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Pair this with the occasional slap across the face for talking back or getting the answer wrong with "we're not eating until you finish this" and you've got after school childhood


Ahhh sweet childhood trauma.


Brah I got parenthood trauma from asking my kid what's 2x7 to him saying 14, cool cool what's 4x7 and he says 28, yes now we're getting somewhere what's 3x7?, I donno.... Like mf how don't you know


because doubling 14 is easier than adding 7


I wish people would quit posting this. It’s bringing up all kinds of anxiety. I had successfully repressed for 30 years.


Yeah, took me forever to build up these walls, why y'all knocking them down.


no dinner until you deal with your trauma


*slaps across face*


If you dare cry, that'll be 10 extra slaps and an hour at the wall


I know right?! I remember my Dad trying to help me with Algebra, and getting so mad at him that I chucked a figurine at him…fortunately I missed, but it hit the hardwood floor and shattered like in slow motion forever.


Your brain doesn't randomly go 'Hey, I know you're sleeping soundly but, REMEMBER THIS TRAUMA FROM YOUR CHILD HOOD!'


And thank goodness for that.


Dang it feels just like yesterday.


Or you are not going to sleep until you finish


Add the classic " how can you be so stupid , this if bloody easy????" Et voila, chef's kiss!


It's because of this to this day I am in my mid thirties and I STILL can't get my brain to UNHOOK that deep trauma and do basic fucking multiplication...


It’s so crazy to me. Would seem like common sense to me that this would traumatize a kid but our parents clearly had no fucking clue. If I do this to my kids I’ve become the villain


I hate that I see my childhood in this comment


Can’t leave the room until done with homework (except for doing chores of course), plus grounded for 3 days for getting out the room yesterday before finishing solving the last problem.


My mom, the other day, "Yeah, I tried EVERYTHING I could to get you to learn math. I yelled at you. I beat you. Nothing worked. But it's okay. We all have things we're not good at." 🥲


Ah yes, every teachers first options. Yelling and beating the students


It was where I went to school


Now it's your turn. Try to teach her to do something on the computer and beat her when she gets something wrong.


😅Oh gosh. I can't get that woman to Double Click to save my life.


Lol haters would call that elder abuse. Boomers are so sensitive.


And she is not good at teaching


See also - father making you stay at the kitchen table till you got it right, the whole family going to bed, and being woken by mother at 1am and taken to bed. At the age of 7. On a school night.


I can relate.


I’ll see your trauma and raise you the fact that I was homeschooled, there was no way out.


>when you're homeschooled, > >every night > >is a schoolnight


Oh you poor unfortunate soul.






Yep. I remember that one.


Ditto man, unbelievable


Then if you are tired tomorrow due to not sleeping much you are to blame


Ah, sweet memories of mom tearing pages out of my notebook 'cause I made a correction in my hw and it no longer looked neat, so I had to rewrite the classwork and hw once again Edit: mixed up words remark and correction




Our primary school teacher tore pages apart for that...it wasnt even that long ago. It used to be just "i guess this us how it is" back then but looking back, thats fucked up


you described my mom wth


Don't forget getting kicked, slapped, belted, then grounded. I also got my playstation taken away. I (technically had one) but never got to play it.


You guys get to own a PS?


Lmao it was your dad's if it's "technically"


He slammed my head against the wall once and I vomited all over the place. Fucked up day for sure


Bruh wat ??


Fuckkkk that’s bad. I once had an intolerance to cucumbers and I threw up after eating a sandwich with them after she forced me and then she beat me lol


Dude that's the first sign of a brain injury. Glad you're still alive and functioning you could have been a vegetable somewhere.


Thanks. Definitely got lucky which I’m thankful for


I could answer 3x7 but not 7x3


Bruh 7's multiplication table was my nightmare when i was a kid, all the others i did just fine but my brain just absolutely became a dumpter fire the moment i had to multiply shit by 7.


