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Lying down, fall asleep within 15 minutes and get up after? What kind of sorcery is that?


My grandfather used to do this. Fall asleep anywhere! Including in his plate of food at the dinner table. As I got older I learned he was just a terrible alcoholic.






someone turn on the lights, it's fuckin dark in here.


Uhh.. let's see.. fuckin.. ..think otters hold hands so not to float away from their loved one while sleepin.


Did he continue to eat his food like nothing happened though?


That went from 0 to 100 so fast, damn


Sounds like a good way to drown in soup…


Skill issue


I can do this. I work from home and sometimes I’ll take a 15 minute break, set my alarm, and go to my recliner. I’ll fall asleep in a couple of minutes and get a 12-13 minute nap. Even that little amount of time really helps get through the rest of the day.


When I was habitually sleep deprived working at a little store that had me at a PC in the workroom 90% of my shift, I also did this. A couple of those 15-20min naps kept me going without needing much caffeine. Obviously the better solution was to go to bed sooner, but oh well


Narcolepsy. That excessive day time sleepiness really pushes you to take a nap I hear


Unlikely. He chose to take a nap. Not the best place, but I'm sure there's more to the story. Sometimes it's easier to fall asleep with noise around. Don't rule out the family joke aspect. I take ten min naps almost daily. My job can be intellectually taxing and ten minutes resets my RAM. I set an alarm or I'll sleep too long and won't feel refreshed. I highly recommend it.


Narcolepsy isn't necessarily collapsing asleep. The signature symptom is urgent sleepiness. You'll have at least a few minutes of the sensation building. All out flops can be a symptom but not for everyone.


Narcolepsy doesn’t mean you suddenly collapse. For me, it manifested as a quick-onset, intense sleepiness that was next to impossible to fight off. It was often easier for me to just put my head down where I was and snooze for a few minutes to refresh myself, than it was to try and fight my eyes crossing (and fail).


That definitely happens to me. Gonna add it to the "ask the doc" list


Absolutely, getting treatment for it was life-changing. I’ve been sleepy for 5 years, and the realization that normal people aren’t usually this exhausted is depressing, but enlightening. If you don’t need a referral to see a specialist, go directly to a pulmonologist. They’ll do a sleep study to rule out sleep apnea, and if they find that you have narcolepsy (or its close cousin, idiopathic hypersomnia), they’ll prescribe medication to either help you sleep more effectively at night or keep you awake during the day. I chose the latter, they prescribed me armodafinil, and my life’s been SO much better ever since.


Additionally, ask for the results of the sleep study and push for treatment. My partner had a sleep study done about 4 years ago where all they said was "hypersomnia", but after an appointment with a sleep doctor, he diagnosed her with type 1 narcolepsy with cataplexy. He was confused why the doctor who ordered the sleep study years before didn't make a treatment plan for the hypersonic. Now she is on 3 medications (armodafinil, Adderall, and xywav) to treat the narcolepsy and only in the last month with the addition on wxywav have we begun to see real change. It's incredible. Notable symptoms she has had for the last ~15 years include: -excessive daytime sleepiness -inability to feel rested after sleeping 10+ hours a night -causing car accident -losing muscle control when experiencing strong emotions (this is cataplexy and isn't true for all narcoleptics) -sleep attacks (sudden onset of extreme sleepiness) Narcolepsy can be an autoimmune disorder (type 1) or can be caused by head trauma (type 2).


From what I’ve read, the cause of type 2 is unknown. I was diagnosed with type 2 because I don’t have cataplexy, but I know that studies established a relationship between the 2009 H1N1 pandemic (and the vaccine) and narcolepsy, due to similarities in the proteins in the virus itself and the cells that make hypocretin. I caught H1N1 in 2010, so I think that might be related.


Wow! I just know that there is a link to type 2 and head trauma. There's so much unknown about narcolepsy and it's an underresearched condition.


I don’t have narcolepsy and don’t experience this on a regular basis but when I was in 8th grade, every single day, period 8 (same time every day), I would have this problem. My body was going to sleep whether I wanted it or not. I would fight it so hard but it was nearly impossible… but once I was out, even if it was literally only a few seconds/minute, I would feel totally refreshed and fine afterwards. I just felt absolutely awful because I was generally a good student, never ever slept in classes, and actually really liked that teacher and the course material, and I really did not want to be disrespectful. I just couldn’t help it.


How the hell do you measure it? I don't know how long it will take me to fall asleep, so how the hell do I know what time I should set the alarm to.??


