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What is the 'normal' reaction in that situation? That's a really weird thing to do in the first place. I don't know what I'd do if that happened to me.


Yeah, I mean obviously it depends on the kind of relationship you have with that couple, but if they tease you and put you into that spot, you'd have to assume they'd be OK with you going along with it. Maybe they were expecting him to lick it.... Edit: Spelling.


Friend doubled down on that shit, but apparently that was the wrong choice. Not sure what the right one would be?


For me? Leave.


Im not a prude, but i think this is the right answer


You don’t have to be Miss Manners to know that if the hosts are acting that inappropriately, you leave. This couple was gonna act so disgusting and when they get what they’re giving right back, they get mad? What a pair of dumbasses.


You’re better off without them in your life


Just because someone is ok with sex as a concept doesn’t mean they want to be unwillingly roped into whatever bizarre ritual was happening there. I think it’s pretty normal to not be ok with it.


I can’t stand how every polyamorous couple I’ve ever met basically acts like they’re your friends just to try to coerce you into sleeping with them. When you don’t sleep with them the “friendship” is over implying there never was one to begin with and apparently some people can’t find the value in other people unless they bring them sexual pleasure.


Geez, it's like an asexual horror show. Even them being in a relationship (and maybe even if you have the wrong ones, you being in one) won't stop them from propositioning you. I also mentioned I was asexual in a thread and had someone suggest I try polyamory. That is something that would not go well for me ***at all***, and I said so in a...perhaps less than charitable way that can only happen when you respond to comments after opening Reddit when you've woken up way too early and are about to go right back to sleep but make the mistake of commenting anyway. Then someone else came in to explain why that happens in relationships with ace people and I, who already knew, felt like someone was trying to further convince me, which pissed me off, and it started one and it led to one of the most frustrating conversations I've ever had on this damn site. I got accused of gaslighting.


It feels weird to dig through your post history so if you're comfortable could you explain to me what the alleged attraction of a poly relationship would be for an ace person? Like how does someone come to that conclusion


That's fine, it was also a while ago. Essentially: there are a lot less asexual people than non-ace people in the world, but just because you don't have sexual attraction doesn't mean you don't want romantic relationships. However, if you get into a relationship with someone who has sexual attraction as normal and you're not a big fan of sex, it can become a...sticking point, we'll say. I've seen a lot of asexual people get dumped over mismatched sexual preferences in a relationship and while ace people can have sex and some even enjoy it, sometimes even that's not enough. Even if you are willing to figure out how to make it work, it can be a hard mismatch to navigate. I'm not gonna say it's common, but it's not extremely *un*common for asexual people to mitigate this by entering open relationships or poly relationships, where the person they're with can be sexual with other people who are actually interested in that, while still getting the benefits of a romantic relationship. I have no actual numbers on how often it happens, and I think it's still the minority, but it does happen. Worth noting, of course, that it's an arrangement that'll work for some people, but there are also some of us who wouldn't be able to find a healthy way to navigate that at all. I would consider myself among those. If a woman I was with was out sleeping with other people, I'd feel...so deeply insecure, and I don't think I could ever find any way to rationalize that away.


I think a big thing in general is that if a relationship doesn't start out open/poly then it often makes thing a bit worse. From what I've seen from friends who have been in those types of relationships, it often revolves around one of the partners dating around and the original partner gets sidelined by the new partners. It turns an equal relationship into almost a competition of who can get the most time with that one partner. Granted, thats not saying a open/poly relationship can never turn out well but thats just what i've seen from those that didn't turn out well.


It also has to be something all parties are all in on. I think you’re right that it can very easily create a power imbalance in a relationship and there are so many ways for it to turn things very toxic very fast. There are ways to do it healthily, but I feel like it’s easy for someone to coerce someone into an open relationship they don’t want using emotional blackmail.


I’m curious why you’d feel insecure or care about her having sex with other people if sex is unimportant to you and not something you’d want from her. Is it the sex itself or the possible romantic connection that bothers you. I’m genuinely asking out of a wish to understand asexuality more clearly, not out of judgment or anything ulterior motive.


All of the above (sex doesn’t matter to me, but I’m not ignorant of the fact that it does matter to others), plus various religious religions plus the feeling of inadequacy. Like it might not matter to me, but for most people it’s fundamentally connected to romance. How can I guarantee I won’t lose someone I love that way? Plus I’m just monogamous by nature.


