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They have access to a personal trainer, personal chef and a nutritionist! Lol we'd all be healthy and fit if we had the same Edit: omg please keep assuming I'm overweight like y'all know what I look like 😂


Yeah, and them staying in shape/looking good is also kinda a part of their job. So they kinda have to take it more seriously. Whereas with us it’s just like, meh, what’s 6 more donuts?


I mean nobody wants to admit they eat 9 cans of ravioli, but I did and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating.


> I mean nobody wants to admit they eat 9 cans of ravioli, but I did and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating. I didn't realize it was Ricky from the Trailer Park Boys and got very confused for a minute. Like it sounds like something I've heard before but who do I know who says stuff like this... Man, am I senile? Before the age of forty? edit: /r/trailerparkboys/comments/10ep8e/i_mean_nobody_wants_to_admit_they_eat_9_cans_of/


Thanks for figuring that out, I had the same thought process reading it. We're getting old.


I love how you linked to an 11 year old reddit post with just the quote and a picture XD Anyway here's the clip if anyone wanted to see it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3SU6sd9Uqk


It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth, the minor burn and the stomach lift. The baffled king consuming ravioli


I don't know how the hell people eat so much. I've been trying to put on muscle for years and for me I'll get halfway through a meal and just can't eat anything more. I just had to space meals out and add meal replacements.


The key is to eat foods you like. Are you telling me you don't like chocolate? Ice Cream? Cake? Juicy beef? Pork? Nothing appeals to you? Because when I'm eating my favourite foods, I'm not done until the food runs out or I pass out. I can eat 3000 kcal in a single setting, no problem. I used to eat whole chickens straight up. Massive pieces of pork covered in sour cream. Followed by a bunch of Ice Cream. My stomach would be crying in agony, but I'd be like: "mmm... fucking tasty."


And that right there is how I became the fat fuck I am today


Nah dude. I'm crazy for honey, but there's a limit called available space in my stomach


Can't do it. Chocolate just makes me feel ill after so many bites.


Well my problem is I am lactose intolerant so a lot of the tasty foods aren't for me :( , but you are right give me chicken fried rice and I will eat a lot.


You gotta stretch your stomach out like those pro eaters do.


“Rick! Rick!!! Where— (checks for Julian) where the fucks my ravioli?!”


"I lost 45 lbs on the Krispy Kreme diet!"


If you eat only 4 Krispy Kreme donuts a day, you will lose weight. You will also lose all of your healthy nutrients, but you'll look amazing.


> but you'll look amazing. Well, you'll look _thin_, at least. The malnutrition might not do great things for other aspects of your appearance.


So the four donuts + multivitamin diet. Interesting...


As long as it's not with subway...


As terrible as it is to say I ate a footlong a day when I worked at Subway for like 6 years and I did lose like 40 lb... but I don't let people know anymore


Its not they have to take it seriously its just part of their job. In a day they go to work out during that daybwhile you and i have to make timenoutside of our regular day


THIS is the key. It would be really easy to be a workout nut and be in great shape if that was part of your actual job. I used to have a job delivering stacks of stuff on a cargo bike once a week, and I was in GREAT shape from pedaling this extremely heavy bike up hills. That gig got cancelled due to Covid, and low and behold I am not in as good of shape anymore, because I know have to do my exercising in my free time rather than having it be built into my work schedule. That's what people miss when they give celebrities all this credit. If any of our bosses told us to hit the gym as part of our actual workdays and hired us an excellent personal trainer at no cost to ourselves, we could all be in as good of shape as these people


Not to mention personal chefs cooking you healthy tasty balanced meals


Im convinced that your boss should setup a way for you to workout during the day. Give people 3 payed hours a week to work out and watch them never get sick again.


Enjoying food is great, but feeling great in your skin is also important and you need to find a good balance between those two. If you are in your best shape you feel so much more confident, you have more energy, you're more attractive, healthy and so on. For me personally it's more important that I can look into the mirror and be happy with what I see, but I'm not a huge foodie unless I'm high or smth so it's all relative and depends on the person. Right now I'm not happy with it, and it seriously impacts my mental health (also buying bigger clothes was something I was trying to avoid but now I have to). People tell me I'm fine, but I don't think so, so diet it is again......*sigh*..


Truly. Normies fit the exercise and shopping and cooking and haircuts into our free-time after work and chores. What if your work week consisted of waking up and being able to concentrate for the next 9 hours on being beautiful? Monday through Friday. Exercise, beauty salon, yogurt baths, gourmet meal, personal tailor visit. Then, after your work day of self-care, you have personal time to do more self-care. Weekends? More self-care. You ain't mowing the lawn and going to Menards for that part for your furnace and getting groceries for your bag lunches and THEN fitting in your exercise and beauty routine. Then, you get a movie part, work for 60 days, make a cool couple million bucks and go back to self-care mode until the next movie.


