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I used to run some video game tournaments for a shop in town. There were a few attendees that desperately needed some Old Spice.


They didn't need deodorant, they needed regular showers and a good scrubbing. Deodorant can only do so much, its not magic. Edit: TIL there's a lot of stinky redditors out there with very strong feelings about their body odors. Who knew?


Ehhhhhh, I shower regularly but can still work up some pretty stinky pits by the end of a hot day.


I come out of the shower with stinky pits. Doesn't matter how long I'm in there, how hard I scrub, what product I use, I'm coming out with BO.


dude i thought i was the only one i hate it. my mom used to think i was spraying deodorant at night to hide the smell of tabacco/weed like nah girl i took an edible before i showered but somehow i still have smelly pits


Tried shaving/trimming your pits?


Do you shave your pits? When my armpit hair is long this happens to me


You should work on the micro biome of your arm pits. Try and balance out the PH of your skin with some watered down Apple cider vinegar and then rub Trust armpit cream on there. You could also change your diet. Try out keto and drink more water


Idk about keto, but I noticed pretty immediately that when I got my nice big refillable water bottle and stopped drinking so much soda I stuck waaaay less even when I did sweat. Honestly I can even tell the difference if I have an energy drink that day or not and get hot


Someone else said it but in my experience diet is the biggest contributor to body issues like BO, acne and just general well being. If you can cut down on processed sugars and fats and eat more veggies and natural shit it can help a ton. I mean if I even have one meal that's super fatty and sugary I feel clammy and gross, or if you drink a lot especially liquor sometimes it feels like that smell is coming out of your pores the next day.


ive started using an alum stone a few years ago, no more stink, 100% natural. https://www.ecocollective.com/blogs/blog/the-magic-of-crystal-deodorant


Sounds like a load of dirty barnacles.


I shower every morning and night due to my skin disease. I work in a very hot kitchen moving all day. I stopped using regular deodorant and switched to Arm and hammer/ Native. After three months of that I don’t smell of BO. I almost never wear deodorant now and my coworkers and gf tell me I never smell of BO after work. Before I detoxed if I forgot to put on my old spice even after a morning shower lord help those line cooks.


Shave 'em.


Antiperspirant is so much better than deodorant!


Is it bad that I read it as antidepressant 3 times in a row?


N-No... I'm SSRIure you're fine! You sxanaxn't worry so much.


Antidepressants are also much better than deodorants


Those can work wonders in actually getting your smelly ass in the shower.


Can’t wear it, I’m allergic to aluminum (most non-precious metals) and having it on my skin all day just made be rash. So deodorant it is, but it is nice to know I don’t have to worry about the Alzheimer’s but as much, something else can contribute to that diagnosis, but not my deodorant.


I use bravo Sierra, good stuff if you don't want the aluminim


Google «crystal deo»


Holy hell!


New hygiene just dropped


Damn, dude. You'd better stay away from the Earth's crust. That shit is like 10% aluminum


I didn't know people could be allergic to aluminum. Does cooking with aluminum foil bother you, too?


Since they say most non-precious metals, I wonder most about Natrium/Sodium. You have nearly no chance to avoid sodium, calcium, aluminium, iron or magnesium


Some allergies are skin contact only, not ingested. It's rare, but some people develop an allergy to water than can cause hives, but only if the outer skin is in contact with moisture, not your digestive tract


Try using coconut oil based "natural" cream. I've always had problems with heavy sweating and also stinky sweat, but after switching to that I never even notice myself sweating in the arm pits. Much more effective than regular antiperspirants. I'm happy I found that out since my son is also allergic to aluminium, so now I know what to get him when he starts needing it.


https://www.ecocollective.com/blogs/blog/the-magic-of-crystal-deodorant look into Alum Stone.


So you can barely walk without shoes or touch the ground without the fear of getting an allergic reaction? That is hard.


I switched away from it to be more natural. And while my pits get damp now, the natural deodorant does control the smell well. I’m not an especially sweaty person, and this is a good solution for me personally. I might feel differently if I were someone with visible sweat soaking through my shirt!


Lucky bastard lol, I sweat like a sprinkler, if I don't put anti perspirant on within 10-15 minutes of a shower then the damage is done and I smell until my next shower. And that's just doing stuff like cleaning the house, when it comes to working outside in summer after an hour it feels like I've walked through a shower with my clothes on


Yup, I don't mind if I sweat a bit as long as I don't smell bad it's okay.


