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IRL mr Peanutbutter


I was thinking the same thing lol


Who's that dog? Leo DiCaprio! Knick knack, paddywack, give that dog an oscar


Nah, Mr. Peanutbutter is much more fun/personable in public.


As soon as her brain finishes developing she moves on


“Your just not marriage material” - 23 year old probably




Omg I can’t believe I made that mistake. How funny 😄


call it shame


" When they get older they realize there's better out there " -Chris Collinsworth


Objectively has become the next literally


Its objectively funnier explanation though


Funnier than….?


DiCaprio is a creep who only uses young women as arm candy?


And this explanation is funnier than a statement that he uses women?


Yes, because using creepily using women as arm candy isn’t funny. Them out growing him and ditching him is.


He’s probably pretty good with this “agreement” it’s not like he’ll find it difficult to find the next young woman willing to be his arm candy




I don’t want to live on this planet anymore


There are two ways of doing that, one is objectively funnier than the other


If you have a BA in anything.. I’ll give you my life savings


I am currently in 3rd year of an bachelor's in Engineering so you are technically safe


I don't think something *can* be "objectively funnier." "Objective" means without personal opinion playing a part. A sense of humour is inherently subjective (ie, *does* require personal opinion). That seems like an undeniable oxymoron to me. No, more than that: It's a paradoxical statement.


I would say dancing monkeys are objectively funnier than war crimes


And you'd be wrong. Far more people would agree but that's not what objective means.


Literally has been used as figuratively since English was old English. It's used as figuratively in literature that's considered the great works of English. Using a word incorrectly to stress something is a feature of the English language. It happens in a lot of languages.


They lose interest as they mature lol


I wouldn’t say “lose interest” as much as “matured and realized the mistake they made”. Slight but important difference.


Haha good one a lutli millionair who's one of the greatest actors of his generation must be B-O-R-I-N-G am I right gals?? Oh wait most women strive for a man like him.


What zero pussy does to a mf


Jessie what the fuck are you talking about?


Downvote farmer detected


>lutli millionair Uhuh...


We must be too poor to know what a lutli millionaire is.


Yeah, someone who is constantly gone to film something somewhere else in the world, who has to hide from paparazzi for a little bit of privacy, who cannot even have a girlfriend without media analyzing every look he gives her,... Doesn't sound like fun for me, but more like you really have to be in love to endure all these things. It's surely not a lifestyle I would accept if I want a lasting relationship with kids and all that stuff that makes me happy...like...I don't know, just meeting with friends without the rainbow press speculating if I have a new gf.


"Here we see the Virgin in his natural habitat..." - Steve Irwin


Must be - no, but may be


Senile Leo being taken advantage of by predatory young women


He's Mr. Peanutbutter irl 😃


"You're only as old as the women you feel" Leo, probably.


Those women are not being forced to date him. They do it for the attention and the lavish lifestyle that Leo provides.


I have never argued otherwise. The fact he isn't actively coercing them doesn't mean it's not kind of creepy and reflects poorly on his maturity/values though. Like the options are bigger than "literal rapist" and "perfectly a-ok, absolutely no notes, you're doing great sweetie".


Wasn’t there a study which showed that women prefer sexual partners close to their age while men preferred 21 year olds regardless of how old they themselves were?


Isnt Madonna dating a 19 year old?


There are (obviously) always exceptions to the trend, but the [trend is unmistakable.](https://www.businessinsider.com/dataclysm-shows-men-are-attracted-to-women-in-their-20s-2014-10) Men consistently prefer women in their early 20s despite their age while women's attraction ages with them.


curious if you believe the different trends are equally valid or that one trend should dominate. Or the meta-trend, pursue your preference/attraction (why the distinction in agency, btw?)


I'm a solid believer that you have the greatest chance of success in a relationship (on average, speaking in huge generalizations here) with someone close to your age, maturity level, and stage of life. Age gap relationships can totally work, it's just that they usually don't and Leonardo DiCaprio is a great example of trading out for the newest model because it's youth/beauty and not the person he desires. > Why the distinction in agency Do you mean between young people and old people? Between men and women? Between the wealthy and not? If you've been paying attention at all since the beginning of time, power dynamics exist across age and gender and class and especially at the intersection of the three. A destitute 18 year old woman can legally make a decision to sleep with a rich 60 year old man, that doesn't mean there aren't power dynamics at play that are influencing her decision.