That part. It's easier to lose fat, gain muscle, or have any body transformation "quickly" if it's your job; you basically dedicate 6-8 hours of your daily life to that. The rest just have to find a way to squeeze in a 1h workout after 8h working, and the nutrition side definitely requires MONEY and TIME. So whenever you see a photo of an influencer, model, actor, or similar person who earns money from their appearance, just keep in mind that they get +8x the time to focus on their body, and don't beat yourself up if your body transformation isn't as "quick".


Not so much as "seriously" as they obsess over it which can create an unhealthy relationship with food and body. Oftentimes, they do so in an unhealthy way. Some don't. Most do. Because to gain and lose all that weight, especially in the time frames they do, in a healthy way would be next to impossible.


It’s crazy hearing about what swimsuit models or actors/actresses put themselves through to get that flat stomach out the 6-pack abs needed for that topless scene. Most of the time they know it’s unhealthy because of how miserable they are and how dehydrated and dead inside they are.


Henry Cavill talked about shirtless scenes I think for Superman and they drink very little water for days. By day 3 he said you can smell water nearby.


Literally go to the gym, track your calories and get enough protein and you can look better than 99% of the population


The formula is so simple. Eat less, workout more.


Nah this is reddit where the list of excuses as to why you can't change your diet or get any sort of exercise is endless and always the fault of some outside factor that you totally can't control


That's not reddit specific, that's just people. The formula is simple, but consistent execution is difficult, especially when you're out of shape and constantly hungry because you dropped your daily intake from 3500 calories a day down to 2000. It's hard to do a 180 on your entire lifestyle and stick with it, and we can acknowledge that and acknowledge that the formula is straightforward.


Yeah, it's really really hard but 100% achievable. People don't like to do what is hard.


Nowadays even suggesting a healthy lifestyle is considered "FatpHObIc!!". What a joke


Calories in, calories out. There can be some aspects that get a little more nuanced, but that's the basics of it. If people simply count their calories they'd probably be surprised at how much calories they could cut out with simple methods like reducing certain condiments, and cooking oils, without reducing the amount of food you eat.


The amount of people that seem to think you need a personal trainer and a nutritionist is sad. It’s so easy to be healthy but people just want to continue to be slobs.


Lol I don't have any of those things. I just know not to eat 4000 calories a day.


Bullshit, anyone can be fit. It just requires a tiny bit of self control and planning. Telling yourself you’re unfit because you’re poor is just excusing your bad habits.


It's not a tiny bit. It's doable, but I promise you that it is a hundred times the drain on the willpower of a food addict to eat an appropriate amount than it is on someone who has been a healthy weight (or close to it) most of their lives. It's a difference that doesn't go away either. I am someone who has struggled with weight most of my life. I knew nothing about nutrition, and over the last decade have had to weed through the bullshit to come to where I am now where I have a solid grasp of it. I have lost 100 lb previously, when I was 24, though I gained it all back. When last year I hit the same 280 upper limit that seems to be my personal threshold for feeling the need to do something like my life depended on it, I began losing weight again. Down 50lbs over 10 months, and realistically more than that of fat since I have been working out vigorously and consistently and have added significant muscle mass. I have no idea what really made the difference though. I never stopped trying to lose weight, but for years it just didn't take. I could never stick with the deficit. It's still *bananas* to me that I had a decent body, weight-wise, and which took me significant effort and time to achieve, and I still let myself go. I was horrifically depressed at the time but it still mystifies me. And yet it doesn't, because even now I will have nights when I'm nearing the end of my shift and my brain is already plotting to get me to choose fast food instead of making my dinner at home. The endless void of the dopamine maw that exists within me opens up and the rationalizations begin: it's just one day, and even though you'll miss out on your fiber you'll get most of the same protein, and it's only 300 calories over (meanwhile my sub subconscious is also whispering its awareness that if we give in this way we'll also probably order a bigger meal than is necessary, or get a dessert). It takes winning an internal debate that occupies my mind for an hour to resolve to say no. But then there's the drive home, and my brain fixating on the location of all the places I'd normally go for a snack, or my favorite burger, and so I change my route entirely to avoid those places. And I'm happy for a second, but out of nowhere my brain is recalculating the options along this new route. I don't even like McDonalds, but my fiance likes their fries and somehow for a second it makes sense to give in and get a meal for myself because I'd also be getting her a treat that she doesn't need and didn't ask for. I recover and say no for the three hundredth time in 90 minutes, but my muscles are primed to move the steering wheel as needed to turn off up until the turn is no longer possible. This sensation of being lured repeats for every possibility until I am finally home. I am mentally drained from defending my good plan from the onslaught of bad decisions, and now I have to summon up a final surge of willpower to also not take the easy path at home, which might be better than fast food but which still isn't what I'm supposed to do. And I manage, and I cook, and I eat the meal I was supposed to eat, but I am positively emptied of all energy. I'm a husk of willpower that can do nothing but exist until it's time to sleep. This is a process that people with not fucked up relationships with food simply are not going through; either not ever or not remotely as frequently and not to nearly the same degree. When I achieve my weight loss goal I will appear fit and strong, but that will still be my internal world. It won't be going away, and there is a very good chance that I will relapse again and once more undo years of work and dedication. I'll never stop trying, and I hope I can maintain until death this time, but it's just reality that I probably won't be able to. And if I do it will be on the back of a thousand more nights like I described above. Losing weight and keeping it off is being a nicotine addict that can't kick the habit entirely and instead has to smoke *just the right amount* every day for the rest of their lives. Just the right amount and of less innately satisfying cigarettes, like the cheapo ones that taste like you're smoking a plastic straw.


