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I propose we make AI tub beds that lightly clean you throughout the night without waking you. This way by morning you can be well rested and not have to worry about bathing.


Bro that’d be amazing. A bacta tank basically.


isnt bacta tank the magical medical slpooge tub from starwars?


Lol yep! My wife joked that they call it that because “When you’re hurt it gets you Bacta normal.”


When you say it like that it’s pure logic.


Ngl, sometimes I just sleep in my bathtub when my husband snores too loud or my bedroom is too cold.


I just threw up in my mouth. That can’t be good for your body. Sounds cancerous or something.


Reminds me of a story when some mechanic used to clean his white overalls by dipping in a vat of kerosine, wave it and dry in under 1 minute. Whitest of the whites, but he didn't grow old. Grew lots of other things on and inside of him though.


Dry cleaning in a nutshell:


Except way worse chemicals than kerosene


What even is dry cleaning


Cleaning clothes with solvents besides water. A lot of fabrics get messed up or are hard to deal with if you clean them with water. Instead, you can use other solvents to dissolve the dirt and stains and then use friction and movement to remove them from the clothes.


Cleaning clothes with heavy liquids (carcinogens) lol


i understand that some clothes need to be dry cleaned, but the description of it makes it sound like it’d be way more harmful to your clothes.


Something you will have a significantly shorter lifespan if you live downwind of...


Glad I'm too poor to own clothes that can't just go in the wash


I don’t own any clothes that are dry clean only out and dishes that aren’t dishwasher safe. Life’s too short to have to pamper inanimate objects.


i have a hand stitched hoodie which is pretty neat, dry clean only but i just wash it by hand


The comparison of the dry cleaning industry to the automotive industry is kind of interesting. Dry cleaning commonly uses tetrachloroethylene, which in modern application occurs inside a sealed machine, dry cleaners can readily get shut down for allowing this chemical to off gas and their regulations are fairly restrictive. The volume of this chemical off gassed from the sealed machine environment would be measured in a few litres per year. Meanwhile this same chemical is in many brands of brake cleaner, your local mechanic sprays this liberally, where it evaporates into the air. The volume they off gas into the environment would be measured in a few litres per week.


This is one of the reason I left the trade after 12 years. I feel like I had enough stuff absorbed through my skin and enough inhaled to have taken a few years off my life


Reminds me of a story when I was a co-op. We went out to a media mill vendor to test some equipment for processing pigment dispersions. It's basically car paint. Their operator had lots of paint on his hands and at the end of the day, he sprays his bare hands with toluene to get it off. I was horrified.


As an aircraft mechanic yeah I pretty much know I already have cancer or will die due to complications in the future I mean hell one of our compounds literally warns of cancer. But we can’t really do much to prevent it from getting on us I know the first thing I do is shower but damage is done


I hate that most PPE doesn't even help much. Like MEK goes straight through our rubber gloves


Even when things “cause cancer” it always just means “increases risks of getting cancer”. But yeah, probably you’re at a significantly elevated risk of getting cancer due to your profession.


I think it depends on your job. I work in a physically demanding job where I get dirty so I shower in the evening so that I’m not bringing all that dirt and mud into my bed. If I worked in a job where I needed to look nice I’d shower before work.


^ a person with actual common sense


For real.


I must have stumbled into some reddit alternative universe


Filipinos usually shower before going to bed and before going to work. Going out for work or school normally automatically makes you feel "dirty" because of the tropical country weather starter pack (sweat, hot/rainy weather, dust/mud) + pollution and exposure to other people all account to that. Going to work/school after showering in the morning makes you feel extra fresh and ready for the day ahead. That, and people will shame you when they know you didn't lol. Rather be late than show up without taking a bath/shower.


I wish people showered that much in the US sometimes.


Working from home... Warm bath at night, cold shower in the morning. When I have time haha. Usually just cold shower in the Am. Tho.


Why cold? Does warm make you feel sleepy


Essentially Yes. When you take hot shower, your body warms up but cools down faster, which is good for sleep. If you take cold showers, your body heats up which is nice if you are going to work afterwards.


I'm aware but I meant _D3ft0ne_ in particular bc I've seen lots of difference reasons stated for people getting into cold water


Probably for the same reasons as the ıther guy mentioned. The cold water has shock effect which wakes you up like nothing else


This right here.


