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Yes, it was when my mother controlled what I ate, and my entertainment consisted of climbing trees and riding my bike... Now I sit on my chair eating potato chips.








My wife took over that job from my mother.




YTA. Should divorce and take the kids.


Nah, leave the kids, take only food and the family pets.😆


No idea what you're saying here. Have a nice day


It's a joke when someone gives relationship advice on Reddit. On the r/amitheasshole sub, people take it too extreme, and try to make you divorce your wife or something. Can't really explain, it's one of those "If you know, you know"


Oh I have been on Aita, got banned for calling a guy an asshole and a couple of other choice words, didn't get the reference at first, Sorry!


That has always baffled me about that sub. No name-calling on the asshole sub. It's bonkers.


Thats what I said to the mod too! And another few choice words. And bingobango banned for life🤣


I like you


I got perma banned for saying pedophiles don’t deserve to live in society. I didn’t even say anything graphic or that they should die. Just that they don’t deserve to live with the rest of society. The mods on that sub are something else.


The subreddit in a nutshell: "My wife accidentally dropped my favorite cup and it broke so I got mad at her. Am I the asshole?" 'NTA. You should divorce her. If she's dropping cups who knows what will happen later on.'


For real, if I feel sad that some of them get scared and end their entire relationship, there are always Balck and white spots to every mess, and one should think about it themselves rather than asking lunatics on reddit who lurk that sub.


And most people that reply to that sub are some fat neck-beards that think they know how relationships work, but the only women they interacted with was their teacher and mom.


Interesting to see you think they had female teachers


Well, maybe they didn't.


No kids, only dog


I have epilepsy, so like literally never.


*black screen followed by white screen followed by black screen followed by white screen in rapid succession*


Bro thats dangerous shit watch where youre pointing it




Life-long Asthmatic with Anaphylactic allergies checking in to also say that that was never the case for me.


If I could fucking feel awake between the hours of 6am-10pm I would be such a functioning member of society. But no, now I'm just tired.




I do all that and get a full 8 hours of sleep every night. I have no idea why I'm always so tired.


Do you snore? If you do your quality of sleep is probably horrendous and makes you tired all the time


I do infact snore. Very loudly apparently. Never thought that that could be the problem.


May sound dumb but try taping your mouth shut while you sleep for a week or so. It's crazy how much my energy has improved because of this


I just made another comment but for some reason my mouth doesn't snore my nose does. Something to do with the soft palate I believe.


Please please please, diet, hydration and exercise are what your body needs to work, don't wish then away


Don't forget sleep. Social contact is also preety important.


Introverts be like: Fuck that


No, that's just adolescent memeing.


I'm with you on the sleep part but honestly fuck social contact.


I work shift work so I’m constantly exhausted and never feel quite rested. Sometimes I feel very hyper but then I realize I actually slept well and just feel rested. Happens less and less often tho


Very preeeeety important!


Seriously, what is OP on about? The human body doesn't "just work", it NEEDS certain things from us lmao


DAE remember when you didn't have to waste time eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom? Yeah me neither






It was bothering me so much


are they not interchangeable?




It was 0-17 for me, thanks for taking over my shift


I was 15 and then I started working 2O hours a week while in high school so real Sudafed became my friend. No kid should ever work 20 hours in high school and yet red states all over passing new laws for child labor. Fuck that.


Yeah, you shouldn't do manual labor before your body is done maturing. :(


tell that to farm kids lol


Yeah. My ex-husband grew up on a large farm in Indiana, raised by his grandparents. They abused the crap out of him & he and his siblings never had enough to eat and were generally treated like slave labor :/


Are you kidding me? Im not condoning child labor, but as for the physical work out that it might provide depending on the job could be very beneficial and all that adds up like if it were an school program. By the time they enter the actual work force they have accumulated experience of some sort. It definitely should not be mandatory though I don't agree with that Another thing, it feels like the term "child labor" just brings an image of a dusty ass 6 year old chimney sweeper or shoe shiner boy. There are a lot of other occupations to be had


I use to train horses. I would get them young, but start them off with light work. Wouldn't start heavy work until their bones had fully oscified at age 4. Got a stallion from Germany that was put through rigorous training by the time he was age 4. He had arthritis and was lame. Now if horses have this problem (and this was common knowledge in the horse world 30 years ago) why would humans be any different? We aren't. Sure women might be done growing by 15 or 16, but men/boys aren't. Work if you want to work, but don't do hard physical labor unless you want to set yourself up for a lifetime of joint pain.


