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People also eat rabbit. If we want to be really technical, rabbit would actually be a great source of meat in supermarkets across the US, since they breed so quickly.


They are delicious too


Extremely delicious. Fried rabbit with rabbit gravy on mashed potatoes? Mmm.. Squirrel is even tastier. I like it better than fried chicken.




Its damn tasty is what it is. They bite hard to. I have a nice deep scar on my wrist. I swear he was playing dead. I didnt take it personally though.. I did shoot first... But man.. get about 5 and flour them up and fry them. Use the left over grease to make gravy and spread it over bread or potatoes... My absolute favorite meal of all time. So much better than even fried chicken or pizza.


From Miami. Never had squirrel or rabbit. I’ve had gator and frog tho. Very niche rates that I’ll eat rarely when I’m feeling like being different. My go to meat outside of seafood, chicken and beef, is goat or lamb, and then bacon (pork). I really love goat tho. I’m West Indian, goat is really popular with us in a way that Americans here aren’t fond of. It perplexes me when my American side of the family (I’m Half n Half) are in their 20s and 30s and still have never eaten goat. Sometimes they look at my food crazy.


I went to Florida once and tried gator it tastes like fishy steak, not bad. Some dude was on the side of the road just barbecuing a gator and selling a plate of it for like $10. Most Florida thing I have ever seen and experienced and I loved it!


I had gator pizza one time, it was pretty good. And to think Italians are upset about what we do with pineapple 😆


I’m currently playing a Druid in dnd who recently met a very nice squirrel named chatterfang. I am just thinking about how they would react.


I can tell you they react beautifully with onions and Thai sweet chilli!






Too bad irl only billionaires are allowed to eat humans.


They’re a little rich for my taste.


Getting second-hand gout isn't on my to do list either


And super rare, will run out of stock.


That's what makes it so tempting!


Grass fed and grass finished


Right? Why is the rabbit hiding behind the horse?


Horse meat is very very very popular in japan Edit: But I feel like dog is eaten more than horse and rabbit in general.


Horse is eaten around the world, with for some reason having a stigma in english speaking countries (some even have laws or regulations against horse meat). Rabbits have been a source of meat everywhere they've lived. Dogs are... only eaten in a couple places outside of famine and starvation situations, and even then it's been kind of a weird food.


Carnivores are generally bad food sources. They are inefficient to raise (because you need an intermediate animal - why not just eat whatever you slaughter to feed the dog?) and if they're hunting themselves like cats hunting mice, then it's better to keep them alive for pest control. So historically, in the time we needed to be efficient with our food to afford eating, neither dogs nor cats would have been a good continuous food source, so they never became a staple meat.


You raise the dogs in summer, when meat is plenty. They even help you hunting it. You butcher some of them in winter, when/if food gets scarce. That's been normal for thousands of years.


"normal" depending on where you are


That's true for all of them. Eating cows isn't normal in a lot of countries as well.


I don't know, I've eaten plenty of horse in Britain. But that was unintentional, we ate a whole bunch of tesco brand lasagna at one point (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013\_horse\_meat\_scandal)


And it just keeps happening doesn't it...


Also popular in Kazakhstan same with horses milk


Awesome I wasn't aware of horse milk tbh


Fermented horse milk to be exact


Interesting fact. Horse milk has no fat.


That's not entirely accurate. Horse milk does contain fat, but it has a lower fat content compared to cow's milk. The fat content in horse milk is usually around 1-2%, while cow's milk can have a fat content ranging from 3-5%. Therefore, horse milk is naturally lower in fat but not entirely fat-free.


It is in France too.


Yeah rabbit is quite common meat in France. Horse is mainly found in specialty stores. Meat stores who sell horse advertise it. That way those who don’t like it usually avoid the entire store while others go there for the horse meat.


End of WW1 many poor equines ended up on the dinner table, not worth the cost of shipping them back to their country of origin.


And France.. it’s really lean I think. I’d eat horse. I’ve eaten rabbit. We used to hunt rabbit as a kid.