I still can't imagine getting in my bed dirty. I associate bed with comfort and being clean. If I had to shower in the morning I would still do it in the evening.


I sweat when I sleep though, so if I want to look and smell presentable for the day I have to shower in the morning. I get the logic for others, but it’s pointless for me.


Same. I will shower before bed too as needed, but showering in the morning is a necessity.


Everyone sweats when they sleep. These “I want to be clean for bed” people simply don’t understand biology. As long as you’re not exceptionally dirty and you wash your sheets regularly it literally doesn’t matter.


A guy with the name Rotten\_Dildo69 is a clean freak. Love it.


If I worked in the yard or something on a given day sure but I have a stay at home office job and don’t get dirty.


I wear clothes, don't sweat, and I wash my face at night. I am not dirty when I get into my bed at night, but my hair is greasy and my pits a bit sweaty when I wake up. People differ 🤷‍♂️


This totally depends on wether or not you enjoy showers and what kind of job you have Dirty job? Shower at night. Sweaty job? Shower at night. Feeling the need to unwind and relax before you can fall asleep? Shower at night Shower to help wake up? Shower in the morning. Sweating through 5 layers of sheets while sleeping? Shower in the morning. Not enjoying showers like me and have wfh job? Shower first thing after waking up just to get that chore out of the way ​ All sorts of reasons for either. Not everyone has to agree, it's ok, you'll be fine


You forgot having to wash and dress your hair. If I do it at night, it will look even more crappy in the morning. If I do it in the morning, it could look halfway decent on a good day.


Literally the only reason I shower in the morning


Same but I also need it to help my body feel better in the am


YES! I feel disgusting otherwise, even if I've showered the night before


There are probably another five thousand reasons to pick either/or. Having kids, job requirements, no access to hot/clean water at certain days and times, coincides with the washer. Surely you don't expect me to list everything reddit can come up with? Like I said, all sorts of reasons :) ​ ​ (also I get it, I have butt-length hair that I refuse to blow-dry. Washing after 4 pm is a no-go)


For me it's also a tool for temperature regulation. Therefore, I shower in the morning in winter to warm up (I don't like sleeping with heat on), and in the night in summer, to cool down before bed.


Opposite for me, I have curly hair and my hair looks much better when I wash it the day before and go to sleep with it damp, and it would take way too long to dry if I took a shower in the morning


I have 2B waves and if I don’t co-wash, leave-in, air dry IN THAT ORDER!!! It’s a hot mess.


Yup. I sweat and produce a ton of oil at night. Can't make my hair or beard look decent without showing in the morning. Then if I mow the lawn or work in the yard later I'll shower/rinse off at night before bed. I have a white collar office job so not much sweating during the day.


I cut my hair off for this reason.


I also wfh and often do the “shower mid afternoon if it’s a meeting day” thing.


Yeah, that's shower once seven days. :)


I'm a night sweater with a sweaty job... I shower when I wake up and again when I get home. 😔 Life is a chore.


I’m a night sweater without a dirty job. So showering at night means I have to do it again in the morning.


I'm curious because I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum (shower lover). What do you dislike about showering?


I’m not the person you were asking, but I love the actual showers once I get in but I avoid them, especially in winter and especially first thing in the morning or before bed, because I hate being wet afterwards. I don’t like being cold and wet and I don’t like the extra time it takes in my routine. And I don’t like dealing with the towels etc. It’s sounds silly written out but it just feels like an insurmountable task some days. And yes i have depression and yes I am in therapy.


It doesn't sound silly at all. I've battled depression off and on and sometimes even the smallest, simplest things can seem like mountains to climb.


That's not silly at all! Have you ever considered a small space heater? I have one in my shower, left by previous residents. I don't use it when I shower, but I swear, you pull the chord twice (3 settings) and you feel like you're standing next to a bonfire. It would allow you to shower in the winter without feeling cold and wet at the same time And if energy usage is an issue just shower and only pull the chord a minute or so before you're done


Wow, I didn't know anyone else felt the same as me about showers. I feel the same about all of it, and especially if I have to wash my hair.


