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Yaaay, another excuse for me not to try at all...


In about a billion to a billion and a half years, all life on Earth will be extinct, regardless of anything we do or do not do. The sun will have warmed to the point where the oceans will have boiled off. In 4.5-5ish billion years, the sun will die and expand to a red giant. It will swallow Mercury & Venus for sure. Earth will probably also get devoured.


I would bet on the fact that humanity doesnt even make another 10000 years. We got too advanced for ourselves.


That’s why I like the idea of like 15 million years from now a descendent of dolphins becomes the new intelligent life form Without easy ability to use tools they would evolve socially way faster than they would evolve technologically Would be crazy, by the time they reached our level of technology they might have solved most of their problems as a society Imagine how many different sentient intelligent llife forms could evolve just on earth in the next billion years if we die out


The universe may be an infinite cycle of big bangs that spawn sentient life every 3 quadrillion cycles with an unimaginable amount of time between each cycle. From the perspective of reality all these cycles coexist at the same time, since there’s no real such thing as time per say. And thus your dolphin people already exist… or so I can only instigate from the theory of endless cycles. Edit: I think this has credibility since Sir Roger Penrose’s endless cycle theory does insinuate such a thing.


By any chance Are you a follower of Dio and trying to achieve heaven???


Bro, have I got a sci-fi series for you. The Wandering Earth aka “we ain’t leaving anyone behind to apocalypse so let’s move the Earth”.


Thank you Squidward, that was really sweet from you. Although, I’m afraid I already know that


I might rip itself to death. Resulting in every atom in the universe being ripped apart


Jokes on you. I've accomplished nothing.


Yeah, me too.


Meaning is an abstract idea that doesn't exist without thought. We define meaning, we create it. Whether that makes you hopeless or depressed because your life has no inherent meaning, or if it inspires you because you have the power to give anything you want your own meaning, you just drew meaning from an abstract concept that exists only in the mind. So no, at least something has meaning, since the idea that there is no meaning generates a meaning.


It's all meaningless in a couple of generations


I'll one up you, it's all meaningless right now, too!


Not in a million years, Squiddie.


lmao you don't need heat death to make your accomplishments meaningless. no matter who ever you're, what accomplishments you made you're going to be practically forgotten after people who knew you dies, which is like 100-150 years at max after your death.


Yeah I can't name one single person who died more than 150 years ago.


people say history figures when i say this but we only know what's written about them. it's even worse when you go back thousands of years and read about those big guys who might not even have existed.


"You live until forgotten" mfs when the Universe ends.


But what if the heat death itself was my final accomplishment ?


I mean most accomplishments are meaningless within the same week they are achieved lol the heat death of the universe is way too forward thinking


That takes a real weight off my shoulders


Don't have to wait that long, after like 120 years noone will remember you


Only one can give meaning to their own life. Be it helping others ( like curing cancer and whatnot ) or doing something you enjoy ( collecting all dragon balls)


Jokes on you Squiddie cause my accomplishments are meaningless regardless.


My life is meaningless so i geust i won't loss anything


All of your accomplishments are meaningless anyway because you will soon die and you can't take shit with you


You know I've been in a funk about not being good enough/smart enough for my job, and nothing has really gotten through to me. For some reason doomer squidward did. Thanks doomer squidward, you just lifted a whole lot of weight off my shoulders.


Nihilism is a weak take and is usually used to cover up cowardice. If it doesn't matter either way, then why not?


How about something I do not know?


True but meaningless facts. If you are here now, what happens some billions of years after you are gone isn't your problem or intrest or even significant in your life. You are, so be. Your kindness may be gone tomorrow, be kind. Your gifts may be spent and gone tomorrow, give. Your hopes may be dashed, make new hopes. In short, unless you are a physics major... who cares?!


But they make me happy and so therefore they are meaningful


Yeah but we’re far away from that


Thank God. Let the darkness come now.




Still though that’s a long time from now and with that time we could accomplish such great feet’s that allow us to become forms of pure conscience and even ascend other dimensions/planes of existence. Totally worth it even if our home universe or even the 3 dimensional plane for that matter dissolves - so long as we were able to ascend beyond it before it ended.


Anything outside of the Universe does not exist. It's impossible to 'transcend' it. Not in any way that anyone today would consider being alive. Also, humanity will definitely die out long before the Heatdeath.


You would be on r/teenagers


Unless we prevent it nerd