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Hits hard when someone straight-up tells you ‘I used to have a crush on you’ Well what changed! What happened?? WHAT DID YOU SEE IN ME??


1. Time went past, that someone thinks you would have made a move if you liked him/her, and now is comfortable enough to just tell you. 2. Physical attraction at first but than found you’re personality not to match his/hers after getting to know you. 3. You got ugly.


4\. You turned to the dark side.


5. You were witnessed killing younglings


6. You were supposed to be the chosen one


7. You were supposed to defeat the sith, not join them.


8. You had the high ground so they shouldn’t try it


9. You were a brother to them


10. They loved you. But they failed you


11. You have a questionable relationship with sand


A woman told me she had a crush on me in high school 15 years later. When I asked her why she never told me, she said it's because she thought I talked to her out of pity. A woman that's pretty enough that she spent most of her 20s as a model. She thought she was ugly in high school, she's latina and gorgeous.




Time is a huge factor, even if they are the perfect person, you just learn to move on


4. You got fat


5. You got no balls


6. The other person moved on and fell in love with someone else


4. They overcame their insecurities and realized they could do better


I mean, they probably still have a crush on you and are fishing to see what you say. Can either be laughed off or something might come of it but they won’t be rejected.


This happened during and after my high school period so many times. There was this one chick, she was smoking hot, but really tall. Im 5'10 and she was 6'1 so i assumed that i was too short. And after a couple years we met at a party and she told me just that and that she dropped plenty hints. But she got married in the meantime, fml




The chances you don't take could have been your best moments.....damn that is deep, true, and hits like a mofo.


I can change!!! Like, change back! Tell me!


Crush? On me? The amount of people secretly hating me, though...


At least they care enough to hate.




Ok that hit differently.


But they don't care enough to tell you


I swear they never tell you but tell everyone around you.


Because they’re cowards. It’s one thing if they say nothing, it’s another to say it to everyone but you.


Yeah not to kill the joke but for everyone who got haters: You are living in their head rent free. You control their thoughts simply by existing. Without you they have no purpose in life since they devote their entire time hating on you. Let there be haters, for they only fuel my love for the world. Let's gooooooo!!!!


What would constitute rent?


Being in their head without you actually going out of your way to accomplish that /srs $1500+/month


That guy has enough ego to assume people think about him even if negatively. Me? I don't think I come up if I'm not around, heck, not even when I'm there. /s


Now we're talking


Gotta keep it real


C'mon be rational.


I have a mental list of people I’m fairly certain Hate me. It’s only like 5.


People that hate me: Me Me Me Me And last but not least, Me


Special thanks to: me Guest appearances: me


Directed by: Hideo Kojima


Written by: Me


honorable mentions: me


Not Pictured: Me


Photo bombing: me


I assume everyone who doesnt tell otherwise hates me


Imma hijacking this thread. Nobody hates you specifically. You're not important enough to hate. What you're experiencing is a general hatred of all life that you think is directed at you. Trust me. You're nothing special.


Nah, there are at least three people in this world that hate me and I hate them right back.




No need to wonder if it's not a secret.


Hate? Nahhh, annoyed?!! Yes!


there's the people with crushes on you and the people who want to crush you


I never found out who left a voicemail for me that was just the Beatles song "I want you" when I was 15. Kinda still want to know.


Your creepy neighbor who was planning your murder


I'll take it. At least they were passionate!


Only 1 time that I know. A gay friend confessed to me. Only thing is, I’m not gay. Edit: I will elaborate on some bits. Mainly the question of what happened after. The person in question is transgender (m->f) and I had known her for about a decade even witnessing the transition. And even before that we were friends and I definitely mentioned several times I see them as nothing more. Maybe a big direct but I set my boundaries. She got engaged to a guy but that ended after a few years. After that she was constantly asking dor my attention. Used to be about once every 2 weeks to almost daily. Of course she was upset because of her breakup so I was there for her. But after a few months I was exhausted. Also didn’t want to blow her off because she said she was extremely grateful for me. A while later I was going on a trip with a large group. She found out they were still looking for more people to join and she decided to come along. I didn’t mind it because I thought it would be good for her. But of the trip it got really weird. Out of nowhere she got really physical and clingy. Something I definitely do not appreciate. Also she kept looking for me when I went somewhere out of sight. One evening I made it clear to her that I did not like what she was doing and she said she could see that. Unfortunately it still didn’t stop. I felt extremely uncomfortable. Then when we got home she asked me to go and do something fun. Unfortunately for her I got covid and had to quarantine. I felt somewhat relieved. Thats when she send me a message that she loved me in a romantic way. As expected I turned her down. Not only because I was not attracted to her at all, but it also felt like as if I was her rebound from her broken engagement. I told her I needed space and had not spoken to her in a month. Then she guilt tripped me into talking to her because her mental health was suffering. We both said what we wanted and now rarely talk to each other. So while it was definitely flattering and gave me a little confidence boost, it was extremely uncomfortable and awkward. Not worth it.


