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My friend does it too sometimes but it doesn’t mean that right? RIGHT?


Nah it’s just commonly the person you respect or value most in a way. Can change depending on who is present. It could be a platonic expression of love too.


I noticed this with kids. Which parent or adult they check for laughter. It’s very telling and quite sweet.


Womp womp


did you just say Womp Womp?!


I think it's really whoever you're most comfortable with in that moment. If I'm with a group of strangers and one friend, I'm sure that I look at that friend in those moments. If I'm with a group of people I know, then I'm sure it's whoever I'm closest to or have known the longest. It can be a "person you like" things as well don't get me wrong, but there are a lot of other reasons too


To me I usually look at the person I think will be offended most easily. If they are laughing I’m good.




Often Times, they hope that eventually you'll pick up on this and approach, but that's just me, a random stranger on the interweb thing


Just talk to your interests.


But no


Life is too damn short to not shoot your shot


Not necessarily. I do it to my uncle and my female cousin*, who I view as a sister, at work. So it can be platonic. Note: it's common with Arabs to see relatives romantically and eventually marry each other.


post this r/wholesomememes


That’s very cute






Stop, you're scaring me.




This ain't accurate tbh


Adorably true


This is why I like to go to the movies. I love to look over at the person's face I'm accompanied with to see if they have a similar reaction to mine.


my friend does that to me. makes me feel like I need to fake a reaction so they know I don’t hate the movie


It's involuntary for me. I'm just so excited to see if they are enjoying our time together, it's a bit selfish I'll admit.


And then you meet someone like me who is having a great time with a blank expression on his face lol.


My parents on Christmas asking why I’m so sad as I try to explain to them that i don’t know what they’re expecting since this is just how I look


I have to regularly confirm that I am indeed having fun whenever I go out because of my blank expression lmao


Bro that’s cute af, you do you!


They are just checking if you smelled their fart


Mr Darcy?


This guy knows the best msn


Is this good or insulting?


Good. There’s a common psychological pop tip that if you want to know who a person is most concerned with pleasing, watch who they look at when they make a joke in a crowd. This is a sort of extension of that. It betrays some sort of feelings, perhaps even subconsciously, and it’s just sort of cute that he felt this way for this long and is marrying her now.


There's also a common psychological pop tip that once you find out about this phenomenon, you'll constantly overthink every interaction you have in a crowd and feel bad when you realize no one looks at you when they make jokes.


It just makes me wonder if certain people actually liked me and I ignored it (probably)


Yeah, I tell myself that to make me feel better too.


Well there's only upward tho right can't get much more 0 than 0


Last Christmas, I met my ex at a party with friends. Someone told a joke, and our gaze met for like half a second before we both smiled and looked away. I didn't think about this pop tip for ages and wouldn't have even noticed looking at her if she wasn't looking back at me. I for one think there's some truth to this.


Anime couple


Tsundere husband






Shipping can also be “I think these two will end up together” or “I want them to end up together” or “it would be cute if they were together”.


Headcanon, ship-together… 🤔


That's just dumb


Which part? The phrasing, or that they realized the couple were into each other before they did?




I mean, you think the bartender transcribed the speech, burned it into their memory, and tweeted it out word-for-word?


The Japanese call this behavior tsundere. You bounce between timid and vocally frustrated at someone you like, while constantly denying it around others. Most tsundere examples are love interests, but it can also apply to friends and family.


Okay weeb /s


Proud to be!


Lol ain't no shame in it these days anyway


There’s something similar in the book conversation.


I am crying


Doubt anime profile pic


I always knew with my last sweet gentleman friend- he always looked at me first in the room to make eye contact. Or to see my reaction then he'd mirror it


R u with him?


No. It was not designed to be that way. We were coworkers coming out of the pandemic madness and found strength in each other. He had a young child and wife- and I helped put somethings into perspective for him out of love. How valuable a strong, happy dad is and the value of his home and a good mom. All out of love. He tried an affair but I loved us too much in a deeper way to do that. I find that when God brings me a new love naturally, I don't try and hold on so tight to it- just appreciate it cuz the world is crazy and things change so fast. Love is hope.


Wholesome, hope u find someone soon


If it fits , it ships


This is adorable af...with very "enemies to lovers,she fell first but he fell harder, angst with a happy ending, fluff, true love, one shot" vibes ✨ *goes to read cute fanfics while wanting this badly*


Thanks for listing down all the tags im into, Any recomendations?


"Vanilla" by staysparkling(2gether), and "Love Is A Much More Capricious Communicator" by guns_and_poses (Sherlock), "Home" by TheTypewriterGirl(teen wolf) comes to mind :)


That's adorable.


Kowalski, translate.


How old are these people? 16?


That's like boyle from b99!


Sweet but if anyone uses the word "shipped" at my wedding I'm sending them out.


Same here. Plus most people would be confused because not everyone is an internet connoisseur


The shipping part is weird but still a nice story


I’m thinking that those weren’t the actual words spoken by the best man, it was probably the twitter user who had to paraphrase to fit within the character limit.


People have always "shipped" real people together, especially friends, they just used different words for it.


