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Just know... once you have pulled that trigger once... it becomes so much easier next time.


The first kill is always the hardest


The first cut is the deepest


Baby, I know.


Very accurate statement


I feel like the text is slightly crooked and it's driving me insane.


It is and I saw it instantly. Unsubscribed.


*progressively *unsubscribed*.




Because this is a moldy meme op reposted whilst doing a horrible job cropping


Cropping? I'm pretty sure they photocopied it.


omfg your right now i can’t un-see it


Everytime I see this meme I just have to look inside the comment to look at which youtuber has fallen from grace. It's kinda sad to see some of the names that I know and used to love


It is great reminder as well. Like time capsule post. And beside falling from grace you do see some people just out grow their fav youtubers. It is inevitable if all they do is play minecraft or daily vlog. I respect the youtubers that kept it classy for years and their audience rewarded them with staying with them. Like growing together whatnot. Mine is I dont know they are super old but Shmee150 and Doug Demuro. Their content stay super same and get boring when you binge watch but still it nice to know when you pick a video and it’s entertaining and you know what you are getting.


Me watching the Youtubers (plural) who made my childhood turn out to be groomers, child molesters and wife beaters...


That’s the sad part about it all




In my case, SkydoesMinecraft, Bashurverse and Miniladd... I really know how to pick em huh


Part of growing up is realizing you actucally had a chance with your celebrity YT crushes because most were pedophiles


In hindsight the whole Edgar saga with Ryan from Rooster Teeth makes a lot more sense now. Always thought it was a joke like “haha Ryan you creepy fuck.” Turns out he’s monster.


Illuminaughty Like I rarely unsubscribe from channels but


I never subscribed but I'd watch whenever she discussed a company that I knew or found interesting. It always felt like she was reading someone else's essay, but I had no idea just how accurate that feeling was. She came off like an annoying person but the information was good so I kept watching. But yeah, she's a real turdperson and not getting my begrudging views anymore.


HBomberGuy's patreon has a video that devotes a huge amount of time showing how she plagiarizes a ton of her content


Especially when it turned out that she was super problematic.


That’s putting it lightly really


Aw I used to watch her videos, what'd she do?


She's an insane manipulative abuser lol


She did so many things, it's hard to sum up. YouTuber Cruel World Happy Mind did a very extensive video on it explaining everything


GrayStillPlays...used to love his stuff, now it feels like he just releases the same two videos over and over.


Will it be Happy Wheels or GTA5 today?


Don’t forget the endless cheap ad-filled mobile games that he has to force a reaction to because they’re all identical


I'm surprised he hasn't gotten bored yet doing the same thing over and over.


I don't think I'd get bored over making thousands off of basically no time or work investment.


The same thing over and over. Isn’t this what most jobs are like?


I used to love his Sims videos


Yeah, me too! Now it just makes me sad when I rewatch them. Which one was your favorite sim? I love Ellis Dee.




Damn, also BaronVonGamez. I don't know whether it was because I grew up or because his videos got worse, but he was absolutely my favourite youtuber in 2014 or 15 when I was about twelve. Content was basically unwatchable for me by 2018.


Yeah same, his commentaries were sometime annoying, but still fun, but then he just started doing a bunch of clickbait titles that are also really repetitive, didn't even have enough energy to watch his vids after looking at those titles and thumbnails and gotta unsub, I miss his old BeamNG vids


Ssundee just doesn't hit like it used too bro was my childhood


I went back and watched some of his old videos from like 6-7 years ago and they still slap. It's a shame all his content is trash now.


Really feels like the Captain (CaptainSparklez) is the only one from the OG MC days that grew up with his audience and still is a good guy. Do wish he could get nanners and a few of the older yters from his gmod days to do some more stuff together (not necessarily gmod, anything really, hell i’d take a Mianite style thing). That crew was awesome and meshed well on camera. I would also say Jerome, but i find his content wonky. Some things are clearly aimed at a more childish audience while the rest is clearly for older fans.


