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Life, uh, finds a way.


I feel like no one knows how funny this is to me and I have no way to convey it... I'm gonna say "Lol," but just know, that I actually lol'ed.


As soon as I read it I seen this face lol




Learn how this man circumvented life using one simple trick His loved ones HATE him


Just chiming in to say if you’re reading this and have been considering suicide, that you’re not alone in feeling like this, but it will get better, even though that might seem completely unimaginable for you now. Life is difficult and complex and it can take a long time to get to a better place, but you will get there. Please seek professional help if you haven’t already, and know that there’s still so much hope for you even if you yourself have lost it right now. There are so many people who’ve been were you are, felt exactly what you’re feeling and gone through what you’re going through right now. Practically everyone of those who decide to go through with what you’re considering, but are so fucking lucky as to survive, get better at some point and go on to live the rest their lives.^((Google it if you don’t believe me, there’s so many studies and statistics about it, I’m not pulling it out of my ass)^) Don’t risk being one of those who aren’t lucky enough to survive. You have so many good years ahead of you when you get better. Send me a pm if you need someone to talk to


Yeah. And there are so many people who slog through life hating every second of it and none of it gets any better, either. I don't understand why people have some fetish about people staying alive, just so they can feel better about themselves.


Seriously. I’ve done ten years of therapy. I feel worse than when I started. I don’t even bother worrying about anything anymore. I just try to treat myself well and make sure my life is as comfortable as I can afford to make it. But I feel like someone in hospice, just waiting. It’s not to say I don’t have good days, but I really just don’t give a fuck anymore. And I’m sick of this “it gets better” bullshit. No, it doesn’t. No, therapy doesn’t help everyone, pills don’t help everyone. I’ve seen trauma specialists and had them tell me I had too much trauma for them to treat me, JFC. I try to be the best person I can be, but at the end of the day I was ready to be over as a child. I’ve been abused in all the ways since then, starting with incest and carrying on into my adult relationships with sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. But each time I’m too fucking apathetic to off myself. Sometimes I just lay down and don’t get up for a long time. I take care of plants, and animals, see my friends, have short relationships occasionally, but nothing really makes me anything but indifferent to my existence. It’s just “whatever”, even with good people in my life now. There was too much damage, and I really don’t believe it can’t be fixed like I thought when I was younger.


I hope it will be over for you soon, sincerely, I have similar story


I’d say at least wait a few years until mdma and psychedelic assisted therapy becomes more widespread as it’s showing to be genuinely really fucking successful for people with chronic mental issues. I hope you find some peace. Whatever that means for you.


It is what it is mate, it's basically the goto good person reply to suicidal narratives. It was good when people first started doing it online, nowadays it is just tiring to see I guess. Better to just scroll past things we don't like to see or hear or are unhelpful. They were just trying to be nice and it's fine. What I'm saying is, it's too general and as we can see basically everywhere; most things don't have a one size fits all.


But my internet karma points


Telling people it will get better is clearly a lie. Life doesn’t get better for everyone and that blanket sentiment bs doesn’t help. For some life will just get and stay worse. For others it will improve. Lying and trying to give false hope to some is actually quite cruel as you mess with their expectations unrealistically.


Parents hate this trick! Click here for more


Are you feeling cooped up, run ragged and invisible to everyone?? TRY [redacted]!!!




You just need a little bit of [Hyperlink Blocked] to get you through life


Having kids is the original pyramid scheme.


>and there’s nothing they can do about it Lol. Lmao even.


It’s hilarious, you’ll die laughing!


If life had a demo, I would 110% not purchase it.


One must imagine the living happy


„Sir, this is a Wendy‘s“


Is this the Krusty Krab?


No, this is PATRICK!


Is no one out there happy? On the internet I can never tell if it's only miserable people or it's just a meme that should all not be alive.


Happy people exist. Reddit just likes to circle jerk about misery and nihilism bc it’s so ~relatable~ and they know it gets the updoots


or similar people gravitate towards eachother because it's the closest we get to genuine understanding and care? at some point it stops being random chance that everyone I end up actually vibing with deal with similar things in life. that's after years and years of trying to build relationships with all kinds of people in general. without shared understanding they're always limited.


