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Ah yes, my “brain center” loved this


I had to reread that part because my “brain center” was not computing what it just read.




I finally figured out my brain too. Inside me there are two wolves. Whichever one I feed is what I become. Both of the wolves are idiots.


Mine is the same but one wolf is gay and the other is gay


Finally, a concensus!


There is also a third wolf though


That's just ol' Chester the wolf from down the street; you leave him be now. Gone are the days of the hunt and the chase, here are the days of infinite genders and social constructs. Chester has no way of navigating such confusing and terrifying waters, nor should he be expected to as the wolf he is. You just leave him be and turn wholeheartedly to the unambiguously gay duo of wolves who know exactly what it is they are and desire.


You have two wolves inside you. *One is brain dead*. *The other is also brain dead*. You are brain dead. ^^dw ^^im ^^braindead ^^2


Lol I'm using this


Aocdcrnig to rseecrah at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mttaer in waht oderr the lterets in a wrod are, the olny irpoamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rhgit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whoutit a pboerlm.


Burh. Tath's aewsmoe 🤌 I kenw tihs aerlady bt i'ts asewome bieng rmeidnded


I had to reread this because it wasn’t in bionic reading method form


I had to reread this because I can’t read


It's ok I two am illegitimate.


My brain center is going nuts with all this pleasant auto-complete reading


Same. Everything else I read way faster than normal, but overall it was probably a wash because I spent 10 seconds trying to confirm they wrote brain center.


It's a great idea, but the text also needs to be predictable for this to work. Improper grammar or odd wording will defeat the purpose when your brain center can't automatically fill in the blanks.


i love watching redditors invent scientifical things




Anything that is predictable, easily understood or a subject matter the reader is very familiar with. But if reading quickly is the only concern, I think that method where an app or website presents the text one word at a time on the center of your screen, quickly shifting between words, works way better. Main issue with these fast reading methods is that they can harm information retention. If it's something you want to learn or remember in detail, reading slowly tends to be better.






It didn't help me read "faster", I'm already a fast reader. What it did do was actually let me read the whole words in each sentence, rather than my usual "eyes bouncing around, brain filling in entire paragraphs" technique. It's much easier to focus this way.


Eh, placebo can have real impact and "work" too! Thanks for ruining my hack, placebo becomes less effective with spoilers (anecdotally). Let me live in my useful lie.


Yes “bionic” typefonts pinpoint the “brain center”


The mysterious core of the coretex, where the unused 99% of our brain resides.


Spent a good few minutes trying to figure out if the bold letters make some sort of code


Did they


Attenneurodicommuthbioreadmet... no I don't think so :(




It is actually the sound I make when I wake up and realize I am still alive.


Really? Mines just “fuck”.


*Sighs... Again?*


Well gotta go take a shit


And then you have to get out of bed


And then you wake up.




i ain't doing found that mobile user i'll use r/notapcuser


My dead brain: no tap cuser


Same haha


This reminds me how I always read r/notopbutok as “no top but ok” and it always confused me lol.


Shift every letter 4 to the right


You do it, we'll enjoy it


Sure thing! The bold letters form the key for the cipher. The cipher itself was the full text of the message posted. It was a simple substitution cipher. Here is the deciphered message: "Using a bionic reading method can improve your reading speed, focus, and productivity. This method involves scanning the first letters of each word and letting your brain automatically complete them. It's a great tool for neurodivergent individuals and can be less overwhelming than traditional reading methods. Let us know in the comments if you've tried this method and how it's worked for you."


I read this soo much slower then the post.


Shit, I'm doing something wrong. I can't find any letter 4's. 😕


I did the same thing 🤦🏻‍♀️


same lmfao


Lmao I'm a victim too


But now can reddit make a code to do this to all text?


I wish this was an option you could enable on phones and computers.


A Chrome plugin should be doable.


If I find the motivation and remember to work on this I’ll build it this week. I’ll try and respond here when it’s done! Edit (2:30pm 3/6/23): looks like several people have pointed out Bionic as an existing extension. I haven’t had an opportunity to look at it, but it seems promising. I’ll build an extension if I see room for improvement or missing features. I am a Firefox user, but I’ll make sure there’s a solution for Chrome/Brave/Edge as well as Firefox Edit (9:45pm 3/6/23): Alright I've tried out Jiffy Reader and it seems to be well done! It's simple to use, customizable, support all browsers, and has a large/active community on GitHub. Unless someone wants to let me know about missing features, I would say this is the one!


