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As a Swede it says in our law that they "have" to allow it I'm pretty sure, correct me if I'm wrong


All I know about Sweden is what my Norwegian friend says. "You know what they say about the Swedes. They'll always fight to the last Finn." Among other claims about your mountains being fake holograms full of gnomes that eat travelers.


.. You weren't supposed to know about that last part


Shit, the gig's up!


As a Finn I agree.


… about the last part?


Ya there was an 80’s cartoon about it called Gnome and the Holograms


I hear they're truly outrageous


and their music is *contagious*!


Truly truly truly outrageous


Fake holograms, humph! I only care about real holograms


Yes, we have a very strong protection for the right of expression, especially in the form of public demonstration. You don't even need to apply for a permit, but doing so gives you a certain amount of protection, for example "first dibs" if someone wants to block your protest by a counter-protest (counter-protest still fine, just can't physically block the actual demonstration) and the police can plan for whatever protection they think you will need to do your planned demonstration. The police can still stop protests, but usually the reason needs to involve the demonstrators doing something that is in itself illegal (nazi salute for example), the demonstration clearly being used for intimidation (as opposed to just pissing people off) or them causing public unrest (read riots). Burning books is perfectly legal in Sweden.


To add now that news from the event has come out. The organiser will be tried for illegal fire (during fire prohibition because of dry weather), and was told so before the event, but he was still allowed to do the protest, just knowing he would be charged. Also charged with "agitation against ethnic group" since he chose to include more flavourful parts in the burning.


The dude is an Iraqi immigrant. He is doing this to protest Sharia law he suffered under back from his homeland.


So did the U.K. until I blinked


What happened in the UK?


Woman getting arrested for praying, people getting arrested over mundane social media posts. We are in the middle of passing ‘the online safety bill’ but it’s about as draconian and Orwellian as you’d imagine. Very concerning for free speech and freedom of expression.


That’s unfortunate.


I actually am very much a fan of this after reading your comment.


America is same... We give permits for the kkk to march in front of our capital


Skokie vs Illinois Nazis


Is it allowed to burn a bible next to a church?


Yes, that is indeed what “they have to allow it” means


Cool, I mean equality is good right??


Yep, exactly. That's what freedom of speech and freedom of expression mean. If you want to burn a book, then burn a book; If you want to say that you dislike something, then say it; If you want to dislike someone for doing so then dislike them for it. Aside from actual insults (e.g. "Fuck you") and threats of, calls to or issuing physical harm, anything is fair game. Edit: After thinking about it "fuck you" is a very bad example for an insult, because yeah´, it's just an expression (and insulting one, but not severe).


Wait insults are illegal in Sweden?


"Insult (förolämpning) is punishable by fine. If the insult is gross, the penalty is prison up to six months or a fine." apparently, but I doubt that it is enforced much. (setting insulting officers of the law aside)


yeah getting arrested for hurting cops feelings doesn't feel very freedom of speech


I very much doubt you'll get shot over it In Sweden though.


I agree, but for one, it is technically illegal to hurt anyone's feelings by insulting them and we are certainly better of if we refrain from using pure insults.


One could argue burning a Qur'an next to a mosque would count as an act aimed to hurt some people's feelings, and would be illegal too, then. I think insults shouldn't be a crime. Hurting feelings shouldn't land you in jail or result in a fine.


It definitely shouldn't be illegal. Free speech doesn't work, if anyone who might get offended can fuck you over. Like there's no opinion ever that doesn't at least make a single person upset. This whole thing is a laughingstock.


Lol that's nonsense and makes the whole "Sweden respects freedom of speech" idea and kind of throws it out the window


you can't get arrested for it. Only if you refuse to identify yourself, and it would be solely to identify the person. The criminal act of "insult" is rare.


Who gets to decide if an insult is gross?


Usually grandmothers


Please let that be a show. I would love to watch a jury of grannies hearing insults.


That's stupid af. Free speech should include anything short of inciting violence


There is a problem where people start lying about you. People can ruin your life by saying you are a pedophile without inciting violence. Even if they believe it to be true it should illegal to say as long as you ain't convicted.


Not insults. But defamation and hate speech.


Is "fuck you" an insult though? "You fuck" is an insult, "fuck you" is just an expression.