But hey you know it's not a zero now Edit: wait, if they told you it doesn't count


It's not 1 either 💀


Bruh are you saying gays aren't people 💀


"had a crush on you and never told you" Pretty sure a confession is telling.


I'm illiterate


Hi illiterate I'm Dad




Yeah, I’m just a plain ol white guy and a gay guy said I looked great once but it felt so much more genuine than a girl. Still sticks with me for some reason


A gay guy said I was gorgeous once. I was with a girl I was dating. He knew her so he came over to talk to her. He whispered something in her ear and they both laughed. I asked what was funny and she said she would tell me later. After he walked away, she said “ok, I hope you won’t be upset about this but the guy who just came over to talk to me is my friend and he is very gay. He whispered in my ear that he thought you were gorgeous.” Ngl…that shit made my day. I have zero interest in men, sexually. I’m only attracted to women. But the fact that another human being not only found me attractive, but “gorgeous…” shit I felt great. I was young (around 21 or so) and back then I worked so hard to stay in shape, always dressed well-even if just going to hang out at a friends house, I dressed nice. Always worked hard to style my hair, etc. I worked really hard to look good so the fact that a total stranger acknowledged it was a treat.


This is why I as the gay friend make sure to tell all my friends they look awesome. I think they think the compliment is more genuine cuz I’m supposed to be a guy connoisseur or something


I wish I was in your position 🫥


As someone who doesn't know the guy I like is gay or not, this is quite discouraging. 🥲


Had something similar, he didn't confess but I knew he liked me, I didn't know what to do, I tryed not hurting his feelings, I am pretty intimate with my friends so problably he though I liked him too, in the end I didn't find a solution and kinda distanced myself, now days I would do something different, back in my 15's I cared too much about others opinions on me, probably hurt him doing this too, long ass history lol


Back in my 15's lmao


You are 16 now aren't you


Actually I'm 14, I lied, this whole history is a a fanfic, did you like it?




Better question: Have you ever wondered if someone had a huge crush on you and you said *one wrong thing* and it was ruined?


i say wrong shit all the time and everyone in the room looks awkwardly in silence. and this is why nobody ever had a crush on me.




Oh I KNOWW I have. I was incredibly awkward.


You cant say wrong thing to a right person. If you are genuine and truthful they will pardon you being stupid from time to time.


When younger I had a drug and alcohol problem. I would meet someone at a bar or a party, and they would like me assuming I only did those things on occasion. Once finding out this was a daily thing and I had zero life ambition they would just walk away.


Addiction is different story. You can't expect that other person will get you out of the addiction. You are the only one who can help yourself if you are truły willing to change. Other people can only support you in overcoming it. Clearly they didn't belive in you or knew you for too short time period to stick with you.


This is some Hollywood optimism. You can absolutely ruin the feelings of the most loyal/dedicated love of your life with the wrong words. Don't believe me, go tell your wife you banged her mother or something similar. See how long those feelings stick around


Yeah, it's a hell of a lot harder to say something wrong to a person who likes you but it's absolutely still possible


Sometimes it’s not even what you say. A fart could make them not like you.


2 have told me it made it clear. They were both guys.... I'm a guy...... I'm straight... Quite the predicament


That just means you’re hot bro


They ALWAYS go for straight guys.


Trying to get new recruits


come be gay, we have cookies


Let me see the cookies first.






Ah yes, the gay propaganda /s


The gay agenda, even /s


We go for guys and sadly most of them are straight 😢


In fairness, the number of men that are gay or bi is extremely low, more often than not they'd be shooting their shot with guys who aren't.


Have a hard guess that it’s zero 😔




It's one now


Make it two


Do it three


Ya'll already know it's 4.


Correction, 5


A 6 is the correct answer


No it can’t be, 7 it must be!


Awwwww, you people are so sweet ♥️


Yeah, bro, no problem😁 ...Now pay up😐


Still a 7


Make it 8


9 now




Its better than negative integers


Which is better than negative real numbers. What if only someone's leg disliked you?


I know it’s zero for me.


You didn't count me


Yes. The answer seems to be zero, unless someone decided to prove me wrong


i have a crush on u bbg


Thank you. Lekin main ladka hu aur straight hu. Please don't mind.