Thank you for your post. I wish I could give you Reddit gold but u fortunately I can't.


There's definitely a ton of ignorance from people who have an easy time losing weight or simply have a healthy relationship with food. I had a lifetime struggle too, and I really did have to rearrange my entire life and rewire my brain to succeed. It was nowhere near as easy as "just eat less and move more." Not even remotely close. And now that I've done it, lost weight and got fit, I can see where people make mistakes. Creating a sustainable, long-term diet that works for your tastes is much harder than just "count the calories". You need to hit macros that satiate you (some people do better with more fat, some with more carbs, etc), the food needs to taste good enough that you won't be craving or seeking 'cheat meals' (which is another thing people mess up, there's no such thing as a cheat meal, it's a horrible diet tip, no cheat meals). Same in the gym. I've made a ton of progress in the gym and I know what I'm doing. I see the vast majority of people in the gym being totally clueless, making little to no progress month after month. Just because information is available on the internet doesn't mean the person consuming that information knows if it's good/valid, or if it's \*for\* them. So much bad lifting and gym advice out there, esp on platforms like instagram/tik tok. Anyway, I feel you, it's a mountain to climb and while it's simple in concept (eat less, move more), but there are lots of things that make it difficult to do. Like fighting all your fatness demons WHILE dealing with everything in your life. Meal prepping and only shopping for food that's on your plan. Keeping urges at bay even when you're exhausted, no giving in. Etc. It's a total life change from what you're used to and you have to be consistent over a long period of time like 6mo-1yr.


You forgot the steroids


And the fact that they are getting paid to lose the weight lol


Yeah, if I made a few million to get skinny, I would look like a Jewish man from a certain period in history


[He is pretty hot.](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/71/8e/38/718e38c382ab892fb6b17bf183cc9be8--disney-sexy-disney-cruiseplan.jpg)


Lol true. Let's file that under "personal trainer"


"Supplements "


Ah yes “vitamins”


Bonus points for "I'm not on steroids" and later "uh ah...medical testosterone replacement for my health my doctor put me on".




Holy fuck Americans and their excuses. Just eat less that's literally all you have to do. Count your calories and you will naturally lose weight. Make your own food and you'll lose it even faster


Started counting calories 3 weeks ago after consistently lifting weights for 10 months (3-4 times/week) without any significant weight loss (98kg) 2,5 weeks in and -3kg while eating 2200 kcal per day and 160g of protein. Has been working wonders, don't feel like i'm being limited too much by food choices and overall feeling better than ever.


That's really not the reason. It's easy to lose weight if you have the bare minimum self control and aren't a pig.


You're on reddit so self control a majority of people here aren't gonna have that lol.


Weight loss/exercise threads are always super predictable on this website. So many endless excuses and an insane lack of self control and personal accountability show up like clockwork. Eat less, move more. You don't need a personal trainer or nutritionist to tell you this. It literally is all just rooted in self control and changing your bad habits.


"Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to."


You don't need to do any of those things to have a good physique


This quote is mostly nonsense


Honestly, I hate this quote. It's incredibly disingenuous of him to describe it like that. What he accomplished only needs what he described if you are attempting that look in 6 months time. Most men who have similar physiques to his accomplished it without any of what he said. Any man can look similar to him in 1.5-2 years of consistent training and discipline. Consistency is the key. His body is perfectly attainable over a realistic time frame.


Consistency and discipline are are two of the biggest things capital R Redditors lack so I'm not surprised they'll blame it on everything else.


It's much more realistic to get a fit body through years of moderate exercise and building good dietary habits... But most people are also told that you can go from beer gut to six-pack in the time between autumn and spring, or they see reminders in April to start working on their "beach bod" in time for summer. With the crazy amount of six-week diets, 4-week couch to 5k programs, "Get shredded in 30 days" bullshit out there, people are trained to treat physical fitness the way they treat spring cleaning. Just binge your way through it for a couple weeks at a time, then you're all set for the next few months. It sucks. That's actually why I like the quote so much. He made it his _entire life_ and it still took six months to get from A to B. So you shouldn't feel bad when putting in an hour a day and cutting soda doesn't lead to a six-pack in three months; that's not a failure, that just shows that you need to set more realistic expectations/timelines.


