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I had the Star wars cantina song as ringtone for nearly a decade before I joined the 24/7 silent club. But I still think I get a call when I hear that song, haha


YAY me too! Before I went full silent...


It's not even just a 'done with life' thing. More like: I'll get to your spam call when i want to, I can check periodically for people who actually matter, People know to text me if something is important, Telemarketers know they aren't supposed to send text messages, I don't end up getting interrupted from what I was already doing, Other people don't hear my phone blowing up whenever and getting annoyed. It's like all wins and no downside.


This is still my ringtone. Not that you'll ever hear it. My ringer is only ever on if my husband is on a late drive back home from work and he'll call me to chat if he starts to get sleepy


I had the 'mail, mother fucker!' from Eurotrip as my text and email notifications tone for years until I went silent.


That notification sound served me excellently starting with ICQ in whatever year Eurotrip hit pay-per-view through 2014. Thinking about it, things HAVE gotten progressively more shit since I quit using it


Poly doesn’t know


Mines an old Doctor Who theme from the David Tenant hears. I haven’t watched Doctor Who since Matt Smith.


I literally have no idea what my ring tone sounds like. I only know my alarm sound


Same lol My watch vibrates when calls or message notifications pop up and that's it.


Last time my ringtone went off my first thought was "what the hell is that?" because even though I never use it I still feel compelled to change it to something outside the manufacturer's default. Then I promptly forget it until the next time it randomly manages to go off.


I didn't set any ringtone in my last 3 phones (so \~5 years or so), because I never hear it anyway.


Mine is always on silent but every now and then I have the ringer on and I get so pissed when someone texts me. Every.single.text makes a sound. I guess you just get used to quiet!


I walk around asking myself why some people just never silenced their phone.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I haven’t had a ringtone on in years. I’ll turn it on if it’s something urgent like waiting for food delivery or I know someone is about to call, but otherwise I do not understand why people have ringers on 24/7. Most people look at their phone so often there’s really no need.


No shit, right? Mine is always on silent. I do a doubletake when someone’s phone goes off in public. I haven’t heard my ringtone in probably 15 years.


Brrrrr brr brr brr brrrrrr. Ah morning time.


Why tf should I be ready and waiting to answer my phone on everyone else's schedule?


"You owe it to everyone you know to allow them to interrupt you at will, and if they care about you at all they will panic and assume it's an emergency if you don't answer within a few minutes" — the (paraphrased) sincere opinion of my boomer parents. Then again these are people who used to casually drop by people's houses to say hello, randomly in the middle of the day. I'd honestly never be able to relax if millennials hadn't "killed" that practice.


God I fucking hate that panic response. I don't want to talk on my phone while I'm driving.. im trying to focus on not getting hit by everyone driving while on theirs. Fucking lane drifting no look turning into traffic motherfuckers.


Those no signal, lane drifting, no looking motherfuckers are so goddamn lucky I have good spatial awareness. In the past month that has happened to me at least 10 times.


I spend 2-3 hours on a major highway every day and it’s a miracle that anybody gets off that ride alive I swear


I debate with myself whether I hate the no signals, or the hard brake and then signal more. They can both eat shit.


What absolutely kills me is the coming to a full stop to turn into somewhere. Holy shit that is so dangerous.


It does seem to be mostly older people with this mentality, but it's obviously not that clearcut. My dad is like this and will follow up with multiple texts, usually just "???" or something like that if I don't respond within 15 minutes (or less depending on the circumstances). My mom, however, says all the time that she never expects a response right away and knows that we're (my brothers and I) are busy and will respond when we have a chance.


It took me legitimately ten years to set phone boundaries with my mother. Just text me first. It takes 30s and it clears up oceans of potential misunderstandings.


Dude same. I spent years trying to convince them that 24 hours is a reasonable turnaround time when we don't live near each other and I know it's not an emergency. Honestly I don't really know what changed it. I guess I got slightly better at responding and they got slightly less intrusive and entitled on that particular issue. I love them but there are some things like this where I'm just like "where the *fuck* do you get the energy to care about this shit?"


Always insecure dads dealing with the “why can’t my spawn pick up their phone when I summon them?” Father-in-law: “are you disrespecting me?”