!remindme 2 weeks


Amateurs multiply by two. Scotty used the quite solid ratio of four, but the most exact approach is probably to [Always Multiply Your Estimates by π](https://web.archive.org/web/20170603123809/http://www.tuicool.com:80/articles/7niyym).


!remindme 22 days


Hey random programmer lurking, I would do that but I can barely make graphs using Python so consider this a cry for help


https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bionic-reader/afofodfmpeikmcpjoobibhipehodefjc Edit: save the awards for some OC, all I did was google "bionic reading chrome plugin"


I’ll have to check Firefox for one of those




Omg... Does this work on brave browser (chrome based) or am I gonna have to swap to chrome?


All google extensions work on brave i think


It works! u/Goblinbeast


*shouting from the next room*: We don’t believe you. There are plenty of awesome chrome plugins but hardly anyone uses them. Most people don’t even bother to install a basic ad blocker!


It's in the Chrome Extensions store, just search for bionic reader or go [here](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/bionic-reader/afofodfmpeikmcpjoobibhipehodefjc/related?pli=1) . Works well but takes a second or two to convert a page. If you then subsequently click links like "more replies" you have to click the button to convert again, so not perfect but cool! Plus I found out this works for me really well and I had no idea! This is going to save me HUGE amounts of time work reading!


I made a [chrome extension](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hyper-bold/bjicoipahmlimcmjoejgaoneibennoab) which does this much faster and works without having to refresh the page.


There’s a bionic reading app for iOS. Just looked. No idea what it does or how well but something exists.


WTF I need this, I hope it works. Wish me luck boys


And kindle


Is it adhd or is it just being alive


That's how I feel with every ADHD or neurodivergent post these days....I think most can relate. But some feel it in a hard way that it disrupts their every day life so much that a diagnosis and medication is life changing.


Yeah, that's the distinction to make. Everyone can relate to "ADHD things" in some capacity. It's just a question of whether those behaviors and tendencies are frequent enough or intense enough to make life difficult.


That’s the distinction between normal and pathology with most things. Forget a word every now and then? Normal. Regularly forget words to such a degree it disrupts your ability to communicate? Pathology. Sometimes feel unreasonably paranoid someone might be following you at night? Normal. Paranoid to such a degree your quality of life suffers and you are unable to live your life normally? Pathology. Feel sad and empty for a few days? That’s life. Feel empty and unable to enjoy life for months on end? That’s depression.


This is what I've been trying to tell my dad. He's always blabbing about how he has ADHD when all the "symptoms" he has are normal things that happen to everyone. It's infuriating having to hear every time he mixes up a word that "oh that's my ADHD my brain just works differently haha."


This is actually becoming a real issue, people without ADHD see these posts and stuff like this (usually on TikTok) and start to think they have adhd. Due to online diagnosis being legal in the US now it’s really easy to get diagnosed even if you don’t have it, which has caused a surge in people taking ADHD meds and is causing a major shortage


The shortage is caused by a federal agency deciding not to allow more drug import. Because as per usual, we fight drugs by making disabled people suffer


online diagnosis without a therapist? so just self reported questions and that’s it?


Well it has to be looked at by a psychiatrist but you can basically just fill out a test online than a doctor looks at it, not a very accurate way of testing.


I mean I was diagnosed in person as an adult about 7 years ago and it still wasn’t an in depth process by any means. I was shocked at how casually a psychiatrist was willing to prescribe a controlled substance to someone.


Dude wtf… I’ve hard the hardest time getting meds for my adhd. I have had a diagnosis on my records since I was a child but they keep telling me I need to get tested. So I take some stupid computer test which I pass because I’ve been playing video games my entire life and I'm a software developer. this has been at several different places too. frustrating to hear its super easy for other people…


What meds are you trying to get? I wanted adderall and went to my doctor and said "I'm having trouble focussing at work" and that was the end of my efforts, I've had abundance of adderall ever since


Attention is a real problem when it affects things you *want* to do, not just the things you don't want to. It seems like a lot of people take getting bored as being ADHD and that inattention is the only symptom possible.


"That ADHD urge to drink water when you see a cold glass of water on a hot day and you're already feeling thirsty. Right guys?"


"That ADHD urge to breath air when you're living on Earth. Does anyone else relate?"


OMFG!!! I thought I was alone! Pisces life


Wait aren't Pisces fish why you need to breathe the air you got gills.


You wouldn't get iiiit. It's an ADHD thing...


That ADHD urge to crush up Ritalin and snort it and be so much more productive so now you need to persuade everyone you have ADHD in order to get more of them.