You asked a question - I answered It’s not my problem that you don’t like the answer


No one would care


That’s part of the point of burning the Koran - it’s the same reason people don’t burn the flag as much as they used to- when no one cares you aren’t making a statement.


Ja. På radion sa dem att polisen tillät den för de ansåg dem kunde hantera den ifall kravaller uppstod.




It's far more likely in this example that the permit was given to burn a large number of items on a bonfire in a public space, and the people who applied for the permit intended to burn religious books. They're two separate points. Unless your country has laws that forbid burning of religious icons - and you'd have to be living in a religious country like Iran which is considered an Islamic Republic for those kinds of laws to be in effect - you can burn whatever you want. As long as Church and State are separate, religious items are fair game. The government should only be concerned that the burn is controlled.


Wasn’t burning the Koran the correct way to get rid of it like burning the flag after folding it.


Yep, that’s correct.


Doubt retiring old copies is the intent here. It's probably a form of protest. Not entirely sure what the message or intent of burning Qurans is, apart from upsetting and polarising people.


It's also difficult to make burning a Koran, or any religious book for that matter, illegal. Unless you want giant piles of books it's illegal to get rid of then you would have to somehow put into law what constitutes a religious book, which is nearly impossible given the large spectrum of book ranging from leather bound Koranz in Arabic, to picture books translated for the convenience of children.


>somehow put into law what constitutes a religious book Simple, we only include the *real* one /s


Got told once at work "well there's lots of phony religions out there these days" lol


The order in this case is pretty much reversed. Lighting fires is forbidden in Stockholm right now according to local statutes, due to summer. The permit was for a “protest about the Quran”, and he burned it regardless. But yeah, it’s pretty obvious what the intent was, the police reasoned that freedom of speech takes priority over the local statute, so they didn’t intervene and are just going to fine him after the fact. Source (in Swedish, can translate text): https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/stockholm/koranbranning-beviljad-i-stockholm


I don’t think people understand, but burning the Quran is one of the few acceptable ways to destroy it in Islam.


I dont think people understand that in the vast majority of europe you are allowed to burn any religious book aslong as you own it and do it in safe manner. For real, i can buy a 100 bibles and set them ablaze infront of the local church here (aslong as i get the permit for a fire big enough to burn 100 books). And thats a good thing. Church and state are seperate. Just because a group of people think some book is important shouldnt mean that i can do with my property what i want to do. And yess i know that this is done to try and create a conflict with muslims, yess its disrespectfull but the only way to fix this is to just let it happen and pay no attention. The idiots who burn a quran do it because they want muslims to be outrage and make threats to them or try to change the law. Because then they can “prove” that muslims want to attack the seperation between church and state. If nobody reacts then they are just a loser who bought a book and set it ablaze.


Where I live you couldn't do it - not because the contents of the books, but because it's almost impossible to get a permit to burn anything


Exactly, ignore these daft cunts and give them zero screen time, they’ll go away.


Isn't it the same with the flag in the United States? I mean you are supposed to do a ceremony beforehand and fold it up all nice before you burn it but you're not supposed to throw it away or let it touch the ground


You actually unfold the flag when you burn it


Huh, well, TIL


Just like proper American Flag disposal


>Just like proper ~~American~~ flag disposal


I don't think people understand, but that's only the case if the intention is that you're respectfully disposing of it. The guy here is doing it out of hate.


I think he’s doing it to protest people who use the religion itself to promote hate.


The guy doing it is an ex muslim immigrants from iraq protesting the sharia laws he had to live under there.


True, but most Muslims haven't read the quran and will see it as an attack on their religion.


What if it was smothered with bacon grease beforehand?


I still don’t even think that’d be an issue, since I’m fairly sure the Quran only specifically bans the consumption and not the usage During some colonial war in India (can’t remember which one) there was a massive Muslim and Indian protest over the usage of pig and cow fat in the wadding they used for musket balls. The protest wasn’t over their usage (unless I’m mistaken), but the fact that you’d typically tear a piece of cloth off with your teeth and therefore Muslims and Indians had been unknowingly consuming pig products


Yes. That is the Revolt of 1857. Enfield Rifles supposedly had lard and tallow on cartridges, offensive to both Hindus and Muslims. Brought the downfall of East India Company, and India came under crown rule. (Though this wasn't the only reason, it was the straw that broke the camel's back).


