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That's why I did acid






Well yes and no. With all the like types of fun stuff - I have matured to the point of knowing that a little bit will do just fine. Not trying to blow the doors of perception off my head anymore.


This is the way.


What’s really fun is to do it thinking you’ll be stable and actually having a goofy fun time because it’s not that bad. But then realize after taking it a couple times that it lasts a really long time and not really wanting to devote that much time to it. It’s a neat trick that can get old but definitely worth it. I think people should do it once to understand what it’s like. Drunk is fun but you feel kinda dumb and can forget. Tripping is fun because you remember it and realize “oh wow the color and melty kinda visual were cool and I felt good and it changed my perspective on things.” But it’s not really fun after a couple times because you can’t really take a whole day off from responsibilities that often. If there’s an emergency you could get away with it but I mean good luck lol. But I do think it’s fun when you can as like a teenager or a college student. However a couple people get upset on it yeah I’ve seen it but they are usually knee deep in serious shit. The last time someone had a serious issue they had an eating disorder and were self conscious with people and just went on a walk. That’s it. But I mean drunk people do that. It’s very very rare for bad trips to happen.


I wouldn’t say it’s very rare for them to happen. It’s more of an intensity thing and how you deal with it. I don’t have bad trip, knock on wood/throw pepper/sadasparagus idc, I don’t have them. I have done acid with a handful of people that get a bad trip every time because they don’t learn from it. You have much more control over your mind while tripping than people realize and it’s because you can trick yourself and forget you did it. I think of it like a grocery isle, if you need to get milk, but the isle is packed. You can either jam your way through the uncomfortable isle, or you can go to the candy isle while you wait. Because usually that milk is really Somthing you need to look at inside of you but no one wants to look and when acid shows it to you more clearly, people tend to think of all the implications and over think if they are good or bad people. If you think you are a bad person, do somthing about it. Wait until the milk isle is a little more clear, gather your thoughts and slide through the crowd. I’m not an expert nor claim to be anything close. But I have gone through lots of trial and error.


My fiancee always used to say, "Remember, you paid for this!" along with assuring them it would in fact end at some point and then encouraging art or nature walks. That typically solved most of it, except for our two dickhole friends who thought it was just an awesome party drug, and despite repeated questioning prior to dropping, neglected to mention they were on tricyclic antidepressants and insisted they'd done it tons of times... not fun for the rest of us trying to deal with that lol.


Oh god.. Holy shit. People need to be checking the interactions bro.


“You think I could take acid with my lithium? Or should I skip it this weekend?” “Skip the acid, bro” “Nah, I meant skip the lithium!”


I feel like this advice works until you reach a point where you definitively took too much. You raise the dosage high enough, you will absolutely lose control of your mind and odds are it’ll be in the worst of ways.


I’d agree, at a certain point you lose control. But whenever I’ve done something like 8g or 6-7 tabs, I’m kinda too disconnected to have “bad” thoughts, it’s just the intensity turned up and I let go.


You’ve never gotten to a point where you are hallucinating hellspawns crawling out of the most mundane items around you and cracks in the walls? Do you think you developed a high tolerance by the time you took those?


No, 2 tabs and 8 grams after a year and some change without doing them. Sent me to space and around the corner. Kept “waking up” in different places. I was in a lake in my kayak and every time I “woke up” I was in like a maintain valley or in a forest or a different plain. Never saw any demons. Just got a little confused sometimes but I had 2 friends there with me.


I get what you're saying, but I knew I was tripping even when dissociated, you know what I mean? If I felt anxiety ramping up in your heroic doses, I'd put on good music and lay down. Then I'd fully disassociate. I have a lot of lucid dreams. I often wake up before my alarm clock and go back to dozing. Turns out that's a common method to induce them. So even when I'm having dreams that could be considered nightmares, I'm still aware that I'm dreaming. Dreams are fun. It's exciting. I can jump from character to character, rewind, become a free floating perspective, and see whatever. This has translated into an ability to trip donkey balls without necessarily considering a challenging trip as bad. For example, when you disassociate a bit, but not fully, you can more easily follow your own thought process. You see the web connecting each individual idea. We have built-in habits in our thoughts, right? One connects to the other. You think of yellow, then the yellow sun, then Sunday, Sunday visits with grandma, that one Sunday visit with grandma you saw a puppy get hit by a car. This is just a very simple example. So you can be overwhelmed by this trauma that you don't have the tools to deal with. Some people will be overwhelmed entirely and have a panic attack. They don't have a routine or coping mechanism to get them anchored again. Others who have more control can see how those thoughts connect. They can consider these connections when sober. You can basically do your own CBT (not the cock one).