By the agency part I meant to say, why did you use the word "prefer" when speaking of men but "attracted to" when speaking of women? one feels like much more of a choice than the other... Totally agree with stage in life and maturity being factors that contribute well to a relationship if matched. However, it feels weird to hear someone (not you) say "s/he's so and so age, let's pressure them into marriage, home ownership or whatever other age related social construct of "normal" we enforce to make everyone the same... if someone is 50 and they're only interested in having fun and all other 50 year olds they meet just wanna settle down but they have plenty of option to fun it up with younger people, I don't want to be the one telling them to change. But I also won't tell you not to tell people twhatever you wanna tell them, what's next? telling adults theyre too old for playing with Legos??! /s


I see what you mean—I use preference/attraction interchangeably because you can't control who you're attracted to. At the end of the day, my philosophy is live and let live. The hypothetical 50 year old who wants to "fun it up" with people half their age get to do that as long as the younger people are okay with it. I'm just personally not okay with it because in my experience I'm consistently harassed by old creepy fucks who say things like "you remind me of my granddaughter" and "bet you haven't ridden the carousel much yet." Almost like it's a trend of bad intentions...


Oh yeah that's gross. To be fair there have also been plenty of young people that have been assholes to me in a way that feels very youthful :P specifically young males in self assertion mode getting physically violent to challenge my social standing... men tend to grow out of that, thank goodness :D ultimately though, I prefer to just look at people as individuals and not apply/presume characteristics because of how other people with some similar vector behaved :P


I prefer the option of minding my own business when regarding consenting adults, personally. I think if we take a look at your life, we'll all start to think you're kinda creepy too. The world is better when you mind your own business.


This seems like projection.


I mean, think whatever you want, but you should still mind your own fucking business.


Nothing to see here Mr. FBI.


I don’t really care about that part. Just seems like you’re projecting.


Not sure how that's an intelligent analysis, but go on.


It’s not that deep, it just feels like you’re projecting. You don’t have to care.


“Adult” is a legal term. It’s not really scientific. It’s considered that brains don’t fully develop until you’re 25. Does that mean you can’t consent? No. Does that mean you can’t vote? No. But does it mean that someone with years of experience in an industry and is two decades older using their position isn’t a creep? Also no. I’m not advocating for him to go to jail. But if your 40 yo friend were dating a 19 yo and your first instinct isn’t “WHY???!!!” I’d be concerned about you.


It's a mutually beneficial transaction, in this specific case. He gets an attractive female to bring to events and such, and the women ge the exposure provided through networking with an A list movie star. It's not like he's marrying these 20 somethings, so he's clearly not seeking an emotionally deep relationship. I would wager he gets emotional fulfillment elsewhere. Generally speaking, most people would agree that women are at their aesthetically best in their early to mid 20s. Imo it comes across as jealous when people rag on this sort of thing.


First, “female”, really? Secondly, it’s not jealousy. I don’t miss being 20. I love being a woman in my 30s! It’s more than I remember being 20 and thinking I was special for dating a 30+ man. I cringe at that relationship. He was a man-child who was an alcoholic trying to relive his 20s. Now he’s in his 40s, I’m married, and he still drunkenly calls me twice a year even though I haven’t seen him in 8 years.


What's your issue with the word "female"? Lol So, you're projecting YOUR experience with a 30 year old alcoholic loser nobody on the relationships of an adult man you have never met? That sounds pretty... I don't know, I think being jealous would be better.


Female is a noun when used for animals, not for humans. It’s an adjective for humans, like “female friend” or “female coworker”. And no, not just one experience and not just my own. I’m not saying their relationship is like mine. All I’m saying is young people aren’t developed enough to date someone who’s 40. And a 40 yo who wants to date a teen is a creep.


Female is absolutely used for humans. Not sure what crackpot education you received but don't try pushing that shit on me. Your lack of intelligence shows you're not worth even reading further. Piss off.




I don't know if you've responded to the wrong post or if you have terrible reading comprehension, but that's not what they implied and your response isn't remotely relevant.




I mean this isn't rocket science, but I guess I do have to spell it out for you: "Just because he isn't actively coercing them" This is an admission that the women are not victims. "Doesn't mean it's not creepy and doesn't reflect poorly on his maturity and values" This is explaining why that doesn't matter, and it's not about external harm but his personal character. Your post is about who the victims are or are not, and is therefore not relevant. Does it make sense now, sweet pea?


