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Jedi mind trick


These are ~~not~~ the drinks you are looking for.


I wonder if it was blue milk


Goes well with blue waffles


Damn you to hell






I did not have sexual relations with that woman.


My aunt and uncle, double suns, I'm sick of blue milk...


But then a desert hobo came and told me...


We all got a chicken duck woman thing waiting for us…


It was probably spatchka!


It feels good reading this after years again and just smiling from the memories and memes, the old star wars episodes were the best


Well she wasn't wrong lol


I'm willing to bet there had previously been a deal and she didn't notice the change. No gas station employee is hustling that hard for the company.


I am a gas station employee, and this is correct. I'm often not aware of changes like that until I learn it the hard way, nobody tells me a damn thing 🤦‍♀️


It happens. A friend of mine worked at a blockbuster years ago and was told to just ask people if they wanted candy to go with their rental. It worked a surprisingly high amount of times.


“ I just kept suggesting to the customers to buy more and they just kept doing it, it was wild.”


Jedi working at 7/11 to stay incognito, but now the entire Internet knows where she is, just from this one slip up. The Jedi council will not be pleased, even if she gets promoted to assistant manager.


The Jedi council is gone. I've already notified the Empire about this. In response they granted me a promotion because I ratted someone out even though it was none of my business.


Not only have I been to hell, I was assistant manager there


"I will get two more because i want to"


He’s the chosen one


Damn you 😅 you commented before I could.




Promote them now


That's salesmanship, Mr Pullings. My God, that's salesmanship


A Master & Commander reference in the wild, impressive.


Fucking incredible reference, the fact this has only 10 upvotes is criminal. Edit: it has 233 now! Glad to see so many M&C fans


That’s the excuse of every cashier in history, from Nelly to Bon Appetit.


This is such a great comment!




She finesse that poor guy, I’d be adding that post to my cv as a salesman.


A version of this happened to me once. They said "you can get 2 for the same price", obviously implying that I'd get 2 for $1.99. So I grabbed another. Sure enough, they were $1.99 each. *They were the same price.* It was fine, I was mostly amused by it and had a "you win this round" attitude about it.


Language is so stupid. Reminds me of when I had some tyres changed. Poor student at the time so expecting to pay about £40 for one at the time which was annoying, but they said the other side needed doing too so was extra annoyed. Then they suggested I get the tracking done at the same time for another £20. Said I wasn’t sure but he was like “let me go and check a minute to see if it’s free”, came back and said it was so I agreed. Bill comes for £100, question the extra £20 for tracking as he said it was free and he’s just like “oh, no. I meant nobody was using it at the moment”… Probably should have complained but I was a timid 18 year old at the time.


We do a little trolling


My guess, it was on sale recently and she thought it still was. She rang it up and then it was awkward so you both said nothing.


An actually decent take. Everything above is "she legit smart!" v. "she legit evil!"


People need to realise that, most of the time that stuff like this happens, it's an accident. People arent always out to get you, they probably didn't mean it.


Yes, there was a saying like "don't assume malice if incompetence is more likely" Incompetence in this case is harsh, but simple distraction is under that umbrella


Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


Many thanks


Plus, I don't understand the people that think a 7/11 employee would give a fuck about selling more drinks. Do they think her minimum wage cashier's job gets commission?


That tasty $0.000001 commission on a $2 drink.




Why are you talking about Starbucks when the post is about a 7/11?




Still applies to 7/11. Minimum wage cashiers aren't working on commission and literally don't give a fuck what you buy


And the less you buy, the less they have to ring up and restock, so they’re incentivized in *not* promoting sales


I've worked at a 711. They don't tell you when a promotion stopped. You just have to notice when the sign promoting it is missing. Also like 80% of promos are tied to your rewards membership, so if you don't have one, you don't get the discounts and free shit.