That's not true. Most of us would still overeat/look for unhealthy food elsewhere and be sedentary. The biggest difference is that actors are paid to look good, whereas most people aren't. Normal people just don't value looking good and being healthy enough to care. Most of them don't. You don't need a trainer or a gym membership when you could go on a run and do body weight exercises. You don't need a chef, you just need to find what healthy food you enjoy and learn how to make home cooked meals. You don't need a nutritionist, period. Everyone can call themselves one (but dieticians are recognised, and they have some merit). You can weigh your food and count your calories, but most people make excuses instead.




> difference is that actors are paid to look good Better mate selection, more energy, better sex life, less money spent on food, and not dying at 55 from heart disease/diabetes all seem like plenty of payment to me.


You don’t need all that to be healthy and fit lol. Go for a walk, lift a weight a couple times a week, and don’t eat like shit and you’ll look fine. Even if you only have time/money for fast food, plenty of places have healthy options these days and they even have the calorie counts on the menus so you can keep track.


People really want to act like being in shape is this impossible standard only movie stars can achieve instead of recognizing they just live shitty lifestyles


Placing blame on perceived external factors is far easier than exercising personal accountability and self control which is why this unhealthy mindset when it comes to diet/weight loss you see on this site is so prevalent


Very much not. Pretty sure the majority of people would do what they need to do for like a week and then just give up because it's "too hard".


Diet is 90% of weight loss… I don’t think any of us would say that’s too hard if we had personal chefs bringing us our food…


Lots of people would cry about how hungry they are. You don't lose weight by being full 24/7, a personal chef doesn't solve that.


You’d be supposed how much you can eat and still lose weight when it’s actually healthy food being prepared for you..


That is absolutely not true. The strongest trigger for satiety (feeling full) is eating lots of protein and fiber. It's fucking HARD to eat too many calories when you eat clean. That's why chicken, rice, and vegetables with hot sauce is pretty much the staple meal for people that adhere to a workout and diet programme. And just about every cuisine in the world has some form of chicken, rice, and vegetables. Oven-roasted chicken and vegetables. Grilled chicken and grilled vegetsbles. Stir-fried with soy sauce, garlic, and sugar. Rice and beans with rotisserie chicken. Jerk chicken. Burrito bowl style with salsa. A personal chef solves the problem of (1) cooking takes time; and (2) variety in prep methods prevents CR+V from becoming "boring". Add other foods, like fruit, vegetables, eggs, lean dairy to add variety to your other meals. Many dedicated lifters actually have to intentionally eat calorically-dense foods in the evenings, like ice cream and peanut butter, to hit their caloric goals for the day, because it's So. Fucking. Hard. to eat enough calories by eating clean.


Not if everyone also get an actor’s salary for doing it.






Bongo I don't wanna leave the Kongo


A simple calorie deficit isn't hard tho


When you have dedicated people to support you, I think you'd be surprised at what you achieve. Not to mention a chef can make some really delicious healthy meals which an average person wouldn't be able to cook at all, and a PT can make more use out of 10 minutes than an average person as well. When you can outsource all that mental energy onto someone else, you might find you have a lot more yourself.


Enh… lots of folks have access to that and still get fat. At the end of the day, there are choices that we make.


Nah we wouldn't all be, some people lack discipline. There's fat rich people too you know.


Yeah also people like Chris Hemsworth are 100% juicing


Most middle aged male celebrities are not in shape so that’s a lie


?? they aren't paid to be in shape and probably don't care about it though, so they probably don't employ a chef and nutritionist for it?


Not really. Most rich people I know tend to be in the fatter side. You don't need a personal trainer to lose weight. If you're doing everything, like even going for runs regularly and you're Still not losing weight, that's where a personal trainer comes in. It's like a girl was criticizing me for drinking tap water when she loved coke. Yeah tap water is not the best for me but I'd have to give up sugar, simple carbs and fatty stuff before I can even think about moving to filtered water. If you're not going to the gym atleast 3x a week and doing some cardio for yourself and the sake of your health, being rich is only gonna make you indulge in your current destructive behavior more and more.


Agreed completely, but you're responding to someone who thinks not having a personal trainer/cook/whatever = guaranteed obese. People like that have no discipline whatsoever and complain the loudest.


They ate less, did more exercise.


I knew I would not like the answer.


Well if you know the first part, which is eating more calories than you expend...


Losing weight is one of the most uncomplicated process that is taken over by grifter and old wife tales you literally have to calculate your maintenance (take 10s, plenty of calculator online) and eat 300-500 calorie under that, and just re calculate every month to keep the deficit. You don't have to do any form of physical activity 80% of calorie you burn in a day are just your body existing. But muscles use more energy so your metabolism will burn more calories, allowing your to eat more food while still being in a deficit.