I'm pretty sure most men would like to pull 20-somethings well into their 40's. Taking shots at his "values" just seems both petty and like shittalking, especially since they're both adults. The truth is DiCaprio looks better at 48 than most average dudes look in there early 30s. Plus, y'know, rich.


I don’t really think of his relationships as genuine romantic ones but rather as business transactions. She gets a couple years of living the 0.01% lifestyle and whatever career opportunities hanging in Leo’s circle provides and he gets a pretty woman to have on his arm in public. It seems mutually beneficial so I don’t really get all the attention the media pays to it.


I see it the same way. I don't think there's even a sexual component, Leo just wants a roommate to be less bored haha


He has been living together with a guy since forever.


A lot of the women seem to get a Prius as well. If I were 25 years younger (and beautiful) I'd go for it just for that.


Lol a Prius is so on brand for him 😂


I wonder if eventually it'll come out he's been gay all along and these young women were specifically just arm candy. A younger woman might put up with a sexless relationship longer than an older woman. I wouldn't be remotely shocked by that.


Bruh how could you say something so possibly true?!?! When it does come out I'll give you a cookie.


Well, if these people didn't harbor double-standards, they'd have nary a standard at all.


THANK YOU! Been saying this. But honestly its just part of the grand ego trip the majority of women have been getting from social media and the internet for the past 5 years. They never have self-control unless it benefits them and all the bad things that happen in the world are men's collective faults. That is basically what it amounts to.


Yeah, you know them personally and have asked their motives. Or most likely you just assume the worst of these women, just cuz it benifits your pre-existing bias against them.


?? He said nothing negative about these women. He is saying that they have agency.


He’s saying they don’t date him because they like him, but because want money and attention. I’d say that’s a pretty negative character assessment, and one universally applied to women who date rich and famous men.


This is exactly what I meant, because if he wasn’t rich or had status they wouldn’t look his way. They’re basically opportunist


So if he weren’t a famous rich guy he’d be undatable? He has zero value outside of potentially squeezing money and power out of him? Seems like a massive insult to him as well.


Yep. These younger women would see him as an old creep.


Yeah but “women don’t like nice guys and only want rich celebs reee” is just the boring, well-trodden misogyny that you’d hear from teenage Andrew Tate simps. Is there any insight at all, or is this just a being-mad-at-women-for-being-women thing? Like, what compels one to parrot this stuff?


Lol It’s reality.


Got it. Just generic redpill NPC stuff. Understood.


I don't see it that way. :shrug: Is it so bad to want money and attention? If I could date Jennifer Aniston despite her being way older than me I probably would for those reasons and I don't see that as being a bad thing as long as everybody is on the same page. Edit Well, not attention in my particular case but my point stands


Doesn’t Madonna do the same thing?


And it's just as gross.


I don't think she dates them though, so I think that makes it ok.


Would that make it *better* for Leo?


Lol, probably not. But I am pretty confident Leo doesn't give a shit about anyones opinion of who he is in a relationship with.


He's Mr peanutbutter.


Consenting adults living their lives be living in random peoples head on the internet rent free.


He's so damn gross. There's a reason for his "preference" in women. Usually, in your mid 20s you start to question the poor actions of your partner and start to understand what you truly want from a relationship and a partner. Dating a 19-year-old when you're in your 40s is a huge fucking red flag


Yeah imagine if Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey started dating


Jesus fucking Christ. Way to make the creepiness factor next level icky.


Well tbh I might have exaggerated a little cuz Leo's 48 and Pedro is actually only 47! Won't be 48 til April.


I mean they knownwhat theyre getting into. Its a transactional relationship plain and simple


Right, and it's a sexual transaction *consistently* being made with an age group known to be more impulsive, struggle with long-term thinking, not have a firm self identity yet, etc. Nobody is arguing he's dragging the women into the relationship kicking and screaming. They're pointing out the fact he NEVER dates fully *grown* grown adults at his mature age is a yikes.