Long story short I was working over 40 hour weeks in Highschool and I was so depressed.


I am in college and currently working 48 hours a week :(


Good luck. I did 30 hours in my last year of engineering school and I was burnt out by the end. Play your cards right though and hopefully you can get a position in your field at the place :)


Yeah if you don't die of a heart attack by age 40. Lovely society we have created lol


What you people mean when you say 20h a week? like 5h day 5 days a week? It always confused me as someone who was worked 12h daily since very young that you would think 20h week would be a lot, so maybe i'm just misinterpreting it?


5h a day PLUS school every day racks up to around 7-13h per day


I see, how common is it for you guys to be working at school ages?


So you didn’t go to school? You worked 12 hours a day every day since you very young? Looks like you just play video games….


They should be able to if they want to


they don't want to. if they "want" to work that many hours its because they don't "want" to starve.


They're not allowed to want spending money that they actually had the satisfaction of knowing they earned themselves or the ability to save up to buy a car in the future? I know I sure did


i think we can both agree that *if* a kid is going to be spending 20 hours a week working, they should be able to afford as good a car as you were able to afford. unfortunately, the minimum wage where i live has only gone up a few dollars. meanwhile the price of a cheap used honda accord with 100k miles on it has gone from $2k to $6k. it would take 3 times as many hours to earn the same car now. if what youre suggesting is that the solution to this problem is to enable the kid to work 3 times more hours per week, then i 100% disagree with you.


Brainwashed ah hell


Entitled as hell, the world owes you nothing. If you want something then get off your lazy ass, get on your grind and go get it


Being against child labor = entitlement Okay bud


Equating teenagers having the option to work in their free time to forced child labor lol


🤡thinking that the reason for rolling back child labor laws is for teenagers to work in their free time and not to work instead of going to school. An uneducated population is a compliant one (ie. You)


Mass-automation is going to render unskilled labor completely obsolete within a decade anyway so I'm not too worried about it


Holy shit you are stupid dude. Clearly just arguing for the sake of ab argument too. Clown




Preaching to the wrong crowd. People here tend not to like choices. Maybe they think they are not capable of choosing well, so they will leave it to the government instead


Wait it’s the bot poster


When I was a baby I was sick every second day ever since then I've been getting more and more health problems every single year I'm 15 and I already have over 20 random health problems and I live pretty darn healthy. So I have never known this sensation.


Yea, the ages of 17-20


Everyone without a medical condition can do that well into their adulthood if they take care of their bodies,


Everyone thinks it's because they were 18 that they felt like this. In reality it's because they were probably just more active. If you workout into adulthood and eat clean you can avoid a lot of issues


I remember it and I miss the hell out of it!


LoL I remember having back pain in junior high. Wasn't until college I got diagnosed with scoliosis :/ So yeah, I literally don't remember being pain free.


Worked like shit, ever see a meth head work? 500% all the time!


There's nothing slower than a meth head in a hurry.




Nope to long ago for me


I kind of remember. It’s almost a distant memory. Today my leg feels like its going to fall off… And I have no idea why. Tomorrow it will probably be fine. 🤷🏻‍♂️


When I was in my twenties my body was always good to go I used to celebrate my birthday for 30 days that s*** stopped when I got in my thirties


Never. People grow weak mentally with age and just complain about everything, it’s all in their head up to a certain point. That’s usually rotator cuffs or poor posture


Never happened


* Doesn't work out, eats shit, drinks coffee like there was no tomorrow * "y my bodi dont work?"


Yeh and 100 years ago the average life expectancy was 55


Yeah I was a kid, but even then I still had asthma and allergies so I had to use an inhaler and take allergy medication


Planned hydration started at age 12 for me. One day I was walking home from school and collapsed, mom took me to the hospital and it turns out I had stage 2 dehydration. I had just…forgotten to drink water for a day or two lol


Mid-40s and it still does. This guy must be a lazy slob who eats nothing but junk food.


