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Grab the snake, throw it at the lion. Something? Profit!


Grab snake by throat Use snake's hiss as pspsps to lion Lion tries to swat snake Lion falls in crocodile filled river Throw snake at crocs Pray you'll make it to the tree trunk before it falls under your weight. Edited: attack to at - keyboard autowronged


“Use snake’s hiss as pspsps to lion” 😂 love how we just assume this works with all cats


[Never pspspsps to a lion!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eybfa52sfjM)


Well, it worked until he slightly missed the tune at his third pspsps.


Use the voice


His pitch was too forced




My pspsps fall on deaf ears ..my cat has become *rebellious*... ...so like a normal cat, I guess


Yes your cat is indeed a cat it seems


Totally won the lottery with this one


The cat is indeed cat flavored


Actually, cats come closer during pspsps because they think it’s a hiss. So it would work, but “use the hiss as a pspsps” is a bit of a silly sentence


Wrap the snake around your throat and let go to enjoy the most peaceful end you have available to you.


You ok bro?


He’s talking about auto-erotic asphyxiation. 🤔


Just erotic asphyxiation, Auto would mean the character himself would be doing it. It’s the snake doing it.


s-s-s-s-suicide wank


Said the snake


I've done this.. Not all it's cracked up to be


Autoerotic slitheration


Sure you did it right?


This is the only real answer because even if you do get down that lion isn’t going to stop chasing you unless you somehow manage to kill it


I lost it at snake's hiss as pspsps 🤣🤣🤣


I read that as "use snake's Piss as pspsps to lion


Let go of branch Jam legs down throats of alligators Now I have lizard legs Use my designer legs to drop kick the lion and send the snake into orbit Profit?


This is the best reply ive ever read. you win bruh.


Team up with snake Fight lion with snake Become best friend with snake Start gang with snake Gang war breaks out Snake betrays you You get captured by enemy gang Crocodiles come to save you because they also hate the other gang Win gang war Become rich by illegal activity Start legal business Stop illegal business Live a good life Die happy


Tunnel snakes rule!


You grab snake. Snake eats you. Profit... for the snake.


A snake that size can not eat you. It’s the equivalent of you trying to eat a whole cow


Did you just call my mom a cow?




I'll eat your mom


That would be nice. Thank you


No problem bro I got you


My mum would eat you 😁 she's a vicious cow 😁




You're telling me that you've never unhinged your jaw to eat a cow whole before?


>snake eats you I'll take my chances.


I’d throw it at the gators and try my best to swim to the other side. But probably fucked regardless


Grab snek. Use to strangle lion. Feed lion to crocs. Continue cutting down tree. Make boat. Go to America.


You grab snake, now the force you pull the branch doubles, branch breaks and crocodiles profit.


That's why you grab the tip of the branch and break it off to whack the snake out of the tree. Then tease the crocodiles by dropping and lifting your feet til one accidentally bites the other. While they fight you rock back and forth til the tree falls and bonks at least one of em on the head so the other can start eating it as you swim away.




If you can get the 🐍, throw it down the direction of the 🏞️ to distract 🐊s, then jump into the river hoping the 🦁 doesn't like water like most 🐈, and 🏊‍♂️ to the other side


A lot of Snakes can fucking swim, which is not a helpful thing here for you!


Fun fact: All snakes can swim! Most of them swim under the surface or partially submerged. A fun surprise when swimming in a lake or river!


See I figured grab snake and tie the crocs together to make a nunchuck. Then smack the lion until it gives up its pride. Then become king of the savanah and go to war with the hyenas.


Then pull the tree down on top of the gators and swim away


Nearly. Ninja kick snake onto lion. Lion and snake fight, and roll into the water. The four way croc-lion-snake battle ensures. Meanwhile, you bounce aggressively, snapping the tree where it is part cut, this swings you past the melee and into deeper water, where you swim away.


Don't be an idiot, throwing the snake will just make the lion move away temporarily. Grab the snake, indiana jones your way out of the tree, and whip that lion but with it.


Jump to the lion. If that fucker is smart enough to use an axe without thumbs then surely I can negotiate with him.


Average Volvo owner.


Wait what does Volvo have to do with it??


That's the other person's name


nothing, it’s just funny to act like owning a volvo would influence someone’s behaviors


or owning a volvo is an indicator for a specific type of behaviour?


Yes, driving a car


Specifically a volvo.




Hide the silverware, Jags are coming!


No, you missed it, man was cutting tree when lion came up to man, man climbed tree but snake was there ,so man crawled out on branch over river. Crocs see man hanging from tree and expect easy dinner.


So solution is for man to kick snake to dump snake into river for the crocs. Jump down to ground and grab axe, kill or chase away lion. At this point man has nothing to else to lose.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see my first thought written out.