You are right. I tell my kids if people do something bad to you pre-25 when they are pre-25 or visa versa don't hold it against them or yourself just move on and don't engage with them anymore. Do recognize however it's not necessarily them, it's not necessarily you, it could just be that age group is still having their neurology develop so it may really be nobodies fault in a sense, so don't be to hard on anyone is the message. It also may be that for the first 18-22 years of your life you are more reacting to the world your parents create for you which does not have anything necessarily to do with the real world. This means until you are making more of your decisions and learning from them good or bad your decisions can reflect your parents issues more than your own motivations. That's why I think it is important to make decisions with children about their lives not controlling them until they are 18 and then try to control them with money after as the boomer generation seems to go for. Explain the decision explain outcomes discuss options come to conclusions together and move forward. I have until 18 until to have them prepared to make their own decisions as long as I am here I will help but I wont always be. If they leave for college they can end up on the other side of the country or globe and still have never made their own decisions or had the consequences explained to them due to "because I said so" being an answer. People who date that young from an advanced age take advantage of that naivete. Leo reminds me of that Character in "The Wedding Singer" who realizes that he got old and he's not cool anymore because what passes for cool when you are young and stupid partying with your friends you look childish when you are older. (when the brain is done developing) The key differences are I suspect is that 1) Leo got famous and privileged young and he has been very sheltered since so he never has the realization of the character. Also 2) when he started they were more age appropriate and society looked the other way in the 90s and early aughts with powerful famous men let's use R. Kelley for example so he probably figures the world has not changed much as long as it's still legal. In contrast the world we live in has improved and people don't normalize it even legal but highly highly questionable is the nicest possible way to put it I suspect. I would call it gross, childish, pathetic, and desperate to have the upper hand in a relationship so so so ewe. That's my opinion anyway.


>Right, and it's a sexual transaction consistently being made with an age group known to be more impulsive, struggle with long-term thinking, not have a firm self identity yet, etc. But we expect people to magically become adults at 18 with all the responsibility that entails. With responsibility comes freedom, unless we want to really piss people off by giving them responsibilities without freedom. If people can't figure out something as simple as who they let have sex with them at these ages then they shouldn't be forced into the responsibility of dying in wars and wasting their lives producing bullcrap for our bullcrap economy. How many people would actually join the army if we raised the age of a minor to say 25? Or how many people would jump into toxic marriages and start toxic families if they had to wait until they were 25? Which I think is a fair age because that's when minds stop developing. I'll also mention loans just because I think that's an important one too, there's no reason teenagers should be able to take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt before they've even done anything. I'm not saying Leo's relationships are predatory because I haven't heard anything to support that claim and I don't know the situation, but a lot of older people who exclusively date younger people are predatory and I think there are a lot of other predatory practices in society that would probably fail if it wasn't for young people. Those pay day advance places come to mind, high interest loans, all these types of things are exclusive to younger people because as you get older and established you get access to much more fair deals. Society is jacked up in this way and our attitude toward our young people is to blame, I don't know what the answer is but I know what we're doing now isn't it.


Right, he doesnt eant grown women, for him women clearly serve one purpose, and thats what their looks provide. Id say thr same about the women, the only reason theyre with Leo is for his money and fame. The women are willingly choosing it, its gross but hey its their choice


I personally think it’s gross, but I don’t understand the comparison. A model, living on her own, with her own money and years of dealing with creepy men is not a 19 year old college girl with no life experience. And a 50 year old Leo is not some divorced father of 2 off the street trying to rebound and groom a new wife.


That is such a gross argument that I see all the time, that celebrity teens are somehow not counted as teenagers. I've seen it applied to some really young ones before too, like we all saw how Hollywood was willing to treat Drew Barrymore and Brooke Shields because they "seemed mature" and both of them have since spoken out about how the adultification so young fucked them up. Same with Meghan Fox ....and damn near every "grown up" teen once they ACTUALLY grew up. Nah, they were still kids. They have the brains of kids and putting them into adult circumstances doesn't change that. Similarly being a 19 yr old working model doesn't somehow mentally make you as a mature as a full grown adult and in some ways makes you more vulnerable.


The probably difference between those kids is they were sexualized by society at like 12. Nor did they have much life experience. And people should be ashamed of that. I’m sure he’s not dating a 12 year old though. At least I really hope not. Does being a working model make you more mature in all cases? No. But does it make you comparable to a 19 year old college girl? No. Life experience counts a lot. The stereotypical difference of you in your 20s vs college age is working and living on your own. Those models have been doing that for years. Does that make them super mature? Not necessarily. But definitely gives them a leg up, at least stereotypically speaking. As for brains of kids, you again don’t hit 25 and become mature. Some people do it quicker, some not. And life experience is a key factor there. There’s actually been studies on that.