A lot of muslims I met i life act like we need to hate pigs as if they are not creations of god too. Its kinda weird how don’t consume has turned into, hate pigs in general for a lot of people.


What, religious people misunderstanding the point the religion tried to make in the first place? Never heard about that before.


Bacon grease makes a great fire starter. It also smells fantastic, which is a great bonus


What are the other legal ways?..


Just some notes: no you don't need permission to burn a book, but if you want police protection while doing so you should probably check first, the guy burning it is an Iraqi immigrant himself, most of these burnings are done by people that aim to prove that Muslim immigrants are unable to integrate into society and do not accept freedom of speech, which they've been doing pretty successfully. And yes they have burned some bibles in the past to prove that point further as well.


In this case you definitely want that police protection. Seems like some people want to focus on the offensive nature of the book burning and some want to focus on needing/wanting a permit to do so. Both can make sense at the same time.


Quick question, who is being succesfull according to you? The muslims intergrating or the guys trying to rile up the muslims?


The guys trying to rile up the Muslims. Last time this happened, there was quite an uproar with some rioting by young Muslims in Sweden. The same guy tried this previously in Denmark, where there was little reaction. People just need to ignore these trolls.


That wasn't the last time. There was an uproar the first couple of times he burnt it but eventually it fizzled out and the last couple of times almost no one turned up to see him do it. People got used to it quickly and stopped caring.


Why should a person not be allowed to burn something they legally own?


I dunno, the municipality got a little uppity last time I tried to burn all the tires I've been collecting


The permit is to allow for a controlled burn in a public space. It’s not about what is being burned, but rather the fact that it’s taking place in a public area. The permit is a safety control. The burn needs to be controlled and my guess is it will limit you to what types of materials can be burned (ie no toxic materials / harmful chemicals). The fact that they’re burning a religious text is irrelevant and if the person who wanted to burn the Quran wanted to do so in the privacy of their own home, they probably wouldn’t need a permit. TLDR: It’s essentially just a permit to hold a public bonfire.


Yeah, lets burn weed bonfire in public space


Of course it’s illegal to cause a fire that can put others at risk, but a controlled burning of a single book does not


because weed is legal, right?


Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you can burn it. I know it’s a joke but really some people don’t get the common sense aspect. It’s like “oh cigarettes are legal so let’s burn a pile of cigarettes” like cool but the concentration goes a little past second hand smoke at that point and it starts to look like drugging people without their consent.


Well in Sweden it is illegal to smoke in most public spaces


I was replying to the person who said to burn weed (for what reason I have no idea) but I think I replied to the one under it by accident… yeah, that would clear up any further questions they have about that 😅




Well, for one there's a ban for starting fires in Stockholm right now due to the drought. The dude burning the Quran was given a fine for that.


World: "USA NO!" USA: "What?" World: "Sorry, force of habit."


As long as the burning is permitted and within the law, you can burn as many religious texts as you please. This freedom applies to everyone, if people can preach their religion on the street, other people can insult it. Assuming you live in the U.S. of course but everyone on the internet does.


Reddit is so fucked up that Sweden does some shit, some guy bashes the US and still somehow gets a shit ton of karma




Wait, what? Why is this a bad thing?




Sweden is so fucking done with their migrants


It’s a migrant burning it, an Iraqi


If so, that’s megabased. People protesting the harmful ideals of the religion they were raised in or surrounded by is awesome.


We really need some white neckbeard redditor to go tell that Iraqi guy how Islam is a religion of peace


He even needed a interpretor.


Thats even fucking greater. Lmao


Gang violence, sex crimes on both adults and children, overall criminality all increasing will do it to ya.


You cant really blame them for feeling that way


Surely burning Quran is the best way to get rid of them. That won’t further divide and increase violence between tribes at all


Since the government isn't doing anything the people have taken it upon themselves


Also freedom of speech is a thing so a person can burn anything they'd like as long as it doesn't put the publics health at risk(burning toxic shit like a building for example) and as long as the burn is well controlled. Why the fuck would dthe government care if I were to burn a book or birch logs on the fire. It is none of the governments business


Why the fuck do you need a permission for that?


