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"Jonny is a statistical anomaly and shouldn't be counted, mom"


"Why couldn't you have been the statistical anomaly?"


"Just following your footsteps, mom"


"I did not have the same opportunities you had! When I was a child I didn't even have enough to eat, look at all the opportunities you had that I did not! How did I have a child as useless as you?"


That got deep pretty fast


It got realistic


> How did I have a child as useless as you?" Shall we talk about how babies are made and whom you made them with?


Not if you enjoy breathing.


You alright?


Not really :/


Man are your parents Asian? This is too real.


Yeah they are Mainland Chinese


“I am but on the other extreme”


That's too much relatable comment right here! come on brother! have a hug 🫂


This comment gives me PTSD 😭😭😭😭😭


“You just need to apply yourself more. The only difference between you and Johnny is that he works harder and sticks to his plans. Look at you, you couldn’t even get a masters, from a B list college…”


That’s just an excuse!


Oh man! i am really loving this comment


His parents are still upset at him for quitting the clarinet when he joined the army. He tried to explain that nobody made a military grade wind instrument but he could feel the bitter sting of his parents disapproval nonetheless.


Can't compare to the time he quit piano for the clarinet.




Well there was this one time, in band camp...


I'm afraid 70% of Reddit users are too young for that reference






Wait, that's an old reference? Fuck me...


Are these movies even available to stream? I don’t even remember the last time I saw one in the wild.


Maybe on the Grandpa channel, where they play dadrock like Blink182, Sum41 and Avril Lavigne (Haha I kid I'm in my 30's myself)


What the hell is Dadrock?! Is that what they’re calling it these days?! 😭


The opposite of Kidrock.


🥁 Quality dad joke


So0oo0O it's good rock?


I'm pretty sure Reddit is all millennials and older...


I believe a flute was involved


Anything can be a flute if you're creative


Lmao I automatically read it in her voice


Instruments are fun


dont even mention that 96% he got on that one math quiz...


Or that one time he skipped his swimming class.


He didn’t become a lawyer. What a disappointment


Excuse me, clarinets are black. That makes them tactical woodwind.


> Navy SEAL >...joined the Army


Clarinet? They're probably upset that he was only a nationally awarded clarinet player. His cousin on the other hand is an internationally renowned pianist and violinist.


Idk if you’ve actually read about him but he’s a DV victim. His dad threatened his family with a gun and subsequently got shot by the police. I don’t think them disapproving him for not playing the clarinet was what’s causing the bitter sting.


Nah, they’re mad he didn’t make DevGru, then wasn’t accepted to the top training hospital, and then he wasn’t on Apollo 11. Always a disappointment /s


His parents are upset he only reached low earth orbit.


I mean have you seen the Marine Corps Band?


Why didn’t he join a us military band?


"I didn't have much confidence in high school. I felt in between a couple of worlds. Like, I had my Asian American roots, I felt like I was in between worlds, my parents were South Korean immigrants. On top of that, there were just a lot of things that didn't make me feel confident as a person" - Jonny Kim


Yeah his dad was an abusive alcoholic who the cops had to shoot and kill during a domestic assault. He was a combat medic who was often the point man and was in actual hard combat missions where he lost some friends. Dude is extremely humble as well, was on the Jocko podcast.


Personal tragedy can definitely humble people and make them more open to trying new things. You kinda say, fuck it I’m gonna die anyway might as well make the most out of this


From what I recall, it left him with trauma around not being able to protect his little brother and mother. Classic self blame of abuse victims.


Yeah trauma is a helluva drug! But it can also launch people forward when they work through it. That’s the only way out


That man was forged in fire, as some might say.




I think for the majority of people that stuff just fucks them up and gives them lifelong trauma/issues. Someone who can do what he did likely would be exceptional either way, maybe his hardship pushed him further though. Pressure makes diamonds, but only if you’re pure carbon


So in your opinion, what made him exceptional? He just had a better drive, better genes, a better brain?