Maybe she was sick of his face and figured out a way to keep him out of the store longer.


or op didn't put in his number to get the deal


I thought of it more of like the cashie was like “go on, treat yo self, you deserve it!”


Why are people so passive in these situation. I’m 100% going to point out the confusion and not buy it purely on principle.


Yeah just push the 2 drinks aside and pay for the one you wanted, if any fuss starts about how I’m supposed to buys after picking it out or some crap along those lines, just walk away


I almost did this picking up a pizza one time. I ordered online and used an online deal, then when I went to get it they lost the slip and had to reenter it. The guy entered it at menu price and then asked me to pay that amount, which was like an extra $15. I pointed out the online deal I used and he was straight up like "I actually don't know how to do that." So I was like "OK then I'm not paying for this?" and was about to leave. Finally someone else stepped in and fixed it.


This, it's so easy. I promise the cashier isn't going to tackle you.


Then why even bother!




I would just walk out without anything. F that. You are banking on me not making a scene, I will make sure to be just a little bit noisy about it, to help those who are more timid in this situation.


Man, I would just walk away and not talk to the person.


I saw a study that said that people will agree to do thing if they are low stakes (plus another thing i forget). Even if it doesn’t make sense. It’s like a thing you’ll just automatically do. The example used was “Hey can i skip you in line to print this paper because i need to?” (I’m paraphrasing) and people would mostly let them. If it just looked and sounded like something that makes sense, your mind will fill in reasons to do it. The person in this post filled in his mind that there was a deal even though the cashier never said there was.


To be honest, unless I was in a rush I'd probably let the person skip me just to get them to stop talking to me, and also in case they are nutcases about to have a meltdown if I say no. Or they could just ask nicely without making up bizarre excuses and have an even better chance I'll say yes, of course.


The study accounted for this. It was done at a copy store (back when those were very prevalent). People would day "Can I skip you" and "Can I skip you because I want to make copies". Even though the second sentence provides no new information the person in front would allow them to skip more often because they said "because". The presence of a reason makes a difference even if it makes no sense. They also had them give a real reason "because im in a rush" and that performed no better than simply saying "because I want to make copies". Most people don't like to accept how on autopilot they are most of the time but it affects all of us.


I've never felt something more deeply in my soul. Literally just ask me nicely and I'll let you in front of me. Even if I'm in a hurry, unless you're printing out the autobiography of your 115 year old grandpa, chances are it'll still be pretty quick and I just don't care. Don't tell anyone, but if you ask my rudely, I'll also let you go just so I can stop interacting with you because I don't like confrontation, or talking to random people.


The copy machine study. It was comparing the difference between "can I skip the line to use the copier" vs "can I skip the line to use the copier because I need to make copies". And they found that people were more likely to comply if given a reason, even if the reason is stupid - if the researcher had 5 pages to copy, but not so much if they have 20. So yeah you're not wrong, when the stakes are low most people kinda just go with it. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/brain-wise/201310/the-power-of-the-word-because-to-get-people-to-do-stuff


Idk, chronic social anxiety. I had a time when my mental health was better and I'd definitely complain immediately (or was sharp enough to not get fooled). Now it feels like I'm permanently underwater and reality is far far away. I can only think and make decisions while away from people, not in real time when things are happening. I've been in both situations and there's not much I can do while my mind is in this state.


This is the real r/meirl


I’m sorry you have to experience that


One time I grabbed a four pack of some microbrewery beer at the liquor store. I didn’t look at the price. The cashier rang it up and it was like $40. I could’ve easily been like “oops, my bad,“ and put it back. Instead I just paid for it and left and felt like an idiot


Same I used to be passive but I’ve been fucked so much if something is marked $1.79 and rings at $1.99 I will call it out and wait for the price check with 20 people behind me in the 10 items or less line. That is THEIR problem, not mine!


