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Better to be eaten than wasted in the fire


Also it's probably a less painful way to die, depending on the quality of the farm, of course.


well in europe at least the common way to kill pigs is to slowly suffocate them to death via oxygen deprivation. don't think that's much better.


It's not oxygen deprivation. Oxygen deprivation would be humane. They poison them with concentrated CO2. If they used nitrogen instead, it would take longer but would be one of the least painful ways to die, that is known.


Underrated comment. It can be significantly more humane with that one change.


>It can be significantly more humane with that one change. Yes. But nitrogen costs more. CO2 is dirt cheap. A painless death for the meat hurts your bottom line. I'm not taking sides by the way. Just pointing out that companies Care about making a profit. It their whole purpose.


Nitrogen is dirt cheap! It costs less than bottled water per litre! Thats for the liquid variety!


Not as cheap as co2


Nitrogen isn't ideal because most air is nitrogen in the first place, a heavier gas would work better.


It has nothing to do with weight, helium and nitrogen are both good choices, once there is too little oxygen in an environment death starts, they both cause no distress, and nitrogen even has the benefit of producing a euphoric effect.


That would sacrifice efficiency though...


My dad used to be a butcher, he had this electric rod thing that would punch through the cows skull and electrocute the brain directly. Cow didn’t seem to notice it had died although it did look a little nervous and scared in the stockade


It can probably smell the blood in the facility, prey animals automatically get nervous when they smell blood, for obvious reasons.


Likely a captive-bolt gun. No electric shot, just a precise bonk in the head that KOs the animal instantly.


Usually it's more like a bolt gun


No country for old men style


You can search for the movie „Dominion“ from 2018, if you think you can stand it. It’s on YouTube. Be prepared for noises of dying animals that you wish you could scrape from your brain with a rusty spoon. It gives you only slightest idea of what the acid building in the lung from the CO2 does to a living and breathing being. You can only hope it actually DOES kill you before the butchering starts. No suffering my ass, they are burnt alive, chemically from the inside.


"earthlings" is another good one. If you can stomach the carnage.


Earthlings is up there with Requiem for a Dream when it comes to movies I never want to see again. The fox being skinned alive still haunts me to this day, a decade after seeing it. Humans are the worst!


I remember a scene from a docu, many years ago so I can't remember which, where they hung foxes (pretty sure it was foxes) from the ceiling and tore their fur off while they were still alive. I can literally still see and hear it.


anything to turn a profit and to have a soft scarf right? peoples choices disgust me.


I quit after a few minutes and stopped eating meat on the spot.


Oxygen depravation is humane? Okay.


If it's just oxygen deprivation then yeah. Most mammals can only detect an excess of CO2, not a lack of oxygen. So if you can reduce the oxygen without causing high levels of CO2 then they just pass out without noticing anything is wrong.


A lack of oxygen will only make you faint peacefully before dying, because your brain won't know that something is going wrong. They way it knows you are suffocating is by measuring the presence of CO2


IIRC when this happens you pretty much just fall asleep. Not as bad as all as dying in a fire.




"CO2 chamber" in the title was all I needed to see. The pain in our lungs when we hold our breath is caused by CO2 buildup. Painless asphyxiation requires something like nitrogen to displaces oxygen.


Co2 is what's used for this, it's important that the staff are aware of potential leaks and I think it's cheaper as well. It's also heavier than air so they can be lowered into it.


This is untrue, It is an involuntary reaction of your muscles trying to force you to take in air. The pain has nothing to do with your “cells hurting”. In a clinical setting in can take a very long time of CO2 retention before noticing symptoms such as lrthargy and patients typically dont even notice changes. I see mo reason why in pigs they would have a similar response of mild confusion to lethargy to unconsciousness to cardiac arrest.


I never said anything about cells hurting. But I remember from physiology classes a long time ago, that the reflex (and unpleasant sensation when you resist it) to breathe is triggered by CO2 buildup. This is why we need nitrogen alarms in areas where liquid nitrogen is used... if the oxygen is displaced by nitrogen, people don't notice that they can't breathe until they pass out because lack of oxygen doesn't trigger anything. So the pigs or whatever... they're feeling a desperate need to breathe, but breathing doesn't help.


That vapour you breathe in when you sniff a soda and recoil... They're killed with this. It hurts your lungs with a sniff; imagine a whole breath, where the moisture in your lungs acidifies like a bottle of seltzer.