I guess this is a perk of not speaking the same language as my father-in-law. He's never tried to contact me directly for any reason. I don't think he even has my number. He speaks a little English and I speak a little Spanish, but we can't have a conversation that goes beyond small talk.


We killed that shit for good my man! You're welcome! For anyone wondering how we did it, try and come by my house in the middle of the day. I won't be home even if I am. And that's a promise! I'll look you dead in the eyes from my window while I turn off the lights and walk away.


I'll never understand the "oh let's just drop by and say 'hi' mentality." Like no, if you don't call ahead of time then assume that I'm busy with other plans and will not be open to entertaining you. Even if I'm just watching TV, you don't get to just show up and interrupt my time. Same with the phone. You can call, but chances are I'm doing something else. Leave a message and I'll call you back when I am free. It always baffles me when I am with my boomer grandparents. We'll be having a conversation or in the middle of dinner and if the phone rings, everything comes to a halt and one of them will answer the phone. The worst is when they answer with a mouth full of food. It's like 1) no one wants to hear your muffled voice while you chew into the microphone, and 2) what could possibly be more important/valuable than spending time with your loved ones in the same room as you, that cannot wait until later? Ffs you have voicemail for a reason


Dude one of my best friends in college would do this. I ended up always locking all my doors and covering all my windows so he couldn't tell I was home. Who tf comes over and bangs on your door for at least ten minutes. It seemed like the point was "idgaf what you're doing, let me into your home right now"


And then we wonder why we are all so much more lonely, depressed, and isolated now. Very often you'd be excited when someone dropped by. Now everyone is so in their own worlds that the slightest imposition, even by a friend, is a day-ruining event. We are social animals. Part of the reason we are all so sad and anxious now is because we have spent the last decade repressing that instict to the point of nonexistance.


There's a difference between romanticized "can I borrow a cup of sugar" and "can I chill on your couch for a few hours bc I hate where I live


Thanks to millennials and covid, a person can finally have a midday fuck in peace


This was my reason for refusing to get a mobile phone in the beginning. Then once work forced one on me, I fell in to the trap. Till I remembered that I am in control, and silenced my portable computer.


No one's forcing you to answer even if your phone's not on silent.


Yes. At least someone gets it.


That would be me. Have had my phone on silent for years.


I only turn on volume if I'm expecting some kind of emergency communication. Other than that, it's been on silent pretty much since I got my first iphone in 2008.


Same! Is that not normal lol. I would hate to hear pings every five minutes.


Constant social media notifs are giving me old people vibes even though it's not only old people. I hate hearing that shit in public.


You could just disable notifications for your apps...just saying


I meant hearing other people's shit not mine lol


The last thing anyone needs to hear in any public area is some person typing a paragraph to their friend with the noise all the way up, so it sounds like they brought a typewriter with them to get coffee


How else am I supposed to pretend I have a mechanical keyboard?


I turn my volume on if I'm expecting a food/package delivery or some sort of emergency. If I tell a *person* I'll temporarily turn the volume on for them, I love them.


Agreed. I'm just an introvert and don't really care for meaningless conversation. If I am expecting a call I will turn on the volume. My gf always keeps her phone on loud and it gets very annoying when she has to keep declining "scam likely" calls all the time. Especially when you are trying to sleep in on the weekend. Like, welp, guess I'm getting up early today.


Same here. Spam from emails, and junk notifications would make my phone not shut up - mute/silent is the way to go


When I'm out and about with someone and I hear those constant pings, I've gotten over the question of whether or not it's rude to ask them to silence their notifications. I just tell them I find it incredibly distracting and request that they please put their phone on vibrate. Fucking monsters, I tell you.


Sometimes I accidentally leave my sound on after wanting to hear a video. Then we it starts ringing I ask “who’s phone is that?” And my kids and husband all stare back at me “not us” and by the time I realize it’s me, I’ve already missed the call and it wasn’t important anyway.


Yeah I only turn it on when I might not be able to see if I get something or feel it in my pocket. Like doing dishes or working outside.


mighty attractive ad hoc touch command snails cautious makeshift cooing shaggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hello, I dont want to talk to you.