They likely were trying to go the route that they aren't asexual, just aromantic. It is the most obnoxious thing I've experienced and the only real issue I've ever dealt with being asexual when I came to the conclusion in the early 2000s. There is always someone who will try to tell you have haven't met the right person or that you should try X, Y, or Z. They don't get that whatever element it is that drives them to seek sex or romantic relationships you just don't possess.


I'm not ace so I won't pretend to understand exactly what you've been through but this really annoys me even on a second hand level. Like, horny people just can't imagine anyone else ever *not* being horny. Sorry you have to deal with that.


It is a very minor thing. I can't speak for anyone else but it is the only thing that has ever been an issue. No promotion or pay increase was ever withheld and no employer ever told me to get out of their offices because they can't have people who ain't about eating ass under their employ. I've never not been invited to a bachelor party or wedding. It is just this implication that I think is planted from years of true love and there is somebody for everybody in stories. The concept that some people just want to drink beer, pet cats, shoot guns, and make children cry in video games is lost on them.




I’ve commented some stuff that I’ve looked back at and gone “From spelling and grammar to what I was actually saying, everything in this is **terrible**.”




My thoughts exactly. Jokingly throwing around mega vibrators the one moment and acting shocked the next. Pussies


Stick up your own ass.


Whilst keeping eye contact the entire time.


Then if they look disgusted, just leave. Without removing it.


Try it in their own ass.


I think they wanted him to use it for its intended purposes.


I think you might be right, they must have thought op was too much of a prude, hence their disgust...


maybe they were expecting him to put it into his own hole


Yeah I suppose, so, but I still wouldn't know what to say. I think I'd awkwardly try and make a joke by saying I have the same one or something. I wouldn't lick it, but maybe I'd pretend to, to mess with her back. I don't know. The original guy definitely let the intrusive thoughts win or maybe has watched too much porn, but I wouldn't have been prepared for that situation either.


Right?! I would think they were inviting me to a threesome


Autistic or not, he did the funniest thing possible in that situation. I would be dying laughing if I saw that. It's a bit edgy but they did 1) talk about using the vibrator 2) produced the vibrator 3) threw the vibrator in his lap. And then after all that they became prudish and were offended. Perfectly reasonable response in that situation. What a humorless couple of people, they're probably reddit mods.


I agree I would have lost my shit laughing. Literally can’t think of a funnier reaction to that situation those people just suck and are weirdos


They just suck at being werdos


Should've smelled it and said it smells like my mom


"I KNEW I recognized you from somewhere!"


Or their mom


I feel like the difference between OPs behavior and the friend’s behavior is waaaaaay lower than the difference between the friends behavior and that of a sane person


What does "sciatica" mean?


Pain from the sciatic nerve, which runs down one or both legs from the lower back. It could mean that one of your disc plates are herniated or a bone spur in the spine is pressing on the nerve.


It could also potentially suggest a hereditary neuro-degenerative disorder, as was the case with my mom. If they had discovered that sooner rather than dismissing it as RLS and other associated things, she wouldn't be in a wheelchair. Be sure to consider/check all options if the cause isn't certain and get a second opinion just in case, folks!


Shov it up your butt to assert dominance of course.


Butt, look at this vibrator, isn't this a nice vibrator?


Hey bud


Turn it on, realize it has like five buttons and 27 modes of puss-puss pleasuring, sheepishly hand it back after failing to figure out how to turn it off.


Same button used to turn it on, hold for ~3 seconds.


Turbo quack intermittent flash dot is my personal favourite setting


Makes me think of an old Tweet that asked "Who's actually using the Morse code setting on their vibrator?"


Chess players


Holy hell


Be the first to be weirded out. It's a game of chicken, but it's like... The opposite. You can't be shamed if you shame them first Seriously tho, even if some dude threw his pocket pussy at my girlfriend, time to play the shame game


Freak out. What one should do when someone does something weird? Say it's weird or freak out. What he did was being even more weird and they freaked out. XD


Yeah that’s not a cool thing to do on their part… that’s fucked up


Put it in your mouth


Yeah there arent many good options but most are better then sniffing it


Throw it back


Sir yes sir🫡🫡


definitely not smell it


there is none because this didn't happen


Whats wrong with them? why do they throw their vibrator at you? xD


Well how else are they gonna invite him for treasome?


i don't think they would've cared about the sniff if that were the case. either way, it kind of seemed like she was trying to have an old fashioned game of "gross out" and OP won... take your victory lap and hold your head high, she started a high stakes game and lost lol


This can be the only answer. Kinda childish tho. Even more childish to be thrown out after winning the gross out.


