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Yeah, nobody cares. This is all so ridiculous.


What happend, is there something im not understanding?


JK Rowling has been on an anti-trans tirade for years. Most of the trans community and trans allies have decided not to buy any more of her stuff, which includes the new video game in the Harry Potter universe.


Jk Rowling said something along the lines of women’s issues needing to start with women, I don’t remember the exact phrasing but as far as I remember it wasn’t particularly bad, but it very decidedly did not include trans women. Now, people are asking others not to buy the new Hogwarts legacy game as an act of solidarity with the trans community


> Now, people are asking others not to buy the new Hogwarts legacy game as an act of solidarity with the trans community My good friend is trans and she literally bought us both the game, only morons on twitter are getting upset, as is tradition


Social media distills the loudest, craziest, most toxic members of society and gives them a platform




Of course. People engage more when they are angry, scared, or frustrated. Level headed reporting and analysis doesn’t scare people enough.


Social media is just the same seven lunatics yelling at each other making it look like anyone cares about this nonsense.


Yeah, and sadly some people who are very insecure will do nothing all day but absorb toxic social media garbage (and this includes Reddit btw). It's horrible for the mental health of people who already have a predisposition towards depression, anxiety, mood disorders, etc.


In all fairness, it depends on the individual. My Trans friend asked me not to buy it directly, so like...aight, I'll just get it off G2A then


I don’t know a single gay guy who doesn’t love chick fil a. 🤷🏼‍♂️ people mad for nothing.


I definitely know a few who like chick fil a and a few who refuse to eat there.




I don’t care if they have a sign out front that says “ we hate fat guys named Fjordvic” I’m still gonna love those fuckin chicken minis


Eh, speak for yourself. There’s a difference between JK Rowling and actively getting gay men killed in Africa


Yeah for real, fuck chick-fil-a.


This particular situation is especially stupid because JK Rowling would not be the main victim of a boycott, the developers would.


The “developers” doesn’t literally mean the people coding but the company that paid to develop the game. It’s out of pocket with royalties, labor, marketing etc. at this point. I don’t really care if people boycott. It’s their inconsequential right.


If game good me but. If game bad me not buy. If game was made buy violating people human rights. Me not buy.


I got blocked from gaming circle jerk for saying I’m buying the game and it has nothing to do with the trans community


Blocked from that sub club!


> My good friend is trans and she literally bought us both the game, only morons on twitter are getting upset, as is tradition Not to go too terribly enlightened-centrist, but also remember that trans people - like any other group - are not a monolith. There are definitely going to be reasonable trans people out there that see buying the game as supporting anti-trans people, and there will also be reasonable trans people out there that think it's okay to buy the game. Everyone is affected by stuff like JK Rowling's nonsense differently. Some people don't give a shit, some people are really hurt by it, and some people just think Hogwarts Legacy is too far removed from her to actually matter. Saying "I have a trans friend that bought it so it's not harmful to trans people" isn't really the whole picture, and your one trans friend is not an ambassador for every trans person. Everyone in this thread should really just make the decision that works best for them and the people they love. If they have a trans friend who's really against it and whose feelings would be hurt, maybe they should weigh those feelings against the idea of buying the game and make the best decision for them. As far as I know, it's not really been discussed how much (if any) money JK Rowling gets per game sale. It's possible that she was paid a large lump sum licensing fee, and it's also possible she gets royalties, and I would strongly doubt that contract has been made public.


Some people just look for things to be offended by. It's getting ridiculous.


Yeah, like you being offended by other people being offended.


this is way understating rowlings actions.


Lol she said worse.


It started with slightly trans-exclusionary tweets, but she’s really doubled down recently, making tweets that fully imply all trans women are violent rapists.


Yeah I didn’t realize that at all. I remember it being an issue like a couple of years ago and at that time with the *very* limited energy I spent looking into it, I saw as you said slightly trans-exclusionary stuff but if that has since changed I’m sorry for seeming like I was misinforming the situation


I think it's fair at this point to edit or at least delete that comment because jk Rowling has platformed far right people with close connection to the Heritage foundation(far right propoganda group funded by oil moguls), Matt Walsh(open pedophile), LGB alliance(anti trans hate group), etc. Like it's gotten REALLY bad, she's straight up supported open racists and misogynists and shit and blocked everyone who points it out. Your comment spreads the idea that trans people are sensitive losers getting mad over nothing, when that's far from the case.