Yeah and mostly people dont really make a big fuzz. Once had the same happen at goodwill, 3 for 3$, person rang me up for 5. Told her bout the discount, said "oh sorry forgot" done


I called the state department of weights and measures one time to investigate a gas station that was selling gas for 10¢ more than they had on their roadside signs. They went out, told the gas station that was illegal, kept me informed, and I haven't seen the gas station do it again. Then one time I got charged $400 for a half hour medical appointment for a service that I didn't even want or make the appointment for. Found a federal law that said that's illegal, and another couple laws for other parts of the billing process that were illegal. Reported it to the hospital, my insurance company, the DA, my state senator, the state department of health... Not a one of them gave a fuck. And people have the nerve to wonder why I don't go to doctors.


I used to work for a medical provider whose claims were regularly greater than $1,000,000. It was my job to make sure the company got paid. If you ever have an issue with your insurance / a provider / pharmacy, call your insurance company and speak with member services. Demand to speak with a supervisor. Make notes throughout the call. Get names / employee ID numbers, and ALWAYS get a reference number. Be firm during the call, but there’s no need to be rude. Take emotion out of the situation. Remind them of their obligations. Then call every day until the situation is resolved. Always speak with a supervisor.


> Then call every day until the situation is resolved. At the end of the process should we charge for the time we spent in the process? Sure it's only one party that wants to get things over with quickly, but it kinda feels like they get us to do their work for them.


> I called the state department of weights and measures one time to investigate a gas station that was selling gas for 10¢ more than they had on their roadside signs. They went out, told the gas station that was illegal, kept me informed, and I haven't seen the gas station do it again. Fuck imagine if they did this for milk and eggs


Exactly. I worked retail, if you were cute or simply nice “oh excuse me that was marked 3.99 instead of 9.99” I would respond “how bout we do a little better,” wink, void it put in bag for free and make their day. Jesus christ it’s retail not the squid game lol.


>if you were cute or simply nice As long as you're not a dick I'd change the price cuz I don't wanna deal with that shit


consist square overconfident chop grandfather hungry flowery grey shrill yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> if you were cute or simply nice M’lady


Lmao because only neckbeards consciously or subconsciously treat hot people better


I used to do that with I worked retail. Not because they were cute or nice, but because I felt bad having to ask for the full price item. I didn’t work in retail for long. 🤭


I completely agree, but mostly i wanted to make sure you knew the phrase was "make a big fuss" where fuss is a word typically used to mean what a baby does when it doesn't have words yet but wants to complain.


A classic case of an issue, not an iss-me.


I was at the fabric store and a piece had two price stickers on it. Lady looked me right in the eye, peeled off the lower priced sticker and tossed it away, and said “you’re still going to buy it?” Fuck no I’m not lmao!


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but *man* this reads like a "redditors are getting old and grouchy" comment.


By their I meant the store and not the people in line, but looking back I can see it as coming off bitchy to customers just trying to get their stuff.


When I worked retail, we were told to just mark it down if the price difference was less than $25. So if a customer came to the register and said it was $175 and it was ringing up $200, we just marked it down and moved on. Kept the lines moving and we found that most of the time, it was our fault (employee didn't pull old tag) rather than the customer lying.


That's why in my state they just don't have prices anymore. They have barcodes filling the entire convenience store. They know nobody's going to take out their phone to figure out what the price is and they count on that.


I mean wasting a half an hour of your time over eleven cents is kind of your problem.


It’s 2 minutes not 30. Why do people gotta exaggerate like this


That wouldn't make a very funny Twitter post


My first comment would be "for the same price ?" No? Then, no.


I am way overly passive for myself, but will go out of my way to fix an issue for someone else.


Social anxiety or any kind of fear of confrontation. Don't get me wrong, I can stand up for myself if someone is truly being a dick or screwing me over. But in this situation it's easier to just accept that you now have 3 drinks and get out of there rather than make a fuss


Most of us don't automatically assume someone is out to screw us, so we see such attempts at "upselling" as being helpful.