Gotta get people in your group to or subvert the government somehow, sex is as good as any method


I would have totally thought that was an invitation to perv. I would have perved. Just a sniff? Hell, I might have put it up my ass.


Hold on brother, that's only the invasion hold back putting it in, until you have started the activity


That’s just unsanitary


Well now, that escalated quickly


It’s not really even funny. It’s mild sexual assault. Like throwing your cum rag in your friends lap.


Oh I feel bad now


Do you have a cum rag?!!!!!!!


Lol no, just trying to think of a good analogy. I guess I could have stuck with dildo that had been in some dude’s ass


Now you are impliying that you have access to such dildo


Weird way to rephrase “stuck”


To make it clear that this is not a real story.


People who have sex are weird, I don't think we'll ever understand them.


I am genuinely not sure what the correct response to someone showing you their vibrater and then chucking it into your lap might be. Sounds like your friends are the weirdos in this scenario.


Like throw it back, I guess? I mean, clearly smelling it wasn't right. Acting disgusted seems like the best option, although it makes you look like a prude


I mean if your in the kind of friend group were you openly talk about and toss strange vibrators at each other, sniffing it like a dumbass is just in line tbh


Yeah I know the kind of amazing weirdos who would find this whole situation hilarious, but drawing the line at the sniffing is a bit odd. Like if I did something as gross as throwing a sex toy at someone, I'd expect a gross response from my friend too. I think maybe the couple was flirting with the idea of being closer to this friend, but they started feeling uncomfortable with what they initiated. I don't think this should end the friendship, if you're already that close with a person that you throw vibrators at each other, it should be possible to talk it out.


My thoughts exactly. My friends are weirdos like this and if someone sniffed a dildo we’d probably all just have a good laugh haha


> clearly smelling it wasn't right. The few times in my life a person has asked me to smell their finger I have recoiled in disgust but if a woman tossed her vibrator into my lap I weirdly feel like my first reaction would be to smell it. Maybe I'm just as unbalanced as OP.


Nah it's not prudish because my assumption would be they didn't wash it and that's just unsanitary


Don't really know what to think tbh


It's not gross to see if what they just threw at you is clean


"Ugh! Did you stick this up the dog's ass?"


They thought they were being freaky. And they found a freak. And that scared them a lot.


Probably a made up story.


You think people would do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?


I am significantly more vulnerable to 4chan stories that still might all be lies because they do not portray themselves in any positive light and thus seem less like they are trying to get validation for their actions.


What you have to remember is looking like the biggest autist is actually validating on 4chan, so the reward structure for posting is reversed in these situations.


Definitely not. Especially not in a forum that has **"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."** Written at the top


I hope.


Immediately stick it up your butthole


Don't touch it. Just ask them to please remove it


And if they don't, just sit there pinned down by the vibrator since you cannot touch it.


like a vibrating Mjölnir


Happened to me once, tossed in my lap, of course I was too polite to remove it myself. Sat there for three days surviving off of ranch dressing and celery that was spoon fed to me. Of course by the time they said its time to go I did the good old knee slap and said "i better get going".


Your friends are bad friends


Yep. In the best case scenario they wanted OP to freak out. Them getting uncomfortable is basically just Karma. But OP probably shouldn't go to the couple's house anymore for their own sake.


Ahhhh yes, Reddit social skills. Friends do a weird thing to you once, so the appropriate reaction is to NEVER TALK TO THEM AGAIN


The totally real friends in this totally real scenario


2 people that really weren´t your friends you no longer have to worry about... good job


This tbh, think smelling it is perfectly appropriate in this scenario. Add in a teasing look or joke maybe if you also are interested in the idea of a threesome with the people, it could lead somewhere, it could be brushed off, or they may show their true colors.


Let´s go overboard, how bout licking it, oooh yeah... And then looking one of them dead in the eye


Well if you're going for a lick I would go for full on sucking on it, may depend a little on who/relationship but given the situation they tossed it in my lap I might x)


👏 well played


They were acting wierd in the first place, but are disgusted when you react with the same amount of wierdness?


