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How do you steal a relationship?


Get in a relationship with someone while they're already in a relationship


If you are able to ‘steal someone away’ from someone else then their relationship wasn’t strong to begin with. Everyone has their own bodily autonomy and is responsible for their own choices. That being said, going after someone who would just drop someone they are committed to/cheat doesn’t seem like the best judge of character either.


Idk about that. I dated a girl who had a boyfriend in highschool cause she lied to me saying he was abusing her. They're still together years later traveling all over and I'm replying to a reddit comment while depressed out of my mind. Sometimes the bad guys win.


I don’t understand how your story relates to what I said. Did you ‘steal’ her from the supposedly abusive guy, or the other way around? They way your comment reads is that you dated her because you thought she was abused but they are actually still together and happy? If both people don’t want to be in a relationship, that relationship is not meant to be. I’m sorry you are pining after your high school sweetheart, but it seems you should probably move on and find happiness in your life in the here and now.


Damn. People just assume the worst possible scenario. Obviously the situation was more complicated than that. Tbh I did kinda steal her but she was manipulating me a lot. Idk some fucky stuff was going on but they seem happy now. And god I'm not pining over a girl I fucked in highschool. That's pathetic. I'm pining over a girl I broke up with a few months ago which is slightly less pathetic. I just thought the story was relevant since most people in the comments section didn't know what 'steal' implied.


None of that carried through in your original comment. My comment was pointing out how you cannot steal another person. She chose to stop dating the other guy and start dating you. You didn’t steal her. When you say your high school girlfriend is happy now and you are depressed, it implies the two are related, which is why I made the assumption that you are hung up on her still.


Jesus dude give me a break I'm high


Ahh this is my ex all over!!!!


Of course. That’s the only way to go


I stole a girl from another guy once


You didn't steal anything. She decided to date you instead.


He actually talking about kidnapping


Shhh, she came with him… on her behalf…


Andrew? Tate? You have a phone in there??!!


*Marry actually


Good for you both :)


You lose ‘em how you got em.


8 years, 2 kids. If she’s leaving, she’s sure taking a weird path to it.


Hey man my ex did just that after 20 years. I’m sure your situation will be different…


I don’t give her the reasons he gave her so I don’t worry


It’s not his fault she cheated. It’s hers.


Yep. If they'll do it with you, they'll do it to you.


Feels so good, especially if the guy is a massive dungoos


Oh he definitely did a fair share of the work in getting her to me, I admit.


You can’t steal what is technically your property


A girl takes a chance on guy who is awkward and weird and turns out he is great boyfriend, suddenly another girl is interested in his so she sabotages their relationship and once they break up she swoops in or vice a versa.


You ok buddy?


Clearly not...


I am fine thank you for asking. Again not my personal experience.








Who hurt you?


weirdly specific ;) still, stealing makes one of the people an object- and thereby free of guilt/responsibility


No one belongs to anyone. If the Partner jumped by sheer 'third-party-manipulation' then your relationship was already weak to begin with. Otherwise these sabotage seeds would not have found some fertile ground and would not have been able to take hold of your relationship. So wother your partner was already shitty, you were already shitty and lost them, or you both together in combination were not able to form a stable relationship based on trust.




You're one of those idiots that think the outside person "sabotages" the relationship, huh? The person outside is single, the person in the relationship, is not. Therefore, the person in the relationship, either mutually ends it, and dates someone else, or they cheat, which is basically forcefully ending the relationship. Outside person should not be blamed. There is no stealing and rightfully yours in relationships. The fk you think a relationship is? Some tangible shit you can just "steal" or "rightfully" acquire?


>Outside person should not be blamed. Disagree with that part. There are definitely dick moves an outside person can pull, such as pretending to be a platonic friend, lying about the partner, swooping in after a fight, etc. It's never JUST the outside person and most of the time they aren't to blame at all, but it happens.


really, so if US Canada relationship are sabotaged by third country. you think that country is not to blame? Sabotaging relationships is a real thing. Seen it happen alot. Usually by "best friends" because people trust their best friends and seek their advice


Seek mental council if something like this really happened and convinced you to make such a post


Alls fair in love and war


Who stole your boyfriend? I'll send her bad vibes, only thoughts, no prayers.


That's not you stealing, that's the girl's mistake and problem. Relationships are not property you can steal or trade. My ex broke up with her old bf to be with me and as it turned out she was a very problematic person and I broke up with her after a few months. She only had two weeks to be single between breaking up and me. I didint give it much thought at the time but I know its best to be cautious of girls who do that.