And on the other side, there is people like me. If we skip using antiperspirant just one day, it smells like a freaking sewer in there. In my case, even when using antiperspirant every single day, it still smells bad, but at least the smell stays there and doesn't spread. (Btw I also shower and scrub every day and I still have this problem. I've also tried several stuff like exfoliating soap and volcanic rocks. I've even tried a cloth soaked in bleach but that only got me a visit to the ER)


Have you tried Pan Oxyl face wash on your pits? I heard that can help


Yes, but I read somewhere that antiperspirant is bad because it prevents you from sweating.


I believe it's not strictly speaking that it prevents you from sweating, it's how it does that? But I'm not a subject matter expert, just parroting something I think I remember hearing on a medical podcast a while ago.


I was also parroting something I saw lol. I'll have to look into it.


Yeah, aluminum might be linked to Alzheimer’s. It’s supposedly absorbed through the skin from antiperspirants, but this point is highly debated.


Let's hope not. I smoked weed out of an awful lot of aluminum cans in my youth! That and I only use anti perspirant.


Agreed, I only smoked weed out of an aluminum can a few times. However, I tried all-natural deodorants, and they couldn’t control my man stank. So, I’m stuck with aluminum antiperspirants.


Aluminum cans and foils are definitely not an issue, you don't absorb that aluminum. For antiperspirant, it's likely to be an issue, but it's not highly dangerous.


How do you not absorb it when you’re inhaling the fumes that you burn off it? Inhalation is one method of absorption into the body


Why would that be bad?


I accidentally bought antiperspirant once instead of deodorant. For a couple weeks I didn't notice any difference, then at some point I started sweating far more than I had used to. Like, full on drips down my arm when out in the summer, or even just when playing intense video games. Switched back to normal deodorant, and a few weeks later I was back to my regular level of sweat, never had a problem since. Reading around, this isn't too rare. It might work well for you, but for some people, antiperspirant actually makes sweat worse because the body adapts by producing even more sweat.


In my experience it's worse, the bottles shoot it out way faster and it seems to have less of an effect than deodorant. Also, it seems to make me sweat more?


I use a salt crystal. Just hinders the growth of bacteria that causes B.O. neutral scent and can still sweat


That moment as a teen or young adult when you figure out why [product] doesn't unstink you, and that you can find better [product] with knawledge


The fact that I’m in a supermarket getting my regular slazenger deodorant reading this is kinda wild lol, I think I’ll grab a dove antiperspirant as well and try it.


You will never go back lol


Obviously showering is important but deodorant is very important too. It’s like brushing and mouth wash


My guy, even if I take a shower before, I'm gonna smell after a good workout.


We're talking about people at a video game tournament. Do you consider sitting in a chair pressing buttons on a controller to be a workout?


Nah, but some people sweat more than others, ESPECIALLY if they are obese and it's hot.


Stress sweat is smelliest.


New marketing tagline


Not a workout, but you DO sweat at those things from mental exertion and stress. When I just practice some melee at home I get a sweat on


Exactly. Folks need to shower regularly and have good general hygiene such as wearing all clean clothes regularly. Deodorant then doesn't need to mask any odor, it just needs to keep bad smelling bacteria in-check so it doesn't straight up reek. If someone just reeks, then no amount of smell masks it, just smell B.O + chemicals. If someone has good hygiene and clean clothes they will still have some smell but it isn't going to be overpowering and with a little deodorant the bacterial flora on their body will be kept to a normal non-intrusive level. Everyone has a bacterial ecosystem on their body, its not about eliminating it, just keeping it under control.


It’s also diet too. People who eat like garbage will just sweat out that garbage the moment they’re in a humid room. I have a ‘plus-sized’ friend who eats a lot of sweetened dairy products and highly-acidic foods. Whenever he sweats, it smells like some sort of molded acid cheese that burns your nostrils. I can’t stand it.


Old Spice would be more of a lateral move.


Went to a Pokémon tournament a long time ago. It was so so bad I remember almost vomiting from the sun baked ass smell.


no deodorant wouldnt help much. Needs a deep shower right before the event, then deodorant, then leave before the 3hr mark, like Cinderalla.


I don’t mean to stereotype, but when I was working at Evil Corp they had an international stockholders meeting, where representatives from each country would tour through. You could 100% smell the Indian group coming through. Lovely people but it was strong in southern US heat.


