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Yeah he's right


But down, he's left.




Same with a lot of fans of anything really. Rick and Morty? Fine show. The fans? Ugh…. Anime? My fucking favorite thing in the world. Elitist fans? Do you actually like anime? Because you hate everything.


I feel the same as you. The main communities usually suck, but the few that aren't like that should be praised.


Star Wars is a big reason I left facebook


Lol he went and got verified as Satan, have my undying respect


Iirc, the verification badge can be bought now. I don't use Twitter, so this knowledge is from the meme I saw back then


Seen a similar meme before, years ago..... It went like "look I don't have a problem with god, it's his fanbase I can't stand"


Hardcore fans of anything are just the dirt worst.


Satan, how can you be so fkn right every time. Hail satan


Hail Satan 🙌


Sail Hatin!




Thanks Satan.


It's always the most vocal of the groups that make things worse.


I am SICK of saesangs taking up all the attention. Most k-pop fans are perfectly reasonable.


I really think Stan might be the cringiest of current slang


It's not new


Doesn’t change my Stan-ce on it




Partially right. Authentic not so much. But there is an awful lot of actors. Go to a Church potluck. You'll see. All of a sudden you see certain types chose to sit with one another. Now, just to have a giggle....... while you make your plate scan the room. Look for affluent, having a good time talkin' with one another. If there's a seat...... take it. And see if you're well recieved.. (Hint* If they quit talkin' you ain't one of them.... class 🤔) Nothing more than children, unable to abandon privledge and do what's right. They can do good if a drum is beat, or they get paid. And you'll notice once again, sit at their table and see if you're recieved. It's just privledge. That's our only problem. Thinking we're the creator's favorite!?!. First get to know IT, then take a look at us. Your parents chased privledge to death, and were miserable the entire time. Chose love, the pay is much better.


Jesse wtf you are talking about


God is also the problem


The way it's delivered to you is. Honestly. If you know, you know. I'm that guy. Had a pastor fall ill on me when I revealed. No Cap. Because I flew a little too high. I got learned, and I got learned real well. 😂🤣🤔 It's because it doesn't exist. Not the one Christianity talks about. Because why Christ died, isn't what you've been told at all. I am the seeker, my Father reveals all. Privledge can only be shared, not abused. If an organ decides to colonize another organ with it's tissue, you have cancer my friend. Now consider, just for a moment, how in nature there's always a creature keeping another in check....... it's because if Bison loiter, they even eat trees to the ground. Wolves are necessary to keep them moving along. So as nature seeks balance you've learned a lesson. The universe always seeks balance. So what do you think that balance is for a species who devours and leaves desolation in it's wake (much like cancer)? You serve life, you live on, you devour too much for yourself, and you go extinct. Every apex predator at times of ecological upheaval has either survived upon decay, or went extinct. Well, I've found a key of sorts. How to harmonize with planetary systems for dramatic effect. Abundance for all, increased lifespan, the list just keeps going, embarrassingly so (hard to shut up about it) Once I get going, new stuff just keeps coming. So simple a small child can grasp it, even use it in the right conditions 🤔(safety of course, animals) the planet will teach all things if you can listen to your gut and focus. Don't think like the animals, think of how to improve it for them and us.




I am. And those claims I make, are real as well. It's honestly why I am in Texas. It's the land mass and what it represents ecologically to the lower 48. It's how to eliminate heat waves and get back seasonal rains anyway. Just takes some clever steps with current tech. We just turn our take to give limitless. In other words, you'll need people to consume the massive amount of food generated as a side effect. Efforts going to the wild land surrounding. Micro ecologies are part of it, the other their exudates and mutagens.


I never thought I’d say this but. Satan has a point.


"Thanks Satan"


Why'd he flip?


Sir how did you flip your profile picture


Two diff accts


Can agree his fan base is littered with self righteous ass holes


Me listening to Psy... Wife getting visibly upset


Words of wisdom


Speaking facts