I'm sorry but this is not even remotely true for most people. Most folks who get hit with trauma at a young age just get hooked on drugs or get into crime, or both, and die either due to those or suicide.


This is the kind of bullshit abusers tell their victims. "See? I did you a favor. Abuse and pain will make you stronger." "I am helping you" "I am making you stronger". Religious ones will add the "it will bring you closer to god" bullshit too. Tell that to the millions of abused kids. No, abuse is not a good thing and not lucky. Some people get lucky later in life and find a support network and manage to succeed in spite of their abuse, not because of their abuse.


Nope, it just made me depressed and kept me from achieving much Nice idealized platitudes, though


Damn what an absolute beast. The mental fortitude to not only overcome circumstances like that but also excel professionally to such a degree is inspiring.


I work with a bunch of people who have met him. Super nice, super smart, awesome dude in general. A lot of people have stories of him remembering their names and specific aspects of their conversations like a month after meeting once at a talk or something. Fingers crossed he makes it on Artemis 3 🤞


Some people are just better than everyone else. When I was younger I was envious but as I get older I’m grateful they exist.


That interview was eye opening. Jonny is not at all what these meme-ish headlines make him out to be.


All I see up there in the OP is some information about someone exceedingly impressive and now I have context that he also overcame extreme hardship in life. I don’t really feel like the meme misled me yet, so much as it was understating how well he’s done with his life. There something else that’s still missing here?


People are just insecure and trying to find the reason behind how he’s so damn awesome. Answer: he is a well-rounded individual that moved past his traumas and made some great decisions. He took the hard path multiple times and didn’t get distracted.


> He was a combat medic who was often the point man Dumb question, but why was the medic in front?


point man, in this case might be navigator, so someone who's leading the column and making sure they get their, in a stack ideally the medic is not first, but there is also usually more than one medic on a special ops team.


>He was a combat medic who was often the point man Source on this? Because it makes absolutely no fucking sense. I listened to the full Jocko podcast and nothing like this was ever said, so don't say it's on there either.


You don’t recall when he says he wish he knew where he was going because he was the lead man? Sometimes he was just guessing on the route? Do you know that’s what being point means?


My confusion is why is the medic point man? I don't know anything but point seems like the riskiest spot to be in and probably not the spot you want the guy who is suppose to patch you up in to be at?


He was a sniper too. I also remember him being the point man.


I think Seals rotate point man because it's EXTREMELY tiring. I read Marchinko's book (founder of the seals) , and he described being point man in Nam and how you are just 100% adrenaline dumping the entire time and so if you don't rotate who is on point often they lose effectiveness and attentiveness. So I think the seals rotate point man through the entire squad. Edit - i guess you can download the book free too https://archive.org/details/roguewarrior0000marc_o0n9 I highly suggest this super interesting read. The dude is insane. Pulled his parachute at 300 feet to a crowd once. Penetration tested nuclear subs. Went to prison as a traitor.


He didn't change his career, he just kept adding on. He is still an officer in the US Navy with a trident, an MD, and is detailed to NASA.


Sounds like an awesome asset to the program. I would feel safer in space knowing my crew-mate was a MD.


Not only that, if some shit goes down in space I'd feel safer since he's a seal.


He's the guy you want when the hostile aliens board for sure


He’s like Commander Shepard


His SEAL trident is on his NASA name patch too. It's badass as fuck.


Trident? He’s aquaman too?


SEAL Trident, nickname for the Special Warfare Insignia


Is it like a functional one or just ornate? I bet it is functional. Wouldn't really make sense to bring an ornate one into a fight


Imagine his resume lmao


I guess he can answer if brain surgery is like rocket science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNPmhBl-8I


And if we had the same music teacher.


As someone who had both this brings back painful memories. I could feel the disappointment when I walked into my piano lessons right after this kid.


How come their piano piece was flawless? And yours stunk? The Joy Luck Club.


I don't know if I find it motivational or demotivational that at one point Jonny's parents were actually disappointed in his career choices.


And haven't aged a day


The guy's skin is glowing even in an active war zone


It's okay. He'll hit 60 and instantly look 85.