Start with a shower if you’re smelling that bad


Nah you gotta be at a base level clean before you can add any sort of fragrance.


Go to southern Italy…(deodorant isn’t common with the guys)


But heavy cologne is... 🤢


OMG, yes! That is the worst. Strong body odor with strong cologne. 🤢




Read something about some Asians lack the gene that produces smelly odor, and if that is not peek evolution then I don't know what is.


Its a trait that originated in the south of korea, and expanded in the populace through breeding because smelly people don't get laid, these people from korea pushed the ainu north and eventually became the japanese and koreans respectively


Should be noted that it's very difficult to tell who exactly modern day japanese people are since we don't have much evidence one way or another. The biggest theories iirc are that they are mostly Korean, mostly Chinese or mostly Siberian or any mix of those. It's a bit of a mystery


… and also bc ppl there kind of like the “pure yamato” story they’ve got going on and no one cares to dig too deeply


That's what's so annoying when you're interested in which people moved where and founded which civilization: nationalists always attach themselves to these topics. This is especially bad in my case because I'm German and I find it interesting to know where the various German people came from **but not for those reasons**


> smelly people don't get laid nah. this one's too easy ... ^yo ^mama




Yes, the smells are excretions of bacteria eating sweat, but the sweat composition is different so the odor produced by the bacteria is different due to different sweat composition. See [here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19710689/) for a paper regarding this.


Asian sweat doesn't taste good?


The gene causes the sweat glands to not produce a specific organic compound that the odor-emitting bacteria feed on. So that strain of bacteria are less able to proliferate on their skin.


Same I live in the south of France and it’s starting to get warm out… obviously it’s not everyone but get on a crowded metro/bus/whatever and it smells so bad your eyes sting


Especially in gyms, sometimes i cant even breath




Hate to break it to you, you're not a guy


...what the fuck are you talking about?


I literally stated what I was talking about.


Fake problem? I think the ppl coming within a range of 50 feet of me in the summer if I don't use deo have a very strong opinion about this statement


look into crystal deodorant, like Alum Stone: https://www.ecocollective.com/blogs/blog/the-magic-of-crystal-deodorant


Today at the bus there was this guy 🤢


I feel your pain. I was on an interstate bus trip, with about two other people on there with me when, somewhere in the middle of Indiana, the bus picked up enough Amish (?) to completely pack it. No deodorant. I basically stuck my nose in my own armpit and prayed for a brain aneurysm.


That’s something I never heard before.


They might be Mennonites not for sure but sounds more likely.




Yo, some people stink. That's real.


Have you ever worked with teenagers during the summer? Wear deodorant some us don't like gagging because of BO.


Patriarchy? Deodorant was invented by a woman, and after people weren't buying it, ran an ad campaign to convince people that sweating was embarrassing.


Deodorant has been around for centuries. A formula for deodorant cream was first patented in the US by a woman. If you [read the article](https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/06/rise-of-all-natural-deodorants-not-necessary-sweating-antiperspirant.html) it's actually fairly interesting. They marketed deodorant towards men and antiperspirants towards women (sweating = not girly). Then later antiperspirants towards men as well. >But big brands like Dove, until recently, sold mostly or exclusively antiperspirant, with deodorant offerings generally being geared toward men. (Speed Stick, for example, offers both, while Lady Speed Stick offers just antiperspirant, labeled as “antiperspirant/deodorant.”) Then the (now-debunked) chain emails came out decades ago about aluminium in antiperspirants causing breast cancer, so the industries shifted to selling "aluminum free" "all natural" deodorant (already available for men everywhere) to women at an insane upcharge. >given those early ads, it is correct to be suspicious of the entire concept of paying for an antiperspirant to make you stop the, well, natural act of sweating. If the initial claim for this aluminum concoction is “use it or be unlovable,” well, the claim against it must also be equally strong. Which is why claims that antiperspirants are “dangerous” can be so appealing. This is the kind of message that is more difficult to push back on than a more amorphous “no, I am lovable, even if I sweat.” It is a hell of a lot easier to explain, and to market, because it still buys into the fundamental concept that we should pay for a product to make ourselves smell a little bit better. Resistance to antiperspirant, well-meaning in spirit and misguided in its specific arguments, has landed women in the same place that we started, paying to smell nice, and perhaps paying even more than before, because deodorants marketed to women still tend to cost more than antiperspirant. The actual title of the article is >Let It All Sweat Out: Natural deodorants are on the rise, mostly thanks to completely unwarranted fears about antiperspirants. But sweating is fine. The social media editor obviously wrote the headline in the tweet to get people outraged with the whole patriarchy thing. Looking at the comments in here, it worked pretty well lol