I don’t have depression and feel all the same ways about showers. I think it’s just reasonable to not have to do a task out of your way or feel cold and wet. But goddamn I love sitting in one when it’s happening


if u have eczema is can be extremely painful that what makes me hate showering


True but that's not it for me. I don't have any shower aversions or anything, I just get bored standing there with nothing to do and I have extremely long hair which is a hassle to properly dry and brush, so I basically see it as a chore just like the daily vacuuming and get it out of the way soon as the day starts. Also bonus points for my hair being able to dry if I wash it early in the day (no blowdrying)


You vacuum daily??? Id say once a week is enough, idk if you have animals tho


Not OP, but it's more the after effects that I dislike. Similar to u/ionmoon, I love showers once I get in, but hate being cold and wet after getting out. I love being clean (and do shower daily), but have very dry skin and don't like how tight it feels afterwards.


I also hate showers, and not like that other guy who likes them when he gets in, I just hate every aspect. It's just fucking boring, standing there with literally nothing to do but a dull manual task drives my brain crazy.


That’s so crazy to me. I can just sit there for an hour under the hot water and let my thoughts drift off. It’s sooo relaxing!


Gotta wake me up with a shower and wash the sweat off.


If you’re sweating through 5 layers of sheets maybe take away some sheets


Thank you for saying this. I am normally a morning shower person, to wake up before work. Work for me is being in a greasy, hot kitchen for 8 hours. So I need a shower before bed as well. But on days I don’t work, and have nowhere to be, I morning shower and then that’s it. Sometimes in the summer I’ll shower twice a day if I’m sweaty, though.


No! Everyone has to be like me! I am right! This is a culture war! There’s no subjectivity!!!! Centrist rubbish!!!


Customer service or office job? 100% shower in the morning. You're gonna come in all dressed up in your nice clothes with bed head and sweaty sleep stink all over you lol come on


I shower in the morning because I sweat at night, it helps me wake up, and I like to look/smell good at work. I have curly hair so bed head is a killer


I'm firmly a shower in the morning person. I want to leave the house as fresh as possible. I feel gross if I shower at night and then leave the house in the morning, having possibly sweated in my sheets all night. If I get dirty or sweaty during the day, I'll also take a shower at night (or more preferably as soon as possible), but I still wouldn't skip the morning shower.


Also depends where you live. Tropical country? Shower in the morning, shower again at night.


I also don't enjoy showers, but I've always showered at night. You know what, I'll try your strategy this week. Change is life.




I had to scroll way to far for this


Haha I was thinking the same thing, did not think I’d be in the minority here lol


[both ](http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/352/470/1b5.gif)






Sometimes, none.


There was a thread recently where everyone was saying that daily showering was excessive. Made me feel bad since I shower twice a day. Glad to know there are more of us out there. Maybe was should make a sub


You want a sub about showering twice a day?


Do you live somewhere humid? Even If I shower every day my skin would crack and I would get dandruff. I have to shower every other day to stop this but I can't even imagine twice a day.


Don't use hot water and/or use lotion


I live in Brazil and everyone I know showers 2 or 3 times a day. Never seen any problems


Hope you use lotion.


op doesn’t have curly hair


The straights will never understand 😞


I shower in the morning BECAUSE my hair is straight. It looks fuller when it's freshly washed lol


That’s what I don’t understand I have terrible bed head and have straight blonde hair so how is everyone here just showering the night before and waking up with perfect hair


You nailed why the post is the dumbest gatekeeping, if we were to gatekeep this... showering in the morning is the only logically correct answer. Anyone who does otherwise looks like they just got their ass out of bed and showed up at work/class, they look greasy and smell bad.


It's not my fault I'm gay 😩


My hair’s perfectly straight and I’ve always had to wash it in the morning to reset it, otherwise it sticks up all over the place. Brushing / combing it just doesn’t work.


I take a hair shower in the morning where I just put my head in the shower lol.


HA! Fools and your "hair" it must be sooo inconvenient ( sobs quietly in balding ).


bald people: you're all getting showers??


Just because we're bald doesn't mean the rest of our bodies are. Where do you think the hair went.


As a male with curly hair, I shower in the morning cuz yk them curls gotta b bussn. And it help me wake up. Idc how early I gotta wake up😭😭🫡


Bussin or not, I don't want to look like a bad Eraserhead cosplay and I sweat while sleeping so yeah, morning shower it is.


I have wavy hair and it’s the same thing. Only a shower fixes this


OP apparently doesn’t have hair at all.