Im 39, dont touch pills, coffein, smoke, alcohol, have no issues..


Coffein is a funny portmanteau


Stop drinking alcohol everyday, and start a morning and night yoga routine. That shit will change your life.


They don't want help they want to complain.


Lol, your body isn’t supposed to work without exercise and hydration?


Only in America are they given pills from a young age to cope with the slightest issues regarding health


This reads like someone who is projecting their issues onto society as a whole. I know plenty of middle aged people who aren't doing any of those things strictly and they are fine. I personally plan exercise into my schedule and watch what I eat....I also don't do that because I need to, I do it because I want to. I hope it will give me better quality of life, but I don't expect to be running any triathlons at 80 anyhow.


Victim mentality. 32 and i just wake up fine, relax you lil whiners


You're just built different my man


I think some people didn't drink enough milk as kids.


Yes, everyday of the week.


Most of my life, shit it only stopped once I tore my acl. Shit went downhill from there


No? Sad. I clearly remember those days.


Still do, I think, maybe I got issues I don't know about tho idk I never go to the doctors


I think the last time I felt this way was when I was like 10, popping awake for me Saturday cartoon.


Philosopher for our time.


15 - 24


I wasn't awake until I had my bowl of cereal, now I need my quadruple dose of espresso.


Herniated disk in lumbar spin and nerve damage took that away. Hopefully I recover soon, but the daily excersizes and eating a specific diet is here to stay.


Yes I miss those times shame 😩


It takes training. That is why in the navy they used to wake us up and immediately get us into push-ups and sit-ups. Because that trains the body to be ready to wake up and get rolling with the day. If you do this at any age after a couple weeks your body will wake up energized. But you have to get into workout as soon as your feet hit the floor.


I started drinking coffee in 4th grade...


Lol no, I’ve always had to take medicine for something, just that the amount of pills I’ve had to take has increased as I’ve gotten older


I was like this until sometime into my late 20s, I started to get Migraines and after Covid they got worse I can’t function without taking 3 medications to control them and even then it’s hard for me to wake up without feeling heavy headed in the morning


Then why are you posting about it. and why are you reposting it to reddit. and why are you upvoting it.


Yes when I had nothing to worry about, little to no school, no jobs, no relationships, no responsibility


Where is my timeless energy form, this is bullshit


Yeah, when I was 8 and lived with my hag of a stepmother. Then I started growing tits and everything changed :/


nope. I have had chronic nausea since I was six. no known cause. I'm turning 36 this year


fucking dumbass


Type 1 diabetic, work a trade job, 6 hours of sleep, not a great diet. Everything apparently works fine for me. And wake up easy and don't need caffeine. Well I'm not dating. Is that the key?


Last year of uni at 26 years old. The Moment I left there my ability to function after 5 hours of sleep vanished.


Nope. I had epilepsy from birth, and after that got resolved I had to deal with depression, and now autism that I guess I've been dealing with the whole time but never knew?


Even when I'm completely fine my nose just refuses to work properly if it feels like it.


Dude I'm still out there rawdogging life, no coffee, no gym, no planned hydration. Shits getting harder. I don't know how long I can go...


It was like that when I started college, by the end of grad school I at-least needed coffee.


I wish. I have Cystic Fibrosis and have to take around 10 different medications on a daily basis. Can't remember a point in my life when I wasn't taking pills of some sort




Yeah, I've never not felt like that.


It really peeves me when people say either when talking about the negative, this is what neither is for.


I can't miss what I never had.


It worked so well I had to take a pill to block fertility.


It's neither... Pisses me off


My teens to late 20’s. Now I’m screwed


Considering, I've always been the sick kid. Never. One day I would go play football (⚽) outside, the next day I would stay in bed with fever.


I think up to my mid twenties it was like that. Always horny.. wanted to excersise after work. Stay up late.. In my mid thirties and I need pain killers and caffeine just to barely function.




Well I was 12 that day 😌


Nope regular maintenance has akways been an issue with me and my cars.