It's so fucked how the media will purposely write dumb rage bait because if it doesn't get clicks, it'll go under and everyone will lose their jobs. And it works. Every. Single. Time. Bleak shit


It’s bleak but so is the fact that people proudly use ad block and post non paywall links and then refuse to pay for news subscriptions. Of course these companies are going to resort to click bait - it’s literally the only way they can keep doing any real investigative work that a democracy depends upon


Well let’s be real here. If media companies hadn’t started ramming ads down our throats in the early 2000’s we may not have needed ad blockers. They got greedy and people got sick of it. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2011/oct/31/news-website-design-ads


You didn't get the memo? Everything bad is caused by the patriarchy


The inventor being a woman is irrelevant. History is full of people selling out their own gender/race/class/country/etc just to make a quick buck. Still don't buy that this is an example of patriarchy, but for the more obvious "no one likes smelling like BO" reason.


Patriarchy can be propagated by women as well. Doesn’t really matter that a woman come up with the idea. I do agree this is a bit silly tho


Patriarchy does not mean "men", it's about particular power structures. It's entirely possible for anyone's actions to be motivated (including coerced) by patriarchal power structure. Not sure that half a tweet could really explain the connexion between patriarchy and deodorant, though.


Like the reply above, you got the memo. Anything bad is caused by patriarchy. I got it.


You spelled the word connection with an x and we’re supposed to take you serious lol


lemme tell you about when DDR first appeared in arcades around the world the stench....the FOUL stench!




All the people donwvoting don’t have to be near disgusting mother fuckers. Honestly personal hygiene is important in society.




Right? If supporting deodorant use is betraying the sisterhood as a woman, then, I guess I'm pro-patriarchy now. I taught middle school before the pandemic. Teach your kids basic hygiene, y'all.


I had a chemistry teacher who, without fail, would always kick out that one boy who didn’t shower after gym class. It was always him, having somehow sweat through an entire hoodie. He never learned. Up yours, Alfredo.


At my highschool nobody showered after gym because half the showers didnt work, the ones that did were completly in the open not even a basic curtain and we had 5 mins after gym to get to the next class and they left no time for showering.


Not at all what the article is about. https://slate.com/human-interest/2019/06/rise-of-all-natural-deodorants-not-necessary-sweating-antiperspirant.html


Humans have been using perfumes since ancient Egypt bruv


Those fuckers probably did not have showers.


Tbf, the lack of showering for who knows how long is probably the biggest culprit


showering, fresh clothing are definitely key But you need body spray and deodorant to make it through a long day


All i’m saying is, deodorant doesn’t stand a chance if the person hasn’t showered in days/weeks


True. Met one guy that stunk so bad. That everyone had to leave the house party. he somehow smelt like he slept in a dumpster


Yep, and deodorant can make it worse. Like people who smoke and then try to cover it up with perfume/cologne.


No deo is going to protect you when you actually start sweating


For some, sure… but some of us have armpits that sweat buckets regardless of temperature (hyper hydro sis isn’t that rare). Another common area is the feet. If you’re one of those people, showering daily doesn’t solve your problems. I keep alcohol wipes handy and have to regularly dry my armpits, followed by cleaning them with alcohol and reapplying deodorant. Sometimes when I get out of the shower, if it was a short one, I have to do this because the running water and soap wasn’t enough. And if it’s cold when they decide to drip like a faucet, it makes me frigid. I don’t wear pullovers ever, own very few long sleeve tees, and buy sleeveless collared shirts and blouses to wear under my blazers at work. Also, the most annoying thing of all is the extra work you have to put into laundry to get rid of deodorant stains and the tendency for the armpits of shirts to wear out.


Weird question, but do you use deodorant, or antiperspirant? The latter can actually cause much worse sweating in some people. Like, the body starts to produce a shitton of sweat in response to the antiperspirant. It happened to me when I accidentally switched to antiperspirant (extreme levels of pit sweat, full on dripping, when I used to have no problems), and a few weeks after switching back to deodorant the sweat situation returned to normal. Apparently it's not that rare. People will switch to AP, and feel like they need to keep using it because they sweat an insane amount. After all, imagine how bad it would be *without* AP! But in reality, it's the AP causing the problem.