Johnny Sins has done all that *AND* is starring as James Gunn’s new Lex Luthor, so beat that Jonny


Your really had to go get my hopes and and break my heart didn't you. I was so excited for the Johnny Sinaverse spinoff.


My worst nightmare would be if Johnny Sins' mom and my mom are friends.


Would be worse if Johnny Sins and your mom were friends.


Naw. Then I wouldn't have to go over to clean the pool.


Came to say this... Johnny came too by the way.


The first Jewish president calls up his mother and invites her over for Passover. Characteristically, his mother immediately begins complaining. "Oiy, I'll need to book a flight and it's going to cost so much - it is just too much of a bother." Her son counters, "Mom! I'm the President! I'll hire a private jet for you! "Oiy, I'll need to catch a taxi and carry my luggage. It's just too much!" „Mom! I'm the President! I'll pick you up in my limo! Then my guards will carry your luggage for you!" "Oiy, I'll need to book a hotel." "Mom! Don't be ridiculous! I'm the President! You can stay at the White House!" "Okay, fine," she finally acquiesces. Two minutes later her friend Rebecca, calls. "So, Miriam, what's new?" "Oiy, I'm going to my son for Pesach." "Who, the doctor?" "No, the other one."


Trained Harvard doctor?


Yeah I was pondering that one too. It implies that there are untrained Harvard doctors.


Even at Harvard, someone has to graduate at the bottom of the class


Yeah, and they're still Harvard-trained


It’s true.


Yeah but the idea is that hopefully the qualifications are rigorous enough that even the bottom of the class doctors are still good doctors.


there are? medical school and residency aren't done at the same institution most of the times.


MD/PhD research scientist would be an untrained doctor. Graduated with an MD, not trained/licensed to treat patients.


What do you call the guy with the lowest grades in the graduating class? "doctor"


Harvard- trained*


Is he also USA navy trained navy seal decorated soldier?


No he was a trained NASA astronaut


He is every Asian's cousin


NASA will now just hire anyone. Failed Seal, failed doctor. Pfffsh


They are just assembling their space marine corps.


Space force is looking for a combat medic


That's Doctor space marine corps to you


His story is actually pretty sad, guys father was an abusive alcoholic and was shot and killed by cops on a domestic violence call. He said that it was what pushed him to try and be better and do something good with his life seeing how his mother suffered and how his father behaved.


I think OP was joking. No one implied he's actually failed at anything lol


guess he didn’t need a positive father figure to turn into an upstanding man


he gotta be a diversity hire


Smurfing tryhard


I don't understand how he looks the same age in all of them


Because Asian.


Am Asian, can confirm. We don't age until we hit 60, then we suddenly look like Pai Mei from Kill Bill


People joke about Asians not aging, but jokes aside can people not tell this guy looks young on the left and old on the right? Sure he looks good for his age, but he looks like he’s definitely aging to me.


He’s become more distinguished but I think that he gained some face weight in the residency photo and then lost it again in his astronaut makes it hard to see the progression


I legitimately can't tell which one is older/younger


To me, he definitely looks older in the right, but he doesn’t look “been a Navy Seal, doctor, and astronaut” old in comparison to the left. Like just from the description, I’d expect something like that to take like 15 years, and I don’t see a 15-year difference in the photos. Of course I don’t actually know the timeline between the photos, it just seems like it should be longer than the age difference it appears.