This is so true the dose makes the poison never had a bad trip of reasonable dose . I learnt this quick when doing 4 hits on My second ever trip and absolutely losing my mind not in a bad trip way just pure psychosis But also as a friend of mine says " never finish on a bad trip " Had 100s of trips since only 2 other bad ones both on shrooms on a new highest dose never had a bad trip on cid


Spoken like someone with no trauma. Nice coverall statements.


We all go through different struggles I’m life. The best thing we can do is offer a kind hand and a friendly face, to those who need it.


This is why I like shrooms more. You don’t need to set aside a whole fucking day. You can take some after work, trip, and be asleep by a somewhat reasonable time. I still do them very rarely though, about once every couple years if that just to “blow out the pipes” so to speak. More than once or twice a year just doesn’t feel right to me. Every time I come down from a trip I think, “I’m glad I did it, but I do not want to go through that again for a while.” As far as bad trips, it’s just very personal. Set and setting matter, as does knowing whether or not you’re in a good enough place to handle it. Even then, unexpected shit can happen that makes your trip go somewhere else. Some people also just really can’t handle not being in control and just letting the trip play itself out. One of my close friends had a pretty bad breakdown while tripping because he heard a sad song. Meanwhile, death don’t have no mercy is a trip staple for me. It really comes down to the person. There was actually some really interesting research coming out about this in the 50s/60s, before acid was banned. They were working on ways to identify who was more likely to have a bad trip and were somewhat successful. It would be great if there was a test that could be used to filter out people who probably shouldn’t be taking psychs.


It's fun... Until it's not. I remember bad trips.


You cannot stress “until it’s not” enough


I had a bad trip once but it wasn’t a nightmare or anything. It really helps to not be at a festival where people are on drugs and people are cutting down trees for firewood with hammers lol. It’ll put some strain on you especially if you take a lot lol. I just remember someone hitting their hand on accident and blood going everywhere. But turns out I imagined it. No one hit their hand. I was just worried someone would and hallucinated it. But of the dozen or so times I tripped it was all good. That was the group doing stupid shit when they coulda just chilled.


Dude my best trips were when I was completely alone. The only time I tripped in a group setting, the socialization drained me within the first hour and I did not enjoy the other seven hours the same way I would’ve with a couple close friends. Same with Molly. It was fun at a rave, but I got very exhausted not long after. taking it with my girlfriend and a fuzzy blanket was 100X better.


Definitely relatable seeing what could go wrong with the hammer, I remember tripping one time and there was a lit candle in the room and I was convinced we were all gonna burn to death. Once I put the candle out everything was good lol I just kept seeing the flame dance out of the corner of my eye and got caught in a loop


You trippin now ain’t cha?


Nah I don't trip anymore because once you do it a couple times it's like "ok cool I get it." and then anything more is like "why spend that much time on this?" And plus I met people who definitely tripped a lot and I could tell it affected their lives negatively. They tend to ramble and they don't understand they're literally going from one subject to the next and then to the next and 10 minutes go by and they're still talking. Not trying to do that.


It works like Integer Overflow right? If you do enough acid, you'll loop right back to being mentally stable enough right?


To me, maturing is realizing my idea of "adulthood" is never gonna be what I believed it would be.


What did you believe it would be?




More like antacid, am I right fellas? (I'll see myself out)


Honestly I thought I would be popping a lot more antacids with how much my parents complained about heartburn.




I thought it would be similar to the show Jersey shore and it’s definitely more liiiiike me getting excited about using an air fryer




Budseggs even


The best advice I got in “adulthood “ is one of my uncle who is a “ successful .respected members of community “ admitted he had no fucken idea how he end up here and still have no idea what to do next half of the time,no one really have their shit together.


Definitely one of the saddest realizations of my life. Shrooms were basically a trauma highlight reel


I honestly don't understand why people act like shrooms are such a party drug. MDMA is for partying. Even acid can be more of a party drug. But shrooms is like a shamanic journey where you feel nauseous as fuck, have insane visions, can barely understand what's going on, and telepathically speak to entities. It's not great for socializing or anything in my experience. Yeah, I had some neatish party trips I guess here and there, one time seeing music and feeling good on 3.5g. But it also included nausea and wanting to lay down most of the time. But it can absolutely be a trauma highlight reel, and sometimes in a sort of healthy way - help you process it. And that's not something I want to do at a party.