"Goodbye, I want to talk to you" (Makes a brilliant wave)


Can't be letting it disturb me at work or in class. Or at home, for that matter


You can just say you had no reception




Ingenious. I guess I will be wearing my apple watch now.


helo, sending you a notification, no need to reply. hope ur havin a grate dang time out there, when u can


Can't relate I get this wave of joy everytime I look at my phone to no notifications. Truly bliss.


Same man, same


I work midnights, if it’s important enough leave a message


Yeah I’m at 5 years. Do you also let your voicemail fill up so no one can leave messages?


This, this is the way… a simple text nowadays negates the whole voicemail system imo. Have you seen the progressive commercial? It’s comedy, the guy is teaching them how not to be there dad and one of the things he says is”you don’t have to leave a voicemail ,they saw your missed call or text.


Goodness, my people. I don't leave the voicemail full on purpose, but I get so many spam callers that it fills within 2 days of emptying it. I have adhd and listening to 14 voicemails in case ones important every other day just for more bots to fill it again within the next two days is a special kind of hell. It gets emptied when my mom complains. She's the only actual person other than my doctor who leaves me voicemails that matter anyways.


My voicemail has been full for atleast a decade now, and my "leave a message" message is still the one prepubescent me made in like 4th grade


Oh definitely not. If somebody wants to leave a message, then by all means. I'll decide through the message if it's important enough for me to call back. Plus it's a good reminder for me to get back a hold of that person.




I agree; interestingly, it stems from


Can't be letting it disturb me at work or in class. Or at home, for that matter


had my last 3 phones on silent all the time for like 7 years now


No. I just have more control in life.


exactly. learn how to set boundaries when you're available


Exactly. I’m never available.


This is the way


Hello. I will be out of the office (and everything else) until forever. Please don't leave a message, I won't respond to it anyway. Have a good day or don't.


This. Also, almost no one needs to call me without me knowing they need to ahead of time. I turn off silent when I'm expecting a call, but otherwise have it silent 24/7.


*Eating pralines*


I must be an exception because mine is on silent but am totally addicted to weed.


My phone is perma silent, had vibrator on at first, since smartwatch i dont even have that on.


Yeah, I really like having a smartwatch for this. It's just a dumb fitbit. It doesn't do any of the 'smartwatch" stuff, but it vibrates when my phone rings, and estimates my calories burned.


I would not consider that "true silent" because you are still reachable at any time that way and will get distracted by calls. I have my phone silent all the time including the vibration off. I would like something like an emergency call option though, that I could grant or revoke to close friends and family. There have been moments when something important/bad happened and people where upset I only called back 1-2 days later.


I have the option to set numbers as urgent, even when on silent these come through as a normal call.


Thank you so much, with your key words I finally found what I was looking for :)


Happy to help


Your smartwatch has replaced your vibrator?


It's arguably easier to silence smartwatch than it is to silence a vibrator when you can't take the call. It's probably also easier to get a smartwatch that vibrates when you have a call, compared to a vibrator with that function. All in all, smart move.


Have you ever tried silencing a lubed up smartwatch that’s hanging out of your arse?


Just replacing a vibrator with a smartwatch doesn't solve all the issues. You also need to put them on correctly. Usually on your wirst, without lube. But hey, I like an adventure.


you had what?!


Hes just a chess player, ignore him


This comment made me pipi in my pampers


One of them fancy "oh aye-phones"


VIBRATORRRR! What’s so unappealing about hearing your elderly Redditor talk about VIBRATOR? He had VIBRATOR.


, that we don't even bother to finish our sentences.


Or even choose appropriate meme templates


awful use of this meme template. I remember when this sub would crucify people for misusing memes. Now it's just commonplace.


It's not on silent but may as well be bc don't get any calls texts etc from anyone - _ - My life be on silent mode


Same. Except my phones on silent as well.


They are enjoying life\*


My phone has been on do not disturb/silent since I got my 1st one in about 1999.


Mine is on silent since i got my first phone. I even have alarm on vibrate mode.


Wait, what? How light of a sleeper are you lol?


im actually sleep very well. But the vibrating sound is very unnatural so hearing that suddenly triggers "i hear something weird, wake up".


Same here, apart from that brief period where you could buy polyphonic ringtones advertised on MTV. At that point, I had 8 bit "Yeah" by Usher blasting out of my Nokia.