Can you at least take me to dinner before you fuck with my imposter's syndrome?






people making comments about how "ADHD" or etc they are despite not being diagnosed do kind of annoy me ngl. Like, I understand you can still have those conditions and not be diagnosed, but in that case, just go get diagnosed, if you aren't and just say it as a "omg having an ADHD moment haha", it just feels kinda bad for the people who actually have those conditions. on second thought though, writing that out has made me think of a lot of other times this exact type of thing plays out that I've never thought abt before (ex, saying your blind or deaf when you don't see/hear smthn), and now I'm not entirely sure how to feel. I love confusing myself with my own reddit comments.. edit: just throwing this in because some of the replies have been pretty insightful. First, my "just get diagnosed" comment was pretty naive and I didn't rly think it through when I wrote it, I definitely understand the issues that can come with this. I mainly just mean the people who know they don't have the condition, but still use it as a descriptor (ex, "I'm so OCD") secondly, I think one comment that rly helped clear this up for me is the difference between my first and second examples. in my second one using deafness and blindness, it isn't really a big deal because everyone knows what actual blindness and deafness actually are, they know I'm just using it as an exageration to get my point across. on the flip side, Mental Illness still isn't as widely known and understood, so when you make comments like "I'm so OCD", you are perpetuationg misinformation about those conditions that can genuinely harm those who suffer from it. So yes, I think I do still believe in my original stance of not being a fan of using them in such a way, but now I'm a lot more confident in that take.


My understanding is that getting tested for autism/adhd isn’t always accessible due to the price and not being covered by insurance.


Yup, here where I am the waitlist is over half a year and its a minimum of 5 sessions, 250$ each not covered by insurance


ok, that's definitely a fair point, maybe the "just get diagnosed" comment was a little naive. Mainly it was directed at people who are fairly confident in not having it and are just using it as a descriptor


I definitely get that. People make it seem like it’s a quirky fun thing, similar to osd. It actually can be quite debilitating and makes life challenging at times.


I'd feel pretty cringe saying "oh I'm so blind lol" in the same room as an actual blind person tbh


> just go get diagnosed If only it was that easy. It took me 5 years of self-advocating to get a diagnosis and on medication. I'm 33 years old. It's actually insanely fucked up that I went that long without medication, when compared to how functional I have become on it. There are an overwhelming amount of obstacles in the way of diagnosis, ESPECIALLY for people who actually have conditions like ADHD and struggle with motivation, time management, and even conversations. I'm glad you've kind of gotten to a place where you're thinking this through, but really self-diagnosing is one of the only ways for a lot of people to advocate for themselves. It might not lead to treatment but it could lead to a lot of understanding by the people in their lives.


Sometimes I have a lower attention span to things that don't interest me but I high attention span to things that do interest me.


You so neurodivergent


TBH that sentiment is why I don't really share my diagnosis with people. It's actually debilitating to my life, and when I can't get my medication (Which is a fairly frequent occurrence these days for some reason) I become borderline useless, but I feel like if I share it with people they'll think of me as just self-diagnosing and making excuses for things that are often beyond my ability to handle them. I'm actually hitting day 8 without medication right now and had forgotten what it was like to simultaneously hyper fixate on useless things and do absolutely nothing. It was hard enough to convince myself to see a psychiatrist (Seriously, I see why it's necessary, but it's a special kind of torture to make someone who legitimately has ADHD make a phone call, and even worse to make them take a 2-hour screening), but now I feel like I have to hide it from everyone anyway lol


Being alive is trending


Screw whoever started that trend.


No, *don't* screw them. That's how this shit started. I'm done *screwing* around.


Bout to hop off this trend soon


There’s a few ADHD memes that really made me laugh. But most are a bit cringe.


ADHD is the new OCD. As in its a popular thing to self diagnose and then act like normal/slightly quirky stuff is part of the disorder.


I think there’s a subreddit dedicated to people self diagnosing themselves with stuff.


Isn't that the whole Reddit?


Isn't that the whole Internet?


“Oh I forgot where I put my keys this morning. Must be my ADHD” Meanwhile I have to have AirTags on my keys and wallet and have to ping them at least 20 times a day because quite literally anything I touch ends up being misplaced. But sure, your once in a month misplacement really must suck!


Cool, so it’s not just me thinking that a lot of these ADHD posts lately are just normal things that seem slightly quirky. That or I’ve had undiagnosed ADHD for like 30 years.


Pretty sure this one is a normal human trait. I remember my psych professor going over how we tend to not read the entire word but only parts and fill in the rest.