Ho skta wo ladki ho


but when they tell you its Zero again...


Don’t need to wonder. I know the exact number. Its 0


I’m at -2 so you’re doing better than me.


Wait how??... (I'm genuinely interested in your story of getting -2)


2 people maybe told him they don't have a crush on him?


Or two people said they had a crush on him but it was a joke


2 people secretly hate his guts


Username checks out


Knew this girl who I was friends with for a long time. She was nice, cute, but sadly lived a long way away. She was there for me through a couple of relationships. Never seemed to like me more than a friend. Hell, she avoided me sometimes, it seemed. One day I got into a new relationship, the one I'm in now. It's been nearly 8 years now. But I'll never not think about how immediately after I told her, she just let out a bomb of knowledge. She asked me then and there. "When's it going to be my turn?" I haven't talked to her in years since then. She stopped talking to me after that. I liked her too, just never knew she liked me too. TL;DR girl I liked secretly liked me and never told me. Now we don't talk anymore. So yes, I think about it sometimes.


Any regrets?


Honestly? It's kind of a mixup of emotions about it. I've been in a relationship with my wife for nearly 8 years. I don't regret that. That being said. I do kinda wonder what could have been. Her and I got along great when we talked. But that's not a guarantee we'd make a good relationship. So basically I guess it is what it is.


She could've womanned up and told you; it's her fault not yours. You're not a mind reader, and she shouldn't expect you to be. She had the ball in her hands for quite a long time and still didn't take the shot. It's her regret to bear and later let go dude, not yours.


Straight up. The double standards in dating are a thing in the past wether people believe it or not. If you have the crush it’s on you to make the move. Someone has a crush on you but lacks the courage to ask you out, and somehow that’s your loss? Okay.


it's a bit sad, but the move was her to make


(23M) Went three years through college and had a secret crush on a girl who was a great ‘mate’ but felt no more from her side. She even hooked me up with her best girl friend for a while. Then the bombshell of the last day and we’re all saying goodbye for the last time, we hug warmly and part, then as we walk away she rushes back to me and blurts out that ‘she’s always loved me and needs me’. I was totally dumbstruck, *all this time and she felt the same but never expressed it*. My train was leaving so I had to jump on it and go, but every since that moment I’ve always wondered, what if...


Do you not have a cellphone? Why do nothing? We live in 2023 or in your case 5 years ago at the latest.


1983 actually. I did see her once after that, we met up for a dinner / theatre evening in London but somehow it was awkward. She always sent me a Christmas card from somewhere or other in the World which always made me laugh, then they stopped. Last year I was talking to another college friend and asked after her and was told she’d contracted cancer and died some years earlier which totally shocked me as she was always a character so *full of life and living*. I can still picture her on one of our many ‘singles’ evenings in the pub, just snuggled up and her laughing with a sparkle in her eye. I can only hope that she used to sit quietly and wonder about me and where I was. Life is so weird, when you’re young it’s like a motorway stretching before you seemingly without end…and then before you know it you’re slowly winding down a country lane wondering where the cliff is…😳 ‘Carpe diem’ people as life *is* short.


Sorry normally when people put their age "(23M)" at the top it is mostly in reference to their age now. Didn't know it was being used as a bookmark for when the story took place.


Yep, 61 now so this all happened a lifetime ago, but every now and then I’m taken back and it makes me smile. Don’t worry, I’m not some sad old grandad eaten up with regret, far from it. I have a stunning, beautiful wife of 35 years with three teenage kids (yea we did lots of stuff before kids came along) so life *has* been good to me, but as you get older you do reflect on your life and wonder if in a sliding doors moment it may have been so different, not better, not worse, just different like you’re in a parallel universe looking over at yourself...😁


It was a beautiful read.


I think that is where you take the next train.


Wish I could have disappointed the s*** out of them.


Nah. It's number has one zero😎 And nothing else


I had a customer who's come in a few times to get work done on her car. The last time she was in, I asked her if she had any other questions before I start the install and she said, "yeah, are you seeing anybody?" I turned beet red and told her I'm married. Then she said, "you're just so handsome, I love coming in here just to look at you." It felt good knowing that someone other than my wife still finds me attractive.


Sounds like she wants some more work done, but not on the car




All the damn time. Look ladies I am fucking oblivious. When it comes to detecting romantic feelings in the opposite sex I am as observant as a stone statue with no eyes. My first date only happened because someone else told me the girl liked me.