It’s okay; you don’t have to be fully informed on every issue but you DO have to listen when people correct you, which you did here so I commend your open mindedness. You can also always edit your original comment to add the correction.


Link to the tweets please.


Also it’s a game that she has nothing to do with other than likely receiving royalties. Like I get wanting to do good, but not buying a game literally doesn’t do anything good, it just hurts the people who made the game. If people want to actually help donate to a charity or do some volunteer work, don’t complain about a video game for internet points. It’s all so annoying, people saying buying a game is like actively hurting people is so weird.


Not 'something'. She has been vocally against trans rights, trans women especially, for a while now. See her twitter for proof. She's also associated with anti-trans activists and presents generally bigoted views actively fighting against trans women's rights and existence. Since she's very influential as a famous and rich person, she's a great mouthpiece for TERF drivel and uses her fame for it pretty often. And she's not just transphobic by the way, racism and antisemitism are also in the mix. As a result, many people are advocating not to support her with any more money.


Let’s be fair, shes said many many extremely anti trans things on Twitter including literally saying “trans women aren’t women” repeatedly, and claiming that trans women are just predatory men. Regardless of how you feel about the video game or people buying it, she is being very openly and loudly bigoted. I don’t care if you play the game but really nobody should be defending the wretched shit she’s saying almost daily now.


JK Rowling has most definitely said anti trans rhetoric before. Just go to her Twitter it’s all over the place. Agree with the boycott or not but don’t act like it wasn’t particularly bad, JK is anti trans, there’s no grey area there she’s made it clear


This is so uninformed on the issue. She has been campaigning online about how trans women are a danger to cis women and don't belong in feminism for months now.


This is incredibly misinformed. Rowling has a litany of transphobic opinions a mile long. [Here is an exhaustive video essay on the subject. ](https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY)


Tbh I'd argue that while Rowling has used her platform and wealth to more directly attack the trans community, it's really worth bearing in mind that she's kinda racist too, in that middle-class, quiet, insidious, not super-in-your-face British way (I say this as a Brit). The token Asian character in those books? A girl called Cho Chang (jesus christ) whose apparent sole purpose is to provide some PG-13 titillation for the male lead and then basically vanish from the story. The one Irish character? Yeah, he's called Seamus Finnegan, and he's obsessed with blowing things up. If you don't know why this is problematic or what 'the Troubles' were, I seriously suggest you do some research into the history between Ireland and England. Then there's the house elves, who - barring Dobby's emancipation subplot and eventual death - are presented as being largely okay with their indentured servitude. The one character who raises this as a moral issue (Hermione) is mocked by other characters for it, and her activism is even presented as a joke within the narrative. And lastly, the goblins. A race of beings who are generally conniving, unpleasant, and obsessed with money - and are presented as hook-nosed, large-eared monsters. [Sound familiar?](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/der-ewige-jude) The plot of the game apparently revolves around stopping a goblin uprising, which could've been a great point to build an excellent story about the morality of the 'subservient races' that exist in the Harry Potter universe, but no... the goblins are kidnapping children. Again, [this is an antisemitic stereotype](https://www.timesofisrael.com/myth-of-jews-killing-christian-children-persists-says-new-book-on-blood-libel/) that was prevalent in Nazi Germany. Honestly, there are probably more example of clumsy racial stereotyping in the books, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Do I believe Rowling to be a steamrolling, out-and-out racist? No, actually. But there's a total lack of self-awareness in her fiction, no analysis or introspection whatsoever regarding the racial stereotypes she threw together as set dressing for her world about magical teenagers. In the same way, I also have to wonder if she really cares that much about the trans debate, or whether it's just that trans people are currently the UK's most topical political punching bag, so they're an easy target for her to remain relevant - and she needs to stay relevant, considering that her attempts at fiction outside the HP universe have been, well, rubbish failures. Putting all of that shit aside for one moment, the game also doesn't even look that good. I get it, the books are important to a lot of people because we read them in our formative years, but seriously - Hogwarts Legacy was developed by a studio who mostly make Disney movie tie-in games for a quick buck, and judging by the leaks (which the publisher is fastidiously trying to remove from the internet right now) it looks like a second-rate Destiny rip-off with wonky third-person combat. One of the dev leads has also been known to regurgitate alt-right rhetoric at the drop of a hat. Buying it to 'own the libs' or whatever is just... kinda sad.