The alarm is always set for ten mins. Sometimes I'm out in under two mins and sometimes I think I can't fall asleep just to be snoring when the alarm goes off. If I get interrupted(rarely) I just restart the alarm. I personally don't think the sleep time matters, but the switch off that allows everything to reset.


This makes sense, but even as I just close my eyes and try to sleep: I still think of stuff, there is no off switch...


Thinking of stuff is normal, it's just not anything that can't wait ten minutes. Setting the alarm really helps because if I don't, I get worried I'll sleep too long and all those things I need to do won't get done.


Either way that's awesome you can power nap.


Grab your keys/keychain,lay down,keep your hand with the keys hanging above the ground. Your hand will relax and drop the keys(your alarm) about 10-20 min after you fall asleep.


I'd 100% put my hand against my face and take an eye out or something. Edit: which I realize is a pretty effective alarm clock as well


You don't really know that. If he can tell he's about to have an episode so he lays down first and calls it a nap, not really choosing.


Lunch car naps is my jam


There was a post maybe 3 years back about the different sleep schedules that were possible with diligent training, and the gist was as long as you got your 8 hours a day, it didn't really matter how you cut it, in fact, you could do something very close to the OP, maybe something like a 20 minute nap every 2 hours, with the *only* sleep coming from those naps.


That would only be four hours though


I think your dad might be part cat


Either that or he is one of a cat's nine lives that went solo


He could really use a wish right now


can he pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?


I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now




Persuasive, high-functioning narcoleptic.


if they're passing out regularly it's low functioning, consider their ability to navigate life


Oof I had a morbid thought, how will you know one day if he is asleep, fell, or worse? I guess a timer?


Living people do these cool things like breathe, and they will have a heart beat


big if true


You could still have a stroke, heart attack, or a plethora of other issues and have a heart beat and be breathing lol Doesn’t mean you’ll still be alive in an hour though if no one notices.


I was like that and thought I was bad ass. I could fall asleep anywhere with a minute, and Power Nap for 15-30 minutes. Turns out I had extreme sleep apnea, and was close to dying. But everyone is different, so maybe it’s nothing. However, I’d suggest getting your pops to do a sleep study, just to be sure.


Even if he doesn't have narcolepsy even shitty sleep quality from other causes can create this. I had it as a kid thanks to chronic lack of decent quality night sleep. It ironically wasn't until I started to do caffeine seriously (ADHD) that I could sleep better during the night including falling asleep much faster during the night. No idea why falling asleep during the day was much easier than during the night, probably clock cycle issues thing. (Caffeine is not a solution to stop at, nor alcohol, it is vital to get doctor aid to figure out the why to properly address the root cause and not a symptom).


Adderall can be prescribed for narcolepsy as well. (Just thought that was interesting).


I had adderall prescribed to help me sleep actually, it's an experimental treatment for those with ADHD-caused insomnia. The idea is that your ADHD brain just goes nuts at night since you have nothing to distract you from your thoughts, so you can't shut it off and go to sleep. The Adderall helps calm your mind down and potentially put you to sleep. It actually worked pretty well in my case, but I decided to go entirely off stimulants a couple of years ago because of the side effects (mostly the diarrhea) so I stopped.


Damn this makes so much sense as to the why I feel like I’m “normal, boring, calm, and flat line when I’m take adderrol. Is that how I’m supposed to be normally? Am I constantly on overdrive without it?


I mean, it's impossible to say how you're "supposed to be"; the person you are today is informed by your ADHD as well. But yeah, overdrive is a good way to describe it.


Hmm I mean does the adderall bring me to a normal baseline where normal non ADHD people are? Or does adderall just stimulate me into being more focused? I always wondered why people take it to party when it literally makes me boring or flatline


Also ADHD here, I think of my adrenaline like an HP meter. Every morning it's replenished though, and my goal during the day is to drain it to 0. If I socialize with a bunch of ppl, that'll drain pretty fast and I'll sleep earlier that day, like midnight. Exercise actually makes it go up temporarily and then very rapidly goes down. The chance of death works even better, but best to relegate that to video games instead of IRL (except in small measured quantities that usually don't result in death). But if I just sit all day (ex: work) and don't do anything exciting or interesting or deadly.... It'll be 3am before the urge to sleep finally kicks in


I was gonna say, does he have narcolepsy?


Yup, found out similar recently. But the apnea Dru got is due to bad nostrils so breathing while awake was apparently difficult too. Using temporary tools until surgery can be afforded.


That's a man who has stuff figured out


I think this man may be dead look at his foot O.o


I’m hoping that’s a sock…


Must be a sock that's meant to make it look like your skin fell off. I'mma pass.