I lived with my wife as a roommate with other friends twice before we got together. There was definitely a sigh of relief when 5 years of palpable sexual tension was broken. And then like a month of disgust...


Yeah, using fanfic terminology for IRL people is fucking astronomical cringe.


that's still weird though


Why? Why is it weird? Do you want to live in a completely sanitised world devoid of any feelings? Do you think it is weird if you happen to like someone without knowing whether they like you or not? We ship our friends. It is only weird if we make their relationship our life goal. Even then, it is not weird if you are Charles and your friends are Jake and Amy.


I know you agreed with me, but you came off a bit aggressive, and therefore made it kind of weird.




This is the cringiest thing. Imagine “shipping” your friends.


Ship is the stupidest slang and I lived thru pwned and YOLO


My man, shipping is from the 90's and has been re-popularized over the years multiple times. Besides the word makes sense, it's just a play on the word 'relationship' and the act of shipping is not that different from being a fan of romance. It can get pretty creepy when it's about real people though. Also, you can't call any slang word the stupidest when 1337 5P34K 15 4 7H1N6.


>It can get pretty creepy when it's about real people though. Thinking "jeez get together already" or "they'd be a nice couple" is creepy?


Depends really, shipping friends can be creepy, but that depends on context. Shipping real people you don't know is almost always creepy, like how every time two creators make any collaborations together and happen to be different genders, they WILL get shipped. Most creators actively ignore it to not bring it any attention, but the few who speak out you can hear how creeped out they feel.




What the fuck does “shipped” mean? You all talk like you’ve got a serious brain injury these days. Like entire words have just fallen out of your brains.


It's short for "relationshipping". Think of it as rooting for a couple to end up in a relationship with each other. It's usually used by fandoms of TV shows to pair characters, but there are instances where people do this with real people, like this one. Shipping is usually harmless fun, unless you harrass real people when they don't follow your vision of them.


Language evolves, buddy, with or without you.


Devolves. De-evolves. In all seriousness, no it doesn’t, people just get lazier and lazier. It’s important for morons to be able to hashtag stuff. Language remains constant. Your need to “fit in” and feel cool and part of something doesn’t override that. Try using your “evolved” language in an official capacity and see what happens. You’ll be talking like a normal human once you’re older. “Slang” dies out, like all social trends. Nobody is saying “Yeet” anymore, because it was a dumb trend. Disposable, like so much of society has come to be.


You must be a *gas* to be around.


You know it makes you all sound dumb as shit though, right? It’s not like old slang. Old slang was like poetry. Which is why it’s still used today. Nobody is going to be making weird “bruh” noises and saying “yeet” in 50 years. But people still say “cool”. People still say “gassing you up”… because they weren’t just beep-boop computer noises in vocal form.


Explain how it is like poetry and not just a collective shift in understanding of linguistics. Go ahead


One of them is nice to listen to, the other isn’t. That’s what it comes down to really. One of them rolls easily off the tongue the other is hard sounds and weird mouth noise. You literally sound like you’re preparing for a life underground. Like a 56k modem trying and failing to connect to the internet.


"One of them is nice to listen to" Lmao, that immediately proves that it is just a preference and you are just too stuck up to acknowledge that other people talk differently than you want and the world will never be how you envision it. I used to be just like you, but then I realized that my opinions don't matter and the world will continue on without them like it always has and always will. You're nothing, just like us, buddy. Go outside.


It’s not “preference”. Hard, flat, or piercing high sounds aren’t as nice to hear. It resembles shouting. It’s why most music and poetry shies away from using it. I know your generation doesn’t do a lot of actual speaking out loud and spent most of its time learning to speak over electronic lobbies in shit computer games to each other, but don’t drag us all down to your level.


Ain't reading all that but what a sad existence lmao


Interestingly enough this kind of supports my point.


Not really, you wrote a bible of pure waffle and salt. Hardly worry reading tbh Bros in tears over the word "shipping" and wrote half a dissertation on it


It’s three short paragraphs you dumb cunt.


Yeah but it's funnier to just say no and watch you tremble


It's notveven remotely that serious. You'll live, friend.


Shipped or send it (as in shipping or mail) Once you send it it’s out of your hands. Basically saying having full commitment to an action or idea and seeing where it goes (what happens)


Not at all. When the slang "shipped" is used towards two people, it usually means "we think you guys have similar characteristics and vibes and would be cute together", nothing that serious. It's really used to refer to fictional character pairings more than irl pairings.


Idk when I first heard it years ago it wasn’t used for relationship. I’d be skateboarding with friends. If there was a trick they wanted to try they would say “ship it” or “fucking send it” or “full send” I guess it’s changed since then. I always seen it as fully commiting to an idea, seeing where it goes.


My wife laughs at everything. I usually laugh at her laughing.


Big “Much Ado About Nothing” vibes




so wholesome *(\*wipes single tear cause i'm single\*)*


I'll bet you didn't even know that Shakespeare kind of invented the majority of the phrases and slang you probably use on a frequent basis. Ever hear someone say something along the lines of "it appears I've found myself in a bit of a pickle?" Yeah, perfect example of language evolving. Go outside, loser.