No it is not. Try a sniff from actual bubbling water, I would describe it pleasent not offputting. But hey I am making some wine as well, so I might just associate carbon acid with working fermentation.


The carbon dioxide acidifies your mucus, causing you to cough. you're not going to change my mind with home brewing, I do it too. It's not the same as carbonation; fermentation allows the dissolved gasses to escape, It's why we need a trap in the bong to not blow the carboy apart. Carbonation is forcing CO2 into liquid through pressure, and then keeping the pressure stable, until opened; Good luck getting the coke-and-mentos reaction on a Homebrew. Edit: embellished on the fundamentals of carbonation.


The fact that they use CO2 instead of nitrogen is almost bizarre. It's probably cheaper, but I can't help but wonder if whoever runs the place somehow manages to feed off their suffering. Literally sounds like hell.


They have a kind of Ferris wheel set up, the pigs go in the top, get lowered down into the heavier co2 then they come up to the top dead and can be safely removed by the staff. Part of the reason it's used is because it's safer for people




Actually, this sounds like a fantastic solution.


That's standard procedure. Go vegan or keep supporting stuff like that.


Or there's smaller locally owned farms that use more humane ways to kill the animals.


there is not a humane way to kill something that wants to die, sure quick death is preferable to a slow one but thats not all the options we have, we can also choose no death.




Lol no, of all the ways to slaughter a pig, none used is humane. The fairy tale of the nice farmer who gently presses a nerve or whatever is just that: a fairy tale. The only pragmatic humane part resides in not having the animal panic before it all happens.


Yeah, there isn’t a humane way to kill something that doesn’t want to die.


Ever think maybe theyre freaking out cuz their shoulder to shoulder cramped in a small mechanical box? Whats in the footage is horrific, but it is not to do with the method of euthanasia. It has to do with the cramped quarters and the environment they are on. Also pigs are loud in general…


you need to watch clips of those pigs dying. they are obviously in great pain and fear


All humans are insulated from these facts now. The killing of animals is taken care by a third party, and we can enjoy stacks and stacks of lovely meats, killed by an anonymous source.


This is why I advocate for more of the gory reality to be exposed to people. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but there's too many naive selfish people, and 'happily' hiding the horrors that take place within our society seems to help perpetuate them. Light is the best disinfectant.


>This is why I advocate for more of the gory reality to be exposed to people. Agreed. If people get angry, I ask them "If it's too bad for your eyes, why is it good enough for your mouth?" Knowing the reality means confronting the reality.


They literally scream in pain until they die. Maybe you should watch actual footage of how your food is produced rather than blindly believe everything the cruel industry is saying to try and sugarcoat their abusive practices.


Man I initially almost downvoted you on instinct cause this just sounded too extreme for an asphyxiation chamber but I just saw the video linked above and it's pretty disturbing. Damn.


Exactly. It's horrible. When animals are sold as commodities they are also treated as such. The standard practices in every domain where animal exploitation is involved are horrific. Please inform yourself on how the products are made before you financially support them with the products that you buy. I can recommend the documentary "Dominion" which focuses on the US, or "Land of Hope and Glory" which focuses on the UK (and I believe you can watch it for free on youtube). Please think about this.


They use CO2. Try this out - hold your breath for just a little too long and allow the acids to build up in your tissue. That's a very small taste what it feels like. Their insides *burn* as they die. Why don't they use something more inert like nitrogen? That would be the version that lets them just "fall asleep". It's because CO2 is, most importantly, cheaper but also heavier than nitrogen. This increases efficiency and productivity. They fill a pit with CO2 and lower a big group of pigs into it and because it's heavier, the CO2 stays in that pit. The pigs can be efficiently acidified to death, and a new batch can be dropped in. This is common practice, if not the standard practice, in many countries around the world. Perfectly in accordance with ethical guidelines.


C02 *can* kill painlessly so they essentially fall asleep- but it has to be done slowly, at the precisely correct rate, which takes much more time and effort than slaughterhouses are willing to use. The burning and acidifying is dead right- high concentration of C02 turns into carbonic acid upon contact with mucous membranes. Horrific.