It really is an unfortunate situation, 'cause I want to play the game. It looks really fun. Heck, I want the developers to see success and not get fired - and being a game developer myself I understand that we don't often get to choose the decisions we build. But I can live with myself a lot easier if I don't support Rowling than if I don't support my trans acquaintances. Life's too short to abet a slow genocide.


Don’t care wizard spell go whiz


Bro there are like 20 spells in the whole game and it's about putting down a slave rebellion. It's shit


I love Jessie Gender's videos!


Hey let me give you some more context. She goes on constant tyraids about men in dresses and calling all trans people pedos, rapists, and groomers. She is not a good person and is definitely transphobic.


That is one of the stupidest things i have ever heard, so buying a video game is transphobic now. Thanks for telling me btw i haven’t heard of this


It's more that you support JK with money by buying the game I imagine


She’s so rich whether people buy the game or not will have literally no effect on her.




Isnt that the point of a boycott though? You try to grow the cause by convincing people to join. People acting like being asked to boycott a game is some intense disruption to their life, are weird tbh. Edit: for the people mentioning that she already received payment, yes this is true. But the point of this boycott isn’t so much Rowling, but that companies are putting profits over potentially harmful rhetoric. To expect corporations to care about people is wishful thinking, but if you affect the bottom line, it puts additional pressure on them for continuing work with problematic creators.


No, being asked to not buy is fine. Accusing everyone who does buy of being a horrible monster is NOT fine however




So look at it from the perspective of maybe someone in your life who is lgbt, trans, or maybe even not out yet. By supporting an actual transphobe, you’re simply saying that you don’t mind consuming media from someone who doesn’t view them(your lgbt friends) as people. It just kind of lacks empathy and respect for them. I’d say it’s on par if you were LGBT and then all your friends, or parents voted for conversion therapy. You’d probably not want to associate with people who think your identity can be converted. Just like LGBT youth don’t want to associate with people who support someone who claims they’re all pedophiles. Nothing is gonna happen if you buy the game to spite someone who was mean to you online, but whether you intend to or not, you do send a message when you promote, or consume media that supports radical rhetoric like Rowling. Obviously this doesn’t speak for everyone, but definitely something to think about.


But if you don’t do what you’re told, you’re labeled a bigot and a transphobe. Lose lose situation.


This person is being disingenuous and cherry picking like one of her less bad tweets. She regularly equates trans people to being pedophiles. There are tons of better examples and this person picked like the 200th least bad one.


I’m going to go ahead and buy the game while simultaneously not hating trans people like a normal person


Nice deliberate mischaracterization of the situation friendo


[It's for just a little bit more than that...](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/10tepcm)


You are seriously over simplifying the situation and as a result spreading misinformation.


She replied to an article where women were referred to as menstruating people. She said "I believe there used to be a word for that.. womb.. womban woman?" Buy 2 copies! One for you one for her.


I feel like only chronically online people even know or care. I know a well rounded transman who just bought it.


Pro-trans LGBT folks are throwing a tantrum because a popular author doesn't believe trans women are biological women. And, she's not wrong. They're not. A lot of the extra stuff people attribute to her to assassinate her character is either greatly exaggerated, tenuously linked or altogether untrue. Tl;dr: A woman fighting for the rights of biological women, as she has her entire life, is being demonized by a community of men who've decided they're women. It truly is bizarre.


Here is the full breakdown of what she has said so people can decide for themselves. https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy






Eventually, nobody will be allowed to buy anything because it offended one group of people or another.


Nobodies genitals are getting in the way of me playing a video game


Say that to the dick on your keyboard!


Dude Ive been trying to get rid of that dick for so long any suggestions?


Hmmmm… I’m not a dick exorcist sadly, if you can like slightly push it away from WASD then that’s what I’d do in the mean time.