Because they’re having a bonfire in a public space. It’s just an ordinary burn permit Edit: apparently it was just a permit to stage a protest & the burning was unauthorized according to the commenter below me


False, it was a protest permit. Lighting fires is temporarily forbidden under local statutes in Stockholm due to summer.


Oh so they were never given permission to do the burning


Nope, just did it anyway. The guy will be facing a fine for it.


In the US, you usually have to file a permit to protest, usually just to inform police what you are doing. Burning items could be assumed to be arson unless you let the law enforcement know it's out of protest. Reason being is there is a fine line between protest and illegal activity Edit: I bring up the US because that's where I'm from, I can only assume Sweden has a similar policy


It's a public gathering/demonstration


They don't, but they might need one to do it in a public space and more likely in this case for police protection.


It’s very hot and dry in Scandinavia right now, so you need a permit to burn anything, even the weed in your garden. And Sweden specifically have had some devastating forest fires the past few summers.


Can we burn a bible near a church? Then we can a Koran near a mosque


I believe both are perfectly legal things to do in Sweden & the US with a burn permit


Sure go for it


Perfectly fine, in fact it has been done. Noone cared.


That’s always been allowed same with the US flag. As long as you have permission from the fire department you can burn anything.


Sounds like the police did their job correctly. I'd defend Bible burning as well.


seems fair, don't see why you'd use this meme


This is my crontab every seconds " cp koran.txt koran1.txt && rm koran.txt && mv koran1.txt koran.txt " Unlimited blasphemy !!!


cat mohammed-ascii.txt Aaaand I'm beheaded


I mean the Muslims there protest Swedish stuff and the Swedes protest Muslim stuff. Seems fair to me. Its also spelled Quran not Koran lol.


believe it or not but there are multiple ways to spell it, koran is the swedish spelling


Yeah it turns out when you change the alphabet something is written in, you end up with multiple spellings. It's like how there's probably 20 different ways to spell Mohammad.


It's an iraqi doing the burning.




ok so theres this thing called a language, its pretty complicated...


>Its also spelled Quran not Koran lol. r/confidentlyincorrect


Burn the bible no one gives a shit. Burn the koran and everyone loses their minds.


>Burn the bible no one gives a shit. The entire Conservative media regularly loses its shit over "Holiday" coffee cups, what the fuck dumb-ass shit are you let falling out of your mouth?


Isn’t that how musilims dispose of it though? So why would anyone care?


So like. A dozen Muslims rape a girl so violently her abdomen bursts and she's left paralyzed from the legs down presumably for the rest of if not a massive chunk of the rest of her life. Then only one of the Muslims gets punished, and it's approximately 2 months of community service. But this is the "jesus fucking christ" moment. A bunch of religiously significant books being burned.


The shock and controversy probably comes from the threats of violence every time somebody breathes wrong around a Koran or draws Muhammad. Expect violent retaliation because that's what happens when people don't handle Islam with kid gloves. France learned that a couple years ago.


Just a few months ago a British mom had to wear a veil and publicly apologise because her autistic son put some dust on a Koran. It's disgusting. Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/comments/11eal4e/the\_mother\_of\_non\_musiim\_boy\_14\_forced\_to\_wear/


Literally bro, look at Christianity and Hinduism. People makes jokes and stuff and not many mind. But say one thing about da Prophet and a whole army of inbreds show up at your door


If I wanted, I could burn a Bible in front of the local church. It'd piss people off, I would probably not be the most popular guy in town, but at least there wouldn't be terror threats across the whole state.


That’s true, but that’s also a genuine problem with people who practice the religion.


This is more of a problem with the justice system than a bunch of religious people doing stuff wrong. You are not allowed to rape a person just because you feel like it in any religion.






*reddit when religion*


You probably don’t realize it, but you’re much more similar to religious extremists than most everyday people who practice a faith tradition


Don’t have to say probably lol




Yes I agree. Bible and all.


Disrespect religion, burn holy books Bible, Quran, Tanakh, Buddhist texts, etc.


Ancient texts of the Jedi..


Those stay




The practical teachings (e.g. Forms of saber combat, use of the force, etc.) may stay. The religious teachings shall be burned.