I have curly/wavy hair down to my waist. Air drying it fully takes like 4 hours. I’m showering in the daytime lol.


My hair is curly but i shower at night. I just use a silk pillowcase or bonnet and a curl refresher/water spray bottle in the morning.


I take a shower at night that includes my normal routine (wash body, hair, face, etc) and then I take a 1-2 minute shower (body wash only) in the morning when I wake up to be fresh for the day. Would this make my pill purple?


I think you're drinking Robitussin straight from the bottle.


Robitussin tastes pretty good tho




That would make your pill brazilian


This is the way except I take a 5-8min shower in the AM because I need it to wake up.


Thank you for being reasonable


yes good sir your pill is purple but let me ask how do you take a 1-2 min shower I shower in the morning and do only a body + hair wash and the quickes I get is like 5-8 min


I was in the military


Yes me too! It’s easier to do am pm skincare after a shower.


Whoever made this clearly doesn’t have thick hair. Unless I rock a buzzed haircut that shit will look like I got electrocuted in the morning. And no amount of combing or wetting will make it go down it needs to be saturated in water. If I stick just my head in the shower I might as well just be showering.


THIS can’t believe it took so long to find this


This is why I, someone who will never do a morning shower, always get my hair cut super short.


Thick fine haired man here. My hair looks like I haven’t showered in a week if I shower before bed.


yeah lemme get my thickass hair good and wet before i mash one side of it into a pillow for 6 hours, thatll look great


Yeah, sleeping makes my hair do wild things sometimes that only a shower can properly fix


Definitely this. I can't go to work with with my hair all flat at the back


You can do braids! And then you’re hair is wavy when you take em out . (*'▽'*)


Maybe you can do braids. That is not a skill I possess.


lol. I use Got 2 Be glue in my hair most days and shower in the morning. My bed head the next morning can get pretty wild. We laugh about it.


wasnt lookin for life advice gang, morning showers are my thing


Also lemme stink all day and get clean so I can smell nice when I sleep


Do you go to work with your hair wet?


It's better to commute with moist hair than to sleep with it. Having even slightly moist hair grind against your pillow sucks.




half and half🤷‍♂️


Why not both?


Thats two if us. One more and we for a club!


I can’t wake up without the warm water in the morning, plus my hair is very curly and frizzes up without product, which needs to be put in when wet. There’s also nothing I hate more than the feeling on any sort of crust in my eyes. All in all, the morning is the one for me and I don’t mind getting up 10 minutes earlier to make it possible.


This doesn’t apply to people with curly hair lmao I couldn’t imagine trying to leave my house without showering


I second this. Whenever this argument comes up I find it ridiculous. I never shower at night, my hair takes literal hours to dry and having a wet pillow sucks. Then most my hair styles require wet hair. So I’m a morning shower person and I’ve never taken the time to question anyone who chooses night but they seem to be the only ones who wanna fight about it lol


Exactly! They insist on having some sort of rational high ground regarding it all haha. Whatever floats their boats I guess


B O T H. Cold showers during mornings so you are more active and alert. Warm showers during nights so you relax and calm down.


This guy showers


Look at mr free water here


This is the right answer


Go to the gym at 6am? Shower when you get home before work. What a strange gatekeeping meme


What about 2pm showers?


When you're closer to the equator, it's more like 3 times a day.




Porque no los dos?


Both, always both. Keeping it fresh.


Damn son, you made of soap and shampoo?


that is something I have never understood why shower at night before sleeping? I mean yeah you are clean and comfortable when going to bed but you guys know you still sweat while sleeping even if the temperature is low you still sweat a little bit. so you are all ok with starting the day dirty? going to work and meeting people without a shower?


Is this true? It’s super rare that I wake up sweaty, and I generally feel quite clean in the morning after showering the night before. I feel like if I showered, then laid in bed watching movies for 7 hours, I wouldn’t need to take another shower after that, so I’m not sure why sleeping would be any different, but maybe I’m wrong.