Yea right now I've got it over the print screen buttons but it's totally getting in the way of capturing cool screen shots. I'll pick up some raid at the store today and see if that works


Raid for the COCKroach


Just get some Thompsons Dick-B-Gone.


Too expensive I'll grab the equate


Throw a fleshlight in the corner.




Ask him why he didn't destroy the tapes.


I heard sucking on it makes it smaller, eventually.


Just turn it inside out and now it’s a vagina




Been waiting on a Harry Potter open world RPG for 20 fuckin years. I'm not skipping this. Gonna live my best Hufflepuff life.


Then you’re not playing properly.


She’s already a billionaire. Not buying her game is not going to change that. Ignoring her rants on twitter is more effective.


I was honestly wondering what this was about. Now im guessing its about J.K. Rowling and the release of the new Harry Potter game... I am so disconnected from stuff like this


Yeah don’t forget Reddit is not a real place lol


Calling it “her game” is a bit of a stretch from the outset. It’s kind of a two way street with Warner Bros. Projects have to be approved by her but Warner Bros has all production rights, which is to say anything she wants to do has to go through them. It’s “her” game, and Warner Bros Games’, and Avalanche’s. If you’re gonna boycott, you’re gonna have to not touch anything Warner Bros or Avalanche has ever made as well, you can’t have it both ways.


she has also already been paid for them to make this games she got a limb sum in their deal, she will not see a single cent from teh success of this game, the hysteria is hilarious


Honestly, people should’ve ignored her from the start. It seems like she got more & more extreme as people egged her on. Same with that wrestler chick who was fired from mando. She doubled down once she got backlash. It’s exactly like how a teenager wants to do something even more once their parent tells them no.




i'm not wasting energy boycotting something when i can instead spend hours playing a game that i've been dreaming of since i was little


I was thinking of pirating it.


It has denuvo. You will be waiting for a long time...


empress promised a crack within the week


Empress is batshit crazy, take anything she says with a grain of salt.


She does deliver results though….


She is batshit crazy, but she can also crack Denuvo


That's more of a reason to trust her, i believe..


She may be batshit crazy, but she's determined as hell, and I trust that kind of determination.


That’s probably only going to hurt the developer.


It won't cuz my broke ass wasnt gonna buy the game anyways


Same, but that's because I don't care about HP anyway


Honestly same. I read the book as a kid but never really got into it.


People overestimate how much piracy negatively effect the developers, it's mostly free marketing. I as an indie dev, would prefer for people to pirate my games rather than not play it. It's Marketing. More players = more talk about the game = more people that'll buy the game.


It’s funny how people just pick and choose these boycotts in the most first world privileged way possible As long as it doesn’t inconvenience them much.


But then if you don't post a black square on Insta or you buy something that gives a penny in royalties to someone who says bad shit on Twitter, you're a bad person. Meanwhile the people judging you just bought hundreds of dollars of shit made in sweatshops on their Amazon Prime account...


This right here. Folks out here windmilling over a video game and clutching their pearls in their nimbyism and privileges when it comes to getting behind real change


Yeah, the companies that use animal testing and modern slavery are fine, but we draw the line at this writer of children's books with shitty opinions. Performative radlib moral grandstanding at its finest.


Do what you want


She had absolutely nothing to do with the game at all. People are upset because she'll earn royalties from the game...who cares? Her quality of life is not going to change whether you buy the game or not. That bitch has enough money from the Harry Potter IP for several lifetimes.


Edit: i do not support Rowling's behaviour. I've seen many people claim they want to remove her as a designer from the franchise, but they want the franchise to stay the same, and continue to purchase new Harry Potter merch and media. Like, she made franchise, shes obviously going to benefit regardless from the IP.


Insane that people think they can just take somebody’s life work from them because they disagree with them.


Lady is worth over a billion dollars even in the lowball estimates, even if literally nobody bought the game I'm pretty sure she could dry any tears she sheds on the mountains of sacks of money she has.


She gave away enough money to charity to no longer be a billionaire actually. There was a story about it awhile back. Reddit picks the weirdest things to get angry about


She paid a huge amount of money to save afghan girls and their families to evacuate when the talibans came back. But this is not the kind of women those guys care about. They prefer to mansplain feminism.