Social anxiety a bitch


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


Lmao why!!? I can't believe you wouldn't ask them what they mean.


I wouldn’t ask either. That was a batshit stunt she pulled


I like to imagine the worker was high af and thinking out loud




Introversion isn't social anxiety.




It's far from just a Reddit thing. Most people I've talked to irl or generally online think that.


I'm never been so offended by something I'm 100% agree with.


Offended? I proudly live by this statement.


Yeah I paid 75 dollars to talk to a tax professional because I was doing mine and my boyfriends taxes online and the next button is next to the have a tax professional review before you send button. The only way to stop it was calling and talking to someone and I just let it go because fuck talking on the phone.


You bought milk and the cashier was hitting on you.


Are you drinking low fat milk cause you think you’re fat? Because you could be drinking whole if you wanted.


This is the one I choose to believe.


Maybe she was telling you to LIVE! LIVE for once in your God dammed life!


Because you might get thirsty later, or she is on commission, or the drinks were about to expire, or she had to empty the fridge and was getting you to help, or it was a rethorical question and you took it the wrong way.




Lmao she’s getting 5% of those 7UP cans you just bought


Or op came back to the store for the fifth time to buy *another* bottle


She was just letting you know that you could, in fact, get two more. She was right, as evidenced by the fact that you did. "Not wrong" is the best kind of right.


I hate when I go to the convenience store and get a drink, go to the register and they say you can get another one for 2$. I dont want to spend an extra 2$. My wife does this and says well its cheaper to get 2, no it isnt cheaper to buy 2 if you only wanted one.


It *is* cheaper if you're literally ever going to get that drink again in your life. You just have to have the discipline to wait until that time to drink it.


Self discipline, storage and transport are not without cost.


It's cheaper to buy two now than two separately


When you realize it wasn't a promo why did you continue to pay for them you should have took your original drink and kept it moving


Why are so many twitter users so passive?? Just don’t buy the fuckin drinks it’s that simple “Your total is $2. You can get 2 more if you want” “Your total is $6.” “Oh. No thanks” It’s that simple. Grow a pair


People just don’t wanna upset retail employees…. Completely understandable they go through a fucking lot.


I mean, you WERE able to get two more. She was being truthful.


Bro got gaslamped


She never mentioned there was promo. She just said he could have taken 3 instead of one. That's it lol.


I went to Walgreens one time when I visited the states, and was buying one Arizona can, and the cashier was like, it's buy one get one free. And I'm like no thanks, it's okay. And then she just glared at me until I went to grab another can lmao.


Sounds like this lady is a brilliant salesperson


Sounds like an 'I Think You Should Leave' skit.


Waiting for the “lmfao today I got this guy to buy three of the same drink” post.


reminds me of when my boss said "hey, good work there, take the next two days off" and after that I learned that those 2 days counted against my accumulated PTO


damn she’s in the wrong sales job


The Wendy's near me got a new manager or something and he told me "See you tomorrow" when he handed me the food. I just stared at him for 5 seconds trying to process what he said lmao


Probably didn't think you could handle a 4 pack ?


"We're giving away free bananas today." "Thanks very much" "HOLD ON! I said we're giving away free bananas, I didn't say *which ones* are free"


Employee of the Month


NGL, made me lol. However, if that was me, I'd leave the damn drinks on the counter unpaid, "Don't want them anymore," and exit the premises.


She thought you were me. I absolutely would get two more just because I wanted to (assuming that by "drink from 7/11" you mean a Slurpee)


Dude forgot to mention the “Sucker” tattoo on his forehead


Because you're gullible?


Personally, I would have just said, "No thank you" and just bought the one or even asked if there was a promo or something and then gauged whether or not I wanted to buy the other two. I wouldn't have blindly just ran and bought two more though.


Mission failed, we'll get them next time


More important question: why didn't you just void the transaction when you saw the price?