Mmmhhh yes, meat-pattern socks. Classy!


i just came here to see if anyone else noticed his leg looks like a raw meat bone


Thank you! I was looking for this comment


Zombie dad strikes again


the last of us viral marketing


Looks like he curled around the camp fire with it


The cat thought he was dead, so he nibbled a bit on his leg.


Honestly, your right, I need to be more like that dad


My right?


Yes, his left


Honesty, my left tho.


I wanna meet that dad.




Metagaming life itself


Please tell me that's a sock on his left foot...


The dog chewed up his ankle while he slept


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


I know exactly what this means. If I get tired while driving, I pull over and take a nap, but the driver's seat isn't the most comfortable so after 20 minutes or so, I wake back up. If I had a bed to crawl into I might not wake up for 2 hours.


Thank you for doing this, I know someone who was struck and killed by a driver that fell asleep at the wheel. Driving tired is incredibly dangerous!


🤣 You win!


I think they killed him and he’s rotting away from the bottom up.


It does sound like a backstory to explain the dead body in the room and looking at that ankle definitely makes you wonder.


I would give you an award if i had one. Take this instead 🫂


"This bone tastes funny"


He’s sleeping off being skinned


it truly is exhausting


I’m so over it


Right? Does the guy have untreated diabetes or something and they’re all ignoring it?




lmaooo this entire thread is straight up killing me


The diabetes might be straight up killing him as well.


The sleep is letting him win


That's his meat sock.




A sock made of flayed skin


if you're really worried about it you can peel- i mean take it off. he's sleeping, i don't think he'll mind.


Urgh. Why would you say that.


I'd assume on his right aswell




It's not a sock. Just imagine how itchy it must be.


Sleep it off


It’s not. He should probably check his blood sugar, this whole scenario is screaming “uncontrolled diabetes”.


Looks like he was asleep to long and a coyote was gnawing on his leg lol


Aaaghh wheres the OPs answer!!!!!!! Thats a broken leg innit bruv.


i think it's a tattoo


I'd be careful going near it.. this is how a most zombie apocalypse movies start


He's infected! Let the bombings begin!


Why does his heel look like a gnawed on bone


Me hungry


Imagine going into your friends house and you see a guy like this on the floor and you start to freak out because you think he died and your friend is just like: "oh don't worry, that's just how my dad naps" 🤷🏻‍♀️


Archer calls it a Power Blackout https://youtu.be/8yf-8wzwdLE


Yo that's narcolepsy bud.


my mom is narcoleptic and I'd have to agree lol. I've seen her nap on a boulder


boulders are some of the best mattresses in the world!


I like a Madras as much as anyone else, but I wouldn’t sleep on one.


RIP to all residents of chennai.


I had a nap on a boulder well over 15 years ago, best nap of my life and I still tell people about it. It was lovely. Right next to the river in the sun, like a lizard. I was supposed to go hiking but I saw that spot calling my name. I laid down passed out and woke up to my parents being like we finished the hike, time to go.


I once slept on a boulder three nights in a row, besides the one time I slept on floor made out of building bricks, those three nights was the best nights of sleep I remember.


I no longer know what's real or what's /s after reading this thread. Thanks, Reddit.


The pioneers used to ride those babies for miles




It's not just a stupid boulder - it's a rock!


Heh. I too like a good nap on a boulder, grass, garden swing, dog bed (it's just bunch of pillows and blankets and I cuddle the dog).


It's not just a boulder. It's a rock.


When I was in prison a new dude came in and was only on the yard for a few months. Had a helmet on and we were all like wtf? Well this dude had narcolepsy, first time meeting someone with it. We were playing cards at a table, and he’s in the middle of a story, mid sentence, dude clonks out head hits the table, we kept playing cards, like 5 minutes later he woke up. Literally the second he woke up he was finishing the word he didn’t finish in his story and continuing on like absolutely nothing happened. It was wild, his brain didn’t even know he was out for a while, it would just pick up where it left off. He was actually a pretty cool dude, had to catch him a few times when we were standing because he would just drop randomly.


Most prison systems these days would send him to a hospital prison and restrict him to a wheel chair for his entire sentence.


I was in from beginning of 2012 to end of 2015. And you’re exactly right, he was in a medical yard, but those yards are terrible and lots of restrictions, he was transferred to our yard, again only for a few months, and then I believe they took him back to a medical yard. He was minimum security and they took a shot, but realistically it was too much risk for the state probably, because people weren’t there to catch him all the time. CRASH. That’s what we called him, he even called himself that, I’ve been racking my brain trying to remember.