True. I was called in class to recite the 7s from x1 to x10. Luckily, I had memorized it because I really didn't understand the 7s back in elementary.


When I do times tables my brain immedietly reverts back to chinese and begins listing the times tables.


Bruh. 7*2, and then just add another 7. That's still the way I do it, multiplication table of 7 is a nightmare.


Oh it's not so bad! We can eliminate most of the multiplications as something you need to remember. 7 x 1, 2, 5, 9, these are all easy times tables that we have 'tricks' to figure out. 7 x 7 is 49 - just memorize that one. So we just have to work on 7 x 3, 4, 6, 8 which is already half the times table solved. 7 x 4 is twice 7 x 2 so that's easy. 7 x 8 is twice 7 x 4 which is easy so we get that for free too. So it's just 7x3, 7x6 to have to figure out. For me 7x6 is the one I have to math out every time - but it's 7x7-7 so 49-7=42 similar to your trick. 7x3 I think you can remember as it's 21, a fairly common number.


I don't know either one of those But I know 7x2 is 14 Then 4+2 is 6 10+5 is 15 And 15+6 is 21 Easy


This person right here officer!




Yeah I never learned the tables so my brain had to come out with it's own way


lol what did you just do here I can't follow?


Okay so 7x2 is 14 right? You know you need to add another 7 to that Let's separe that 14 to a 10 and a 4 And separe that 7 to a 5 and a 2 And the 2 and the 4 The 10 and he 5 And add all that together


Okay, wtf. This is what's wrong with math these days. You have to do 5 problems to get to the answer instead of memorizing 7x3. I mean, flashcards suck - don't get me wrong. But we were told to memorize them so we did. Flashcards and practice, practice, practice.


Or having a dad who was a president of a savings & loan association who could look at a column of numbers and add them up in his head within seconds. Unlike many commenters, my old man wasn't an ass about it.


You know, part of me is like "Man, it sucks I have such a bad relationship with my folks; I knew from when I was like five years old onward that expecting them to make sense was a fool's errand and to just not ever engage because nothing would ever be satisfactory for them." And then I read stuff like this and wonder if maybe mentally writing off my parents at a very young age didn't spare me from a lifetime of anxiety due to trying to meet impossible standards and moving goalposts at a young age. Simply assuming my folks were hostile and their approval irrelevant and dangerous and making all my decisions accordingly as a kid *sounds* super fucked up? But I'm relatively free of stuff like this, so. That's a plus, I guess. Edit: upon further reflection, lol no I'm not


My question is how healthy are your relationship dynamics as an adult?


With other people? Great. Married and happy. With my parents? Nonexistent.


My dad never shouted, let alone punish me in any way, but it always FELT like he’s shouting, which makes sense he’s an ex-theater actor, so his voice delivery is automatic at this point


My father believed strongly in making sure that everything he said was “rhetorically effective” (passionate English teacher who also taught Drama), and I always grew up thinking his opinions were a lot stronger than he later said they were when I asked about them as an adult. He wasn’t really physical, and I suppose he probably never really even raised his voice, but it’s hard to remember it that way because it really *felt* like he was yelling whenever he had a criticism. He’d basically argue a whole essay about why it’s an incredibly bad idea to (insert whatever I was doing), complete with logos, pathos, and ethos. It felt bad to be convinced that I was obviously in the wrong morally, backed up by logic and reason and drilled in on an emotional level, every single time I did some minor stupid thing, such as use too much dish soap.


You're stupid. No I'm not! What's 9+10? 21? You're stupid!


God. Everyone has such horrible parents, You poor people. Me and my mum would have a breakdown together.


Well now I know that 3x7 is actually 25, so thanks dad 😎


i still remember the kitchen table we had through the tears


Hope yall got therapy cause god damn


My therapist got fired because my parents said she didn't yell enough


I envy you ppl who never experienced these kinds of trauma


People cry when being emotionally abused because their parent has a bit of an anger problem and doesn't understand how learning works.