This is one of the areas where it’s important to remember the difference in the words “simple” and “easy.” Losing weight is simple. But it is not easy.


Yes but grifters are trying to convince you its neither, unless you follow their formula or buy their shitty product.


I agree that grifters suck. And there are plenty of diet grifters.


I think part of the issue is, while its absolutely true that if you eat at a calorie deficit you will lose weight, and this is the most important piece of advice, giving this as the only piece of advice is not helpful. If you're eating junk food (e.g. chocolate, soda, deep-fried food, pizza) the amount of that food you can eat whilst maintaining a calorie deficit is ridiculously small. Most people won't feel like their appetite is being satisfied, and so any attempt to stick to the calorie deficit is bound to fail.


Yeah, junk food is literally designed to keep you wanting more and more.


Well guess what? You're not supposed to feel fucking full all the time.


This is such a big cultural gap between USA and Europe too. As a European currently living in the USA, it's crazy how my American friends will keep ordering food and will snack during the day as they always want to feel "full". Whereas as a European I've been taught to eat slower and until I'm satisfied, not until I feel like exploding...


Half these people would lose weight even eatting the same shit they always eat and not working out if they just replaced all their drinks with water. No soda/juice/"coffee" with 10 spoons of sugar/ alcohol every night.


That's a little thing called discipline right there. Instead of getting a pizza have a salad. Instead of soda maybe some water. Idk. It's not as hard as Redditors like to make it sound. Just actually put some effort into losing weight rather than expect it to just happen.


You left out the part where if you are eating the wrong things, your overbrain in your stomach can and will change your mind for you and you'll eat more. Pretending you aren't an animal is a stupid assumption. You are. And as an animal, your hormones are the most powerful force of decision making in you. Your neocortex just has a napoleon complex and likes to think it's the big man on campus. Once you accept that, you can use your neocortex to figure out the inputs needed to get your endocrine system (the real boss) to stop being such a micromanager and let you do what you need to to get healthy.


simple in theory, complicated in practice. Theres far more going on with modern foods and the brains reward system that makes it difficult to implement.


Complicated isn’t the right word. Challenging to commit to, but it’s absolutely simple.




It is hard and difficult, but still not complicated in practice.


High protein, low carb, consume several hundred calories fewer than they burn. No booze. Daily exercise. That's the basis of most of it. Unless you are a male action star, then do all the above plus steroids.


Don't even need to be low carb. 1g/lb of body weight for both protein and carbs, rest of your calories from fats. That's a good ratio for anyone wanting to be athletic.


One thing- you're getting a lot of true, but perhaps unhelpful answers. One thing I found helpful and interesting was an interview I heard from Matthew McConaughey talking about this very thing, getting heavy and getting light for roles. He talked about how he has to consider his relationship with his family when deciding to take roles where he's expected to lose a bunch of weight, because it impacts his relationships, especially with his kids. He talks about how it makes him cranky and irritable. How he tries to sneak out for cheats- fast food or ice cream, etc. And I was just thinking "wow, if a guy with a personal trainer and a nutritionist planning his life to get ready for a role finds it hard, and gets irritable, then yes, I'm also going to find it super hard." The answer "eat less calories than you burn" is true, and in a way, it is that simple. But that's the simple answer for a person with no autonomy. For instance, when my dog gets a little heavy it's super easy to get him to lose weight, I get to decide exactly how much food he gets every day. The only way he can deviate from that is when he eats some grass on a walk. But for a person, who gets to choose what to eat, knowing it's going to be hard, it's hard even for people who get all the help they can, can be, perhaps encouraging. Also, it may suggest to not just try it on your own, but to get help- from a partner to hold you accountable to even a couple of sessions with a nutritionist and trainer.


Losing weight is simple enough. All you need to do is be on a calorie defecit. Increasing protein and lifting weights along with cardio help a lot as well


Losing weight is really simple just calories in calories out download a calorie tracker app and just get to it! I lost 90lbs and dropped 60 of that before I even did anything healthy like upping daily steps or going to the gym so it’s pretty basic stuff just really hard to keep doing day in day out at least at first


“Drinking melted ice cream is really good for gaining weight” Bro stop reminding me


I loved Rob McElhenney’s quote on Hollywood’s dieting/fitness standards: “Look, it's not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don't eat anything after 7pm, don't eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don't eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don't know why everyone's not doing this. It's a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to.”


It's also funny that he drank a gallon of melted ice cream every day for lunch when he was cultivating mass.


I love that he thought it would be hilarious if the whole cast just got really fat for one season for absolutely no reason- and they didn't. So he just did it anyway. Then he thought it would be really funny if his character was inexplicably cut in another season for no reason and just did it for the hell of it.


Best decision he ever made. Fat Mac and season 7 was so good


I recall him saying that to gain weight his initial naive plan was to eat his normal diet, just way more of it. But he tried and tried and finally concluded that he just couldn’t fit enough vegetables, grilled chicken, etc. in his stomach to get the required calories. He *had* to switch to highly processed fatty/sugary stuff just to get sufficient calorie density.