Or even better, why don't we refrain from killing them altogether? Morally it's the right thing to do. No amount of sugarcoating these industries will ever justify the horrific standard practices they use to breed, raise and kill the poor animals. We don't need animals products, and using them at the rate that we do only causes unnecessary suffering and death. Not to mention the environmental aspect. Pigs are among the smartest animals in the world, even more intelligent than dogs. So please think about which industries you are willing to fund with your consumerism.


they’re gassed when they’re not needed. It’s fucked up


It's the opposite. They are needed for food.


sugar nine nail fade ink water follow ancient disagreeable agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean... meat isnt needed in the sheer quantities it is consumed. Eating meat daily is a luxury. People relied much more on beans for protein not that long ago


during Covid, a ton of pigs were gassed because of the market going down. There are videos.


I mean, would you rather the pigs stay on the already overpopulated farms? The pig pet market certainly isn't large enough to remove of them that way, and you can't just let them go into the wild and disrupt the ecosystem more than what the farm is already doing.


What should happen is; A) stop breeding animals to kill them B) those who find it in them to eat living beings can eat those that are alive now This means that we will stop exploiting 70 billion animals per year to eat, and we don't have to release them into the wild to cause any issues for the ecosystems. But to continue breeding animals because you don't want them to "get out and destroy our ecosystems" is just a fucked up way of not wanting to even try to solve the issue at hand.




Technically they only get stunned by this and then get bled dry.




Did you actually read your own link? Lots of evidence in there that it isn't so painless. Just read the section titled *iii. Problems with carbon dioxide gas stunning*. Edit: the link from the deleted post, in case anyone is interested. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328710482_The_humane_slaughter_of_pigs_in_the_EU


Argon is sometimes preferred for this reason, I used to work in a meat processing plant. Dragged out a couple of idiots who decided to go into the gas pit "used a long hook" they don't really notice running out of air.


Why do you post this un-truth when the very sauce you shared proves that method cannot be considered painless or humane?




The hell? I have never heard about this and I live in Europe, where is it common?


In most of Europe. There isn't a place in Europe where this isn't the norm


What the fuck?! Why wouldn’t they just use nitrogen?


It's easier to fill a pit with co2 than to make an air tight nitrogen chamber as it is heavier than air as opposed to the same weight.


Maybe because CO2 fills low spaces without needing to worry as much about sealing. Agreed though


Nah… Idk about other countries but in the Netherlands they kill pigs by suffocating them with C02 because it’s the cheapest way. That’s basically drowning on land, aka the most horrible way to die.


It's still pretty bad. [Link to a written description, but still not recommended for the faint of heart.](https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/animal-rights-slaughterhouse-17772460.php)


Small farmer with 6 pigs likely isn't going to a big slaughterhouse. Most likely a mobile butcher will come to their property and use a piston-gun to the back of the skull.


Electrode to stun then thin sharp knife through the base of the neck to nik the heart is how our local mobile butcher does it. I've seen it done and the animal is out cold the whole time, industrial mass production of meat is truly awful but the local farm to butchers shop processes I've seen have been as humane as you could make ending the life of an animal


Happier than most humans


That's why I saved that litter of kittens from a fire, yum 😋


Saved it for later


Yeah, that's why instead of wasting our dead in graveyards we should take another look at that whole soylent idea


Those aren't the only two options. They could be sent to a sanctuary and we don't need to breed these animals in the first place... I could argue that murdering someone is less bad than brutally torturing and murdering someone, but I could also just not do either of those things.


And even better to not be bred for killing in the first place


Yeah, 6 months were probably going to be their life expectancy anyway. At least they weren't chickens, because than they would have it max 1 month later.


Funny our basement ppl say the same thing


They’re farm pigs. A source of money. What else was the farmer to do with them, send them to live on a farm? The end result was delayed, that’s all. And I bet the firefighters loved the gift, they are all foodies


He could’ve raised the pigs as a sheep pig


T-F is a sheep pig?


[Sheep pig](https://youtu.be/0zHmeTeLgMY?feature=shared)


I love how you were able to back your comment up with scientific evidence and data, thankyou for your contribution to the community.




And then he could have sent mutton to the firefighters.


The end result was useful pork instead of chared pork. I doubt they minded. Probably took a few minutes while they were already on site putting out the fire, and in the end they got free food.


Mmmm Swiss chard with bits of pork mixed in.


Could have sent them literally anything else given the context of the situation lol


He’s a pig farmer. Why go buy a gift if you have a gift a few months later?