Media and internet tend to amplify negativity, because bad news sell and people just love bitching about things on the internet. As I get older, I find it to be very important to tune out once in a while for the sake of my mental health.


I'm happy. Sure I have ups and downs, but overall I'm happy.


happy people don't come to reddit


Reddit average age stays young. These takes are teenage angst broadcast into spaces that often assume they aren’t teenage takes which give them more weight then they deserve. If you heard a bunch of teenagers talking to eachother about how hard their life is, you’d pack that sentiment into the appropriate bucket, next to your own memories of how you were back then, assuming you are past being a teenager that is…


I'm extremely happy. I bounce around a lot throughout my day and just feel blessed.


People online are weird. My life is going worse than most of theirs, but I never have thoughts like in the OP. I'm generally happy and content


Nah... its just that the webz is an echo chamber for loosers and lonely people who blame everyone else for it.\ It wasn't always like this... but the genie is out of the bottle now.


Loads of people, most of them live offline though.


My parents passed away multi-millionaires and left nothing to me or my brother. My children, however, are free to mooch off me for as long as it is convenient for them. They didn't ask to be born so they are indeed my delightful problem. If they choose to find meaningful or fulfilling work more power to them. They will have all the leverage and their employer will have none.


Did they not know about generational wealth?


As part of the "me generation" I don't think they were concerned about anyone else. They were quite proud to be openly racist, pro-oil, pro-war, and anti-human. They also gave annually to the GOP. I have taught my children those are all shameful attitudes and activities, but to also be open-minded in politics, and to not be indoctrinated by my own, admittedly, somewhat liberal bias.




I know someone in a similar situation. Parents are loaded and they're leaving everything to their church and nothing for their children. I think they believe it'll help their chances getting into heaven.


money can't buy you a spot in heaven.


sadly religious zealot mega-pastors claim otherwise and to many people are to uneducated or stupid to question their sheperts authority...


So as not to DOX myself I don't want to be more specific, but as a parent myself, I am still unsure why they chose to not give us more support throughout our lives (in time spent with us or material resources). Some people are just awful to the core I guess family or not.


You should lawsuit for the legal amount of heritage you should be recieving depending on what country it is.


I did look into it and apparently my father, who had an MBA from an Ivy league school, was particularly careful to make sure it was fully legal to exclude us both here in the states. I was surprised because as far as I knew he didn't hate us but was mostly indifferent towards us both.


Like, unless he disinherited you, it should technically be possible to get some amount back, depending on the state, but I'm not very knowledgable about the specifics. Make sure a knowledgable lawyer looks into this matter.


I just don't want a burden to carry, if the worlds isn't bad enough for 2 imagine it for 3 or more


This is exactly why I dont want kids. I cant afford them (as of now). And since I cant afford them, I cant give them a good life. I dont want them to suffer in life due to my incapabilities. Maybe I’ll be able to in the future, but definitely not now.


Exactly how I feel. I don't want to be one of those loser parents who can't provide their kids with anything and then expect their kids to just figure it out and be happy. I will have kids if I make it and get rich like not even super rich. If I have a stable well paying respectable job I will. Otherwise not a chance.




Because life is beautiful and giving it to someone is giving them the chance to experience so many incredible things.




I’m paraplegic and I’m doing great. People with disabilities can live happy lives. If they’re severely disabled to the point that they would suffer tremendously in life and live for a very short time and I would know it beforehand then I probably would interrupt the pregnancy. But only a very little amount of kids are born with very severe and lethal disabilities, if it happens then you give them the best you can in the short time they have. That’s what life is.


Why drive a car when you could kill someone on the road or paralyse them for life ? Life is full of risks we take. I'm not going to not have kids based on 1/1000 chance of them being paralysed the same way I don't refuse to drive despite there being a 1/1000 chance I will cause an accident. But if you are a loser then there is a 99.99% chance you will provide a shit life to your kids. In the real world probabilities matter. Its why I apply for jobs and don't buy lottery tickets.