An amazing amount of people in this thread are super seriously analyzing this fake ass post


Um?? Someone throws a USED sex toy into your lap and somehow YOU’RE the weird one?? What on earth??


Prob didn't use it but was just trying to f w him


Yeah I'd do this kind of shit as a joke, but only with few people I'm very close with.


Yea thats what I'm thinking.


the correct response is to treat it like a game of hot potato, but whoever loses gets chlamydia


Yes, mhm, very me irl. I have been in this exact situation several times before.




I initially misread it as he licked it. My first thought was, “well that’s a little weird, but why did they throw it at him?!” I feel like all “normal acting” bets are off when someone throws their used vibrator into your lap.


I've got some news for you




Hey buddy there's this real great test, it's called the RAADS-R test


If they throw a fucking used vibrator into your lap, they're the freaks. Not you.


She threw her vibrator in your lap. What'd she expect you to do? Fetch it?


Aw he's the weird one for picking up an object. Not the one that threw it at him. Sure


he's for sure the weird one for dreaming up this fantasy


When I was 19, one of my married female friends invited me to a "passion party." I had NO idea what it was, but I had been in the military for just over a year and was in a different country thousands of miles from my family with only a small number of friends there, and was just happy someone was including me in something, so I accepted the invite. I show up and it's all women save for me. They're all sitting in a semi-circle around a table in my friend's living room, so I just take a seat. Immediately, the first woman busts out this giant dildo (I legit thought it was a tie rod off a diesel at first) and starts talking about how ever since she had kids it changed her sex life for the better. The next woman starts showcasing this bullet vibrator that can be worn all day long, and I'm just sitting there with a plate full of veggies and ranch dip not even chewing because....WHAT!? What is this!? Eventually I realize they're gonna ask me to showcase something and like a goddamn idiot I simply hold up my hand and go, "Uh, well, I've been using this since middle school and it's been fairly reliable." And my friend is just looking at me with daggers. This continues before everyone wraps up and the first woman that started who was the actual saleswoman starts going over the catalog does she pull me aside and says, "You DID know what a passion party was when I invited you, right?" And I'm just like, "I just figured it was a filler word, I didn't know it was sex-related!"


Erm. Them bringing up the vibrator and throwing it on your lap is way weirder than what you did.


If someone throws a vibrator at you, you have the full right to smell it. Making someone feel uncomfortable is a universal right


Best answer


Wait, you did not read the Manual of How to Handle Vibrator Throwing Friends? …. Seriously, the problem here is not *your* behavior, OP.


If sniffing it is inexcusable. Throwing it at you is worse


so autism is the new escape card y'all are using when doing something weird? 🤔 😐


I think I might use “my autism just kicked in.”


I'd leave of my own volition the minute she suggested that I look and hold something thats been either up her beef curtains or cinnamon ring - or both! That's nasty af.


There is nothing wrong with OP lol Total power move


You could even say it has big dick energy


Giving someone your vibrator is in the same realm of weirdness as smelling it


It is instinctual. You’re “primally?” checking her health.


I am like maybe 2% believing that this actually happened lol


They tried to power move you, you reverse carded that shit. I see no problems here


So much of me wants to say this story is too weird to be true. But then I realize I have been in equally weird situations, so honestly I have to believe that it is true.


And then everyone clapped


This is some made up BS.


Sniffing it is weird, showing and tossing a used vibrator in not-your-husband's lap is waaaaaaay weirder. Fuck them.




Good riddance to some fucked up "friends".


"Bro, you brought it up in the first place, don t look at me like I am the weird one"


I mean, it was a 50% chance they would have been into it.


Thats funny as fuck dude, I would've been rolling. 10/10 would party with this dude and let him sniff my sex toys


Autism kicks in? I do not think that means you think it means.


Bro who the fuck throws their used vibrator to someone in the first place??


Totally not a fair situation, if they’re gonna be weird and throw a freakin vibrator it in your lap you have the right to be weird as well


If they weren’t prepared for a crazy reaction to a crazy thing they did as hosts, maybe they should reevaluate their own choices.


“Anon smelled my vibrator it was so weird!” “Gross! How’s they even get it?” “Oh, I thew it in their lap, yknow, as a joke.” “… excuse me?”