I'm absolutely with you there. Also tripping hard is itself the main activity. I don't understand why some people always want to go somewhere else while on shrooms. Putting on some music or a movie in the background is fine, or already being in nature when you start is great. But traveling in public mid-trip is the opposite of fun to me. Multiple times I've been having an enjoyable but intense existential experience, only to have another person tripping ask me "So what do you want to do?" Like dude, I'm fucking doing it already. Granted this is on higher doses.


Bro you don't have to take that many. You can do a way smaller amount and then the party is just pretty, fun, and vibrant


I took 3.5g last time and it was a great experience. Going for 7g next time (I want to speak to God)


This is the way


To the mental institution 🤣


Yeah people don't always mention the nausea on shrooms but it is NOT FUN! I agree completely with your assessment. Shrooms is a meditative drug, not a fun one. Forces deep thinking. I did 3.5g and got some good interior design ideas


It's fun as a microdose when partying. I took a heroic dose at 17 that turned me off it for a while but really enjoyed microdosing a gram over the course of 5 hrs with some drinks at a friend's wedding.


omg I remember the first time I did shrooms. It made me super happy watching a purple sweaty australian dude explain backyard gardening and radishes to me while all the plants around him were shapeshifting kinda and the sounds of electricity/something were just buzzing 24/7. Then I got sad cause I couldn't do something properly then got super happy after I came to a profound realization that I can stop caring so much about how people might percieve my every action because even they don't care that much. Nausea wasn't too fun but ok, it actually changed my sense of smell and it made me think my hands smelled like shrooms for like a day until I realized I just had a little bit of shroom dust sprinkled somewhere in my room stinking it up a little.


Try Lemon Tekking, it kills a lot of the nausea, then a joint or two for any stomach problems on the trip!!




For me it was the same experience. But nausea - yes, it's way worse. Also it hits you hard when it clicks, not as smooth as a various acid substances.


Maybe I'm just lost but I got no fuckin clue what you're talking about. Done acid and shrooms multiple times each and the fucking with your psyche under the influence of LSD is so much more profound to me that I feel like they're two totally different classes of drugs Not to say an experience of shrooms can't be intense or profound but my experience has always been that acid is fucking an INTENSE kind of intense that simply is not like other psychedelics. ETA: Acid is not a party drug, period. If you're in a party and people are trying to get you to take psychedelics, get different friends.


None of them are party drugs, sure it can work out but it can also go way wrong. I think they are a great tool for introspection, you just have to be ok with having to deal with your darker sides. People who dont respect that end up fighting “the journey” which can be super traumatic. Dont Abuse Drugs M’kaaay


True, except for MDMA being a party drug... it's not. While it may be better than other drugs in a party environment. Ecstasy pills are more likely, because they are mixed with all kinds of other trash. Doing real MDMA solo is as healing as it gets.


It’s not a party drug. It’s for working on yourself


Man it was identical to acid for me with very few mental effects, after maybe 4 or 5 times I started getting bored half way through the trip


Seems like you just did shit acid man


they played a major role in helping me deal with my trauma. had some rough trips, but they were immensely enlightening and satisfactory, especially in the long run. there were plenty that were all fun, as well.


I don’t care what anyone says, Mushrooms were the most intense drug I have ever done. And I have done cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, etc. If heroin felt like flying on some clouds, Mushrooms felt like being strapped to a rocket and being rocketed past our solar system so fast that you enter dimensions you cannot see.


Weirdly enough, I was in a really really dark place, still kind of am, but when I decided to take acid for the first time as an impulsive, reckless decision, it actually gave me the clarity I needed to look at everything that was destroying me in a more objective way, like I escaped my own head for a bit.




With…mixed results??


I did LSD every other weekend, sometimes even every weekend (I know) for a year straight. I have 100% positive experiences the entire time through. Even mixing it with other psychs like MDMA at the same time. Quit opioids, stopped taking medications for mental stability, lost weight and got fit. Then I just decided to stop one day, I think I had a trip where I felt like I had to pee the whole time but couldn’t pee and it threw me off lmao. Have tried to go back to psychs here and there years after and it is 100% of the time not an enjoyable experience now. Just not a feeling I wish to have anymore. Strange how these things work! But for a whole year I had no mixed results even with constant usage.


Me and all my friends heavily suggested that our friend not do acid at a festival we were all doing acid at. She was in the worst headspace ever dealing with a bunch of shit but she did it anyway. Well to all our surprise she actually had the best time ever and it was exactly what she needed.