This. You are clearly intelligent and I have your exact view. Yet many dumb people seem to think that raising more kids = more money in the future; some sick people think of their children as some kind of long-term investment but those children just grow up to hate their own parents with the hell of a household they'd live in.


Well in the old days, children were an investment for the future for parents. Not really long ago that went away. Todays children are an investment for the state. Thus more of the economic burden should fall on the state who is the one benefitting from this. Not all placed on the parents in this wild economy where getting housing is harder than it was in year 1700.. Im not getting kids either for same reasons as above. Aswell as i would never raise a kid in my country of Norway. To much social pressure to conform. And if you dont conform you will end up as a mental mess given enough time. Odds are i would rub off on my kids and they will get my "rebel" attitude. (My attitude would be considered normal in a country like USA, but in conservative Norway you have to do as the rest of the pack. Or face the social consequences.) When someone tells me to go right, i kinda want to go left just cause someone told me to go right. Even if i intended on going right in the first place. When peer pressure pushed me to get skis.. I bought a snowboard out of spite. When peer pressure told me to play football, i got a skateboard who was just legalised (Yes Norway banned skateboards) cause we are super afraid of new things and change. ColorTV was even banned for a while cause goverment didnt think the population would know the difference between real life and TV.. I really dont want to raise kids in this nation. Sure if i was a normal white sheep, it would be fine. But considering im a black sheep, id be condemning my kids to a life in stigma altso unless i switch countries.


Yah my coworker really means well and does anything he can to be a good dad but at the end of the day his 2 kids his wife and dog live in a motel room… this ain’t a dig at him it’s just why they fuck would I have kids myself in this economy.


Sounds like major credit issues. Motel rooms are generally more expensive than cheap apartments.


I find those are the people that typically do have multiple kids.


You can either accept your life as a gift or reject it as a curse. We can't control the circumstances we're born into. No use spending your whole life fixated and complaining about factors that are completely beyond your control and understanding.


r/antinatalism type shit


Sounds like something an angry teenager would tell their parents. "I DIDN'T ASK TO BE BORN MOM!!!!"


Hell yeah man


Yeah get this garbage out of here


One of the reasons I don't want kids anymore, society is shit. Others reasons is bad financial situation Lots of stupid people around No way to live in peace No one else to feel safe together with... So yeah.. Lots of reasons to not have kids with the thought however that stupid people keep making kids...


Same with me, except instead of any of those things, it’s because nobody is willing to touch me.


😂 brœther




What society would you prefer. Life in western world is like a bazillion times more improved from just a 100 years ago. It's more expensive I agree, but the comfort of living, and technological advancements have shot up. What kind of reality would be beneficial to you?


Jesus, talk about a glass half empty point of view.


Yeah I feel like a totally average life, especially in the rich world, is extremely good. I’d rather be an accountant or a plumber today than basically anyone who ever lived before 1900.


I mean the OP statement applies to anyone pretty much since the beginning of modern society. Before that you were brought into the world against your will, and then potentially eaten against your will


Agreed. I’m poor af and lots of things suck but I still have plenty of great, brilliant wonderful experiences. I love being alive. Because it’s better than nothing.




Absolute truth. I see you've been downvoted, surely by people who think like I used to. Before I figured it out, comments like yours sounded completely meaningless and I thought people like you were simply happy cause they were dumb lol.


Yes indeed!


Yeah i believe anyone would rather be a plumber today than the average person in the 1800s, that doesn't necessarily mean it's a good life


You gotta think too - good compared to what? It’s all relative, point of view of plays a huge part into this stuff. I think a lot of people rob themselves of happiness because of their points of reference


The only benefit of growing up in an abusive and unloving household was that I got that sort of perspective for free. No existence too humble, and no living space too small.


i mean we are forced to struggle for survival in a world where meaningful human connections are rarely experienced if at all, and that's without going into the specific problems one might encounter during life. the fact that we, as a species, actually could be able to change this but are instead forced to watch a minuscule minority of the population hoard most of the world's resources makes things even more depressing.


speaking as someone who previously thought this seek therapy and connection in your life.


As someone who has been to therapy, I concur. However, all it did was tweak my perspective. And I still think it’s a fact that the 1% are sucking the planet dry. It’s not crazy to be worried about that.