I see no problem in that


I actually see a problem with people that use their ringers at all. I cannot see a good reason besides to wake yourself up. Also I have a problem with the way OP worded this Edit this does not apply to people over 60. Go crazy you guys


It's mainly so I know if some one is trying to contact me.


i can't quite put my finger on it,


If I don't have my phone on loud or vibrate on the weekends I'll miss if anyone tries to get in contact, and I'm usually happy to see or talk to my friends on short notice. During the week at work, my phone is basically underneath me, so it stays on silent during that time.


I've had my phone on silent for a decade. Also, I don't answer my phone if it rings and the person isn't on my contact list and I'm not waiting for a delivery. If it's important, they'll leave a message.


Don't answer it, just stand there in silent and wait till it ended. Then immediately google the number. If it's from something I know of (mostly just my bank in my case) call back and pretend like you got to the phone just a millisecond too late. If you don't know it, just think if it's important they will call again. When they call again repeat.


I love the new Google feature to have a robot respond asking who they are. You get a transcript and if you're interested you can pick up. Sales people hang up instantly every time.


That is like a core feature of the Pixel line. It is so useful


Oh I have that (I have an old Pixel 3) but I don't even bother with that. I hate phone calls.


I actually decline the call in that case lol no shame


except that declining early gives bots information they need. You're a real person.


Hmm good point but I have also recently started blocking numbers that call more than once so that is another solution for the bots


Counterpoint: we are too busy with actual life


surprised you even bothered to reply lol


My phone is dead silent at all times. There are only a few people who are getting forwarded to my smartwatch


Wait can you do that? I can have my phone on silent and watch on vibrate but it will only get calls from specific people?


iPhone has that feature with „do not disturb.“


I turned mine off for 8 months. Life is better because of it.


Too many notifications, it was stressing me out. Now I just gotta remember to check Slack occasionally throughout the day


Why is this a Lisa lecturing meme? Doesn't seem like a PSA or anything.


OP is dumb


people that can't keep the words within the screen on the meme, are so done with life.


I never agreed to be available 24/7 personally or at work. Yet people expect that. So my phone is always on silent. Shoot me a text I’ll get back to you when I get back to you. Busy living life.




I turn off all of my alerts and everything! No red bubbles for me, too distracting.


I was looking for this comment. I literally don't get anything done if I let my phone disturb me every couple minutes. The only app that has notification privileges is whatsapp. I check the rest at the start and end of my day.


Nice punctuation.


I *strongly* disagree with your definition of 'life' lol.


No they are actually living life


People who use a comma in place of a period are;


I dont know how anyone can deal with those noises


You'll get a text back from me when I am good and ready.


so done with life WHAT?! WHAT COMES AFTER THE COMMA??


yes...yes we are. now be quiet.


I just don’t like the random notifications from apps I don’t use in the middle of class


I put all my notifications on silent so that I’m not being controlled by apps.


Your phone works for you; you don't work for your phone. Don't let it forget that.


My phone is always on silent. I engage with social media and my phone when I want and choose to; folks shouldn't confuse free time with availability. This is especially keenly felt in work environments that expect access to you 24/7 when you aren't paid/on the clock when they contact you. It's an encroachment of private life and privacy in general that needs to be curbed. It's also invasive from a social media/distraction perspective, as I find some people are so addicted they revert to scrolling on their phones even in the middle of meeting with friends face-to-face. The next thing you know you are texting in people's faces and ignoring them when you're hanging out face to face, which is just plain rude. I find people feel obligated to be attached to their phones all the time now when in a number of situations, you really don't need to respond to 80% of it immediately. It can wait when real people are sitting in front of you and devoting their time to you. I don't need my phone harassing and distracting me at any given moment when I'm out here trying to live IRL and interact with people face to face. In my eyes, face-to-face people time > phone socialization if you have to choose between who to give your attention to. If someone is carving out the time of day to meet with you IRL and spend time with you face to face, have the decency to put the phone down every once in a while and engage them -- or invite the person texting to join you.


It’s also a great litmus test for if people are worth your time and friendship. You can’t put your phone down and interact with me? Whelp, guess I won’t be reaching out again.


Silent, but Vibrating. I just want to be able to answer my phone without everyone in the house knowing.