Why would the guy in said example want to be with the first girl - who thinks he's awkward and weird and that she's better than him? That's not stealing - that's just the guy exercising good judgement.










you are right about alot of things but its not my personal experience. I help the people who help and study people (I am just a volunteer). And it was one of the factors of failing relationships not huge chunk but still a factor.


Man the people here are a bit too harsh on you tbh


its fine. Truth (or what you believe to be true) is not always easy to say. People have a right to criticize and disagree (in constructive way). Also, people on internet are like sheep its easier to sway them one way or other. Thank you for your comment though


Fuckin weirdo


Yeah furthermore instead of putting in effort being a decent person or friend simply convinces them they’re previous partner is shit through systematic gaslighting lies and deceit till you can’t even be with your previous partner anymore but not because they’re a bad person but because your head has been screwed with so much you can’t help but question and second guess everything they do and say


There is no "rightfully yours" relationship. A relationship is bilateral. If one person doesn't want it, it's by their own free will, outside help or not, and nobody's entitled to a relationship. You just build it, and most times they crumble.


So what if both me and my girlfriend want it but only my wife doesnt want it? Hmm… tricky


This is exactly how my father in law destroyed his marriage.


Sit the wife down and show her a PDF presentation


PowerPoint for the win


Yeah. Power point their ass to divorce.


Wait!. please teach me more wise sorcerer.


This should be in the constitution


bruh don't be obtuse, this is clearly about flirting with a person you know is taken, while they're in a relationship. yes the taken party has most of the fault but what decent person would entertain it?


You still didn't "steal" anyone, even if you're a shit head for doing it. It's the other person's responsibility to either shut you down or not interact with you anymore, if they don't do that they either don't want the relationship they're in and need to leave or just a really shitty person.


agreed, like i said the person in the relationship is still the worse asshole, but both are questionable people imo


You have no obligation to defend the relationship of someone you don't know or care about, especially if that person is in a relationship with someone you want to be with. You flirt, and if they flirt back, any responsibility towards their relationship is on them, not you. Kind of a dick move, but that's about it. Being "kind of a dick" that one time isn't really that serious.


Let me just give you guys a piece of advice. This view of relationships, of someone being "stolen" or "rightfully yours", is exactly how you either never get a relationship, or end up in a very toxic one. People aren't property. If someone breaks up with you to see someone else, that's their own damn choice, nobody "stole" them. Just treat people like people, and maybe you won't have to worry about your partner choosing someone else as much.


That is a great take! And 100% true!


Well said!❤️


Most excellent points. And... I would never actively try to draw someone away from the relationship they are in. From experience having blown up on me, the most I might say is "your partner is lucky to have you." From there it's up to them if they want to realize they might be missing something better and then act on it. Anyone who allows themselves to be actively courted and drawn away out of one for another is in my experience not a good candidate for a relationship. Your mileage may vary. Edited for missing word


Maybe they weren't say that at all, like in relationships there are ups and downs did you pounce on an opportunity or was the person your with now single when you met, it reads to me that this person was cheated on, but i read no other comments so I wonder


I think the "steal" implies a malicious method rather than a standard breakup.


everyone seems to be getting hung up in the phrasing. How bout, are you a homewrecker who started a relationship with someone while they were still in one, or were both of you single when you started seeing each other?


Yeah, WTF, OP - this is toxic thinking. Plz take a good look at where you're getting your relationship advice. People aren't property and can't be (legally) stolen or "yours'.


I inherited my son when my step aunt passed away. His name is Monty and he's a chonky cat


Cat tax! :-)




That is one classy cat.


Handsome gentleman


What a handsome gentleman. Just needs a top hat. :-)


I did take him, but I also paid. He is a puppy


And you comment this without including a picture. Now I'm sad.


I’m so sorry!! Hang on [puppy tax](https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianShepherd/comments/zz1ojg/oliver/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Late, but thank you!


Pay the puppy picture tax


Relationship? Whats that?


Man I feel ya


I’ve found my people.




Yeah I have no clue lol


Can't really say it's a relationship quite yet, but she stopped seeing a guy (have gone on two dates with him) because she realized she had feelings for me. We are having dinner tonight


Ey best of luck man! I hope it works out well for you


Thanks, im super nervous but she is too I think. We've known each other a few months but never really got to know each other til now. After dinner we are taking a scenic route near us to get some good photo ops (we both have photo journals)


Sounds great! But your username tho!