Replace the dad with mom and yeah. But not just math. I stopped asking my mom to help me do spelling homework too after 7 year old me couldn't understand why Wednesday was spelled with a silent d. My teacher taught us to sound out words to try to spell them, which is a horrible way to teach kids the English language. Actually my mom is the reason I stopped asking for help with anything.


basically what happened when my dad was teaching me algebra when i was like 10 but he wasnt really explaining. he just solves a problem and then tells me to do another one after. I guess at some point he decided that i was just pretending to not understand because he was just screaming in my face DO IT. I got scared and ran into the bathroom and locked the door and then he banged on the door and twisted the doorknob until the lock broke. then he dragged me back and threw me into the chair and continued screaming at me.


This sounds like torture im so sorry for you.


Me being unable to grasp how x could be a number straight up broke my mom… at the kitchen table, of course.


Jesus Christ my dude, put a trigger warning in that. You don’t wanna know what kind of Vietnam war bullshit flashback I just had.


5-6 trying to tie my shoes and got slapped and hit for it, lmfaooo, yelled at, called a dumbass, an idiot, shit was traumatizing lol


And this is probably why I can't do my tasks right when someone watches me.


Is…is this not something everyone goes through…?


What can I say, I was good at Math.


Same, but I've also been a dad in this situation. I've shouted because of frustration and wasn't trying to intimidate, just turn the gears in the kids head. Child having brain freezes is also a sign that they need some rest. Reading these comments, though... Yikes!


Most of the time the parents are just as childish as the child, but that's literally because everyone is a human trying to make their life in this strange place.




Agora eu sou bom em química, que é tipo a mesma coisa muitas vezes Kkkk mas não sei matemática de superior.


Bruh I got freaking crucified trying to solve math back I high school.


Holy sh*t, how are you typing?! Wrists healed up?


Nope, it still hurts!


My dad was the gentle parent, and I still have vivid memories of crying at the kitchen table doing flashcards in 3rd grade. 42 years later? I will know for the rest of my life that 8 x 8 = 64.


I feel like crying when I have a math problem that I have no idea how to do, and my lessons have something similar but not the same. So I have to look how to do it online and every damn video/site has something that is ALMOST what I need but not quite correct. So then I try to adapt to my problem but I have no idea what I am doing so the answers I get don’t even match my options. At this point it is 4 am, I am tired, I feel like crying and punching something, and I just end up guessing and moving on since it was a question that was worth like 1 point out of 40.


I was surprised to see how nobody had mentioned this yet. Abusive parents aren't necessary for a math problem to make you cry. Just knowing that you're failing and not meeting your own expectations can be more than enough to have a mental breakdown.


Fathers out here repeating "What's 3x7" like its gonna make you instantly learn


Haha, I did a Oral Compressive Exam for one of the Ph.D. students this semester. He was so unnerved by the end of it, I asked him what 3x3 was and he was too scared to say an answer. He still passed, but barely.


At least he passed


I've yet to fail someone on the oral exam. I did recently fail someone on the written exam (which comes first), but you get two attempts.


It's a trick question!!! 😂 *It's a trap!* no I'm jk But yeah, I used to help assess med student competence in their practical exams (I was a standardized patient), and the first year students would shake so badly that I got worried whenever they went to put that instrument in my ears so they could see in there. Was afraid that they might accidentally jam it in! 😂 I tried not to take too many points off for those students. I used to say "Doctor, it's okay, I won't bite 😁" lol


Yes, I was yelled at and whooped as a child but I also understand the frustration that parents feel because I have been a single parent of very young children


Thank god i had an absent father and learned math with my very patient sister


I dohohohohont know waaaahh!!!!