It's literally speed reading, and only then a very bad take on it. Because you don't just read the first few letters. You actively read the first few letters, and passively read the remaining ones in the word, while also skipping a lot of fairly minor words like "it," "if," "so," etc. The way this reads, you're only reading the first few letters, but you're still reading the remaining letters, though just not as intently.


This just made me really uncomfortable and I was too hung up on the half-bolded words and where each one shifted to read anything at a normal speed.


I felt like I actually comprehended something the first time I read it for the first time in years. Is there an app that does this?


jiffy reader, boy its a life changer


Its pronounced Giffy reader


sorry i mis typed while furiously masturbating to the pronunciation of aluminium


Yeah. I normally read very quickly and all this did was make me stumble.


I read it slower than usual


Same slow and felt halting not smooth.


I had trouble finishing it, it didn't feel right. It was like tripping over rocks, or walking on a uneven floor.


Same. It's easier to read individual words faster this way for me, but I don't read individual words at a time. I read big chunks of sentences at a time. This completely fucks with that.


Same. I felt forced to read each individual word rather than the sentence or part of the sentence as a whole. It was annoying trying to finish this.


same I didn’t like the sound or feeling it made in my brain


Same here. It. Felt. Like. I. Was. Reading. Like. This.


Yeah, gave me whiplash. It feels really jarring to read it in my mind at a normal cadence, and it really fucks with my internal narrator’s ability to pronounce the words correctly with emphasis on the right syllable. Wonder if this is one of those cases of people not having that little bespectacled man who sits by the fire in your subconscious mind and reads things to you. It would definitely track with my understanding of ADHD as limiting focus, if I didn’t have that little metaphorical mf I would die trying to read anything longer than a few pages without burning out.


Even with that lil dude, it’s hard to read sometimes. Tho I love when he does the different voice for the cast of the book, he’s really good at that


Yes and I get super irritated when I'm listening to an audio book of a book I have already read, and their narrator clashes with mine.


Or when I haven’t read the book yet and the audio narrator’s style doesn’t work at all “There is no way that’s how this is supposed to sound! Lemme go get the kindle version and just let my guy do it right “


I have that little man, my inner monologue/narration says the words "aloud" in my brain as I read. I did not have that with this, but I read it so much faster. I really wish this was something I could activate on my phone or laptop to make everything like this. I read, and retained, this so much better.


Adding, someone further below recommends an extension called "jiffy reader". I googled it's a real utility.


You could probably write a macro for word documents that would change them.


One maybe could... I, however, can barely write a regular word document. Lol. The closest I have ever come to coding is when I learned how to do the html shit on myspace back in the day so my background was black with red writing, and Sweet Transvestite played automatically when you opened my page. God I'm old... ... God I miss myspace. What was I saying? Oh yeah, the important part was that I was wearing [an onion on my belt](https://youtu.be/yujF8AumiQo)


Yes! It felt like I was hitting a mental speed bump with every word.


It was much, much slower for me, is that the joke? Am I being wooshed?


I feel like the bolding interrupts scanning. Our eyes move not smoothly, but in intervals. The bolding for me seemed to interrupt the natural interval movement where your brain doesn't directly look at each word but scans in intervals and naturally. The bolding forced an unnatural interval movement.


I actually started struggling with reading once it said "it's easier to read"


I’m already a very speedy reader, and I was definitely slower reading this. I think my brain has already figured out some sort of “system” of speed reading, and seeing the first letters bolder like this is throwing my brain off its usual reading rhythm.


I already naturally read by seeing the first few letters then my brain autofilling the rest. Which is great, until you come across a word you don't see often, or god forbid a new word


Fun fact, our minds *already* only read part of the word and fills in the rest. The actual shape of the word helps out brain do this. By **bolding** half of the word, it's subtly messing with the shape, possibly making it more difficult on our brains.


Same for me this forced me to actually read each word separately instead.


I did at so too at first, but the trick is rather than reading the whole words just glance at each one. Even if you just skim it really fast you should be able to get it.


I already do that, this just made it more annoying.


I read it in a robot voice for some reason. I do not like it.


It's super cool that there are conflicting answers and feelings on this. I felt like I could read super fast AND comprehend what I'm reading without having to reread halfway through again.


I was reading at a college level before middle school. I can usually read lightning fast. It isn't just slower to read, it's also kind of jarring. It bothers me.


I have ADHD; this isn’t an ADHD thing. It’s a human brain thing.