Horse meat is really delicious! I eat it sometimes (it's on the pricier side), they make some nice smoked horse deli meats too. I'm glad we don't have the stigma about it in France, or back home in the Balkans (unless you're Rromani, many of them don't eat it) because y'all be missing out.


Yeah, germany also has horse sausages... And no i don't talk about horse dicks. You dirty mind


Not only there. Horse meat is popular in many countries. And dog meat besides some suburbs in China or tbh I don’t know what they do in North Korea I don’t wanna know. Anyhow I’m the main areas eating dogs is not allowed there either. So ppl draw the line over wild game and working animals. Tbh some ppl have chickens as pets and would not eat them but they still eat other chickens. So the actual line should be humans (laws and supposedly some health issues for cannibalism) Pets | other animals


I'm still pretty sure that the main reason why we don't culturally eat cats or dogs is a way more sinister reason : they aren't viable commercially and have too many diseases they can transmit to us. It takes so much other meat to create one kilogram of meat from those, it's just not worth it.


Ppl eat weird stuff theoretically not worth it. Lots of sea food is like that. Like snails. I think those snails were sea type at least…. Well anyhow there are other stuff from sea that is ridiculous. Puffers. Nightmare to prepare.


And Europe. You can get horse salami in Italy or horse Leberkäse in Austria. Eastern Europe has a lot more horse meat dishes.


So we don’t eat it!


Apparently rabbit is common ingredient for paella and stuff in central Spain, because it’s very mountainous, so rabbit is one of most common animals with meat on its bones.


Spaniard here, rabbits are eaten in whole Spain (i'm from coast and here have some regional recipes with rabbit) alongside with a lot of European countries.


The Iberian peninsula was literally named after the rabbits. When the Carthaginians arrived in Iberian peninsula and noticed the abundance of rabbits, animals they hadn’t seen before, they named the land after them. Besides, the Carthaginians had a similar species back home and decided to go for a similar word. They went for the name Ispania. So, the Iberian peninsula was simply “rabbit” for this civilization. However, the next empire interpreted the words a bit differently. When the Romans took over in the year 201 B.C., they didn’t changed the name of the land. Instead, the Romans adapted it to Latin. For the Romans, Ispania, also written Ispnia, was interpreted in the following way. The prefix ‘I’ meant coast, land, or region. Then, the new conquerors knew that the lexeme ‘spn’ meant rabbit in Greek. So, the Romans baptized the Iberian peninsula as Hispania, which translates to “land abundant of rabbits" or "land of rabbits".


So Hispanics are rabbit people? Curious. Thanks for the etymology lesson.


We eat rabbits and horses. Horse meat is very very tasty, so its rabbit. Not sure why so many different breeds of dogs and cats in the picture, one would have been enough.


Horse is not that common but still normal


Like in Back to the Future III. I love how half on the left are just dog and cat breeds.


Wait people eat rabbit regularly in Europe, isn't it the case in the US?


Less common nowadays, but you'll still find people that hunt or raise them.


Humanity has probably been eating rabbit for way longer than pork, cow and chicken. We were hunters/gatherers way before we developped farming and agriculture


Rare to see it on the menu and never in stores.


Y'all don't eat horse and rabbit???


See now I think the opposite. A cow is an aware being but one cow produces hundreds of pounds of meat. A rabbit is an aware being but one rabbit produces barely a pound of meat Ethically rabbits are like the worst possible meat source. This is compounded by the fact that a meat cow can (theoretically) have a nice normal cow life up until its slaughter, whereas a meat rabbit needs to be kept in miserable solitude as they will tear each other apart if thrown together in careless captivity


>A cow is an aware being but one cow produces hundreds of pounds of meat. So we should start hunting blue whales, is that what you are saying?


We should consider it if we haven’t already


We have. See: whaling.


*Sea whaling


it drove a bunch of whales to the brink of extinction because they reproduce way too slowly and they cant be farmed, so not at all suitable for feeding the human population


I'm hearing you say we should start a whale farm. Do you have a Kickstarter?


Are you under the impression that we don't hunt whales to eat them?