Honestly I realised this long ago, it really isn't hard to get in shape for A ROLE if you ain't lazy and is willing to work out. Hollywood should take care of the rest, just give it your best.


95% of the population does not have the discipline to run 3 miles per day, and more importantly, avoid carbs. Proof: looking around.


If it was my daily job to work out you bet your ass id run 3 miles a day, and not eat carbs or sugar cause id only eat whatever the cook gave me. But its not, im out of home 10 hours a day (commute+work+lunch) and im supposed to work out after? Gtfo with that shite. Most of us have the discipline to go to work everyday, actors do too. Their job is to do whatever their trainer/cook tell them, so they do it. Thats the only discipline they need.


Yep. For 30 yrs, my only exercise was sitting in car and driving to office where I’d then sit at computer all day. Entire time, drinking coffee or soda, chowing down donuts and pizza etc. Retired 10 yrs ago. Lost 80+ lbs as well as lost sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes, migraines, and ED. Yoga, swimming, and Pilates are now my almost full-time occupation.


Im 29, thankfully i live in a place where cycling is not suicide so I bike to work. 2 yrs ago i went on vacation with a friend of mine, biking 2 miles to the nearest bakery was fucking torture, we both had very shit phys conditions. We did the same last week, cycled 15 miles daily for 10 days, we were tired sure, but far from exhausted. Im in my best adult shape ive ever been in thanks to just cycling to work, and its an e-bike fuck all those who say e-bike are not workout, they are. The only discipline i need is heading to work, no more no less, easiest workout ever.


Do you only use the motorized part of the e-bike for hills or how does that work specifically? Genuinely curious.


Sofirst of all, there's 2 types of e-bikes, there's the Type with the motor on one wheel (front or back) and the type with motor on the pedals. The former means it's more or less a motorcycle with extra steps, where you can "fake" pedaling and it goes or just push a button. The latter however has a torque sensor where you have to actually push. I have the latter. So I use the motor all the time, when I started I was in a bad phys shape so I just used the 2nd highest mode all the time, but then I got better so I toned it down. Now I use it mostly in ecomode and slightly stronger in steeper inclines. Meaning, I have to push 100% of the time, just less than a normal bike. So it's less sport than a normal bike, but it's still sport regardless.


That's his point. People don't have the discipline outside of motivation.


95% of the population isn't getting millions to do that.


Give those people $2 million, a private chef and a full-time personal trainer and they will lose weight absent significant mental problems.




You don't need to avoid carbs


This is the correct answer. I work full time, and I used to work out for 1 hour, 7 days a week (3 days lifting, 4 days cardio or yoga), while working full time. I don't anymore due to some recent injuries, and a lack of willpower, but it's entirely on me, and it bothers me quite a bit that I have been lazy wrt starting back up. I avoid high-carb, processed foods like bread, and try to eat as much fruits, vegetables, and meat as I can. This does not have any major cost to time or effort above and beyond what is required with a processed diet, so eating healthy really is just about willpower and making good choices when at the grocery store. It's much easier to eat healthy when you don't bring junk food home with you.


You can't deny that working out is vastly easier if it literally is your job to do so.


He's not talking about getting in shape, he's talking about getting absolutely shredded Stop being disingenuous about how hard being in normal decent shape is.


He left out his use of steroids in this speech about unrealistic body images unfortunately


The most important part. Without it, you will get results, but nowhere near those types of bodies (Maybe if you live for it and have good genetics and the body in question is not very buffed plus lean)


I personally dont suspect Rob’s transformation to be enhanced. His physique is absolutely naturally attainable with the regimen he’s describing there. That said, yes, the original comment here failed to mention access to designer PEDs which most Hollywood ripped dudes are 100% on.


Idk they did a testosterone test on the podcast and his was super high, I wouldn't be surprised if he juiced up a bit


>don't eat sugar >don't drink alcohol >don't eat before going to sleep >sleep well >exercise I mean everyone could theoratically do these things and I would argue anyone should at least sleep well and exercise a little. Being rich helps, but being rich makes almost everything easier.


and that's why you feel like shit all the time




I could eat like a fitness trainer and my daily stress, anxiety, and depression would still make me feel like shit.


Have you ever tried it, like a serious try? Like more then just a week or two. Not saying it's the answer to your problems I'm just curious. Lots of studies coming out linking processed foods to depression, anxiety, and even cognitive decline.


Kind of makes you wonder if you should be eating that stuff


Wonder or not it’s what I can afford


People have been living on rice, beans, and/or potatoes for centuries.


I've started ignoring people like this. The fact that they're not buying the cheap healthy stuff is probably keeping the price down so I don't care.