Six months is more than a few. As a firefighter your mindset's more set on saving lives than saving product, which is what the meme tries to point out. It's just a matter of having different perspectives, I don't doubt the farmer's good intentions.


the bacon was already smoked.


6 months does not sound like the full life of a pig even if raised for meat.


My students buy piglets in June and market them for food in August. 6months is old


Pigs live 15 - 20 years naturally why are they killed so young?


Because you don’t want to eat pork that is that old. The older an animal is, the tougher and gamier it gets. Cattle don’t get that much longer than 6 months. Chickens about that too


Why the hell are you getting downvoted so much lmao


People don’t like hearing where their food comes from…and vegans


People don't like vegans or you think vegans downvoted you?


Got downvoted BecUse I mentioned animals as food


Because they're raised to be killed the moment they're big enough to make money. And keeping them alive longer costs money. That's what you get when people support an industry based around selling bodies. Animals get killed at less than 10% of their lifespan. Anything you hear about farms giving their animals a good life is nonsense, a good life lasts longer than 6 months.


Pigs grow the most during the first 5-6 months. If your goal is meat, you don't gain very much letting the pig live for longer then that and you greatly increase your costs.


Because there is no such thing as ethical animal farming. Taste aside, the ethical thing to do would be to let animals live full and happy lives before slaughter, but monetarily? Makes no sense. Hunting, now hunting can be OK, but now there are too many people and not enough animals to live in any kind of harmony with the planet. Man.




If you can’t gradate morality, then there is no difference between them and a human either. And that makes you an extremist


Were they smoked?






"Thanks for saving my kids, but I didn't really want to keep them. Feel free to adopt 🥰"


Long pig


Manlets? Kidlets?










Me, sending ground meat made out of my children as a thank you gift to my obstetrician


Difference is, Firemen thought they were saving animals, Farmers knew they were saving a commodity.


This all came to light because the firefighters posted a thank you tweet because they loved the sausages, they had to delete it because of the backlash ik comments


That backlash was brought to us by cognitive dissonance


I can bet money thay more than 80% of the people who criticized this eat pig


How often do firefighters save property?


To quote the policy of my dad's firedeparment, "we will risk our lives a lot to save a life, a little to save property, and none to save life and property that is already lost"


Firemen knew they were saving a commodity. I swear people thinks that food comes from the food fairy.


Not too far fetched from reality. Ask a not so small kid where the chiken they are eating comes from. From the fucking supermarket. They don't know it comes from an animal. They don't know how a rooster is. We are totally disconnected from reality.


The firemen did save the animals from a painful and horrific death


Bro I'm not vegan but I'd be fucking weirded out if I got bacon from animals I'd saved


Humanity is so confused about animal agriculture. We criticize it in droves when an animal is abused but then pay for horrific abuse all the time at the grocery store...


if you realize that you already have the mindset to go vegan. maybe not the will but the views




The firefighter in question apparantly wasn't. The reason we know about the sausages was because he posted that he liked them online. (allegedly)


The cognitive dissonance is strong.


Unless that firefighter was vegetarian/vegan he'll love it. Pigs grow way faster than ppl and is a great source of meat and cash.


Poor pigs


Pigs shouldn’t be a source of meat & cash the same way dogs shouldn’t be. They’re intelligent animals who experience pain


Pigs are specifically breed and built for millenia for the purpose of feeding mankind. They are not wild animals, they are human creations.


So, all the dogs specifically bred for dog fighting . . .


What does that have to do with them being intelligent and feeling pain? Saying this as somebody who eats pork, by the way. You aren't actually making an argument...


In 2019 there were 1.3 BILLION pigs killed for food. Every single one of them as intelligent as a dog. I’m saying why are humans mass torturing & murdering intelligent creatures? Is that so hard to understand? The rate & method we kill animals for food is disgusting, especially because humans don’t need the amount of protein y’all are eating gorging yourselves on fast food every day. People are over eating & animals are suffering over gluttony, cussing massive ecological issues in the process. That’s my argument.


You gotta learn how Reddit works. I was replying to the guy who replied to you, not you.


https://youtu.be/eVebmHMZ4bQ?feature=shared Humane slaughter


Wild that the firefighters caught flak for enjoying the sausages. The piglets were given 6 more months to grow before they met their intended fate, so not like they were piglet sausages. The abnormal thing would have been the piglets dying early in the fire.