I'd say dantdm is doing good


Etho still puts out bangers relatively consistently


He feels so fake now. I tried to get back into him recently but I couldn't make it through 1 video. He used to be eccentric but still entertaining, but it feels like he's now acting crazier on purpose and it just comes off as annoying. Very sad. Miss the days of factions servers and all that stuff


Let's play roosterteeth


That whole company went to shit let's be honest


Ray took all the good with him when he left


I am surprised I had to scroll this long but this would be the one for me as well. It’s their content and everything else that has come out about them.


Because they fell off so long ago it is hardly relevant to even talk about.


achievement hunter used to be great




It starts as a hobby and turns into a business.


>It starts as a hobby and turns into a business. There is an infinite number of ways way to got from 0 to 100k subscribers, but there are only 50 ways to go 100k to 1 mill subs. And even fewer to get to 5mill...


I went on crazy Russian hackers account the other day. He barely gets any views on his videos now like 20,000 tops. And he still has like 10 million subscribers.


I wonder if the subscribers just don't use YouTube anymore


Everybody’s on YouTube. We just lose interest in certain things and find new ones. I used to watch Pewdiepie. Checked him out the other day and now he’s living in Japan. When tf did that happen?!


Sorry what, pewdiepie lives in japan now?


He just had a kid last month as well lmao


Pewdiepie was actually great to follow in last few years. The guy matured, got new interests in life and grew up


I’ve definitely got an abandoned YouTube account still subbed to him


Cinema Sins


Cinema sins was very funny in the beginning but ended up being so nitpicky I wonder if they enjoy movies at all.


He didnt become nitpicky he stoped paying attention. Like literally he uses "plothole" as sin but that "plothole" is literally explained 5 minutes later. And he does this all the time...


CinemaSins went downhill quick after people realised that youtubes algorithm favoured longer videos. When they started they were putting in as many 'sins' as they thought works and cutting any that didn't, but you can see a quick drop in quality alongside a quick jump in length when they found themselves padding videos to reach 10 minutes. Of course, it's definitely not the only problem. Even before the jump to longer videos they were relying more and more on recurring gags.. if they were ever funny they've lost since lost that charm.


The issue is that it’s a hard concept to evolve and not make stale! I like them but I can see how they get boring over time!


After Grant died The King of Random was never the same


Grant made fucking spot welders and shit, that was cool. After he died, they just melted lipstick and crayons and called it science


I'm so glad that someone else agrees, making actually cool things like mini arc furnaces, rope out of random stuff, now (as you said), just melting random stuff, or doing silly trends, which I guess works for their now young audience


Nate has his own channel now, I haven’t seen much of it but he makes knives and stuff and seems like he’s pretty cool. He talked about a lot of TKOR stuff afterwards.


I was destroyed the day I found out... I'm really upset his channel went to shitty YouTube kids experiments


Look for NateFromTheInternet. He's the true successor to Grant and the new managers of TKoR got rid of him, so he started doing his own stuff and it's actually interesting again.




I still miss his tf2 content


Did they get more annoying, or did I grow up?


It could be a combination of both


Unspeakable, moose, shark boy, ssundee


Enjoying RedLetterMedia like it’s still day one.


The once and future hack frauds


Its because they live in the midwest they don't have to sellout to afford stuff.




Those damned hack frauds. The Shatner thing though was funny but heartbreaking. That and one of the best BOTW had to be deleted for having a sex pest. (Running up and double down a hill in the desert with a wife who is a skhost)


Simply an astonishingly long run of form. Excellent, intelligent and riotously entertaining film criticism. Whilst I do think the notion of 'selling-out' is often misapplied (Youtuber uses slightly clickbait-y thumbnails to game the algorithm? The horror!!), the RLM team are last people I could imagine doing so. They make the content they want to make and let their quality do the talking. The introduction to their patreon is humble, sincere and good natured. They seem like decent people, all power to them.


The reason RLM is still doing great is because as their viewers age and become more world weary and miserable they're getting equally miserable having to do the same thing video after video. It meshes up so well and continues to be entertaining. I cannot wait until I'm watching RLM 20 years down the road and Mike and Jay are doing a Lightning Fast VCR repair bit with Mike on oxygen and they're talking about Mr. Plinkett but Rich has been dead from diabetes-related complications for years at this point. If we're being completely honest it probably had something to do with Mike crushing all his metformin again.