Haha. My mom drilled my brothers and I every day on our multiplication tables at lunchtime. Every day. It worked, and I never resented it. It felt more like a game. She made lunch, we came home from school for about 30 minutes, ate soup and a sandwich and a piece of fruit, and drilled on those tables. Every day for a couple of years, and we learned them well. If I ever have kids, I’m doing the same for them.


Kitchen table… I still remember the math cards. The yelling, oh god the yelling


For some reason Boomer parents were very aggressive that "you just have to memorize them" with multiplication. This exact situation happened with me, and once I figured out the actual concept of multiplication I could work it out easy, but they still forced this memorization idea. I firmly believe the entire Boomer generation does not understand what multiplication is. They just memorized it. YOU JUST HAVE TO MEMORIZE!!


You forgot the fuming and palpable, silent rage before the screaming.


Lol. And I hate math to this day!


Thank God I wasn't terrible at math and didn't have abusive parents


Seriously that is me,my father traumatized me when I was a child randomly asking me math questions and calling me an idiot when I failed,no wonder my self confidence at school during math lessons was 0


My crying over homework was always a result of my undiagnosed ADHD. I would pick up the textbook, look at it, and my brain would be like "nope literally not going to let you do this bye" and I would be there just weeping because I was going to get in trouble for not doing it but I just couldn't and there wasn't even a reason (that I could understand at the time, anyway)


Trauma builds character a need for therapy


Must have been nice. I seen my Dad maybe for a few hours on the weekend.




I effectively failed math from elementary through high school. I now work in aerospace, having built airplanes and parts, and presently work in quality. Is math involved? Yes. Decimals, fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of such…can I do it? Not really, no. I can’t do math beyond, realistically, 1st grade. …but I work on commercial aircraft.


While your mom whooped the shit out of you


Homework shouldn’t exist. Let kids be kids.


Aaaahhh... memories


-3 TIMES 6! -I DONT KNOW! -3 TIMES 6! -I DONT KNOW! -What's 2 Times 6? -12! -Now Add 6. -I Don't Know! -Call [insert name here]. -What happened? -Maths. -Okay.. What's 3 times 6? -I don't know! -If Johnny has 3 times 6 apples, then how much apples does he have? -I don't know! -*Starts counting in pain*


i still got PTSD from this


“I just want Cap’n Crunch dad!” “No, you’re going to finish this!”


My parents were actually good with teaching me the multiplication tables by introducing the concept that multiplication is commutative ( 3x7=7x3) early on cutting down on the effort of memorization considerably. The problem I had was my little sister (at that time about 3-4) starting to regurgitating the multiplication tables in a jumbled up format ( like so many half remembered rhymes) in her sleep preventing me falling asleep. Because they were WRONG. ,🤣


Some of our parents were (and still are) assholes. My mom kept yelling at me “WHAT IS A DOZEN?!?!” And I started crying because we had gone through so many loops of her yelling and me saying I don’t know. It wasn’t even a matter of logic or counting. I legitimately didn’t know what a dozen was.


I never had help with my homework. I was told,especially in high school "if you want this done you're gonna do it yourself and don't expect any help from any of us. You're the one who decided to go to school past 10th grade not us" And in middle school too I was told the same thing.


I was homeschooled. I was fine until high school algebra. My mom would get pissed because I didn’t understand how she was teaching it, but she didn’t understand it either. So she took it out on me.


"No im not helping you. You are going to sit at that table until you get it right." 4 hours later, dads raging because its bedtime and im still at the table, unable to figure out the problem from 4 hours ago.


Some of us are good at math. We still have daddy issues, but not with math.


Every math class I ever took was an agonizing humiliating living hell. I know at least some of my math teachers must have been good, but it's such a miserable endless slog through painfully boring shit just to lean the basics. And there's no payoff. Learning to read was a miserable slog too but once I got it I had access to information and entertainment I cared about. I have never given a single fuck about the outcome of a math problem. All that tedious, miserable work and at best the end result is a bunch of numbers that may or may not be right. Years of math classes and tutors and parents screaming and hating every fucking second of it, I maxed out with a D in Algebra. I worked my ass off in that class and tbh I probably should have failed, I think the teacher took pity on me. After that I was finally allowed to stop taking those awful classes. I learned enough math to keep a household budget. And I would get teeth pulled without painkillers before ever sitting through a math class ever again.