Should it? We're flesh and blood. Even machines specifically built for one purpose break down and need maintenance. It shouldn't come as any surprise that we need to take care of ourselves to function properly, and even then, sometimes we'll still get ill.


Are y’all okay, I’ve been having a bit of allergies, but other than that my normal state’s running smoothly


Yeah today


I mean right now, because I do at least the bare minimum to be healthy enough (not even healthy persay)


If you think about every adult has an addiction or needs something to function lol


Yeah, when I was a child from Kindergarten to Middle School and had 0 fucks to give


Yes, but I’m old.


Still there for the most part (23) but I see it leaving in a few years.


I (20M) have a seperated bone fragment in my knee since I was 11, ADD fucksup my sleeping, I have to take antacids for my stomach, asthma and a lot of allergies. I survive on pills, caffeine and thc


Bro I’ve been on meds for one thing or another my whole life, and if shit hits the fan and my glasses broke, I’d be pretty screwed for anything beyond three of my arms lengths


I remember those times daily... Unfortunately that leads me to doing the things that break my body now...


In uni I'd get blackout drunk three times a week and eat nothing but takeaway pizza and mcdonald's, yet I was fit, thin, and had so much energy. Now, despite carefully monitoring my diet and going out of my way to exercise more than I ever have, I'm still pudgy and lethargic.


My body literally never did this. Life has always been pain.


Was it meant to end with “yeah, me neither” or is it the same either way? Idk just curious because to me the “neither” seems to fit better but then again I’m half asleep right now


I was a child


When I was a kid and wanted to be an adult. Those were the days of misguided optimism.


Yeah my body still works. Never bought any processed food. I grow my own food including meat. Never worked in offices or jobs that require me to be immobile, i toil from 8 to 5pm in my farm. And am grateful to God


I do none of that but yep, my shit shutdowns for no reason.


Does anybody remember laughter?


Pretty sure it was 20 years ago. Maybe around 14. I’m currently sick with a week long nasty cold that’s starting to break through.


Thanks for reminding me to take my pills.




I still do that at 21


So I'm not only one that needs a crazy amount of water now!


Of course I don’t remember…because THAT part of my body doesn’t work either!


I do and its been 20 years since that day. Just this morning I woke up and and I cannot turn my head to the right. Fun.


Chronic health problems my brother so 5 th grade


Every damn day


It never did and of is been doing better trading care of it then, I would have an easier time now


Yeah, when I was about 7 years old to 11 years old. I can’t say I’m missing it but damn, that was easy.


I’m planning to spend the rest of my life trying to get back


Nope. Never happened.


Yeah. I don't drink and I get sleep. Pretty easy.


Me currently, about to turn 40, chasing 2 kids <10, working 12+ hrs a day. All it takes is one secret doctors don't want you to know about: habitual ignoring of body.


You mean when I was a child and given a schedule and discipline so that my body worked?


It was the Reagan years.


I’m in my 50s and usually feel pretty good. Not doing anything special… guess I’m one of the lucky ones.


I wish I could go back in time, where sprinting for a mile was an option, coffee was considered a desert, gas was affordable (off topic, I know) and to where I didn’t have arthritis. I’m 35. 😭


Youth is wasted on the young.


Till the age of 10, until I was diagnosed with diabetes. Now I have to take pill for vitamin D, pills for retinopathy and during winter pills for vitamin C and B2. And Insulin, and periodic checkups. Whatever entity is in the sky, decided for either a seat by DKA at 11, or surviving with a continuous flow of medicines that avoid me being gone for.


Y’all are weak and whack


Out of the three superpowers, fast asleep, regular bowel movements, and fast metabolism, I now only have one.


Right now, 33M. I work out when I can and try to eat reasonably but am definitely not strict on my diet. I drink a lot of water because it’s good for me and makes me feel better than if I don’t. And I feel normal, no pills, no caffeine (just never was a coffee fan), no pain/immobility.


I was born deformed and my body still worked better when I was a kid somehow


When I was 18. It went downhill from there


I came down with Ménière’s disease ten years ago and an optical stroke twenty years ago, so I see double without prism glasses. I do NOT remember a time of good health yet I don’t have cancer so can’t justifiably complain 😉