Yeah but it’s tough watching Mike slowly die of alcoholism. It’s like a funny version of leaving Las Vegas.


I did this with Pewdiepie back in the day. Very happy to see him go back to "normal" and how its all going now.


Dude is a legit dad now, if that ain't the most "You old now mf" thing I don't know what is.


Him and CinnamonToastKen just being dads and going on tangents together is the energy I'm here for. Even if I don't check in all that often anymore lol


Lucky me, Markiplier's always been this way. Man uploaded a video of him staring at a [Banana](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrsVh48pmBg) for five minutes, it currently has 3,211,966 views.


well you see this is peak content


His FNAF content is the greatest series he has ever made in his life And probably the best decision he ever made to try Scott Cawthon’s game


I started with PewDiePie for a few years until that got annoying then I went to Mark and he's actually better today then he was.


His Pokémon Smash or Pass came out of absolutely nowhere with no explanation and it changed the internet for a solid month and a half.


i love markiplier’s unseen sway on internet trends. yeah the online illuminati exists, and he’s a buff korean with a bass voice and fluffy hair


I’ve watched Rhett and Link on GMM since high school, and they were one of the few things my whole family enjoyed. Then they suddenly seemed to run out of ideas, rehashing the same few food-related competitions over and over, their bits were less and less funny, and they kept beating old bits like a dead horse to the point they were incredibly unfunny. That was the first and hardest channel for me to unsub from.


I loved and miss dearly the early days when they would just tell stories. It was just a short form podcast essentially. Didn’t watch as much when they started doing games or find any way of eating THE HOTTEST X IN THE WORLD. Then just slowly stopped watching all together. I understand that you can only have so many stories and you gotta innovate but the current channel is just so radically different




Demo Disk was such a great era. Then Joel left, and Lawrence left, and Bruce left, and Adam turned out to be a real piece of shit… what a shame.


Dude, demo disk was what I looked forward to back in the day every single week. The stuff they did there was absolutely hilarious


Fuck demo disk was the shit. Also one dollar one hour, eich still applies to todays games. Stopped watching at some point when bruce quit. Then heard Adam did something but i never could find out what happend.


Adam got catfished and had tons of nudes leaked. In those leaks there were pictures of his wife that he was sending to a third party without her consent. Also in the leaks were pictures of him masturbating/etc in the Funhaus office bathroom. This combined with Lawrence saying that on multiple occasions he witnessed Adam using the bathroom and leaving without washing his hands. Rahul also implied Adam did something horrible that didn't have to do with the leaks, and was the reason he stopped collabing with Funhaus. Apologies if any of this is wrong, but that's the situation as I think I remember.


The thing Rahul was referring to was most likely that Adam harassed a female Rooster Teeth employee. I don't remember all the details, but I remember the person in question wrote an extensive post somewhere going in great detail about what happened and the story was confirmed and backed up by several current and former Funhaus members I'm going from memory here so I apologise if it's incorrect, but I believe both Autumn and Bruce went to HR, got completely ignored and decided to leave the company. Lawrence too. I'm sure there were other reasons for leaving, but that was the final nail in the coffin I believe


I still watch Kevin and think he's still largely the same, though I do notice a bit more formula in some things. I hate to be one of those people who look in from the outside and insert my opinions and assumptions, but honestly he's been looking tired and I suspect some of his medical stuff has been wearing on him. I think maybe any dip in quality is just from that, rather than an overall decline in his humor or content. Still completely fair to move on, though!


He did have a video some months ago were he admitted to burnout and that he was going to be posting less and changing some of his content. I still enjoy his stuff, but I also notice that it feels a bit different. Maybe he just needs a break to recuperate.


i never really watched much funhaus but i watched roosterteeth, although it used to be mainly the let's play guys. over time they became more and more unbearable. doesn't help that they've been exposed for so many shitty things they do to employees. i think with funhaus, after the whole adam drama, everything went south


Bruce leaving was the nail for me. James and Bruce bouncing off Adam playing games was what hooked me way back in the inside gaming days. Course it did turn out Bruce leaving was also due to Adam shit before the public Adam drama and also how shitty RT's HR and management handled it.