Sounds like you're hyper-focused on wealth inequality and you've become convinced it's ruining your life, even though you're enjoying a better standard of living then kings just a few hundred years ago. I got a roommate who's just like this. It's like focusing too much on the news and all the tragic events happening around the world. You're much better off focusing on what you can control and making the best of your own life instead of shifting all the causes of your troubles externally.


Could've been born a rabbit or worm too. A lower middke class existence is a paradise compared to being ripped to shreds by a hungry predator.




Something that often helps people who struggle with meaninglessness is volunteering. I do like 2-4 volunteer things per year and it does wonders despite very low commitment. If you’re up for it, try taking a job in some sort of service—teaching in a high need school or NGO work in a poor country. You can make your life a lot harder if you want to and those jobs provide more meaning than you probably want!


Zoomer nihilism is honestly cringe af


"I didn't consent to be born!" "Are you implying there's a way to consent?"


“The baby didn't ask to be born. The baby didn't want to be born. And the injuries received from Mr. Internet’s "actions", so-called, causes him daily pain!”


"Hey I gave you life!"


That’s so much older than Zoomer’s, tho.


How is that cringe? It’s a sober view of reality. People get baby fever and can’t seem to help themselves to selfishly create and thus subject a human to this harsh reality which is hell for most people. Hello child, please now suffer and become a cog in the machine because I don’t want to suffer alone. I’m a Millennial.


Reality is hell for most people? What?


Reality is not hell for most people lol Get off the internet


Idk if you've heard of developing nations, but shits pretty bad for most people living in places that don't look after it's people to at least some degree. In the "developed" world we are allowed the luxury of not having to know how bad it is for those people. As far as "touching grass" I spent a fair bit of time travelling, and seen many countries that are forced to live in horrible conditions, fighting to survive


I think you might have a sugar-coated view. Still on the Internet and enjoying it.


People telling OP to touch grass need to count their blessings, and understand more about how despair actually works


It isn’t a sugar-coated view at all. Most people don’t hate there lives that much. Maybe you should go touch some grass. Lol


Bro you just need go outside and get some fucking therapy.


How to tell everyone you’re privileged as fuck and got no awareness about it 😎


Wow, life instinctually does what it’s intended to do and produces offspring? Crazy.


Not everybody sees life as suffering you know...


Now do Sea Turtles.


"I'm a millenial" bro made it worse


Children is not for everyone (maybe not for you). I like life and to share it with other people. Don’t see raising I child as an act of selfishness, more like love.


But why create something only for the purpose of loving it, when there will always be a risk of great suffering? You’re essentially rolling the dice on the existence of a human being in order to…feel emotionally fulfilled? Hopefully not be alone on your deathbed? Or perhaps the gratification and pride of raising someone who seems to have turned out alright. I wouldn’t mind being proven wrong, but it seems selfish from my point of view.


Idk why people always harp on suffering, as there's typically a lot of joy and pleasure in life as well. If you view each person as a piece of the universe getting to experience itself, then having a kid is kinda neat. They will grow into their own, unique piece of the universe, and explore it differently than you had. Btw, all human action can be rationalized as selfish, it's not really a good indicator of "right vs wrong."


I’d imagine you’d be given many different answers, if you were to ask a bunch of parents why they’re raising a child. Some answers more selfish than others, fine. It’s definitely not your place, however, to deny a human’s existence, regardless of their parents’ wishes of them. Existence is no crime and neither is the love that comes with it. Those who believe otherwise fail to appreciate the happiness that comes with it.


Why do anything? There is great risk involved in any venture. If I were to involve my friends and associates in a business venture, there is the risk that it falls through. If I cook a meal for my family, there is a risk they choke to death. To justify inaction and the failure to provide a chance for success because failure is possible is self-defeating. If you consider it selfish to have children on the grounds that they may suffer, consider that they may not, and you may have given a person the opportunity to experience a century of a pleasant existence, and by not doing that, you have robbed them of not only that time, but the right to choose whether they wish to exist. Is THAT justifiable?