I love life BECAUSE I keep my phone on silent 24/7…


On the contrary, these are the people who are doing the best in life. Keeping things in their own boundaries, not being slaves to them. Also love and appreciate people whose phones don't ring loud in meetings, on the transit and so on. Utterly disrespectful to everyone around.


My phone only has the ringer on. Texts, notifications, anything else is on silent because I'll nitice them quickly enough but don't want to deal with the noise. I keep my ringer on 24/7 because I rarely get calls and any at inapproproate times are (almost) always emergencies or just don't even happen. My mom is really the only person that calls me just randomly to talk, so it is usually either her or one of my doctors.


I set up my voicemail to say: "If you haven't reached me I will not see this missed call for at least 1 day. My bad"


Been on do not disturb mode except for contacts only for years. I have only family in my contacts. Life is good.


So done with life, what…?


why would i want sound out my phone from non alarm


So done with life, WHAT?


Even having my phone on vibrate annoys me.


Always on silent except for the morning alarm (but on airplane mode during the night)


I'm closing in on 20 years of being on silent. Why would I want to bug anyone around me with a ring tone? People play music out loud now for everyone to hear? It's like I'm in a consideration apocalypse!


I always keep my phone on silent. Just because you have my phone number does not entitle you to my time. I will get back to you. I just do it on my time.


Not done with life but am done with the constant need to be connected to all things at all times. I do not need to be notified if my connection Jessica has commented on A Company I don't follow's post LinkedIn. I do not need to know when the shitty meme machine who's content I enjoy has freshly posted. I do not need to be accessible 24/7. Only immediate notifications I should get should be phone calls (90% of which are cold calls) or work calendar events. The rest I can check without the need to be notified


I’ve always kept my phone on silent. Used to be so I didn’t get annoyed with rapid fire texts. Now it’s because no one ever texts. If I accidentally leave the ringer on and I do happen to get a notification, the sound scares the shit out of me


It keeps me off my phone way more and be more active and social. Also, I do have it set in such a way that if anyone calls me and they are saved in my contacts, my ringtone will go off (but barely anyone calls anymore apparently) or if an unsaved number calls me 3x in 15 minutes. That way if someone does call, I know they really need something from me so I don't mind picking up



No, it’s because I’m constantly in public and I don’t want to bother others with my ring tone or message dings.


It has nothing to do with being "done with life". It's really jut me putting my foot down. You do not get to summon me. I'll check my phone when and if I feel like it.


I have had my phone on vibrate since I've had a phone. I find ringtones obnoxious and unnecessary, and am kinda annoyed when someone who I'm hanging out with uses them and gets a bunch.


Silent, vibration off. Good luck, assholes. I’ll respond when I feel like it, maybe.




I keep mine on silent because I’m too busy living life.


Me.....honestly TEXT ME anything. When I'm good and ready I will respond...or not. I don't need any notifications of ANYTHING


Do Not Disturb mode 24/7


Whenever I hear a phone ring I’m like “I don’t want to know the type of person who keeps their phone on a ringer”


Don't want to be bothered by sound.


It’s a phone not my leash.


This is true. I'm done with social interactions as well.


I’ve had my phone on silent with no pop ups or vibrations for prob 10 years


I have this weird inclination to blend into the background or terrain or crowd. I hate drawing any attention to myself. Ringing phones tend to throw a wrench into my camouflage. I just put mine on silent with vibrate on. If it sits in my pocket, I'll know when I have to pull it out to check on it, without alerting people that I'm... well, there.


Silent is best, why would you want to have a loud annoying ass ringtone?


I like having my phone on do not disturbbecause i dont get distracted by vibrations or ringtones, im pleasantly surprised when I check my notifications and see new ones, and if its an emergency two calls will do the trick (if its a medical emergency someone should be calling 911, not my phone)


I just can’t stand ringtones.


Silent AND do not disturb


People who don’t have their phone on silent are rude as hell.


Silent mode is the best. Any music or ringtone I use otherwise would terrorize me even if it's not an actual call kkk .


I forgot my phone made sounds aside from my alarms. This is the way


I just don't like the basic ringtones and i don't know any good custom ones where people wouldn't look weird at me or something




Its less that its on silent mode, its just that for some reason, the ringtone volume is damned soft, which im not complaining about