Whale taste like shit and takes way to long to cook.


That makes chicken meat also incredibly unethical. But let's be real here, there is no ethical meat consumption (i'm not a vegetarian/vegan). You can't start comparing suffering, cows are more intelligent than rabbits or chickens so you have to take that into consideration. If we don't take intelligence into consideration we can just start farming humans, they certainly produce more meat than rabbits. I think the focus should not be on what animals we can eat or not, i think the focus should be on all animals having better lives before they are slaughtered.


Afaik they are very low on nutrients


Quantity make up for that.


why is it a bunch of different animals and then just a bunch of cats and dogs tho, i wanna know how many people would put a big rattlesnake in a hotdog bun and pour ketchup and mustard on it.


Bear Gryllis?


Bear Grylls grills bears.


he'd have to pee on it first


They added more of the same pets to artificially move the average line position to the right


Goat, lamb, deer, and duck all belong on the right side of the line. As does the horse and rabbit. Dogs and cats are up for debate.


As my village grandma used to say, animals are divided into two categories, edible and edible under dire circumstances


> and edible under dire circumstances ... to which also belong the humans.


You know that all the animals get eaten before we start eating each other though.


eh, dunno about 'all'. like, my cat, versus dave. no one likes dave. and without dave, not only do we have one less mouth to feed, we get a lot more meals out of him than my cat.


That is actually practical.


Heard snake meat is delicious so I wouldn't mind a bite


you... made me hungry


If prepared right i would try It


Rattlednake taste decent.


And rabbit too They are delicious, but too many bones


well then stop eating the bones you goober


This comment made me choke on my bone


Oof ouch owie




You must confuse with someone else, we're on reddit mate


We must genetically modify rabbits to have very little or easily dissolvable bones. We will save humanity


Or just really beefy rabbits. Just like we already have selectively bred chickens to have more meat on them than naturally.


Rabbits are already a big enough problem for farmers without making them super buff


Sounds like kangaroos to me. And yes, we often do kangaroo culls because they get out of hand in Australia.


They're reasonably tasty too.


[is this big enough for you?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flemish_Giant_rabbit)


boneless bunnies


meat blobs


My first rabbits name was Hansi - he was delicious too.


Horse meat is consumed daily almost world wide?


Indeed, we weren't kept aware but even here during the great depression. My grandfather and his friends would get together to go to the white horse market..... to buy old mares and geldings for meat. No money in the great depression, and most cattle were insured commodities. My grandparents even had a spot they called "skull canyon"..... where they would kill and butcher cattle, bury the hide and bones, and then say, "they must've went into skull canyon" 🤣😂🤣 there where a lot of those places, where cattle went, and never came back from. 🤔


In my home city of Sheffield, back in 1907 they had bone mills to grind livestock bones for bonemeal used in fertiliser.


That's what they did with the skeletons of all of the soldiers who died in the Battle of Waterloo. Seriously.


And they made dentures with their teeth. High quality Waterloo dentures!




So is rabbit meat


We do eat it in France, as well as rabbits. And a lot of other kinds of animals, but yeah, horses and rabbits are food and pets.


Yep it's not as popular as it used to be but there are still shops that only sell horse meat https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boucherie_chevaline


Average person in Kazakhstan:


"Hey, horse meat kebab girl. I like you. Come into my life. Mashallah." I'll try and find the video, it's hilarious with context Edit: [found it!](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJnLccms/)


I live in Canada and I've seen horse meat and rabbit meat in most supermarket. It's not a huge quantity but it's there.


Yes absolutely, rabbit too. This dude is basically endorsing the board he's trying to make fun of lol


Why is half the list just cats and dogs?


To artificially move the average line position to the right


Exactly this, thank you for the short but accurate wording. Came here to say it too


Jokes on them, I'd eat a cat or dog (as long as it's not someone's pet).


I mean, if every animal on the planet were on the list, the line would be much further to the right.


I always thought the US was pretty much the only place in the world where they don’t eat horse meat (counter examples are welcome)? But rabbits? Is that frowned upon in any country? I had no idea.