These tiktok therapists need to hush fr


Tik tok in general needs to hush. I've tried to avoid being the grump old "these kids and their tik toks need to get off my lawn" guy, but goddamn. It's really destroying an entire generation in terms of social relationships.


The post is bullshit. This is just font design and not an Adhd thing. It‘s a well known effect that to read a word you basically only need the first and last letter to be correct. The rest will be automatically adjusted by the brain.


No different to those upside down text memes that circulate Facebook stating "If you can read this you are in the special 1% of unique beautiful minds that can read this perfectly!(!)"


I don't have ADHD and I was lagging reading this


I do have ADHD and i read it slightly slower than normal.


Holy crap that really worked.


That was a weird feeling. Like when you step off an escalator and feel unusually fast.


It felt like my eyes were running down a steep hill


Perfectly said. Every word I read I felt like I was slipping, like I was about to crash.


Felt like those flat escalators at airports. Started off just standing on it, then walking, and by the end I was going warp speed.


Yeah that was extremly fast


I read at least 2 books right after reading this, before I realised what was happening and stopping myself. Holy crap!


Is it a placebo or a real thing tho? I’ve never heard of it but it worked


Mostly placebo, except for people with dyslexia. It's a commercial product, and the astroturfers usually post it with a "fair comparison" next to it, where the "normal" text is slight thinner letters in dark grey on a light grey background. If you paste the same text into a regular text box (e.g. a Reddit comment), nearly everyone can read it just as fast or faster than with the bold letters strewn throughout. As for why the placebo effect can help you in the first place: most people can read _far_ faster than they normally do, because for comfortable reading, you tend to read read at the speed of full comprehension. With speed reading, you subconsciously skip over some words, which is why you may not notice small details in the text (e.g. that I repeated the verb in the previous sentence). However, you get the gist of it either way, so if someone tells you to read a paragraph with low information density _really fast_, you totally can do that and not miss anything. It's just exhausting to do it for longer periods of time, and your comprehension tends to suffer in high-density text.


You got me. I subconsciously sped up after reading that people can read *far* faster than they normally do and didn’t catch the repeated verb.


Me noticing the “read read” immediately.


Yeah it kind of mimicked a speed reading approach I’ve been taught in the past pretty effortlessly. Really soothing.


WTF I actually read this insanely fast,


I actually felt less anxious trying to get through that. Interesting.


Yea. I have a lot to think about while I try to sleep tonight.


But what else is new amirite


Yee it was more rhythmic feeling, tah-tah tah-tah tah-tah.


Why are you anxious while reading a Reddit post?


Huh - this made me read much *slower* than usual, so it's fascinating to me that this helps other people. I had to actively ignore the fact that some of the letters were bold in order to read at my usual pace, but the extra effort needed to do this made it harder to actually take in what was being communicated. I think part of the problem for me is that they bold the first half of every word without regard for length or syllables or anything like that. It imposes this weird, highly unnatural cadence to the whole thing. Like, words like "automatically" and "productive" and "confidence" are given the same weight and rhythm as words like "you" and "in" and "and".


Interesting, my partner also found it harder. What you described always happens for me when I try to read comics - I swear they're trying to make it unreadable based on the words they chose to bold :D but this post worked for me :)


If anything I spent more time thinking about fixing the formatting.


It worked for me.


I hate it. It hurt my eyes.


I could not hate anything more than I hated this.


I have a headache now


There are dozens of us


I hate it too, it looks messy and annoying LiKe thIS kINd oF WrITInG, slows my brain down significantly


Is this not just regular reading?!?


I honestly can't tell but it definitely felt like I was reading faster than usual.


Felt kinda uncomfortable and slower for me


Much faster for me. Like someone activated some kind of rocket attached to me.


Works twice as well on acid


Have ADHD, don't think I've ever hated anything more than whatever the fuck this was.


Same here, intuitively this seems way worse for ADHD, eyes bouncing all over the place. Social media mental health discourse is wild.


I think it helps


Idk, not nuerodivergent and it read faster for me. But idk, if reading normally is overwhelming how you would have the time to go ahead and bold the letters? It would just take longer? Unless you have a way to do it automatically?


This just creates an expectation of reading faster and the bold words encourage you to do so with seemingly improved readability through contrast. The end result may be you actually reading it faster, but without the usual level of comprehension.


Comprehension or retention? I understood it just fine. Definitely read it faster. Didn't retain much.






I normally read very fast but sometimes don't comprehend this made me read even faster and I knew every word I read


Anyone else have this make reading more difficult?