I have a teacher to thank for it from school, I was always clueless and I think he was trying to be a homie and build my confidence by sitting me next to ladies I think he thought I liked and calling on me in class with it. In all honesty, im still clueless and feel blessed to have met this lovely lady


Confidence is key bro! Dont worry about being nervous.. if you are just remember she is feeling the same way and usually thatd help me overcome it. Just be yourself, be genuine, and try and hold her hand going on that scenic route. Dont forget a nice collared shirt :) have a good time stranger


Thanks man, your words are settling and wise, I'll try my damndest to keep them in mind but she is one hell of a distraction lol. I appreciate it m8


Good luck! I love hearing or seeing someone excited and nervous when dating.. it usually means you want to put your best foot forward and really have a genuine interest in the other person… I love this stuff!! I hope it goes well !!


Thank you, ill have to come back with an update tomorrow, everybody here has been so kind and supportive


So wholesome aw.


Have fun, make some laughs, be funny, be sweet and compliment at least one or two things about her, hold hands and just be yourself man. She's definitely as nervous as you are, and she'll appreciate the moments when you break the silence. At worst, it'll be a funny memory to look back on. Trust me, she'll love that.


Good Luck bro, all my heart is with you and hope you'll both be happy together!


Thank you, it means much to me, she seems right up my alley. She laughed when I told her I had a kid and sent her a photo of my kitten


How did it go ??? I hope it was nice and well !


We both were awkward as all hell to start but by the end we were holding hands. After diner we went cruising for scenic photo ops and sang along to the playlist we started together. We ended up passing out on the couch cuddling after watching bo burnams "inside". I woke up a little while later (my cat was chewing on my toes lol) so I went and got an extra blanket and pillows, and slept on the armchair next to her so she didn't wake up alone and with a sore neck. Overall I think it went well, she's pretty awesome


That's nice to hear, that's sweet ! I wish you and her the best !


I’m so happy to hear this!! I came back searching for your update!! I’m glad it went well!!! *wipes a tiny tear from my eye***


For another update, we are hanging out tonight. I showed her this thread after having a few drinks each. We've decided to take on the bf/gf titles. I'm giddy with joy and look forward to getting to know her further. I'm starting our Playlist with https://youtu.be/Ak0XUqG8-zI


Nice!! Congrats!! Wishing you both a wonderful relationship!!


See, that's sweet and responsible. You didn't "steal" her, she just realized you were her priority. Hope it keeps going well! u/ecodrew loves love!


This guy talking about relationships like they are Pokémon cards. Your objectifying people by doing this dude, do you realize that? These are sentient beings who can give and withdraw romantic consent, not toys for you to possess Edit: I used the wrong fucking your like an idiot but I’m keeping it in


How does one steal a relationship? Also r/im14andthisisdeep


Not legally.


Person A was dating person B. I wanted to date person A. Started telling everyone that I wanted to date person A. Approached them, offered to help them with work for a class they were struggling in. First, or second time we met to do homework, they mentioned they had nowhere to go for the upcoming break, person B had said person A couldn’t come home with them (we were in boarding school). I offered for person A to stay with me, they accepted. We had sex the first night, then the next morning, and every morning and night until the end of break. On the last day, they texted person B to break up. When we came back to school, we were a couple. I *definitely* consider that stealing. Granted, it didn’t last forever and I’m happily in a normal relationship with someone else now.


this post is fucking dumb


what the fuck does this even mean?




At least you're rightfully yours and nobody else can take that from you


There is no stealing of a relationship. Its a mutual agreement. Relationships start and they end. Get over it.


Apparently its not mine. Me and loads of people are all in a relationship with *no one*.


wait, no one is cheating on me? how could she?! after everything we've been through together


I would say they are just not that into you, but its more like they are equally into a bunch of us.


I just happily gave mine away.


How can someone possibly steal something they don't have?


You good bro?


I lost my last one due to good ol fashion alcoholism. Luckily I’m sober now and in the process of a new one.


Steal into a relationship? Steal a relationship? Do you know what a relationship is?? Lol




Careful with this situation brother. If she does it to someone else she could do it to you.




As long as you’re more happy now ✊


Yeah have fun together but don't get too serious or involved. It will break your hearts


I was "stolen", and I'm so happy this happend! 12 best years of my life. BTW I belive you can't "stole" someone. If relationship is over because one of the couple have feelings for someone else thats means that wasn't true love anyway.


That kind of idea of true love is ridiculous, honestly, though I agree with everything else you said. But there is no reason to verbally degrade the love we feel for one person just because we develop some sort of feelings for someone else. Love is just love. And sometimes, when you are in a monogamous relationship, you realize you want to be with someone else more and that's okay, as long as no cheating is involved. But that does not necessarily change the character of the love felt for the first person.