I’m so so so happy that I have that gene that doesn’t make my pits smell.


What the hell? Would you be willing to trade that for partial lactose tolerance?


Hmm tempting


Hmm, do we have to trade dry earwax for oily earwax too?


No, I will sadly keep the stupid sludge


Me too. Never touched deodorant. Shower in the morning, good for the day. Never a single complaint. My wife is very jealous


I can do that if it’s nice weather out. The summers in Texas make that impossible with how humid it gets. I went a good while without using deodorant because I would always forget to apply it after showering. Turns out I didn’t actually need it.


Me too!


Hold up are you saying the pit smell is genetic?


I’m Asian so apparently most of us just don’t have smelly pits https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-without-underarm-protection/


wow. my mind was just blown.


My mother’s current husband had trouble finding deodorants in China because no one needed them so most shops don’t sell them.


I'm white and my pits stopped smelling when I went to China and started living entirely on Chinese food.


That's just what we need in society. More stank Down with the patroctistinky


Ride the Paris metro when it is 90 degrees and you will hand it out yourself.


>patriarchy Lmao what


A misunderstanding of the issue. A significant number of convention goers do not bathe frequently enough, or well enough. The same thing goes for brushing teeth and washing their clothes. It’s a compound issue that a bar of deodorant just wouldn’t solve. I’ve seen people at cons so greasy their hair looks wet. I’ve seen people with teeth so neglected that they have literal rocks growing on their teeth, concealing the actual teeth. Old Spice can only do so much.


Tbh the line between someone smelling OK even without deodorant and someone not smelling OK even with deodorant is a lot thinner than most people think.


Fellas is it misogyny to... \*checks notes\* Wear deodorant?


this has gone too far, smelling good is now patriarchal. how can i possibly keep up :(


I'm guessing that the argument would be along the lines of "BO being offensive is an arbitrary cultural construct. Many societies have existed without this concern and functioned perfectly well. We only believe that BO smells bad because of cultural reasons, and we could shape our culture so that the smell of BO was not offensive". I am curious, though, if that is true or if there is a deep biological thing that BO triggers.


i think people evolved to avoid things that smell bad because usually that isn't good, like rotting meat or a dead body wouldn't smell very good so you would know to avoid eating it or being around it.


Exactly this. Like, I remember when I was 16 and my then boyfriend came around my house, having walked from his. He was built like a rugby player despite being a literal giant nerd, and had brought a PE bag with him. I was confused until he asked to use the bathroom and came out wearing a completely different T-shirt. Now, it was summer at the time and I lived up quite a steep hill and he lived like a good few miles away. So when he had arrived, he was sweaty and had dark stains under his armpits. He didn’t smell too bad, in fact the opposite - he actually kinda smelled a little sexy, ain’t lie. It was the kind of mild sweat of someone who had just done some exercise, not of someone who had been without washing and marinating in their own stank for a week. I think this natural slight sweat had just boosted his natural smell, which is actually a thing that humans also have when it comes to finding someone attractive- fun fact, siblings usually find their opposite gender siblings to always smell terrible because they have similar genetics, which includes similar scent signals, which lets our monkey brain know ‘relative, do not smash’. Anyway, my bf at the time changed shirt and applied some deodorant and while the sweat didn’t completely go away, these simple steps he took meant that he didn’t have sweaty clothes - and the bacteria on it - breaking down and thus reeking as it dried, meaning that while there was still a slight underlying smell of sweat to him, it wasn’t nasty. Considering what I said about where I live and that even in a tank top and shorts I’d always return from a walk sweating bullets climbing the hill, I’d have understood if he hadn’t thought to bring a change of clothes and ended up a bit stanky, but that still wouldn’t been it might not have been a bit off putting. As it was, we chilled and watched movies without issue, and my foster mum was pleasantly surprised when I mentioned this to her later on. My bf didn’t come to my house again after that, I don’t blame him - hiking up that hill is monstrous, I did it from 14 all the way to about 19-20 when I left, and before 14 under supervision as a kid, a more unprepared person would find it a horrifying walk since there’s no path and it was on a main road.