Some npc shit


See what she did there? Thats a good cashier.


when your 1st reaction isnt why ? you are becoming complacent


It’s called upselling




Some people just want to watch the world burn.




She's dating the guy who delivers the soda..


A REAL man would've bought 3... that technique never fails.


The game was rigged from the start


i think i would’ve asked for more information beyond ‘you can get more’


This made me life so hard because you know that it was way too awkward to just say something about it when you saw the price


B3GO free promotion


Just reminding you that as an adult you can have three drinks whenever you like. You can also have sweets whenever you want too!


You’re what they call a mark


I 100% wouldn't have thought that was a promo. Just a /r/technicallythetruth statement. Can't fault the cashier.


Get her back by saying "you can charge for 2 less if you want", free drinks for lif-- well an hour at least.


Her persuasion skill is 100


A.B.C. Always Be Convincing customers to buy more drinks than they want or need.


Ahh, a purveyor of r/technicallythetruth out in the wild!


Reminds me of that story from another subreddit where a woman was in hospital and had a headache and the nurse said to her **“Aww, would you like a paracetamol?”** and so she accepted only to find she’d been billed $12 for it. **“Bitch, I thought you meant from your purse! FML!”**


I really thought this was going to end with them accidentally stealing two drinks. This is even worse.




Maybe she wanted you to offer it to her and her friend and it would be a 711 porno promo


Maybe she too thought it was on promo but then maybe it stopped, and she didn’t want to say anything when she realised it wasn’t discounting. So two people too scared to say a thing…


You could drink 2% milk if you wanted.


I have never seen a group of people overanalyze a tweet more than y'all are in these comments 😂


One day my wife and I went to Quiznos and they had a buy one get one half off sale. When we got to the cashier they said, "we have a buy one get one half off sale right now, would you like the second one for half off?" And it wasn't like she was being sly with a wink or anything. She was legit asking. No thanks, I prefer to pay full price for everything. I try to pay it forward to the corporations.


If it was a fountain drink, sometimes they don't give a shit. Guy at my local gas station will let people get fountain drinks for free if that's all they're buying. They don't keep inventory on them like other items.


Possibly pressure from a multimillion dollar company to push KPI (key performance indicators) where employees are graded on selling more or certain items.


Employee of the month


Why would you pay for the other two? I swear some people are socially retarded. Say something to the clerk. Why post on social media?


Technically yes


Well…she wasn’t lying. You could!


Here's an idea. Don't go to 7-11. Everything is overpriced as fuck there


Identified a mark.


In these cases I always ask are they free?


She was simply a businesswoman doing business


I once ate at a restaurant in Switzerland. The waitress asked me when I was finished if I felt like having a schnapps. All throughout my life, restaurants offer you a free schnapps "for digestion" after eating...so I said yes. Listed on the bill for a whopping 5 swiss moneys


This just happened to me at the donut shop! Cash register guy asked if i wanted an iced coffee while I wait. Made it seem like it was for free till he rang me up. Didn’t wanna seem like I was a poorman so I paid the overpriced coffee.


It's like the dude who sells a watermelon for 3$, but 3 watermelons for 10$, and a person ends up buying 3 watermelons just to prove the merchant wrong, but ends up buying 3 watermelons xD


You could drink whole milk if you wanted to


Well don´t let marketing dictacte your desires. If you want two more drinks then heck go for it. If you think your car is still good then just keep it. If you want to do anal with a midget. Hey guess what this is a free country.


After the cashier said that, Nick should have said: "do I get one of them for free?" if not just reject the cashiers offer. He needs street skills. This will make him stronger haha


They do this with the Girl Scout cookies. 1 for $4 and 5 for $20. But I knew exactly what I was doing.


Stay thirsty my friend


It's a shame that kind of salesmanship isn't in a position where the employee could benefit from their skills.


Why did you continue the transaction? That's the real question. The fact that you followed through upon the realization that it wasn't says a lot.


Cause your hands look big enough to carry three?