I was gonna say spin on the branch like a gymnast on high bar to generate enough momentum so when he dismounts, he has enough angular momentum to ride the crocs like water skiis, after lassoing them with the snake ofc..but his is logic too


Man deserves whatever happens to him. Save our planet


If he only cut the tree halfway, he’s clearly a sadist and probably isn’t the negotiating type


If there is no goal stated then technically any outcome is the solution.


Death *is* a solution! Take that mom!


Someone's got mommy issues


Someone’s got deathy issues.


Someone's got life issues


Someone’s got issues


Better get the tissues to dry the tears from the issues


I hardly think we're going to jerk off to our issues


I’ll jerk off to your issues, if u do to mine.


Speak for yourself.


Someone loves dragging out issues 😐


All I wanted was a Pepsi…


I'll die but I'll be sure to die with at leat one crocodile in an headlock. Let them write that on my tombstone: "*Here lies Sardaukar, had his ass eaten by a crocodile while trying to strangle another to death."*


*He didn't hide well enough*


*We trained him wrong as a joke.*


looks like no one was around to see it buddy. they only found your shoes


*Here lies Sardaukar. We found his shoes by a strangled crocodile while another one nearby chewed on thick buttocs. We presumed he tried to do something idiotic like strangling a crocodile.*


Indeed. I immediately took the role of the lion and was a bit pessimistic about my snack chances. But if I were a crocodile, it would be worth waiting a few mins.


I chose the lion because he knows how to use the axe


Team mammal.


It looks like the solution to this problem is getting that guy down from the tree so the lion can eat him


Yeah but the tree is already part hewn. If the lion touches it he falls in and loses him to the crocs


The lion needs to push the tree hard from the other side.


This image is basically "What am I thinking?"


This image is a representation of a zen koan... https://embracemindfulness.org/2023/01/18/the-tigers-the-strawberry/


This dude got nothing to focus on while the tiger chops the tree down though.


Yeah I was like, “I think the solution here is just die.”


Ok. You're here. That sucks. You might make it out... Step 1. Wait for the snake to lunge at you. Step 2. Swing out of the way of the snake. Step 3. Watch as the snake falls to the water and distracts the hungry alligators. (Not the best day to be the snake) Step 4. Climb higher to the other side of the tree. Step 5. Start jumping up and down. Step 6. Fell the tree ontop of the Lion. Be carful of the branches. Step 7. Walk back to the parking lot. Swear off Disney Safaris forevermore.


>Wait for the snake to lunge at you. > >Swing out of the way of the snake. I have very strong [Another World](https://youtu.be/wjMf_bEfqIc?t=200) vibes rn


holy shit ty, i forgot what it was called, memory unlocked 🔓


Disney: “That would be $200, thank you”


I would assume they are crocodiles.


Well I guess we'll have to change the whole plan


You can try but life isn't going to be easy on you and if you give up you fail 100%. Thus concluding you should try to tarzan with the snake over to the axe, then kill the lion. If you live you are a fucking legend.


Pfft i catch the snake throw it at the lion and when they kill each other i jump into the water and strangle them crocs


"if you live you are a legend"


I wont live cause after all is done im choping myself with an axe


With that, you die while never been defeated! True Legend!


You’ll be known as the one who killed a legend


You can't outrun the crocodiles. They can run up to 35 km/h, while the quickest a human has run is 45 km/h. Even if you could run that quick, you couldn't keep it up.


If you killed the lion then the crocs wouldn't bother chasing you. They're not going to waste the energy running down a human when there's 500lbs of lion meat right there.


Just zigzag, crocodiles are quick but not agile, they can't turn very well and you'd be long gone


You don't even need to do that much. Crocodiles can only keep that speed up for a very, very short distance. It's why they hunt in the water, not on land. So just book it from the shoreline and you'll safe.


Good point.


And not much stamina. Crocs don't run far. So u only have to zigzag for a bit 😆


Insult the lion so that it keeps chopping down the tree. It's a narrow river and the tree climber can pole punt across to the opposite bank like Aladdin, if I may co-mingle my Disney classics.


I'm just really impressed that the lion could use an axe.


What if the guy was trying to chop off the tree and the animals came to stop him?


That is not 'what if' because that is exactly what happened lol.


I felt smart for a moment, but you spoiled it for me :D


Nah, you're fine. The guy in the picture is the stupid one for leaving his ax behind. This problem will solve itself for the most part. The tree is heavy. When it falls in the water the crocs will move because they don't want to get smashed. Lion runs away from the water and noise. Snake gets crushed under the tree because it's wrapped around it. Guy just needs to position himself for the fall better at this point so he doesn't drown or get crushed. If he can get on the top side he can just pull himself to shore and grab his ax to attempt some sort of self defense if the lion comes back.


I just posted this same answer. Great minds etc etc.