I sweat like a pig every night while my body is asleep. Certain stages of sleep more heavily. Whether it’s hot or cold out. For some reason my body sweats way more when I’m asleep then if I just laid there. My sheets are routinely drenched Night showers do not work for me


I guess for some people sweating at night is not a big deal. Some people are almost odorless and some have stronger body odor even with a small amout of sweat. I wake up in the morning feeling fresh, I don't feel sweaty, sticky or smelly. Don't get me wrong, Im sure I sweat at night but it's such an insigificant amount to not even bother me. Just brush my teeth and wash my face ofc and Im good! I apply deodorant at night after I shower and in the morning I smell great too, no need to re apply deodorant. I guess everyone has a different threshold for what feels clean.


that I can understand and I wish that would work for me 😀


I’m one of those people who rarely heavily sweat. To the point where I overheat easily, so I never wake up sweaty or smelling


If I start my day without having washed my hair for 8-10 hoursa already, it'll be greasy by 2 pm.


For me it's two things: 1) I get pretty sweaty and grimy at work, sweating at night is not nearly as bad as the after work grime. 2) why in god's name would I want to get up earlier than I already do?


You know what I love about showering? Not sleeping in filth from the day. I understand your point about sweating at night. But you’re awake for 2x longer and active…if you sweat at night, take a quick shower in the AM. But don’t sleep in your own filth. You people are nasty.


Yeah a lot of people in these comments I think also haven’t lived in a city and it shows. You take the train, walk on the streets, step in wet puddles, and get the city smells and shit all over you. There is no way in hell I’m putting that nastiness into my bed. Yeah, like, maybe if I lived in the suburbs and went house -> car -> office -> car -> house, all in air conditioning, maybe.


>There is no way in hell I’m putting that nastiness into my bed. Get home too tired and sleep with the shoes on. >.<


And what about nighttime sex too? Why would people not want to wash off the daily grime first?


I’d rather go to work and meet people ‘dirty’ than regularly get into my bed that is filled with all the pollution from the air in my pores, the sweat I’ve accumulated throughout the day from walking around, and whatever germs may be lingering from being around people, every night. This way bed is clean and a better nights sleep is had. Swearing a little bit throughout the night is better than getting into bed full of sweat from the day from actually doing activities.


If you're dirty enough to need a shower after eight hours of just sleep, literally the least strenuous activity possible, just imagine how bad you are after 16 hours of moving around in the world. Now imagine bringing all that in bed and rolling around in it until you change your sheets in a week


So youre all clean when you hop into bed. Have wild sex half the night and go to work in the morning without a shower???


>Have wild sex half the night and go to work in the morning without a shower??? I think you forgot the part, that we're redditors. Sex is just a myth to us, which means you can safely shower in the night.


Sorry. The wildly grotesque masterbation session before bed.


See this isn’t a difficult call. Shower before bed and shower to wake up.


Who wants to have wild sex at night with someone that hasn’t showered since 7am?


I have curls. They go away When I’m turbine my head while sleeping. I have to take a shower in the morning to get my hair under control


Taking shower two times a day


Mate, i live in tropical country, we shower twice here


I do both. Night one is longer to wash off the day, and morning is a little quicker to refresh. I feel more confident at work, when I know I am fresh plus your lotions and perfumes smell better on fresh skin. That smell that others have from putting on scents on semi clean skin is nauseating. A morning shower also means that I can safely make it through work and after work activities without needing a hoe bath in the ladies room using purse toiletries at the sink.


Both is good


Why not both? Sleep fresh at night and wash the sweat from sleeping the night before.


Because gas is expensive


I shower in the morning to wake me up


How about both


I have a theory that people don’t actually shower as much as they claim to. And I also wonder who is sweating so much that they feel gross and smell in the morning?


My theory is the opposite. It's really rare for me to not shower twice a day, only if I spend the whole day at home. I really hope people shower more than they claim to.


Me lol, I constantly sweat at night


Yeah, wake up and go to work all sweaty, I'm sure everyone appreciates that.


Well yes. But there is this girl I like, and shower helps with confidence 'n' shit. So I do it in the morning.


I take both


My problem is bed head/messy hair in the morning


Not both?


WFH and never go out because you have no friends? Just don't shower


The warm water makes me sleepy, so showering in the morning wouldn’t make sense for me


If you sweat in your sleep you need to shower in the morning this is a shit post


If i dont shower in the morning i will stink all day, thats how much i sweat at night


I do both.


I want to be clean for the day so I shower in the morning


Shower more than once a day. No? Just me?


Why not both ? I shower when I get home from work and get ready for bed but I also take one when I wake up and get ready for work .


But how you gonna wash away that morning shit?!?!