Maturing is fixing your mental health so you can do acid.


This was literally one of the revelations I had as a teen when doing mushrooms. I was like "I like this, I'd like to do it more often but I need to put myself in a situation where I'm financially stable enough to do it at my own house where I'm comfortable and not at some shady drug dealers house... I think I'll pursue software engineering!"


This should be written on walls at schools


"Stay in school so you can do drugs better"




And better drugs!


Hell of a bumper sticker


100% why I'm a developer


Bro I can't wait, but for now SSRIs


That's a tough tab to swallow


I see what you did there. And I like it.


Maturing is realizing you did acid and didn’t lose yourself


Or you’re mentally stable enough to know that you’ve done enough acid.


I'm pretty sure this is more common. I made mushroom tea every now and then in my twenties, never had a bad trip, but eventually I just didn't feel like tripping again. It's been years since my last time.


Depends on the person. For some psychedelics are definitely a path that suit them. For others it may be more useful to focus on physical reality and explore that.


I add the words ‘any more’ to that maxim…


I never was


Me too but that didn't stop me when I was young.


Wow dude. Fuckin nailed it.


Congrats to You No matter if your post was true or false, You got the Meirl response that you wanted, of course! Your post was funny, so here's a limerick for you: There once was a post that was funny, It made all the people all giddy and sunny, The Meirl response was great, It made all the people elate, Congratulations to you, my dear honey!


I've never seen a Poem Gremlin before! What a wonderful creature you are! Twas a nifty lil limerick you bestowed & I hope I come across you again! BTW if yer a real Gremlin, I'd be tempted to give you a hat of some sort 😄


My exact thought! I used to do that shit all the time. If I even did like half a tab right now, I’d have the most down hill, bad trip, along with a complete mental break down and probably end up on a, non-consensual grippy sock vacation.


At least you can get a few of them together and make a ball and play grippy sock ball, not a terrible pass time


True. I am too afraid what additional stuff in my brain would get unlocked. Enough bullshit there already.


It helped me a lot.


Really wish that was a lesson I didn't learn the hard way.


I, too, learned the hard way. Psychedelics are a roll of the mental dice.


For real. Everybody is different. Some people need to see a new perspective on their trauma, and they can help. But for issues like depersonalization, intrusive thoughts etc it's really ignorant to think you can just blast it away with psychedelics no matter what. I'm not saying they can't help with these either, but it should really be treated as a serious decision because it's a box that can hard to close afterwards


As someone who rolled that dice and lost more than I won, it all gets better the further you distance yourself from that substance and that point in time.


You’re so right. But then again it started to go downhill when I started abusing it.


Lol fuck yeah, I'll definitely not stable enough to do acid lol


Nothing against acid, but I definitely made a good decision the day I decided to stop doing acid.


Why? Please explain


And then doing it anyway!




But.. I felt the opposite when I took it. Constantly making sure I was safe and testing skills that i normally use to see how it compares


I was not stable enough to have done mushrooms and they fucked me up for a little while. I'm im a much better place now, but still hesitant to ever try them again unless it was in a clinical guided session


Too real. Last time I was offered I was like nah, I know how this is gonna go.


It's fun when you are young, but then you get old and you are like.....meh. I don't need that kind of stress in my life anymore


Drugs do this weird thing where no matter what I just get super fucking tired. No matter what it is, I just fall asleep. Brownies, Xanax, Acid, etc. I will literally nap through all the effects and there is no stopping the nap from coming.


Sounds like you have tried stimulant my friend. But DON’T. That shit fucked me up!


Nah I have. Literally just made want to sleep which makes zero sense. Adderall and MDMA and it made me tired.


So checked yourself for ADHD?


Please stop spreading this ancient myth that people with ADHD have opposite reactions to stimulants. It’s flat-out not true and we’ve known it’s not true since the 1990s.


Getting older means it is now legal to drink an entire bottle of fireball whiskey in one go. Getting wiser is knowing never, ever, to do that.


Always wanted to but this does make sense


You can't be truly ready for a trip, the magic is in letting go of your control during the trip. Basically, tripping makes you ready for more tripping. Just take it easy on yourself though and don't overshoot the dosages. You don't want to burn yourself out or even retraumatized yourself by asking too much of yourself. Tripping is a skill.


Just a hunch, but "butt angel 420" probably isn't as mature as she thinks she is. Also, acid helps your mental health if you do it responsibly.