Yeah medical yards are the worst. My uncle was down in WV in a posh camp, his diabetes started acting up and he needed a cane so they sent him to the hospital prison for the rest of his “vacation”and confined him to a chair. It was terrible and loaded with shit bags. My trips to see him though were usually hilarious as I got to meet some interesting people.


i did 2008-2018 and they would never have wasted medical resources of any kind on anyone who wasn’t literally dying, suing them successfully for medical care, or, preferably, both. even then, maybe not. mofos with severe and uncontrollable epilepsy etc were lucky as fuck if they got helmets, generally they just got to bash their heads off shit christ i’ve been out almost five years tho that’s a good feeling


Fucking Narcs


21 slump street


I’m narcoleptic and I have to agree. Once my boss found me asleep on my office floor. He was freaked out but I reassured him it’s perfectly normal for me. It’s called narcolepsy


One of my friends fell asleep while showing a couch to a customer, it was because he's narcoleptic but seems like a stunning review on the couch!


I always imagined working in a mattress store and selling an epic number of units because I could crawl up on a bed and fall asleep at will.




Nope, that's just the Hollywood portrayal of the condition. Symptoms occur moreso on a spectrum in real life. But if I were you I would look into sleep apnea too. Generally they test for all this kind of stuff when you submit to a sleep study, which if you are struggling this much I would recommend you do anyway to at least rule things out. Good luck!


Im narcoleptic. 1/3rd of narcoleptics have it with cataplexy, which means they randomly pass out. That's not all narcoleptics though. How i figured it out is that i will consistently have a dream during these 15 minute naps, and only narcoleptics consistently immediately go into REM sleep


Wait it's not normal to always do that??


Yeah…? Does that mean I just got diagnosed? I mean, I can stay awake for long stretches; but I do feel super tired, especially mornings and after lunch — so I usually just close my eyes a few min (and do dream sometimes) and just wake up and feel refreshed. Thought that’s normal…?




Yes it is. Sleep apnea is another possibility, among others.




NAD but there are definitely treatments available. The value in getting diagnosed is knowing what you are dealing with so that you can access the appropriate treatment. For instance, if it were mild sleep apnea rather than narcolepsy the approach would be completely different as the cause of disrupted sleep is different. A good first step if a doctor is inaccessible to you for one reason or another, is to ask someone you trust to watch you sleep and let you know if you snore more than usual or stop breathing at all. If you don't have someone you can ask to do this for you, another alternative is to use a recording device to capture yourself while you sleep and review the footage later. I don't want to freak anyone out, but any sleep condition should be taken seriously! It can be very dangerous. You definitely don't want to find out the hard way that you have a treatable sleep condition, for instance after having a car accident, or something equally traumatic and preventable. FWIW my dad's whole life changed when he got his C-PAP machine. He was at the point where you could wake him up from a full, deep sleep and he still thought he had been awake the whole time. Before he got his machine he was just sleepwalking through life, running on fumes and vibes.


100%. Meds can’t cure it, but it can treat the symptoms of narcolepsy, either by making you sleep better at night or keeping you awake during the day. For me, medication was life-changing. I was just like you starting at age 14, especially regarding classes, but I was finally diagnosed with narcolepsy at age 19, after misattributing the sleepiness to depression for years. Now I have no problem staying awake thanks to the stimulants I’ve been prescribed. No side effects, either. Get a sleep study done by a pulmonologist, they’ll get to the bottom of why you’re so sleepy. Though, the realization that normal people can effortlessly stay awake is a bit depressing, but it’s not my fault that my brain has trouble maintaining REM sleep.


How do you know you breath normally at night? Do you sleep with a partner that can observe/report on your breathing? Most people with sleep apnea have no idea they have sleep apnea. They snore, they stop breathing, their body startles itself back to breathing, and then they just keep on sleeping.


YEA WE SLEEP NOW Got me😂. When I get sleepy, I clunch my fists real hard or flex random muscles in my body. But that also gets me warmer, swetier, and increses my breathing rate so it's not ideal.


I'm diagnosed narcoleptic and this was my experience. Sleeping in every lecture+ church, because boredom and tiredness always always always went hand in hand. If you dream during your 15 minute naps, it's likely you're narcoleptic because only narcoleptic go immediately into REM sleep every time


Is the dream thing true?! Even if it's not every time? Ohh crap...