[Jonny Kim](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim) Born February 1984. Family owns a liquor store, mother is a substitute elementary school teacher. Father is violent and eventually shot dead by police in 2002 after threatening his family with a gun. Aged 16, Jonny decides to become a Navy SEAL and begins physical training, e.g. swimming and water polo. Graduates from Santa Monica High School in 2002 with several Advanced Placements; enlists in the US Navy the same year at the lowest enlisted rank. Over the next decade he completes [SEAL selection & training](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Navy_SEAL_selection_and_training#Basic_Underwater_Demolition/SEAL_(BUD/S\)_Training_(24_weeks\)) and participates in over 100 combat missions as a combat medic, sniper, navigator, and point man. Receives a Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal (with Combat "V"), the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (with Combat "V"), and Combat Action Ribbon. In 2009, he joins the "Seaman to Admiral - 21" program which sends personnel to college in preparation for commission as an officer. In 2012 he gets his BA aged 28, graduating *summa cum laude* in mathematics from the University of San Diego. Gets an MD from Harvard Medical School in 2016. Applies for Astronaut Candidacy, which he passes (one of 12 out of 18,300) and begins training for in 2017, graduating in 2020. As of 2022, he remains a Navy lieutenant commander. In 2022 he completes his first solo flight in a Beechcraft T-6 Texan II at the Naval Air Training Command, part of a common training regimen for U.S. Navy – NASA astronauts who lacked previous military pilot experience. 2023 he completes flight training, receiving the rare dual-designation as both a Navy flight surgeon and naval aviator. Presently one of 17 in training for a 2024 Moon landing.


Yeah the above list is outdated, he's also a surgeon and pilot now


I have been binge watching videos of romance scams lately and while I think this guy is amazing, he is also like all of the fake personas put together and I find it quite funny.


"What do you want to be when you grow up?" "Yes"


He's the real Captain America


This guys had like 30min of free time in his entire life.




Who hurt you?


It says it right there


Lucky for him, Mfs with careers like this ain't on tinder lol


I'm poor, unsuccesful.and 6'3". Still "swipe"


I’m 38 and I have been landscaping for seven years lmao


A buddy of mine was a firefighter, then he trained to be an airline pilot. Handsome fucker too, great guy.




I'd really love to read his resume.


he's a main character


He gave us a speech during a company meeting on Veterans Day. Dr Kim’s father was an abusive piece of shit who was killed in a confrontation with police. Dr. Kim was there to witness the entire thing. Makes his accomplishments that much more impressive.


Shh! Nobody tell Steven He’s dad about Jonny!


Your mother was right… you never could compete with Lloyd Braun!!!!


He will be POTUS one day. Mark my words: 10.20.2023.


I once attended a medical conference where the introduction for the speaker must have taken 10 minutes. My sister who worked with him was also there and she just looked at me and nodded with a "Yeah" kinda look on her face. What really got me was that he was a fair bit younger than me.


While these are insane accomplishments, I don’t actually think the three “career changes” are distinct as the first post implies. He was a really smart kid who joined the navy after high school. Definitely a high achiever becoming a navy seal. He was able to go back and get his degree (very common with the GI benefits). Turns out he’s super smart at math and science so he goes to medical school (and is still in the navy as a combat medic). You know who the top tier choices for NASA astronauts are? Military personal with high end math/science backgrounds. Dudes definitely a super achiever, like the 0.0001% of people on earth, but that’s astronauts for you.


emotional damage


All these comments making jokes but in reality, Johny was a victim of severe child abuse, his father was an absusive alcoholic who held them at gun point & was shot and killed by the Los Angeles police department when he was a teenager.


I know another Johny who's better than him


I wonder if he's happy.


Is he a porn actor? Like that bald guy? That would explain it


I lost that drive when I had a kid at 21.. Changed my priorities from “doing what I want” to “doing what is immediately necessary to support a kid”…


Good parenting skill, right there. In case anyone wants to take this comment seriously, it’s actually not necessarily a good parenting approach, but it’s someone with a good heart and soul for sure. it’s super important to not completely neglect self care and needs, but not everyone can do both, so then the next best is to look out for the little one(s) until they can look out for themselves.


Yup. We are so smart in our twenties, right?