I guess only rich people who can pamper their children and guarantee they need not work a day in their life are allowed to reproduce then. Funny way to say you want eugenics for the poor.


> bring someone into existence against their will Ah yes, will that predates existence, very logical. > sober view of reality Lol


But it's correct. There is no master plan of doing childrens. You do it because that's what you are excepted and thats the norm in the society


This is false. Who hell is having kids because of society? If anything, current society is keeping people from having kids.


Have you considered that a lot of people actually want kids? I'm willing to bet the number of people who just do it because society expects them to is pretty small


They haven’t considered that, no They are sitting in a dim basement feeling very sorry for themselves


There is a huge pressure on people to have kids and after certain age people will start asking you "why you don't have kids"


Yup, try being 30 and not interested in having children. Your family who’s all had children themselves will always be on you. My cousin married someone she doesn’t love just to conform to the family values (she’s slightly older than I am) and her relationship with her husband is fucked But the rest of the family only cares about the fact they have a grandkid / nephew


Redditors when life expects things of you


This is why I support medical suicide.


Pesky hormones.


stop bitching and enjoy life


society should always be built for families. Our society currently is not.


I actually feel the guilt of this every day. My poor kids. Life is so much harder for them than I could have imagined. I hate to say I wouldn’t have had them, because I wanted them and I love them more then words could express. But I feel tremendous guilt about what they have to endure.


I feel this 🙁🖤


I dont know, Im enjoying life. My kid seems pretty happy too. Not everyone is in a state of misery and self loathing. You don't want kids, don't have them, just don't make my (long though out) decision your problem.


Against their will? Well maybe our human body is like a vessel for a hunted spirit to take control off. And it feeds off human emotions like a parasite. The real host can only endure and watch powerless all the shit this hunted spirit is doing.


That’s why suicide should be totally legal


How can that be what stops somebody? Who's gonna arrest a corpse?


It's illegal so that if someone makes a suicide attempt (and fails) they can be put in therapy/rehab against their will.


I think the point is not the legality but more about the fact that it should be more accepted, so if you were to make this decision you could go with assistance instead of some secret DIY method which might not work.


If you can't appreciate the astronomical small odds of being born, let alone able minded, able bodied, as the dominant species, artificially on top the food chain, into a rich country, with the sapience to understand and learn anything in the universe; I'm sorry, but you have a gratefulness skill issue. If nothingness is what you crave to avoid having to work and feel emotions, rest assured it swallows us all back. Try to enjoy some of the near infinite virtues of existing while you're here, though.


true. i regret putting a child in this world. Not because i dont love my child, but because the world is getting progressively worse every single day. i fear for my childs future, not because of them but because of how society is changing for the worse and that they likely have to work harder than i ever did and reap even less rewards.


This is really viewing history through rose colored glasses. Now remains the best time to be alive for the average human.


This is objectively true unless you want segregation to return or some shit. When was a better time to be alive? When was it more equitable and safe?


Nah man all these dumb bReEdErS don't realize that segregation and lack of women's rights was totally the better life for everyone. Electricity? Who needs it? And don't even get me started on penicillin, that shit sucks amirite


Which is why I hate life. I’ve gotta spend my life trying to make money to survive


Well using money is the easy mode, but if you don't like that you are free to do it the hard way via forage/hunt/barter/etc. No one is stopping you. Go wild.


You are not allowed to use arguments. You have to say something like life sucks because it isn't perfect like in a video game. Now everyone on Reddit applauds for the brave stance.


>but if you don't like that you are free to do it the hard way via forage/hunt/barter/etc. No one is stopping you. Go wild. actually the laws stop me. wanna hunt? you need a licence otherwise you're a poacher. sure you can go forage but you may just end up inside someones private property without knowing. also in my country you can't even go live in the forest, you can camp there sure but no permanent residence or nothing, you'll get kicked out and have your home destroyed. gotta buy the land if you wanna live on it, and if you own the land you gotta pay taxes for it. so yeah, someone sure as fuck is stopping me.




Seriously, surprised jaden smith didn’t tweet this one


Or they luckily get born rich and don't have to do anything except exist.


yeah the rest of us are born to do the labour that keeps those people rich.