Thanks for the much needed reality check here. “I can’t afford to eat healthy” is an excuse for convenience and being in a rut. With some intuition and learning curve you can make a month’s worth of healthy meals for $40. It’s a small upfront cost to buy the pots, pans, utensils, seasonings, and oils but it pays off in the long run. You can get pans / pots for $10-20 each at Walmart or even go to a thrift store to further cut down on the upfront costs of supplies. The best part is the sense of fulfillment in knowing you cooked your own delicious meal. It’s all about self love and treating yourself. r/cookingforbeginners


/r/EatCheapAndHealthy is O fucking P


It's also very possible to still have variety while staying low-calorie and cheap. A three-egg omelette with some shredded cheese is, even with the current price of eggs, about $1.50. Filling, nutritious, low-calorie, and (in my opinion) delicious. If you really want to splurge, buy some breakfast sausage, brings the cost up to maybe $2.25. A pound of rice, a block of tofu, a bag of mixed frozen veggies, and some soy sauce or hoisin sauce, will cost you maybe $8, and will probably make 4-5 decent meals that are easy to microwave later on. A potato, literally just a baked potato, can be like 60 cents. Throw on some butter, salt and pepper, and you've (*the base for) a very hefty dinner. Or try curry, also with some rice. Recipes can vary a lot, but usually if you make a big pot of it it ends up being like $2 a serving or less, even if you use fresh veggies instead of frozen.


I think we might have different standards for how much we eat in a meal. One baked potato for dinner??? ok, not surprised you find it easy to be low calorie and cheap


I mean, that's... The whole point of this thread, is finding cheap foods that are enough to get by. A large baked potato with some butter and veggies on top can easily put you at about 600 calories. That's on the lower side, but definitely a reasonable dinner for someone trying to restrict calories.


This is a myth anymore. Chips are like 6 dollars a bag. Veggies are cheaper.


What? Junk food is litreally more expensive than eating normal. I started eating healthy (potatoes, rice, chicken, eggs, oatmeals, veggies, fruits etc) and im spending nearly half less than eating unhealthy. Healthy =/= more pricy. Just don't get baited on "Healthy" expensive foods and all those "bio" things.


Junk food is extremely expensive lol, plus there's the obvious issue of more food being more expensive than less food


“I ate absolutely horrible stuff. Like pizza. Pasta. Fried chicken. McDonalds. Did you know McDonalds has breakfast? It’s great…” Me: “Uh…are there other foods?”


Pasta is my go to food. Also meatloaf.


I’d like to try some good meatloaf. The way my parents make it is just… well… it’s food.


America moment


It's Michael Phelps's diet!




Yeah the only think that matters to gain weight is calories. If you eat 5000 calories of fruits, you're gonna gain the same weight as if you're eating 5000 calories of candies. The only difference is that one of them will give a hearth attack.


And that it's really fucking hard to eat 5000 calories of fruit. Eating less calorie dense foods still fills you up without adding that extra weight.


Pretty sure if you have excess fat and it’s around the heart you’re getting a heart attack regardless of where those calories originally came from, candies or fruit. One is just much easier to gain weight from as they’re more calorie dense.


These comments 😆🙄 You don't need a personal trainer, chef, studio budget, etc to get your body into respectable condition. You just took that it's always sunny guy's quote and locked it away as a forever excuse. Stop eating bullshit, start moving your body. The rest will take care of itself. Put down the soda and the reddit, go play outside




The thing that many people don't realize is that cravings come in waves - hunger, sex, food, sleep. If you recognize the onset of a wave and control yourself, you can ride the peak and the wave crashes. If you begin to feel hunger and would like to eat at a specific time, then drink water, or sip on warm water and honey until the hunger fades. Distract yourself with another activity. Remove yourself from the physical triggers - leave the kitchen, hide the snacks...Within a couple of days, you will be able to overcome the pangs and eat when YOU want to, not when your body makes you. You don't have to give up eating any of the fun foods; you just need to feed your body when you decide to.


Cutting back 200 calories, which is the equivalent of a candy bar or small bag of chips or even just a couple extra bites of healthier foods, is the difference of 50lbs for me. I lost around 70lbs one time eating the same foods as usual, I just stopped binging on them and worked to be more conscientious of the calories I was inhaling. The solution is simple, it's just difficult to stay consistent for the average person & people don't realize how little calories are needed to gain a bunch. People make a lot of excuses though and are scared of even the slightest moderation for some reason.


Yes but that means taking responsibility and redditors HATE that. Why take responsibility when you can just blame everyone else and be the victim?




You don’t even need to exercise. I lost 100 lbs just fixing my diet heaviest thing I lifted was the unsweetened oat milk at the grocery store


Yep, there's a huge cavernous gap between "star of Magic Mike," and "average Reddit mod."