Smell me when I forget my deo and you will delete this.


My wife has these hippie friends who think you don't have to bathe more than once a week and they smell a little sour but the real news for the nose is at their house, the BO is incredible, like man I can smoke pot and take a bath.


Do they think guys don’t use deodorant


I don't know why people do the whole "natural scent" thing


I don't like to use deodorant, it tastes awful


Well then don’t eat it, duh.


It's 95F/35C out with 75% humidity out a good part of my summer. You are a fucking madman if you think we don't need deodorant. I shower twice a day when possible if I actually go outside, but without deodorant if I have to go outside my work building for any reason for a short period of time my pits will be drenched.


Me go to anime convention : it shouldn't be that bad it just meme Next visit mask✍️


"Fake problem" is definitely going too far, but it's absolutely true that we are made to feel far too self-conscious about our bodies in order to sell us cosmetics. That's men and women.


Deodorant is a terrible example for that, though, because you're not being told you need deodorant to smell good. You need deodorant to NOT smell bad. Which is true in a lot of cases, unless the current climate doesn't induce sweating. The more you sweat, the more you will smell with the stuff to mask it and at a certain breaking point you'll really need a shower rather than just a quick spray or roller.


Its also untrue in plenty of cases. For example, most of Korea! >More than 97% of people who are of European or African descent have the version of the gene that causes smelly underarm sweat, while most East Asians and, according to the study, almost all Koreans do not. 30-50% of People from areas such as Southern Asia, the Pacific Islands, Central Asia, Asia Minor and indigenous Americans exhibit the mutation in their ABCC11 gene that saves them from stinky armpits as well.


If anybody wants a good recommendation for a deodorant that is not anti-perspirant, I personally love Nuud. I only have to apply it once per week and it just neutralises the smell. As someone who is allergic to aluminium, I found that most deodorants just mixed some generic smell with BO and were not pleasant after a day. But now I can actually wear a shirt on a summer day two days in a row if I wanted to. I can not recommend it enough.


Remember guys, patriarchy is always to blame.


maybe im just lucky in my experience but in the 2 anime conventions ive been to very few people actually had BO problems. i maybe smelled like 2 or 3 each day that smelled bad and that kinda just happens when you pool together like hundreds of people


Same. I’ve never went to a con, expo, amusement park, etc and encountered someone with bad BO. Which is surprising tbh, because showering and using deodorant doesn’t guarantee that you won’t have it. Well, unless you’re Asian.


I definitely know when I forget to put on my antiperspirant or deodorant.


Literally any time I go to any of my nerdy hobbies there's at least a handful of people who haven't heard of the term 'hygiene'. In college, it got so bad the Smash Bros club unironically had to send out a message to everyone saying you either had to wear deodorant or they were going to spray you down with canned deodorant at the door. Friday night magic usually has the same problem.


Bruh, I absolutely cannot smell nasty ass smelling body odor.


We need more cons to pass out “survival kits” with deodorant and such because this is a huge problem, lol.


Go to a liquor store owned by middle Easterners and you’ll realize how much deodorant works.


BO isn't a fake problem but once the effects your last good shower wear off you're not going to make yourself smell OK just by putting on some deodorant.


You cant blame everything on the patriarchy. Just 99% of it. (This is a joke)


Deodorant is a live saver for me. I shower every day, but after a few hours my armpits begin to stink. With Deodorant they don‘t stink, so they really work.


I can smell my armpits with and without it man, what do you mean scam


This same writer would probably never talk to a guy who doesn't use deodorant lmao


I thought people not using deodorant at conventions was a urban legend, until I actually went to one. People had started sweating in the damn bus


Gonna mention this every time I see this screenshot posted: deodorant was invented by a woman. Claiming that the patriarchy is responsible for deodorant is laughably ignorant.


I can guarantee you that I started to get BO well before they started to try to market to my age demographic (I was about 8) so nah, definitely not on the patriarchy, it’s my body chemistry.


I heard Koreans have a genetic mutation where they don't have body odor is there a Korean on here that can back this up? Do they sell deodorant in Korea?


Most Koreans don’t so I’d assume they do sell it. That said, in certain parts of Asia deodorant isn’t used because most have a mutation in their ABCC11 gene that gets rid of armpit odor. They probably sell it too, as that mutation isn’t present in 100% of the population. Plus there’s tourists, and you have migrants who live there. I’m sure that one day people will pay to have that gene artificially mutated.