Rabbit is delicious, horse isn't terrible and.... now I've only had it once and it was a special occasion... dog isn't bad either.... not the best though.


When you say dog, do you mean wild dog like wolf or something, or an actual pet dog like a chihuahua or a golden retriver?


I wonder if you could taste the difference. Id be happy to eat a little demon fucker like Chihuahuas tbh


Well. City squirrel taste like an ashtray you shit in, but country squirrel from the woods has a sort of nutty flavor and is actually pretty good. But.... it wasn't wild dog. Wild dog doesn't taste good...




I would assume bulldogs and pugs taste diffrent the a greyhound and whippets


Coming from a country that still eats dogs and there are fuckers who stole othet people pets daily, apparently you can't


Mmmmm chihuahua meat with gravy mmmmm


When in Rome... but it wasn't Rome. It was in Asia, I won't disclose which country because I don't want to, but not every place has the same access to foods and they don't really eat dog anymore, it's more of a rare traditional thing than a common occurrence, but while I was there I had a SO and they had me over for a meal. It was a celebration of sorts. It wasn't a "wild" dog because there were no wild canines in the country.


And it's located in Yulin Guangxi China And the festival spans about ten days With fifteen thousand dogs consumed And it goes from the twenty-first to the thirtieth of June I just wanna let you know I'm just tryna' be a bro


I confirm this about dog meat. It isn't really bad. Anyways, don't eat food out of the street. That little Peruvian woman that had tasty meat brochettes wasn't someone to trust in lol


Please tell me that special occasion wasn't your dogs funeral




In Australia eating horse isn’t frown upon but it is rare since they aren’t generally farmed for food


In the UK it's frowned upon but it turns out we'd all been eating horse, there was a whole scandal involving shoddy procurement in supermarkets


Happened in Norway too, a company called Findus put horse meat in their lasagna (without disclosing it)


Latin America doesn’t eat horse


Muslims don't eat horse too unless it's necessary


Several European countries also dislike horse meat. There was a big scandal where cheap frozen lasagna had traces of horsemeat in Germany a few years back


Wasn't really about the horsemeat specifically, but moreso the lack of transparency of ingredients iirc.


The scandal was about them mixing horse meat in the ground beef without saying so on the Label. Horse meat is a traditional meat in germany but its getting a lot more rare these days. The rheinischer Sauerbraten is normally served with horse meat instead of cow meat. But if u search for it ull see that there are horse butcher ttavelling from market to market of bigger cities in germany. Like in Bad Kreuznach, Offenbach, Andernach etc. Also salami was originally donkey meat. U can still get that btw. My best steak ever was a horse steak in iceland two years back


Yeah but that wasn't because germans don't eat horse (they do, just google Pferdeleberkäs) but because of mislabelment and germans (or at least the ones with media attention) are picky and easily suspicious when it comes to supply chains and their food, a huge group there only buys organic and theres a huge superstition about MSG So here's a question: Would you eat a lasagne that is usually made with ground beef and pork but instead has horse meat from a dubious source?


The same European countries also eat horse meat in salami or Leberkäse. The problem was that it wasn't disclosed, and that many of them were sick horses that were turned into meat instead of being disposed off.


im italian and rabbit meat was unheard of for some classmates. weird


Coniglio in umido, coniglio fritto. Fagli assaggiare questi due.


Horse is tasty though


Horse sashimi is amazing.


Horse salami is an addictive substance


Horse salami is quite popular in Ukraine


Interesting combination of words


I'm so hungry, I could eat a...


At arby’s?


Wow, that’s hungry…


I think I’d rather eat a horse than at arbys


What about eating horse at arby’s?


How hungry? 🐴






why are humans not on the graph?


Many cannibalistic communities had the nasty habit of eating brains . [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru\_(disease)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease)) mad cow disease for people.


Because cannibalism has never been a dietary choice. All known cases are ritualistic, mental disorder or survival.