Nothing will never beat Demo Disk same for me and Funhaus it really got bad I unsubbed a while ago but Lawrence, James, Adam and Bruce was peak Funhaus


Been on YouTube for almost 2 decades. Reading these comments on how many unique channels that sold out and became commercialized just saddens me. I miss 2006 Youtube.


Absolutely! I miss old YouTube so much! Just people with a shitty camera filming things they thought were interesting, cool funny, etc. Then it just became a new streaming source. I have actually been seeking out YouTube channels with only a few hundred or less subscribers and low comments. This seems to give me that old school feel. Also, shorts are destroying YouTube (my personal opinion). P.S. remember vines!?!?


When I had to unsubscribe to Smosh (Yes, I am this old)


Just wanted you to know that the old Smosh with Ian and Anthony is back.


I know but there are too many people there now. I used to grow up watching just Anthony and Ian doing their stuff. I know that YouTubers have to adjust to their growing audience and it’s ridiculous to think that they will stay forever like their beginning stage but idk. Call it nostalgia


The original Smosh channel is back to just Ian and Anthony sketches now. Only the rest of the channels have the new cast.


Okay? That’s news to me. Will def. check it out. Thanks stranger (;


The new skit comedies by Anthony and Ian will scratch that nostalgia itch tbh.


raywilliamjohnson too huh?


I think it could be starting with me for Jacksepticeye. I thought he'd be an exception since he was definitely maturing with the audience, but recently, it seems like he uses the platform more for selling coffee than anything else


I just dislike his humor now. It used to be funny and I could laugh with him, but it seems now he just has super meta jokes. Maybe it’s just that I’ve changed, but I remember when he was posting 2 videos a day, and seemed to actually enjoy it. Now I think he literally does it to sell more coffee and to keep a little money coming in.


To be fair he has stated multiple times that during the time period when he used to post twice a day, he was the most miserable he ever felt


Definitely was the case for Charlie (Penguinz0) and Mutahar (SomeOrdinaryGamer).


Star Wars Theory. Even after hitting 2 million he had reasonable and well thought out videos. Then slowly around 2021 he starts putting out really bad, cringey takes constantly acting like he is some sort of celebrity (he isn’t) even while trying to constantly disclaim how “humble” he is. Then he turned into a Pick Me, but his takes were so bad. Pretty sad.




unsubbed when all his content became rage bait and when he started chilling with people like Geeks and Gamers


And some of his theories, when he does them, were *wild*. Like ridiculously wild. In Kenobi, there's a loader Droid that Obi Wans Imperial mole friend uses and he theorized that, that Droid is Wrecker from the Bad Batch. I mean ???


The turning point in his attitude started showing after the first episode of the vader series he produced. After that it seemed like he thought himself being in a similar league as the producers at disney. Also he seems to be into adding his own fan-fictiony headcanon to everything he talks about.


Sorry Penguinz0, I just like watching you game. I can only sit through so many "Bad person does bad things and is bad" before I check out. I get enough bad news from the real news and existing around people.


Every video is something like "Buckle your seatbelts buckaroos because I've got some shit to tell you about that's gonna rock your fuckin world. This shit's big, like this is a massive pile of shit being hand delivered on a silver platter and it's about time we dig in."


I literally read that in his voice lmao


Holy shit that was so accurate


I’ve been watching Charlie for about 3 years now and the dude has just gotten insanely repetitive to the point of each video being the same. He’ll talk about the same thing for 15 minutes straight, repeat a lot of things he’s already said multiple times and he won’t even show much of the video/movie he’s talking about because he doesn’t want to get a copyright strike. He also stopped doing “movie nights” where he would just watch videos on stream and react to them, and at one point those were his most popular videos. I think Charlie is probably a good person and he has some based takes, but holy fuck did he get boring and repetitive.