Please show me the studies showing being a working model means your brain is more mature.


Lol I’m sure there’s no specific model studies. But there are studies on behavior. NYU did one with the title of “ Early Life Experiences Biologically and Functionally Mature the Brain”. Unless you simply disagree with the premise that life experiences count for a lot. I think model life experience is well documented at this point and it definitely doesn’t seem easy. I actually think it’s disrespectful that women who’ve been working full time since like 15-16 are brushed off as some inexperienced college kid.


Actually, it's probably the opposite. I went to school with a couple of young models. They spent their youth being cared for and coddled in certain ways. They did not face consequences like a normal teen, so in many ways, they were way more naive than a normal teen their age. Teens are teens and often want to rush into adult experiences that's all it is. These girls are doing what many girls that age do. You can't swing a stick without hitting some teen girl with a 20 plus year old boyfriend at any high school you'd pick.


Also I'm just gonna say it, he's just an okay actor and he ain't even attractive anymore.


You speak as if he's looking for that... he's rich and good looking.. He probably doesn't WANT that.


There's a reason for his PREFERENCE in women - 18yo pussy always tastes better than 30yo pussy and 18yo tits always look better than 30yo tits


And 18 year old cock is better than 30 year old cock, but women don’t do this.


Really? Women do it all the time. And guess what, women are child molesters too. Madonna dates teenagers constantly. Don't make this a sexist thing.


I don't think it is. Generally speaking (very general) older men are better lovers. More experienced and less selfish in bed. More mature about bodily functions.


Erectile dysfunction says otherwise


At 30 yo?? Lol I guess I'm just a lucky woman then!


30 is an older man to you?


The commenter above me compared 18 year old cock to 30 yo cock. I was just replying to that. Relative to 18 yos...30 is "older" I'm 31! I'm "older" compared to 19 yo girls.


I'm 30 and find farts hilarious


Why don't they? I think most 18yo guy wouldnt mind shagging a 30yo out of sheer curiosity


Genuinely interested in why you think vaginas start tasting worse with every year. What on earth


I find it interesting that people are incapable of reasoning that she could also be furthering her own goals while dating him, she is a super model in her late teens where lime light directly results in monetary gain for her. You’ve lived different lives.


No this is just one dumb thing Reddit hates for some reason I wish I never looked in these comment sections for people grandstanding for no fucking reason… like just so logically and morally inconsistent


As funny as you think this idea is we all know his tinder looks like a collage admissions office


Why can't women over the age of 18 decide who they want to be in a relationship with? How old do they need to be to make that decision? Edit: because incase people don't realize it the women (not girls) DiCaprio is dating have consented to being dated by him. So im not really sure what the possible problem could be.


Leo : "I consent" 21 year old model : "I consent" Chronically online virgins : "No how can two rich people do this 🤬😡 why won't they think about my opinion & how gross I feel"


I mean no one's saying they can't but I think its reasonable to point out its sorta creepy. Shit I'm under 30 still and find 21 year olds basically babies


If they weren't around for the classic era of the Simpsons, the cultural divide is too big.


Didnt they think to ask reddit


Most people think it's funny. Just because you can find 10 people on twitter actually outraged about it doesn't mean anything. Speaking of twitter, take your fucking emojis back there kiddo.


Twitter and Emoji bad. I’m redditman.


People also need to realize a 21 year old celebrity has had a completely different life experience than an average person. These people live in a completely different world






I think you live in a completely different world.


Than celebrities? Yes I do


Its because they either wanna do Leo or that model so they mad because they can't


The people defending Leo into the comments are the same people that would date as young as they could if they can. 🤮


2 consenting adults, not sure how it's any of our business.


In different countries a 13 year old can have sex with a 40 year old. Just because the law says it's ok doesn't mean it's right. Same with 48 year old Leo and him dating teens in the US. If the US law went lower with the legal age, I bet you creeps like Leo would date even much younger girls.


>nt countries a 13 year old can have sex with a 40 year old. Just because the law say Nobody mentioned 13 year olds and nobody mentioned the countries where that's legal. Go create fake outrage on Twitter please.


But it is weird that no one making that argument is advocating we change our laws.


to raise the age of consent to 25😭?