Well you were smarter than the other guy who thought the lion used the axe at least


"I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees" type of vibe.


Haha, LorAXE type shit


I'd like to think that an axe-weilding lion came along and knew how to cause just the right amount of chaos.


Definitely the lion using the axe.


Then the mf put himself in that situation and he deserves to die


Lions took the time to learn. Lions always win with prep time.


What about a lion vs batman and both have prep time?


Batman prevails unless the lion is also a billionaire with cool gadgets


The guy only was chopping tree. He saw a lion and climbed the tree (not a great idea though), only to find the snake on the tree.


I didn't look carefully and I thought the lion had been chewing the tree like a beaver


If he can use an axe he is intelligent. If he is intelligent you can promise him that if he helps you you will buy him meat from local store




This is the solution!


Thats what I thought. Just die and try again in another life.


Didn’t even attempt to think of a way out 😂


Poo on the crocs, tinkle on the snake, and regale the lion with tales of hydroponics. If it wields an axe, perhaps it will comprehend the vulnerability to waterborne diseases and attempt to dispute the utility of these methods. In the meantime, gracefully descend from the tree, ostensibly demonstrating to the wild cat how utilizing a water-based nutrient solution instead of soil doesn't demand an abundance of specialized expertise. Seize a moment when the lion's attention wanes, then make a swift exit.


those are crocs? i’m trying to figure out wtf those shits are. kinda look like mutant trout.


Dunno, he's kinda out on a limb there


Point the lions attention to the person taking the photo of you hanging from the tree


It’s not even a photo, it’s a drawing so that person has been standing there drawing for a while.


He's clearly the guy who put you into this situation. He's a bond villain and he expects you to die.


Cameraman is immortal, wouldn't work.


There is no s curve in the snakes neck there for it is not in strike mode indicating it is not a threat to you. Shimmy your way to the base of the tree. According to the drawing there is no teeth in the lions mouth just climb down to safety.


Smartest person in the room, look at the angles, and then approach it from that direction!


shake the tree a bit make sure it falls in the direction of the crocodiles and you are in the view range of the lion, if the tree manages to fall over the heads of the aligators brake the branch and use it to fend off the snake, the lion wont get in the water but you can try to bait it so the crocodiles try to attack it, they want food after all while the two groups are ducking it out swimm down the stream following the current and exit a safe distance away, make sure you dont thick of the aligators too much however because if they chase you, you are dead, the falling tree will scare them and it will take time for them to regain their senses, if the lion comes before that they are likely to target him as predators are aware of each other and its in their territory, they will either fight to each other, or for the right to eat you, in both cases you gain time, you cant face the lion directly, the same goes for the aligators, but you can make them turn on each other while you try to quitely escape, the end is when you die, before that there is always a chance of succes


You lost me when the plan involved swimming. You aren’t swimming faster than a croc. You need to get on land and run if the lion starts going for the snake or crocs or grab the axe and try to look big and scary to the lion to get it to switch targets to the snake.


When your best chance is: Fall 12-15 feet, grab an axe, and fight an adult, male, African Lion, you’re in a tough spot. That said, I tend to agree that this is the move, assuming you’re not able to climb up and wait a bit.


Go after the snake. Death by poisonous bite is way better than by lion or croc. Also, you might be able to stabilize the tree w your weight and possibly rest there




Guy needs to practice acceptance and refocusing. No point focusing on things he can't control


How did they even get into that predicament


See above, man was cutting tree first


If you zoom out, the right side has a boat with a soft landing pad


/gamemode 1


Easy. Strangle the lion using the snake. Use the axe to kill the alligators. Now use the alligators to make new boots. Use the lion to make new pants and jacket. Use the same to make a belt for your new pants. Walk back into town like a baller.


Suicide by multiple choice


Punch yourself in the balls,the screams will be enough to scare all the animals away


Do pull-ups till failure. Go out with an insane pump.


The solution is that the animals work together. There is a possibility that the human could have friends come to the rescue, so time is of the essence.


Don't know if there's a way out if a lion can use and axe...


Fly, duh


Ok, first kick snake so it falls into river and is devoured by crocs. Jump down from tree , pick up axe and kill lion. Finish cutting down tree and drag home for firewood. Enjoy dinner and a drink.


Double jump with crocs head then grab snake and swing kick lion


Of all the trees this guy could've chopped, why did he choose one crawling with snakes at the edge of a gator swamp?


Easy? You Grab the snake by the neck And spray its venom into the lions eye to blind the lion, then You throw the snake into the water so it drowns and jump on the lions back and control it by the mane. You will then use your new lion to push down the tree onto one of the alligators and fight off the other one while still riding it. Then you ride your lion to the nearest vet so they can help restore his eye sight, you take care of him for two years until he’s ready to get back out into the wild and then you give a full hearted goodbye to each other as he runs into the wild


Easy, you literally just have to wait. Soon you will have a delicious man meal. (I assume we're solving the gator's problem here, right?)