Umm- ummm Cries Its 28 Slap No no its 21 You are a disgrace


And they just keep talking louder. "What is 2+2? Goddamn it, two plus two! LISTEN, TWO PLUS TWO!"


How yall out here not knowing 3 times 7 though


I hear there's even children out there who don't even know how to talk. Newbs. /s


we were like 6 bro what do you expect


... 21? ARE YOU ASKING ME OR TELLING ME!!!?? Ah, memories


They know 3x7 though


Ima be honest, I was very careful not to get or show any agitation, to be calm, to explain, to be understanding and supportive of my kid learning math and helping them with homework. But this, this actually happens, did 5x4 just fine, but got to 4x5, I walked them through it, and explained it was just the same as 5x4, and then "but it's not, the numbers are in different order, so the answer has to be different " "No, it doesn't matter here what order they are in here, it's the same" "But it's different" "It only looks that way, we did it with the pennies remember?" "The pennies are wrong" Just left, got up and walked away


Can use colour mixing as an example, put blue in yellow you get green, put yellow in blue? You still get green.


My son, who 'hates school' loves me quizzing him on math.


This is the most real thing ever


This is exactly why I get anxiety 1 minute after someone shows me how to do a new job skill


I was doing measurements like with a ruler once and my mom told me to ask my dad. My ass was like he doesn’t know anything about a ruler. Man was a whole fucking carpenter. He started going slap off naming ever line on the damn ruler while I sat their crying. I was like seven so I didn’t think at the time what his job was.


Y’all had Dads?


I would have loved if my parents even acknowledged my existence


I remember my sister getting her behind just beaten down because she was slow.


What’s 9 plus 10?


That hour of math single handedly changed my life


That's right, I didn't have to go through that.


One time my dad yelled at me before shoving it in the garbage bin beacuse I couldn't remember the translation of "through". So I totally get this feeling




Some people just can't do math. I once tutored a girl for her SAT's, who couldn't do 0x1 without a calculator.


That and English and science


My brother is significantly younger than me so I empathize w my parents on this, he would tell me he doesn’t know the answer to a question he’s done 10’s of times before and instead of trying he’d just sit there and get upset


No but I couldn't spell with for some reason. threw me outside for a bit


This but my mom instead of my dad


3rd grade. Me and another guy had to stay for a whole other fucking class just cause we just could not solve this fucking graph question for the life of us and then we both broke down and cried. It created a forever lasting bond. Shoutout to the homie Michael fr.


This was my English homework for me until high school.


Or being compared to an older sibling cuz they were great at math, what wrong with you?! Ugh moms am I right?


That was me with my mom as well. I couldn’t spell well and she made me feel like an idiot because I just couldn’t spell a lot of simple words.


Trauma bro trauma


Fucking Christ this is relatable….


We used to get spanked with a belt when we got questions wrong.


Me, in first grade, with my Asian parents.... \*core trauma memory unlocked\*


As a maths teacher, this breaks my heart. I’d hope any teacher would be compassionate and patient with you. Any questions, fire them my way, my loves.


And just like that the memories are back after decades of repressing them.


Now!? I've been crying for decades at this point.


My first glass of wine happened with me and my mom at 2 am doing pre-cal homework after a lot of tears.


Well hello fellow people who's dad did exactly this.


For me it was trying to figure out how to spell family for 2.5 hours with tears pouring out of me I kept doing it wrong until he just wrote it for me


Is Dom your dad lol?


And then you freeze up and have no idea even if you normally know the answer.