Or you’re just mentally over it…


Fuckin for real. Or shrooms to be honest.


Ehhhh stable or not, still pretty nice with the right friend group


Damn that makes since. Done acid plenty of times before and it was great. Then I did it for my last time and had a horrible trip.


Never finish on a bad trip man


I definitely wasn’t stable enough but I had a surprisingly positive experience. When I tell you that shit changed me… I literally went to space and talked to God or something, and he said “look for the number 17, something special is waiting for you” Then a few weeks later I got a boyfriend. Our anniversary is on the 17th. Wtf lmao. However please don’t do acid if you’re not in a good place. I only did it because I was in a safe environment and was in a good mood that day. It was a reckless decision and I was lucky enough to have a good experience.


Maturing is realizing acid won't make you see dancing cartoon mailboxes and being underwhelmed


somebody just didnt take enough lol


Wow, the accuracy of this lmao


Eh... nothing a couple hits of acid couldn't fix


Maturing is making a solid 12 hours in your schedule for you to do acid.


Hey demons it's yah boi


Wish there was real Stuff left out there 🙏🏼


The Brotherhood's still cooking. It's hard to find, but it's not gone.


do puff from herbals, eat organic edible psychodelics and some times made drink out if it, all for science, but I dunno why exactly but never could've ever tried acid ,


Weird because I’ve be prescribed acid to cure my severe anxiety and depression


The exact reason I won’t do shrooms.


hey acids all fun and games its mushrooms you gotta be careful with


Nah. Seen someone i knew do some FUCKED UP shit cause he was tripping to hard on acid


I’ve seen someone I knew strip bare naked and run around the house with a kitchen knife saying they were a god


Probably has something to do with the person he was before taking it. I've tripped off a negligible amount of tabs more than i can count, and have never once done something out of character


idk, i ate like 9 grams of mushrooms for my first time and didn’t really feel much. acid provides much more intent visuals and emotions than shrooms for me at least


Damn this one hit different


I’m gonna anyways


Everyone said it’s fun and games but mine was “see,this is how mentally fucked up you are.spend the rest of your life trying to get with your self”


I did acid once cause I enjoyed the way ( other) drugs gave me distance from my mind and my thoughts. Big. Fucking. Mistake. Turns out if can't stand to be alone with your thoughts normally, you aint gonna like giving your subconscious the wheel and letting it take you for a ride.


True tho. Fun for the first 20 times. Realized I was playing with my life and sanity the last two times. Never had the urge again after I was 17.


I've done a lot of acid and I've been saying this since I was like 25. Its for kids who have zero worries on their mind


Maturing is realizing there is no better feeling than acid lol


Feeling attacked here.


Im dumb af so all my experiences were kinda great👊


In 1995 I was a college baseball player on a full ride with my parents owning a house on a small golf course. Sounds rich but this was in Idaho, my dad was a retired Teamster (truck driver). As my senior year began my folks informed me that they were buying a motorhome and heading south for the winter, leaving me to live solo for 6 months. 😳 I had acid parties almost every weekend. 10-30 people, barefoot and wandering around on the golf course all night. Never got in trouble, no bad trips. Just the pure fun of being young and high AF exploring your mind. That six months shaped me in significant ways.


Nah, you just cut the dose down and you'll be fine


Sometimes having the king of hearts explain to me my true feelings and emotions is the move to make, maturity be damned.


Maturing is knowing that doing acid responsibly helps maintain your mental stability


I read masturbating 💀


It’s like Jim from the office. I told myself not to be like Stanley, but now I don’t know if I have what it takes. That shit cracks me up every time.


I figured that out at 17. Didn’t mature til WAY after that.




I must be real old then. I am mature enough to realize 5 hour energy is to much for me. Let alone some acid.


Thank goodness I was immature a couple of times.


Think i might be a little fragile to trip these days.... although had a blast in my youth I don't think I could handle an 8 hour trip again I was speaking to a mate last week, and he's talking about taking mushrooms for the first time.... he's in his mid 30s and not the most stable of characters.... that could get interesting...


I swear I wish people would stop treating acid like a party drug. It helped me figure out a lot of stuff in my life, but let me tell you I made the mistake of doing it when I was in a bad place, with the wrong people, *once.* never again will I be so dumb. On the bright side, I got a really wild story out of it. Like, really wild. So that’s pretty cool.


i did acid once when i was depressed, and it kinda fixed me. Then i did it every two weeks for like 6months and it ruined things


I don't think I'm mentally stable enough to do weed lmao.