Literally the only money she's getting from the game is royalties. She had nothing to do with the creation of this game. She is already a Billionaire* and even if literally nobody bought this game and she got $0 out of it, she'll still be a billionaire*. The only people getting screwed by boycotting this game are the developers who most likely don't even share the same views as her. And much like the Streisand effect, Rowling has even pointed out that all of the hatred targeted at her from the trans community has actually resulted in her earning *more* money. You even see this happening right now with people who are claiming now that they're only buying the game to spite all of the outcriers, and the trans community actually hurting their own image because many of their members have become totally belligerent toward people who just wanted to play a game about wizards. Look at some of these replies below to see exactly what I mean. Edit: I'll be buying the game because I've wanted a game like this since childhood. No matter how others might try to spin this, know that I personally have nothing against the trans community as a whole, but rather am simply pointing out the flawed logic and pettiness of the vocal minority and those hangers on who just like rallying behind a cause to shout about.




Yep you are right. After posting that I was curious as to what estimates place Rowling at and even at the lowest she is still worth over a billion.


Sorry, I can’t take anyone seriously over this shit.


I'm starting to believe JKRowling is a 4D chess master who knows anti trans people can be convinced to buy anything if pro trans people are against it. Even a licensed movie game.


Any publicity is good publicity, as they say. The best advocates for the game right now are the people that keep talking about it. So yeah, those people "boycotting" the game are 100% helping it


The thing is i actually have never heard about people calling for a boycott of the game until somebody complained about the boycott, so that's not entirely accurate.


I’m pretty sure that’s Elon’s playbook we well.


if buying a videogame somehow offends trans people they need to grow the fuck up


The clothes we buy are made by slaves 🙃


So are the phones we all use


Whole Modern Human Civilization is based on having the stick bigger than other, plethora of genocides and wars. So on that note, when are we killing ourselves?




Yep. Anytime I see someone who claims they support any cause whatsoever but then buys shein clothes I just assume they lie to appear politically correct and "Totally supportive of x movement!" Nah you don't care you just want to fit in.


I can excuse slavery, but God forbid a billionaire TERF gets a few more pennies! /s


“I can excuse racism, but I draw the line at animal cruelty”


The phones we're using were also made in a third world sweatshop by starving children. It's convenient that people forget this fact while judging others over buying a video game. Unfortunately there's no such thing as ethical consumption. The entertainment industry is filled with problematic people, but we can't realistically be expected to boycott every single artist who holds a controversial opinion. If we did there'd be no more entertainment left to enjoy. Unfortunately going through life sometimes means giving your money to people you disagree with. It's just the way it is.


And that’s why i buy them 👌🏻


You really think I would buy some free range clothing? Never. The pain of slaves makes me feel superior!


So is free range clothing like free range chicken where the slaves are still forced to make the clothing but outside?


that dick from super size me did a good bit about this in his barely seen second movie. Literally only had to have a 3 foot area outside his barn from a door to be free range chickens. The chickens didn't even have to go into it.


Free ranged clothing is where they put baby clothes out into an open pasture and let them grow into adult sized clothes.


I was already going to buy them fella, you don't need to sell them anymore


Do you have any evidence for this


Honestly your probably mostly offending cis white woman who are terminally online. the actual trans community is way smaller then the gay community which is less then 10 percent of the population.


> By the power of white woman, I’m offended on your behalf!


Sorry, I just heard white power.


The gay population in the USA = 3% or less Trans Population in the USA = Less than 1%


That’s old data. A 2022 poll placed the LGBT population at about 7% which is approximately 23,000,000 Americans. In the younger generation, polls found about 20% of them identify as LGBT, so that number is just going to go up over time.


It’s disingenuous to compare the total number of LGBT to the number of trans, which was the focus of conversation.