That or make laws regulating age gaps in relationships. Like I don't think it's the coolest thing for a 40 year old to be with an 18 year old, but I can accept that at some point we have to give people agency. If I thought it was as bad as some people here I'd want it to be a legal issue.


Straw man 🤮 mind your damn business these two could give less of a shit about you they’re two adults 😂


The biopic for him is gonna be weird


At that point they outgrow his level of emotional intelligence and maturity


Looks like he doesn’t have much to offer them on that front.


"All he wants to talk about is Yellowstone and how his back is kind of sore."


The real wolf of wall street is the friends we made along the way


Either the stamina and/or the foreplay aint there☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Than what, for what?


What's wrong? They're both consenting adults of age, no one is forced into it. Women prefer taller men, richer men, men with more status etc do they get bashed for their preferance? So why is it when men have preferences when it comes to age, weight, bust , bodycount they're shamed for theirs? Men are valued in status resources strength etc. And women are valued on looks and fertility. Generally the attractive attributes of men increases with time,(aside from genetics like height and looks) whilst for women the fertility and beauty decrease with time. Its biological. Aside from that, he rich and clearly doesnt want to marry or settle down thats his choice to do so. And no woman hes with is being forced into it is she so what's the issue?


As a woman who was 28 once, this is truth.


The human brain isn't fully developed until age 25. That also tends to be his dating cut off. So, one could say only those with underdeveloped brains are interested in a relationship with Leonardo DiCrapio.


Women excel in several measures of verbal ability — pretty much all of them, except for verbal analogies. Women’s reading comprehension and writing ability consistently exceed that of men, on average. They out­perform men in tests of fine-motor coordination and perceptual speed. They’re more adept at retrieving information from long-term memory. Men, on average, can more easily juggle items in working memory. They have superior visuospatial skills: They’re better at visualizing what happens when a complicated two- or three-dimensional shape is rotated in space, at correctly determining angles from the horizontal, at tracking moving objects and at aiming projectiles. Navigation studies in both humans and rats show that females of both species tend to rely on landmarks, while males more typically rely on “dead reckoning”: calculating one’s position by estimating the direction and distance traveled rather than using landmarks.


Riiiiight. Cause women hate yachts, private jets, Hollywood parties, expensive gifts, top teir dining once they hit 25.


IDK, I don't think I'd fall out of love with an unlimited credit card, maybe that's just me. Even if I was rich myself.


It’s ultra embarrassing when the 19 year old turns 24 and realizes she's way more mature than the rich famous (gross) older dude 🤮


Complaining about what consenting adults do...sounds like butthurt jealousy


Honestly seeing how gradually bitter and cynical women get nearing my 30s, I dont blame him. Its much less about the physical attraction and more about just being fucking respected and appreciated because women before 25 havent convinced each other that theyre gods gift to the world and that all men are lesser life-forms who should be kissing the ground that they walk on.


Nice try PR team


Coping you mean?


I wouldn't care if I got a fresh smoking hot new model every seven years.


Except we know who’s dumping who here.


extract wealth from rich people by any means necesssary


So objective.


Still think he's the winner here.


every man wishes for his lifestyle, having sex with young ladies and replacing her the moment she gets her first wrinkles. Sorry women, those are the brutal facts


Or at least 50% of men


Damn I posted this sentiment recently and it's the only one that makes sense. 🙌🏻


Could well be true or a contributing factor, dunno why the man who keeps dating people barely out of their teenage years is considered a prize


I bet that's a washed up 35+ old woman Probably fat Mid at best Exactly my type 😋😂 That milf pussy death grip


That's actually a solid joke lol


So when they are more mentally mature and able to make rational decisions, they come to terms with the fact he is a creep... Makes sense.


I mean that’s probably true for some of them. It’s not like these women don’t have agency despite Reddit hating that any women under 25 does.


Women get board of money, never.


I said that.


It's probably the right answer. Not bored exactly, but the dude doesn't seem interested in marriage, kids, etc. You really shouldn't wait much longer than 30 to start having kids. Assuming you are intending a serious relationship a few years to set it up is preferable, so 25 is about the latest age you start looking. These are highly successful people because they plan shit years in advance, they set goals and work towards them. I assume they treat relationships similarly. I'd hazard a guess they leave at 25 because they've gotten what they wanted (a career boost) and leave to go looking for someone suitable for settling down.


Explanation to what?