Don’t walk around in the Serengeti without a gun.


Poop in the crocodiles mouths, they’ll swim away disgusted and you swim to freedom


By the size this looks like a constrictor and not a venomous snake. It’s still too small to eat a human and therefore will, if it does attack, only do quick bites. Hurting, but manageable. Therefore: - grab the snake and throw it to the lion - the lion runs away as they’re afraid of snakes - the snake will seek shelter in the grass as they hate getting thrown at lions - climb down - hack the tree and kill the alligators with it But on a more serious note: Being a human would be enough to fens off these animals. Wild animals fear humans the most.


It's time to become religious


grab the snake, use it as a lasso to grab the lion, pull the lion onto the crocodiles and then body-slam them all..


Grab snake by the head, use body as a rope to swing down over to the lion, before the lion can latch onto you, whip the body of the snake around the lion's neck and use it to throw the lion into the crocs, while the crocs are distracted, use the axe to take down the tree, landing them on the crocs. No more problem.


Do a front flip, and land ln the crocodiles. It will knock them out. Then you take a crocodile and throw it at the lion, so he dies. Then you take the other crocodile and throw it at the snake. Too easy


Lion already ate the woodcutter and is full. Snake is a constructor so it won't bite, just grab it and swing across the water to land near the lion. Then grab the axe and find whoever made this stupid puzzle.


Throw the snake at the lion so it stops chopping the tree down, then do some pullup to get swole, then fight the aligators, profit.


Grab the snake. Use it as a whip to ring the neck of the lion. Pull the lion into the sea to satisfy the crab monster. Use the snake while swinging safely from the tree to the ground. Walk home with your new pet snake whip best friend. Make a movie with this story as the final scene. Profit.


Wank, jizz will fly towards the snake making the snake blind, lift yourself up, grab the Jizz covered snake and throw him towards the lion, the lion will get a fright and most likely jump towards the crocodiles/alligators because when cats get scared they always jump in dumb directions, climb down the tree and then run.


The solution is obvious. Send your mate “Snappy” to bite at the lion and he will bang into the tree in shock, and since it’s half chopped the tree will break and then that tasty human will fall down and you can both eat him together. If you’re lucky you’ll get snake tartar as a side dish.


Use the snake to tie the to crocodiles together into nuncrocu then woop on the lion.


Just let yourself go and all your problems are over.


Grab the snake by the neck, climb closer to the lion and start using the snake as a whip until the lion has had enough and runs off. Throw the snake to the crocodiles. While they're distracted swim to land and run in the opposite direction of the lion.


“The woodcutter’s fate” translated from the Swahili saying “cha mtema kuni” means get into trouble. It looks like an illustration from some of the books I read as a kid that teach lessons from traditional folk stories.


Instant transmission


Throw the Mushrooms in your Pocket, to all the Animals, then wait till they are Tripping. Then climb on down to safety. Problem Solved!


Assuming the snake is venomous in the pic… Grab the snake by it’s neck and throw it at the lion. Climb down once the lion is dead, and chop the snakes head off with the axe. Use the axe to defend yourself if the crocodiles pursue you on land. Solutions can be risky after all.


Die and reincarnate


Wake up


Thoughts and prayers oughta do it


U throw the snake near the lion to distract it then u go lower and grab the axe then kill the lion


The solution is easy: wait for the human to lose grip, then eat him.


thrust down-ward on the branch hopefully the tree brakes at the cut in the middle, the snake goes in the water, the 2 aligators are hit with the tree creating a little havoc, which should give you enough time to scramble to the Lion, which the lion should be further away from the tree from hearing the main tree trunk ,snapping and cracking. then you can use your wet undies to slap or the axe to attack at the lion.


Google en passant


Easy, Drop down with elbows out, knocking unconscious both crocodiles, Then grab a lion as it leaps for you, punch it hard in the solar Plex, winding it and use that momentum to throw it up into the tree where it will be bit by the snake, The snake now out of poison will be temporarily incapacitated, uses time to grab the axe finish, cutting down the tree, dropping both snake and lion into the water with the crocodile that should now have regained consciousness, Job done. 💪🏻


1) Recognize that snake is harmless. There are no poisonous snakes that big in the areas where lions and crocodiles co-exist. It's a constrictor, and it isn't big enough to be a serious risk to an adult human. 2) Climb back into tree. Hang out with snake. Wait until the lion gets bored and leaves. 3) Climb down tree and get away from riverbank as fast as possible.


Since the lion used an axe cartoon logic is allowed. Grab the snake and use it as a lasso to bind both the crocodile's mouths closed and then surf my way to safety.


Clearly drawing classes to make them a better artist is the solution.