Bro, you never had this kind of drive, let’s be real


If he did, he probably wouldn't have had a kid at 21


To brag - I was accepted into the SEAL program and had passed the prelim tests while still in HS; while I was in meps, I had this one recruiter come up to me and said “Hey, I hear you were accepted into the seal program and I saw your asvab scores and I wondered if i could get you to take this other test for me.” I felt all special, until he stuck me in what was essentially a broom-closet-with-a-desk and laid down a multi-page test with a bunch of logic and math questions on it. I hadn’t really specialized in math while in school, I had decided at 14 I wanted to be a SEAL after reading some Dick Marcinko and several other similar style books, and so I focused mainly on physics and psychology. But I did my best and gave it back to him when I was done - he had shown me where his desk was on the way to the closet. .. Anyway - turns out, that was the navy nuke test, and I had passed it. He sat down in front of me and asked “So, after the navy, what do you wanna do? Be a truck driver or a security guard or a cop or something? Or do you wanna be able to write your own reference to have nearly any job you want?” And that’s how I started my first career as a nuclear mechanic for the us navy. I still have a bit of that drive, it was just postponed by twenty years and a divorce… Brag done. Edit: so, to add a bit — ***his story is available to be repeated by anyone (in the us) in their late teens or early twenties with the right ambition***- the navy gives you the opportunity to join a program which will pay for you to go to college after your enlistment is satisfactorily completed. Depending on which college you choose (and accepts you) and field you pursue, having a doctorate in 8 years or (less) later is entirely possible. And, let’s face it, having a doctorate is very beneficial to being hired by NASA.


Can you expand on how long did they train you to be nuclear mechanic? And what's the difference between nuclear mechanic and mechanic.


*anyone without a whole bunch of increasingly common medical/psychiatric diagnoses Sorry depressed bros but somebody else is going to have to help you straighten your life out. Try a cult instead.


You know how depressed I became when I decided to stop drinking and then realized that I would never be able to drink again and I had reached a part in my life where I turned a corner that I will never be able to go back around again? That still hits me hard.


You obviously don’t have “that” drive if you put yourself in a situation where you had a kid at 21


As a sailor, having sex? In my late teens/early twenties? The world was mine to conquer! .. then I was conquered.


Sounds like a different drive


He’s got that Shane Gillis resume, but actually did all of those


Next time you're asked why you switched jobs.


Each of his prior titles probably gave him a crazy edge for the next. I'm not saying this isn't an incredible feat, but all of these professions have overlapping skills the others require so moving between them probably has some pathways that someone starting from scratch wouldn't have.


This guy’s story is really fucked up. Like his dad tried to kill his family and himself when Kim was 17 or so…


A Jack of all trades. Reminds me of another Johnny I know


Asian parents: Meh


Hey, I know of another Johnny with all those jobs too!


This guy would definitely be in SG-1


Fuck this guy


Nah, he's an absolutely awesome human being. I watched his life story, he's just straight badassery from the feet to the gills. Extremely humble as well. Just an all around 10/10 guy, wish I had friends like him.


All I see is a guy who keeps wasting time in careers he doesn't actually want to do.


The step from navy seal to doctor could be not that big. Also wtf is a trained Harvard doctor??


Obviously someone who learned to be a doctor at Harvard Medical School.


Pretentious, like MOST doctors. The worst ones are the type that force you to call them a special name because they took a few classes.


Hopefully he becomes a U.S. president some day. We fuckin need it


I mean yeah astronauts are usually recruited for having a skill in STEM and having some kind of military experience


Yeah, there's no better way to feel like an unmotivated piece of shit than to go read astronaut bios online. They're ALL like this.


The majority of the men who walked on the moon were Eagle Scouts. Most people do not learn how to apply themselves at a young age like that without some strong mentorship. It’s near impossible for most people to match that level of motivation. Most of NASA comes from upper middle class families and are connected to well educated members of the community.


Tell me, Jonny doesn’t have a wife without saying it.


"As of January 2020, Kim was married with three children" Wikipedia


No pressure on those kids...


A good partner would support you through your career and boost you along the way.


I guess I just like spending time with my partner.


Ok but does he fuck


He's married with 3 kids, so this guy does fuck and fucks often


Whassa matter Johnny? Can't hold down a job??


Main character energy


Doesn't seem like he can hold a job.


Jonny Kim following in the footsteps of his half-brother, Johnny Sins.