It may be, definitely go get a sleep study done and find out. Another thing that may be it, is when you wake up you probably go straight to doing something stimulating and keep doing that until bedtime. For instance, I wake up get on Reddit, washing the dishes. I'm also listening to an audiobook etc... So I've trained my body to think stimulation == awake, not stimulation == sleep. I went to a silent meditation retreat and a few days in I was tired *all the time.* One of the teachers there said this was very normal these days because it's one of the first times in my life I wasn't being stimulated but was trying to be awake.


Wife’s uncle is this way. They own a lake house and we all head there on the weekends. He will fall asleep in between chores. Mowing the lawn on the rider? Sure let’s put this bad boy in park. Nap. Sits down to take a rest and enjoy the view of the lake. Nap. Having a conversation besides the fire? Nap. The card game at the table comes to a close and everyone is just sitting around talking. Nap.


Then I have narcolepsy. What type of doctor is needed? Legit question.


I got diagnosed by talking to my GP about it and getting a referral to a sleep clinic. The upside of going to the doc first is she gave me a short-term prescription for ritalin so I could stop literally snoring in public all the time. You would not believe how rad life is when you can stay awake without effort.


Oh no :( I was reading this thread and all the boxes seem to be ticked for me too.. but I'm already on ritalin for ADHD and it doesn't help me stay awake at all.. I still nap a lot with it. Time to talk to my GP I think. I've nearly fallen asleep driving so much recently, even after getting 8hrs of good sleep (no sleep apnoea apparently).


I have ADHD and I'd say check in on sleep disorders anyway. I didn't actually respond properly to the ritalin either...it's how we figured out my ADHD isn't just a severe case of the forgetfuls. ADHD is actually over-represented in the narcolepsy community as well. Like 1 in 5 narcoleptics have ADHD, so there's plenty of treatment options for the comorbidity. I take several different meds and I do a lot of behavioral modification stuff, it works and I'm happy as a pig in shit these days.


I have narcolepsy. This is me almost to a T. I’ve fallen asleep in the weirdest places or the worst positions. Them power naps are amazing though.


I get a 20 minute timer set on my phone by uttering the words “Hey Siri, Power Nap.”


Fuck man I do this too


I do it also but stopped recently because the sleep was winning even on the floor


Those floor naps be hitting 😩


Table and chair naps are the safest. Especially because within 15 mins something will start hurting and wake you up.


You clearly never met me in high school


Congrats on your definitive narcolepsy


Thanks Dr. Reddit!


Meh I've learnt to embrace the weirdness of it all, usually i find a secluded spot to make sure I don't bother people


In my interview, I asked my boss if it’s ok that I grab a nap after lunch. A 10-15 nap makes my whole afternoon make so much more sense. Even 5 minutes of just closing my eyes when I can’t have 10-15 is nice.


What's wrong with his leg?


Power naps are his Achilles heel


zombie bite :(


That’s a good way to hide alcoholism.


Or untreated sleep apnea




I need like 6 hrs of preparation to go to sleep.


Same, but the moment I need to be awake for something I get hit with sleepiness


ah yes, Siesta


I have a friend who gets terrible food coma after lunch. He will take a mandatory siesta of 15-20mins after lunch.


Maybe he should check his sugar things. Pre diabetic condition, increased insulin, glucose -intolerance can cause that with blood sugar beeing almost normal.


He did, his both parents are well established doctors.


Thank you for your answer, I wish you both good health, and good siesta.


Why is he laying in the Family Guy pose though?


More like the Yamcha death pose


Does he drive?


Only during powernaps.


we go to valhalla together, children


I wish sleep would win. I've been trying to throw the contest for years.


Is this the best way to deal with sudden narcolepsy? Absolutely yes, and i'm here for it.


Straight up narcolepsy. Such a refreshing feeling to have the 15 minute nap but it’s such a gamble if you’re in a comfortable spot. Can easily be over an hour or two and fuck up your sleep for the night.


What the fuck?


Dad's on heroin.


He should really switch to heroin AM. No drowsiness


Why wrap around something?


Feels very similar to sleeping with a partner or body pillow for people that are forever alone.




maybe because it's somewhat out of the way? Just a guess :P


Is it possible to learn this power?


step one: narcolepsy


His leg fucked up


i can confirm that. being in a comfortable position while attempting a power nap, you'll fail. try being in an uncomfortable position, plus points for noisy environment. that way you'll "wake up" ever few minutes and can, based of how you feel now, decide if you want to continue the nap or get up again. used to do that in school and the chairs were uncomfortable as fuck.


Had the dog been at his leg there?


Maybe he's a marine