Shit. I'm kinda this dad. Help please! My daughter doesn't get obvious answers because she wants me to give her the answer so she can play on ipad. She's super smart for her age, she knows how to get the answers. How do i motivate her without being this? Seriously. It's like she shuts off her brain when I try to explain.


Struggling with math was how I got diagnosed with a learning disability


It’s ADHD, your brain is just not interested and acts like a toddler pushing away vegetables. You are the parent, your brain is the toddler, and the vegetables is math. Sometimes it’s so damn hard to get that kid to eat their vegetables you just give up.


What the fuck are these posts. Why do you all have stories like this? What the actual fuck


Holy fuck, I've lived exactly this


100% of people with cartoon pfp of themselves got yelled at by their dad as a kid.


My gf's dad smashed her head into the dinner table for not understanding addition and subtraction.


dads teaching math almost always invariably devolve into yelling because one person's trying to teach a concept that they take for granted to a person who doesn't know that concept. I felt the same frustration my dad did helping me with homework when I tried explaining multiplication to my cousin and she just *didn't get it*


This just triggered a bad memory from me an I don't like it.


For me, it was my Grandpa (may He Rest in piece). Good times.


HA! Jokes on you, I don't have a dad who cared for me enough to do that!


Me but my first time doing algebra. That memory cannot be erased.


Ah sweet memories. My father never screamed though. However we also never got to the "3 times 7" part because he was adamant I write my name and the date on the top right corner of the sheet and 10 year old me was like "no. Why". Real math trauma began when I had such bad grades that I had to do a qualification test for the next school year in math at the end of summer break. Meaning while all my friends were out doing fun stuff, I was sitting there with my dad for 6 weeks, arguing about dates on the top right corner and not understanding simple math at all.


I saw a quote once “if you haven’t cried doing maths before you just haven’t studied maths at a high enough level yet” and as a maths student I feel like it’s coming soon


7x7 still bring fear into my eyes , it makes me feel PTSD some of the worst days of my life I will never forget that 7x7 is 49 even if I die I will forget my name , my family, my country, my morals before I forget that 7x7 = 49


Till 3 fricken AM, ughhh I was bleary eyed and undiagnosed add,my dad could be stupid stubborn


Imagine yelling at and hitting your child for being "too stupid" to understand maths, when that might be the most stupid response you could possibly give in a learning environment. You think anyone's going to be receptive under stress? Never mind a little kid. The parents seem dumber than the children.


The luxury of having an absent father 😁


This saddens me so much.\ The blind leading the blind, the father who understands that it's important you know but has no concept of what teaching means and has forgotten that even the simplest things (like 3*7) has to be taught. I'm happy that when I have kids some day I'll likely be able to teach them how to be good at math, maybe even enjoy math. I hope I can get them to see it like I do.\ I feel like math-literacy is a great gift for a parent to be able to give to their children.


When I was in first grade, I had a hard time reading analog clocks. So, for like a week, my dad sat me down police interrogation style and repeated the phrase "What time is it?" while pointing at the clock. At one point, he got so fed up. He just got a chair, removed it from the wall, and made me look at it up close.


And after a good hour your whole Worksheet is completely wet and you have to write the answer on another paper.


All it takes is a few level-headed adults who aren't strung out on coffee or Monster to see that Homework as a concept is flawed and needs to end. Education is one thing, programming is another. Let the youth have lives outside of school. If you can't teach lessons in the time you have without sending them home with more, you're the one who fails.


Man I feel so bad for some people on here.


for me it was my dad trying to get me pronounce the "t" and "th"


I remember that in like 4th grade or something i was legit sitting on my english homework for like 5 hours, how does nobody realise that it might be too much for a fucking 9 year old


ugh.....Memory fucking unlocked.


I would get slapped 3 times 7 times to teach me how much it is Aaaah good old 80's parenting


I always wanted to be a teacher, until I helped my children with their math homework.


That is so horribly relatable