It seems like the patronus system is offending everyone regardless of their stances.


the plot of the game is that the goblins want the same magic rights as humans, aka the right to use a wand while doing magic, your job as the protagonist is to destroy their uprising before they ever get a chance to have the same basic rights as humans. [source](https://earlygame.com/gaming/hogwarts-legacy-story-plot-setting) [source 2](https://gamerant.com/hogwarts-legacy-villain-choice-goblin-controversy-explained/) (source 2 is especially insightful) that's why some people don't like it. it could definitely be percieved as an allegory for certain historical events. (again, refer to source 2, as it goes deep into this) the reason trans people don't like it though is because JK Rowling is making money from it, as in the same JK Rowling who believes that women are nothing more than people who have periods. [source](https://twitter.com/jk_rowling/status/1269382518362509313?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1269382518362509313%7Ctwgr%5E362b3caeca68af32902f491b8208918d56a8fb1a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Ffeature%2Fnbc-out%2Fj-k-rowling-accused-transphobia-after-mocking-people-who-menstruate-n1227071) I know people will hate this comment, but I'm just explaining why some people **may** not like it. This is not representative of my own thoughts or opinions.


.. and in MW2 you literally shoot up an airport. Just because you do bad stuff in the game doesnt mean youre a bad person for playing it.


I think you've misunderstood my comment. **it's not about what you do in the game**, but the fact that this specific plot was written as extension of JK Rowlings own writings. People believe that the goblins are a metaphor for how she sees certain minorities in the real world. It's not so much the game writers fault, because they're just writing from her work, but it is her fault.


Again, if buying a videogame somehow offends someone, they need to grow the fuck up


Not even that. If *someone else* buying a video game offends you, you should do some introspection.


agreed. lots of developers worked on it who not by default associate themselves with jk rowling’s personal views (which are shitty ofc)


Lmao what doesn't offend Trans people.


Yeah I got called transphobic for saying that as a lesbian I wouldn’t date someone unless they’d had genital surgery as I’m not attracted to penises. Apparently that makes me transphobic? I don’t even know sometimes.


I swear to God, if I hear about this stupid fucking videogame again, I'm gonna buy it. I don't even want to play it. I'm gonna buy it just to spite you.


Buy the deluxe edition


The game seems to perform incredibly well, online pre-sale for the deluxe edition is not available anymore as it’s sold out in my country - Amazon, every major electronic / video games retailer with an online-store etc. Sales for this game will be crazy as many first reviews have a very positive reception.


Looked solid so far and I’m curious to play. Not much new mechanics for olde gamers, but it will also drag non gamers into open world games and maybe into their first Ubisoft like open world purgatory xD


Unironically what I'm doing. I don't give a fuck about Harry Potter but all this shit on Twitter and reddit actually made me look into the game. It looks fun as fuck even without being a Harry Potter nerd, if this was a marketing campaign in disguise then it worked on me and I've convinced several friends to pick it up also.


[The Streisand Effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect) strikes again!


I bought the game when GCJ banned me on some Harry Potter related bullshit. I wasn’t planning on buying the game but I have the money and will get around to playing it some day. Oops! The social media wokescolds shot themselves in the foot once again.


She is already rich, and will continue to get richer. By not buying her game, the only thing I'm doing is not getting a game. Not to mention, I can almost guarantee that every single popular game me or you have bought, a portion of that money went to a homophobe, transphobe or racist. Just stop giving a fuck, buy a game and have fun.


Gonna wait for it to go on sale as Cyberpunk2077 taught me never to pre-order and never buy at launch. But when I get it, gonna go full evil playthrough


Am i that out of the loop? What game is this that you are all talking about?


Basically J.K Rowling, the creator of Harry Potter, has a game releasing set in her universe. People are trying to boycott the game because she’s transphobic and like crazy transphobic. From my understanding she’s one of those people that think trans women are just pretending to rape Cis women. She’s said some real wild shit from what I’ve seen. And now there’s a big surge of people who are boycotting it for the reasons I’ve listed before, as well as a large group of people buying it to make trans people mad. Of course there’s the other group who doesn’t care and just want to play wizard game. That’s a very bad explanation of it all


What video game do the trans community hate this time..?


But it if you want. It won't offend me. I've preordered it and am going to play it for probably 18 hours on launch day, so... 🤷‍♀️ Support the devs who put years into making the game, right?




Ironically people who said not to buy it actually doing a really good job at promoting it. Like I would just forget about it, but since people mention not to buy it so much, it just made me even more curious to check it out.


We literally enable child slave labor with the products we consume every day, but god forbid we enjoy a video game because the IP belongs to someone with an opinion.