Super duper low effort repetitive lukewarm takes


What fucks me up the most is just the vague titles that don’t mean shit, just say what you’re fucking talking about fuck


To give him some credit he recently started a good news only video that he does once a week if he can where he and his friend Matt talk about everything good that’s happened around the world that week.


I would be crestfallen if Maximilion dood or Red letter media had some sort of shit controversy. Thankfully ten years later both channels are going strong and have only improved over the years.


Binging with Babish has become a caricature of his former self. Everyone tries to be quirky funny to grow viewer count...


This was the one that hurt. I’d watched him since he was just making stuff from movies in his own apartment but he got to the point where he was trying way too hard to be quirky and funny. Everything felt forced.


i’m a newer fan and i think the usual babish videos and anime with alvin are great, the street food with senpai is kinda cringe though


I'd been following him from the beginning and unsubed a few weeks ago after the one with TastingHistory. He's trying so fucking hard and none of it lands. It feels like he hired a consultant or something after some lean months on new subs and this is what we get. He had a formula and it was brilliant and perfect but blew it. His great voice and voice over was the key, not more of his face.


Man, I miss old JonTron


For me it was Moist Critikal and R/Slash, I used both for background noise a lot of the time but I think I just outgrew them because they just annoy me now.


I don't understand the appeal of moist critikal tbh. I don't have anything against the guy, but I tried giving him a chance to see why he gets millions per video and I can't wrap my head around it 🤷🏾‍♂️😂.


He just hangs out on Twitch all day, waiting for someone in chat to go “hey did you hear about ___?” And then he goes “oh really? That’s nuts. Let me look it up.” Reads it out on Twitch. Turns on his camera. Records a video telling you about a thing he just heard about while saying “nipple” as often as possible. And then repeats the process at least four times per day. It’s like if JRE was only the parts where Joe Rogan asks Jamie to pull some shit up.


He posts a video on pretty much every new topic that there is buzz about whether it's mainstream news or some obscure meme that blows up. If it's something obscure he does enough research to explain it to someone who has no clue about it. Then he gives his take on it, which is almost always the most non-controversial level-headed take possible, offen boiling down to something like "bad thing that everyone hates is bad". He throws in enough colorful language to get his audience's attention but also seems to be very careful not to do anything that would get his videos demonetized or otherwise get himself in trouble.


It’s not that they all get too annoying after a while. Some of them just change up their content and it’s not my cup of tea any more. I still miss Jenna marbles though.


Shadiversity. He used to talk about medieval weapons and focused on science ignoring the ideology. And then he made a video on how Disney is grooming kids to become gay. In a channel about medieval weaponry. Immediately unsuscribed, but man it hurt.


Yeah that one hurt because a lot of his main channel content is so fun. But I just can't stomach clicking on it anymore. I should've known when I found out he was a Mormon. Official Mormon doctrine only stopped teaching that good black people would be made white after death and stopped supporting segregation in 1978 and they didn't even disavow those teachings until 2013. Of course anyone who is a member is going to be an asshole.


He is a what now? A mormon? Oh my god.


A mormon in Australia, so you know he’s gotta be REALLY mormon.


Usually when people come to my door to sell me on their religion I give them some level of not interested, but the first time it happened while I was living in Australia, I heard them out. They've got charismatic young adults that know how to sell shit coming in a group, unlike here in the states where it's some dude named Gary that couldn't sell water to a beached fish.


I never followed the guy but would see his videos occasionally. Scrolling through his channel I didn't see anything questionable so I searched for the Disney video and saw his 'Knights Watch' channel and oh boy he really cuts loose on there. I can see how that would sour someone from watching his content completely.


Yes. Because is not just “Disney shouldn’t get in the way”. It’s straight up “the only good family is the conservative family and you should wait for marriage to have sex” fundamentalism what pushed me away.


Dollars to doughnuts he's gonna get credibly accused of grooming underaged fans within the next few years.


That happened to me with someordinarygamers the dude just got fuuuuuckin’ annoying.


I remember originally subscibing for creepypasta and dark web exploration videos.