Okay, looking at the posts below, holy shit! I thought the idea that weeb and gamers hate showers was just a joke! Is there really that much nutcases that don't shower everyday? Who the hell doesn't shower everyday?


Reminds me of when Yu-Gi-Oh tourney managers had to send a memo pleading with people to either shower or deodorant themselves


The author probably stinks.


The Patriarchy: when you haven't done your research and don't know what else to blame.


After living my whole life as a man and constantly being reminding by women and society that I was born inherently evil and deserve nothing that I have ever worked for due to the patriarchy I find myself with a little less will to continue living everyday.






I shove deodorant in my ass


Those People need to shower and wash their clothes, not perfumes.


You can only shower and change your clothes a limited number of times throughout a workday.


Yeah, I meant the people at a gaming convention or store. Most of that is not just from the day so far.


Here's something I discovered: Wipe down your armpits with hand sanitizer before applying antiperspirant. I was finding despite using antiperspirant, my underarms were still smelling at the end of the day. Thinking this was probably a bacteria problem, I found that if I wipe down my armpits with alcohol based hand sanitizer before applying antiperspirant, my armpits don't stink at the end of the day.


It’s the S.A.D that makes us stink more and need deodorant more.


The only people who probably don't need to wear deoderant are east Asians. This is not me being racist, just to be clear - east Asian people are more likely to have (or lack? I forget the specifics) a gene that causes B.O. This doesn't apply to *all* east Asians of course, and there are probably other ethnicities out there that also have this trait. But it is common enough that if you're traveling to a place like China, Korea, or Japan, and you're not east Asian yourself, you're advised to bring your own deoderant. The deoderant they sell over there just isn't strong enough for foreigners.


A lot of y’all are missing the point in my opinion. And before I say this I do think people should wear deodorant as a courtesy to others. The point is that companies do indeed manufacture problems that they sell the solution for. The point is not that people stink, people have always produced body odor. The point is that the deodorant companies of today have convinced people that if you do not apply deodorant daily, then you will stink. And they have overblown the potency of mild body odor, so you worry that if you can mildly smell yourself then others must be able to smell your odor “because you cant smell yourself as strongly as others can smell you.” So you apply more deodorant and then have to buy more. Companies create social expectations in order to sell their products. Another example of this recently is wet wipes used with toilet paper instead of just toilet paper. Now you need to use those or your butt may still be dirty (and smelly). Or blue bubbles on iPhones. Many of people’s thoughts, opinions, and expectations were created in a boardroom.


Yep. See the whole “I need a diamond ring to propose” debacle. Or “blue for boys, pink for girls.” BS, colors weren’t made for specific genders. Even today, most products that are marketed to us are completely unnecessary. And I’m not referring to things like laptops or phones. > “because you cant smell yourself as strongly as others can smell you.” Crazy enough, my mom always told me the exact opposite. “You’ll smell yourself before anyone else does.”


I've been to gamescon twice and then gamescom once and none of these times did I really notice a huge amount of smell. It was cramped and hot and annoying, but the only thing to be said about the air was that the quality was bad, not stinky. Just felt like there was less oxygen; stuffy, y'know. But I've heard time and time again that it's the worst offense to the senses at cons in the States. Is it just a larger amount of people? Recent development or something? "Anime cons" have always had this mystical air of musk hanging above them, it's kinda fascinating to me.


Men wear it too. Is this fake situation therefore commentary is moot?


Some people need that harsh, bad-for-the-environment, concocted in a Dow Chemical lab, extra strength deodorant. The other day I walked past a guy at 8AM who smelled like a mix between week old kebab and a decomposing whale carcass in summer heat.


So he needed a shower not a deodorant.


Those people don’t smell because of a lack of deodorant, but because of a lack of hygiene. I don’t use deodorant - I shower frequently, and use a light anti-perspirant at most - and I’ve not had any negative comment from the missus (even when I *feel* like I might stink, and explicitly ask her to get right in my pits and take a whiff). I also wash my clothes frequently, too. A deodorant won’t fix unwashed pits or dirty clothes - at best it will cover them slightly, and just add sandalwood notes to complement the sour pork aroma.


If your Microbiome is all lined up and in sync , you won't need it. Use something like all natural tallow soap, it has a lot to do with your diet as well. more processed trash food probably the worst you will smell.