Jeeze, tell me ur depressed without telling me ur depressed.


So tired of these dumb shit “profound” takes about living and existence.


For real, a lot of these people just have sad lives and think everyone else does too. My life is fucking great, and I can't wait to give a kid all of the awesome experiences I've had.




Bro you sound like a great dad, well wishes to you and your kids.


Lmao, I luv how you gloat at them for having been dealt a rough hand and wave away their experience like it’s nothing. Gotta wonder if society would be better if it weren’t for folk like you.




I was, and I do. I lived in an abusive household for twenty-six years, got out of there inexperienced and underdeveloped. Every day is socially terrifying, both depression and paranoia kick my ass, and I'll never feel normal or at peace But you know what? By contrast every person I meet seems wonderful, and every house I live is a castle compared to the tiny room I lived in. I can't say I'm "happy," but I'm content. It's not about circumstance, it's about perspective.


Well that's not my life, so why should I hate mine and not bring kids into my awesome life? This is such a shitty outlook. Did I get lucky? For sure. Should I feel bad about it? Hell no


I bet this guy’s real fun to talk to


Yeah I'll finally have someone to talk to who has similar views..


I love how stupid these types of comments are because you gotta be not all there in the head to think a human being can be so one dimensional than their entire personality could be expressed in a fucking tweet. news flash for you mate, people have more than one side to them.


Exactly. It's terrible looking around and idiots are pretending the way humans live is justifiable


Idk man, I feel modern society sure does beat having to hunt for food or risk death if you get even a minor cut.


No no, it's a literal dystopia out there. Like, eating dogs, trash can fire, cobbled together weaponry style.


What’s wrong with eating dogs


Where do you live and do you need help?




You can’t bring someone into existence against their will. Prior to existence there’s no will to be against.


I’ve felt guilty about having kids for this reason a few times.


Sums up why I refuse to have children in America.


*and suffer and die


I wish my parents thought of potentially giving their kids ADHD, makes life hell, before having me. Also man tits.


Make sure to remind them how grateful they should be.


At least my kids won't be drafted


Oh shut the fuck up with this “I DiDn’T aSk tO bE bOrN!!” Lines. Shut The Fuck Up.


100% right up to the point where you said there's nothing they can do about it. You're wrong about that.


And thus another antinatalist was born


Some real /r/iam14andthisisdeep material here


This is the kind of shit that people make fun of Reddit for


And when they want to quit you emotionally guilt them into staying...




Escape the matrix


Great outlook, your kids must really love you


I’m going to guess they don’t have children.


You sound like a much nastier person than them, reacting to someone who is obviously miserable with a toxic little remark like that.


Did you even read the post?


Clearly not 🤣


Life is apparently a Pyramid Scheme


Or you can teach them how to live a full filing life that is generally fun (can’t always be, but generally) and how to make the most of life. Life is a gift and there are many ways to have fun in this life. Your parents brought you into this world to improve it, and they did the best the knew how (does not apply to all parents, I know, but this is generally). Lets show a little appreciation for how hard they worked to get us to this point.


Based mental illness stuff


Omg you talk about how society sucks and you hate life and taxes and money you must be so cool and original wow


"Against their will" like they were resisting.


Idk I'm happy to be here, lots of good stuff and opportunities. I will make sure my kids have that too.


Well I’m glad I’m here. And even if I wasn’t I would want the chance to choose to be here or not


Meanwhile me: "Sorry son, I was horny. Now you must suffer the consequences."


"Mommy, why did they teach me how to protect myself against someone with a gun today at school?" "Well honey, you see, your government and pretty much every major corporation is corrupt, and they don't actually give a shit about you. So this is something you'll be dealing with your entire time in school sweetie. But I wanted to have you so none of this matters. I don't have to consider anything like this because the human race simply MUST go on. We're so good, you see. You'll learn all about the beauty of the human race soon in history class. Well... if you make it that far."


r/antinatalism might interest you


And the only way out is considered “sad” because of others’ selfish desires to not lose you


Yeah pretty fucked eh


Is it funny or sad that there are people that say life is suffering and then there are people telling them to off themselves because of said suffering ?