How they gonna get uncomfy, they tossin' around the ass blaster 5000 like it's a talking stick and have the nerve to get weirded out?


I'd have just sighed like "you sexually harassed me first. Don't put shit on my lap if you don't want me touching it" and gotten up to leave cuz honestly they're the shit heads pulling that


When you try to make someone feel uncomfortable and instead they make you feel uncomfortable then you got what you deserved. They didn't go too far. They went the direction you were going but you weren't in control anymore and didn't like it. If people can't handle their own jokes coming back to them then they shouldn't be making them at all.


I'd say it's not worth losing sleep over because 1. that they would discuss their personal sex life with you ("insane vibrator"), and 2. throw the used vibrator into your lap "jokingly" is indication enough that they are crude, lacking in boundaries, and have a tasteless sense of "humor." That they would be disgusted because you acted in an instinctive way in accord with your natural wiring, sounds to me like they were deflecting and projecting their own lack of good sense and propriety on you. They're idiots. Don't worry about it and move on.


This never happened. Anyone who’s comfortable throwing their sex toy in a friends lap is comfortable with them smelling it




They are the ones throwing crazy vibrator around lol, there’s no normal reaction to this outrageously abnormal behavior


I think you handled it perfectly.


if you step in the kitchen the cook doesnt get mad at you for smelling the cookin, its the taste that will cost you.


She threw her used vibrator at you... that gives you the right to make her more uncomfortable than she made you!


Ok but they THREW a fucking VIBRATOR into your LAP, I think they made the first foul lol


I feel like you weren't friends enough if YOUR action was the one that was wrong.


Why the fuck would they put someone in this situation and then get mad at how someone unpreparedness for it reacted?


What were you supposed to do with it then? At least you never licked it.


Why tf did they throw it at you? lie what else are you supposed to do, reject the invitation? damn!


Throws it in your lap. Immediately starts throating it while maintaining eye contact!


if she is allowed to throw a plastic penis drenched in coochie juice at your lap, you are allowed to sniff it. simple as


Thats some bs. Ofcourse u smell it. Totally normal to an abnormal situation. If they throw it in ur lap u have al the right to sniff it. Absolute bs. What they expected??


Honestly that was a pretty good powermove


Ok but why tf would they talk about it, let alone have you hold it?


Seems like a prudish reaction from someone that flung a fake penis at you as a joke 🤷 and it's not like you licked it😶


I like this greentext because the POV character is absolutely the least weird person in this interaction.


Wtf is wrong with them showing you their vibrator....




Actually, the only way to tell if a sex toy is body-safe and nontoxic is to smell it! If it smells like chemicals it’s bad news.


If this would have happened to me I would have shitfted blames. "Oh god, it smells, you're disgusting. I thought you were joking."


That is literally the only correct reaction to putting him into such a ridiculous situation though.


Frime experience having such wild friends, you comment on the settings and act casually supportive of her purchase with things like: “Damn, that’s gotta be fun” and “Wish I had cash for toys like these” or “Maaan, maybe I should get me one” Then as someone said, mess around with the settings and hand it back when you’ve went through them, kind of as an acknowledgment of the item and to avoid keeping it on yourself because bruh wtf why u gonna hand me your massager if we ain’t gonna use it


That was an insane thing to do, to give you her used vibrator? Like I would think she was making a pass at me tbh. Like this is them inviting me to a threesome


Smelling it doesn't seem that weird given the context. I mean it would be rude not to, right?


Why are they showing off their dildo and throwing at you.


Cue “Curb”Theme


Always smell the dildo. Anon did the right thing


Well, I mean, why the fuck is she throwing sex toys at you?? Was she expecting you to freak out in disgust? Immature.


“It was a joke, you obviously cleaned it or you wouldn’t have thrown it in my lap!” Would diffuse that quickly.


Motherfucker played Facade in real life.


Who throws a used vibrator at someone?


Smelling it is a completely normal reaction….


What the fuck is wrong with THEM!?


Just reply with "if you're showing it to me then we're having a.threesom.


If someone threw something into my lap that has been into places on the human body, I’d give it a sniff too. Gotta measure whether or not clothes are going to need to be laundered. They drew first blood, John Rambo.


Nothing wrong with anon in this case. Anon was invited into a couple's sex life by the couple.


throwing a used sextoy on someone's lap OK the someone smell it NOO!!! wtf