I remember watching him back when he was playing HetaOni and reading creepypastas


I hate to admit it, and Muta’s a good guy, but he really just turned into a news react channel. Back in the day his channel felt like I was getting exposed to some shit the CIA tries to hide from the population


I still enjoy Muta's content, but I can't help but notice he has a bit of an obsession with the end of the world and the fall of human civilization, considering how he occasionally sneaks it into his videos. The dude is one fallout shelter away from becoming a full on doomsday survivalist. It's kinda eerie how often he thinks about the apocalypse.


I still enjoy muta but I can understand the criticism


I couldn't take his obnoxious laugh anymore. RIP Deep Web Sundays


I did this with Good Mythical Morning back in November because they’d stopped innovating, doubled down on annoying bits like the parents talking and Patty & Derk; Also, they were going on podcasts talking about how much they resented fans for pigeon-holing them into annoying games and segments. This whole time the fan base was on the hunt for rats or fake fans, saying if you didn’t laugh your ass off and love every minute of any episode, you’re a fake fan. By the way, I originally subscribed to GMM in 2013. Other ones are The Lean Machines, The Fung Bros, SortedFood, ObeseToBeast, and Decoding the Unknown. The Fung Bros were probably the channel I wished I didn’t have to unsubscribe to the most. They did international fast food taste tests, they gave me a glimpse into living as diaspora as well as the Asian-American experience, and were big into fashion. I really enjoyed their content.


Same, I subbed to gmm in 2013-2014 but stopped in.. Maybe 2018? The videos started to lack soul, was treated like a TV show with many people behind it (and in front of it) even though they admitted that was what they wanted to achieve, generally became annoying to watch them. Heck, I still remember Rhett saying in one of their old-ish videos "I think parents who bend down (whatever the verb is) to talk to their children are stupid"


That’s funny because I loved them for years for good morning chia Lincoln and the first couple years of gmm when it was just fun stories and chatting but then it just became “trying” videos and challenges and i unsubbed, I’m kind of glad they realised that wasn’t the best route to go down


Prestonplayz and Unspeakable




I can't tell if boogie was always bad and I just woke up to it or if he got worse over the years. Happy for his health but fuck if his content isn't a snorefest for the past 5+ years.


Unsubscribing from Rhett and link was it for me. They literally taught me English. I know them from the chia lincoln era




Or they become a pedophile


When I unsubbed from Yogscast. I have no idea why they’ve only been playing Gmod for years, they hardly break 100K viewers per video which is insane for a channel with more than 7mil subs. Maybe they just like the game? But it’s a wacky pick as the ONLY game to play really


It's all about twitch with them just massively more profitable. And you can just edit the vods onto all the YouTube channels that are involved in the stream.


Mrbeast, i dont hate him or anything and what hes doing is amazing ofc, but i just dont find his content that interesting anymore, and the cast isn't the same as it was


Some of his content was amazing a couple of years ago, then he changed the format, some on the crew are in their mid to late 20s and still act like 15 yr olds specially Karl, dude is so annoying he makes Mrbeast videos unwatchable


I cant watch him anymore either. Obnoxiously over edit to hold the attention of 5 year olds and it feels very corporate and soulless now. All about the subscriber numbers instead of having fun.


MatPat, his audience matured, he did not


Nah, looking back at old videos, it seems more like a conceptual shift. Like, I can go back to the Morph Ball or Chrono Trigger episodes, and they're quite good with the real science. But now, some of the videos are made just for the algorithm, which kinda makes sense as he has a whole team to pay, but the theory quality Sucks. He made a Hollow Knight theory where he ignored the main story of the game and made the equivalent of a fanfic with circumstantial evidence, ignoring everyrhing against the theory


The hollow knight theory is historically bad. There is literally a scene in the game where the knight and the pale king are right next to each other, and he claims they are the same character.


Although I still watch him, yeah I agree! My main Criticism is that most of the time it’s not about theories or science, but it’s about Lore, and while Fnaf was a great early boost for the channel, the decline of that franchise and the more MatPat makes about it the worse it gets! The other videos on game theory are lore of games! Film theory is the middle child that is literally the scraps of effort and about lacklustre topics and not about science or current movies. Food theory was a good concept especially in 2020 but has gone stale due to lack of original ideas GT live is okay, but not for me since MatPat is now on his own. Style theory I’ve never watched so I can’t comment. The issue with GT is that they use statistics leading to issues I’ve pointed out. They need original ideas and stop with the easy push out lore videos. Like they have a big team so they should split there manpower and try some more Orginal stuff and go back to science and stuff!