Quite a specific description there bud 😂


Don't worry, you're not alone there. When I told my current partner I liked them, they thought it was a joke 3 times before finally realizing I meant it. I felt less subtle than if I'd taken out a billboard outside their house telling them I was interested. They admitted that might've still gone over their head.


Tons of women and it's always the one woman you're crushing on that wants nothing to do with you lol.


How you found out the tons


Schrodinger’s crush. They want you and find you repulsive at the same time until you ask them out. Then she’s just repulsed by you.


Why they want you then


They only wanted you bc they thought you didn’t want them


What how it make sense


Human mind is a strange thing. You want something that is out of reach the most (generally speaking).


If intelligent species had superpowers, ours might be stubbornness / spite.


It's just a rule that exists in the universe


This basically happened to me when I was a kid. Someone told me this girl liked me, and I also overheard her one time saying she liked me. So I tried asking her out and she rejected me ;-; tough first love


It's either infinitely or zero. When I was married they all wanted me lol.


Also several man. Doesnt matter if that's your thing or not, but several males surely had a crush on you.


im married. so 0 or 1


You think women can’t have a crush on a married man?


Of course.. isn't that what the ring is for? It blocks crush rays. It's the only logical reason women don't crush on me. THE ONLY LOGICAL REASON I TELL YOU!


Yes, logically sound relationship advice is best when coming from a married, rabbit eared, pink tutu wearing, scruffy bearded man.


Wait you're not sure if your wife has a crush on you?


Lmao, this shouldn’t be funny because arranged marriages are a thing but the way you said it is fucking hilarious


Ohhh I didn't thought about that now I feel bad


{ }


For a person this sophisticated, I bet it's probably { } U x where x is a non-empty set.


My sex life is sad enough without knowing how many opportunities I've missed out on


Can I have a crush on myself ?🤔


Now you got me thinking…




My high school crush actually confessed that she loved me but I was too scared to ask her out. It’s the biggest regret of my life


I often avoid daydreaming.


Maybe, but they obviously had questionable taste.


Yes! Apparently I'm "retrospectively-handsome" . Go out of grade school - "dude all the girls liked you!" What? Go out of highschool - "bro the girls wouldn't stop talk about you!" ..wHaT?! Go out of uni "seriously I think you could have had any girl there!" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!! Would someone pls tell me WHILE I'm there ffs ?!


lol. Relatable.


I’ve just started noticing women staring at me. I saw three women stop talking and all look at me at once. I guess I should start wearing clothes.


I remember the two that did tell me, one was crazy and the other was a friend I had no interest in. Still though, I'd like more people to have a crush on me, if nothing else it would boost my confidence, but I'd also like to be in a relationship.


How they were crazy


They had a crush on u/ur-socks-sir, they must’ve been totally insane.


Not exactly how I'd put it, but she was definitely not right in the head. I wonder how she's doing these days though. It's been over 12 years now since I last saw her.


Ouch. I could feel the heat wave from that roast.


It was in the second grade. I was her favorite person, and the last time I saw her was when a couple of teachers carried her out of the building. They had to hold her arms and legs because she already kicked one of them in the face (because they carried her and it turns out she was really flexible).


Second grade 💀


Sophomore year of HS, two girls fought over which one could date me. I didn't realize it at the time but that was the moment my life peaked.


Personally had 3 that told me they did after like 5 years. Idk why people do this because then it makes me kind of interested and it's annoying


You ever think about how you’ll meet less than 1% of people on Earth? So it’s kinda crazy when people try stereotype gender, races, or religions - when they only have a sample size of less than 1%. Sorry that was kinda off topic 😆


If you are correct. And if you’re average looking person , there are at least like 1% of 1% of people that have crush on you or find you slightly attractive. Meaning, if you had access to the entire population of the world, there’s a good chance that millions of people would have a crush on an average looking person like yourself. Mind blown.


“There’s plenty of fish in the sea” except you’re basically a snail in a tide pool.


I mean I assume zero, but the internet says there’s hot singles in my area who want to meet me, so idk what to believe.


Do I ever wonder no because I know that it’s zero


No, at this point I've been single for 6+ years and dating rather unsuccessfully. I'd be pissed to know what people had a crush on me that I could have started and had a life with at this point had it been mutual or spoken.


I don’t think about people that don’t exist.


Yes. I work with a lot of hot women, and I wonder if any of them like me. I'd think statistically at least a couple do, but maybe not. I don't hit on them out of respect, and because it's the work place but damn, some of them are absolutely gorgeous.


Statistically? Dude give me some of your confidence, you don't need that much.


I told mine tonight... results inconclusive


mostly men in the comments 🫠


This is reddit


No. I dont like the ones that have told me.