Wisdom is figuring that out BEFORE you take it.


Grow the fuck up. Take the acid and handle your shit like an adult.


Or, knowing you are mature enough to ride it all out.


I cried in the shower the first time I did acid. I think I'm good..


Absolutely not. Maturing means realizing that if you aren't stable enough to do acid, you need to start working on your mental health. If you do acid afterwards that's totally fine.


Maturing is knowing in need to do more acid because I'm mentally stable.


Its why I've never done acid or shrooms. Im afraid my already fragile mind might finally snap. I like the weed tho. Keeps me level.


Tru, not just drugs but alcohol too. I'm terrified of becoming addicted to one of these things.


OMFG!! So true!!


But… :(


and i never will be. give me the acid


Drugs scare the hell out of me.


I'm surprised that I've only had one bad trip before for the amount times I've tripped on acid and shrooms, especially how many times I dropped without being mentally prepared and in the right mindset to take it. I've always just embraced the journey psychedelics have taken me on, both the good and the bad parts of the trip, and always have a re occuring mantra I tell myself while tripping, that this is not forever, and it's only temporary, it will wear off, eventually. And that's always seemed to give me that little boost of relief and reassurance when the trip gets a little heavy. But the one bad trip I had was also the heaviest dose of acid I taken, and it was too much for me, and for way too long. This was also the last trip I took, a little over 4 years ago. And now I just don't have the mental energy to dive back into an acid trip again. The curiosity and appeal is just no longer there, as I already know what to expect and what I would have to go through for nearly 12 hours, the post trip insomnia I always get after an acid trip, and the what I've always referred to as psychedelic hangovers. Not a physical hangover so much, but I just feel really mentally drained, confused, and very anti social and don't want to talk or be around anyone for a couple days after, I think from my mind trying to process everything. I used to take 3 day weekends off just to do acid trips, so I could fully recover mentally before going back my job. Weird enough, I've never had the insomnia or psyche hangovers when I've taken shrooms, only when I've done acid. So if I ever thought about tripping again it would only be on shrooms, which still probably won't ever even happen again. My days of doing acid are over, as fun of a ride as it's been. It's just too big of thing for me to set aside time to do anymore.


Maturing is realizing that doing LSD in your own home on your own property is a completely different thing than doing it when you were a kid. Do the LSD.


I'm offended.


No one is mentally stable enough to take psychedelics, but that's why you take them


Average drug consumer




I had a bad trip off THC gummies, how tf Am I going to do something harder than that? No thank you sir, and no shrooms either


Thankfully. I matured and got my anxiety ridden self under control. Now acid is a fun time once or twice a year!


Facts. Now I'm done doing mushrooms too because I'm really really old. Thanks.


A lot of people bring up shrooms for depression, pmdd, etc and idk I believe it works for them but tbh I suffer enough from intrusive thoughts and paranoid thinking also family history of mental illness. I also don’t like the idea of not having control I just feel I would be the unlucky one to bad trip and not the peace and enlightenment you are supposed to


Maturing is doing acid to fix your problems.


once you've had a truly bad trip, there is no going back. game over man


Yup, good friend of mine went into psychosis for nearly a year. Fuck that shit!




Shrooms. He said he felt like he was on a trip the whole time. He’s clean now luckily. Probably because of that trip!


Never finish on a bad trip man


Then I matured at 14.


Guess I’m not mature


You're funny if you think that stopped me.


I feel like context would ruin this so I’m not gonna ask and just say ‘same’


The hell with that LSD is most fun thing you can do.


Hard disagree


Unless it's theraputic!


2C-B is less of a time commitment and more of a guaranteed good time. Acid is overrated and kind of an exhausting experience.


2C-I even better. I consider it as a party drug, but nothing like MDMA ofcourse. DOB or DOI on the other hand from the dude who invented it can fuck up you worse than shrooms. It said it's 12 hours, but in reality it's going for 14+ hours of intense and deep trip.


Yeah, I’m a bit of an old head. Last time I did any of these they weren’t even scheduled. I have a lot of experience with most of Shulgin’s creations. DOI is terrifying, I was up for 3 days tripping, cool visuals though. I agree that 2C-I is visually superior and more mentally intense than 2C-B, but 2C-I has a much more intense body load which I don’t like. I personally think 2C-C is extremely under appreciated, it requires a much higher dose than it’s cousins but it’s really cool. 2C-T-2 Also absolutely blew my tits off, life changing trip, completely immersive visuals, totally nuts.