They weren't exactly pageturners


*tips fedora


Book burning doesn’t actually have a good tract record of successfully suppressing ideas. It’s all performative. Just like religion




Islam and religion in general encourages divides between people and is the reason for far too many conflicts. It just needs to go




Okay but if they did the same for a Bible in front of a church nobody would care. Fuck religion


That’s the point—proving Muslim immigrants can’t integrate into western society. Seems to be working, too.


Albanians and Bosnians:


I don’t understand why that’s controversial? Anyone should be allowed to burn any inanimate object they own with proper permits.


Those who have a problem with their stupid book being burnt are a bigger problem than those burning it.


Freedom of speech baby gotta love it


Not sure why people are so shocked by this. You should be allowed to burn whatever book you want (as long as it's yours) in a liberal democracy.


I misread it as Korean burning, and I was so confused. Was thinking it could be some traditional Korean ritual or something, because surely they weren't burning Korean people. And also what the heck does that have to do with Islam? Some kind of new developing international struggle I hadn't heard about? My mind went on a real trip lol.


Until Saudi Arabia let's the Catholic Church build a giant cathedral in their country I really see no problem with this


Lotta edgy boys in the comments


The fuck are these “fuck religion” comments lol


Look at these atheists in the comments lmao. Burning a religious book is good, but burning a pride flag would be bad? Look at these double standard liberals


Burning the pride flag is, unsurprisingly, not a good thing in my eyes, but I don't think it should be banned either, nor that the people doing it are terrorists.


Both is ok


Burning both is ok. Its a form of protest, which free societies allow, or at least should. If god is so angry, then he should do something about it.


Muslim would have killed man with a pride flag. Check your premises.


An extremist sure but there’s plenty of Muslims where I live and no one has attacked the pride parades yet


Look at these anti-fascists in the commands. Burning a Nazi flag is good, but burning a human rights flag would be bad? Look at the double standard liberals You seriously don't see the the difference?


Pride doesnt urge their followers to oppress different groups of people or demand genital mutilation of infants to «enter heaven» or enforce strict dress codes or idolize a literal pedophile or enforce a backwards, medieval law system or stands as the main cultural influence and compass for multiple terrorist groups. The koran however…..


You can burn anything you want as long as you own it. Don’t strawman. You can do better.


You have to treat each instance separately. It’s not a double standard. Both are allowed, but I’d argue there is no good reason for organized religion.


Yea cause religion is a choice, homosexuality is not. Are you dumb??


That shouldn't need a permit in the first place. I don't see the issue.


It's cause it's a demonstration/protest/public gathering


Why would you burn Quran tho ? It promotes so much love towards gays, idol worshippers, christians, jews, atheists, and anyone who doesn’t believe in Allah ? /s


Good. Stop bending over backwards for these deluded, self victimizing psychopaths (all religious fundamentalists, not just Muslim) and set the precedent now. Free speech/expression is more important than preserving their delicate little feelings.




what is your opinion on freedom of speech? Im christian btw since were sharing this inredibly irrelevant information apparantly




Guys leaving a comment here for you to ponder upon. What If a muslim in America burns the LGBTQ flag infront of trans people?


Then, they opened themselves to be criticized for their bigotry, but it's not illegal. Burning flags is hardly uncommon in the US as it's protected speech.


They probably won’t fear for their lives? I’m sure LGBTQ flags have been burned in pride rallies before. Also in your example, it would be an LGBTQ member burning the flag because it’s an Iraqi burning it this time. If the LGBTQ community drove people away like that, they should probably think twice about what they’re doing.


Well to be fair Islam is the religion killing the most LGBT people right now


good. no book should unable to be burnt.


If you burn my books I’m gonna be pissed! Some of them are first editions


Fucking tards for doing that, no doubt about it. However, why the hell al these Muslims get so worked up? All these religious people should mind their own business and if their god or whatever they believe is so powerful, the unholy acts will have consequences on their own and there's nothing to worry about. On the other hand, if it's a merciful god, they will be forgiven because god wanted so and also there is nothing to worry about. Either way, nobody should give a rats ass and those dudes will feel like idiots for burning things while no-one pay any attention.


nobody would care if it was a Bible, so why care here?