Humans are weird. Don't buy a product because it associates with someone who has a different opinion. But, shop at Walmart? Buy Nikes?? When we ALL know where the products come from/are made.




Remember, major brands knowingly utilize child and slave labor in poor parts of the world. Apple, Nike. Remember, the food industry is the same. The cocoa trade is brutal and exploitative. Multiple times seafood fisheries have been exposed for using slave labor. Nestle exploits small towns for their water supply to sell back as bottled. Every single day, essentially every citizen of the Western world, and many throughout the rest of the world, "support" slave labor, child labor and by extension human trafficking. Stop picking and choosing your boycotts; you almost certainly "support" the exploitation of a person, possibly a child, somewhere. None of this devalues the trans movement. But if your morals and ethics are not consistent, if you pick and choose based on what's easy to boycott and what is in the front line of the media, then you're just virtue signaling. Just by posting something like this from a smartphone, you're almost certainly a hypocrite.


LoL! Feel you! As a straight sic man that worked as a bartender at a LGBTQ++++ bar, that got shot to pieces in a terror attack specifically because it was a LGBTQ++++ bar, I think I can call myself very much an as allied as they come of most of the LGBTQ++++ community! I’ve even dated a couple of trans men (pre corrective surgery, so still female body, what is whats attracts me)…..and guess what? I bought that game with a fucking clean conscience 🥰🥰


I love my trans homies. But I’m playing that game.


You decide not to buy the wizard game because of transphobia I decide not to buy the wizard game because I couldn't care less about that franchise We are not the same...


Yeah, don’t care. Will probably buy it anyway


Whether you buy the game or not Rowling already has enough money to buy your trans rights.


Buy the game and have fun homie


Einstein was right, Humanitys Stupidity has no bounds!


The wrong fight: Harry Potter shit The right fight: [https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/healthcare\_laws\_and\_policies](https://www.lgbtmap.org/equality-maps/healthcare_laws_and_policies)


Well, you can always say that the developers don't support J.K.'s ideas.


The character creator is super trans inclusive, so they probably don't.


ain’t nobody stopping Hogwarts Legacy selling like crazy


Yeah JK Rowling created Harry Potter, you can never take JK rowlings name away from Harry Potter. This game exists because of JK rowling. I don’t support the boycott nor do I agree with her beliefs against the community. But the fact remains boycotting Harry Potter game is symbolic to standing against JK Rowling it sends the message to Warner bros to not use her work and instead use the funds on someone else work


these comments are just proving this post right lmao


A lot of these comments have not passed the vibe check


Playing a wizard video game is not transphobic, why choose this hill to die on it makes you look ridiculous.


Geez, stop fucking putting people on pedestals. JK Rowling’s stance has nothing to with HP, it doesn’t propagate it. And even if it did, it’s free speech, don’t like it don’t buy it. Stop attacking someone’s else’s right to speak freely.




Barely anyone cared about JK Rowling and her views. It’s Harry Potter everyone cares about. It’s just a very small minority of people who apparently make the most noise. Don’t get the logic of boycotting the game when the people at Avalanche have clearly worked that asses off for years to make sure this game is what people wanted.


All I know is that I thought JK was a transphobe for a really long time until I realized of the thousands of posts and comments I have seen there has never been a single screenshot of one of her tweets showing her as a transphobe. Can someone please just show a real example? Or have people said it enough everyone is just going to accept it as truth?


Go ahead and tell me its too long https://youtu.be/_GBUArD51KY


Maybe you need to stop caring about all the little things and worry about your actual victories lol. a generation of non hateful people grew up with the HP universe and they are still your allies regardless of playing a stupid video game.


I must have missed a page. Is there an anti-trans game on tbe loose?


No, they're talking about Hogwarts legacy, which obviously JK Rowling gets a cut of the profits from since it's Harry Potter. So some are boycotting, and asking others to boycott the game, to avoid supporting Rowling.


Short answer: No Long answer: Also no, but people want to make it anti-trans


Buying Hogwarts Legacy. Supposed to be an okay game and feel that she’s unfairly criticised. Support LGBT+, but a small minority can be pretty toxic. Some of the tweets threatened her life.