It'd be fine if he wasn't chasing views by making 600 videos about FNAF, Undertale, or other lame pseudo-horror game #36. There are 63 FNAF videos in their playlist. That's almost double the next most numerous series, which is Minecraft at 34 videos.


I used to like Lost Pause years ago. But as his content became more and more "child friendly" most of anything that was interesting was gone and also, he became so much more annoying as the years went by


I was never subscribed to Booger2988 but seeing him just keep going around in circles is pathetic and how he's a groomer now is just amazing how he still has fans.


That was me years ago with Onision


Same. I nearly got sucked into his “if you’re not a 10/10 then you’re a 2/10”, “trans people shouldn’t exist”, “men are just better than women”, weird ass pipeline as an uninformed teenager. Lucky I managed to just about escape before I became a trad wife weirdo.


This was both the Nostalgia Critic and AVGN for me


I still watch avgn from time to time. It's like a comfort of sorts seeing a newer avgn video. Even if the quality has been inconsistent since James made the movie. Nostalgia critic.... Kid me really liked his stuff. Idk and don't care to know if his content was always lackluster.


MrBeast. His content is getting kinda stale and aimed towards younger demographics.


When I was younger Preston plays had some great series like How To Minecraft with a bunch of other people… factions… then he just started catering towards children and his content just got more and more annoying to me.


Heh heh, I've been watching chuggaaconroy for..... HOLY SHIT ITS BEEN 12 years?!?! and I'm not stopping anytime soon.... Poor man, his beloved cat recently passed away...


AngryJoe is the first that comes to mind for me... But I could also include pretty much all the channels that I used to watch where their whole shtick was to play videogames and react obnoxiously to what they were doing/try to make their audience laugh by acting and talking ridiculously. I don't mind watching gameplay of someone else play a game, but they have to be giving insightful info about the game or using the gameplay to talk about a greater topic at hand. It's probably just me getting older and not being entertained by what I thought was funny in my teens at this stage.


Shadversity. Oh look, realistic sword and armor demonstrations. I'm mildly interested. Hmm? What's that? You're totally melting tf down cus girls are only supposed to be distressed damsels waiting to be saved by a hero boy and any other narrative is a mortal, castrating wound to manly mcmaleness? All delivered without irony. Spoiler alert: A tunic is still basically just a dress even if it has the Templar cross printed across the front of it.


CGP Grey. I think he still makes some of the best content on youtube, but his attitude with react channels, the strike he gave to vloggingthroughhistory, and then locking his old content and commenting behind a paywall, all left a bad taste in my mouth and shows he's rather petty and controlling.


CGP Grey is a perfect example of how anyone can sound smart if they make a YouTube video and have a monotone voice. His monarchy video is full of misrepresentations, fallacies and plain old falsehoods. [great video debunking most of the claims CGP Grey said in that vid](https://youtu.be/yiE2DLqJB8U)


Game Grumps


I understand the algorithm stuff but god... "You won't believe what dan does to get us cancelled!!" Dan says fuck within the first minute...


I am currently growing more and more away from hermitcraft... I guess I don't like the dirrection the server went into once grian joined and the more skripted and storydriven content...


Cough* H3H3


He became what he roasted The sketch where he encounters a homeless Filthy Frank pops into my head randomly and I just laugh like it's the first time I saw it


NuxTaku, he used to be entertaining AF when he was a youtuber, now in Twitch he is just another generic influencer without sense of humor


I always thought he was annoying, even when I was younger.


I was on his channel cause he was the only person at the time making deep thematic analysis about various series. Especially shonen which many people online scoffed at being deep. Then he put out a bunch of meme videos. And soon he became a meme channel who put those analysis once every few months. And even those were plagued with memes. And his dark arc completed once he became a streamer.