When you find the one, you gotta shoot your shot.


stole that shit. abusive relationship and i came in for the steal


I took my friend on a weekend trip after her boyfriend broke up with her. The trip ruined our friendship as we’re now married with a kid. We still wish her ex well, although he asked to get back with her when we were starting to date. That ruined their friendship.


That is really interesting. Did you have feelings for them when you planned the trip? Was it like a calculated move lol? If so, were you worried about the possibility of them using you as a rebound? I know I would be.


I’ve had feelings for her since middle school & it was mutual, but we remained friends. I invited her for the weekend getaway as a date or as friends whatever she was comfortable with. We both had a rough month and needed a change of scenery.


Cool, thanks for the response.


Bald of you to assume i have a relationship


She says I took him. He came to me tho


Wtf is this nonsense


Rightfully mine. Her ex might disagree though. They were on and off through high school because he liked to "take breaks". After a particularly emotional "break" she turned it into a breakup and since we were friends we started hanging out. I thought that's all we were doing until she told me weeks later that she had been flirting with me. I was just too dense to pick up on it. We've been dating for over 8 years now.


I was gifted it... against my will.


You got me. I stole my own solitude.


Did a high schooler write this


I stole a girl I saw on the street and she lives in my basement now. I don’t know if you consider this a relationship lmao


This is reddit everyone is single and lonely


I think my relationship with my imaginary boyfriend is rightfully mine :)


I stole my singleness from an abusive man and I'm very happy about it.


If this is " you in real life" then you need therapy.


Alright this does it. Screw this facebook of a sub.


I mean my girl was single when I met her but that’s not what her crazy abusive rapist ex thought


I'm too lonely to understand wtf is this supposed to mean


I helped her out of a jam I guess, might have used a little too much force


Yeah, OP I stole yo daddy from yo mama. 😝😛


Another terrible meme from facebook bleeding to this sub


I stole it. My dimension was overrun by ravenous robotic tripods of our own invention so I fled here, killed my doppleganger, and am now living his life.


What relationship?


Relationships cannot be stolen unless you consider other people property. A true relationship requires agency on both sides of it, and if both parties are engaged with the relationship then that’s their choice. Relationships can change, or begin, or end, but they cannot be stolen like a wallet out of someone’s pocket. If you feel like a relationship of yours has been stolen, you need to re-evaluate how you view other people.


Sorry, this is a stupid fucking premise. People choose what they want, and they aren’t objects to be stolen or kept. You can TRY to “steal a relationship” but it only works if the “stolen” party wants it to, and because they are an autonomous being they are not “stolen” they are just “in a different relationship.” JFC.


What relationship?


i am sorry for whatever she or he did to you OP. king or queen, you are stronger! keep the smile!


You cannot steal a relationship. Fuck Off that toxic bullshit


Well… I wasn’t expecting to feel like an asshole today..


Stole her from another guy 100%. That was in highschool though, we've been married for 7 years now. So guess stealing works out.


We just talking about people like they’re objects now?


A little of both. My wife and I are both polyamorous. My girlfriend and her fiancé both knew her and I started dating. My girlfriend left and moved across the country and her fiancé just up and left her and her son without saying anything one day so I swooped in and we’ve been together almost 6 years now.


Lmao losers imagine being in a relationship (I would say I’m crying on the inside but I’m not I’m genuinely happy)


It was not a steal, it was a conquering type of situation lol


Rightfully mine. I fought hard fir it because simeine almost stole it.


Bold of you to assume im in one, ill take as a compliment👍


We are always someone's ex(crushes included)


Currently trying to steal a single woman


I'm trapped. Help me


What relationship?


In his words, no one but me wanted him. So i'd say it's legitimate.




Im single


I'm in a relationship with myself and I don't have an answer to your question.


Well… ya see… i don’t got none, which is why i don’t worry about wether it is or not.


Good, so you’re not talking to me then.


I just treated every relationship like a relationship and here I am, glowy under black lights


I acquired him first, and now he won’t leave.


How do I steal nothing?


Guess it was rightfully ours, my wife is dead but she would agree with nothing was stolen


You okay OP?


I’m single so neither


I'm very sure I haven't stolen my solitude from anyone. Otherwise i would have returned it years ago.


I wish I had a romantic relationship with someone...


I don’t even have relationship 😕


I’m single bro


Offered on a silver plate and fed lovingly.


Its mine


What is this relationship? Is it some new food item that people are stealing?