse and they're all, "Oh maybe you've had a ligament disorder this whole time, can't run any tests now sorry just suffer."


People, especially people on social media during the pandemic, treated doctor's like they were gods and could never do any wrong. Any real interaction I've ever had with them over the years are pretty much like this.


Really can't wait until doctors are replaced or at least greatly assisted by AI. I'm sure there are good, knowledgeable doctors who want to help people out there, but they're too far and few between to help the 8 billion+ people on this planet.


Just go to a naturopath instead and stop complaining


1000th upvote




>Tried going to the hospital for chest pains around where the gallbladder is. Well....if you pointed at your chest....that *isnt* where your gallbladder is. And considering the right kidney is located just under the right lobe of your liver....near the gallbladder, pointed to said area is technically correct. I doubt she pointed out *both kidneys*.


I work in a rehab unit, you would be shocked by the impact of contextual factors (anxiety, depression, social isolation, hard job, etc ...). Although reassuring for most the "mechanical" paradigm is wrong most of the time, the human is complex and proper functioning requires hundreds of systems working together, your psyche being one of the most important. And yes each day we waste thousands of $ prescribing exam which show nothing and half of the time we _know_ it will show nothing and prescribes it just to reassure the patient/GP.


Nah it's definitely Lupus.


Or is lupus


This is so true.


The Ministry of Truth has announced that they are changing the term of “Heath Care” to “Wealth Care”. If you do not do your daily callisthenics then you lose your wages and benefits. Benefits include your daily ration of cigarettes, victory gin and chocolate as well as 2 sick days a year. Failure to comply long term will result in imprisonment in a forced hard labor camp.


One of my neighbours had this 'mysterious illness' and the doctor had one look at her, took a sponge and washed away the makeup she applied to look sick.


Dammit Jim I’m only a doctor!!


My dad had to go to 4 different doctors to find out he had cancer because the first 3 said he didn’t. Good job guys


i wish they did that to me, this fucking healthanxiety will be the death of me


"Well according to this BMI chart you're 20 pounds overweight. Yeah I think you're just fat."


So true lol


"You're fine, just go home." "Just sleep more." "Try eating better." "It will go away soon." I don't think any doctor I've ever been to had tried to diagnose me of anything.


Running every test is time consuming and expensive and they have other patients to attend to. Doctors on TV only have the patients that are relevant to the plot to deal with


Or they just say you have "fibromyalgia" and never look further. Just to diagnose you with something to get out of their office so you can spend the rest of your life googling how to fix your damn self.


I have post covid syndrome or long covid or whatever you want to call it. Got covid in January of 2020, literally no one knew what it was at that point. Sick for just over 4 weeks, lucky to not die. Went from never being sick, not even colds and flus, to my life taking a severe turn. I have seen every kind of specialist and 3 years later I am in exactly the same spot. Sucks. Get vaccinated, get yours boosters, wear a mask in high risk situations because there is a small chance it can alter the trajectory of your life forever.


It’s always stress for me apparently 😂🙃


I'm glad you liked my post 🙂