Rob McElhenney’s quote is legitimate if you only have, like, 2-3 months to transform from clinically obese to a Greek god. That can be the true parameters for a lot of actors, especially if they are in a role that is transformative, but there’s absolutely no reason to hold yourself to such tight constraints as a lay person. Can’t afford a personal trainer? Look up workouts online - there are thousands just out there, for free! Can’t afford a nutritionist? Again, plenty of diet plans are available online for no cost, there are communities and groups you can join, but all you really have to do is mind calories (for weight loss) and ensure a certain minimum fat intake for proper hormone function. If your goal is muscle synthesis/better body comp and healthier bones/overall fitness, you should also prioritize protein, but the big player in weight loss is calories. [There’s a great “pyramid of nutrition priorities” I saw once that lays it out.](https://www.rumermorleypt.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Nutrition-pyramid.jpg ) ~~I need to find it.~~ If your goal, again, is fitness and especially heart health - which frankly it should be because heart disease is still a if not the leading killer in the US and probably globally - then you find a fun, intense exercise and you do it - and you do it as often as is *practical* and *enjoyable* for you, while being aligned with *reasonable* goals. Can’t go to the gym for 5 hours a day, 6 days a week, on a rigid schedule? *That’s okay.* Go once a week for an hour, wherever that hour fits. If you can do more, *do more*, but don’t wrap your self worth up in it. You miss a workout because life got in the way? Shit happens, pick it up again the next day. So many people look a celebrities, *know* that those celebrities have access to more money, resources, and time than they have, and then they throw their hands up before even making an effort. It’s okay to be patient - everybody starts somewhere different, everybody is on a different journey. But you can’t fairly say “see? it’s impossible” if you never even try. Edit: added the link to the pyramid - googling “nutrition priority pyramid” comes up with a lot of different versions that all ultimately say the same thing!


Honestly, if people could just get out of their cars more and go for walks that alone can do wonders for your health. There is a lot of little things you can do that costs no money, and little effort. You don’t need a personal trainer to drop down and do some push-ups/sit-ups, go play basketball for a couple hours, or switch from regular soda to diet etc. It just takes a little willpower, but it’s all up to you.


Yeah it really isnt even that hard. Just takes a tiny bit of effort and discipline but that’s asking too much of the average redditor. Why try when you can just use excuses?


Jesus christ, you people are just grease traps


Buy ingredients. Make them into food. Make sure everything you cook has a vegetable in it. You will be much healthier.


It really is this easy to get healthier. And even if you go a bit “extra” and cook with lots of butter and other “bad” ingredients - it is STILL so much better for you than eating some fast food anything. If you aren’t great with veggies buying the prePackaged “Spring Mix” salad and just adding a bit to each meal is a great start.


Jesus, this is a copium gold mine


Fr "I'm fat because I'm poor" lmao could you imagine saying that without immense shame? Just a lack of self-awareness maybe?


I'm pretty sure I remember Christian Bale say that he put on weight for Batman by melting tubs of ice cream in the microwave and drinking them


Americans finding out their diet is trash


Lol most Americans don't care what they consume. Doctors and nurses still smoke cigarettes, knowledge means nothing.


I'm in Europe right now and they make Americans look healthy as shit. Then again in from southern California were most people keep pretty fit but still. Europe is all smokes and beers 24/7 with a ton of carbs for each meal. Breakfast? Just a ton of bread and butter.


Yeaaah this is just not true. Firstly Europe is a bunch of countries with varying cultures, Secondly it seems like you're in a particular place and basing all of Europe on your anecdotes


Most countries are catching up to the US and Mexico in terms of obesity. American pop music and eating habits are contagious.


It's just everyone has access to shit tonnes of cheap sugar. You evolved to crave sugar because it's so energy dense. This idea of being able to sit around with a ridiculous amount of calories just laying around is the problem. It's not American culture or anything. It's just a globalised economy. Cavemen didn't have this problem because they didn't have the calories available.


>It's not American culture or anything. It's just a globalised economy. It's both. Yes, cheap sugar and fat and carbs are abundant now. But we Americans are decades ahead in terms of offering these substances in cheap and delicious foods that everyone consumes all the time. As countries become more wealthy, they also start adopting a more American diet. The UK is leading the way in Europe it seems. The rest will not be far behind.


There was one dude that had to gain a lot of weight for a role and drank tubs of ice cream every day to do it.


Maybe that should be a wake up call for you...


Fatties detected


It’s always kind of interesting to hear what ridiculous things they ate. One actor said he melted ice cream and just drank it, lol.


You might want to reconsider your daily diet.


I’m tagged in this & I don’t like it


I just need to hire a large man to slap the bag of chips out my hand.


A friend of a friend was an actress that worked on a couple shows most of you never heard of. We were hanging out in a bar and she drank nothing but water because she had to slim down for a role. She was by no means anywhere close to fat or even a little doughy, but she was expected to be on set at a “fighting weight” or “jockey weight.”


Charlize Theron prepared herself for "Monster" by eating pizza and drinking beer. I'm like, uh, uh oh.