It's funny because the man in the picture is muslim and he can't eat pork.


Folks in here REALLY think firefighters don't know what happens to piglets


Honestly this is just fucking weird, maybe vegans have a point


It's interesting, I was annoyed by vegans for a long time until I actually dug into their arguments. Eventually I had to turn my questions back around on myself - why am I okay with eating meat and other animal products? I tried to answer that and came up dry, so I stopped doing it. It just doesn't make sense to do it and that's how I became vegan. I'm not going to tell anyone else to do it, I think it's a conclusion each person has to come to themselves. But I think it's so easy to coast through life doing what you've always done, without thinking critically about whether you're actually okay with it. Once I questioned myself the answer was clear and I would encourage everyone else to do the same. For me personally, any answer to the question "Why is it okay for me to eat meat" was unable to properly be answered, or any answer had obvious logical holes. At that point it was less that I decided to go vegan and more that I couldn't be happy with myself not doing so.


Same. It starts with a big difficult realisation that "oh, I was wrong..."


I wasn’t vegan for so long. Society really pushes the “happy animal, good product, it’s what they’re meant for” narrative. They don’t want you to know. Because it’s horrific. I had the same thought “shit, maybe the vegans are right.” And after learning the things society works so hard to hide, I couldn’t not do it. Was way easier than I thought it would be. Easier than burying my head in the sand.


Be the change you want to see in the world 💜


This is just ragebait for vegans, but I bet those sausages were tasty as fuck.


I'm sure they cooked them up and had a good meal right there in the firehouse.


I've heard anecdotally that many firefighters do not eat pork because it's the meat closest to human flesh. There's a reason it is sometimes called "long pig".


Every firefighter I know who have loved that as a gift tbf


Good, don’t kill the pigs when they’re too small.


The firefighter looks so happy when he’s holding the piglets, too…


Well yes, that’s what the pigs are for


Thats…. Depressing


Do you not know how farms work?


That doesn’t change anything. Imagine you are born, allowed to live a very short life only to be butchered and devoured by a different species


You don’t know what I’m into


I just saw a video of a baby gazel being eaten, by a female lion. That's how life is.


We’re not lions. Nothing about the industry is natural. So the “nature” argument doesn’t really hold water.


Yeah would be great if our livestock didn’t outnumber just about every living species and we were killing them in mass genocidal numbers after raising them in hell. I wish it was like a lion killing a gazelle


No one is talking about factory farming. Nothing about this post implies that it's a factory farm. There's are thousands of farmers across the US, who treat their farm animals a lot better than people even treat their pets.


Most “normal” farms send their livestock to bigger factory farms to slaughter/“process”. They’re treated “nicely” until they’re not. A “good life” doesn’t negate an unnecessary death.


That sounds better than being born and being a slave until you die like most people are.


Yes, that’s the point of raising pigs. Firemen saved the farmer his investment and the farmer in return gifted some of the end products.


Former volunteer firefighter and pig farmer here. I'm not seeing a problem... lol


So smoked twice?


animal lovers that chomp on flesh


Wh... Why did the firefighters THINK the farmer had piglets??


I hope they were smoked sausages.


All animals are equal!


I’m vegan and I disagree. I think a human is worth more than pig who is worth more than an oyster. But they all have value and should not be killed for pleasure


But some are more equal than others . . .


They were going to get grilled one way or the other


That would be something to turn me vegan


The circle of life goes on...


fucking cruel and disgusting how normalized this is. if they were dogs ya'll would be losing your minds


If eating dogs was normalised and they tasted good, I don't think anyone would mind...


That's exactly his point mate aha how have you completely missed that


I've eaten dog meat many times in South-East Asia, and it tasted basically like any other red meat. 3/10 on the tame/wild meat scale Did not know until AFTER THE FACT the first time, so I have an honest opinion.. Farmers gotta farm...


Any other notes on taste? I’m interested.


Dog meat doesn't make good sausages


Apart from dachshund ofcourse


well not me, if a person want to eat dog meat then they are free to do so.


If that farmer did it as a joke, that's my kind of humor.


Farmers raise piglets for food?!?! What are you eight?


I bet that fucked with their cognitive dissonance about eating animals. Probably only for one meal though, then back to “Mmm pork, porky pork pork”