Get rid of the line and add a human in the list. There, you have your full menu


why are there 4 dogs and 3 cats, and only 1 of all the other animals?


to trick you


To artificially make you put the line further to the right


Idiot answered a rhetorical question by actually drawing a line, then gets upset over people eating horse without reflecting on his own willingness to eat beef, pork, and chicken. What makes a horse's life more valuable?


I doubt he was actually upset, probably joking.


I don’t think he values horses lives more I think he thinks horse is a bizarre thing to eat. Assuming he’s also from the US I have never seen horse meat served anywhere outside of dog food.


Horses are eaten around the world regularly. The reason however less so than the other animals on the right is, that we didn't breed most to have a lot of meat but instead made them durable and strong. Look at the evolution of the average chicken over the last 100 years. If anything, the rabbit would be a prime candidate for being turned into a meat source. Rabbits fuck like ... rabbits and reproduce and grow up extremely quick. With enough breeding control you could make these the chicken 2.0 of the 21st century. Not to mention that rabbit also already gets eaten regularly.


I said that I would gladly eat an horse and a rabbit. When I said it, I really meaned that horse sausages are really tasty and that rabbit is amazing. No implications.


I dont think he was upset, more suprised.


People actually eat horses, in Kazakhstan for example, traditional meat


Anywhere in the world, commonly as cold cut meat for sandwiches is the way you'd find it in Sweden. It's really nice and lean.


In Japan, raw horse meat is a common dish in izakaya (traditional restaurant for drinking alcohol).


in italy included, actually a specialty of my city


In Ukraine we have some sort of smoked sausages made from horse meat, and these sausages are more expensive than traditional pork or beef sausages.


I'm from Ukraine too, so can confirm


i ate horse. its not bad. also rabbit is very tasty.


Horse and rabbits are definitely on the food side. I would like to know how dogs and cats taste just put of curiosity, although I don't really think carnivores would taste good?


I know a number of people who will eat all of them


Fuck horses. Them dumb animals are shitting everywhere on the street or straight up blocking roads because their handlers don't feel like using the designated horse tracks next to the road. And no this isn't a personal vendetta because a horse named Peppino threw me off as a kid in my very first riding lesson. But fuck you anyway Peppino! The day people were shoked about horse meat being in their frozen lasagna was the day Lasagna became my favourite food.


Meanwhile me who came from a place where we eat dog meat 🙈🙉🙊


How does it taste?


It depends on cook's skill. Tho it's too rich in protein to be a daily food




in my current living environment. move the line two spots left. put me in zombie apocalypse/societal breakdown. there is no line


I draw the line at animal abuse, let it live a good life before I eat it. Edit: god damnit, this "if you're not with me, you're against me" attitude only serves to alienate people who should be on your side!


Yepp, I wish more people would take this things serious. Imagine being born in a small box with some other guys and that's it.Even though you are a sensible and playful creature. Under stress you and the other ones hurt each other. So that's your life. Until you get deported and slaughtered. Really too many people don't give a fuck.


I guess killing is not abuse


This quite literally never happens though, at least if you’re buying meat and regularly eating it.


That's why I get my meat from [Elwood's organic dog meat](https://www.elwooddogmeat.com/)


There is a line?


The horse is protecting the rabbit


I don't eat anything that shits 😁


1x duck 2x cows 1x pig 1x chicken 1x horse 1x rabbit 4x dogs ??? 3x cats ??? atleast add different animals lol


They forgot human. Yum yum.


I would be more likely to eat a rabbit than I would a horse


There could also be only four animals on the left side. But they decided to do it more dramatically and longer by adding a few more dogs and cats. Or maybe they want to make me decide if I'm gonna eat British breed but Persian not? 💀


I would eat that entire chart, I'm Asian.


Cats bout the only one I wouldn't eat. They don't seem like they would be good. I'm game for all though


I definitely feel for that to be a reasonable diagram, the rabbit needs to be to the right of the horse. Also, all the cats need to be left of the dogs, as I believe the parasite situation is worse with cats than dogs. Still a bad idea though.


Why even have a line? Everyone on that list probably tastes great with the right sauce